All right guys welcome back to the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast everybody episode 167. nice more importantly and I think the first point we should talk about Rao how's Doreen Doreen well this is the goodies about Doreen we had in the Facebook group a lot of images of Doreen. And there's a clear winner oh yeah Carol vorderman oh okay yeah I think many many listeners. And viewers will be pleased with Doreen. And Carol vorderman so for those who know about Darwin you know if you missed last week's episode Doreen is the imaginary bar maid of our imaginary Clubhouse. And we had a lot of excited people if some of them I couldn't accept into the group on Facebook [Music] um risque. But yeah we had a good mixture. And a lot of people got it they're on the right lines yeah they were far off with it all. But I think Carol vorderman yeah I mean she's a spicy Doreen yeah. But Hey listen we'll we'll see what happens yeah. So I think next.

Job. For the next.

Podcast is that Matt is going to get a picture of a frame. And we'll put on the back what about the secretary Ian Ian okay. So smartly dressed young cool no Ian is uh he's 65 okay he has an iPhone nice knows how to use it a watch maybe Apple watch yeah he's actually got an iPhone 14 pro Max he likes his Tech shoot me he likes his Tech um he's he's in that kind of old demographically still kind of quite with it we did a really nice bloke he's six foot okay quite a slim build nothing no too big. And Burly however. he don't never ever ever talk like this you wouldn't know it was actually a black belt in karate love it. So he's quite hard on the sly we'd have to really really really angry for him to get annoyed at you you'd have to be given some verbal abuse to Doreen for Ian to start you know unleashing his black belt ability so a lot of the members who've known him for a long time they don't talk about locks it's a bit you know it's not the dumb thing but they know he's quite handy because it was uh 15 years ago outside the bank a fella mocked a woman. And Ian dropped the speller wow seriously dropped him wow um and people witnessed it but he actually got an award for doing it for bravery oh wow so he can handle himself. But you would never it wouldn't say boot to a goose an award plus a criminal record yeah he's off 12 as well just get it rounds of 12.. So Ian I want in the Facebook group pictures of Ian Ian coming up next.

Um if you've not part of this fictional Clubhouse get involved it means you've needed to have listened to all 167 episodes yeah. Or you could be a social member which is kind of you're not quite you've not quite listened to all. But you're on your way this would be a weird podcast if it was your first ever one imagine someone says to mate I know what I love me well Rick Shields like oh yeah watch him he's got a podcast I say your podcast yeah it's all right you know try it go on try it they decided to follow up to 167. For the first time and that's what they get delivered well that's the first bit of craziness but to be honest this episode today.

We're going to be talking about golf golf. And more golf it might be the most golfy podcast we've ever done yes because you me. And I had a special guest this week joining us for at least two of the rounds we did three break 75s at three absolutely phenomenal golf courses here in the UK yeah it was quite hard. For me because obviously I've been off on paternity leave she had to come back oh here we go back into work okay playing these amazing golf courses I'm not gonna say it affected my ability though I still got it round to some degree. But yeah we played some fantastic ones. So these breaks of new fives are coming in the next.

Few weeks yeah. So don't don't completely bombard us on social media when's this video coming out they will be coming out very soon within the next.

Three to four weeks you can say one course out of the next.

Due to the next.

This is the quality of courses the first course that's going to be coming up in the next.

Break 75 video home of many open championships last played in 2017 won by Jordan Spieth the next.

Break 75 is at the wonderful outstanding Royal Birkdale Rick let me stop you there I wasn't break 75 I like which new play golf I don't mind Guy be on them occasionally. But it does great. But sell it to me how did you elevate this break 75. Or any other one well Birkdale in its own right elevates a break 75 okay it is. And I know you've got now maybe more refined thoughts about Royal Birkdale this time yeah the golf course is spectacular correct it really is we filmed there last uh in fact it was just before you got married. So what was it nearly 18 months ago yeah middle of summer we had a beautiful evening. And it was very very tough. And I think the first time you played it maybe your perspective of the golf course maybe wasn't quite as um refined as it is now I think what I struggle with I think this is the case. For lots of things in life when you have something to try something to go somewhere that people absolutely Rave about it cancels sometimes quite difficult to actually get that feeling do you know what I mean. And I'd obviously heard about how good Royal Birkdale is. And it is it's one of the top five courses in the country certainly certainly top ten if I'm honest I actually think it often gets rated number one in English supposing in England yes it's already exactly in England it's somebody. And when I played it I enjoyed it but I don't know what it was I didn't come away be like oh my god oh my god well some other courses I have done now the only thing that correlates is some of the courses I've Come Away with absolutely loving are ones that I went into with quite low expectations. And then.

Also ones I played quite well at which massively helps but this time playing Birkdale I unbelievably got it I looked at it a lot more as well some of the holes that I didn't really think about last time were holes were hit terrible drives I was looking the rough from a golf ball this time I tried to really soak in all the surroundings the little Ambi theaters the sand dunes the condition of it. For January was insane really really good we've had. So much rainfall recently here in the UK and also Snow more recently we drove out only an hour from here in Manchester over to Southport and it was like being in a different country it really was like the the ground there was not a bit of frost not a bit of ice not a bit of snow even though it rained the same because of the type of land that's on obviously historic Lynx land it drains. So perfectly and you're right it's very interesting Birkdale because the only thing that you can actually judge birthday along is the actual golf course. And what I mean by that some of my I get tricked sometimes into my favorite golf courses sometimes terms of the external factors yeah. So the scenery the views where it's positioned in the world like the weather things like that where you're like oh my God you're walking down an iconic Hole by the side of the water and it's you can you know a bit like um crail when I played Crayola it's one of when with Iona I know obviously you joined us halfway around you look around there. And like wow yeah what an amazing amazing golf venue. But actually the golf course if you actually remove that golf course and placed it somewhere else it might not be quite as spectacular yeah. And I do think as well. And I think a lot of amateur golfers get this when you go. And play a new golf course if you play well you enjoy it so much more obviously yeah. And I think I can almost taint your perception of the goal of course. And make you think it's better than it is. Or equally if you play badly I think the course is worse than it is I think now certainly you've played a lot more well we both have a lot better Golf Course over the last couple of years during the break 75s when I now go to a golf course like again I've been lucky enough to play Robert a number of times I've always held in such high regard I look at it now in a different light of almost the architecture of the golf course like the way that the bunkers have been placed. And shaped and the way that the green complex is a a unique. And different and it challenges it it makes you think it makes you you know you can get the wrong side of the holes. And you can make a bit of a fool of yourself you've got it was a thinking man's golf course you need to have played a golf course more than once to get that though because obviously I'm looking out up with the old course in Andrews twice. And the first time I absolutely loved it but that was. So much about the emotion of playing obviously you surprised me until that story many times one of the best days of my life incredible it was very tough conditions as well. But then.

The second time I played it I won't say I enjoyed it anymore but actually looking at the holes and and the run-ups and little bumps in the bunkers there you actually see it with your eyes more open if it makes sense but this break 75 was different we played at Royal bet as you've said my goal on the day was can I break 80. And I won't spoil anything um could I break 80 your goal obviously was can rickshaw break 75 at Royal Birkdale. So then.

We needed another gas we did to see if they could break 70 at Royal Birkdale. So we invited your friend and mine and the listeners and viewers friend Mr James Robinson yes now you've seen James on many videos we've done in the past we've had him on the podcast James is an established incredible player used to play on tour still scratch my head to why he's still not on tour. But I kind of get it as well played in the open in 2018 at Carnoustie um we've done challenges with him where I've given somebody awful golf clubs to play golf with and he can still make him work you might be one of the best players I've played golf with he's unbelievable he's. So concerned annoyingly good I I said something to say camera which I'm not sure we'll end up putting the cook. So I wasn't quite sure if I articulated very well it was meant to be a funny joke. But James is a lovely guy he's a good looking lad he's got the best set of teeth you've ever seen great yeah amazing her he's dead slim great tan amazing golf swing he's a family man he's like that perfect guy he just hates he's. So perfect but deep down obviously you love him to bits but yeah this was a great um I think as well without knowing the edit. Yet it might be a bit of a longer breaks with me five even though break 75s are normally on the longer side no people enjoy watching maybe in two halves. Or taking the time with it but on this one you've got me as the more kind of average golfer trying to break eight to you as obviously a professional trying to break 75 and then.

James as a tall professional really trying to break 70. there's almost three different narratives to kind of get your teeth stuck into um it was a tough day really tough the course was phenomenal there was one was the one Wintergreen yeah we had one temperature just because they were doing some maintenance work fine at the golf course the teas in particular the condition ridiculous the greens were very very good the third way to put like pristine it was a true test of golf. And that's going to be a really good video. And that I'm very much looking forward to people seeing so that'll be the next.

Break 75 that comes out be out in a couple of weeks um the other thing I just want to mention here now as well with James James as moving into a very exciting new role he has and James as you know he once he decided not to continue his uh pursue career as being a tour professional and we've mentioned that many times on the podcast certainly when we had him on as a guest like the levels are just ridiculous he now turned his hand to coaching. And he's formed a very very successful coaching um business he actually coaches in my old um coaching room at lithium Golf Academy and he's now taken a very exciting role as head of coach at Saint Anne's old links yes which is a wonderful golf course in Saint Ann's lythm um. And Dan Webster who we've had on the podcast as well fantastic guy he's moving his attention after 30 years has been head pro at sent Anvil links he's now moving his Direction more into focusing on the lithium Golf Academy which he also owns and runs so massive good luck we're done with that but James has given the opportunity to coach at lythm at Santander links it's going to be really exciting time. For him it's going to be yeah it really is. And and one thing that I kind of told you about what didn't fully tell you about was the next.

Golf Course will come on it we've got another round the following day at an unbelievable golf course. And while me and James went on the putting green we're waiting for you to get there um and we're just doing some pots and obviously at James's new job he is now going to be able to coach people on just normal kind of Swing lessons which obviously is what you think of when you think of a golf coach. Or a golf lesson well being at a golf club he's now got facilities like a putting green a short game area actual outdoor driving range a golf course obviously he's got all these different aspects he can he can coach on. And we added probably half an hour chat there wasn't really a lesson but it kind of was of him telling me how he puts. And I learned so much one of the big takeaway things was wasn't about technique too much it was about Pace how when you're putting certainly from like 24 30. For longer how obviously pace is. So important because you're never going to be massively something straight. But too far offline are you. But if your pace is correct you can have a much better chance to put in now these things all sound quite obvious another thing he told me which again obviously I don't do enough is Judge the wind on a port I obviously on a t on a path three a path. Or whatever it might be think about the wind anyway I'm laughing to him right needs to Club up Club down whatever on a port I never think about it no. And he was showing me this as well. And we did some little putts together. And it I came away and I felt like I'd had learned stuff that I kind of and it was in my blood it was deep down my brain I've not unlocked it. And another little you know if you are thinking about lessons either you local Pro. Or go and seeing James things like that that aren't just swing lessons can actually. And you'll you'll tell me better they surely can be as important to improving your goals. So good course management and just understanding how to get the golf ball around the course do you think more players should have Playing Lessons as opposed to kind of Swing lessons there's pros. And cons of on-course lessons obviously used to many years ago um on course lesson you can really see how a player will navigate a golf course the decisions they make the good decisions. But also obviously the bad decisions the downside of on-course Playing Lessons certainly my experience is sometimes you're actually not seeing that golfer in their most natural comfortable environment yeah because. For them it's quite for many golfers that are a coaching it's quite like somewhat daunting you've got somebody there properly on the golf course analyzing your performance. And sometimes you may be not as natural as you would be normally and sometimes I think when I was coaching guys on the golf course they were almost telling me stuff that I actually don't think they ever did yeah I mean they're almost they're almost talking to me in the things that I almost what I want to hear as opposed to actually what they do. So it'd be better and this is obviously very difficult to do it'd be great if you could monitor a golfer without them even knowing yeah you know if you could almost follow them like hidden in the bushes with like like following them. And properly seeing what they actually do. And what they think obviously you need to extract that information out of them. And the other slight downside with on-course lessons is obviously you don't quite hit as many shots as long the time. But but I'm not saying you shouldn't do there's definite Pros like you say that little tidbit that you might just get off James. Or another coach about from this position you ever thought about this doing this shot and they go no. And they try and they go wow that's going to save me three. Or four shots around so you know what I definitely think golfers should do it. But it's it's I don't still don't think it's perfect from unfortunately. But yeah good luck with James um the other thing that I was gonna um mention with James as well is when he's on the golf course. And I think we probably think quite similar to this correct me if I'm wrong I think too much in the future when I play golf yeah I'm thinking about right if I make par here. And I burden next.

And I Pat I've got a par five coming up so I'll try and birdie that do you think they're saying I do. But this shows a lot about my game probably in an opposite way I'm thinking if I can pile this whole one next.

Door's a tough one. So I'm worried about that whole I think about it oh yeah yeah that's interesting think about the worrying holes rather than the opportunities. But James said about four times towards the most important shot literally of the day is the next.

Shot you've got. And I never think like that I probably obviously do in the moment when I'm walking between holes. Or walking between shots I'm trying to plot my way around the next.

Few well that's the thing though again James had a European tour card he played in the open so obviously got through open qualifying you cannot be thinking about this the whole three holes ahead if you're going down the back nine in open qualifying because you otherwise you would never play well. So it just shows a level yes the next.

Page 75 which will come hopefully the following week was it I'm going to say it now on camera. And on the podcast let me just let me just double check I'm happy to say this I am yeah my favorite golf course I'm gonna say it now my favorite golf course in Wallace in the world in the world say it now. But I might regret no I'm gonna say I'm gonna go with it my favorite golf course in the world wallacey you said it it's both I love it I'm gonna come on to a while of it in a moment. But again we played there with James break 80 break 75 break 70 what a day golf course was a little bit longer than Birkdale yeah from the teams we played off um in absolutely incredible condition insane why in credible condition. For January with how much rain we've had and snow and ice you could have been mistaken that could have been April May we played that golf course that Golf Course condition is literally better than most golf course will be in in the peak of Summer you know golf course that I've been a member of that are Parkland courses they're in line obviously take the water not very well that literally in January other than the fact it's windy. And cold they can't help that obviously it's better yeah no questions asked. So it was tougher conditions I would say yes windier colder longer Golf Course what an interesting round of golf yeah what a well just come on to the reason it's my favorite Golf Course ever there's a few holes I'll start with a negative then.

Come with the positives there's a few holes that aren't super super memorable yeah that aren't brilliant I'll be honest compared to the holes however. the holes that I would say aren't the best are actually kind of par fives at 30 chances yeah. So we're loading up the most spectacular scenery actually when you're playing golf with the holes that you may be thinking this is a birdie chance. So it kind of actually works out that you don't enjoy them anyway but I was thinking last night. And went to bed I'll talk about the golf course condition massive tick there's a number of holes on that golf course that I I believe and I've not played that many course commit some people a world-class yeah they are there's the fourth hole the par five world class elevated tea the something C on the right hand side is it the iris C on the right hand side um views over everything I'm insane it's a I mean it's a fairly straightforward hole par five. But it's like I say it's that scenery that hole is beautiful the third hole the one before that yeah cracking hole like really interesting architecture kind of again you've got to hit a drive into they're almost like The Funnel of the Fairway. And then.

You've got an elevated shot up into the into the green and the Green's an upside down saucepans you can't miss right and left the wind you don't feel when you back down on The Fairway or in that lower part as soon as you hit the ball up the wind affects it that next.

Hole then.

You then.

You buy some really really interesting holes I want to go through them all but I think 11 is world class 11's amazing 12 is world class. And then.

You at 12 the par three is. So affordable um there's a couple then.

Aren't super wow I would say I think the power read it 16 incredible 17 incredible 18 incredible the clubhouse is is very kind of traditional. Yet modern that makes sense it's traditional when you look at it from the outside but modern inside and nice and welcoming 100 the food was phenomenal you know the Pro Shops well stocked I know I'm really digging up here. But I genuinely feel that strongly about it for me it's one of the best golf course around I said it is my favorite um really really like it I think as well partly why I like it although it's well known in the area obviously it's right near Royal Liverpool which will come on to in a moment it's a lot you know if you're a really Keen golfer in the northwest of England you might have played. Or you've heard of it so stableford was born we've told that story before. But it's probably not a golf course that maybe if you're down south or from Scotland you might really know much about but I really the course I've played I can't think of any that beats it seriously. And uh one of us on this table played okay one of us on this table played okay. And one of us went out of bounds four time in three holes we'll let you decide we'll let you wait for the video to see that um yeah I feel like I don't want to give too much away because things can change quite a bit. But there was plenty of birdies made by James on both of those days like outrageous amounts of birdies by um James at Birkdale. And at wallacy there was a fair share from you. And me yeah no more from you. But there was if we would have played as a team as a three-man team we would have been unbelievable humble you you again I'm not going to give this away oh I'm gonna give a little spoiler I don't care I'm gonna do it you played very well I was very impressed. And James kept into me off camera as well he was very impressed how you were playing won't give any scores away. For my own sanity I didn't play brilliant there was some shots I hit though. For me were World Class yeah in that hit that was just unbelievable. So it's one of those days where it was great to be on my again my favorite golf course I won't say that again my favorite golf course it was great company it was I won't say that again straight away sorry I'm done with it now I promise um. But yeah what a day we've also this week filmed this is arguably one of the most exciting breaks of many facts you'll ever make. So again we've gone Birkdale in Southport we've then.

Gone Wallace in the Wirral and then.

Just up the road from Wallace in the year 2023 the circus of the golfing world will drop down in July to Royal Liverpool the open Hoy Lake 151st Open Championship as you know the open I feel genuinely I know you asked me this question if you maybe 100 podcasts ago okay what's my favorite major I'm now fixed on it's the open genuinely I think it was to be honest that's seasonal I think originally your Masters then.

You kind of went I'll go whichever season is are you now going to Pledge Your Lions is that the word Legions yes Allegiance I think that the 150th that sent Andrews tipped it. For me yeah I mean I've said it in the podcast a few episodes ago before Christmas that that was my highlight of 2022. it was absolutely phenomenal now the challenge is whether any open can ever live up to that that's going to be a challenge. But what I love about the open certainly when it's so close to us it just the excitement you feel like you're living in the excitement yeah there's no right. Or wrong favorite major the people who love an argument for all four majors I think most people would live in the campus well. But if you think. But if you think the PGA Championship the US Open Championship the best Majors you're wrong. For me it's the open but I can also happily say to people why you know people might say the Masters I can I can live with that I don't think. For us me and you as a spectator anything will ever top 150 it's Andrews because it was 150 it was at the old course we were. So excited. For it I don't think it will however. what's exciting with the opening with all gold tournaments is who knows this next.

One the one five one could have an unbelievable final it could be let's just say tiger Rory Cameron Smith in a three three-way playoff we don't know we who who knows until it happens like you said the exciting thing. For us is Royal Liverpool. For me is about 45 minutes from my front door about an hour. And a bit for you it's so close that you're on our doorstep you've got the city of Liverpool just kind of 15 minute drive through the tunnel I think the city will be booming I'm very very excited the golf course is a golf course that I've now played twice I'm gonna come on to this it's definitely grown on me the more I've played it. But we had a phone call from the RNA who said hey Rick we like break75 trying to do a break 75 we can bring a Claret jug we can support you on this. And you're asking and you were like yeah let's do it. So this is a collaborative break 75 with the RNA. And the open and we sprinkle a little bit of extra open magic dust on this break 75. we play it with the correct way with the the open routing which again if you're not familiar the actual role of a pillage you went and played it today.

You'd actually tee off on what is in the open the third t. For the open they actually start on what is now now as you play it as the 17th T um. So we played it the open routing I got an official caddy with an open bib he did remember I think it might have been Ian it wasn't it was a really really lovely man I feel bad I can't remember his name sure it was Ian um cleric drug was there we had some extra support. And camera work from the open themselves and I'm excited to see what that looks like um the condition was cold. But fair yep it was really really rain in the morning. And we pushed back the tea time as far as we could get so we had to get that beautiful golden hour as we played the last two or three but more importantly we actually got the golden hour the perfect time when we played the 17th the new Par 3 17th which honestly for the open this year may make or break the champion there's going to be some drama on that hole to such a short hole that can literally destroy scorecards I'm a big fan of that hole I know like we've said this before a lot of people aren't a fan of it which I can understand if it destroys your score. But I think like you said that's going to really cause some excitement down the stretch. But what's ugly even more exciting as well if you are a fan of break 75 which hopefully a lot of you watching listening are this one as we said is a collaborative effort with the RNA with the open the one Club as well they have also filmed a behind the scenes of how bricks 25s get put together they filmed us get in there they filmed us look around the clubhouse I think they filmed us eating our lunch the toilet the toilet yeah that was really um you have to pay. For that content yeah that's the new we're going to contact later on um. But yes there's another video to live on the open on the one club. And also possibly in the future on the opens YouTube channel of a behind the scenes for break 75. it's good um the golf was fantastic it's an interesting finish you've got to stay tuned. For that and that will be then.

From this point next.

That'll be the third break 75 you'll see. So you'll see Birkdale first Wallace then.

Royal Liverpool um three amazing golf courses three fantastic great 75s unfortunately James couldn't join us but that was one of the things this week. And we might bring James in for a few others in the future that's really good we're talking about maybe a Scotland little trip gonna do four. Or five days up in school certainly on kind of in that in that spot that's kind of a little bit outside of um Saint Andrews kind of south east coast but like go to like your Renaissance your Archer field goal and places like I think that could be a little trip North Berwick I think what's good with those. And I'm calling this people make disagree hopefully they do agree though is that when we do a break 75 obviously typically well obviously it's about your score how you get on. And you have guests on sometimes myself or other people and that's really good as well but having that kind of three different scores to follow it just showed how like different levels ability can tackle different courses doesn't it. So for example if you've got a scratch handicap of 10 a 15 or 28 and put them on a Parkland course in nice flat calm conditions it's anybody's bet who would win because if I've got handicaps that's the whole point of handicaps however. if you gave them those same golfers on a golf course a linked course in the wind in the rain I would typically always bet on the best player winning because they are gonna probably even shoot five of the handicap they're not a million miles off we're not no just back to 20 handicapped golfer. But they haven't probably really got the skill set to tackle the elements and even you know I'm not brilliant golf but even at my level and your level to some degree certainly on a couple of the days or one of the days I got affected much more by the conditions than than you did. And then.

You got affected well you didn't actually did really well. But James got affected probably the least does that kind of make sense well his our ball flights any level of curvature we're getting punished by the win yeah where James looked like he was playing in in some kind of cylinder that yeah the wind didn't affect his golf shot because he had less curvature on it um. So yeah all those are coming up make sure you like make sure you subscribe to the main channel. So you don't miss out on any of those videos also a note on that thank you so much for the new influx of subscribers we've had on this channel yes wow we're up to 208 000 subscribers now we're doing a giveaway. For the little bit of merchandise the Prototype merchandise which probably will never see the light a day in the head cover in the towel these were kind of samples we had sent in that draw is going to be done on the 31st of January. So there's still time to subscribe leave a comment on this video and we'll pick a lucky winner um and then.


Week I'm jumping on the airplane again you are I'm leaving you again I'm sorry didn't want to come anyway obviously you're at the moment with little baby that you obviously need to be at home. And yeah um around we've taken up to tie in a trip to the PGA show which I've not been to in maybe three. Or four years I feel like you last went at the start of 2018. that's gonna be five years now believe it or not so the PJ show um certainly over the last 10 years of doing YouTube I've probably been five or six times to the PGA show it's really an industry show where a lot of Brands will go. And um kind of show off basically I've never been for people listen who don't even know what it is explain the scale of it because sometimes you have Golf shows in the UK where it's like you go to like a NEC Center. For example you've got a large room to be fair with like five or six manufacturers your holiday destinations might be there whatever explain how big the PJ show is compared to those kind of things. So first off it's at Orange County Convention Center in Orlando guy this place is massive it's massive I'd actually love to see it completely empty I don't I couldn't give you a scale of how big it is. But I feel like you could easily fit in a couple of paraphores side by side one thing I'd like then.

Is a request. For matters behind the camera maybe for this channel potentially I don't promise anything but maybe a bit of a vlog of you there maybe I can film you mooching about showing some of the stuff off. And if it comes out pretty well we could babysit it on this channel people could watch it behind the scenes maybe it's ever all pretty much all you mean you made your brands are there yeah. So from your big I mean typically certainly back in the day Taylor Made. But I'm not sure if they're there this year it was always a big um uh I'm trying to word this in the most uh not x-rated way I can it's a little bit of a of who's got the biggest who's got the biggest driver well Port who's got the biggest size head who's got the biggest head at these shows he's got the longest shaft who is correct perfectly put it's it's a shaft measuring competition yeah okay massive than yours. So let's stop now we get the picture so a lot of Brands will put a lot of emphasis on the The Stand yeah. And certainly Callaway in the past have been the biggest chaff measurers in in the Exhibition Center yeah like I don't you can do a list. And you need to watch the podcast make sure to shut those Arms Wide Open for like 30 seconds and often they'll have like massive big displays and I remember last time when they had jailbreak with epic they had this massive Drive ahead above the stand and the jailbreak bars there you've got you've got all the irons drivers you've got everyone you know Bob voter not Bob vocu is a different brand. But to be honest he's been there like when titles have got it titles are a bit weird with their brought stand. So everyone wears white Blazers I've heard this actually it's a bit weird really but around the tightly stand you've got you might be walking around and suddenly Scotty Cameron walks pasture or Bob volki Watch past you or you know you might be on the Callaway stand and they might have shipped in a tour pro or a long drive guy or Annika Sorensen's there or whatever it may be um you know Taylor Made when I think I last went there in 2018 I think it was you're right they announced the sign of Tiger Woods that was a big thing big they have this big screen with all these cool Tiger Woods images. And this that and the other typically back in the day it was where Brands would launch their new driver lineup. And that's why still now and it frustrates me it really does that's why right now you've seen all these new driver releases coming out in the start of January because really traditional. Or historically we're tying with the PGA show well what if I'm writing thinking isn't correct me if I'm wrong the point of it Year's gone by in let's say 10 15 20 years ago would be that the golf Brands would all go the manufacturer would go there all the PJ Pros in North America not all them but the vast majority would go for a week well for a few days and they would go and place their orders with said manufacturers let's just say I'm John Stevens I'm the head pro at Shields Golf Club I go over there. For three days I order my drives with Callaway with TaylorMade have a quick look at the stuff and I come back and then.


Month all my deliveries come to my Pro Shop correct obviously now that's not how it works people have the internet they have booking systems they have reps that go into the stores etc etc what then.

Really is the point of it it's a bit of a jolly up okay there's a golf industry Jolly Old I I think. So I'm sure the business the business is happening out there like I've got some really important meetings out there with either my partners that I've worked obviously with top Tracer. Or echo or lylan Scott or you know I might chat to a few other brands that might be interested in doing some work with me um and again we made it very clear in last week's podcast those Brands aren't going to be tied into manufacturers um. But you've got those things the other section of the PGA show which I probably neglected last time I went you've also got a section that is almost like new inventions yeah like you've got all these crazy like scientists. And all sorts coming up with all weird wonderful wacky ideas for how they can make golf better on a much much smaller scale when I went to the Manchester golf show which you were obviously had many moons ago you got those little stores. And some of them you think that's quite a bit of potential. And some of them are absolutely terrible. But that's kind of the beauty of these industries isn't it that people can have an idea. And some will take off. And some will not start watching Dragon's Den. Or Shark Tank in America um but no it should be exciting as well as that I'm just conscious annoyingly we have got a bit of a type of time on the podcast today.

So I apologize to that people um but you're also when you're out there taking the cameras you're taking Matt you're gonna be filming talk to me so um yeah the PJ show will do a little bit of filming that you've got sorry just a quick one on the demo day as well the demo days are in Orange County golf club. And it's a massive circular driving range and around the circular driving range you've got all these Brands plotted around whether it's Callaway or Titleist or whatever all the way around and you can watch some products. And this other I remember back in the day I used to do a few reviews I remember doing Nike reviews. And things like that GM golfer Garrett oh yeah that was years. And years and years did you get this picture up where Rick mcgarrett at the Wilson stand um that's when I inspired him to become a YouTuber um yeah I did when I did when I was a judge on the driver versus driver two with Wilson. And Golf Channel had you know did a lot of testing there. And yeah it was all the search on the Tuesday we might do a little bit of filming there that's where also my favorite part of it is where um you know on-course vehicles are also showcased. So it might be like a hardly Davidson type bike where you can put your golf clubs on the back. Or like a golf cart that goes like 70 miles per hour and things like that so I'm sure there'll be some wacky things there as well um so that's Tuesday Wednesday Thursday the actual trade show and then.

From Friday the trade show is gone get out of here you're sourcing at this point sourced out baby bears are plenty would a drank Orlando out of 43 liqueur. And Bailey's but then.

Five days of filming at five incredible golf courses now at the moment what we're doing at those golf courses a little bit up in the air whether it's challenging other craters whether it's challenging tour Pros that might be in the area whether it's breaking 75 at some of these but the five golf course I've got lined up and four of them have confirmed and booked in they are absolutely phenomenal the exciting thing is that you know as a backup you've got five insane break 75s that's the exciting thing like they're gonna be unbelievable to equality however. does this actually could potentially be a said other craters other tour Pros obviously just kind of tying up a few loose ends at the moment. But you're gonna be coming back from this trip essentially with a a a suitcase full of Banger videos yes it's exciting that's what we actually record on uh VHS tapes. And I put them all in a suitcase and just bring them up uh but yeah hopefully that's gonna be really good. And then.

Start February then.

We can start editing. And start filming some new content it's going to be a very busy couple of months the plan is as well. So you've heard this here first next.

Week's podcasts we plan to do it remotely. So I'll be here in the studio and you will be in America. And you can fill me in. And the audience in on how it's going fingers crossed that all goes to plan if it doesn't big worst case we'll miss that week maybe. Or you might do one abroad I don't know. And then.

The following week will be back to normal yeah. But don't worry the podcast is going nowhere we've got some very exciting plans. And some exciting guests lined up as well in the coming weeks and coming months uh before we end this one it's a bit of a short one today.

I do apologize we've got some other things we've got to commit to um. But I've got email and read out and this is a bit more without a bit of a funny start to the podcast a bit silly sometimes. But this is a bit more of a of a deep one um I feel like I might tear off again this one I'm gonna try not to. But I want to read it out I'm not going to read out the guy's full name. So he actually never did say to read it out. But I think we'll just keep trying to see it on that camera if I just can use that all right Matt like that if I just read out his first name he's kind of abbreviated first name I think that'd be okay it's from Cal did hi Rick. And Guy um I've gone back and forth about writing um as a fully response email because I'm fully reserved but I think it's important. For you to know the positive impact you've had on me recently I'm 29 years old I've been a long time viewer on YouTube but recently started to watch the podcast and listen to the podcast the rate 75 series really drew me in and it's gotten to the point where I have to watch every episode The Daily come out unexpectedly the podcast and YouTube channel have helped me through a really tough time over the past few months my dad had been battling cancer for the past decade and his condition recently took a turn of the worst forcing my family to move into a 24-hour Care Facility but most of November and December I would drive every day an hour each way to visit him and sometimes stay overnight just to make sure he was okay during the drive to visit him I would listen to the podcast. And it would make me forget about everything going on I would smile. And laugh even if I was crying minutes earlier when I was with him. And he was resting I would open my laptop. And watch the most recent episode of break75 the way you have fun on the course made me feel like I was there. And it gave me a mental break from reality combined the podcast and YouTube channel made the hardest time of my life that tiny bit easier unfortunately my dad passed away a few days before Christmas golf was a huge part of our relationship. And wanted to share a picture of the last round of golf we played together in 2019 this was the last year he was physically able to play he introduced the game it meets the game 23 years ago. And I haven't been addicted ever since in some of his last days I remember sitting with my dad and watching break 75 at crail and thinking how amazing it would be to play there scene of the landscape combined with the vibes from uio and it had me in a trance so I ended up booking a trip with my girlfriend to visit England and Scotland and we'll be playing crane late April I have no doubt that I never would have heard of the golf course like your content. And cannot wait to experience golf in the UK for the first time at crail so to say this uh thank you Rick guy and the entire team when times are good your content is fun entertaining. And educational when times are bad your content is escape from reality that can bring light to darkest of times keep up the good work I appreciate everything you do wow follow the email from cam wow that's uh well thank you thank you. For listening watching and I'm really sorry to hear about your dad um I'm sure he'll be very um he'll be looking down at you enjoying your time in the UK and crail in Scotland and playing so um thanks for sharing that story with us and like I said really sorry to hear. But you know if we can somehow brighten up people's day when times are hard then.

You know that's a a certain perk of the job yeah no I've sent him an email back. And I might send him another one actually and I don't know you know the exact dates he's here and what our plans are in April obviously it's busy time with the Masters. But if he ends up traveling through near Manchester yeah. And he wants to come and pop in and see the studio tour we'll um we'll try and make that happen but yeah thanks. So much um it means a lot thanks for listening everybody thanks for watching really appreciate it we will see you hopefully next.

Week from a transatlantic podcast via antochelle VIA Zoom. Or something thanks for listening thanks Cam that was nice nice little touch. And uh Ian and Doreen get back to work yeah new uh new members in the clubhouse every single week guys thanks. For listening and we'll see you next.
