Every now and again i see on my social media someone comments saying i've chipped in for the first time today.

Which is amazing. But it surprises me not more people chip in maybe they're doing some fundamental things wrong or maybe you're doing some fundamental things wrong well we're gonna break it down to a few things today.

I'm just on the side of the green here i've got a fairly straightforward chip a chip which a lot of good players are looking at hole in. And in this video i'm gonna see if i can put my money where my mouth is. And see if i can chip in live on this video towards the end the first thing we got to consider is club selection when i'm looking at a chip the first thing i'll ask myself is what have i got to get over is there any obstacles hazards long grass in my way because that's a massive factor of what club you're going to choose i see too many golfers go straight. For loft so they'll pull out the sand wedge or the 60 degree wedge on a shot that does not require loft look at the situation. And a lot of time when you're chipping just around the green you don't actually have to get over much the best thing you can be doing is getting the ball rolling as quick as possible. So get rid of the lofted clubs and go for a much safer option as a guide an a titan is perfect it's got enough loft to bump it over the grass just in front of you getting on the green. And rolling as soon as you can the bump. And run shot is such a safe shot it doesn't require too much complicated movements as well once you've established a club. And you know you've not got a lot to get over the next.

Thing we're going to talk about is technique now because it's not a power shot this we don't have to hit this a long way i'm probably only 20 yards away from that flag. So when looking at taking power off a golf shot if i was to hit a full shot left my stance really wide i'll be stood up tall i'd be holding the top of the grip we don't need any of that. So stance wise nice and narrow and if i'm honest as long as i can just stick my club head in between that's that's fine i don't need any more than that the next.

Thing we want to take a little bit of power off the club. So i'm going to grip down on the golf club to give me more control. And as a straight away i feel like i'm much more kind of delicate i'm in a much more finesse type of mode ball position smack bang in the middle of the stance stern in the middle of the stance just over the top of the golf ball so i've just got maybe 55 of weight in my left foot and then.

Technique wise what we want to look for here is not using the wrists too much notice i'm just turning my body. And my arms and my club are all in sync with each other as soon as i start using my wrist too much. And trying to scoop the ball up in the air that's when you're going to get really inconsistent strikes. So technique narrow stance ball in the middle grip down on the golf club slightly to the left and feel like you're using much more of a putting stroke as opposed to trying to use your wrist and lift it up in the air that way the ball comes out lower it gets on the green and starts chasing towards the flag straight away so that's technique the next.

Thing we're going to look at is how we can start reading the situation better to give you a better chance of actually getting it in the hole the next.

Thing to consider is how the ball is going to react once it lands on the green how is it going to slope how is it going to curve read the chip it's funny because i reckon a lot of golfers if they were stood here with a putter in the hand they would probably read the port as soon as you get back here with a wedge. Or an eight iron or whatever in your hand suddenly you don't read the chip read the situation look for the break on this situation it's a right to left breaking chip it's uphill the green's a little bit wet at the moment so it's going to be a fraction more receptive. So i want to land the ball in this spot if you've got the time come and have a walk up to where you want the ball to land and have a quick look for me i want the ball to be landing on the green and rolling as soon as i can get get it rolling. So i know i need to give this a little bit more respect land it to the right of the flag up the hill and let it roll down another big thing as well is where do you want the ball to finish on a shot like this if i don't chip this in which is obviously the main objective i want to give myself a very easy put now. For me leaving a put more on the left hand side where i've got an uphill part is going to be a massive advantage than going too high on the hill. And leaving myself a natural little downhiller so i'm going to take that into consideration as well i said the goal is to chip it in yes. But if we don't chip it and we want the ball to be finishing close and leaving us an easy shot next.

So read the shot read the situation it makes a massive difference to the outcome of your shot and it'll help you chip much better now it's time to see with all of that being said i'm going on five shots see if we can hold on. So we've got five balls we're gonna try and chip one in but what i'm also gonna do each shot that i hit i'm gonna rate the outcome out of ten. So obviously the maximum score i can get. For this would be 50. let's see if i don't quite get it in how close i get it and if i do hit it bad how how bad it is. So like i say it's quite a safe shot i've done all the measurements i've got my head iron i know where i want to land it i've got my technique let's say i get on with five shots literally that could have been the perfect video i cannot believe that stops on the edge um i've got to give myself a nine for that it's not in so it's not a ten but bloody hell it's close i cannot believe how close that was i'm going to use this one again it might be my lucky ball oh okay last shot wasn't great there i probably only give myself a five out of ten. For that it kind of went off a little bit hot in my hands so far i've gone nine for the first one eight seven five it sounds kind of going a little bit worse let's see if we can finish on a really strong one. But notice a few things i'm getting them all fairly close i'm giving them all a bit of a chance and hopefully you guys have picked up some information to help you chip in more often let's see if we can have a hollywood finish let's see if i can cheat one in. For the last shot and nowhere i've got to aim it little eight iron hit the flag hit the flag at the flag oh it did it the flag it's finished all right that was close guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come if you like our video hit like subscribe and we'll see you next.
