And they watch this they've not even got this far they've turned off by now thinking oh my god why do we send that guy clubs a question then.

Off the facebook group. And i want to hear your thoughts and i don't know what you're going to say. And you probably don't know either but from michael wallace he said if rick could um would he buy taylormade gold. For one billion i think that's what's come. For sale at the minute until they made golf i feel like this for a billion i think i've seen that already the billion it might not be don't quote me on that. But i think we might pull up some stats again. And put them on the screen so if we film this bit but let's just say it's a billion anyway and said um what would you change. So let's just pretend you are buying it not could you because you wouldn't spend a million a billion dollars on that would you if you could get me a collaboration with other players yeah you. And tiger but what would you know i know not from a business point of such because that's not really our massive world is it. But from a from a branding and product and you know if it was your baby you are now rick shiel ceo president owner big cheese at taylormade taylormadegolf what's your two to three year like what would you what would you plan me on product. And what what would you what would you do good question in that um. So really i had to think this morning i was struggling well now that second youtube channel's doing really well there's a possibility we might we might be able to get to this point uh. For me what would i do god i was thinking just like off these brands product-wise what would you think of athlete-wise okay let's go product-wise first um i would. And again i'd have to crunch numbers because if you're if the owner then.

Your emphasis changes quite a bit doesn't it let's not take it too literally though let's just be like creative with it okay because you might say do this it might be viable. But let's just go creative what would you do i would like to think if the numbers would allow it i know it's not i would like to be a little bit more um transparent maybe with my driver releases. And release the new taylormade driver so let's let's say we started let's say i took over now yeah. And 2022 was my first year in charge like that i i'm monitoring that that those products now i would just basically call it i'd call a new taylormade onedriver just call it that taylormade one right use all the technology we've used. But have this idea that drive is gonna be around. For like three years really right and say that to people say that right this is right now as the law of of golf is allowing us to do right now this is the best driver we can possibly possibly possibly make we can't make it any better than this right right now um we're gonna sell it. For 350 pound okay. But that price is going to stay fixed. For three years no discounting 350 pound that's it right i don't think i've last thought some people taylormade stumbled across his clip thinking what on earth. So then.

I'd probably do that quite similar through the lineup. So all the irons that just have tailor made one iron tell me two i until my three iron sexy right much more sleek like much sleeker designs um i would again be transparent these are these these clubs are coming out. For three years right well mr shields just left yourself a billion dollars it's all right i'm having fun um i would then.

Um next.

Time three years down the line two thousand twenty five so i have three years off basically just sell product for three it would crush it but i'm a sales rep at taylormade okay you're my boss we won't have sales reps i'm making all the i'm making you redundant right. For this role play i'm your sales rep um mr shields i can't call you rick because you're the boss okay i've got an account that's really good customer. And they've noticed that because the driver is two. And a half years old and all the customers have been told new onecoin in six months no one's buying a team made one drive that's just sitting on the shelf well we've got a load of stock we're gonna have to discount it you said we're never gonna discount drivers well first off i'm only doing direct to consumer. So i'm closing all accounts with taylormade so you won't see it in any any golf shop right so where do you try it uh virtually. So i'm gonna spend another billion on a virtual golf app yeah that you get your phone yeah. And we're gonna we're gonna distribute these these glasses right and what you do you get these glasses. And you can put your phone in what is going on here. And it will send you to a virtual driving range. And it'll be like the best ever like like cedar creek or whatever it's called and you stood there and you can you can choose what swing you'd like to use you can use your own i'm gonna try with tiger swing please she can okay. Or program it with tiger swing or your swing or whatever it may be and in your living room you can be holding whatever. And it'll feel like you're holding the golf club yeah. And you'll swing it and you'll and the sounds the feels you'll have the wind blowing through your hair you'll have the sensation of striking these amazing golf shots and when you when you look up to the sky and you see the tracer of this amazing tailor-made one driver that's just crushed it all the data would come up on screen yeah through your phone through your eyes. And you'll be able to you can even this was great you can even test it against other competitors obviously perform better because you programmed it obviously. So you can pick up a galloway driver. But the taylormade one will still outperform it um you can you can then.

Wander over. And have a little water putting green on chipping green and and they'd have actually ricky fowler giving you putting lessons and telling you what ball you should use and actually going back to that a macro was the guy who's fitting you virtually. For your driver yeah that's an experience right yeah yeah you then.

While your clubs are being built by dustin johnson i don't think i'd want dustin johnson building them actually keep chris trot on board because he's doing a good job. For yeah made he can stay virtually yeah. But no staff he works from home on a green screen correct yeah um while you're waiting you sat on the little patio. And comes along tiger and just chats here yeah hey rick like really like a.i taken to the next.

Level i i just saw you rick hitting that drive. Or saw your guy hitting that driver on the tee wow this is tiger saying this if you don't buy that 350 pound tailor made one driver you're missing out because you know it's better than the callaway. And the ping and everything else i just want to take a second to say what i thought you were going to say something on the lines of keep the ball the same name. For a few years to build a franchise and strengthen it i didn't think you're gonna run the route if you've worked goggles tigers in your bedroom the other thing to get rid of that idea that we have stock six months before the next.

Product launch we stopped selling product no products just two. And a half years two and a half years so what about all the people that take the game up for golf and that in that six months and there's no terminate drivers to buy they're gonna go to callaway instead aren't they no they've not got virtual reality because what you can do in the meantime we can send you a prototype right at the new of the new taylormade one driver that's going to come out in 2025. great well um have you heard these things with nfts yeah these non-transferable dragons whatever they are i wonder if that's something that golf brands might do in the future where you can buy like. So this sounds so ridiculous to say now and everyone listens to this is absolutely nonsense. But if you can almost buy like virtual golf clubs. Or products that you can't actually use but they're weird in it but yeah who knows just thought i made kind of i i think i'm onto something. And if taylor may want to give me a maybe give me a discount on the on the company because they can see the vision moving forward that'll really help i can imagine if there's people that listen to this. So if we use it as a clip on youtube watching it thinking they're seeing a title oh no it's going to say maybe add some value to us that we could kind of use the insight of the world's biggest club reviewer see what he says. And they watch this they've not even got this far they've turned off by now thinking oh my god why do we send that guy clubs i was actually thinking on a serious note keeping the ball keep that name.