There you go expert advice we're going to come a bit more into your game etc. But on the podcast we have what would you call them like sections features features we have some feet we i said this is before offer me we have some features that are renowned now aren't they rick world famous world famous features probably the best one is nightmare golf shot ngs as the hardcore fans call it is the ogs know it as we've got a good ngs today.

We've also got a good listener of the week we've got a really good story about bargain golf club. So a couple of weeks ago a couple of episodes ago we did a topic about clubs that you have sold. And really regretted selling or clubs you've bought for a bargain that you can't believe you've bought got possibly the best one ever of those and then.

Also last week yeah last week we started a new feature called dear rick we felt like rick wasn't in a third time. So the new feature dear rick is where somebody can anonymously uh write in. And get some advice and i've got an absolute stonker and he's had to stay anonymous we are going to start with the dear rick oh. And you switched that i thought it was going to be nightmare golf star ah. And if he's titled it cheat now and another thing we had on the podcast recently me was a cheating topic. So this is a dear rick we need rick obviously his chance to give her his expert opinion i don't like cheats no i'd like you to almost be a voice of a beginner. And maybe more what's the word i'm looking for maybe more sympathetic with the person in question we'll do it we'll do a dear mia section because rick's going to be like hard i know he will be. So happy bad cop you can be good cop it says cheat dear rick. And guy straight away rick he's ticked the box for the dear rick because he put you first where do i start i'd like to renee remain anonymous because i have a feeling that some of our members listen to your podcast week in week out like myself make sure the phone's not getting on the camera yeah hopefully now i remember of a good club in merseyside which is where i live. So i always not said i will know this golf club i think i have an idea the guy's name actually anyway um. And i've been playing for many years before social distancing rules and the club booking system 14 to 20 of us would rock up each sunday and sorry each saturday and sunday pour balls in a hat and away we go with different people each week we have a guy who plays in our group he's the one who organizes the away days the golf holidays etc he loves to be involved in everything you know the type of one about he says so it's that guy he's probably a banter man he's loud he's the loud guy he organizes everything what do you call them the bantasaurus right bananasaurus rex um he likes to paint afterwards i'm adding all this on it might not even drain my teeth. For a while just talking about yourself he'll drive he'll drive a bm yeah you know him each week there was a different member of his group will approach me. And tell me stories of how he went in the rough and found it or i had a father when it was clearly a seven the list goes on we play. For tenner winner takes all so the stakes are decent. For saturday oh sorry play for tenner each and when it takes all that's like 140. for saturday sunday roll up and more than likely he always takes the cash whoa because he found the group that we play in and he organized the away days people in the group are petrified to pull up pull him up on his cheating ways when he plays a waif now group such as major comps at the club he always shoots horrendous scores 20 to 30 over his 12 handicap how do you rick suggest we approach this as a group we obviously don't hurt his feelings because he's a top fella. And a heart of gold but clearly taking our pants down week after week i personally haven't seen him in action with his cheating but the majority of the players have thanks anonymous okay that's a good one i don't have many other options. But sit him down and call him out i just think i know as much as a nice fella. And you set up the group and everything else i think cheats like that if they're not called out is one of the most dangerous things you can do quick caveat we know somebody personally i know that is a uh bse yeah it tells a lot of lies. But we've never once pulled them up on it because it's weird and it's hard to explain we're not getting too deep yeah that is a weird one yeah i think if it was me i would walk with him to the shots that you think he's done badly. And play social golf stand over him well you know just go and do a bit of social golfing just chat with him. And then.

Oh look i can't find it i'd say what would be a good one to catch him out one of the lads take one for the team pretend they're injured that week [Music] but say you know what though i fancy a walk and and just try and walk with this guy just like you know i'll you know what were you i'll caddy. For you i'll carry you yeah with your dodgy leg i'll just make an injury there that like you can't like i've got a bit of a dodgy elbow yeah you maybe can't still carry it back i don't want to win again i always win i'm sick of winning i'll walk around this week just whatever excuse it has to be i'm a bit hungover i'll just cut it. For you today.

Yeah i'm a bit scared i don't want to put my tenor in. And lose to you again you cheat him bastard bastard um and then.

Walk around with him and see what he does. And then.

If you don't catch him the first week another ladder takes one for the team and goes next.

Week i think it's hard i i understand because you've just caved out to that point really nicely. And it's dead easy for me to sit here and go just call him out because it's wrong and everything else but i do understand when it's. So integrated into a group yeah like it's really really hard. And again i'm going to be very careful how i put your foot around this. But we know somebody who's a very lovely bloke who would do anything. For you who is very um personable i feel like we need to charismatic ring into a podcast. And say yeah. But this this advice this said person tells the most ludicrous lies you've ever heard honestly. And it's like a weird relationship where you know he's lying he obviously knows that you know he's lying but you can't pull him up on it it's bizarre it's honestly crazy because even if you pull him up on it he'll throw a different light to get out of it it's dead weird um yeah i think i think that's probably a nice way of doing it try. And catch him out um oh i don't yeah i think you've just got to see it happening otherwise it's your word against imagine 140 quid every month that's his mortgage paid from cheating i might start this myself actually mia's from london she's going morgan yeah i was thinking that sounds amazing where are you living up north that's where we're living um yeah it's tricky like i don't know i'd love could that person please follow up with an email of what you did to catch him yes. And i don't want video evidence i'm going to post on my youtube channel perfect that's the exact kind of deer rick we're looking. For isn't it that was a nice eight out of ten if you want to feature on dear rick what should they do rick richardson i've got myself two carried away richard what should we do they need to email podcast correct. And title it with dirick perfect come up with a really awesome you can stay anonymous if you wish you can be public your request will be honored if you want to stay anonymous if you email this week on there's a good chance i won't read them. Yet but next.

Week we'll read loads um but also i'm not going to read this one out because there's a reason why i've been getting clickbaited recently on email. So people are starting to realize if they put really strong titles of the email they'll catch mine. And read them somebody did one before saying nike i state started making clubs again which i know isn't true that's very good though well i know purposely i didn't read it um. So we wanted we did email that well done yeah we want clickbait. But also as well this is what it was he put nike to start making golf clubs again. And then.

In the opening line underneath it said hope my clickbait title got the attention that was intended. So you don't want to click bait earlier no leave the clickbait like the clickbait kings you don't ever admit to click bait make the end of the email go ha made you read all that that's clickbait. But that wasn't the best.