If he's one of the best clubs in the world now and he's happy to use four-year-old equipment does that not tell people actually later in grace doesn't always perform any better bryson d. So we're just coming off the back of him winning the arnold palmer invitational at bay hill um with a one-shot victory over lee westwood and it was a phenomenal uh display of all-round expertise with bryson. But there was definitely a talking point on the sixth hole the par five which would need to come on to. And we also need to come on to the driver that he was using which is quite interesting um bryson wins again eighth pga tour victory wow. And you've watched quite a lot last night as well as as me i wouldn't say a lot but i did definitely watch some. And that's actually testament to bryson because i only really watched it because it's brighton and hits it miles it's fun to watch i think i'm the same honestly i think i'm the same if if if at the top of the leaderboard yesterday it would have if bryson wasn't there. Or jordan spieth wasn't there maybe i could i just really still quite like watching jordan speed i'd like to see him win uh or maybe lee westwood wasn't up there i probably wouldn't have switched on as early and watched as much and i timed it really well where bryson was on the sixth hole ready to see off this is all i saw on the saturday. Or went oh crazy over social media so the six hole if you're not aware of it it's a par five but it wraps around a lake and it's like a 550 yard path five so most people will play it around the lake. And there's a two shot or a three shot it's not a super difficult hole but off the tee shot you can't go left like you're in the lake the more you cut off the corner i think from t to green it's like 355 yards of carry. But it's over pure water alligator infested water right and bryson mentioned at the start of the week that if he had the opportunity he would be going. For the green on a par 5. that is outrageous only one person i know has tried to do it before back in 1998 john daly attempted it uh he ended up scoring 18 on that hole wow. So he didn't succeed how did he get 18. uh i've got it actually let me grab my phone one second because i sent it to a mate the other day because he was asking who's has anyone ever tried it before. And i said i think someone has actually uh he could bryson get there with the right wing do you think correct he could wow. So bro so john daly t-shot in the water yeah he then.

He didn't actually go. For it again weirdly then.

Took a drop slightly closer from the point of entry so yeah he's still all right. And then.

Hit three wood oh my dad trying to go over it again one four times from that location then.

He hit three wood onto the fairway so that was his 13th shot his 14th shot this is john daly back in 1998 the final round his 14th shot was going to go in the water left of the green it hit off a rock bounced the other side of the green. And landed on in a green side bunker right he then.

Wedged it on through his 16th shot and then.

Two-putted for 18 right what's amazing the very next.

Hole he birded but he also said he got panicky because he was down to his last golf ball oh my word. So that golf ball that hit the rocks and bounced in the bunker if that would bounce the other way he'd have to withdrawn from the tournament because he would have run out golf balls um so that's the last person who tried to do it um there's been some videos certainly i think golf digested the video with a few long drive guys where they actually attempted to drive the um screen does anyone do it i think they did i think they got certainly close um a lot of it's down to the wind. So i think thursday friday it was unobtainable because of the wind conditions. And saturday it was much calmer wind. So bryson kind of went semi towards it and carried it like 350 odd yards and rolled out to 370 in the rough waltz off with birdie but a very very easy birdie and then.

Yesterday he went a little bit more of an aggressive line and found himself hitting it into what would be perceived as almost a green side bunker about 50 yards short of the green not quite green side but second shot type of bunker um mr green on the second shot he missed the green both times on his second shot saturday on sunday after driving it massively down there but actually got up and down both times for birdie he literally is absolutely destroying the golf ball isn't it that drive the third round that kind of went viral where he kind of stood behind it. And waving it was a second round third round when he put his arms up in the air. And like that was ended up on youtube trending the pj tours video. But what's mad is that's not like him just smacking it at the driving range. Or at home training that's actually like a pj tour event where there's water obviously everywhere but what interests me the most about this from vive club equipment nerd was the driver he was using he wasn't using the new 2021 cobra rat speed driver what was he using well. So i noticed on the saturday that he had a different driver how did you notice it just from the color yeah. So it was just blacked out the bottom of it yeah just blacked out. And i just thought that's not the rad and it's not the speed zone which you know if you're not familiar the the new rad is uh cobra's new line upper driver which bryson has had in the bag before he also was super successful with the speed zone driver which again he had in the bag before. So there's been some spec that's come out and i contacted my contact at coburn i think you did the same. But actually it's even come out even further now he was using the cobra ltd pro in a 7.5 degree loft in a a bad bryson de shambo prototype 60 gram x shaft in 45.75 inches a jumbo max light xl grip now all that sounds great. But if people remember the cobra ltd pro was the one with the window at the bottom like the hole almost. So what they were saying is that it had a very centered gravity like they all like the whole idea of that driver had a zero degree sp axes around the middle of the head. So basically the the center of gravity was as close to the middle of the head as possible. And that's why they invented this kind of alien window so you could look inside it because there was nothing inside it was quite kind of novel at the time i remember reviewing that driver. And thought it was shocking strikes off the bottom were horrendous. For that driver so high spin and note losing loads of distance so um and again going back to that driver was dated that came out in 2017.. So apparently he was using it it spins a bit more. For whatever reason so that's why i wanted to use it and i would agree with that because as i mentioned the strikes off the bottom skull like crazy i was thinking then.

From i don't know how much it it's always hard to measure how much an athlete on tour actually affects club sales you think on paper it should do which is why all the brands sign these at rory's tigers bryson's. For millions of dollars a year whatever but now if you look at what bryson's using his putter is not conventional i know it's not cobra that's sick. But that's not conventional whatsoever he's using one length irons that i think again aren't really conventional i think cobras say when they make an iron set that's got one length. And the normal variable length option i think it's normally about 20 of the sales that the one length get don't quote me on that i think it's roughly that. So again it's it's not a big piece of pie and now his drive that he's using you can't buy because an old one it's four years old which in golf terms for drivers feels ancient is that good. Or bad for cobra then.

Because i don't think it's great. But but it depends we know this information and people listening now will know this information does everybody know this information like i don't believe that even fairly hardcore golf fans who watch the golf on a sunday night they might not have picked up on that he wasn't chase cobra driver i've got his full spec key he was using a prototype 3 wood um he was using a speed zone one length four. And five iron cobra king forge tour one length irons yeah wedges artisan prototype not cobra um you use obviously a bridgestone ball it's not cobra they don't make a ball like i agree with you. And i know what he's saying if you went to a golf course now that's most people they wouldn't know but on the other side of the coin how good of a a marketing opportunity would that have been for kobe with a new rad speed when he's smacking it over that water at 330 yard carry whatever it was. And now they can't really use that as an old driver but what's really bad about this as well i'm just on an article here from a from a oh it's changed it must have been an old article so that's any used in their ad speed it was it was dated the first of feb. But i've just refreshed it for some reason i don't know why it's done and it's swapped now to the cobra king ltd i think it's really interesting i think you know a lot of these athletes. And you say who would you say which brand do you think gets their athletes in the in the product the best taylormade 100 you'd see taylormade. And you'd be really surprised and we talked about it recently with dj winning with just a sim driver and not the sim 2. typically taylormade you see all of their new athletes using the sim2 driver with almost no ex no excuses pretty much as soon as it comes out they're not in it aren't they do you think with bryson. And cobra do you think the ball is always in bryson's court 50 the cobra just kind of go you can literally have what you can play with whatever you want because you are our golden child well when they signed him what were those ions who's using the dremel brought brown adele adele e d e l. So they had to make him a set of irons that they knew you could never really purchase because they're the weights and the grips and them all that kind of stuff obviously they then.

Brought out one length ions for the consumer but they he's that much of like a scientist isn't it and obviously now he's on this distance quest they can't expect him just to put the new one in for the sake of it he won't do it willy no it's just the fact that it's a four-year-old if it was last season's it might not have been much an issue if you said oh i'm using my last year's drive because it spins a bit less yeah it's just been four years old i don't know it's hard it might not make any difference whatsoever. And we're just talking for speculation's sake but surely it must hurt them a little bit like how is he even using that driver like is that one that he had knocking around i can't imagine. So cobra must have somehow supplied him with that driver so i know jose quite well the uh one of the chief engineers at cobra and i think he might be the guy that fits bryce. And i might not i might not be true to that there must have been a conversation there that goes right this rad speed driver when i absolutely bomb it and maybe hit one off high off the face and because i'm producing now 130 miles per hour club head speed and i'm producing nearly 200 miles per hour ball speed the spin just drops off it and i don't get any distance because that's what will happen typically i need a driver that's going to spin up a little bit more certainly if i'm now hitting eight degrees on the way up he's going to catch some more at the bottom without question. And again his normal rad speed driver might be low spin because that's what a lot of players want they want low spin even off the bottom strikes it's something i would desire but again i'm not hitting the speeds that he's hitting it at um so they must they must have given that driver to test or try or they must have like it might not make any difference but the last thing on this is surely consumers i know he's a bit different. And he hits it so hard he's not almost human-like but surely if he's one of the best clubs in the world now and he's happy to use four-year-old equipment does that not tell people actually ladies. And greatest doesn't always perform any matter and just stick with what you've got maybe.