Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And this is a follow-up of my swing analysis from me. And my golf so piers and andy videoed my golf swing while we're out in turkey and then.

When they got back they analyzed it i think they were they were relatively kind considering that we uh we played against them. So they were quite kind on the swing if you've not seen the swing analysis go. And check out on their channel so i'll put a link up here in the corner go and check the swing analysis out because they did a great job at understanding my swing. And what i would like to work on so the things that i told them we worked on with the driver and the things i told them is that i would like to stop maybe turning the ball quite as far in the air. So without drawing it too much and obviously it turns into a bit of an overdraw which we've seen in some of the videos i've known that for a while and i know you know i know my swing i get on gc2 i hit balls but to really work on my swing i very rarely do it's really you know hit golf balls. And try and drill something out i very very rarely do it. But piers nandy gave me a dead simple tip and i'm going to show you how it's actually changed my swing path. And got me hitting the ball a lot straighter and how it feels to do it because i've not had a lesson. For an awful long time and it feels weird having a lesson a lot of you out there be like yeah it does it does feel hard it feels odd trying to change something um they used a bottle. And they use another club so i'm going to show you this. So the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to hit a golf shot on my simulator with the gc2. And just show you what the shot i would normally hit and show you the path numbers because that's the biggest one that we've tried to fix the path number so i'm just going to hit one normally first without really thinking about my new technique this is the shot i would normally try. And hit so you can see that's my normal ball flight if it's not a big draw it's a little bit of a push. And that's because of my swing path and i've known this for an awful long time i've known that my path has been too far from the inside you can see the bottom image there 6.3 from the inside i'm actually going to hit this one off the t this time. So i feel like it a little bit better then.

Um so 6.3 from the inside set another one and that's a lot of good players issue there's a lot of good players that i coach hit the golf ball too much from this way or swinging it out to the right too much whichever way we want to think about it i was a bad hit. But it's always moving towards the right 6.3 almost very very accurate again but that does put me in trouble that does it either it either draws it over draws. Or it pushes so i've got one in three times of hitting a fairway and that's about right that's about where i get to so piers nandy identified that that on the way down my club on coming in gets too far behind me and then.

Pushes out to the right too much so it gave me a really simple drill and this is one again i want to share with you guys because i think. For a lot of you who maybe hit the golf ball too far from the inside this has really helped my swing path and got me hitting the ball an awful lot straighter it involves two pieces of equipment golf club and the water bottle so they've called this drill laying it on the line very inventive lads i like the i like that and what it involves is i'm gonna hook this six iron just behind my left heel let me get that in position. So i've hooked it the head behind my left heel so now the shaft is running parallel to my heels now my feeling. For this my feeling that i need to produce is i'm trying to lay the golf club my driver shaft parallel to that once i've hit the shot now what this is going to do it's going to move my path further to the left much further to the left now honestly. And this again is inside it feels to me like i'm moving it. So far to the left that i will slice it that's what it feels like to me i feel like i'm hitting from the outside. So much and laying this golf club on that line i feel like the ball is going to shape to the right should we see you see what it does. So i've got that hooked in my left heel i'm going to make sure the swing goes through. And lays it on that line now i've pulled that a tiny bit but what you're going to see from the path numbers. So i was reminding you of 6.3 before let's see what path numbers i am now. So 6.3 before i'm not worried about distance or anything else like now my path has changed to 1.1 still still to the right 1.1 now it feels honestly i can't exaggerate it it feels like i'm about 10 to the left it feels that way and a lot of my top top golfers who improve the most they when i've asked them what it feels like they always say i've doubled the exaggeration level so whatever you've told me i've doubled what you've said. And it's exactly what i feel like i'm doing here i'm hitting these golf balls feeling like my golf club is over here it's not it just feels like it is let me see if i can get even better than that i mean that was 1.1 that was pretty impressive. So i've gone from six to one let me hit one out the middle doing that swing look at the flight how much softer is that flight how much of a little tiny draw is that flight how many more fairways will i hit with that flight. But it feels alien it feels odd 3.3 from the inside and i'm i'm very very happy with that number it's nowhere near as severe as it was nowhere near it used to be like say i think i think six. Or seven at the start of this video is a compliment of how much practice i've been doing i've known it to be nine. And tens before my path let's go one more so i'm trying to get the club over here that felt good maybe not quite as good as the uh the 1.1 maybe not quite as good as that one let's have a look now i'm not striking these brilliant just yet because it feels odd it feels alien so i'm not quite fine in the middle but 3.2 again so again i've halved my swing path to the right the last thing that did is they put a water bottle about a foot. And a bit in front of the golf ball and just outside the golf ball so to the right you might not be able to actually see the golf ball from where you are there. And i have to feel like the ball is going to exit to the left of that golf ball now there's one instance when we're out in turkey actually when playing floodlight golf. And there was a flood light to the right hand side of the hole. And i i nearly hit that as my draw started moving it to the left so the thing with this this is this is stopping the ball going down that right hand side making me again exaggerate how far this club goes to the left. And that's a really good last one to complement the advice i've been given to see what the swing path does now before i would have been very very very scared about hitting that bottle i said i'm just slightly pulling it. But i can i can tweak that. And refine that a little bit more than that but again it's not shaping loads three points i can get bit better than that three points i can get definitely better than that again i have to really get the club over here really get it over there that should be my best one that should be my best one notice how i've not pushed a single shot. And noticed how i've not over hooked a single shot i've pulled a couple into that left corner but because because it feels like my face going that way 2.7 from the inside. And that is a massive massive change i know that in myself now in practice when i've really refined that when i've hit 10 15 20 30 shots i can get that path to almost zero which is unheard of. For me it feels odd and sometimes it jeopardizes where i hit on the club face just because it feels so different but over time i know if i've practiced that movement enough i will hit much straighter shots. So me and my golf thank you very much for that i appreciate your advice it's made me want to actually practice again you put the pressure on me to practice again ready for our matches in the future guys you're in trouble now because obviously finchy as well here this swing and analyze go and check that out how you perfect on perfection i'm not quite sure but they managed to do a little bit he's down there listening uh guys thanks. For watching do subscribe go subscribe to me in my golf go to subscribe to vinci. And that's me changing my path having a golf lesson probably the first one maybe in 10 years guys thanks for watching we'll see you soon.