It's a bit like when we james robinson ex-tour pro we're like go on james give it another shot but he's quite comfortable he's happy with what he's doing you know okay well i've got a d-ring. For you then.

Um obviously dear rick's norm aren't sponsored so the person that gets email read out today.

Who's called rob i don't think i need to leave anonymous you're not gonna get him into any prize drawers you're getting nothing. But you are rick's friend. For life happy with that wow it's quite it's quite a commitment if you shout four you're definitely his friend it's quite a commitment um okay. So rob has emailed in and he wants some of your advice rick so if you listen are familiar with dear rick you've noticed the point where rick starts to close his eyes. And get really into this he really likes his derricks so let's go so dear rick i'm at a stage in my golf life where i don't know what to do okay i played a decent standard as a junior. And i was scratching i was 17. And played county level so he's a bit of a baller i stopped playing for the best part of 10 years due to family life having kids etc i started playing again a few years ago and it was like i never stopped first round back i shot a couple over. And i'm consistently breaking power um around various different courses i feel for the game now that i didn't have when i was younger i feel it was too much pressure as a kid that's gone now okay. So that makes perfect sense he's a junior is at county level you know it's a lot of pressure it becomes your whole life now he's 10 years older got children golfers to hobby. So he feels better when he's playing my problem is that i feel like i'm being pressured into playing competitions everybody i play with tells me how to get a handicap which i don't i don't have at the minute. And play some open competitions and see where i'm at my worry is by doing this it puts pressure with back on me. And it could potentially obviously have an impact on my enjoyment for this great game part of me thinks why not i know i can compete with most people. And on a good day i can knock it around in six seven under. But it's stress-free free even when it's a bad day and i shoot 75 i just don't care at the moment it's just nice enough sunday to get away from the misses and the kids a bad day in a shoot 75 yeah he's a good golfer um it's a good one to say surnames he says it's nice on a sunday to get away from the wife. And the kids for a few hours and just have a laugh i'm really in two minds what to do what would you do i know um i will enjoy playing competitively again. But when i play bad i don't want to be breaking clubs anymore etcetera um oh christ he then.

Says if he visits a podcast could you keep me anonymous i've always said his name's rob. So there's many robs who listen to this podcast so sorry rob you're not anonymous but i'm not a surname um i i like what i'd i'd stick with what he's doing okay firstly from somebody who has had experience of playing competitions. And had had my fingers burnt several times and actually no longer enjoy playing in competitions i think he's in a really nice spot where he can relax he can play with friends he can if he goes. And shoots six under he's happy as larry if he shoots 75 or whatever he shoots he doesn't have to go home and kick the cat he can just like he can just chill i like i like where he's at at the moment i understand there's probably a hunger. For other people for him to compete um it's a bit like when we james robinson xtor pro we're like go on james give it another shot but he's quite comfortable he's happy with what he's doing you know and there's a lot of commitment to trying playing in competitions he might want to practice more he might want to suddenly start putting more time and effort in and he doesn't want to rob doesn't want to he just wants to chill he wants to get away from the family at the weekend a bit of rob time and i respect him for that you know what i'll say no no i i don't think he should he might something we've heard soon that you don't massive have to be a member. And you don't have to play in competitions to get a handicap soon do you either get one. So you could get a handicap if you wish to if he doesn't play comms it's probably pointless anyway yeah it might just be a way of him just going oh yeah i'm off scratch. Or whatever it almost might appease his friends more that he's playing with that they oh yeah he's got a handicap now we play with rob who plays off plus one. Or plus it sounds like he might be off plus five or something you know what i in a lot of ways i completely agree with what you're saying and although i'm not obviously at rob's level i'm in a similar boat right now where i don't play comp don't have a handicap i just play and enjoy it and part of me is thinking she'll just start playing comps again the only thing i would say is. For me although i don't play elite level comps clearly but when i have done or when i did playing comps having a good round in a comp versus having a good round with your mates just on a saturday on a sunday it's different that buzz you get when you sign your scorecard after 18 holes. And you played in the comp and played well even if you don't win is unreal it's it. For me it's so much better i played bird the other day and it played quite nicely and i was happy about the card it was all friendly. And i went home drove home quite chuffed if that was a comp i'd have been well more chuffed however. the downside is if i play bad when i play with you walk off get in the car it's gone if i was playing a comp with you that's probably gonna annoy me even though i'm not any good level until i go to bed that night. So it's that kind of i think there's more reward playing comps. But i definitely there's a lot more annoyances and you'll get angry 100 yeah just stay in the middle section where's that yeah i don't i don't think he needs to change it. But the desire might overcome his is his kind of comfortable position yeah we'll see how it pans out let us know rob. But um my opinion i since i've stopped playing in competitions i felt i'm a lot more kind of chilled about my game if i was grinding every day all week like competitions is the things that that's the medal around your neck that's the reward you might need. But if you don't want to do that hard work. And effort just chill.