He just doesn't nothing that he does would maybe want to buy the club because he just feels too almost alien if you like i think that was sometimes issue um i think it's quite interesting i want to hear your opinion on this. So it's still kind of touched on the tour news and i don't sound like a broken record being uprising again i was thinking this morning okay okay. And it might sound crazy this but was bryson a bad. Or even terrible signing for cobra golf let me just give you my thoughts first okay. And again as always these kind of topics a little bit of devil's advocate in it a bit a little bit of tongue in cheeks don't take it but just just you know getting us thinking so they signed him i think in 2016. And he was 22. he'd come off the back of i think the u.s amateur. And ncaa championships etc he was phenomenal yeah. But as soon as he kind of hit the you know he kind of hit the mainstream everybody knew he was this kind of mad scientist of a better word yeah he was obviously looked very different to how he looks now he wore the kind of flat caps which is just that's how people recognized him he had this kind of very one playing swing he had the one length irons he was very different wasn't he. And cobra signed him off the back of that they've made him his own one length irons that are very different massive chunky grips i'm sure a lot of people know about this he also has a very peculiar putter that's a brand called sick you know at the moment cobra mate putters we use their putter he's a bridgestone ball it's a signing. For cobra like this weekend he's done really well again hasn't anyone last weekend but from a marketing point of view from to me anyway i might be speaking as just the only person in the world that thinks like this he's so unrelatable i love him don't be wrong i really like the guy but he's now like built like an nfl player he's a massive big unit and he absolutely smacks the golf ball doesn't he did he what drive did you use this weekend was it the old one again it was the old one. But honestly he hardly used it the final round so he didn't lose his drive much but he's not using the current cobra driver his cobra irons are. So aliens what most people knighting outside the golfers he's variable length irons he's one length his putter is kind of up the left arm it's not cobra his golf ball's not cold bro he doesn't need cobra wedges does he either does he got artisan. Or something so it's a signing yes it's good that it's getting cobras kind of brand in people's minds as an athlete as someone they can utilize to shift their products does he help the brand bearing in mind as well ricky's off the boiler at the minute. So he's their only poster boy would it have been a better investment to go for somebody else who who would use more run-of-the-mill equipment yeah you've got to stump me um well why don't you try. And play on the other side say why he's been a good good asset to them maybe i think he's been a good asset. For two sides i think first off you cannot you. For the foreseea for the what's the right word i'm trying to get for here let's rewind back to 2016 when they're signing was that the year. So like five years ago now you could not have picked a more progressive player like somebody in that time frame nobody has done as well as bryce and deshambo as in that time frame i don't think statistically he's won eight times yeah i think you're probably right without looking at this major yeah you know he is the talk of the town there's a profile as well profile yeah people like people know more about bryce. And dechambeau than to do about justin uh john spieth right now you know he is the most talked about in my opinion now right now as we talk he is the most talked about tour player right now. So if you think about that. And let's just i would take it two ways i think from the broad spectrum of golfers just golfers around the world that may not know the tour news. Or might not know the latest driver he uses or whatever they are seeing on tv. Or online the most talked about the most influential golfer right now using cobra like most people that's all they'll know they won't know that he doesn't use a cobra putter they probably don't know that he doesn't use a cobra ball even though cobra don't really make a ball so i think a lot of the general public that might not be super super into golf will just connect bryson with cobra. So i think that's a really like that link is really powerful. And let's say they can use him when when you walk into a retail store it won't surprise me there's a massive big billboard of bryson de chambeau stood next.

To the cobra cobra how's that no has his whole physique. And stuff almost become a bigger story though yeah i think. So people know he's a big unit and he's put lots of muscle on and smacks it but they might even know what clubs he uses potentially because even though we're going to i'm going to play devil adequate on the on the positive side another another one as well because obviously cobra links with puma puma have also signed him. So so every time even whether what regardless of what clubs he's using he's always wearing puma yeah he's always wearing the puma clothing the puma shoes whatever it may be. So on that side of it you can almost break it into two realms yes even though people might not know him. For his golf clubs exactly what golf clubs he's using they'll see him in in puma gear all the time i think there's a big thing that's been missing is that when when a player gains distance. And they've not changed their physique massively they might change the technique but it's almost something that's hidden something you can't see the product gets all the praise yeah you know at the moment like adam scott's hitting it way longer than he has done. For a long time and a lot of people are putting it down to like the technologies you use in this these new shafts that he's trying whatever it may be. So they're putting it down to something that's external bryson his isn't having that when bryson is hitting it a long way nobody is saying that's because of the club everybody in my opinion is saying that's because he's swinging it faster because he's hitting it harder because attributing it to him as an athlete as opposed to the product yeah okay even though that's actually on your defense yeah. So i don't think it's a bad signing i think um. For awareness of a product it's probably working quite well yeah i mean i just don't know i'm stumped i don't know i feel like i think of bryson. And i'm thinking of cobra so does that that is true. But he just feels this isn't a negative about him i don't want to get i like writing it just everything he does just seems. So unrelatable he hits it at 130 mile an hour club at speed he essentially anchors the putter i know it's not officially anchoring he swings on a one plane swing with one length irons he just doesn't nothing that he does would maybe want to buy the club because he just feels too almost alien if you like i think that was sometimes issue with tiger when he was at nike that people didn't really buy nightclubs off the back of tiger because his tiger he's a robot he's an alien he's not a real person. So what clubs he uses borderline it's like a superhero yeah anyway is that enough tourneys possibly i've got something. For you today.


So i i sent you a text this morning and asked you to think of some clubs.