A golfer who lied has been jailed for six months so listen to this so our our condom or condemn is like to become real life. And i'll you struggle to condone this one but a champion golfer who swindled 26 000 pounds in benefits has been jailed so um i mean his name's in the paper allen bannister who played of a handicap of six. So he's a good player claimed crippling arthritis and back pain meant it took him 15 minutes to walk just 50 yards that's what he used to tell people he had such bad pain he couldn't walk more than 50 yards right as a result of that he was able to claim a top rate payment usually reserved to people who cannot walk. For more i did that. For more than eight years and he was also handed a mobility car as well. But he found himself in a hole when investigators filmed him walking around an 18-hole golf course the 56 year old was also caught on camera hitting a 240 yard shot from the first tee. And then.

Lifting his bag of clubs with one hand and strolling down the fairway the former mechanical mechanical engineer had claimed his condition was. So severe he could not lift a saucepan or even peel potatoes when he applied disability a living allowance in 2004 a court heard the same year he joined um his golf win wales and told his fraud trial last month that playing the game um helped to reduce his symptoms but it took a jury uh no less than two. And a half hours to convict him of taking money by deception wow jail for six months wow let him off [Laughter] i love sex he wanted a self driver i'm joking i do not want to condone that anyways how powerful golfers does because it might have taken him 15 minutes to walk from his car to the first tee as soon as he hits that 240 yard drive it's all paid he's skipping down the fairway no that is obviously very very bad. And would not you yeah i guess he has to pay all the money back well i guess. So but i think i'd rather pay the money back. And spend six months in jail i'd hate how much should you right okay question. For you then.

You go to jail for six months okay. Or you can pay not to go okay what would be the limit of what you'd pay six months yeah all your meals cup jelly not needing my mobile phone some really good podcast ideas. And video ideas come out with a little tattoo yeah i mean right let's just play it right i wouldn't last a day in jail imagine what would you try. And go in with i'm a sound guy i've got no issues anyone don't hurt me. Or you're trying to be a bit hard just to kind of let the tough guys know i'd really hope that some of them were golfers they're not golfers ah it's not a golf joke right you're putting a in a room with me. And you're walking on the hard man and you knock on the door i go all right mates hi good afternoon what are you in. For um i uh accidentally um tripped someone over and if you fell down some stairs and i didn't what a weird way of saying it i'm trying to think as i'm like golf term then.

I didn't give the judge a put once. And i won the match you were grass [Laughter] you'll be all right around here son just pulling your leg are you that rich shields rick shields yeah you can call me whatever you want sir uh i think you'd do very well in prison rick i would do terrible i would do terrible very well yeah. So if it touch wood doesn't happen but if it did we sell everything. And please everybody bail me out yeah i think i'd reply require at least 10 pounds from every one of my subscribers 20 million yeah yeah that'll do give a million to the jail. And then.

I'll be from scot 390 million.