Like most famous golfers will have their kids playing golf. And the new tiger news is that this week he were playing in the pnc tournament with his young boy charlie. And vijay's playing in that of course i didn't i don't know about ej's singing i really didn't know he's playing um but if you remember last year tiger and charlie teed it up and i was actually watching the clips back on youtube the other day at the weekend of how good charlie was. So good now he's had another year to practice his game without impression this young lad how old is like 12. Or 13 is he now probably it's about that age now yeah his golf swing is absolutely unreal if you've not seen it before go on to youtube. And type in tiger woods pnc and you'll find the videos like two ten minute videos are really good. And it's back this week so there's tiger he's playing with his son yeah do i know some names go on right bubba watson. And wayne ball not quite sure i don't know wayne ball nice son it must be all right david devalon bradley duvall gary player sorry i'll say i'll do it gary. And jordan player henrik and carl stenson jim and tana furyk john and john daley yeah little john daly's class justin. And mike thomas who won it last year yeah lee. And daniel trevino mark and sean o'mara matt and cameron kutcher nelly and peter corder all right nice i think that's her dad yes um because one of the quarters got married this weekend. But i don't think it was nelly um nick. And matthew faldo or cernick faldo matthew faldo nick and greg price padraig and paddy harrington well nice that's good uh rich and michael beam stewart i'm not there's only last year stuart and uh region regent sink tom and sean layman tom and michael watson tiger and charlie woods nice and vj and quas sing so i'm going to cheer on. For vj soon well did you all see tiger's real caddy joe with the card. And his son is going to be on charlie's bag which she did last year as well um i'm excited to see him play i'm actually more excited to see charlie play than tiger because i imagine tags can take it very easily i think he'll be right in the cart um. But to watch him i mean again you can't put pressure on you why he's. So young but the way he swings and his mannerisms are. So similar to tiger it's unbelievable it's like in those interviews they did with henny. And dude they were talking about charlie. And how he's getting on with his golf and something other and he said like obviously like most teenagers he gets angry. And gets annoyed but then.

Tiger turned around and said that's all right you can do that. But as long as the next.

Shot to you is more important than breathing that's all that matters yeah i think your dad's saying that to you your neck shot is more important than breathing goodness it's gonna go yeah if he if he can take an ounce of that well competitive spirit of tiger is gonna be unbelievable i thought you're gonna bring another topic to the podcast today.

This idea this idea how famous footballers ah okay yeah we just often often bring up famous footballers yeah exactly we tried this we. So we had a chat with tommy fleetwood around we'll chat with tommy fleet what did you do just chilling um. And i was saying about how in boxing it's quite common that certain boxers have boxer fathers yeah. So you've obviously got um chris eubank christie bankrupt eubank jr nigel and connor ben uh ricky hatton's son what's he called brookie hanson um i can't remember ricky hansen's son has just started boxing there's quite a lot it's quite you know no thing yeah uh you know floyd mayweather's dad was a boxing boxing trainer i believe all that kind of stuff even like tommy fury yeah tyson fiore's dad lee was a boxer yeah um. And then.

In football there's there's quite a lot of footballers who go on to be successful whose fathers were footballers obviously you've got peter michael. And casper michael um you've got frank lampard and frank lampard junior yeah alex oxlade-chamberlain's dad was a footballer mark chamberlain i think he was called there's a lot of footballers um in golf there's very very very few tommy actually real doctors bill. And j house of course but not many and it got me thinking that like again it's not as simple as but if you are a professional boxer. And you have a son and from the age of three they are in the boxing gym going on the pads. And understanding the simple bits of box and it becomes almost like like walking to them it looks like it appears to be there's a chance they may go on to be it's decent boxing same with football now i know again there's going to be some obviously things that will inherit speed. And whatever it might be but again a lot of footballers have had sons that go on to be excellent footballers we know that most golfers who have children play to some level yeah well i almost think they all do you seem to do like most famous golfers will have their kids playing golf yeah. But most professional golfers do i tell you what there is a lot of golf pros who now are famous playing pros such as justin thomas yeah his dad his dad mike thomas is a pga golf professional who has coached him from obviously when he was young. And i'm sure there's many more examples but there's not many have been famous golfers who now have famous kids playing out on tour i'm sure we'll get an influx of people saying oh yeah the people switch bodies well even in football what's the guy um erling harland who plays. For dortmund who's like one of the most famous footballers in the world i mean his dad was a footballer as well um. And he but it's not even like they just play at a decent level at the top of the elite yeah. And even like you look at some of the footballers now like cristiano ronaldo's kids are in like united academy. And like um it was the the big thing that happened this weekend robbie savage his son charlie savage um got his debut at man united old trafford in the in the champions league match against young boys i think it was. So it's like that kind of sparked the conversation um what's interesting is it is it now where we're going to see this big wave coming through do you think well that's what i was going to get there will be people i said emailing i'm sure who can give us a few examples like. And that's that's great because it will be. But there's definitely without question loads more footballers you've gone to have sons who play professionally than there's golfers at top level it's even going back to f1 mick schumacher yeah microsoft yeah he's he was not competing just. Yet properly but he's he's there he's in the race well is it is it then.

Because with golf you know you might have genetics to some degree. But it just takes so much more than just being i don't know is it the skills that you learn are much harder to learn should i say. So skills that you require are much harder to learn where to learn to race a race car it's it's their it's their intention i mean like the skills to yeah race a race car you can be taught those skills start off sometimes i mean the other angle is i mean obviously it's clearly very very very hard to get to top level of professional football. Or boxing of course is. But like i suppose as a footballer a lot of your practice is done in a team where you will get told what to do. And obviously some of them will go. And practice out of you know on their own and stay doing free kicks whatever but golf you have to on your own don't you really and you have to want and that desire and like tommy said that he was practicing all conditions he wanted to be as good as he could be is it again if you're born into a family where your father is a famous girlfriend worth multi millions of quid well you might like golf you may not have that desire to go. And practice for six seven eight hours a day in the rain like your dad would have done potentially is it is that the reason i don't know the other final little one. And this is probably quite a cynical look at it do you think if you in football if you have a famous surname you get spotted a little bit easier by the scouts possibly do you. So do you suddenly get a little bit of a leg up just because of your surname yeah rightly. Or wrongly do you get some more advantages let's say because let's say a scout goes. And watches a match and suddenly they see on the start sheet cristiano ronaldo junior yeah yeah they're gonna watch cristiano ronaldo junior aren't they hundred percent where in golf you can't do that like if if ian pulsar's son luke wants to then.

Come play in the open your dad can't influence that kind of the only thing yeah no he's not gonna do it he has to do it off his own right. So the only thing he could say then.

That is definitely true is that someone's again luke poulter. For example ian paul's son he is either think gonna have the best equipment the best coaches the facilities at home. So although we might not get necessarily invited to go and play in the tournaments he still should have the best chances yeah. And he looks like he's gonna be a really good goal he might go i don't know it's just something that caught me i mean there's other sports as well. So there's loads of examples where people don't necessarily have sons that gone through i just thought compared to certainly football well even that thing max verstappen his dad was a racist was he yeah he just won the f1 this i feel like i want to talk about f1 a lot. But the only thing with f1 i suppose is he couldn't really use it is because how many kids at school start playing football. Or playing basketball playing even golf whereas no kid plays f1 unless there's a reason does f1. Or this is a reason why your father would get you into it because i'm sure hamilton's dad was a had a go-kart yeah. Or something that's how they all started that's what i mean you wouldn't even have the chance to start you wouldn't think yeah like like i want i'm i'd love my little boy. Or all my girls obviously to get into like go-karting and stuff i think really yeah i think i'd really really enjoy a random one. But i've got no. But i don't know how to do that they would well i would either need to force it on them to a degree take him to the go-kart. And track every single weekend because he's not going to do it at school oh yeah formula one gokai it's cool um anyway i'm a bit i was a bit annoyed about it. For me.