Breaking news the rick shields golf show podcast is live on tour in london on saturday the 28th of may how exciting seven out of ten seven out of ten that's not bad. And if you guys book now and buy your ticket which you can do by the link down below here on this youtube video if you book the place out then.

That will that number will gradually get to nine out of ten excited i'd like to get to nine yeah nine out of ten excitement would be good i'd say. For the salford lowry i was a nine out of ten maybe even a ten out of ten to match that would be incredible i think the excitement of the first one will never get beaten however. however. this time is in the big smoke in ldn london town it is. And it's an exciting one because it's the podcast show 2022 live live from london it's all week from the 23rd of may to the 29th of may and basically we we're like headline acts we want elite podcast acts don't they you know like a saturday night at glastonbury yes that's when you get your headliner yes we are saturday night lining we are just after ellis james. And john robbins and we are straight after are we start 6 30 start well i think the doors are 6 30. you know we're not gonna come out at 6 30. we'll kind of saunter out at probably half seven maybe a couple of cans deep yeah definitely this is our islington assembly hall yes sounds like a school hall. But it's not it's a proper theater uniform we want it's a proper theater um it's gonna be a little bit different to the live show that we did to celebrate the 100 episodes because this time we've we've had a live show under our wing now this is a more chilled out vibe there this is going to be maybe not even filmed. And recorded so it could even get x-rated in parts you have to be there live in london saturday the 28th of may at islington to be part of the show so as you said the website link will be in the description. And as a pinned comment it's a weird website but i'm gonna read it out now in case anybody just wants it reading out so it's s j m dot l n k dot t o forward slash tps rick weird website i know but it's i think it's been a little what's it called you're short on a website a bit link bit link bit linked. So exciting times we um we don't have a clue what we're doing just yet no they're really not at all. But it'll be a good show will your vibe change your persona in london that's what i'm i'm kind of like cockney rick a little bit just a little bit of a geezer a little bit potentially it could be certainly if we sell tickets if we sell out the show a different rick turns up well the beauty is as we said on the last podcast if in four weeks time we're still banging out about the live podcast we haven't sold tickets. So hopefully after this you'll never hear about it again if you've sold all the tickets it's the last reminder live show the rickshaws golf show mean guy in london the capital of england where the queen lives basically yes. And if you want to fly over from international countries that's absolutely fine restrictions have lifted yeah why not you bet you should do a bit no if you don't unless you're at the 16th hole at scottsdale arizona then.

You are bad if you're a beer thrower you're not coming i would actually quite like some beer. For an atlas gig beer throwing not allowed you will get kicked out. So saturday 28th of may book your tickets use the link down below let's sell this out there's other podcasts on this week that week going on we want to be the biggest quickest sold outest dist podcast that the show has ever had you're not looking forward to. So that's the 28th of may which is obviously a saturday as you said on the wednesday which would be like the 20 whatever 25th someone says um what do you do this weekend guy oh gigging in london. And i can't be honest gigging digging again big time so guys if you want to support the podcast we really appreciate it come watch us live it'll be fun if you throw beers at us we'll throw beers at you yeah 28th of may get your tickets down below sign out bye -bye let's sell this thing [Music].