So here you go guys on youtube here's a video of one of my new clients tonight this is robert reeves who has come to see me i've seen a bit of content on youtube. And wanted to fix his ball strike king plays off 21 at the moment feels like he's really stalled at that handicap uh used player for 26 three or four years ago and came down rapidly but then.

Completely just stayed level to where he is. And wants to improve and we've made some massive changes today.

Now this is a video about how to fix a fat shot how to stop hitting the golf ball behind the ball. And it might not be the one it might not be the fix that you think would be the obvious one. And i'll i'll explain that as i go through this video but we've made some massive changes it was it was it surprised rob as well to be fair once we talked through his golf swing the reason why he fatted it was completely different to the reasons why he felt like it was happening. So what did what he'd researched if you research how to fix fat shots i think this piece of instruction will probably be one of the last bits of piece of nuggets you would find online. So hopefully i can share a bit of information with you all on youtube today.

So this is a rob hitting a mid-iron. And we see a couple of things just in his general setup which would cause him to hit the ball a little bit fat so we see first off his sternum is too far behind the golf ball at address his ball position is too far forward. And his hands are too level. So the shaft angle is too straight. So we changed that straight away and we got him hitting the ball really nicely i'll show you what why that happens and why then.

That would affect the ball strike so let's say sternum is here just behind. So his low point of his golf swing so the actual bottom of his swing is bottom of his swing circle is placed behind the golf ball now what he's going to do then.

He's going to have to shift severely to the left to help that strike well. And that was what rob thought he wasn't doing enough he didn't think he was shifting left enough to hit the ball one of the things that rob did amazingly well is that there was hardly a single bit of lateral movement to the side from where he started from now bearing in mind he did start behind the ball that's that's really quite impressive from there though rob felt like he had to move massively to the left to help him stop fatting the golf ball. And to be fair he did pretty well on that he would move more to the left you can see here he's kind of doing a little bit of flicking with the hands. But he's had to go from a position where his stuns behind the golf ball way behind to now a position where sternum is still behind the golf ball he's worked really hard to get there. So that was one of the reasons why he would he was fat in the golf ball. So that was the first thing that we tweeted i'll show you the improvement of that in a moment the other thing we talked about was his his swing. And his path now rob like most golfers who hit inconsistent golf shots felt like he was coming over the top. And chopping it and slicing and hooking it it's quite the opposite rob was actually hitting the golf ball way too much from the inside now this is the reason why the true reason why he was actually fatting the golf ball the club would go back way too inside the club would come back down too much on an inside line as well i do apologize this video on the right is a bit blurry i don't quite know what's happened. But you can see here because the club's come. So far from the inside it's coming to the ball really shallow and basically crash landed before even contact was being made. So just way too inside and rob rob was saying that was something i was trying to do. So two things he was trying to move the body weight left. And he was trying to hit more from the inside both things were actually causing the ball fat. So this is what we've changed. So we've talked about set up first so we'll show you what we've done in the setup first and the improvement is just amazing um we brought the ball position just in front of center oops just in front i don't know why i've just used the ruler there just in front of center which is now perfect. And his sternum now the middle of his of his buttons on his shirt here is smack bang directly over the golf ball we've also talked about leaning the shaft slightly forward at address to just help him get the forward shaft lean that he deserves when he comes in back into hit now one of the things that you might have noticed that rob does have a little bit of a weak right hand we've not fixed that today.

We've let that slide today.

And just let him hit some little fade shots so you know that's not not an issue at all at the moment um but what's what's important now is when he swings he stays really central unbelievably central that's that is something if you do fat it. And you're sliding all over the show that is one of the reasons why you would generally fat the ball. But it's not why rob was fattening it because his sternum is still over it. And then.

His movement into the ball was just amazing. And what was really good now is that his sternum his buttons now is beyond the golf ball awesome massive improvement that way straight away instantly we started to hit the ball. And then.

The floor straight after instantly that was the first change that we made. So like say from before the image on the left way he was sliding all over the show started too far behind the ball. And had to recover that's not the case anymore the next.

Thing this is i feel is the most important i think this is his biggest change um. And one that he probably didn't expect that he was going to actually make let me bring his old one back in again rob's just uh next.

To me now shaking his head actually um i'm trying to find his old swing now. So this was let's say where he was before. So he was massively inside on his takeaway you can see the club head way behind his back here. And then.

Would come back down way on the inside too too far on the inside so what we did we talked about swinging it a little bit more outside which was he thought was completely alien didn't think you that's what he'd be doing in today's session straight away we swung on a slightly more outside path on the takeaway awesome improvement we got to the top of his swing it got him a little bit more steeper. And a bit more upright awesome improvement on the way down his club then.

Would come down on such a better plane it was untrue. And that way then.

The club wouldn't crash land it would fall smack bang on the top of the golf ball he would hit the ball first and the floor after and with his weak grip at the moment we're just encountering these lovely little baby fades into the middle of the fairway it's just awesome but what's really impressive is that he's hitting the ball first. And then.

The floor after by making two crucial changes by making the tweak in his um setup so his ball position being more centralized and he's sternum being over the golf ball more and then.

Feeling like he was hitting an outside-to-in-swing path he was then.

Striking consistently that's the big word. For rob consistently beyond the golf ball with a little tiny fade of a golf swing which would definitely improve his performance next.

Time he plays so guys that was just to highlight that the fat shot doesn't always sometimes come from where you think it comes from it's not always that you're leaning back. Or scooping little bits of that definitely in rob swing but the main reason why i was fatting it because he was hitting the golf ball too much from the inside guys thanks. So much for watching hopefully you've enjoyed the video learn a little bit from it uh looking forward to seeing rob next.

Time so we can keep his improvement going. And i'll keep you updated up to date with that if you've enjoyed it give it a thumbs up please do comment down below. And subscribe to the channel by clicking the link also thanks for watching i'll see you.