That guy that guy rory um is it strange he's. So bloody good he's so so so bloody good and when you watch him yesterday he looked like it was easy yeah i think yeah there's one more person i want to speak about as well actually um. But he look he i thought he made it look easy yesterday he did yeah. But that's is that not a trend with him get out of contention. And then.

When it doesn't really matter and you're not gonna win it'd be like playing golf with your mates versus playing golf with trying like a a championship on the light or a tournament on the line um so that playing off remates at augusta national and shooting it he goes out there he's not saying he's not thinking i'm gonna win there was probably what five to ten percent chance he could win i was at a friend's house last night watching it. And then.

Oh he's gonna win he's gonna win he's gonna come back if he gets to eight and i was like no i think give me the post world where he wins here yeah if he'd posted eight. Or nine under in the clubhouse he would have lost by one in the end yeah. But it's got a chef that could have five put it instead of just yeah um yeah it's mad is it it's gotta be between the years because it's not technical surely i mean you've watched him hit wedges right what do you mean you're not yeah. But that's still gotta be you could have a good game against shut up it's not technical on the wedges is it what do you see going when you watch someone like lowry with a wedge yeah there's lots of shots there isn't if you said right um wins slightly into here we're at 70 yards i'm gonna give you your 50. just go right i'll just hit like a little low running draw in there with rory it's like right past me the 60 how high does it need to go. And how much spin is it going to happen there's never like a finesse shot. For me there's there's there's every shot i watched when he was hitting wedges on like friday he's like oh he's got a hundred yards in oh he's got a 70-foot putt. And he's like full swing finish what is that yeah no feathers like you look at like when dj turned it around rory is by far the best driver of the golf ball in our generation yeah we will ever see no one's going to do it better he just absolutely munches it. But then.

What's the point you may as well just do a seven iron off the teenager. But then.

Dj goes and works on his wedges he did. And he and he was brilliant i don't know why someone's not there going like he went to cowan to try. And change his golf swing to try and hit a bit more fadey stop that keep drawing it off the tee keep doing what you're doing get someone hitting like let's hit a little chippy wedge can you cut one in can you do this can you do that. And go and work on those bits but if it's not a strength do you work on your weaknesses as much as your strengths players do work on the strengths a lot yeah like when like the whole bryson thing happened a few years ago. And then.

Rory's there like i'm trying to what my speed it's like why why are you actually mad yeah you are the best driver of the golf ball. And trying to get another five yards what so you can duff it five yards closer to the green what what are you doing baddies yeah there you go cause i absolutely love him he's like the best thing. For golf like after tiger now such a role model you know looks after himself very articulate great for the game but just go and work on your wedges there you go rory listen to matt love you if you're listening rory the other player and we need to talk about.