So you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

I've done with uh john tipling who um has been playing golf. For about three or four years now but not really kind of shot the scores that i would expect him to shoot by this time so he's his target is now to break a ton break a hundred um on a big course he's done it on us what we would class as a smaller golf course here in the uk. But he's not particularly done on a let's say a championship golf course um and we've kind of seen why i did this is john's second lesson his first lesson we talked about how much lateral movement he had um there's lots. And lots and lots we've minimized that to us unbelievable level now you know before and i can't show you the clip unfortunately before he was nearly he was nearly off the mat in his backswing. So what we've done straight away is we've improved where he hits in relation to the ball. So he was consistently now at the start of today's lesson after his first lesson he was hitting the golf ball more consistently first. And then.

The floor straight after which is a massive massive advantage when he's trying to you know create consistency in his golf swing what we've done today.

Though is we've added another 20 yards onto his iron shots 20 yards um you might see him already just then.

In his backswing even though he stayed very central he has a very limited short backswing um there's nothing um kind of limitations there he just does swing it back short. And i think that the big thing that i got from john is that when he felt like he did a back big back swing he felt like he lost control which a lot of you out there might be nodding. And saying yeah i feel like i do that as well i understand that because once we change the backswing. And we got him into a bigger backswing it hit some bad shots at first he didn't hit great golf shots and the reason being he didn't hit great golf shots is we've now you know applied. So much more speed to the club head that speed is sometimes hard to maintain. And manage when you're so used to it not being at a fast pace we relate it as in a car you know you can drive a car at 30 miles per hour. And have a high level of control you try to drive a car at 110 miles per hour that control starts to suffer however. when you do control it the power. And relates to distance and this is what we've done here. So what we've talked about today.

Is making sure that we stayed central. So we kept our sternum central but we rotated our back to target and rotated our hips slightly and we got him into an unbelievable top of backswing position we then.

Talked about the arm extension through the ball so john would almost pull his arms inwards to his gulf to his body and finish what he what looks like a nice finish that does look like a nice finish. But his arms are really pulled inwards. So what we talked about today.

Was the bigger rotation extension is backswing. And then.

Extend and let the forearms cross on the way through and that difference is just amazing we started hitting the 79 120 carry distance. And we finished today's session carrying our best 79 145 yards so in theory 25 yards we've improved it by but we're kind of working off the averages and we averaged longer about 20 yards difference but granted some of the first swings that we did didn't hit we didn't hit them well. And that's something you've got it that's something i want you to pick up from this video when you're watching it if you do make a change some of the times the changes don't feel great then.

You do hit some bad shots certainly when you're injecting more power into the golf shot let me show you from down the line this is from before you know quite short plotted it down there kind of 110 120 yards where now our rotation is fast our backswing is just incredibly better you know really really nice. And then.

From that position then.

We extended beautiful downstream for a golfer that doesn't particularly shoot amazing golf cars yet and an extension through the golf ball what i've also advised john to do today.

This is more. For his reference and a little bit for you guys out there as well is to kind of only really hit a hybrid at the moment. So drive was getting him in trouble. So i just said he's going out playing today.

Just hit hybrids down there. So same same theories in the iron ball position a little bit further forward but x rotate and extend and we were hitting it kind of 180 190 down there total distance. And that will get around the golf course to be able to shoot the scores he's after guys if you have enjoyed the video. And learn a little bit from it please do give it a thumbs up you can subscribe by clicking the link down below. And john well done say great session i feel like your next.

Games of golf will be very fruitful. For what your performance will be great well done. And i look forward to seeing.