Hi guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 171. I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy and a good weekend pal yep I'm not going to ask you a first question it's I'd get the same response week in week out okay I thought you can say yeah I guess no I did I had a good weekend um I a bit chilled watched a lot of the golf I know you did. But I had an even better a few days before the weekend which we'll come on to in this podcast we had an exciting a few days in London we had we had a big work trip we did which was actually really really good. But you're right I watched a lot of golf this weekend again well that's the thing today's podcast is I think I said this last week remember the week before. But it's pretty um packed pretty stacked it is because we've got a lot to talk about. And you've become as you just said then.

A bit of a golf connoisseur after 11 years making YouTube videos. And being a goal Pro for 16 years I've decided to become a connoisseur world number one swapped again you know what well I I don't like to say I say I called it but if you remember in last week's podcast episode you said to me who would you pick Ram sheffler. Or Rory yeah. And RAM was my pick you also called the Silicon Bridge would get fixed it did thank you call someone else a week's time oh a week's time oh. And yeah anything you call it in a year Tiger Woods will be enough will be in the third to final group on Sunday at the Masters wow okay anyway tiger was back yes there was lots of positives there was a little a little story that came out of that as well I wish you might touch on yeah um. But all in all I feel like golf is is in a really good spot right now it really we said that again last week that it feels like the PJ tour is ramping up a bit it really really does. And Liv is back this week I believe yeah. So it's Mexico they're in I must admit I'm pretty sure Mexico the first tournament what do you think it's just on that though what do you think someone lives um promotional stuff they've done um questionable okay elaborate I think it's been awful yeah I really do you know you've had all these you've got these superstars of the game Phil Mickelson Brooks Dustin Johnson pull to Stenson like big names household names. And they put them in a studio and you've got Bryce in the chambeau playing a guitar and you've kind of it's very they've obviously really trying to push this team element now this year correct um I definitely have know a few more team names already like High Flyers and the cliques and the talk and smashes and Grabbers and um but I must admit some of the some of the press That's come out has been it's the right word just a bit below below par I think last time nice pun I think last year's promotional stuff was much stronger yeah I feel like this year it's kind of it's taken on this almost this role has almost been a bit too comical right there's this video that I spoke about your offer last week about this one where this kid kind of starts the video. And it's like you know which team should I support why should I support your team why support the High Flyers and you've got Phil Mickelson hitting this flop shot and saying this is why you should support us. And you've got so no no it's me I've got chocolate on the top. And if you know you've got Sergio Garcia kind of slightly oddly saying you need to support us because we're the best looking wow don't forget the Fireball the most passionate best looking guys if you've not seen this advert for live I'm sure a lot of you listening and watching have but the little girl who says wives and support you and all the players kind of answer and I didn't think of this until you said it. But it's a bit weird I think it's the second person on the screen which is Sergio says something like. And we're the best looking I just felt like yeah it's a bit weird when you were at seven year old girls asking the question because it wasn't as if it was the young girl. And then.

It moved someone else yes like if it was the young girl then.


The next.

Question was from somebody else it might work. But the question was always from this this young girl um. And you had kind of um is it was it wacky Neiman turned it up in like this souped up um I don't know what car it was like a Bentley. Or something or other um and then.

Obviously Bryce in the Shambo can I play in the air guitar in that little promo clip well question. For you then.

Because some people I'm sure oh we know we'll interpret this are you against living a one-word answer I'm not against it okay well how I'm on that then.

How how can what would have to happen this weekend. For you to then.

Come on the podcast next.

Week and be like I love live what what how how what it needs to catch my attention how do you think that happens I don't I don't know am I excited about it this week no um if they throw in a few more new names does that add to the excitement there's rumors going around about a few players going Thomas Peters. But they don't seem like real big names we'll question them for you because I agree with that statement in a sense that new names but I think I've said this before in the podcast many many moons ago I love the excitement of players joining live because it's like it's news isn't it. And we're hearing about oh well Bryson was gonna join. Or whatever it might be but then.

To me it kind of feels it wants to do John it's like all right that's it they've gone now. And it's actually not that exciting the one thing you might be able to answer is it actually still gonna be on YouTube at all now I actually don't know because that was part of the appeal last year that it was free on YouTube obviously now it's got some level of TV coverage which it's gonna now we're gonna start going on TV in different countries um I've got no idea about the golf course to go. And play that no it might have played a host event a Tour event there before I've got no idea. So I don't think it's not the venue it's not. So much the players it's not so much the teams what's going to actually draw me in today.

At this week should I say. But similar to that and and we'll switch kind of between this conversation between PJ and live a little bit at the start of last week did I think I was going to be glued to the TV last night watching RAM. And Max Homer go head to head in the final round I probably didn't no I knew I'd be watching tiger at some points this week because obviously the big story was Tiger was back um at Genesis. And playing at Riviera where he's playing some nice golf I had some really solid golfs yeah tweet by memory leader tweet saying like I'm getting 180 miles an hour ball speed I'm 24 every years. And I'm crunching and not injured and tiger rocks up touching 50 injured and can get like 180 ball speed it's insane how hard he hits it I think what the PGA tourer still definitely got it's got this pulling power you're chucking Rory tiger. And JT into a group and you're like oh my god I've got to watch that yeah now it comes on slightly into a different topic of what actually happened in that group. And there was a a prank a joke something of kind of this tasteful humor um is probably the best description. For it Justin Thomas hit a drive tiger will test it further than him. And as a as a a way of bantering him yep he passed over what was supposed to be discreetly uh a tampon a lady's sanitary towel. And the internet went crazy you're a girl correct uh the inside obviously went crazy about it um we've kind of spoke about this a little bit off podcast it's really hard for us as men to have a real strong kind of opinion about this because it's not really a joke aimed at us yeah I don't know if it's maybe not hard to have an opinion. But it's hard for us to understand the offense it could cause that's probably about so for example I saw it blow up and like anything and we're partly in the media people jump on these things I I really try to think you know I think we need to talk about a little bit because people listen. And watching week in week out know how the player was a massive tiger fans you've got other menus from his his um restaurant behind us we've got some tigers bobble heads we we love Tiger Woods. And he's one of the massive reasons why we both started Golf and continues to play golf and still watch him this day this weekend I love nothing more than seeing him come back a lot in fact the one thing I did love more was seen him in Sunday red seeing Tiger Woods in Sunday red is one of the iconic golf things it's like Rick Shields having a sausage roll after nine holes. So that's what golf's about um but yeah. So obviously as you've said the news was he did that. And I tried to look at I'll be honest when I saw it I didn't feel massively offended personally um I didn't think it was a little bit um if a crude joke to play knowing you're on National tele worldwide TV with eyes. So if that was something that he did privately without a round of golf. And I somehow heard about it or that got leaked would it really have made headline news and would it be something that gets so much um debate going maybe it wouldn't doing that in a PGA Tour event when it's your first one back. And you are TAG was a little bit silly well you know a camera is on him all the time well that's 24 7. like it wouldn't surprise me if the cameras were trying to get in the lavatories when he goes to take a whiz you know. And did Tiger Woods do in that did he meet would he would his intention have been to offend women I very much doubt it you know he's got a daughter who's about 16 years old I think give. Or take he's obviously very very close to his mother um I highly doubt that Ty get that prank the whole objective with it was to offend people clearly it wasn't however. I must admit as a huge Tiger fan an amount is a bit too far I'm sure people in the comments going either way on this. And arguing it all's an argue with each other whatever that's just the thing the way these debates sometimes go I must admit on reflection and maybe I am overthinking I am a little bit disappointed with it to be honest with you because I spoke to a few women over the weekend and asked them their opinion and I was maybe naively quite surprised how offended they were when I explained the context of the joke. And the joke ultimately is saying you don't hit the ball as far as me therefore. you're a woman you big girl now some people that were defending him online were basically saying it's a fact you know women on the PJ tour is it nowhere near as fat as men on the PJ tour now that's true that that's very very true that the stats there to prove that. But you know women in in all walks of life certainly in sport and in golf don't have it easy and you've got obviously two young daughters get into the game and I've recently had a daughter who's obviously far too young to even debate playing the game yet but even that opened your eyes a bit more to to people having it first and tiger more than anybody you know being a black golfer a mixed race golfer he had a hard time growing up on golf courses that's been publicized many many times so the things that got said to him were disgusted. So I very much doubt he has gone out there with the intention of causing a fence but maybe as Tigers you should be thinking a bit more clearly about these things shouldn't he I think you've summarized that incredibly well yeah I think it's it's yeah it's it's a stupid thing you shouldn't have been doing yeah do what I mean you know most blokes. And we'll hold the hands up might do things on the golf course they're a bit silly. Or safely things and whatever it might be I think you know most people do. But to do on a stage like that wasn't the best place. For Target I'm not gonna fall out with him over it I'll still collab with him if he wants we'll still do podcasts with him we'll do a break 75. Or rip 10 shot challenge if he wants to if he wants to get a little bit of credibility back I think yes I think that has to be his next.

Move. But it wasn't his finest moment I think. So the people are really really backing opponent it's always just banter probably to take a look at themselves is that really the right thing. For someone to do when the tag Awards. But anyway if you want to have your say in the comments I'm sure people do let us know. But be nice to each other down there please um yeah. But with that being you know very very well put together that guy um it was great seeing back he looked like he was he was playing well saying like to be able to compete at that level putting four rounds of golf together on a Saturday went out there. And shot was it four under. Or something five under um looked a little bit tired on the Sunday to be honest but kind of you could forgive that for the lack of tournament play he's had um yeah great scene in back. But just the whole event like I feel like they've they've really got some pioneering players now that you you kind of want to support I do also think full swing the documentary I know we've mentioned it a couple of times it's also helping with that connectivity with fans. And players right when the gala um the rookie from last year every time his name got mentioned on TV last night like my ears pick up prick up I'm like oh there he is like you feel like you know him a bit more. But do you think that's something that's I don't know how we do this. And how golf does this. But we should do more because every rookie that gets onto the PJ tour has a story. And some will be more exciting. And different to others some might be quite run-of-the-mill a guy's good at golf goes to college very good at golf gets onto the tour and does well makes nice living some people like Joel Darwin have got much more kind of deeper stories Tony Tony now no tiger obviously had an amazing backstory. But when you see them on the TV you just see them hitting a white ball on the field it's great to see more of their life I think that's why the videos that certainly we've managed to do with tour Pros have really helped the audience get to know the tour pro like I genuinely every time Ricky Fowler plays now I'll get a load of text messages oh Ricky's playing yeah. And when he got hole in one last week at Phoenix open at Ricky like suddenly like there's a connection between the person and the golf and it's like oh I know that person I watched him for an hour play against Rickett medalist I feel like I've known him a bit more now I think it's something that kind of the whole golf media can either take responsibility of I don't kind of know how you always do it. But I think some of the golf Brand's doing a good job I I saw a quick video um that Taylor Made did the other day actually I'll give curious them it was a sales video. For the driver trying to say I'll forgiven it is across yeah did you see it I did Tommy. And Shuffle yeah. And trotty hosted it it was really good. But even I mean obviously we know Tommy anyway. So I wasn't that surprised by seeing Tom Mix I know he's got great personality who spent time with him luckily and he's great lad and Nelson a bit more Scotty obviously on full swing but even seeing Scotty in that setting was more chilled. And there's quite this nice slow pacing when they're walking down the Fairway things like that you think well Brands want to sell products they want to show off the athletes on tour are using their products they should be doing more rather showing the person that is a natural way it was a little bit of a salesy video. But quite cleverly done um like you said it I think I I feel a bit close to some of these players now. And rooting for them more do you think just discuss this last week. But now it's been out and people have seen it do you think it's gonna grow golf swing I don't I I I think my opinion uh from when I saw it as a preview it probably still stands now um I think it was a wonderful documentary I think it can be better. For season two and hopefully there is a season two um. But there's actually been out yet because children start to be starting to film it already I'm not sure if it's been announced officially but I'm sure I saw on Twitter that was like big fancy cameras following some of the players right. But um I think I think they did a really good job. But I genuinely don't think it's going to attract loads of people outside the World of Golf no it'll track some it will there's no no uh. And it won't put anyone off that's it's not gonna put anyone off golf um so yeah that'll be really interesting I think this is where again this kind of connectivity with maybe the Live players has kind of been a bit lost like I don't know I've not heard anything about Dustin Johnson. For ages but obviously I know we're featuring a bit in the full swing but in in this off season now that liver are currently having I don't know is he bulking up is he get has he been training has he got a new club sponsor you know has he got no spots you know what I mean it feels like we don't know a great deal now now that might pique my interest this week when all that starts to kind of filter out when the first picture of Dustin Johnson getting out the car with a Titleist driver. For example might you know I'm that's not facts by the way that's just me hypothenating um if that might happen this week so we'll just have to see but I'm not I'm not I don't know I was more excited last year now this year to live yeah it was new yeah I think. And as well obviously the PJ tour has definitely um pulled its socks up I suppose that the good thing is people can can watch as much as both of them this week's obviously the Honda Classic as well. So you know you can't literally watch two at once necessarily but you can watch the highlights of one. And dipping it out and if you are a golf fan it's downside you're not seeing all these players playing against each other all the time bar maybe the majors. But you're getting so much golf yeah. So much so we had an exciting trip this week dude Thursday and Friday we left Manchester we left the Big Smoke No we went to the biggest we left the medium smoke. And entered the Big Smoke went to London for a couple of reasons and the first one was very exciting we went to go. And meet your friend of mine YouTube The Boss the boss man um yeah very fortunate that over the times making YouTube videos that um kind of have been appreciated by YouTube like there's obviously YouTubers that as the business. But there's people inside of YouTube and in the screen actually the little people that's running around getting all the videos little borrowers um we've been very lucky to work very closely with YouTube over the last you know three or four years and that that kind of um relationship has strengthened again um and hopefully for you as a viewer you'll benefit because it means we make better content we'll know our content more and we'll understand what you guys as the viewer wants to see as well yeah. And also we hinted and I went with a bit of a proposal of something very very exciting which YouTube themselves are extremely excited to get behind. And I think you are fans will want to watch it. And it'll come out hopefully the this event will happen towards the end of this year mouth-watering. So I think it's gonna be really exciting. So they were super behind that it was really cool to spend time at YouTube It's a unique place in Google's office Google's office it's really really cool you've got. So many people working there cool people really cool did you feel uncool um no no I felt uncool. For other people like you and the other guys but now I felt pretty cool my hat was backwards I got people to call me Ricky we kept rolling up cigarettes I was like you're drinking you're drinking coffee with oat milk I only wanted my coffee stirred into coffee scenes are. So so rolled off his ankles on this place bright white ankle my knees were on this place uh no no I did feel a bit uncool because it's you know it is a real you know it's just such a smart place you've got um not only YouTuber base there. But you've got Google parts of Google placed there as well Androids Android pixels um trying to think who else is there you've got my Google Maps in there ah nice you got a gym in there that was pretty cool. And really nice food really nice restaurants uh a sleeping section as you do like they actually have a room just to go. And have a sleep yeah little pods in there um all the floors. And the rooms were like themed it's got like a movie floor. And every room on the movie floor was themed by different movies yeah um. But like dead weird ones like Gremlins and jaws and whatever Free Willy Free Willy's one of my favorite films ever um so yeah that was really good. So exciting times ahead with that and then.

We also went and met your friend and mine live on Scotland Scott so obviously I've been now in a partnership with Lance Scott coming up to 10 8 10 months uh love wearing the brand um so if you don't know certainly for my American listeners and viewers I wear this Golden Eagle on my jumper on my heart and obviously guy wears it now and again most of the time now and again um that is Lionel Scott yeah. And it's got when you actually go to the headquarters the heritage in golf is frightening very deep. So lion Scott was a brightening as in like you don't realize how connected to the root of golf it is that's true. And you look at some of the pictures of the golfers that have won big events Greg Norman with the open yeah. And we're in land Scott jumper uh you said it's one of the brands that's been around. For the longest and it's kind of last couple of years it's really been having a Resurgence back in golf Ian Baker Finch Finch at Birkdale with a lions got top on there was one year where both Ryder Cup teams were sponsored by lion Scott wow. So yeah really good brand. So we've got potentially something exciting happening with those guys as well and then.

We went and got smashed I didn't get smashed you got smashed I was no I was lightly smashed you were sourced yeah nice we went to a few really cool venues in London we went took a visit to pitch yes an indoor golf simulator Place very very high end uh we watched a bit of the United match versus Barcelona. And also then.

Um hit some balls played a few little competitions um we had a good chat with them potentially around the 200th live show yes potential we might do it in London regardless we also went to swingers we did now that can't spoke on the podcast hey swingers is a indoor like crazy golf. But I don't you can't really call it crazy golf can you. Or can you would you classify that as crazy because it was great it was crazy golf. But it's obviously it's dead cool for adults adults Crazy Golf for adults adults yes you drink you have fun um swing you swing yeah I absolutely. But I Do by the way oh God I had a nightmare they really let me down as a team we won yeah we did we had a team comp as well. And we won as a team that's the most important thing so eight of us went down there to London um me guy and the rest of the team Matt who's back now doing the podcast and then.

Um all the other fellas as well came with us and then.

Vicky from landscott joined us as well um and we had a little three groups of three and thankfully I was on your team. And Sam's team and we did actually quite well that was really good I really like the team I was there. For the entertainment and the drinking you'd have to pay really and then.

We were going to go to bounce yeah which was a ping pong bar that's worth it. But we missed our we missed our reservation it comes a point in the night was that also a pun what was that swerved it yeah I did that was a little backhanded compliment like that um guys there's a back. And forth of banter at the moment oh wow you're ballsy um is that enough can we just yeah let's let's park this in the net um uh yeah. So we were gonna go bounce we didn't. And then.

We went on a bit of a night out yeah London's interested in it it is there's a lot going on there's a lot going we went Soho which is yeah if you know Soho then.

Yep I saw you it's like we did something don't you we didn't do anything we just went on a bit of a night out you know I nearly sat in sick not my own sick someone else is sick which was nice. But anyway I managed to dodge that um and then.

The next.

Day we also went to um another really cool place well let's just argue with my highlight oh can I explain why go. For it so we went looking at some more indoor kind of golf venues which thought we're in London golf is actually big in London you wouldn't think that. But it is we wanted to kind of because it's always good. For us to understand like were our listeners our viewers what they deemed golf as because me. And you had a very similar upbringing golf similar kind of level of golf clubs and a similar-ish story so when we're thinking of video ideas we're kind of coming from the same wavelength which in some ways is really good. But in other words like but there's more different types of golf route there's different types of golf different people different thoughts etc etc so we then.

Went to Urban golf which was where was the area I don't know it was London I don't really know all the differences of London I can't remember where it was now let me have a lot though. So anyway we went to Urban Golf and I've actually known ones before very very briefly but I couldn't really remember it and you kind of walking down quite an unassuming Street and take a little turn into urban golf second speak along Corridor and we have I filmed a little bit of footage on my iPhone it's not brilliant but we'll kind of cover it up here so if you're watching the podcast you'll see some before if you're listening maybe jump and watch the podcast after um it's really cool like sports bar with the big couches and loads of simulator rooms we can also have games with people we can practice. Or whatever what's the area well it's it's tough to say it was in Smithfield. But I don't know if that's actually an area well anyway it's uh you can Google it on the on the sorry on their website it's London's best indoor golf venue beers Burgers Santa music. And golf I think they could have gone beers banter bees. And bats [Laughter] [Music] oh beers Burgers beats and balls um but yeah it was really really cool you sound different when I got the headphones off we we got um we got very well looked after by James. So we've ruined it got touched on too far away I'm sorry all right can I tell a story about James. So we entered the facility we walked in right didn't we we did didn't we we got chatting. And Rick went over to the bar and said no I am don't use it yes it sort me out. And I didn't really we got chance the barman who and then.

The owner James came over who we've met briefly before it was at the open yeah um. So James owns Urban Golf and he owns a clothing brand as well called Sounder which is a golf kind of clothing brand really cool probably too cool. For us isn't it let's be honest yeah. But it's not not as good quality and high-end as lions car okay. But okay. But yeah no well obviously not yeah of course. So no. But it is super cool yeah anyway he then.

Showed us a secret room oh my goodness uh well he showed us a not a medium secret room which was like essentially like uh the bunker not. So much a VIP but you could probably rent that room it's like again a a simulator with a curved screen a couch it was just classroom hitting balls it's the side of that again I've got a little video of this he had his little like Workshop I would honestly say it was one of the best places I've been in the golf world it was. So James has this little workshop and he he's very very interesting character we should actually go on the podcast and because he builds clubs he kind of takes really old clubs and modernizes him he does he does personalization he had um what the Nike blades who were they said that he had pep on glasses Nike blades the uh Vapor Pro blades. And they're all all the shafts are out all the shots all the color was often they're all chromed out they look sick. And in this little side room it was like a walk down memory like. So I obviously have loved golf for a long time I would say 2003 it's 2008 was my absolute obsession with golf. And certainly golf equipment right he basically had this rack of clubs that were all the key products. And kind of around the own a little bit earlier as well and a little bit later and a little bit later and there was Scotty Camerons in there there was like a Titleist 975j was it something like that there was little stuff everywhere apparently PT Fairway tickets growing up they were the they were the three Woods to have yes um there was like some classic m2s I know that sounds much more modern. But m2s are really hard to get hold of he had them in pristine condition um he had all these racks of beautiful Blaze these one irons it just looked incredible. But what's mad you're in this room and you forget you're in the center of London yeah it was it was incredible. And they had like all these really cool golf bags they had this ping Masters green golf bag Oh my days I would honestly use that golf bag till the day I die yeah what an amazing place. And then.

We had some challenges on the simulator he had a really cool like high-end simulator and I'm not gonna lie now you were the I was absolutely flushing it oh yeah really was flushing it well I'll be honest well done you no no it's fine you weren't swingers she's flushing on the simulator you had you were good at beers I was really good at video exactly [Laughter] good trip it was good team morale it was good to again kind of see these different pockets of the world um sometimes you can get stuck in your own location. And you know I've been fortunate enough in the last few months go over to America that's kind of opened my eyes again to how people play golf and how they you know how different it is different places go down to London you've got these big you know High Flyers in the city who are working. And busy and they get their golf bag go into one of these indoor golf facilities you also saw certainly on the on the uh the first night the Thursday night in Pitch like a very different crowd and they're not how I would see golfers and that's not that's not me saying it's bad it was just like wow like you've got all different people from all different kind of walks of life participating in golf. And you think this is bloody brilliant to see that's the thing like that's only on Thursday we went to pitch. And it was like an evening in London it was. So hot it was busy like I said the people that were playing golf just weren't people. And it's hard to put the Fashions the way they were. So cool it's not what you think of being golfers. But they were. And then.

It obviously went to Urban golf the next.

Day and that felt like again there was more people in there. But but also not only the people but how they perceive playing golf I think you can get carried away with thinking that obviously golf is outdoors it's four hours it's wet it's cold whatever it might be. But actually for other people golf can be you've got a busy office job in London. And on one night a week or one afternoon a week where everybody might be gonna hit balls yeah. And jokes aside but that competitive game I was playing with a couple of lads that obviously was in a swing Studio it wasn't out on the grass. But the competition there was just like playing golf your swinging still has to be good because it has to stack up it was really insightful I think I think golf simulators have really moved the dialing participation yeah I think because generally now I know there's there's advantage of being at the golf course you can you can you could I think you could call yourself a golfer if you play simulator golf now I think you can call yourself a golfer if you want to call yourself a golfer that makes sense. So if you perceive you want to identify as a golfer you can identify as a golfer not genuinely if that's what I want to do from now on if you identify as a golfer if you think that going to mini golf once a week you see you want to be like that's fine like I think that's where we get that's what I said before. But for moles having a similar background you perceive golfers well it's only real if you have to back tease them well it's only a real score within the comp and you play all every the rule officially and you'll get your scorecard sign like that's one type of golf and that's great but there's more other sides of golf and thankfully worst being to a lot of people a lot of people we're speaking to might play different styles of golf hey man doing a couple of questions to do it. So we've had some really good emails as always we appreciate your emails we don't always read them all out but we read the vast majority um and we try and respond to as many as we can obviously it gets difficult. But um if you do send us an email thank you very very much the email is podcast ricksheels.com it always has been that it always will be that um. So yeah um okay. So let me just check this the right one it always has grin always will be I feel like I've um annoyingly I've lost the email from earlier on that's really frustrating enough to find that. But anyway one of the emails is From Austin Webber says hi Rick. And guy I'm currently planning a trip to Scotland my big 30th birthday this March I'm coming from America and I simply can't decide on courses I should visit or play out I love to be challenged any course I go to I'm a three handicapper and we're playing solo as my partner doesn't play golf if you had to choose three courses to play which ones would they be now this is my favorite bit look at videos your podcast. And James Robinson keep up the great work from Austin Webb at Clubhouse member well just first on that if you're not sure what class member means that simple Austin is listening to every single episode of the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast. And therefore. he's your friend he gets through the ball he gets through the let in through the door by baz yeah some great pictures of buzz by the way yes there was in the Facebook group he gets welcomed by Ian the secretary who shakes his hand. And says you know nice to see you yep see you nice and then.

He goes to the bar and gets served by usually gets he gets served by I think he doesn't go um starts with a D no where's Dorian Doreen Deborah Dory Doreen Doreen of course it is I remember it ain't one day um. And then.

He enjoys whatever beverage he would like um right what's up what's the question so the question well yeah three golf courses. But let's plan out a bit more so he's 30. I don't know what part of Scotland is going to however. we're gonna tell him well exactly. But also if he's from America he will perceive Scotland as being very small regardless because Americans typically will travel three hours just that's like nothing to do. So you can start from scratch Rick it's there oops. And also you can walk from one side to the one side to the other anyway anyone do this doesn't really matter does it um by the way quick joke that was Rick's nod to his work 150. um well planet planet. For me and I don't go silly budget don't don't go crazy go medium is it not just straightening at St Andrews. Or do you think no sorry about a foreplay please right this is my this is my itinerary. For him okay. And it makes no sense. But standard go for it okay he goes to Scotland okay he probably flies into a Glasgow already bro Edinboro Edinburgh I don't know either all I think well I'll tell you what then.

Let's say fly into Glasgow okay okay change all your plans. And fly into Glasgow once you get to Glasgow have a night out in Glasgow yes I love Glasgow I think it's just a really cool place as is Edinburgh different times though. But that's fine I want you to drive down the M77 to South West okay. And go and visit a little old place called Prestwick the home of the open and go go and go in the Pro Shop and speak to my our mate Dave sorry Pro and go Dave Rick and guy said I'm going to come. And play here I know this don't do this because you might not get on. But you need to go and play press week I think as an introduction to golf as as um just getting out there. And playing golf prestwick's the perfect golf course for that ain't it it's and also as well imagine if you've come from America which he is doing I can't imagine there's anything like press week in America. So go and play that yeah beautiful Golf Course go. And go in the clubhouse have some really nice food the chef remember we met the chef yeah I think it was coming up to his third year 30-year anniversary being there Pro Shop merch is insane as well just don't don't spend a lot. But remember you've got other places to come okay Dave let me do a little discount spend spend the money you get. For your 30th yeah you're gonna get a bit of cash from Auntie Dave I just said those words I knew it was wrong. But I couldn't stop myself you're gonna get some spending money from Uncle Dave and Auntie Denise so get that sorted David Denise it's really now the Royal Family characters Uncle Jim next.


While you're there you've got to just after you round you've had a couple of Scoops okay also about those are Premier Inn not far it's quite cheap yeah then.

Just rock into Royal Troon just say you've been there do I mean yeah not playing just I don't think you need to no okay I'm sure it's lovely yeah. But yeah pick up something just. So if you mates when you're back home see that you've got like a coffee mug that says Royal true and I'm like oh you play Royal tune ah I actually played pressway problem is though I find it really annoying when you've got a mate who's been somewhere. And takes a big massive coffee cup everywhere with them with the logo on you know when you're trying to film I've been doing that this morning you went filming and uh five liters yeah it's literally five liter a coffee mug from uh isleworth which by the way Friday I always check it out with Ryan Ruffles one of the best players I played with um once you've done that yeah I watched one course. So far one course I wanted to jump back on the M77 through Glasgow and then.

Jump onto the M8 okay to Edinburgh Edinburgh okay okay where are we going here another night out okay sourcing yeah I think Edinburgh is a bit more romantic yes Glasgow you get sourced yeah Edinburgh is a bit more romantic taking the culture look at the castle take your misses out. For a lovely meal you know just enjoy like doesn't have to be crazy nice bottle of wine yeah okay maybe ironically by Kilt well yeah once you've done Edinburgh you're going to drive across the M90 up the east coast of Scotland until you find a little place called crail crail now crail golf club is one of the most beautiful Golf Course where I played with Iona um lovely golf course not ridiculously hard. But one day I think you've just gotta play yeah once you've done that that night you're going to drive to is it Andrew's at home the home of golf sent Andrews. And where are they going to stay I think with this one you go all out these options are probably my go-to would be the old course Hotel. Or you could either go to rustics or Route Six I want to call it or number one Apartments it's a tough one of it there's a lot of three options for you there there's three really good options I think if you're gonna take your wife I'd go old course Hotel yeah personally got the spa you've got you've got more than golf there yes okay. And then.

You're overlooking get a golf course view you're overlooking the golf course that evening go and get some food going going. For a pie in the yes just got to do it see Linus is it Linus Linus right well done he's not a drone guy if anyone's asking oh yeah um because the next.

Morning at 10 30 okay nice time you've got a tea time. But for the old course and that morning you wake up you're excited you have a little walk around the town again just to just soak it all in you take your clubs. And you walk over litch over the road to the driving range yeah links driving range hit 50 balls you lose you're ready to go. And you're Mosey on over to the First Tee at the old course and you're gonna shoot 130 yes you know what t-shirt you're on the first you want a thin little left thin yeah anything left anything thin you're off yeah I wonder if when Austin went this email he wanted to say x y. And z but he's got grandson it's a third play Austin I hope you have a very very good time I'm sure you will I can only imagine. And build an envious of his Ali go in St Andrews for the first time because I can't imagine I was quite young fortunate when I went. But first time I can't imagine what it'd be like to go and see it all um very very um exciting for you Austin Ricks oh little texter little TV um yeah. So that's pretty good do you remember when you should start off attack not unicellular when people didn't put TV. And take it back I'll do it never do that I could use that much SMS courteous I think at the end no I didn't do it I don't I don't remember anyway in fact I think it was like a TBL text back later I don't remember that one. But that sounds like it would have been more very good anyway um got one more good email um I feel like we've neglected the emails a little bit recently which is why I want to double up today.

So this is a good one it's from Adam um Cureton. And it says hi guys I have a puzzle for the podcast uh and we actually read this email earlier on I gave it to Rick as well so a little bit of research on this not loads but a little bit I have a puzzle for the podcast I'm going to give you some info about me. And a budget and you guys can complete compete to choose the best clubs. For me a bit of a backstory I joined a golf club at the last year and started playing golf seriously after playing on and off for about since I was 12. um I got my first set of clubs I was 15 which were Trojan Chromo clubs don't know if you remember them I do remember Pro gin I don't know remember that model specifically. But I remember Pro gym they were okay. But actually I've now realized probably on the less forgiving side of clubs for a beginner this was important. For the puzzle anyway they've started to fall apart now and I'm playing more seriously I need new irons here is my puzzle is you refer to the word puzzle a lot it's not that much of a puzzle. But anyway I like it um my first handicap this is almost 27.. But I think I'm a little bit better than that hoping to get down to 20. Or below this summer which I think is realistic photos due to the old irons not having a large cavity back. And reasonably thin Top Line I actually prefer this look and um anything with a chunky for giving profile I don't really like okay I actually want slim okay I'm not madly bothered if the clubs are new. Or used but would like to be in good condition which is a great mindset to have I'll probably be using your friend's golfbidder as this seems the best way to get some decent clubs without breaking the bank nice golfbidder videos coming very soon by the way um I would ideally like to keep the cost below 600 pound as anything more I can't really afford I'm not sure to be worthwhile she's a perfectly good price point that's more than enough Adam I would love to hear yours. And Rick's opinion on the puzzle it might be interesting featuring the podcast solving people's golf clubs maybe it will um anyway. So that's his um information Rick we have then.

This morning spent a couple of minutes on golf at his website to find what we believe would be the best possible Club stream now I've got a bit out there with mine okay I'll let you go first well I took inspiration from the fact he likes a slim Golf Club okay. So we want something that's slim okay. But yeah he needs a bit forgiven us off 2027. of course now I thought a bit more holistically about this as well. So price point under 600 Quid done no no danger I've then.

People you want a brand are you okay Matt okay Matt's just coughing the back there's a podcast still run if you die [Laughter] in I've got a drink get those energy drinks probably there's loads of different flavors let's keep this rolling you're good he's just gonna cough um. So before we come on tonight yours ready I have okay. So we're just waiting for Matt everyone everyone just listening everyone's driving the car now waiting for Matt everyone listening you you may be going out. For a run you might have to imagine that you're on the last bit of your 5K you 4.78 kilometers in you start to start the Sprint you really get jeed up hearing that irons so you're quite excited. And then.

Matt ruined it all I feel like he gets a bit of a fighter in it that's a really integral part of this podcast I use a lot of work so everybody please do feel free to in the comments Below on the Facebook group give Matt a lot of Praise he's a very good laugh I really like him [Music] that's that funny I really like you back please right anyway. So back to it 600 pounds set events yeah I've gone. For a brand that I know I'm coughing now I've gone for a brand that make Elite irons okay therefore. when he buys them yeah they're not brand new. But he will feel like he's owning something that is really really strong brand okay it's all. So I believe gonna hold the value and they're not necessarily something that everybody will have okay. So my items drumroll please Mizuno mp20 hmb you look very confused or if you got don't say you've got the same Mizuno jpx 921 tour irons wow they're almost identical sets of clothes yes show me yours mine are a hollow body set. So we'll put these up on screen so yeah they're not a million miles off uh my ones come in around the 550 Mark obviously depends there's different sets on golf. But it's there's different obviously dexterities there's different Steel versus graphite there's the different flexes but the ones I've got here are about 550. why do you go with Mizzou now it was his line about not having too much of a thick Top Line nice. And I always feel like because my as you started saying it my instant gravitation was towards ping okay like an old set of like g300s. Or something yeah they're just a bit chunky aren't they behind the ball. And I thought well actually if you're looking for a slightly Slimmer set I'd actually go and actually go more towards like say a Mizuno which make a beautiful looking iron and they've got much better in the more recent years of making a beautiful eye and still forgiving yes well the hollow ones I went. For are a bit more in that kind of p790 Arena which I think actually is that from what he's saying he's in a great place because there's loads of irons now your p790s your Hollow headed irons all the different brands that kind of do that they are forgiving. And quite distance orientated but behind the golf ball are still quite sleek. And quite slim and they're overly bulky so zuno is a great set I'm gonna throw one more curveball in okay if he wants to save a bit of dough I actually think a few years old I was still pretty good I managed to find here a set of TaylorMade M4 ions with M4 not a bit chunky not crazy not chunky Souls. But not in the bag they're really chunky but Top Line wasn't horrendous I think my mizuno's my better yeah definitely I think the the m4s the like 200 quid cheaper wow. So you might want to explore it possibly but yeah I think that just shows isn't it that like if you know it's quite weird because he knew roughly what I was looking. For without knowing what I was looking. For um someone like golfer is a great place to look. But you really can get some good deals if you're willing to have secondhand stuff which I think a lot of people are um you're gonna get yourself some really good deals. And I think there's nothing better than than having a brand new golf club that no one's ever talked. And you take the wrapper off and it's literally yours but if you want to save money the second hand Market is a great place to go isn't it 100. And likes guy just into that then.

New golfbidder videos coming soon should we give a bit more on that I'll just keep it at that let's keep it up for the time being okay if you like golf bidder. And you like videos you like Rick Shields and you're like all the creators on the platform who've also done golf better stuff in before if you like if you're into that sort of stuff say it Go and say it announce it [Music] is it confirmed it's confirmed it could be any more confirmed okay down that lens right down that lens I am proud. And excited to announce a 500 pound golf bitter challenge is back this year myself versus the finch is going to be launching Masters week it'll be out Masters week um not. Yet filmed so practice needed hard work starts now but yeah it's uh it's exciting times I'm I'm really intrigued to uh yeah to get it filmed. And get it out there so um there's gonna be as far as I know subjects a little bits of tweaks but a video on Pete's Channel where you pick your clubs yeah it's gonna be interesting because 500 pounds now this is why it was seven years ago it was different in it this is going up. So gulper is still a great place to buy a golf clubs very good pricing. But I'm gonna just see what you go with second video will be you versus Pete on your channel Head to Head loser quits golf forever it's a big thing ever it's a big thing you've got a quick go off. And shave your beard yeah that'll be a really good forfeit now eat when he loses on this last note before we end the podcast right there how serious you're going to take it is it just a more of a fun video you know people want to see it already thinking you want to win you don't want to lose obviously I want to win how much um 70 okay. So if you do lose. For me I want to I want to put up a good battle Yeah I think that's the thing. For me and we've had some great matches some have won some I've lost I think the last one I did was probably the most upset about because I played really bad. And it was like it just wasn't a competition in the end that was that was the start of 2020. when we played it at um Centurion. But yeah I just want to put up a good battle this time I want to feel confident playing well if I can play like I played at Wallace recently yes I'd be more than happy with that if I drive the ball well. And play respectable from there I'll be happy well this is intriguing then.

It was a bit more of an in-depth question. And it's probably more you'll discuss in the video but how do you spend the money then.

Because you know driving is a big part of your games when you strands does that then.

Mean you can go with a cheaper driver because it's the person hitting the driver not the driver. Or do you spend more on a good driver to keep to ensure that you're driving I'll put most emphasis on the spec of my driver actually putter can be anything yeah. For one round a little Sleek thing for me as long as it's got a fat grip and it's and it looks okay as long as you're gonna roughly Square it up I'm very girthy yeah um. So so and then.

Irons I'm not too forced because I can't play with strong Lofts and all settings or something just yeah cheap I mean I might start ah I've got a plan cool okay I don't think it'd work I'm gonna say I was gonna say what about if I ship in to golfbidder clubs of mine that I liked from the past to cover sold them to golfbidder yeah right. So you're making a profit straight away quids in and then.

Buying back in this challenge but they're gonna be under the 500 pounds maybe you could scratch them really scratch them really scratch them so get like a nice ping driver okay something else back even send it with your own head cover on it get us down the knife. And scratch it but so it doesn't affect performance but definitely devalues it I'm talking Sky marks maybe enjoy lrs in the middle of the face but no no I love that then.

Buy him back then.

I go into this golf. But it's it's up for the highest price yeah um anyway thanks. For watching listening um interacting being part of the show we really appreciate yeah there's lots going on at the moment filming new videos all the time aisle worth is out Friday we didn't even get a chance to talk about Royal Liverpool yeah we both played all right she's only each done [Music] really good great experience very honored to play with the uh climate jug there I want to play it again near to the open right up. For a video I just I think. So yeah like maybe with a tour pro oh who's played in the open yeah. For the first time or whack I'd love to watch like a like a memory around there yeah. And see what he actually does yeah because I feel like someone like me really has got all the shots needed. For somewhere around there that's why I never did. So good at Renaissance when he won the Scottish open I'd love to see that yeah be good. And then.

Obviously I are worth out Friday yeah break 75 with Ryan Ruffles who is a um he's an Aussie Pro. But lives the majority of time now in the UK in the US sorry he was exceptional. So you'll enjoy that yesterday while you're watching this the pxg ball went live pxg ball disappointed with that yeah. But was it ever going to be great I know. But when you come out and when you make such a bold statements I just thought PhD the brand has just changed so much you should have made that ball 30 quid but has a brand ever gone through such an extensive identity change in such a short period of time um not without them probably getting bought or sold or feels like it's a real from when they started not long ago to now the whole for me the whole almost like idea of the brand has changed so significantly they've lost the way haven't they anyway talk about losing our ways talking about losing the ways into this podcast anyway guys thanks for watching listening make sure you subscribe leave a review and we shall see you next.

Week episode 172. yep ow.