Every golfer on the planet wants to hit the driver straight well in this video i'm going to show you three simple ways to help you hit the driver straight down the middle. So these three tips are going to help you hit the ball straight. And they're all equally as important as each other so make sure you're watching all three first thing we're going to start off with is club face we're going to start off with strike. And also where the club face is pointing. And how we control that the strike is. So important i've mentioned it in videos in the past hitting the middle of the club face helps you hit the ball dead straight if you're hitting the toe of the golf club the ball will typically start off more to the right. And bend back to the left if you're hitting the heel the ball will typically start more left. And bend to the right hitting the middle of the club face is where you're going to get the optimum flight direction helping you hit it as straight as possible to do that sometimes it just takes practice i'm monitoring your strike i've mentioned it into videos in the past spraying foot powder spray on the face. Or putting a sticker on the face or whatever it may be it's so important practice strike when you hit in the middle you will see a big difference. And everybody in the world can hit the middle of the club face better number two is where this club face is pointing at the point of contact. So if i'm going to hit this golf ball. And my club face is quite simply aiming too far to the left that ball is going to go to the left if my clubface is aiming too far to the right it's going to go too far to the right we want that club face at the point of contact to be aiming exactly towards where we're going towards we don't want it in the wrong direction the biggest influence of clubface direction is grip making sure we have a neutral grip if we have a grip that's too strong. So both hands are wrapped around the back here the club face is more inclined to close down if we have a grip that's too weak the club face is more inclined to open up if you want a more in-depth video on how to hold the golf club neutral click link up in the corner. Or just search on youtube rick shields grip i've done some in the past definitely worth watching if you want to dive deeper into grip so tip number one make sure you strike the middle of the club face and make sure that club face is straight that is going to give you a massive advantage of hitting the ball straight let's move on to number two number two is swing path this is the direction your club takes through the shot through this area here to hit a straight shot we want that club to be moving as straight as possible towards our target line a lot of golfers even the best players in the world will have more of an incline to either hit it more from the inside. So that means the club head is effectively coming from this angle too much. And that will typically cause a shot to draw. Or hook too far to the left and you'll get some golfers that swing this way too much across the ball again that's going to cause curvature because where the ball is if that club is coming in from an angle it's going to create curvature on the golf ball we want that club to be coming through dead straight. And that claw that ball will come out dead straight simple drill. For this grab something soft head covers are perfect. For this and all i want you to do is set up a bit of a gateway towards your target line now. For some golfers you might find that you'll hit either one of those head covers you might hit too much from the inside and you'll hit this one or you'll hit too much from the outside and you might hit that one our goal is to swing straight through that gap keep that club swinging as straight as possible through that gap that way you won't create curvature now at first this might look daunting. But if you can get a desired swing direction going straight through that line with the club face nice. And square you will hit the ball super straight it's worth practicing you'll find that you're inclined if you like say if you draw the golf ball too much you're probably going to hit this one on the inside too much if you fade it too much you might hit this one on the outside swing path is key. And the last thing is super important. So guys if you've enjoyed the video so far make sure you smash like and be sure to subscribe to the channel it's free to do keeps you connected to all the videos i must admit a lot of this sounds simple i get it. And a lot of it takes practice but if you just know these fundamentals it'll help you hit the ball straighter just having this insight is going to aid you with the right tools to help you hit more fairways the last point number three. And believe it or not i'll see a lot of golfers do this a lot of golfers might already hit the golf ball super straight. But when they go on the golf course they don't hit the fairway and the reason being they don't aim straight aiming at the target is key. And my top tip for this stand behind the golf ball so my target line here is just to the right of that bunker down there when i stand directly behind the golf ball what i'm trying to do here is pick a target that's much closer to me. So for me is a leaf just up here at the top i'm going to aim just to the right of that leaf. And that should be pretty much aiming directly towards my target you can do this in the driving range you can do this out on the golf course then.

Aim my golf club directly to the right of that leaf have my alignment running perfectly parallel to that leaf. And then.

With all of those elements we've talked about so far strike location club face swing path and then.

Finally if you're aiming straight you are giving yourself the best opportunities to hit the golf ball arrow straight [Music] guys if you enjoyed that video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel. And we shall see you soon enjoy hitting more fairways we'll see you next.
