It's in the air he went if that's the number it's going to slam dunk it's slam dunked it absolutely slam dunk [Music] i witnessed this last couple of days the best golf shot i have ever seen on youtube. And it comes from your friend of mine and friend of the show young matthew fryer yes. So he's talking to me seen this well i got a text last week or it might be early this week it would have been last week now we're up to and he texts the lads so we're in a group me pete carter and matt and he texted in the group lads something special just happened i've had a hole in one on camera it's the on-camera bit that is the special bit because there's been quite a number of like hole-in-ones now online um probably one of the best ones i've ever ever seen is the one from gm golf matt um i can't never remember his surname sharp i don't know matt from gm golf. Or the good good boy shall say he had a holy one on the path four and it was filmed incredibly loads of cameras. And it's a powerful it's in like three what it was phenomenal that video has gone on to absolutely kill it in views obviously um. And and what was interesting with that video the good good video. And matt's video both times it was called before it was happening like garrett said in that video i feel like someone's going to get a hole in one yeah. And matt on his video said i think this is i fancy getting a hole in one here. So he was over in spain at lacalla golf course i've never been to it looks nice he's on this par three he's doing a bit of filming. And it's the second hole he's filming in it's 142 142-yard path three down the hill surrounded by water at the front right the green almost had a little bit of kind of an africa shape to it almost kind of a big at the back and then.

Kind of slimmed down into the front pin was back left. And he said i'm gonna hit pitching wedge. And he's trying to hit this perfect golf shot obviously he said this is the number. So he hits this pitching wedge full it's in the air he went if that's the number it's gonna slam dunk it's slam dunked it absolutely slam dunked on the clip for the for the youtube version of the podcast we'll hopefully use matt's clip here you can ask him to borrow that we don't even know we'll credit him we'll just steal it um as you can see it is a ridiculous sculpture it actually destroys the hole it destroys a little bit around the top of the corp well what's really interesting when you see it the first time around the hole is some something that's white. And typically on the golf course if you're a really nice golf course sometimes the inner side of the hole gets painted white that is to make it look bigger i think it's actually. So on tv you can see it ah. And then.

Therefore. it's become a bit like a thing with good golf courses so even courses that aren't on television have it now that's quite clever so when this golf ball slams in the hole kind of the white thing like disappears it looks a bit weird so good why has that happened anyway he's obviously buzzing his head off he's like celebrating he's got his camera guy there apparently there was some there was some spanish green keepers close by. Or shouting uno uno uno so he's absolutely loving it and like say it is as clear as anything on video like you cannot miss it it's absolutely perfect. So he's walking down there and when he gets to the hole he's obviously buzzing the white thing that's normally painted is like a plastic lip. And the way that the golf ball has gone in it's almost destroyed that plastic uh little cupping going around it's damaged a little bit of the hole. And and his little stricks in there at the bottom of the car sat there for his third hole in one i honestly think like if you're gonna i'm fortunate i have two hole-in-ones. But i really don't feel like a half because the first one i think i mentioned it before on the podcast. But i was a young junior luckily i was playing with an adult. So it was like all verified it was actually one of my good friends dad who was junior organizer hit this like chippy five iron that was not a very good shot went over over the side of a bunker. And went in didn't see it go in got the hole it was in the second one i had was a much better golf shot about six years ago. And it kind of landed and span in but i didn't see it on the tee only when it got there but it was a good shot. So even though i'm lucky enough to have two i don't feel like i have because i think to watch it go in is the ultimate isn't it yeah. But i think on top of that to slam dunk it on camera oh it's the absolutely stream he called it on the t saying i fancy a hole in one as he hit it. And he said if that's a number it's gonna slam dunk he actually said those words before the ball as well. And it was filmed really well um. So well done matthew you have uh you have completed youtube that's two two peop two mats yeah matt from goodgood. And matt fryer you don't quit well i did i've told you you've completed youtube you don't need to do anything else i actually texted matt fryer. And said we're going to talk about your home on the podcast you have a statement about it. And he's actually just deserved me he's not he's not answered me so um i'll make my ring yeah ring him now actually. And yeah. So we're just gonna ring matt live on her because i'm a bit frustrated that he's been online on whatsapp and not not um answered me see if we can hear him. So it would have been nice of him to hopefully doesn't swear i can hear that maybe maybe it's busy [Music] coach is monday all right okay fair enough he'll kick himself when he finds out it could have been there i'll leave him uk's biggest golf podcast hi i'm not here at the moment. But if you want to leave your name and number or drop me a quick text message i'll get back to you as soon as i can thanks why is that. So serious after you've finished your message just hang out this is good to hear more options please press one hello is that a matthew. Or the friar uh it is ricardo ringing from the caller resort. And we are just seeing you holding one. And we think it is a fake we don't believe it's gone in the hole there was green keepers by the side of the green. And they said no in not going we were saying no hauling one well okay match rick just got him filled just in case you didn't know it was rigged um give us a call back we want to talk about your uh holy moly he's online what's up as we speak he's actually online on whatsapp as we speak bring me back um what was strange voicemail that was he left him. But oh if if you heard the voicemails me and him leave each other they get really strange i've left a voicemail since 2000. really weird um i was going to tell you something else then.

Oh this is mad right. So i i shared it on my instagram okay it's a nice friend because he deserves views he doesn't. So you commented on his video as well obviously he pinned it um this was mad. So i got i got an instant i got a dm of somebody okay i talked about bitter i got i got an ins i got a dm off someone i sent it to him actually um it said this right this was a couple of minutes after i'd posted this is from um you read the person's name out was it jack jack can't watch any more this is what he said this is. So fake it's a joke rick it's a complete fake he's then.

Sent me a screenshot of the video okay if you watch the slo-mo on matt's video you can clearly see it bounce right behind the pin. And then.

Bounce off okay like you're actually. For real how can you even say those words. So i look back at the video i was like right i want to prove what you want about what is this joker on about because matt freire is known as a liar. And a thief no he's a nice guy he's a nice guy. So i went back at the video and watched it and exactly the time the ball slams in the hole that you can clearly see with everyone's clear eyes in the right hand corner a little birdie flies off. And this guy did you tell this guy that no i couldn't be bothered to that was the point i'm going to win against somebody who thinks that's a fake um. But it's so weird so yeah see if matt rings his back okay.