At the moment as guy mentioned there your uh distance now is 322.7 yards you are the longest player on the pga tour first question did you ever expect that when you were kind of growing up did you ever expect to be the number one longest player no i always wanted to be like uh colin morikawa i wanted to have the best strokes gained approach to green that was always my goal yeah he's pretty awesome with his iron it's unbelievable it's impressive to see one that i'm even jealous of. And then.

My next.

Question is where honestly right now let's give it let's give it a five year window where do you reckon. And it whether it's you whether it's somebody else what distance do you think will be the number one longest driver in five years. And will it be you three forty three forty five. And it probably won't be me so another 20 yards yeah why would it not be you what right who. And who do you think it could be somebody you know. Or um there's numerous guys that have my speed uh whether it's cameron champ wilko ninabar or whoever they're gonna learn to have 2 000 spin on a 195 mile an hour ball speed driver and that's a 340 drive wow yeah. So it doesn't even have to be kyle you make kyle yeah i mean kyle shoot if he gets out of here too i mean yeah he'll be the longest by long shot. And if he's out here it'll be probably 350 360. he is average how is kyle berkshire. So fast obviously for those listening is he's the world long drive champion like he's obviously like six two. Or something he's like not a small guy but he's not like student looks super built he's not super built either um i mean again being super strong like a bodybuilder doesn't mean you're gonna necessarily swing it fast it doesn't one bit um. So you have to train the speed to create speed to this small window right here yeah you're building it up. And then.

All of a sudden you accelerate it really fast because you're trying to be fast up here you lose all this energy up at the top uh anyway it's about timing and he's learned to add the speed at the right moment in time with his frame he is possibly the best at expressing the best exp acceleration profile. For any human being in the game of golf so what i mean by that is that he's able to accelerate the club the best in the world with his body frame he's probably maxing his body out he's close to maxing his body out where's the guy like me i'm a little bit stronger than him in certain areas he may be i think he's fractionally stronger than me in deadlift um. But i still got a lot more room to go but i have to hit it straight so i put a lot of restraints on my golf swing um so that's why i'm not always over 200 and if i want to get over 200 i can get over 200 any day of the week. But it's more of okay i got to play golf with equipment that if i hit it all over the face may not necessarily work. Yet um we're testing actually today.

Funny enough uh yesterday was the first day where i saw some light at the end of the tunnel i was like oh okay this is different i can hit a lot of different places on the face. And have it work and we're doing some more research today.

On the driving range um we've got some cool stuff in the trailer that uh not. Yet gonna be unveiled but it's helping me understand what needs to happen uh for a ball to go straight being able to be hit everywhere on the face not just are you having quite a big quite a big say in this now moving forward again are you having quite a big say in this working with let's say cobra are you are they taking your input are you are you heavily involved in some of this production there's a reason there's definitely a reason why i brought oh i wanted to bring kyle on board. And cobra wanted to bring kyle on board and there's definitely a reason why i said certain things last year that i shouldn't have said um if you can read between the lines there. And but that's a positive thing like we've moved past that we're in a place where it's really solid really you know great and i don't want that to be like a bullet point by the way guys i just wanted to be like look there was a we were at a moment where we were crossroads. And we figured that out and now we're moving forward and we're in place where next.

Year so we have the ltdx obviously came out this year which is an unbelievable driver then.

We've done a long drive drive face sports it's been very helpful. For me i'm going to be using it this week. And moving forward but i'm telling you there's something special coming next.

Year there's something like yeah we've been working on this. For a while and uh it's a really cool name but i won't i can't dispose anything or anything but just know that this is this driver is a precursor to what's what's coming next.

Does that ever when an athlete like yourself has such an impact into a product which obviously you are doing do you ever kind of get a bit pissed that you can't be using it almost like next.

Week when you know how good it's going to be. Or almost excite you yeah yeah it's like uh you know the guy that the uh ice cream handle he's scooping the ice cream out on the on the street. And he puts it on and he gives the guy the cone and he pulls it oh yeah. And he's like i've seen that that's exactly what i feel like happens that's what's new here's a new driver oh you can't have it yet though yeah yeah i got that um is another question [Music].