He's played he's one of the best golfers in the world doing it on the pj tour ryder cup but he's also mixing these guys at the biggest stage in long drive [Music] um stevenshoot59 one guy who is definitely potentially doing that very soon bryson de chambeau he um went to the world long drive championship it was the world long drive it wasn't was it that one that it normally is yeah it wasn't the same. But they only have like the stands though yeah it was the big one i remember you asking me last week is this the big one i went. And no i don't think it is i didn't think it was. But it was because uh carl bark she went back to back. And he got a big belt and yeah it was the proper real deal he came seventh i believe bryson yeah which i must admit i didn't think he was gonna do i thought he'd do well. But i think you'd do anywhere near that well because these guys they're not normal golfers are they the the way they hit the golf ball is just oh that swing i showed you yeah there was a guy i was watching it live on youtube. And i just filmed on my phone but the guy like i can't remember his name it was slightly weirdly filmed i'd like to have been produced better. But his his like leg like swung back his left leg swung back to his right leg as he took the club back mad and then.

It was like a baseball type of action like if you want to if you're hitting a baseball bat it's crazy we got bryson got a personal best ball speed of 219 miles per hour now the only thing i don't know i imagine i think i know the answer is he used a 48 inch driver. And i believe so he came seventh he's what was his best drive actually in the final bit was like three late threes three nine one was his best one four seven four seventeen. And because of different heats i didn't i saw clips on youtube it very much depends on the wind yes like sometimes if they've got a headwind. Or a tailwind it makes a mess like 390 would win one round was that 420 could win the next.

I think the 422 is what um kyle berkshire got who's obviously the world champion. And he's a good friend of bryson's but it just shows that what's what's mad here is he's played one of the best golfers in the world doing it on the pj tour ryder cup. But he's also mixing these guys at the biggest stage in long drive like to do that because normally if you're a like rory isn't anything like as long as these guys oh. And these guys can't think any golf like rory because you think like they'd be going to golf course they have that many out of bounds. And stuff i don't know how what they would shoot that'd be a good video but nothing like tall standard was to be on tour i imagine how is bryson doing both yeah he'll be you'll be entering the mini golf challenge championship next.

I'll tell you what though i honestly i know the other thing about the four shouts off he didn't show up four enough still which is a bit frustrating when you watch it. For me i really believe that bryson is doing a lot. For the game at the moment and also right i thought some of the day this isn't revolutionary but i was just driving i just random thought that you know talk about growing the game yeah i almost see it i know it's a weird phrase it's people like some people don't. But i always thought of it as being like getting more people into golf like now so people that might be any age get into golf now they looked in a different way and thought it sounds bad if nobody knew took up golf today.


Eventually golf would become extinct yeah wouldn't it because eventually it sounds bad everyone's playing golf will i die at some point. So growing the game it's not about getting new people who are not not about getting people to start playing now to join us such it's about getting that flow of people constantly coming through the doors of golf. And getting them excited into golf yeah now why did you start playing golf my mom got me into it. And what was the reason the person you adored you said that you wouldn't play golf it wasn't. For him that almost coincided at the same time though in a weird way but ty you said to me you wouldn't be where you are now without tiger oh that that's true i think sam horsfield said he's a massive tiger i am there's no tiger at the minute no. So let's just say a kid who's 12 now if mum gets into golf like a young rick shiels who's that guy that's making him and i honestly think it's different i'm not comparing bryson to title well i'm going to compare bryson to tiger. For very different reasons tiger was this amazing goal. For who's he doesn't seem real does he i mean i mean i mean in a complementary way i also it's like a robot not in a robot erotic manner. But like he can't believe he's a real person yeah i'm not suggesting bryson's like that just. Yet but bright if i was a young kid look at this guy who can drive the green on the par four opener they write a cup. And then.

Go and play these events and be active on like youtube and social media i think people like. And are what genuinely are gonna excite that younger generation yeah i know i agree there's lots. And lots of things i like about bryson a few things i don't but overall is it is it being good. For golf well yeah he's kind of putting it he's putting it out there to a different market i might have said something different in the past. But right now i do believe he's been he's good. For golf and i think the other thing as well is like i think some people don't like himself. So far which i don't really understand the only way i would if it was like a real-life happy gilmo. Or some almost freak show comes on the on the tour who sits at miles but bryson's worked for this hasn't he he wasn't massively long he was probably above average i imagine he wasn't like he is now he's gone to the gym he's done all this stuff. And it's working how can he not admire that i still can't believe not more people are trying to catch him i think he's got. So i was thinking about this the other day when he first started his training in lockdown last year yeah. And he got absolutely massive he obviously did that at a really really good time yeah because nobody was seeing him. And he could work really hard in the dark and get a massive advantage over everybody else okay he then.

Came out. And was hitting the ball outrageously further now a lot of tour pros. And people have admitted like rory then.

Went on this journey of trying to gain distance but bryson it it didn't instantly look like it was gonna work all the time like he wasn't winning every single tournament no he kind of had this like middle period where he was finding his grounds where he was hitting it a long way. And obviously was at the us open. So obviously it did work. But he wasn't winning every time and i think then.

A lot of these other players kind of went ah we won't bother them we don't need to catch this guy up. And then.

Bryson just slowly just gone like his distance has gone so far i don't think these guys can ever catch up now no. But they're playing on the other side that as much as again think what he's doing is amazing if he was like tiger in the year 2000 i think more people were thinking if. So let's just say bryce now and i run like tigers 2000 year whatever 205 will be more wood. But at the moment bryson's world number seven so bothering we've got justin thomas zander schaffler can't lay maricowa dustin and john rahm and he's winning every week i don't know what i'm saying if it did oh wait well if yeah if if you know if it did if it did then.

You'd think that you said you're like two years ahead of everyone at that point though well yeah. But he is. But equally he's still in the only world number seven so isn't it you think like well why does justin thomas doesn't do that. But what i'm saying at the moment though i still don't think it's clicked. For him fully well no one know maybe it maybe it will. And it like you said maybe then.

He'll become world number one. And there'll be miles and everybody else i'm thinking crap we need to do something about it. But you do then.

Also think like again it's like an old mansion. But how much stress and strain has put his body through and how necessary is it all. For those extra if if he does loads more training. For three more yards which is massive is that actually worth it on the pga tour i don't know i'll see well i hope he goes on to i love watching him. And i know when he's playing a tournament i get excited to watch it yeah i agree i remember the masters the autumn masters in 2020 i couldn't wait to see his first tee shot yes he seen off on the 10th. And played a horrendous tee shot but i couldn't wait to see that i think we're going to keep talking about every week because there's always something to talk about isn't there. But he's been labelled the content king oh yeah he is [Music].