Brands that would do shorter shafted drivers would lose the simulator war [Music] it's hard in golf because innovation has kind of hit a wall isn't it really due to the rules of the rna. And the usga the governing bodies you know taylormade can't go out tomorrow and make a driver that is absolutely revolutionary because they're just not allowed to in the rules of golf are they. So it's hard to to make stuff every year or even every few years it's that much different but that then.

Led me on to a question and i've asked this again on the facebook group are people excited. For the 2022 golf driver releases because it's only around the corner i know we're not quite in the 20s 21 yet but it won't be long before you might see the odd leak yeah you know that taylormade cobra avenue drives out next.

Year um out of the way callaway i've got a new drive coming out next.

Year there'll be a few other bits. And bobs something tight this time this will be back end of the year ping i don't think will be until maybe the back end of the year. But anyway some of the big big brands they said the flagship brands are gonna have new drivers. So i said what people want to see yeah. And what people actually think we'll see because that's two very different x um the first answer from adam monk i said. For them not through 500 pound well yeah that's i could imagine i could have guessed that answer. But do not think though as well he's another people do that they're preempting because that's the brands they want to want like we've not said that from the other brands that tore edge might bring out a new driver ben ross might bring out our new driver all these other brands. But we kind of as consumers a lot of people want the big name but don't want to pay the price for it of course i mean the the only company there that kind of stands out the ones that have changed that model a little bit cobra like the last few years they've sat their price point much at like 350 350 pounds rather than 500 yeah um. And again i think a lot of people i think i don't know what it kind of i mean now i mean you can't buy products at the moment can you well matthew white has said i'll be more interested when they come out to hopefully be able to get the decent deals on the previous year's gear. And that's something a lot of people say as well if they still can get like to get hold of them it's quite hard to hold a product at the minute really hard like how much is a yeah. So if you're looking for like a sim 2 driver now for example like 400 pound you're picking up for but that's if you can get hold of them. So so probably when the brand new tail made comes out that might just drop a little bit or sometimes you just they just vanish like you can sometimes just can't buy these second-hand ones. Or these older versions because they've either got the stock levels spot on or whatever people snatch them up a lot of people are going on the route of this overpriced um stephen martin said i'm treating myself when you drive. For the next.

Season so i'm excited to see what the releases are nobody's really coming up with actual answer that i was kind of hoping. For of like what they want to see in terms of technology i don't think people know it's not our job is it people you know the average guy in the street. Or whatever it's not their job to think of what um a brand can do next.

Steve hellerington has said realistic lead times when ordering would be nice again he's obviously been the more re the more practical things aren't there like price. And lead time it's not technology nobody's saying nobody's really giving a technical technology answer there well what do you think then.

What would you want i would again with you well we've touched on this. But it's so hard isn't it yeah this is quite good on twitter actually i did it on twitter as well mark carver said more drivers with a shorter shafter standard this 100 help most amateur golfers i wouldn't disagree with that yeah i think i think the fear with that is brands that would do shorter shafted drivers would lose the simulator war um i always think this potentially. But would they if you sat around the middle more i'd like to think brands have probably thought this. And tested it enough i don't know i feel like we're living in the era because if that was the case why does every torpor not use 48 inch yeah i don't know. But again i'm talking simulator i'm talking you're in a bay you're getting fitted and it ultimately comes down into distance i know but i don't think many golfers hit longer shafts actually better they might get more club at speed yeah which is. But they won't they don't hit the middle as much but like when you put like the one again we've talked about fitting loads that one out of ten that does go longer right possibly is that is that enough. For the dangly carrot and i'm not talking 48 inches but like longer versus shorter is that the dangly carrot that the the fitter obviously naturally is going to jump on because he's going to say yeah. But you hit this one look at the potential once you get used to this driver you're going to hit in that distances all the time. So it'll be funny one out of 10 times i'm not imagining this would never happen a stupid thing to say imagine there's a law brought in right a new golf law okay legal to do to not do this when getting fit. For new driver it has to be on the golf course in real play yeah. And it has to be against your own one so you go and set the first tee and you go right i've got john with me you've got taylor made arby's head from a few years ago he wants to try the new sim two so he has to play the hole with both drivers that's 18 holes of both drivers yeah. And actually see it in real time the difference would never happen but you'd actually see in real life it's probably not much difference at all so yeah i think um like i said i don't disagree with that comment i just think brands certainly when they're in a buying scenario when they're getting a fitting. Or they're in a simulator or they're a driving range it will ultimately come down to the longer shaft if you if you catch one well it's probably going to outperform it not on consistency level. But on the one or two times that unfortunately us as humans beings will be like i can do that every time let me just get used to this drive. And i'll do it every time um do you think though as well like it is going to get because a lot of people now saying overpriced. And stuff and i kind of wonder are they just saying that. But actually they will end up going buying it. Or they have quite new gear themselves anyway but weirdly i was texting a friend every day about something. And he said everybody was debating a new iphone. And then.

He said i'm not bothered now i'm still sticking with the iphone 8 because i could have got the new 13 pro it would have cost me however. much a month i'm only paying. For the kind of the contract time at the sim only at the moment so it would have cost me 50 pounds a month more for the new phone and yeah the camera's a bit better. But not that bothered and more and more people now are doing that like i said earlier on i was i'm a big apple fan i would normally every year have the latest iphone i've got the 11 pro. So there's been a 12 pro now's a 13 pro and i'm not that bothered about swapping it i don't think i will because of the price versus improvement. And you do see that more. And more now with iphone so many people are just using sim only. And have a phone that might be an iphone 7 or 8 or whatever unless you're an idea like me well yeah. And i've ordered mine and mine comes tomorrow um well you know what i mean. But let more people are spent with an older phone now. And these will. But people will spend it people know people still will. But there's also a lot more people now aren't having the latest iphone yeah. So is that going to get to the point in golf well actually now like people are saying it. But people are start going genuinely we're watching these videos online we all understand launch managers to some degree now we're watching these reviews of yourself. And txg there is no real difference i'm not gonna bother i almost feel like we're already at that stage well yeah in fact i think we're 100 we are like how many times do we go down to the marriott. Or go out filming somewhere do we literally see a bag with the latest gearing it is rare it is it's not as it's not as there's certainly more older gear yeah 100 than the newer gear um. So i think we're almost at that point already. But i'm just looking a line here and i can't find the answer but price has been discussed loads and obviously in that thread it's been discussed loads but rewind time like even back end of like 19 like 1990s when the callaway erc driver came out rembrandt yep you had one that was 500 pound yeah i had it i didn't get it new i got a second hand 500 quid. So like but there was a jump to innovation yeah they were very clear that was actually illegal it wasn't illegal at the time. But it soon became the afc i don't think was i'm not don't quote me on that. But there was at least jumps yeah yeah yeah. And that's it they've almost kept to that price point i think it probably it went down down go down launched at 199. And that really changed the game at the time and it was only really again when i was at nike they had three drivers two. For 200 quid was it no two four nine two nine nine then.

Like a really expensive 379 version that was a concept one that nobody actually used. And it's only in the last five years it really kind of again pxg introduced this expensive price point i think people would pay potentially people pay anyway. But people would be more open to pay if there was something tangible that was different of course like again with your iphone if that could open up like an ipad. And then.

Like the samsung ones do then.

Shrink down again you'd be like i'm gonna get the new one. Or i would anyway but they're not anything different no they're not time will tell i wanted to do something different though that's what i want the new drivers to come out. And i want to be dead excited well like i say you had a chat i've had to chat with said person. But you had to chat with somebody mm-hmm and they seem to like i say you can only take what brands say with a pinch of salt a big binch assault sometimes. But certainly the source you talked about from a major manufacturer seemed outrageously excited about the launch in january yes more than normal more than normal which got me thinking what is it yeah there was another spokesman from another company who really wasn't that excited about the new product that's very true. So who knows time will tell um. But to get your most in-depth detailed fun entertaining all-rounded unbiased best close-ups best personality reviews make sure you subscribe to thg hey i was gonna do it first nicely done i wasn't saying matt fryer um [Music].