In this video i'm going to show the strategy of playing par threes now typically when you're new to golf the par 3 will probably be one of the first holes you power the shortest holes in the golf course if you can get it close. And chip it on and hold the port happy days but weirdly as you get better at golf pathways start to come a little bit harder you start to question ourselves a bit too much now typically in an 18-hole round of golf there'll be about three or four past threes that you're likely to play so executing your path threes and playing them well is absolutely crucial i'm going to show you three very key points you have to consider when playing part three. So there's three things you need to know when you come to a party the first off is figuring out the hole every time you come to a par-3 it might be a whole you've played before it'll be different there's four things that could change first off the wind is it into wind is it downwind is it off the left off the right you have to bear that in mind number two is the temperature is it a cold day. Or is it a warm day typically the ball doesn't travel as far when it's cold it might travel a little bit further when it's warm things to consider the next.

Thing as well is the actual hole set up itself the t location might have changed it moves up up. Or down on the teeth that's going to affect the distance. And also the flag on the green one week it might be at the front another week it might be at the back you add those four things together that's how you come up with your distance for the shot in hand today.

Now the things that you can use things like gps watches things like range finders you can even get apps on your phone that will give you distances to the hole. And the last thing just to bear in mind if the hole is uphill it's going to play a little bit longer if it's down here it's going to play a bit shorter once you've established all those things you then.

Know your distance which leads us very nicely into number two now that you've worked out your distance you need to work out your club that you're going to hit now if you don't know your distances of the club you hit you might have been putting it off you might not have time to do it this is the time to do it now there's a few things you can do go to a driving range maybe book time with a golf professional even doing it on the golf course you need to know how far you carry each of your clubs in your bag it's. So important it'll massively help you reduce your score now for me on this hole i know the distance i've got with it being slightly downwind i'm gonna hit my seven iron the other thing to consider is knowing where you can potentially miss. So for me i can't miss long on this hole so i'm not going to choose a club that's going to make me hit long. So i'm going to short side myself [Music]. And the final thing you need to know number three is the shot you're going to play each hole is going to have hazards obstacles things that you've got to avoid. But also it's going to have space where you can hit into the friendlier spaces now. For this hole for example there's a bunker to the right i don't wanna go towards the hole is sloping slightly left to right. So i can actually afford to aim slightly left of the flag if i draw it on a hole like this it's gonna more likely bounce to the right towards the flag if i do fade it. Or push it it's actually gonna work slightly closer to the flag so number three is to know your shot know what shot you're gonna hear let it play into your advantage as well of your shot shape do you fade it do you draw it. So important and then.

Finally pick your line you've done all the equations and all of this is done very fast as well once you get really good at it you know your equations. For distance you've picked your club you've picked your weapon because you know your distance you know where to aim you know the shots are here. And then.

The last thing is just to stand behind the ball pick out a line. For me i'm going to aim just to the left of the flags there's a tree in the distance of conifer i'm going to aim right at the top of that that's going to be perfect. For my line i'm gonna set up have a practice swing where i visualize the perfect golf shot i can picture that perfect hit. And then.

With confidence i know i've done everything i can to hit the best golf shot into this par three. And i'm ready to pull the trigger that started exactly where i've wanted to hit it and that is safely onto the green it's actually kicking slightly to the right. And we have got an opportunity for birdie if not it's gonna be a safe to put par part three's enjoy him i love par-3s i think it's a chance to really be creative. And hit something that's quite special and it'll help you play better golf take those three things into consideration make sure you like the video and that's how you're gonna play par threes much better we'll see you next.
