I have a 22 handicap I can drive 300 yards I can pitch to 5 foot. And I can chip it to three foot. But this actually sounds like another Boris from our country it seems to tell a few Little White Lies however. I might do this twice per round occasionally I can play phenomenally brackets. For my handicap when stableford or even metal competitions the result is everyone knows me out as the Bandit I've made a few friends a try. And use me for an easy winning doubles comp brilliant then.
They quickly ignore me when I realized I am actually a 22 handicaps asking for your thoughts Rick what should he do my advice to borrow is the Bandit really if you're winning competitions. And you're playing well your handicap should be getting dark think if if you are genuinely playing by the handicap system. And not trying to fudge it or be dodgy you know I'm not trying to manipulate it yeah handicap is is a fair reflection of your ability of golf as a whole yes you're gonna hit some good shots every now. And again but you'll also hit some bad ones that balance it all out.