Rick yes this is a good one this uh again this might be a little video clip we might use. But it's a really um something you'll have possibly some experience with in a good way and a bad way potentially i'm not gonna name the person's name which should become evident why love the show and thanks rick for bringing me back to the game um i have quite an issue i don't know how to deal with after taking a long time off from golf for about 10 years i decided to join um a local course and take it more seriously i enlisted the service of a local instructor found structure i found online so far we've done about 15 lessons and he was re he's really made my game. So much better even to the point where my wife now goes for lessons every two weeks so even though i found him on land i think he's going up to face to face to have lessons with him the issue is i feel i have pretty much maxed out learning from him i don't feel like i'm getting my money's worth anymore. And i want to continue with somebody else maybe approach got a simulator etc to show more analytics the instructor i can't say the instructor and i have become good friends and i don't know many people um around the area so we play together monthly as well so we've become a bit of a friend as well as a coach how do i professionally. And personally let him know that i once started seeing a new golf coach he will still be teaching my wife. And i'm always willing to play team with him but i want to take it more serious i don't think he's up. For the task um with love and respect i'd like to hear your opinion on this it is an interesting one because yeah i have had situations like this you know i would say let me let me just break this down into two ways of responding. So golfer we'll call him can we call him like frank yeah okay. So frank who is actually his friend no he's not yeah. So frank who goes this golf coach and obviously seen great improvement after 15 lessons he feels like he's maxed out i think it's a couple of things i think first off don't maybe you've got to ex you've got to um manage your expectation levels because you do see fast improvement early with lessons. So the first three or four lessons or maybe five lessons that's where you're probably going to see the vast majority of your improvement because that's where the biggest changes are made then.

Over that next.

Period of time if again if you've been. For 15 golf lessons now it's probably more the quantity of lessons that you've taken as opposed to the quality of lessons that you've taken so i'm sure the quality has been really good um so for me it's maybe you don't maybe have to go and search a different golf coach unless you're actually looking at certain topics let's say let's say for example frank goes to this coach who's called tommy and tommy says you know i'm actually um frank says i need to work on my putting but and he said well actually i've booked him with a putting coach like work it with tommy to go. And see a putting coach or some a specialist in that area um if you weren't getting on with them then.

Potentially yeah just break it away. And and you know go go off somewhere else i i've had that experience in the past where i've had students move to other golf coaches and i've had coaches i've had other students move to me from other golf coaches and sometimes just a fresh pair of eyes makes a massive difference the way it's explained or the way it's demonstrated or whatever it may be um i think where it's probably got messy in this situation is become friends yeah. And i must admit that's probably the mistake that's been made as opposed to it being the wrong coach because i think as soon as you become friendly with a student too friendly it it loses that that purpose do you think there's also an element i'm probably gonna say this word wrong now it's in my mind. But that er the law of diminishing returns where it's like obviously once it gets to a certain point other things have to change so maybe he's gone to this coach 15 lessons and let's just say naturally he's improved his grip his swing he's his strike except he's getting a bit better at golf but he's at the point now where unless he's actually on his fitness or playing a hell of a lot more or hitting the loads more balls he's just not going to improve. And it's almost the coaches are relevant potentially. And the other thing as well is how much is frank coming back to tommy with information like is is he playing three times a week. And coming back to tommy and going right this is what i want to work on x y. And z this is where i feel like my weaknesses are. Or is he just playing once a week having a lesson once a week. Or whatever it may be and not actually coming back with any any evidence of things to improve but i think like. So that's the one balance and i've always tried to be really really strict with it is the the friend slash professional relationship when you're working with a student needs to be coach. And student in my opinion i think as soon as you cross that boundary between friends it gets really really tricky because again let's say you know. And i don't really coach any of my friends let's say even though you know they've asked me for advice in the past is because you end up chatting yeah you don't end up working like you end up talking about girlfriends. Or going out. Or whatever it may be instead of actually what we're going to work on right now you're my student i'm your coach we're going to work on this um i think it takes a very interesting mix of characters if you can still be friendly. And have that really strict working relationship as well sounds good so tommy and frank um frank wants to try something else go for it i would maybe just explain it to tommy we become too friendly and do me a deal i'm sick you're always joke rubbish at golf you put me off i don't want to play with you anymore um.