From 31 to 6.6 having taken into account his three birdies and one and our blob [Music] right so i've got something here that i can't believe this is real okay. And i think like chris listened to the podcast three times yeah this is even more of a lie. But it's in black and white it's more of a lie oh listen to liars um yeah i've read it. And i wonder if there is a typo in this that then.

Makes it seem. So outlandish okay hit me i don't think there is. So it's not idea it's just literally an email so it says dear rick and guy love the podcast and youtube content keep up the great work just wondering if you wouldn't mind reading this out to your listeners in the next.

Couple of weeks i'd be interested in your thoughts and how you dealt with this situation now it does yeah okay i'm gonna read it last weekend our club member our club members were invited to play the annual captain's day followed by the usual prize presentation free buffet entertainment in the evening all paid. For by the captain as always there are a handful of prizes up. For grabs and as you can imagine everything that's gone over the last 18 months it was well attended by a decent number of members of all abilities yep the main prize was a stable competition. And it was 95 of your handicap off the back tees to my knowledge there was no handicap limit the eventual winner was a young lad in his mid-20s having recently just joined the club his winning staleford score of a handicap of 31 okay was 54 stableford points that's a lot. So 18 under his handicap okay beating an eight handicapper into second place by 10 points. And that eight handicapper on the day played a scratch so the eight handicapper got 44 points played to scratch obviously had the absolute day of their life and lost out by 10 points right the winner walked off with a hundred pound cash prize nice i believe he made a speech to an almost stunned audience thanking the green keepers etc before um being informed of a subsequent handicap cut okay this is where i find how to believe now it comes in. So he's off 31. so all that you believed well i believe somebody can get 54 points very hard to do. But there's off 30 when they played to 13. it could happen so he was playing off 29 as well it's 95. okay. So he's playing off 29 so he's actually played 11 then.

Yeah this isn't going where you think it's going i think you're gonna go at cheating route it's not going that way this is what gets weird the subsequent handicap cut as calculated by england golf was huge okay from 31 to 6.6 having taken into account his three birdies. And one nr blob on the par 73 track which i may add has a slope rating of 139 now i must admit that's in america is it no it's over here now i'm not massively up on slope rating. So that must be a tough one sure people will be knowing now because i've not played any comps in the new handicap system. But i think 139 is a tough one i'd be interested to see if any of your listeners have known of a higher score than this. And what are your thoughts on whether it should have been addressed. And challenged by the club i don't know much about the lad other than he comes from good golf in stock he has a sibling of plus four and his old man can play having previously been a scratch golfer it would good to be here your thoughts this is probably gonna go down in club folklore my god is it like nick faldo's grandson. Or like lee westwood's the first first starting cousin yeah like what you said the first part is how amazing of a score that is outrageous which. So we shot 13 over he shot 13 over pat well no 11 over if you're saying he's off 29. 29 is nice he's shot yeah he's shot 11 over power then.

If my match is correct yeah he's played he played 1800 handicapped yeah. So if you're seeing enough 29 18 will be 11 over power yeah. So that that yeah okay plus he's had a blob. And he did a blob yeah. So so effectively and i know that this world handicap system can be a bit bizarre depending on how many comps you've played. But to be cut from 31 to 6.6 and that's where i found one that it should be 16.6 but that would seem then.

To not quite fit the narrative of the story because that would almost seem semi-believable caught although it still be ridiculous so so and he's had three birdies he's lost 25 shots off his handicap that must be some of the club's done just as opposed to just whs i am not i don't don't know can you still have general play adjustments i suppose a lot of it comes down to what his last 10 rounds have been. Or 20 rounds have been as well but they can't be low surely because it wouldn't be a 301 let's say there was one oh yes the start was really really that's knocked out now. And then.

Yeah. And that's knocked out and then.

Suddenly the rest of them have been quite low like i said the only logical thing there is 16 handicap. And not six but i think it is 6.6 because the fact he's put 0.6 as well i feel like he was just 16 years. But 16. yeah if i just put six point six it leads me to believe that's crazy in it that must be the biggest handicap cut ever yeah yeah it's gotta be on it because 54 points like you say as outrageous as that is it is ridiculous yeah because. And again for i don't think americans play stable. For very often no. So american listeners stableford is a really i really like stableford as a former it's a point system. And to play to your handicap you've got to have scored 36 points so that means you've got two points per hole you get two points per hole for making a net par you make three points for making a net birdie you make four points for making a net eagle you make only one point for making a net bogey and you make nothing after that so you could have one or two holes where you have an absolute nightmare and you can just pick your ball up. And you you scored zero points on that hole that's why i love stableford yes. So to have 54 points as guy mentioned that's 1800 under his handicapped there's three points a whole oh my goodness fair dudes fair dues he's never gonna come again is he i thought handicapped he's won by 10 yeah handicapper did well handicapper shot level par his handicap would have got chopped yeah if this if the course index whatever is tough if it's a past 73 they've said yeah it's quite a high power really yeah it must be a fairly long track you think you can imagine wow well there you go um. So i've got some we'll get you an award most improved golfer of the rickshaws girl show podcast um a couple of questions on facebook so again our wonderful facebook group the rick shields golf show podcast on facebook come and join why not free it is we are going to start with the charges at the moment two pounder person per month that'll be. So from richard joyce would you rather gain another two million subscribers over the next.

Five years or see tiger break the major records major win record gotta be subscribers i don't know it's gonna be tiger that's it yeah i'll tell you what i'll do your deal there's no deals i'll do this okay tiger. So currently currently we get about 12 to 15 million views a month let's say i'll take if we can get to 25 million views a month. And tiger wins majors then.

I'm happy with that that's that's and if subscribers stay where they are oh you gotta do off this i think tiger you'd right. So you could keep your subscribers the same they are now. For the next.

Five years i'll give you two minutes that's why i get it guessing it is because it's gained two million. Or say the same i think yeah. But we can get three we can get to three million nine hundred ninety nine thousand i'll just state just slightly under four million no it's it's all. Or nothing that's the question he's saying two million more yeah well what about if i only gain one point five that's not the point i think he makes it mean you can either keep as you are now. So you can have the stage you are now. And tiger get when the mages okay. Or tigers and you get two million more subscribers that's what he's asking essentially tiger yeah yeah another man be more successful than you yeah i don't mind [ Music].