If you want to be a good golfer and score low you've got to have a good short game now one of the best golfers i know is james robinson ex european tour player played in the open. And now a fantastic coach around this green i'm going to give him five shots he's gonna explain how he plays it. And you guys can learn some tips hopefully. For you to play better golf [Music] okay we're gonna start off easier. And gradually get harder through the five okay first one pace putting yeah something that a lot of golfers struggle with give us your best tips from here james okay. So one routine i'd like to try and talk to you about is once you've kind of read the putt. And you've got a general gist of where this is going to go. So this put is it's probably a couple of feet right to left the chances of holding this put are minimal. So what i really need to get here is pace. So my routine and certainly my tips for you would be get alongside the ball have a look at the hole so my eyes are focused on the hole i have one practice stroke. And i'm trying to make that as realistic as possible relative to the speed of the green so i have one but then.

I also have a second practice stroke i always generally have two maybe three practice strokes depending on how long the putt is. And whether i've got that feel in that stroke so if i was just to go ahead here i'm looking at the hole i go one stroke two strokes i align the putter a couple of feet right just make sure my aim's okay. And then.

The last tip for you is a long stair at the hole back to the ball. And go and that long stair just before you go go in oh tiny bit firm but that long stair just before you go gives you that recognition again of how far away the hole is love that yeah really good okay number two this shot sure the green not loads to get over i'd like to explain what maybe you would do. Or what shot you'd go for but then.

Also the tip that would help help the most amount of golfers watching this video i would normally um fly it onto the green probably use a 52 degree in this situation but lofty is dangerous. For a lot of people when you get it wrong with loft the room for error is huge. So i've got a seven iron here i'm gonna teach you a simple way of just like running it up hopefully get up and down so seven iron one one thing i'd like you to try and do get your hands higher. So almost feeling like you're using the toe of the club on the floor we don't want the toe up in the air like this so get the toe of the club down slightly so your hands are slightly higher i'm going to try. And almost get a bit more over it like a putting stroke so one thing that i'd like you to do get to the bottom of the grip feet slightly aiming left weight favoring the left foot. So 70 of my weight is going to be on my front foot. And it's going to stay there during the whole shot. So i don't want any wrists in this shot it's just a rock of the shoulders like this ideally we know it's gonna run so we're gonna have to land this short of the green into the bank and just pop it along but because i'm using low loft it will release up to the flag. So toe down the shaft's upright bottom of the grip ball position is just slightly behind center our weights forward. And then.

Just a little rock of the shoulders keeping the weight forward very nice i think most people would take that shot every day yeah would you describe almost that stroke very similar to a putting stroke very similar no wrist break certainly getting your eyes a bit more over the ball shaft up. So it's very like a putting stroke but i actually grip it normal rather than using my putting grip i love that really good nice shot as well okay shot number three it's getting harder each time yeah is this shot a 50-yard shot yep into a little bit of a tight pin one that i know is a nemesis. For me so i'm definitely taking notes take it away james how do we play this shot okay. So i'm going to use my 58 degree 50 yards um main things really i will be gripping just a little bit down the grip my ball position is going to be fairly central my weight is going to be certainly favoring the left side 70. But i don't use a lot of wrists on these shots some people promote much more wrist than i use i'd certainly feel like i play it much more with the sternum my shoulders feel like they do all the work a good way of pitching is with a towel under my armpits. And that really helps me so that gives me the sensation i'm going to use my chest to try. And hit this ball i'm not using a massive amount of wrists so face alignment the club is flat on the floor bottle position center still quite a narrow stance weights forward. And i'm going to feel like i hit this with my sternum now keeping my weight forward [Music] please go in do it do it [Laughter] i love it there you go we are not worthy we are not worthy that is epic that's how you play a 50-yard pitch shot there you go absolutely phenomenal [Music] okay next.

Shot james is a bunker okay. So i'd have quite a wide stance certainly wider than any other shot that play my ball position i'd have on my left heel i have a lot of weight set into my left leg so i set about probably about 80 percent of my weight into my front foot here my feet are aiming slightly left of the target. And my club face i open the club face then.

I take my grip then.

One thing that i feel to use the bounce on the club is i feel that my hands are behind the uh the club head address. So what that does is it increases the bounce of the club which is a really good thing in a bunker. And then.

My thoughts are i swing up. And down my foot path and then.

I caught my wrist in the backswing but then.

I uncock my wrists on the way down and one thing that i'm trying to achieve is returning the shaft angle to the point that i started with. So i'm not trying to lean it forward or add any block through impact i'm trying to return what i started with through the point of impact keeping my weight forward at all times very nice pretty good shot tiny bit short but return the bounce nicely so would you almost always be looking to get up and down from the bunker yes right simple answer that's awesome we got one more to go okay fifth. And final one james is this oh a nasty little lie over a bunker to a tight-ish flag yep i'm guessing the flop shot how do we play this one james it's gonna be a flop shot. So i'm using 58 here um it's kind of similar to a bunker shot in the way you've set up so you'd have a wide stance you'd have fairly low hands you don't want your hands too high on a flop shot so slightly low hands set the club face open then.

You take your grip you keep your weight forward and i feel on the flop shot like i'm trying to keep my sternum on the ball during the whole swing so i'm going to swing keep my feet aiming left. And then.

Swing my club head up and down the foot line of where i'm trying to go okay. So club face open hands a little bit low wide stance ball positions forward weights forward and then.

I'm going to try. And take it up and down the foot line keeping my sternum on the ball very nice there you go i've got two very quick questions yep a little tip for somebody who was worried about the bunker like do you even think about it what's it what's a good positive tip what bulker what bunker. And apart from that when you open the face do you aim that at the target. Or more to the right i feel like the face aims a little bit right but my body alignment's aiming left at the target perfect and then.

I swing up and down my foot line james a good little tip sorry on the way through keep the club face looking towards you that's a great little tip to get that extra loft superstar go and follow james loads of great tips and i've taken a lot of notes there a lot of things i need to learn from thanks for that james that was awesome cheers buddy.