All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 169. nice I'm back in the UK Hi how are you very good are you I'm all right I'm not too bad good just like that I've done another trip to the US it was fun yeah you didn't miss much I don't want to be there anyway god um today's episode honestly we've got too much to talk about yeah sometimes we start a podcast. And we've got a few little nuggets here and there and we kind of uh freestyle it don't we willy-nilly this is arguably you know like when you get um a Subway which ironically we've got on coming after this podcast. And it's almost too full of meatballs and you want your meatballs you paid for your meatballs you want extra meatballs but it's almost too it's hard to digest I think we could have brought out three different podcasts this week yeah almost a podcast. For each one of the topics um in today's topic or in today's episode um in a minute we're going to touch on America yes. And I might have a few little cheeky surprises what she said right um it was a surprise. And then.

Um we're gonna talk about the drama of the bloody silicon Bridge yes Bryson dechambeau no longer with Cobra yes shock shock that is huge news you've simply titled this video if you watched on YouTube. And the thumbnail if you're listening I'm showing you the title massive news on Bryce I'm going to come on too we're also going to talk about your friend of mine Dan Gavin's yep trying his best to throw a tournament away that was insane. But managing to hold on we'll talk about that as well um also I know you're a bit jealous of this and I think many people listening might be jealous I've watched all of the episodes of full swing the new Netflix documentary I am jealous a full swing is available to usmere um what do you class people as you've not seen it. Yet Vermin us birming I was normal folk who have to wait. For Netflix things to come out to the public yeah you've got to watch it early Netflix reached out to me. And said would you like Early Access I went yes yes I do. So for those people listening watching who aren't sure of full soon we did touch it a couple of weeks ago it's that new documentary which obviously you'll tell us much more about without any spoilers ideally although most it can't even spoiled can it because a lot of things have happened in life now actually go on then.

Tease me with this. So it's Eight Episodes right they're roughly between 38 minutes and 50 minutes okay okay. And it's very much in the same ill because the F1 you have to survive yeah break point um each episode follows the lives of either one tour player. Or many times two tour players and often when they follow two tall players it's almost like they're at very different points in the lives okay now without giving too much away. But I do think I can talk about it um this podcast never seen like a day um. For the for example the first one is called Frenemies. And it's all about the story of Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas nice that was a really interesting because they're like competitors. But the mates that's really good you've got Brooks kapka and Scottish Scheffler so again that's another episode where Brooks Kepler is in at the peak. And he's kind not saying he's on his demise I don't get kicked out this is beef with you I want to get we're getting kicked out of any nightclubs again. But yeah he's he's obviously one of four majors. And then.

Kind of like struggling a little bit where you've got Scottish Chef will come out of nowhere. And his winning Majors left right at the center so it's really really interesting um I watched it also with my wife did she watched them all with you not all of them because I watched a couple in America we've got Early Access in America. And I watched the rest of them pretty much last two days I've binged I wanted to get her perspective of someone who really truth be told isn't into golf at all did it change your perception she I don't I worry it didn't change her perception of golf as a sport okay I don't think now watching it it's going to bring that many new people into the World of Golf right okay that's that's my honest opinion right now. But it really connects you to the to the people that they feature yeah like suddenly now I know a lot more about all these different tour players yeah I suppose in in a way then.

That might if you are a kind of a sports fan he's not a huge Golf. And he decides to watch it's on Netflix Netflix which hopefully lots of people will do. And it'll shine some more eyes on the sport we all love if you do start to get behind a Scottish Chef Laura Brooks. Or whoever it might be that may then.

Give you the incentive to watch through the tournaments that they're playing and you might have a bit of a favorite possibly yeah actually you're probably right with that actually yeah because. For example I know your wife started watching drive to survive she loved it and but she's got into F1 she's actually started watching F1 even without me we'll come home on like a Sunday one she'll want to put the F1 on and is that because she's following her favorite driver now I think it's a little bit of both I think she got behind some of the drive. And start to kind of I think it's quite likes Lewis Hamilton a few of the drivers. But it was also that she kind of understood the sport a bit more because I was the same it sounds silly. And people who were hardcore F4 F1 fans will probably cringe at this. But I just thought it was just cars wasn't around the track didn't really understand the whole thing of it once you have some very basic knowledge. And that's all I've got very very basic knowledge you do understand the the sport a bit more. And it's either for golf people I'm sure everybody knows that golf is getting a ball into a hole that's as simple as that. But once you start understanding the rules a bit more the importance of some of the tournaments the different tours that there obviously are which I know he's explained quite a lot in this program the golf as their personalities I think golf is one of the sports where you've probably show your personality the least don't you really yeah. So to actually see people's personalities I think we'll draw some new fans in hopefully it they've definitely made me connect with golfers the ones that featured differently right I've got stronger opinions about those golfers off the back of watching it name me two. Or near me three guys from it you would love to get on either the podcast on a 10 shot challenge with yourself now one million percent Tony Fina Tony it comes across as a nice guy and the stuff I have seen it's better than that you see his family's got quite a lot of kids that's not five kids wow his whole background is upbringing everything like it's that is that was one of the most fascinating episodes of the whole series um my wife loves him yeah like thinks he's the best thing since last bread. And again I suppose that now if I flicked on golf on the weekend I was watching the TV she'd probably ask me how's Tony getting on because she's now got a fake she has got a favorite yeah um that episode was brilliant uh Joel Damon okay yeah that was a really interesting story like he's such a journeyman he doesn't really seem to care he's just kind of excited. For that just like uber talented yeah they really touch on live in a negative way. Or does it just these positives as well um you get you get to hear the opinion of players who move to live you I think you get a much more uh candid honest opinion of why they move to live money yeah time yeah. But but I don't think that always gets out in the Press does it you know sometimes when they do a press conference I think they're a bit guarded I think what's weird about it is everybody knows let's be honest that players have got to live have gone. For money and they've gone for time that's for two reasons isn't it there's no really other reason to go up as far as I can think of. But yeah not many guys a handful have not many have come out. And actually said it as simple as that have they there's another formatics format excites them. And all this stuff when really it's not that is it they would have played three days of stroke play if that's what it was just normal well it is trouble you know what I mean normal tea times everything like that. Or four days whatever um but yeah if guys are coming out. And being honest about it I think you almost respect them more. For just being honest yeah the one thing I was hoping they would do they followed the life a little bit about Joel Damon's um relationship with his best friend who is his caddy you get a bit of that story I would have probably wanted a bit more of that a bit more like the background of events yeah like what's you know even just an episode all about caddies. Or an episode all about manufacturers and tortures that would have been good I think there's the that. And again I'm not sure if the F1 touched on that a little bit but it seems so much focused on each episode was a new player well that was one thing in the F1 can you only watch a couple of episodes yeah I didn't watch well you did actually see a lot about the the car um manufacturers at the right yeah um you got to the like head office the history behind them all maybe the cars are a bigger deal in F1 no golf clubs ours wasn't in golf. But still that would have been quite nice to see some of that we are going to touch on again Bryce. And some of his golf club play in this podcast I'm very excited to get stuck into that I would have loved to have seen a Bryson episode yeah I'm not sure if he was ever tipped to be on it not sure. And I genuinely took they touched on tiger almost in every single episode I would have loved a tiger episode just in this house chilling and and because I do think the way that the shot the documentary you really do get in you feel like you're part of the house it's amazing actually they've done a really good job Netflix have done a great job how much it's going to grow the sport I don't know. Yet again watching it watching my wife who's non-golfer she definitely found more time for fancy relaxed Ian Porter right and she really liked um Tony fee now and I think because they're such family men yeah you know. So maybe she doesn't know that about certain type of golfers I think it's a win-win because obviously this program isn't really designed to to bring new golfers to the game it's been brought to Netflix to obviously have a lot of eyeballs. And make Netflix more money I guess or make people who have Netflix Services perceive value they're getting more content obviously streamed on the TVs Etc if you're a golfer there's a good chance you're going to watch it from your small review there it sounds pretty good reads out of 10. I think series one is a strong 8.7 out of 10 perfect. For golf season two because it could bring in Tiger Bryson ten and have me as a presenter 10. oh no Verizon got me oh. So right inside got me up you brought me right back down again Netflix yeah ring me season two we'll bring in a minute saying Rick you weren't NDA you're not supposed to talk about the series I must admit I've been a kid in the Sweet Shop getting like Early Access I'm like this is. So cool but yeah no it's really really good well from a golfer's point of view if you think it's an 8.7 out of 10 it sounds good hopefully some non golfers like your wife will watch it will enjoy it'll start to see some of the golfers as more than just golfers personalities As Nice people it sounds like a bit of a win-win. For everybody talking about America though so the last time we spoke I was just about to go out to Bay Hill yes these break 75s are going to be coming soon Bay Hills the hardest golf course I've played in my life. And he still breaks 75 so I don't know anymore I don't even know it was breaking Rick Shields episodes um Bay Hill. So I had the pleasure of playing with Arnold Palmer's son-in-law nice I got to meet Amy Palmer if she's I think she's actually got a different name now. But uh Arnold Palmer's daughter wow we got to go into the um office of Arnold Palmer oh my word which is hardly not it's hardly changed it wouldn't let us film in there respectfully understandably I got to sit in his chair oh my God. And I got to sign the visitor book um Bay Hill as a as a venue is incredible it's bloody hard like honestly guy I'm not not exaggerating this if you're off the Fairway. And I played off the bat back tees like 7 500 yards if you miss the Fairway it's hard to find your golf ball ouch the rough is is not it's not deep. But it's so thick like they were showing me the grass they were pulling up the grass. And like every single strand of grass was like multiplied by five like it was like five strands of grass every blade. So that was really good. So that's coming out so we did we managed to get Iowa worth with uh Ryan Ruffles that's gonna be cool which I think I spoke about last podcast Sawgrass Bay Hill. And then.

Another really exciting video where I surprised a few fans from the USA talking about surprises though guy segued in nicely broke some gifts back oh this is my favorite part of the show you can go to America every week. For me if you want I'll give you permission Rick or the remote podcast then.

The week after you bring me back presents to the point where we had to buy another suitcase to come home wow we bought so much stuff okay where do you want to start with this um start the worst. And build me up okay we bought some things. For the office okay. So I want strictly what tell me what's mine and what's not mine because I don't want to think someone's mind if it's not well. For people listening maybe you need to watch yeah. So we got giddy okay. And I bought a couple of things in a sports shop okay she's gonna be in the office. And we'll all become Now American why is Sam smirking around the camera. So much so first thing oh that's pretty cool American football okay second thing sorry I have to bleep that this is a second hand baseball glove wow. And secondhand baseball why second hand just because it's already broken it'll come into another story in a minute okay because we had a friend that took us to a secondhand shop obviously okay yeah start golfing yeah right you ready yep am I throwing it to you yeah oh nice good catch thanks I've been practicing. So so that's for the office okay okay yeah great the footballs really go well yeah the American Football we've got a few other things. For the office and I'll come on to your presence football's really nice for the office player's flag very nice that might be in here or might be in the actual editing Suite Harry's on me look at that it's very good also for the edit for the podcast oh lovely a little Bay Hill flag and for the table oh wow Bay Hill we've got Bay Hill coasters they are going to be on this table the audience like yes really. And join your bits yeah please I don't know where I'll start with this I'm nervous how many bits are there all together. For me so I know what to accounting to expect five [Laughter] presents right let's start did I get more than your children from your American trip yeah they only got one person yes my wife only got one present all right. So first place we went to was isleworth okay oh let's have a look I got you some not all of these. But you can take your pick oh wow. And then.

The rest of them are going to be. For the lads I I saw you in that personally so we've got some aisle with caps we've got some TPC Sawgrass hat they are sick I paid. For all this by the way um okay. So take I'll take one of each is that we're saying yeah. And then.

Some of that Bay Hill hats oh wow oh there's a certain Vibe for me where the like black like black or dark gray ones back so yeah you've got squon black. Or dark black or dark gray quite simple logo on the front they're a bit of me then.

So you've got three presents there a hat from isleworth a hat from both it's like a or grass okay yeah. So when when you go to drive range next.

You'll stick your bow Hill uh Bay Hill hat on and they go oh you play Bear Hill just go no I've heard the roof really thick rough really thick that's all you need to say yeah some really nice hats. So thank you very much oh my God this guy you got seven presents what the hell I've got you a pencil from both aisleworth and okay not quite as good. But I still appreciate it it's really nice all that the premium though they're not just any pencil right now also I'm gonna take a seat for this I've got one more final present which actually wasn't for me but I'm gonna claim it okay um you mentioned before we went to America yes I've lost my breath a bit it's emotional right I'm not getting emotional um in the UK at the moment you cannot buy this drink in fact it's going up in value ridiculously okay. And I'm proud two YouTubers have created such an incredible brand so I brought you some oh very nice very nice the energy drink oh wow that is a bit of me now the problem is I want one of them okay. And I think I want this one okay that's fine tropical punch which you give whatever you want me to have a punch can I test it lavender. And it could be a good shot and then.

We'll do it rick Shields review test Prime Harry get ready. For a short for this you ready so I'm gonna go first let's get the camera on you first and I'll do it orange mango this is this is what it's come down to we said we had an action-packed episode. For you today.

So Prime orange mango energy drinks okay hold as well they weren't even in the fridge foreign oh my God that's amazing that's what you're supposed to do with it um that's actually really nice is it yeah genuinely okay how are you on me. So I've got um other TVs off at the back um I've just spot the drink everywhere we fixed TV at the back we need a coaster in the coast if we only had any coasters um Sligo now Harry are trying to keep that yeah that TV does it matter I'll go now. So I've got um hi I'm guy Janet Welcome to The Rook Shields golf show channel if you just come here to see my prime review thank you I'm gonna try the Prime energy a tropical punch as brought to you by Logan Paul and KSI oh nice that was really good are you ready okay smells good nice yeah very very nice to be fair you need a Bay Hill no sugar um that's actually really good. So yeah I could say hey all the time maybe one more taste Prime by the way if you want to sponsor that's really good if you want to sponsor the podcast this is what it could look like okay if that was in the shops in the UK really available it was like 150 a can I probably get it most days I think cheers I think this looks good right now we are actually I've done a pitch. For advertisement here by Logan Paul and KSI thank you very much doesn't end wow this is just the start doesn't end right when we're over in the US of a in Orlando to be specific we collaborated with stack golf yes I mentioned it last week on the podcast dinner. And the video of theirs has gone out now where they take me thrift shopping okay. So you go around all these charity shops that's where we bought the ball and the glove as well right from a charity shop yeah I used uh sports shop um bought loads of golf clubs went to a driving range the videos banged on [Laughter] trying to tell a story. And the prime comes back up sorry this is this has gone is this [Laughter] um. So we went shopping and we went to a driving range and at the end of the driving range um we gave away the clubs it was really good the video was killing it on their Channel make sure you check it out because actually we give the clubs away in that video I take a few of them anyway. So at the end of that video we got to the car park and John and I should go oh Rick got a present for you yep guys that's really nice here they gave me I've actually not brought it Scotty Cameron Oh my days like an unbelievable Scotty Cameron I'm like wow um so that was pretty cool yeah the day after we met him again okay. And they brought two more it's got Cameron's okay one of them was. For Sam cameraman one of them was. For Matt yeah the cameraman. So I'm very nice I mean unbelievable Jordan actually superstars however. there was one person missing Harry oh yeah Harry Harry didn't get anything um. So I spoke to John Ashley I said Do me a solid do you happen to have any more of those Scotty cameras floating around. For a certain co-host of a podcast who can't make it because he just had a baby I mean I have picked him up on the podcast I actually think I got you on to Stacked golf originally. So they do owe me a little bit wow in return that brought you a present all the way oh my God roll please I'm excited. And nervous I'm trying to find something really rubbish below the desk to you ready shut your eyes Okay the short straight your eyes put your arms out watch me can oh it's a steel shaft open I gave you a Scotty Cameron Oh my days that is sick how cool is that that is. So good so it's like a is it like a lagooner. So if you're listening you need to come watch the podcast it's a Scotty Cameron it's like a gunmetally finish the Circa 62 model number one I remember these coming out wow this is Scotty Scotty Cameron head cover can't even speak I'm shaking that is sick how good is that wow thank you John. And Ashley thank you so much that is absolutely awesome. So now we've all got one apart from Harry if you've not checked out stacked golf I'm sure you have after Rick's recent video with them go and check them out and just say guy really likes you thank you so much oh there's some presents right let's get all these off the desk okay let's get stuck here it's rubbish um. So yeah nice little shopping trip. For you go away more often Rick thank you my wife's I bring I brought my wife home about uh um a would you call it a box based at the top of their own would you call it what an actual Toblerone what would you call it actually got the metabolo I got my wife a Toblerone you got all those those nice goodies wow thank you so much well um I want a nice start of the podcast but let's get stuck into the absolute um I don't know what I'm gonna say that that was the starter that was the start this is the main course yes um well first things first yesterday um we saw as you said at the start a guy who actually has been on a channel a lot of people might not realize this. So Dan Gavins or Daniel Gavin's uh won on the DP World Tour and he won by one stroke it's a lot of people that might not be a story but the way he went about winning the tournament was absolutely insane I um as I've said on many many podcasts don't watch loads of loads of golf which I'm trying to watch a bit more recently. And yesterday I put the golf on and he was on the 16th hole. And he had a couple of shots leading um we know Dan because when we went to um the European tour qualifying school back in 2018 we did a little mini documentaries actually on the channel uh I suggested on the watch of it was quite good um. And we we chose about five or six guys to kind of focus on the Journey of trying to qualify for the European tour some of which got the tour card some of which didn't and the reason we filmed with damn we didn't know at all at the time was that he was one of the guys that had no caddy. And he was pulling a pull trolley. And it just looked kind of quite not so much funny but quite like there's something nice about it something really kind of awesome wholesome that he was there on his own I think he's actually on his own didn't have any friends. Or anything with him um obviously would have been friends some of the golfers but in Spain trying to battle to get his tour card and he actually got his tour card and we went out for McDonald's with him and all this stuff and it was really funny. And I think even at that point he'd feature on a few golf mates videos yeah. So Liam from golf makes got a great Channel he he was had he already I'm not sure yeah do you think he maybe had. But anyway Liam from golf Mates is obviously unlocked with Dan Liam's carried. For Dan as well did it even win when Liam was in the back. So those guys are very close I know he's been on a few other channels as well we talked about it on the podcast when he won when yeah when Liam cadded. For Dan Gavin's in Ireland and they won where at that time he posted a really early Clubhouse lead and he held on where this time round it was very very different. But Dan's a great guy I mean I'm actually not played golf with him I've only seen him play golf what's that just a side note what's insane now when you actually look at the DP world. And the leaderboard where it flicks from one page to another pretty much every time it does that there's a one person on there. Or two that we've either filmed with or we've had on the channel the podcast and if you remember the guy who won qualifying that year was Zander Lombard yeah. And he came second wow so like those guys who we'd filmed in Lumina 2018 we didn't feature but he wouldn't qualify in that time these guys are you know they're the new wave of incredible golfers well the main news is Dan went on to obviously to win the tournament. And and that's great obviously it's two European tall wins for more DP world tours we now say but the way he went about winning was absolutely insane. So the guy that who was the guy that ended up coming second beyond beyond he ended up boguing the last of part five which on the on the 18th T Daniel sends you had a three-shot lead. So he could double bow the last to win it was pretty evident that he hadn't at this point spoke to his cardio looked at the actual scoreboard because the way he went about playing last hole was bizarre um I'll let you elaborate on it it's a par five there's water all the way down the right hand side of the hole pretty much from T to Green there's outer bounds left. And Dan's been hitting his driver brilliant all day Paradigm however. he's been porting unbelievable all day like I think he set a record. For I think he had something like 94 ports in a 72 hole tournament what's that again he had 94 ports in total yeah in a 72 hole tournament. So it sounds obvious if you two put every hole that'll be 144 pots oh my gosh it was it was below 100 anyway I'm pretty sure it was nice it's 94.95. So stunning that t he's been hitting driver great all day and there's no reason why he shouldn't hit driver I still think I would still say you should hit driver off that too he hits driver. And a very nervy Dan Gavin's hit this kind of pushy fade and it went straight in the water I'm sure many people have probably watched this you have to re-t because his crossing point was straight off the tee he hits three off the T he's still in the middle of the Fairway bombed by the way second attempt it it's easy that second time second four shot into the green he still thinks right now he's gonna make bogey at worst because I don't think he realizes the guy in France made bogey now this one down. And put your brains on obviously you know you've played it a better stand than I have um slightly I'm joking um you do hear about golfers some have different approaches some guys want to play on the golf course. And abs and have no idea of how other people are doing. And want to play their own game to get that but surely when you're leading a tournament going in the last hole it wasn't the last group having said that. But the group behind him weren't massively In Contention when you're coming down the stretch surely you know with a powerful with water and danger we saw Rory obviously very well he was very clever now he tackled the 18. For Dubai last week the way he played it the way he played at the second show he hit this third award and ended up putting the water that surely has to be the totally the wrong play you know going back to when I was an American played Bay Hill there's massive large leaderboards everywhere right up now because the tournament's in a few weeks you could not stand on the tee. And not know where you are in a tournament maybe in DP World Tour certainly that event there might not be as many leaderboards dotted about. But even the commentators were saying surely you'd ask that even the cameraman like there's a cameraman there what did he make up in front of me like what do I need to do to win he went aggressive he hit three wood into the water. For his fourth shot he then.

Takes a drop for five hits it onto the green for six this is a par five. And but it wasn't a great shot he hit it now 28 feet and then.

He sinks this incredible double bogey port for a seven on the final hole which I'd actually love to get some stats on how many players have won with the double bogey down the last I remember Scotty sheffler did it in the Masters last year. And there's not I bet there's not many people who have double boged the last and lost two balls and still won a tournament now I was. So hot obviously I don't really know Danny might even remember me to me but we've met and he was a nice enough lad I thought that three wood shot was was a peculiar one you would think in Principle as caddy would have said hit an iron down there then.

Hit onto the green take two puts make you double bogey worst case. And you've won the tournament he went three wood and then.

He obviously chipped it on not great I was really really really rooting. For him to hold that pop because to see if he'd have missed that and then.

Got into a playoff maybe lost it would have been heartbreaking it would have been kind of Jean Van developer could have ended his career I don't know Joe I mean those scars. And what's insane is I think actually. And I mean again I'm not nowhere near a sports psychologist. And I'm kind of guessing I'm gonna say this but in a bizarre way going from like you said endless to Korea although he's already caught a great career already now that could go on to really really make his career because he's felt those nerves he's felt that oh my god what have I done here he's then.

Hold the pot. And had massive massive bottle to do. So there must be some good feeling now knowing that when times get tough and times get hard he's got the balls to actually pull it out the bag and do it which he did. So super cute as to him I texted him last night saying congratulations pal is put thank you Rick I've put enjoy the celebrations yeah because he I reckon he got smashed last night yeah you know what's crazy though. And and taking nothing away from Dan because that was a great win. And I said it's. So great to see your youngish you know he's talking about about 30 my age you know English side's doing well on tour it's brilliant but it was kind of my wife kind of saw me watching she was kind of half watching it. And um obviously the week before we'd been watching Rory it was a Monday that Rory won over the weekend would watch Rory. And I'm trying to explain to how this is the same tour. But yet very different levels of events in terms of prize money in terms of golf course in terms of prestige and a randomly off topic a little bit here but it does kind of give you some some of the reasons why live is a thing. And they're trying to claim that you know the DP will turn the PJ tour a bit faulty it is weird isn't it how one week on the DP World toy got a massive event in the next.

Week it's a much lower ranked event I suppose it's I mean I've got really back into my football again it's a little bit like the the man united um sorry the the Man City Spurs match yesterday was a massive match. Yet the other match which I think was Forest Leeds wasn't wasn't that big. But even though there's still Premier League matches it's very true but if you're a man city fan and one week you've got Nottingham Forest one week you've got man united one's a bigger match either in terms of feeling but everyone's worth three points and they all add up at the end of the season yeah whereas like a DP world event obviously nothing can take you away from winning DP world events it's such an amazing feat. But it's just bizarre how like The Season's panning out isn't it but the money's so different as well but having said that it's a separate angle on that it's great to see these events work some of the Lesser known Pros go on. And do well. Or go on win and that can set their career. For life and who knows hopefully Dan Gavins goes on to have an amazing season and might do well in the open. Or whatever that be really good to see um speaking now a little bit on the the tour there and kind of Live And um a bit of a segue onto kind of the main point of today's podcast some massive massive news around Bryson dechambeau Cobra and TaylorMade golf so many people listening I'm sure whether you're equipped with nerd or you're not will be fully aware of two things firstly Brighton to Shambo is very finicky with equipment it takes a lot. For him to change equipment he's very fussy with what he uses he's famous for having um one length irons he's now famous for being an absolute bomber of the golf ball and is also very well known as being a cobra Puma athlete. So a number of years ago Bryson sanded Cobra and things looking Rosy and they developed them a one-man set of irons they've since brought to the market and from Common Sense I've had with Cobra reps and from retail stuff one length irons don't sell loads and loads of sets but they sell certainly the kind of more forgiving islands and for me one length kind of does make a sense makes sense because if you're new to the game of golf. And you can have all your Ryans the sailing there's a seven iron kind of work to some of the great there are some issues with it as well. But that's one thing but yeah you will be aware that Brighton is a is a co-op humor athlete well this week um Bryson tied up at the Saudi International which is an Asian Tour event kind of sanctioned with obviously live which is why he was there. And he was spotted well not spot he was playing the full forward uh I don't know if made the quite actually. But he was playing I think he made the cut he couldn't get up to 7-0. For the two days wasn't great however. the talking point wasn't really his golf it was the fact that he was using a tailor-made stealth 2 Plush driver which was insane we had Bryce on the podcast about just over a year ago now. But it was. But it was almost exactly a year ago which was just as around the ltdx drivers coming out. And actually at the time Bryson was bigging up the following drive as he was bigging up the Aero jet which is just coming out now there was rumors I think he said himself he'd worked with the r d team to give some of his thoughts his feedback his kind of long drive swing mechanics going into this driver blah blah he's ditched it. And he's gone to the TaylorMade now that the word on the word from uh COBRA they have reached out and they have said the following reached out to us yeah I asked. For a quote they came back with a very corporate quote uh let me just find it once I want to get it word for word um bear with me Bryson is not currently currently under contract with Cobra. Or Puma his contract which was up at the end of 2022. And discussions are ongoing okay. So a few things I want to pick up on this before we really get into the the kind of nitty-gritty of it this was on Thursday this all came out on Thursday I checked Cobra's website he was on there as a player. So you don't know whether it's like a tour section you have Ricky Fowler except Lexi Thompson Etc and the reason I'd know he was definitely done those because underneath the pit the person's picture says the tour. So it said Ricky Fowler PJ tour Lexi Thompson LPGA Bryson the Shambo live I remember thinking oh that's you know one of the first times I've seen that the brand is having advertising the player plays in live tour as of today.

Or whenever I checked today.

He's not on there anymore okay. So it seems strange that he's used his driver and gone but basically it's looking like you know he's either ongoing with talks with them which is hard to come back from because if he does resign with Cobra. And then.

Comes back into a Cobra Driver could look a bit strange isn't it that he was using a tailor-made driver what does this mean. For Bryson what does this mean. For Cobra I'm sure Taylor Made very happy that he's decided to use it but you know kind of more on this going a little bit deeper into the point to kind of unpack all this the rumors were that Bryson signed um. For live golf around 125 million dollars right a lot of money I don't know what Cobra people were paying him a year. But it'd be a few million if he's getting paid two three four five million a year of Cobra Puma it's really dropping the ocean when you're 125 million in the bank is he taking the decision to say you know what I only use the golf clubs that I honestly believe are the best in the world the best in class if he thinks that the best in class it's a TaylorMade stealth 2 driver. And he wants to use it so be it um what does this mean. For one length irons you know if he moves away from Cobra cob's still going to make one length irons who knows um. And does this also mean I guess since before. But something for live guys now is it the end of being sponsored is it a case if you know what TaylorMade Cobra Puma whoever you keep your two million credit here I'll play the clubs that are best. For my game unpack it you've really thought about this um I've got a few I've got a conspiracy first okay okay it was good I believe the reason why Bryson isn't using the Cobra Driver is he watched my review on it. And you're going to take that. And realized yeah we should have put three weights in yeah because that's the simple end of podcast access. And everyone we'll see you next.

Week um no it is very very interesting it came as a shock um I think there's one thing that is very very clear. And I think this will become much more evident this year. And certainly rolling into well I think it will be this year a lot of the Live players are now non-apparel branded. So Henrik Stenson doesn't look like he's with uh Hugo Boss anymore um Ian Porter has been seen wearing his old ijp clothing line um obviously Bryson with Puma a lot of them are now moving away from their apparel Brands because they're going to be effectively in a few weeks time. Or whenever it's going to be they're gonna be starting to wear uniforms yeah. For their teams so Smashers golf club and niblets and all this will have a team outfit yep. And I suppose there becomes a conflict of of contracts I'm sure a lot of these players would have had in their contract the only time that they can be seen not in their apparel line is when they're playing Ryder Cup you know a lot the other time if you're a Nike player you've got to be wearing Nike everything yeah as team. And everything else so I think possibly a lot of that started to come from this I think when negotiation started to take place. And I I don't think anyone's naive enough to think if if Cobra puman knew that Bryson's contract was ended December 2022 those renegotiation contract talks happen six months earlier yeah I agree 100 well we know that's a fact. But also it's strange that you know that a nice clean comment for them would be you know we event the pathways of Bryce we've had a great three four five years with him you know whatever blah blah but the fact they've actually used in their statement discussions are ongoing that's quite strange because that makes me think that they actually must be ongoing because why would you say that if they weren't I would imagine there's going to be a I reckon he'll continue cobra I think he's probably maybe negotiating. For better terms more money whatever it may be but I don't think the Puma contracts will continue There can't be much you know I know there's arguments that people don't care what tour Pros user get that. But it's hard for Kobe to come back from that that as soon as the contract has ended even if it's only for a month or two before he goes back with them if that is not if that's the option that then.

Go back into a Cobra driver now sure. And he's obviously when he's not encounter he wants to use stealth you could you could easily spin that as a bit of a I was just experimenting I've been with Cobra. For a few years I wanted to try a different driving competition it wasn't as good I think you can spin it yeah I think if he was to negotiate back with Cobra they could easily brush over the fact he had to tell them a driver in the back. And just kind of go yeah it was a bit of an experiment as you can see from Aboriginal it didn't work yeah it missed the cut therefore. you know I've I've seen the light I've decided to obviously move back into my partnership with Cobra. So it wouldn't surprise me if they renegotiated if they don't come to terms and don't sign the one point you mentioned there which I think would be a really interesting point to follow is how long does one irons one length irons last with Cobra yeah this is something that I think we've had this chat before we've done this on the podcast. But if you're not aware I'm sure people are we'll just briefly introduced it before. But one length science from from some brands do them. But mostly you're gonna find Cold Brew them literally every iron is the length of a seven iron now the benefit of that is that it allows you to essentially build one posture one swing you stand the same distance away from the ball every time Etc the downside to them however. we find you found this yourself from testing from lessons is that if you're an amateur golfer. And you've got your five iron or your four iron and it's only the length of a seven iron it can be quite hard to generate speed which can therefore. be quite hard to generate height with the golf shots. And also on the flip side if you've got a pitching wedge there's a length of a seven iron you're gonna have quite a lot of Club head speed you have to see them go quite hard so Cobra over years have tried to really work around this and I think the ad made them a bit better year on year. But yeah they should be in theory better. For most new golfers however. we also know most new golfers don't go out and buy a set of brand new irons you get some off your friend or you get them off eBay or golf Builder or you buy cheaps whatever some cheaper clubs if you get used to variable length ions it's then.

Very hard to switch into one length ions isn't it so I don't know how well they have done I think Cobra will say 20 of the sales of certain sets come in one length. So that's something I think Carl we're in a tricky spot as well because they're probably thinking well if we lose Bryson we're now starting to get very thin on the ground because of the design Gary Woodland recently yeah. So when you go on um the Cobra Golf website and it's something else I want to come on to as well someone's chair I think it's Sam's chair. So if you go on their website they've got Ricky Fowler yeah you know absolute great name he's a bit of form recently he's been on your channel you almost can't imagine him not in Cobra Puma yeah they've got Lexi Thompson Legend brilliant now Gary Woodland they've got Jason duffner they've got you. And Fergus of the DP World Tour uh they've got beef Johnson who's coming back to Fitness um they've got a handful of names they've also got Kyle Berkshire long drive champion I must admit and should notice respects the line that they've got apart from a handful of those people when you think of Cobra pure. And what they want to come across as it's quite a Cool brand quite a young brand lots of energy you know similar to kind of Nike in that regard you look at their lineup and I'll be honest I'm not massively feeling super enthused by that in that sense if that does that make sense um. So you do need some they do need they need some young blood exactly. And that's what you know Bryson was great. For but a side note on that we discussed last week again quite equipment heavy how Rory was only using the the stealth one drive if you like not the stealth 2. And we had a lot of great comments in our Facebook group if you're not a member join it rick Shields golfshield podcast on Facebook um and a lot of people were having different opinions on this. And one thing that stood out to me which just makes sense is somebody said like um it's all the lines if I really don't care what the tour Pros use at all right. And to some degree I agree with that and I said to you when I used to work. For Nike and fit golfs into Nike drive and at the time we had Rory using it they had tag using it didn't always sell off the back of it you can't you don't get two bigger needle movers than them too no exactly however. flipping that again there's something about golf Brands being used on the DP World Tour on the on the Euro on the uh PGA Tour I'm now on live to some degree that really gives a brand credibility now if you think about it there's brands that are like Tour Edge that you see in American golf now. Or Ben Ross all these you know Wilson even maybe they don't quite fit in that category but brands that let's be honest aren't quite as desirable they're not quite as sexy you can guarantee though if next.

Year this would never happen. But Rory McIlroy signed to Tour Edge okay you might not go out on Rush to buy the driver because Rory uses it. But I can guarantee that next.

Time you want a driver that might help to bring Torres into the conversation like it did with Nike like it was Nike exactly. So it works but kind of a couple of ways it's total use it doesn't mean that now everyone's going to dump the kilba drive. And go and buy stealth but there's a reason why these Brands pay an absolute Fortune for players and certainly the elite players it definitely definitely helps to legitimize your brand so very intrigued to see where Cobra gold is some good news. For Cobra though is that there was sightings again this week of um Justin Rose using their new irons. And I guess he's not an athlete so he's using them off his own back which again makes the product must be really good if Justin Rose wants to use him he's not getting paid so that's interesting well currently as we're recording this podcast the Pebble Beach program hasn't finished and Justin Rose is leading by two it's rolling over to a Monday finish. So if he wins again it's a they can't shout about that Cobra so much because he's not a paid athlete but people people in the know will know um it is interesting. And that's something I think I definitely are more interested in what Pros are using when it's not something they're paid to use. So like with Rory at the moment using vokey wedges that all makes me think well that means Vulcan must be the best do you know what I mean it almost flips it. For me it almost makes me think tell them Ed wedges aren't that good yeah well there you go because if if he has literally got access he can make if he said to tailmaid I don't like these wedges. For whatever reason I don't like the look I don't like the shaping I don't like how much it's been telling me will do everything in their power to make that work yeah wasn't there yeah yeah yeah obviously currently they can't it's very interesting Facebook questions just I want to come on to one more bit first before the Facebook questions Andrew's yeah yeah perfect welcome Bridge yes Bridge gate if you've not seen what's happened to the Silicon Bridge it's going to be on the screen now the video podcast um if you're listening to Kyle you've probably seen it. Or Google it but elaborate it's welcome bridge is one of the most famous bridges in golf the the most the most famous every living legend has walked over that bridge you Rick Shields you Peter Fincher guy charnock Harry brodies I mean I I literally when I finished I mean what I'm genuinely one of the most magical moments last year when I finished my walk 150 when I walked across Scotland I finished at welcome Bridge we put these balloons over the top of the bridge um. And and we had a few drinks and a few pictures and it was fans everything I loved it I remember sitting back after most of the kind of crowded kind of gone home my kids running over the bridge like chasing each other made a little friend a little Scottish friend. And they're running over the bridge and I'm generally looked at like I mean this is history. And it's a it's just a bridge it's a public bridge but it's like this so every like the famous picture recently of Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods stood on that bridge at the open you think it's amazing well that's it. And we're going to come on to they've also done some work to it. And which we'll come on to why it's pretty obvious why but this for me you've just hit the nail on the head there's three reasons why I didn't know this before of why that bridge to me is. So iconic so firstly it's been there for so so now I must have probably should have Googled it before this podcast I haven't done you can have a look it's been there. For a long time to the point where you see images of it and like the Saint Andrew's backdrop just looks totally totally different it's been there for that long so that's one reason it's got so much kind of Heritage and history secondly as you alluded to then.

Every golfer Missy ever who's you know been a legend of the game has walked over that bridge a year originally built at least 700 years ago gosh so there you have it it's been there for about 700 years every legend of the game has has walked over that bridge Jack Nicklaus obviously finished professional golf and stuff over that over that bridge like Tom Watson when he finished the open in 2005 he's got photographed kissing the bridge it's where Jack Nicholas signed off when he when he finished his open it was well a lot of players expected Tiger Woods to sign off in in. For the 150th which he didn't but that's where he will 100 he will be sudden that bridge in five years time. Or 10 years time or whatever it is when he decides that's it there will be pictures of him on that bridge signed waving the golfing world away. And if you're ever lucky enough to ghost the old course or even Andrews itself or certainly play the old course you almost can't play that hole without getting a picture which we're going to lead on to in a moment you know what I love though as well you don't even have to be playing the golf course yeah on a Sunday you walk on you know most most times to be honest yeah just walk on get your package it's. So there's no there's no like if that was in America. And no disrespect to America. But you'd have you'd have um like a kiosk and they'd be charging for it and you'd have you pictured on professional and you'll be paying for to have your picture on a key ring wouldn't you yeah 100 there'd be a cue. But that's not Saint Andrews it's just this lovely little Bridge that's been aired there for 700 years where many times you can be stood there on your own. For 10 minutes on that bridge and that leads me to the last point of why I love it you've actually said the word uh it sounds bizarre this. But when you see it in real life the first time it's actually really small [Laughter] it is very cold in Scotland oh okay. But what I mean by that is. So many things in life that are almost wonders of the world. Or are really iconic are big things out they saw the Egyptian pyramids pyramids the uh golden great Golden Gate Bridge the Burj Khalifa these iconic things are a large Buckingham Palace whatever Tower London all these different things there's something about the Silicon bridge that is. So iconic but yeah it kind of feels like somewhat it's strong. But yet vulnerable it's just there it's not big it's not boastful it's just there it's just perfect oh this is cute I love it it's cute what they've now done to it is basically put like a garden patio on the front. And the back of it and the reason is it's not just the front I think it's the back as well oh my God. So Andrew's links trust have come out obviously after all the criticism over the weekend and everybody listening and watching probably got an opinion or you might have an opinion you might not care but they have simply said it's because the amount of traffic they get. So obviously you've said everyone that plays there walks over it you almost have to it's in that picture from November yeah. So we'll put that one in the podcast I'll just save that for Harry um that's how it counts it can get destroyed the front. And the back of the bridge gets obviously very burnt out all the footprints thousands of probably millions of footprints going over. And over and over it so they're thinking that this will obviously give them it will stop that happening essentially. So it it kind of to some degree I understand it and I also believe it's not yet finished so when it's finished it might somehow grow on us it might look different but right now you have to say it feels like it really has ruined an iconic landmark this is a bridge you're talking about. But it has I feel really really really sorry for Saint Andrews and the links Trust this isn't obviously their intention no to cause such Bridge gate it wasn't this wasn't their intention right. For many of the things they've done in the world of golf they don't really do a great deal wrong in my opinion like you know these are the guys who you know the 150th open it was Bloody perfect insane now they've obviously had talks. And meetings and they've tried things in the past they've actually tried artificial deaths in the past now this and again this is where I genuinely do feel sorry. For him you know the committee I'm sure probably scrambling around having meetings or the poor guy who built or the team that built it I feel really bad for him because they were they we had the best interest at heart didn't they they wanted to preserve the longevity. And to keep it looking amazing all the time so I do feel bad like. And it's not right I'm sure they'd probably admit that maybe they could have improved it I mean I think they're making a kind of Mount out of a molehilda press because at the end of the day if it really doesn't work rip it all back up. And and turf it again it's not like as if they've re they've not changed the bridge do you get what I mean it's not like they've really like done anything long-lasting effect to the bridge. So I don't see a massive deal about it if if they turn out and go actually guys really sorry that wasn't quite what we intended to do we're gonna try something else I Do's. So at the moment I don't like it and I'm sure that's the majority of people listening and watching but I do think there will be a time where they'll be like yeah maybe we'll pivot. And do something different. So I don't see it being a long lasting thing I do feel really really sorry. For Saint Andrews and Link's trust like we know a lot of the guys up there but it wasn't their intention to do something that would offend people is it yeah I mean no I think it's it's kind of it's Testament to what they have created into Andrews that they've done something although it's negative feedback it's because people curse. So much yeah. So it's I don't think with this it's people being awkward. For the sake of being awkward like when a brand change its logo and people go oh it's not as good just to be awkward to be a pain I think it's the people that do feel. So strongly about it feel so strongly about it because you love Saint Andrews I love the history love the Heritage so it's almost like the occur so much but you're right I do feel guilt they do feel not guilty I do feel harsh on Andrews links trust that they won't want they'll probably rather not do it obviously. But if there's issues there with with the land I mean the only thing is though although it's obviously one of the most photographed places in Scotland I imagine. So it has to look good but at the same time there's no golf gets played there. So could they not just have a bit of land that is just worn out would that be. So bad I don't know but I think potentially the artificial grass option would be yeah explore that again. But again I don't feel too strongly about it because let's say a brand changed the logo whatever it may be and people hated it it's almost changing it back you can't do you've almost gone down that route this can be changed the only one I can think of like that was how you'll know this better than me. But when was it leads United changed the badge Leeds United to try to change the badge. And it was like really didn't get a good feedback. So he went back to the old one oh really well that might be a right no no. But you know what you're right and also things grow on you over time like when the brand does change the logo you start to get used to it more over time. And you know we actually those look better because often these things are designed to be more future-proofed yeah. And I even understand the shaping of it yeah because it doesn't people said yep it's not symmetrical well it's not. But when you've been there and you want the best picture like that is actually where you need to stand you do actually need to stand on that slight angle. And they've extended that to make sure that not only the people walking up to the bridge you're going to preserve. But the people the person taking a picture is going to be still in that kind of importing in a Content well it is true it's true a person taking the picture will be there they should have put a cross. And take a picture here but like yeah I I feel bad. For him I don't think it's going to be forever if it is it's going to grow on us it's going to look better I have full trust that they'll work it out where you speak. So balanced and thoughtful I think you can be a member of the RNA one day [Laughter] you'll see the opening five years Rick's now. And they close the smoking massive cigar and smoking jacket that I'm like Rick how do you become member of the Iron Age well I remember they changed the bridge almost slagged it off I see the door right me like I say I don't think it's perfect. But I think it'll it'll build build sort it have full Trust. So yeah one thing we did ask. For to sometimes feel guilty about this we we ask in the podcast group for questions um and there was loads of questions. So thank you so much for everyone asking if we don't read yours out please keep trying so we will get through as many as we can in the coming weeks. And months Marcus Jack any plans for a trip to Australia some of the best course in the world but everyone forgets us oh nobody forgets you um I went seven years ago and loved it there's definitely plans on coming back again when not sure we get a lot that's a long way yeah we get a lot of people asking certainly like DM me. Or the podcast or email saying I'll come to Ireland they'll come to this place or come to wherever and this other got anything against these places just that making it happen but there's plans to do a lot more filming trips. So you know I think I think more filming trips. And certainly going further afield is definitely not the agenda um Louis Parks if TaylorMade offered Rick 20 pound okay. And the chance to play around with Tiger Woods would he sign a deal with them yep next.

He called it 25 and you've got a deal um oh that's a Mark Simpson strong lofted irons discuss you know what I've kind of changed my opinion I'm strong off the diets I used to give him a real bad rap but I've seen more evidence that it can benefit golfers yeah to some degree um who's who's your favorite fictional golfer oh wow okay. So like half a Gilmore or something um that's from Keith They the toner golfer it's one of those things we could say it now and then.

Driving home later on you think I wish it said such a body happy Gilmore's gotta be up there I think what he's about I really like um oh God think up guy that's what's he called that's gonna annoy me Tink up is really cool um. But I'll go have Gilmore yeah I'll shoot my Gavin I got happy killer I like shooter I think you got a bad rap He was just competitive um right one last one um wow there's lots of questions um should have added these earlier a lot of people are asking about the new review Channel well that was just something actually last last thing to come on to um we we actually this this week just gone obviously on Friday the break 75 didn't come out the Wallace version um good news it's out this Friday we can guarantee that uh if it's not you can um what can they do if it's not out. But it will be out there's no even what we're saying well I'll see he's out this Friday oh yeah um yeah there was a lot of discussion on Friday the video why is there not a break 75. And you know I tried to reply to as many as I could and quite simply there's a bottleneck currently taking place with content and editing which we are looking to resolve. But also it's been a development in the business because break 75s now I mean the wallacy video is coming out Friday it's one hour 20 minutes long that takes a long time to edit yeah we've got multiple cameras we've got drones we've got shot traces we've got multiple guests. So it's like it's a big edit these days I think one thing we don't want to do. And we're not going to say our videos are perfect we're always looking to evolve them. And some people might love them some people might hate them and you might find that error here and there or whatever it might be but we really um don't ever want to release a video now that we aren't really really happy with I'll be honest with your hands up sometimes back in the day we would release videos that we do weren't perfect. But they were kind of good enough. And people still enjoyed them and really liked them but now we can't really do that. So if there's a week where we've promised a video and it's late it's not that we can't be bothered work trust me we're more frustrated than everybody probably put together combined with really angry and frustrated we just can't release things unless the hours close to what we perceive as perfect as possible you guys might not might not think they're perfect. But tools that they're not far off so um Friday's episode will be here that's guaranteed we've got loads were in the bank that obviously there's an amazing one the following week at Royal Liverpool where we play Holly Lake in its real open conditions. And the climate juggles though we've touched on that before that'll be here that Friday obviously ones Rick touch on America are all coming I've got some other really really exciting videos in the way we've got some amazing ideas if I say. So myself and so the Channel's in a good place the review Channel will be coming soon that's your answer that's that's what you might hear some Drilling. And banging because something's been built stay tuned it's actually it's just not on that though actually when people do get annoyed. And start a video coming we feel a bit guilty but it's also actually really good sign I know people are upset they're not coming it means you enjoy them I think the other thing as well it's it's almost credit to the style of videos that we do I think you know just still get times where we'll go to a golf course. And let's say film will break 75. And you might bump into a Family Guy oh is this out tomorrow yeah because they've got that kind of element of of rawness realness yeah obviously we really pride ourselves on the on the production we want to make it look as good as possible. But I still want the viewer to kind of feel like they're just part of a video like yeah they're almost playing golf with us. Or play you know traveling the world so it's a real nice point to be into um but we are we are looking to increase the amount of content we've got more ideas than ever before um. And we will get to a point where we're releasing much more uh regularly. So hopefully you're going to be excited about that um. But like I say we are doing our best to get everything up. And running can I ask you one last question before we turn the podcast off how you enjoying your Prime energy brought to you by Logan Paul. And KSI well I finished it oh wow wow that was good I feel energized yeah refreshed carbonated yeah through the burping. And uh electrolyzed they did. And if um so for example if KSI and Logan Paul don't reach out this next.

Week and I've got a sponsorship obviously watch the Youtube they obviously watched of course they do. But if there's any reason to decide they don't want to sponsor us but then.

Like Red Bull got in touch or Monster got in touch would you then.

Say they were the best any drink you've ever had could you be bored is what I'm saying yes sign Logan Paul would like to be a week opportunity um if they don't come on board Red Bull hello uh if they look on board monster hey if they don't come on board carabao you're my favorite um Tyson Fury nah leave your energy drink you look crap sorry Tyson. Or uh next.

Week's episode might be sponsored by tap water yeah probably guys thanks. For watching listening make sure you subscribe with fast fast grow in this channel nearly quarter of a million god with a million subscribers thank you so much thanks everyone's support loads of videos coming your way soon and uh thanks it that's it done Prime if you're primed I've got a camera now this is not bad this is it good episode see you soon.