In terms of your time on tour i'm guessing it kind of snowballed from having a couple of clients that you said. And now obviously you are where you are i mean would you be comfortable saying who you know coach. Or is that something you wouldn't want to talk about on the podcast i don't know yeah no i'm happy with that well it'd be great to hear who you coach now. And then.

Kind of like what your i don't know if you have a typical working week but what it actually looks like to be out coaching these superstars um well newest client would be rick shields no no biggie top of the list no. So so current sort of clients that you know the viewers would know um would be tommy fleetwood justin rose um henrik stenson matt fitzpatrick we mentioned uh lee westwood uh gary woodland um francesco molinari chris wood david horsey there's some other european tour based players some serious names well major winners world number ones ryder cup players yeah i mean you've literally got them all across the board there. And an interesting league obviously with people like gary woodland a mixture of places where they are from america. And obviously like someone like henrik stenson or justin rose they live in america now as do most of tour players to be honest don't they really like it's not just people that you've kind of learned. And worked with from the european tour level it's really gone obviously global to some of the best players that's ever played really how long who's the longest client that you've had then.

Would it be matt would you say david horsey really yeah. So i first met dave when he was about 18 right um. And he must be in his early 30s now right so he'd be one of the longest standing clients fitzy would be up there of course i don't i don't know how old matt is probably i think he's my age he's over the 30s i think he's about roughly a 30 does he think he's selfish i always still look at matt as like an 18 year old how does obviously all these guys are professional athletes he's always 27 my bad um like they're obviously professional guys super switched on which is why they've got to where they've got. But how does it work. For you balancing them all like if one of them's having a swing fault a stroke fault or not putting well they want to speak to you but you're busy with like another client how do you like balance that. And how do they never get like annoyed that they only speak to you today.

And you're busy or whatever like it that can be difficult trying to sort of manage your workload if you're at an event. But for the most part the guys are really good they appreciate that. And you just try and organize your day and your diary so you'll be doing that maybe in the days prior um and you kind of just get through each week somehow but it you need an understanding from the players and you know they if they wanted they could be difficult if if you know i want that particular time and that's it but i think they get it. And um they're flexible and you're trying to help them you want to do your best buy them. So they kind of work with you on that but yeah if you've if it's a busy week it can be stressful trying to make sure that you see everyone. And and um they're not having to go out of their way to see you know they're the important ones at the event aren't they their preparation and the timing the schedule is the most important thing. So it can be tricky. But so i'm guessing it like a torrid con no. But i was gonna. For the most part i'll work with a good bunch of guys who are you know who work with you not against you. So i'm guessing the most time you can have most players at an event is like a major yeah the open. Or the masters or something like that it is now yeah yeah um it never used to be like that i do remember being in abu dhabi once. And i had 13 players at the event oh my gosh that was the most i was like oh my god what am i doing here i'm not going to get through this week. And then.

I managed to which was ridiculous. But then.

Like now it's you know people play different schedules so you i wouldn't i would never have that many players at an event but then.

When they all come together don't they for the big events so the you know the wg seas all the mages is when you could have mostly you know all your players there. So it does make. For a busy week do they almost like book like a lesson slot with you as such like i make them book online now i send them an email link. And you mainly do that through you don't have to again go into specifics. But through player or is it through managers. Or is it through caddies i get the people to talk to my people [Laughter] no just you just whatsapp don't really yeah yeah message i'm there monday are we catching up. And then.

If you send it all off at once first come first serve don't you that was crazy um. But it's just like organizing your diary like on any other day but most tournaments because i know we've talked about this for you're only there really monday tuesday wednesday aren't you i'd be there more now i really i mean it used to be that i'd be there practice days. But i'd say as you know my roles change a little bit and you know my responsibility has gotten greater than and you also you travel further afield of course you can't just pop to the us for practice days yeah you know i find myself that i'm at events. For longer so yeah i'll you know a lot of times be there at least till friday. Or most of the week in a year how many weeks are you away roughly i don't want to think about that how many weeks you were at home probably um i do between 20. And 25 tournaments wow okay now they're not always full weeks. But then.

I do have other um activities. And other aspects of my job which should also take me away as well of course so firm out of time overseas how's it normally working i'm just looking at the world rankings now i'm going to pick well look at john round number one like say he has a bit of about to go with his putting. And he he wants to start seeing you as a putting coach i'm guessing again it will vote from player to player. But what's the noble kind of process like would you kind of meet them for a meeting and have a couple of lessons or do they just like i guess they don't become a client instantly you've got kind of jealous people. And as your kind of philosophies fit with how they like to practice and learn and stuff so how does that process you know you get a phone call tomorrow from john ram's agent. Or whatever how how does that normally then.

Progress to them being your client it's not that different to what you know you'd expect really at some point they've decided that they're struggling with the putting. Or they need an opinion and um either the player or an agent would reach out and say can i get a lesson. And you'd meet with a player you'd um give them an opinion and and then.

You'd leave it with them and then.

They're either going to follow up with that. Or they're going to you know do something else. So and something like that first let's say meeting is that normally done in private away from media prionize where gossip can start. Or is it often on just a putting green at a tournament it could be either really really yeah i mean a lot of times it is at an event um. So it is in the public. Or other players can see. Or whatever but i mean ideally i like to try. And see a new student away from an event ideally at the studio where you can get all your data get your analysis you've got the time to go through stuff you don't feel pressurized. Or rushed then.

They don't also don't have a tournament to worry about of course so yeah i would prefer a student to come. And see me in the studio get our stuff go outdoors whatever um i mean i i remember the first time that i actually ever saw rory rory came to formby hall that's okay which was a little weird. And i remember thinking at a time because have you been to the studio and that with the window that overlooks studio basically you can see through this it's frosted now. But did it not usually it wasn't at the time no. But we we put some temporary blinds up because thinking if rory comes in and then.

People are in the shop. And they can see it just like watching going you're gonna end up you know. So yeah um. So there's an element where you you are worrying a little bit about privacy. So we put some blinds up for when he came um but yeah ideally get them away you got that privacy you got that time yeah. But very often you're not afforded that chance and and with schedules and stuff like that you could be asked to give an opinion to someone at an event i feel like i've got so many questions.