Hi guys welcome back to Rachel's Golf Show podcast I'm your host Rick Shields I have episode 146 here with co-host guy um how are you doing probably good I'm great. But I'm even bad this podcast is brought to you by your friend. And my friend golfbidder Boom the powered by um yeah these uh last few weeks have been all sponsored by golf bidder. And our dear Rick section has been highlighted and elevated stature because if you're is this the final time this is the final golf bitter episode It's the final day Rick I've got picked. And it's an absolute Barry belter I wanna pick a winner for the prize now films achieved once do you remember we didn't know the amount that is going to be the Winner's gonna get oh yeah drumroll well I still don't know the amount the amount is 1 000 British Pounds Sterling GDP that's better than that it is very good. So I had a chat last week with golf bidder I think they like what we've been doing yeah we'll give you a bag of sand a grand. And we've had an absolute influx of emails maybe would have had even more if people would have known it would be a grand um today's email will read out shortly is honestly one of my favorite we've ever ever ever had. But the winner of that grand is gonna be picked at random. So just because today's was a good email does not mean they will win it picks it around the next.

Week. Or this oh this week we'll pick them at random wow um so yeah exciting we've also got an absolute jam-packed show what weird is to everyone at home the podcast has been normal every week. But actually in reality the last two were pre-recorded. So we've not sat down on a podcast for what feels like months eternity well I've been I've been holidaying yeah I've actually been chilling relaxing sit back in uh not been on my phone in well that's that is what we want hand on heart now have you. But you said very very little to no phone explain your screen time was it I I don't know what my screen time was. But I remember the first notification I got my screen time was 75 down wow from the week before. So I don't think that was the first notification did it increase over time did it stay minimal. So I definitely went with this idea of going on holiday. And I've never done it before where I've been on holiday and I've completely and utterly Switched Off mainly because I don't I like work I love work and and being part of it and enough I get quite bad fomo I don't want to miss out on anything at all so I feel like me just having my phone and being connected to the world is really key. So I definitely went out with all intentions two weeks holiday with the family we went on a beautiful Cruise Ship by the way thank you for everyone that come up to me and said hello on the cruise ship it was very appreciated lots of golf fans believe it. Or not yeah out on a cruise watching me in my in my shorts. And my drinking my blue moons all day uh they'll have many stories to tell um but they were very very courteous. And thank you very much for saying I love the channels and stuff um I would say I failed my task of not being on my phone right but it was a lot better than previous holidays. But not perfect so it's a step in the right direction I just want a thousand pounds because I put a large State bet on you not being able to not use your phone well there was a couple of times where I obviously had to use it. For work yeah check it Instagram [Laughter] um. But no I I was a lot lot better the Wi-Fi on the ship was horrendous. And also it was outlandishly expensive as I was explaining to you off the phone on off podcast before guy um. But I paid it because I needed I needed that fix and uh yeah it was better. But not perfect good but I feel more refreshed I've come back with with it's kind of Thursday back into work today.

Um definitely I've got a bit of holiday Blues it's nice just to sit back. And relax and do nothing. But I'm ready to get going get started start making some more videos again. And hopefully everyone's been enjoying the content anyway we've got some more good good videos coming out we've done three matches so far uh match number fours come out this week and then.

A couple more after that break 75s are coming back we've got an absolute belter. For you on Friday which was actually filmed pre me going away I'm a little bit worried about playing golf next.

Time yeah if I'm not playing golf now. For three weeks it will go one way. Or the other it'll be class or horrendous I want you to be horrendous hand on heart and after drinking 94 blue moons while being on holiday and eating the the ship's worth of of uh like a king like a king you know what they had on the ship I can actually be like Henry the eighth it's at the end of a table with your kids are only going more more just like big chicken jump let's be honest I've actually been pretty good my diet. And stuff since about April time and I've lost quite a bit of weight up until about July the open was probably in the best shape I've been. For a while since the open it's kind of been a slippery slope and then.

The cruise is just like banged it back on now this is the question though is today.

A new day new Rick are you still just being yesterday we're supposed to be new day new week yeah yeah. And then.

Today's new new day can you start a new day new Rick on a Tuesday sir can you yeah now that you need one more week of getting into it. And it's like Monday leave after a bank holiday it's okay to start on a Tuesday it is. But will you well today.

So far banana oh wow you do look lean actually I thought your biceps were Rich. For breakfast yep I actually this is a really funny story. So on on the cruise there's a running track around like the cruise which is dead weird. And it was nine laps to do 5K okay. So and I did it a couple of times. But on one time I put my GPS on you're like this on the first time I put my GPS on my watch on my phone sorry uh let me try and find the number now I managed to do a 5K run in uh what's the number was number One's number oh God how long ago was this this is awkward I know it really awkward I might do 5K in a drum roll please oh where is it oh I feel. So people in the car driving along I did a 5K in uh 17 minutes [Music] uh because I was on a boat. And the boat was moving thought I was I was traveling. So you tremendous speed yeah. But something confused it was like you're going forward backwards it falls backwards. But also you're going really really fast. But anyway fun story well um a lot has gone on why you've been away Rick yeah what's happened I feel genuinely like the golf world has just like gone right you know what Rick's away let's just unleash yeah unleash everything yeah well also we've had two weeks of pure office banter in it the Vibes have been. So exceptional it's been like a chilled out but high alert of banter it's been it's been a banter alarm and every time no one's body been in this office no we've now just been chilling out nine holes here. And there it's been it's been brilliant the workplace been a fantastic place today.

Um. But yeah there's been an absolute load of stuff the Titleist podcast is probably some of that stuff um. But first thing that happened obviously two days ago now Rory won the Tour Championship he won the FedEx Cup wow what a guy I think this was a year when obviously he kind of let the open slip to some degree there was arguments that he kind of didn't lose the open that Cameron Smith won it I kind of sat on that fence a little bit I think I I do believe that Cameron Smith deserved to win the open rather than Rory lose it. But yeah it did feel a little bit like it was Rory's to win I'm sure I read a start yesterday after watching the Tour Championship did he he didn't hold a port outside of 10 feet it wouldn't surprise me final day of the open. And you just can't win tournaments doing that he shot two on the par yes. But for his level of golf the way too conservatively Drive the golf ball it's actually scary yeah how good he is with driver no I think this win. For him obviously TOUR Championship which then.

Wins your the FedEx was was massive. And obviously with him being the kind of real poster boy of the PJ tour with all the kind of live golf stuff going on I think it was massive. For him I think it was massive valve um. But the PJ tour couldn't have wished for a better wheel for this really could there um it's fascinating with everything that's been going on in his world these last 12 months. For him to have the season he's had he's actually quite remarkable yeah I know he got won a major he's been knocking he's been sniffing he was around at the Masters he was rounded facility open leading the final day he is one of the only three players ever to score a um round average of 68.7 under 68.7 him have done it this year Vijay Singh has done it once before in 2003 I believe right Tiger has done it eight times eight seasons he's averaged at 68.7 stroke average he almost can't compared to Tiger can you no um. But he's won the FedEx now three times it's a lot of money I believe he won 10 million dollars the first time he wanted 50 million the second time and then.

80 million the only thing I definitely noticed the trend difference watching the PJ tour and the Tour Championship on Sunday and I did watch it because we're back from holiday at that point I didn't watch Thursday Friday Saturday granted. But Sunday definitely and you might be able to tell me yes. Or no on this it felt like the one thing that I've not been massive fan of with Liv is the talk about money I felt the Tour Championship was very very talk about money on Sunday I think it is. But it's a one-off isn't it it's essentially the the the um the grand prize yeah it's the order of Marriott sanity isn't it. And obviously it changed in 2019 remember in 2018 tiger won it but obviously didn't win the FedEx whereas they've changed it now she start off with like a different Head Start a handicap essentially um and I think it is the one I think it's both ways I think it kind of deserves this one event to talk about money because it is. So incredible it's probably a bit more talk of that with the fact of live as well this year it's been kind of highlighted but I think the only thing that I I mean obviously Scottish Scheffler kind of semi lost it I think what a great year he's had. And what an amazing players before world number one and obviously class but this just made me think about how good Rory has been. For so long I know we should have maybe won more majors and once he wins that Masters I think. And he completes that career Grand Slam I think more will just start to come. And he will go down as an absolute legend of the game. But he has been at the top of his game for a long time now he's world number three again now he's world number three I was looking then.

He's year-end. So from um 2009 he's had one year where he's finished outside the top 10 and that was actually 2017. other than that he's finished obviously most years in the top five like that is some good going in the last 13 years he has been at the top of the you know the golf pyramid. And he has won a lot of them I think again that's what I think that's sometimes why you think you should have won more Mage there's not one one now since the open in 2014 that's eight years because he has been. So good in that time frame and you know what I must admit I kind of used to really like Rory and I wouldn't say I went off him but I kind of I wasn't I don't know what it was something about I kind of lost a bit of that love. For him but I must admit regardless of your opinions on live or the PJ tour I do like how he has been a spokesperson I like how he's been the one who's kind of put himself out there. And I do feel like when you see him win. Or lose he's very kind of gracious if you see the bit where he went to Scottish Seattle's parents and almost apologized for winning um and then.

I think when Matt Fitzpatrick won the US Open went over. And congratulates him first I do feel like I'm becoming a proper Rory fan again um. And the way he plays golf when he is on that dry just unbelievable I I honestly can't comprehend how good he is with drivers there was one he hit I can't remember what whole it was on the last round we ended with like a one-and follow through yeah. And it was 185 ball speed it's like he's 380 down the middle yeah he's Miss hit carry 300 yards. Or whatever and was a 185 ball speed it's incredible I'm sure I saw like it was it was a catalog of all the drives that hit one round like 14 drives. And I think his worst one was like 320. it's insane. And he's not Big 5 foot 10. you know he's not like he's he's a Bryson the Shambo type character it was really put on all this muscle mass is efficiency is just phenomenal. And I like to say watching the last hole there and he stood there one shot lead against Scottish Scheffler and you stand stand them both on that t-box there's only one golf that's going to hit that t-shirt better. And he just stood up there and absolutely piped it dead straight perfect in the Fairway and you just look at scotton yet world number one had the most incredible season ever he just with his driver he was never going to do what Rory did on the 18t. So they both kind of tried to lose it but it was it was fascinating I do think though behind the scenes speaking I know Rory is obviously not like a Bryce. And physique but I think he must train very hard because remember was it about when he signed by Nike in like 2013 he kind of became quite a lot lean it was obviously had quite a lot of almost puppy fat when he first got on tour he did when you look at clips now when he was in the open it like it looks. So different and if you look at from 2013 to now it's what nine years he's not really changed he's very lean and you think as you get older as we know when you kind of hit your 30s it's very easy yeah it's very easy to start putting weight on he's not a stayed super lean. And obviously engulfing there's a lot of it's about like kind of your rotation your flexibility I bet he does a lot of hours behind the scenes. And obviously that that is is Testament to how well he hits the golf ball. But even kind of more roaring news so this is quite cool Tiger Woods I'm Roy McElroy are launching a golf league I know well again I was on holiday. And I'm flicking through my phone and going what the hell what was happening with golf right now. So they've set up a business and it's kind of tomorrow's work tomorrow's sport is it it's like tea I've got an email. And WR somebody I got an email from Tiger let me just pull it back up again I'm sure tiger just message me saying hey Rick just a heads up so essentially turned out you might want to get involved Tiger Woods I'm Rory McIlroy are launching a tech infused Golf League in partnership with the PGA Tour they'll have players competing on six three-man teams in a 15 regular season matches. And a playoff which will start in January 2024 the new league tgl which I think must stand. For Tiger Golf League or tomorrow Golf League well let's be honest Tiger Golf League we'll call it we'll feature two-hour 18 hole matches on Virtual courses the matches will take place on Prime Time Monday nights in custom made venues. Yet to be determined and there's been some renderings that were placed in the video version of the podcast um that kind of show what it's going to look like. And it's essentially a hybrid of simulators where you'll hit obviously full shots they're not kind of big indoor putting greens and bunkers with huge screens and audiences it it looks very very different um but yeah that's going to launch. So not this January the following January I think it's gonna be 15 weeks um. And yeah it feels like from what I'm seeing at the moment it feels like a game show yeah. For golf with professional golfers yes playing. For a lot of money the tiger currently is going to be playing it's gonna take a lot less toll on his body he's not walking around he can obviously be stationary in an indoor arena it will either be absolutely unreal. Or absolutely gimmicky I can't quite just obviously I don't know yet but what do you think um again when I first saw it. And there's been lots and lots of announcements over the last few weeks from the PJ tour obviously trying to um and what the right word is not not fight back as such. But certainly try and improve their product I would say um obviously Jay monaham has made some big announcements there was some there was a big meeting a few weeks ago with some of the key players with Tiger Woods flying in a private jet to get into involved in that meeting. And it looks like at the moment the PGA Tour are very much getting behind. And getting involved with their two superstars Tiger Woods Rory McIlroy are their two superstars. And this new it's called tomorrow Sports um so tmrw so tiger Rory mcrae's initials Blended together Sports um it seems like they're very much trying to bring some energy bring something different bring more money to professional golfers again um just in case just in case anybody watching or listening is feeling sorry. For anything professional golfers here but Rory only won 18 million dollars ah yeah that no that's right actually you're right no it's not actually that much. So yeah I can imagine uh my heart fleeves. For him but that from what I'm seeing the rendering I love the concept I think golf simulation has got. So much better over the last few years yeah this is looking at launch in 2024 yeah. So the technology again is going to be pushing on. And anytime a technology product comes into the mainstream media and gets on TV or YouTube whatever it is the product behind this where there's going to be competition there's going to be there's going to be serious money played the simulator technology business also has to improve. And incorporate that and I think if they improve it it all filters down we get a better service golfers around the world get a better service because the product the simulators are going to be even better again the one thing that I hate about simulators um I'm sure you're the same on this great. For full shots iron shots drivers course realistics and all this chipping and putting yeah Dreadful that's by the looks of things you're gonna flip around on this 360 degree mat. And actually hit the other way yeah you know what I think would then.

Be cool. And hopefully this happens you know they've got this big putting green laid out imagine then.

It's all Hydraulics and and it comes it changes depending on the pot that you've got yes. So suddenly you're playing Saint Andrews on the simulator you're on the 17th and suddenly this green almost more into like the 17th green yeah it could happen. And like your ball just pops down onto the onto the floor or pops up from underneath or whatever and that's where you hit from yeah I think the whole idea is very interesting I think I think the big thing as well though is it's it's some hardcore golf fans may not enjoy it which I kind of understand. But surely another this whole thing of growing the game and attract the new audience and how to do that. But this is definitely one potential Avenue of attracting a new audience people that don't have the time. Or the interest to sit down four days in a row and watch the normal PGA Tour May well on a Monday night sit down for two hours and watch this and that may then.

Spark some interesting on play golf or watch golf definitely and again do you remember back in the day Big Break yeah on TV. And certainly our UK audience will remember this big break was a snooker program that was put on prime time TV on a Saturday night. And it was absolutely brilliant you had a mixture of professional snooker players plus celebrities plus normal people all competing. And and it elevated that the um oh yeah I fronted that I fancy giving that a go. And that's in snooker so if golf can do something like this scale. And make it so much fun so entertaining hopefully not gimmicky or cheesy or you know whatever that may look like um I certainly trust tiger Woodsy's judgment on a lot of things and I'm sure he'll absolutely Blitz it and obviously rore is as well um it's gonna be exciting times can I see a question am I am I going to be playing in it no well I know the answer a bit better one of the one of the hard parts of being indoor is that there's gonna be no elements as there's no rain maybe present the side a bit of a fan it'll be the wind if you could spray tag with water the water a little Super Soaker to be the to the the rain it's Andrews that would be your job done yeah sign me up a question do you like good news uh sometimes yeah okay does the audience like good news I think they do the good news is this podcast we're recording right now is a Tuesday record out on Tuesday that's efficient. For you the good news is should we decide on Thursday. Or Friday the good news I still like Friday I like Friday as well and on Friday a bonus Friday podcast treat just for you to see you guys just for being such good listeners yeah you listen you don't complain you don't sometimes you do on Facebook um however. yeah. So Friday bonus podcast has already been recorded and it is absolutely class if I say. So myself we've got Richard Hammond you know Richard Hammond from Top Gear from The Grand Tour from millions of TV programs from Drive tribe on YouTube he came on the podcast and was a barrel of laughs oh my God it was ridiculous. So we've teased a few bits on social media so far that you may have seen I've been very fortunate so far I'm at YouTube golfing career to collaborate with some incredible people people like Eddie Hall you guy Channel Robbie Robbie Williams Paul uh Sturgis the world's tallest man of European's tallest man um which I think of other people loads. And loads of amazing people Tom Watson but I'm thinking almost like outside of the World of Golf like some okay oh okay very very interesting people yeah. And never in my wildest dreams thought that Richard Hammond from Top Gear Fame would be sat at this very desk talking into that very microphone that you're talking into right now guy he doesn't like golf no he hates golf. Or he used to I used to hate golf so over the next.

Coming weeks you're going to see me give a lesson to Richard Hammond which is fantastic. And again he's so good on camera um also we filmed the video for his channel uh Drive tribe which check it out on YouTube where we raced against each other we've watched um the first cut of the edit and it imagine literally watching Top Gear or The Grand Tour which I'm guessing a lot of people have watched you know it's massive in America as well the grand tour in Top Gear this video of you and Richard Hammond is literally that level of production it's unbelievable it's insane what a video that's gonna be on their channel on your channel like you said there's the lesson. But this Friday on the podcast channel the channel you're watching now or listening to Richard Hammond is here about 45 minutes. Or so talking about how he got into golf talking about cars it's one of those podcasts where I feel like golfers will love it because it's talking about Golf. And Richard Hammond's gray but also if you've got friends if you're listening or watching you've got friends who acting to go but light Top Gear pass this over to them because they'll also enjoy it's not too golfy as it I feel like it shouldn't have worked but it absolutely works it did it's a bit like me I at the minute I'm having a lot of brown bread peanut butter. And something in the Pringles on a sandwich on paper that shouldn't work in reality it's so good there's a crunch and then.

A tomato and the tomato sauce so peanut butter that really works well sometimes ketchup sometimes salt and pepper I'm not sure about that no it does each of their own sorry I forgot you only have a banana I don't have bread anymore um speaking of good news shall we get into the golf bidder um yeah Rick let's do it. So this will dear Rick this well firstly this uh has been very kindly sponsored as we said the last four weeks by one of my close friends probably more of a close friend to me than it is to you now because they don't ring me anymore exactly I've been having phone calls why you've we've all actually having a good time slagging you off as well right are you on the cruise we're really putting the world to rights. And saying you know yeah this is about Rick. And that about Rick and he cheats when he goes running into 17 minutes for a 5K and no way can run that fast. And it was really enjoyable. So just so you know that was really good um. But Jokes Aside um golf bitter is a great place to sell your golf clubs make a bit of dough. Or buy golf clubs and you have had some great challenges before we've bought some Bargains On golfbidder and I know this and you know this and the audience know this new shiny gold comes out a rapper aren't always better technology has kind of hit a bit of a wall so if you want a good driver but don't want to pay a fortune go to golfbidder would you agree I would totally agree wholeheartedly and the good guys and the thing is as well with the products it's like sometimes when you buy second hand certainly off yeah I don't want to slag off any other sites. But um it's like on a untrusted untrusted sources yes where people are selling their own product online. And other people are buying it rhymes with t-bay yeah oh yeah TV services today.

Services on the m6 I think buying someone like that is a risk of being done over like the product doesn't look as good as what it does on the pictures it sometimes can be fake. And stuff like that with golf but you don't get any of that it is absolutely certified genuine product. And it's been test tested and their rating system is very very accurate. So you know what you're getting yeah like if you're going to buy a golf club that's a nine head a nine shaft. And a seven grip when it arrives don't be surprised the grip might not be as good and that's okay because you factor that into your equation. And go well it's going to cost me a 10 quid. For a new grip question for you if you and your wife were to renew your vows would you have golf better as your best man Usha a guest not I'm not sure maybe a nighttime guest wow I thought there's more trust in that if I was to get um my I was gonna say remarry the best go down the route of my vows renewed I would have um gulper there as like a third Usher. So you know kind of don't you want to be an ocean there'd probably be a guest of me yeah they would absolutely anyway. So um we have had some amazing Dereks and your advice Rick as always has been decent uh this week's I don't get it's like enough today.

I know really I've just had a lot of build-ups like enough I don't even know where it's really nice to get an alarm system um no we'll do some nice stuff in a minute um. But this dear Rick it's not so much asking for your advice it's just an amazing story and I actually opened this email two weeks ago and I've been saving it for now okay good okay. So it's obviously Anonymous title is I faked a hole in one wow okay you ready. For this go for it dear Rick I know what you must be thinking from the title but no it wasn't my hole in one please keep this anonymous because it's not my finest moment let me start off by saying this isn't a story I ever planned on sharing however. due to golf at a competition I might need a new putter I feel the time is now character is hoping he gets to win the uh the money didn't know it was a grand at the time I thought it was going to be 200 quid. But it's a grand for background myself and three friends were playing our usual weekend round on the second. Or third hole we realized the single ball behind us was another friend we asked him did he want to join us the course was fairly empty. So a five ball wouldn't really have slowed down any Pace or anything like that but he rejected the request as he wanted to play in his own and drop a few balls around each green and take some time while of course attempted to practice he's put in and chipping Etc fair enough fine we reached the tenth hole it's a par three but the green is fairly hidden with the pin tucked in a corner making it not visible from the t-box as we were tidying up after the whole writing our scores down putting our clubs away Etc we see a ball land on the green. And rolls about 10 foot past the hole instantly I grab a ball marker put it next.

To the golf ball and pick up the golf ball and then.

Throw it into the hole all four of us will offer fake cheer as if the ball had gone in the hole by its own on it. So it's holding one we all wait for our friend to come around the corner excited to see his reaction as the figure arrives the distance between his trolley we realize it isn't my friend oh my God it turns out it was an elderly gent maybe early 60s early 70s who was. So happy with himself he went on to tell us he'd never had a hole in one before and had seriously considered not playing that morning as he was losing his love. For golf this gave him a new lease a life God we didn't have the heart or the courage tell him what happened we let him pick up his ball from the hole and play through us I don't know what happened to our friend he could have stopped the toilet break or some food or maybe he only played nine holes I never asked he was never seen again thanks. For hearing my story so there's not really any advice needed Rick on that one but what what would you say to that person it you know what it's absolutely something I would have done and I would do a hundred percent there's no I would have if I knew if I was that guy in that situation I was the four baller. And I knew it was a mate behind us. And I saw that ball land on the ground I would have won 100 do what he's done yeah I can't say he's done anything wrong at all I think he's he's a bit of a practical joke uh who wouldn't do that it's it's fun it's banned why not why not pretend that your mate's got a hole in one. And then.

Later on they're down the line you go ah no you didn't it's there it's ten foot away I think obviously where this com where this story gets complicated is is it wasn't his mate no it's Barry you know. And he's pitched up that morning and he's sticking off he's like you know what I can't be dealing with golf anymore doing my head in I'm gonna go out this is my final round I'm gonna play 9 18 holes. And after this I'm selling my clubs through golfbidder nice and you know taking up fishing yeah okay that's it I'm done. And his wife said Barry before you leave today.

Promise me one thing if you get hole in one you'll keep playing this game I know how much it means to you okay. So he went out and he went he had this mission in his mind he went okay more Maureen I'll do this. For you okay. And he walks up there and he put his he put his cleats on the metal spikes of course he's in the car park and he changed his shoes in the car park because Barry doesn't abide by the rules and he plays and he's on his own and he sees some guy in the bushes having a whiz and he thinks so I'm going to play through this guy don't ask him doesn't need to he's been playing he's been slow all day I've got a group of Four Lads in front of me. And they're doing mad and they're laughing and the chip look how much fun they're around I'm smoking look how much fun those Four Lads are having him from a vaping as well you know what as soon as they got off the ground when I fire this ball right up yeah Mike's gonna try. And hit him yeah I'm gonna take one of them out because that'll make me feel better about my life Barry's thinking. So he took one more club and he never reaches this part three this blind one over the corner of pins where you can't see it he normally hits his nine ward he went with the seven ward he thought I'm gonna get it there this time I want to actually accidentally hit it too far and probably would take one of them out because I hate golf I hate life remember what golf ball he was playing it's balding yes okay I did think ddh. But I'll happily go to Spalding which he'd found on the previous Hill yeah. And he he hits it and it's slightly into sun so he can't fight tell if he's hit it well or not but it sounds good think I'm not going to shout. For can I ask you a question in my head he's 7 with his nine would don't have had covers on is that correct correct yeah very scratch yeah very very scratched really bad thing that we actually would evaluate almost as a three yeah. And the grip on his Club it's just never been re-gripped it's really slimy and horrible never and he and he uses those winter teas yeah that's three attached to one yeah yeah which which he he thinks are practical. So why would he want to buy seeds all the time the point the point so it hits it and he and he think that's a decent though I'm not gonna shout. For you know this is the last time I'm playing golf I'm not shouting. For today.

If I hit someone I hit someone I'm quitting goals I don't need to come back to golf today.

And all of a sudden he hears this eruption anything no I've never had a hole in one this can't be holding one no it it can't be I was ready to give up this game. And he walks over the hill and he's proud as punch and he gets there in Super Speed time and he's like looks over the hill and all these guys are cheering he's thinking oh my God it's in because no way of these yeah they're a bit slow yeah they're having a bit of a fun no way have they pranked me no they're not that type of P who does that no who does that. And he walks up there and he gives them all a big hug and he's cheering and after 15 years of playing golf he finally Smiles on a golf course the first time he's ever done it and he thinks I'm gonna get some tonight with more readers [Music] golf ball that Spalding golf ball now sits pride and place and his mantle piece yeah. And everyone that comes around for a cup of tea and a biscuit he tells him that story of how now he loves Golf and he plays golf week in week out and Maureen's actually sick of it and he's actually met a bar made he's left Maureen he's out of the club bar maid oh yeah 40 year old yeah yeah great well right okay. So that was this week's dear Rick um I'll read them all I'll read them all out. But I'll remind you what it was fake calling one guy yeah well you can't pick it's random he wins. But he just should win there was the guy um that was the Bandit who can he's off 22. And is it 300 yards remember that guy yes there was also the guy who uh wants to keep his partner happy because he wants to play with his dad. And his wife wants to play with him his girlfriend wants to play with him and then.

The first one was the guy whose son had come down from 52 to 11. But still annoyed so I've ranked these in an order of one to four you don't know what that order is I don't I'm gonna ask you a number. And whichever that number is is a corresponding person who's gonna win okay okay well because of the story today.

Yeah I'm gonna go with number one okay. But that's not that don't matter okay. But then.

Like number one this is the number one that number number one yeah. So prominent in today's story okay I'll get you holding one. So I'm gonna go with number one and that is [Music] that is actually the fake hole in one yeah I love it um yeah. So there you go cheating faking people always wins always putting a smile on someone's face yeah Barry's. And Maureen's particular yeah yourself a thousand pounds to spend that golf bidder we're not hard to announce his name are we no we can't. But I will email him back. And and he will I feel like he definitely have a nickname the guy that did it yeah like Mad Dog Mad Dog you know what I mean yeah potentially like oh something that mad dog would do that wouldn't it the only bad thing is his um behavior that was quite bad has actually won him a grand I don't think it's bad okay I I'm as the power invested in me he is totally believe you pick number one totally totally clear of any of his guilt yeah he has done a good deed in my opinion more people should do that wow wow to be loads of little Juniors this weekend going pranking the mates this weekend they'll be like on national news this weekend there were 450 hole in ones in England all on blind car threes anyway that was great I enjoyed that um thank you golf. But for sponsoring as always and there's some great videos coming to the main Channel very soon um also Barry on the channel yeah also um kind of rumors. And very heavy rumors very strong rumors uh there's going to be a number of new live golf signings I know. And one of which we're hearing is almost a definite believe is Cameron Smith. So the current open Champion the current champion golfer of the Year current world number two current world number two and um he's also his Australian mate Matt leishman there's a fuel there's been rumored but but I think. For this cup for the purpose conversation I think Cameron Smith's the one we're going to focus on Watch What Happens as soon as we finish this podcast it'll get announced. Or it will get denied whichever. But yeah it's I think it's the one that has come out. And said no is Cameron yes yes I think there's been a few changes by the way I know Scotty Cameron um name one more Cameron in the world um David Cameron I think I think one thing that's gonna annoy me. But everything else nice yeah I've just Googled it oh fluffy neck. So yeah the rumor is apparently it's someone that reads of 100 million dollars it may be a little bit more sorry the other one is that Cameron oh they come. And champ as well oh yeah Cameron changali he's got going yeah. So there's basically signing more names and that's nothing kind of new they've obviously signed some big names over the last six months of how long it's been now there's obviously been kind of bar maybe DJ and Brooks and Bryson there's been a lot of the guys who people are kind of arguing are washed up. Or old or past it or whatever and they've just kind of signed them for almost a legacy as opposed to them being competitive going forward as I said that has been addressed by your likes of your brysons Etc I think everybody whether you're pro-live. Or anti-live can agree that Cameron Smith is obviously the second best golfer in the world. And you know won the last major iffy goes which we think is is nailed down from you can tell by the way he's answered questions as well he's kind of not said no. And you think well if you're not going if you are gonna stay on the PJ tour. And someone asks you to say no not at all the thing that no lineup discovered no oh the yes the discount codes. So on the website if you put a lot of these guys are obviously trying to advertise discount codes. For tickets and if you put their name plus 25 after it unlocks discount did somebody sat there. And literally gone through loads of games and a lot of these suspected players their actual name and code actually works on the website I did see that yeah. So it let's I think we can all agree that unless something massively changes Cameron Smith is going how big do you think that is. For live does it change anything. Or does it kind of not what do you think on this you've obviously digest it certainly gives more um validity again yeah to get in the world number two playing in that tournament it's Boston this week he'll definitely there has been more hype around the signings. And the players over the tournaments yes I feel like now the tournaments at the moment I only actually stumbled across it this morning that it was actually in Boston this week I didn't even realize I feel like there's. So much news about the players going yeah staying going controversy rorey's comments after winning the PGA the Tour Championship did you see what you said about the ones at Wentworth he's about the ones playing in Wentworth that you can't stomach it makes him sick the fact that in a it's a great to take a seven uh sorry it's great to take a tournament lead on the 70th hole. And he said in some events the 54th hole he's definitely definitely obviously digs um I just don't still know what it does to the to the excitement of the event. And the tournament um it would be real capture such for live if they obviously signed Cameron Smith the money being spoke about is astronomical um you know it's these guys are multi multi multi multi-millionaires already it surprises me with someone like Cameron Smith because I you've seen him into in the past he seems very content with his life doesn't seem like he wants another 100 million like he's fishing. And chilling out but when that deal gets put on the table it's a very different conversation into and and suddenly you look at and go God imagine what I could do in the future it's this is not only not looking after me it's looking after my kids my great grandkids my great great grandkids I don't know it's a very interesting one if think if he goes. And it seems like he's gonna do I would then.

Be less surprised if some really really big names go as well yeah I think the one that's going to be a big one is Maxi armor apparently he's they don't think he is now do they they're as big room as he was. And now they're thinking well it might not be because it changes again he would be the highest paid live player yeah what he would bring from Asia Market is Ashton economical I know it certainly as the live starts to go. And see franchise teams into the future like what they what the Asian market could bring to that is very very valuable. For live yeah. So it's really interesting I would hate for him not to be able to defend certain titles he's obviously the current players champion he's not gonna be able to play in that I'm guessing from every account that I've seen Matt the open seems to be fine with everything not fine with everything I'm sure but they seem to not be banned until he's 60 years old I think he can play the Masters are still never not come out. And said anything. Yet after not The annotation only that'll be really interesting to see if some of these guys don't get Masters invites yeah who knows um again he would get does he get five years I think from winning the open right okay of course. So it's more it's the guys that haven't won a major that did in the world ranking point to dip in. Yet it's weird I think obviously we've spoke this a number of times. And we will continue to do. So because there's so much news around this but what I find strange now is I feel like the PGA tour in some ways feels really strong because of all these new announcements. And the fact that Rory is. So committed to it and he's obviously so on form Scottish Scheffler Etc playing so good but yet equally because live have got these big names now Bryson Brooks obviously potentially cam Smith we think surely can't be gone anywhere either. So it feels like there is going to definitely be two tours existing at once which doesn't I don't quite know how that works just. Yet the toilet seems to be getting slightly forgotten about is the DP World Tour really does doesn't it it just seems like I mean obviously they've got the biggest Flagship event next.

Week I think it's next.

Week. Or the week after I think it might be next.

Week Wentworth BMW PGA Championship. But when that is their biggest biggest event. And there are 11 I believe yes next.

Week Live players playing in that event there's a couple of things I'd be really interesting to see I don't think we've got any plans on going just. Yet to the event but I'm interested to see how the Live players get received at somewhere like Wentworth yeah I know we've seen itself out the open. And they didn't seem to be there was a few rumors there was some booze at um the open. For someone like uh Ian Poulter on the First Tee apparently but that's like that an open is a different tournament this is now coming back to DP World Tour the crowd again might be a little bit more hostile to some of these Live players yeah they might not be they might be I'm intrigued to see how that pans out what I'm not liking at the moment is this kind of split between professional golf yeah like I feel like professional golfers are now starting to argue with each other I've seen it with Lee Westwood. And Eddie Pepperell on Twitter this week um I've seen it with loads of different players like John Ram having a few digs obviously Rory having a few digs I do not like that I actually love it I'll be honest it's more it gives it more of a narrative. And more I don't mind if it's done on on the golf course as in it's it's it's they hate each other because of golf and personalities not because of what tour they want to play on on money and things like that again I'm just super super worried and this is a massive umbrella thought now in golf in general. For someone who works in the industry I'm just worried that we're trying to people are trying to grow the game. And that gets pushed out so much growing the game comes from money money can grow the game I just feel like when people are looking in from the outside now just going put it out all these golfers talk about his money whether it's on the DP World Tour PJ Tour live tour whatever it's just it's. So much turned so much about me I do agree with you. And I'm not but just trying to counteract that do you think when young kids start playing football they care about a player leaving another a club because they want more money like it doesn't stop kids playing football does it football is all about money if you're you know when uh sadio Mane left Liverpool he left he wanted to earn more money in Liverpool wouldn't pay it. So we laughed that's a big story people know that's why I laugh really sometimes players leave to try and win trophies but a lot of time it's for money but that doesn't doesn't really stop people learning to play football starting to play football does it. So just because the golfers are talking about money doesn't actually have an effect I just I know it doesn't sit right I completely agree with that. But does it actually have an effect like people that go. And play golf on a weekend they're actually not going to go. And play golf because Cameron Smith's sign for 100 million so although it doesn't sit right it's not nice does it actually make a difference yeah I I just I remember probably when I thought when I fell out of love with watching football was the time when Rooney was like complaining about how much money he makes. And like asking for more money and that that literally stopped you once I was like are they they actually they get to do the dream job. For most people like it's a dream job like being a professional golfer is a dream job. And look at it's going it greedy yeah it's hard right I'm not liking this. And certainly when you look at real passionate fans and you look at the ticket prices you look at kit prices and things like that and you think oh God it's just it is too much about money. And I think I had that perception of I've probably had that perception of football. For a long time you're right it probably won't stop people playing but I do watch football with this kind of like why are you whinging complaining rolling around the floor when you're getting paid all this money why why you've been whinging because you've been substituted. Or whatever like I just look at it and go God you just spoiled little brats and I'm just worried that this is the first time we're seeing this in golf. And and I've always thought that golfers maybe maybe wrongly or rightly it's all about trophy it's all about winning and the riches come after that yes I just feel like it's that mindset is changing a bit too quickly. For my life yeah I think I think you're right I think it's quite a big U-turn very quickly yeah you certainly like you're not alone I've heard people before. So they've stopped to go and watch a football club because season tickets are getting stupidly priced. Or they've stopped buying the kits because they're getting too stupidly priced and that may and ultimately stop them watching the game so I do agree with that suppose with golf you could have that with people say you know what I'm sick of watching the live golf I'm sick of watching PJ tour because all they talk about is money. But I still think people would play golf maybe after two different things it's watching versus playing I guess the other thing as well like. And again I've not experienced this firsthand yet because my kids aren't particularly old enough certainly if my boys or girl get into girls get into football but but even just watching like kids play football now they're like dive in they're rolling around that's true like they're giving jip to the referees because they're learning that from the from the professional footballers in in the game and you know is that good yeah golf football is still playing. But like I was walking past kids not like been a whole day. And they're all some of them are all dressed like um. Or have the hairstyle like Jack grealish you know these long hair and his headband and that's been going on. For a while like David Beckham obviously did things like that. And people imitate their Heroes I just worrying golf that we're not imitating Heroes now as we were growing up like tiger. And we we imitated his mannerisms and his and his winning mentality and his attitude yes to some degrees like one mindset I just feel like now it could turn into this idea that people are just imitating like the money like it's all about them like I I know it was a few years ago now like Rory not talking about money. Yet when he walked off was it the FedEx in 2000 whatever he was 15 he's doing this with his hands because he's just won 50 million I don't know I just worry I just worry about well I think that's gonna be in the future I think only not that I'm massively pro-livers people listening who will listen weekly week out well no. But I think only in Liv's defense very Loosely the money is such a big talk about now because they're trying to get the players. And I guess only once they've got that established 48 players obviously each week will be about money. But there'll be less talks about such a buddy getting sad to live for 100 million potentially however. they may keep trying to attract new golfers we don't know but you're right I think we've all I'm almost a bit you know go back to this F1 I'm almost quite surprised when when it gets released how much the F1 drivers earn a year because it's not. So obvious and that sport is outrageously expensive like to try. And run an F1 team is outrageous. But like I look at it and go oh I didn't realize Lewis Hamilton was getting paid that much. But that's it's like it's a sub narrative yeah it's the performance. And then.

The sub narrative oh yeah of course he gets paid that much because he's. So good I feel like that was always in golf yeah like people didn't know how much Tiger Woods earned they were they knew how many majors he won. Or how many tournaments he won it's only becoming now about it's flipping the other way unfortunately like how many times you scroll on Instagram now and I had to look a minute ago how many events Rory had won this year I know how much money he's earned they're quickly there's about 15 posts this morning about how much money he's earned this this year yeah. But actually when you're looking at how many tournaments has he won where did he Place well I don't know it's just like it's it's a different storyline that I'm I don't think I'm certainly not used to Josh. Yet and I'm sure people will get to it. And I'm not one bit but I want these guys to make an outrageous amount of money they're super talented I don't like give Rory macro 100 million for winning yesterday doesn't bother me it's more don't make that the story and make make the goal for the story first in my opinion personally anyway I don't disagree um so we've had loads of questions on the Facebook group so if you're listening to this watching this and you're not joining the Facebook group come on play the game why not um search for the rick Shields Golf Show podcast on Facebook you'll find the group The 78.1 000 members now my card is growing um we'd like to see you in there wouldn't we 100 uh Rick personally welcomes everybody videos. And so if you want to shake Rick's hand why would you not join um and also please continue to show support of the podcast we are um constantly getting more. And more people so they're in the clubhouse and which is great the clubhouse it's getting busy now we have some ventilation it's getting crowded we're actually put a marquee on The West Wing we have. So that's going to help a lot that's where the new people have to go yeah the new Clubhouse members if you're thinking what's the clubhouse simple in it it's basically when you've listened to every single podcast. Or watch whichever you enter the clubhouse yeah say hello to Marco our new Chef yeah. And Jillian our new front of house she's lovely amazing amazing so yeah if you go in there uh 10 discount off your first food order. And there's no dress code. And Marco does a phenomenal lasagna with chips [Music] anyway in the group um many people have asked questions we said that we were having a party. Or doing a podcast right now skating questions in now or else it won't get answered um Neil has said this is a good one this if Rick was to play good good in a Ryder Cup style 6v6 okay which five other European Golf YouTube would you pick now I want to go purely off ability here not following. And who's got the most subscribers purely on ability so who would you pick okay who's going to be able to battle those guys it's gonna be a tough match there you go Pete I'm going to be non-playing Captain oh wow okay um I'll go yeah I'll go pee yeah um well definitely um I would go Andy Carter I'm at Friar yeah to get those guys in my mates I would then.

Who else would I pick a playing. And it's all off scratch I guess yeah um the place should be easier than what it while making out are you definitely not playing them oh yeah they'll play why not I'll make it fair don't forget though because a couple of the guys aren't like scratch golfers if you have a couple of more you could maybe have who who old man Pat from golf mates yeah you can pop it round. And he would definitely beat him uh I'm trying to think now who would I do come on Rick that should have had more preparation on this um. So me Pete Mark Carter I need two more I want to go with and this is European yeah um I bet people are going well why are you not picking him yeah um I'm a lot picking guy someone well I'll tell you we'll have handicaps in there. So we'll let you have handicap players Bandits let's get tubes in there he's a bit of a bandit at the minute yeah she's getting some shots on Stephen let's just say tubes have a good shout. And you've got one more spot to fill um I'm liking it so hard I feel like there should be some it's not guys who are trying to like play play it's not like obviously Pete's trying to do quest. For the openings not more guys trying to do stuff like that they're really good at golf I don't know I'm struggling now I'll put in um I need some help here I'm trying to think of somebody do you think of more of a let's put John Robbins in there because you get loads of shots he loves his golf. And he'll banter him and he'll banter them to death I feel like I've missed loads of people I apologize if I have but I'll need more time yeah sorry that was I thought that would be easier than it was gonna do um. But yeah someone said Josh loaded what the hell's a sausage roll. So Rick in 10 words or less what is a sausage roll it's a sausage a pork filling um covered in a flaky sometimes. Or slightly more um solid pastry finish nice Paul Longley has said I have a funny story what's the email address send it to well it's the same here like email address it's been filmed. For 46 weeks it's a podcast at ricksheels.com I always wonder how many emails have we lost or not received because people spelled your surname income Millions so it's podcast which you can't spell incorrectly at logo is easy to find Rick r i c k. And then.

Shields is s-h-i-e-l-s.com that simple um. So if you send it to that email we'll get it we'll try and read them all we do read the vast majority we reply to some when we have time. And the best ones get rid out that's the Ultimate Prize um someone Dylan Oliver last one will answer says at what handicap of golf should I go from buying used golf balls to brand new golf balls does it does handicap come into this how much money you want to spend yeah it's finances um the thing is with huge golf balls it's always a bit of a question mark about the legit the legitimacy like sometimes the you know I've we've done the test on refurbished golf balls before. And actually they were very very good. But it's also refurbished golf balls out there that can be very dodgy that's the thing Lake ball well lake balls I'm probably more open to because they're often just a real golf ball refurbished I've got a coating on however. I mean I'm sure there's been studies done where when a golf balls inside a lake. For six years six months whatever it can affect performance it probably does make sense. But you know what that massive basket of oxalone is pre-owned yeah that massive basket of Pro V ones I trust my life my life because they just look they've just been hit a couple of times been lost by you know Americans that have bought some you know sentences just to get one more thing in before we end the podcast you. And your wife are in Union vows yeah you've got golf better there as a guest that Pro V once matalonis in the basket would they be an usher I think we'd give them out as wedding presents they're like the favors you put on the table I think we'd have the confetti of you walking down the island was chucking provi ones that yeah oh that's got JCP logo on it Jay-Z pictures how could the uh the uh Robin Heisman podcast yeah. So last week's podcast it wasn't the biggest of the numbers it was never gonna be um people like the comments are amazing comments I actually um called up European Golf designs last week when you're off. And unfortunate problems on holiday my spokes on the guys it was great. And just passed on our comments of how good it was how well it's gone down how much people have loved Rob. And how knowledgeable he is how interesting he is. So if you've not listened to last week so it wasn't as clickbait as others go back and listen to it it was really good that you're probably starting go I don't think I'm interested in this I saw a lot of comments about yeah yeah about that interesting course architecture. But actually when you get into it you're like oh that's actually quite interesting 100 I think that's something we want to do going forward click on the TV. And watch those like inside the factory yeah programs. And you and you flick and you go I'm not really that bothered our cornflakes are made next.

Thing 45 minutes in you're like oh no everything conflicts are made you know what it is the problem with that is we have too much choice these days we've got. So many channels we've got Netflix Amazon Prime YouTube Etc all the social media apps if you're not instantly entertained you can turn off yeah. So we ask you so don't always have to be entertained in this podcast but when you're in the clubhouse it's a chore you have to listen to it unless you don't want to be in the clubhouse and just a quick note on that um you know the podcast some weeks is me. And Rick chatting nonsense chatting about the current world of events of golf and Rick and Brooks kepka beef in ETC John Daley's other times we have to get follow me the other day so on Instagram go on roach kept because caddy oh wow the development here wow referee maybe he's he's his Corner man I can be your corner man okay I can like rub that guy cream on your face in between rounds why is it normally Vaseline you know you might get you out get your white towel throwing stay behind your jab stay behind your jab one two is nice. And comfortable just jab him just jab him because he's going to Haymakers right if you compose yourself just jab just yeah like a whip it a little whip it um. But yeah some podcasts some week's gonna be guests where they're a bit more serious some get some weeks is a bit more banter Vibe I.E Hammond which is coming this Friday don't miss it. So good a good one a voice right this podcast was designated I can't even speak anymore this podcast was powered by first half golf bitter Hunter. But it was in dedication of barrier Maureen.