One of the other things i always remember and i'd love to bring this up but it's not something we've done you obviously did also work off social media was it gq magazine wasn't what was the naked shoot oh that's espn i mean that's incredible that you did that talk us through this okay. So that was because you know i've always been into my fitness. And that year i'd obviously won twice so i've obviously been kind of noticing this in a sense so this was back in like 2012. Or something yeah right. So i've obviously an inquiry has come in and i've been obviously asked about this this is when i was with img management. And you know they've asked me if if this is something i'd be you know keen to do. Or willing to do. Or interested in it kind of took me by shark a little bit because i'm like whoa that's a bit like i mean i didn't expect that like make like naked naked. Or just just like so i i mean i think like i said i'm only 20 at the time. But then.

I've kind of done a bit of research i'm like oh my god like there's some of the most best outlets i haven't like arnold schwarzenegger done it i did it no i did it with gary same year as gary player yeah that's gary. So we were the two we were the two golfers that year brooks have done it since i believe yep. So describe this shoot for me well is it as glamorous as it looks. Or not because you did it is it new york driving i did it in chelsea piers new york on january 4th. So it was freezing oh wow. So you can imagine i was like like like dressing county yeah off on heaters um i think as well the initial like yeah unveiling was the hard part. But then.

It's it's kind of a small group of people and then.

Eventually it's just like i've ever seen you like it so i've never done this there's some greg norman pictures online that are quite revealing as well he's done it greg norman he was even camilla uh camilo i think yeah there's a bit of a trend though what all the guys that are shredded. And did you find that that kind of a new audience found you obviously that's espn huge worldwide magazine like did you find that people were now starting to follow you that maybe weren't golfers um i don't know no no no you can't measure it to be honest i wouldn't know necessarily i don't look at the numbers. And figures but i just feel that you know it's something i'm actually very humbled to be asked to be involved in and again seeing the athletes that have done it all so it's kind of been nice to be one of those that have also what did your mom. And dad think about it well that's the funny thing. So um during the interview of that um i met like i had i think about six six i've got six. Or seven tattoos i can't remember um i had at least four at that point and um my dad never knew i had any tattoos he was. So against them i was like surprised no he wasn't gonna see them i feel like your big brother would have been oh your brothers would have been very protective as well the thing is i had i remember getting one when i was really young. And i was like just turned 18. And i got one on my foot i had to wear socks all the time when i was home. And then.

One day i just forgot to come downstairs and put socks what's that on your foot and then.

Go oh it's just a sticker oh thank god it's it's fully mentioned that because i love how gullible he is you.