All right guys welcome back to episode 180. not bad 180. yes nice guys welcome back to Originals Golf Show podcast everybody this is a Friday special a little pre-w weekend treat. For you all I'm here your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy and also social co-host co-host number two today.

Mia Baker yes hi guys thanks. For being on the podcast meter thanks for having me it's such a treat for me to be here you're up in Manchester we were like we've done an episode with Mia many many many moons ago yes I couldn't even I couldn't even imagine what episode I wanna say 47 top of my head we're in a hotel room [Laughter] I've got some questions to answer when I get home I'm sure we're in a hotel restaurant there we go yeah we're at the Marriott. And it was it was it felt like Covey Tire I'm pretty sure yeah. And we did a podcast with Mia. And we talked about the story of your kind of upbringing your new upbringing into the World of Golf and at that point your career was really starting to kind of on the up since that you have you have gone to the Moon oh I don't know about that I think you've gone everywhere else. But the moon I would dread to think how many air miles you've cocked up yeah I've done a lot of those uh. But however. I actually think something you might have surpassed air miles with Instagram stories yes I love an insta story. So if you don't follow me Mia make sure you check her out on Instagram and follow her journey you've also just set up a behind the scenes Instagram account as well so basically people are like oh you only do golf. And I'm like I do have other Hobbies. Or like if I want to post you mate are you playing the piano. Or me doing something different that isn't golf I just don't know where to put it why do people not want it on your normal page I don't know you just you just kind of feel like maybe they don't people are there. For the golf you know what I mean you know what I mean how then.

Has your. And like I said this is more kind of a co-host. But I also want to dive into a little bit of of what you've been up to in the last kind of 12 months 18 months since we saw you last right now would you still classify yourself as a new golfer um uh I don't know when do you graduate great question actually actually Rick graduates you yeah congratulations you are here at the rickshaw's graduation you are now an official golfer you swing it you hit it much much better than the new golfer you feel like you've gone past that stage now where I would say you might correct me you probably hit more good shots than you hit bad shots now. But I would say my golf brain in terms of being up in the course is still the same as someone who don't even think. For like three years you've probably not got enough experience for that Josh out of you yeah really because that is a different world that's what takes time I've seen it with my friends who play football growing up quite athletic. And quite quickly then.

Get good at hitting a golf ball long drives a flush seven iron but it's those little intricate shots and maybe putting your way around when things aren't going. So well that's what takes time to kind of really build I would say yeah I feel like I've got. So much golf knowledge and I know exactly what I'm supposed to do the execution I'm still working on that you know what I'm saying it does it take time like I think what what you would have missed out on. And we spoke about it loads on the podcast I I started when I was 11. were you about saying guys I was seven same time as you because I'm younger. But I was seven. So a bit younger but I'm younger okay well I thought it was both in like 97 wasn't it. So back in 97 when the Tiger Woods and the boom of golf started to really go crazy I would dread to think how much time I spent on the golf course between the age of 11. And 16. yeah even though it was only five years of real life I reckon that was 15 years worth of gold in golf years yeah I think I was 15 years worth of golf in those five years some holidays every single day every single day these are the things you missed out on me you might have been learning the piano. And doing all this other really interesting lights in the trees weren't we you might have been traveling a world globetrotted no if you've not dug in a dirty ditch. For an old golf ball are you really even a golfer well question. For you then.

We do a bit of practice now don't we not as much you probably should do really I would say most of my golf practice to get to a half decent level was done at those ages I would agree like once you've kind of got that certain level. But that's what what's interesting is. And you you are part of a very popular Trend recently of newer golfers coming to the game. And we see it all the time in comments on the videos and comments on the podcast a lot of people now are in your situation they didn't grow up playing golf like me. And guy did they've done it similar to you where you've taken on kind of as an adult. And you've now developed it into a passion and something you're really interested in it's just a different way of doing it because also as a kid I always thought that you make mistakes and you don't care as a kid you kind of get angry exactly and they get frustrated but you've still got tomorrow you've got the day after as an adult because we're more rational and we kind of make more sense of the world I I would personally find it more frustrating it's so frustrating and you have to work a job and you have to have a family and your kids and you're like well I can't really go and play Saturday and Sunday because I'll probably get killed by my wife or my husband yeah. So you know you have such a smaller amount of time to try and play it works both ways though because although I agree with what you're both saying when I was 15 16. And I had school and golf that was all I had in my life really golf was. So important if I played bad in a junior comp I'd almost go home in tears oh I would yeah whereas now if I play bad I've got a babe to go home to a wife a job it's like yeah I'm annoyed about other things take my mind off it. And more important obviously was when I was Junior I was absolutely I remember being on holiday missing Junior comps texting my mates who won what they shoot what the handicap come down to. And almost like I said Nils in tears I'm a lovely family holiday. But I'm not the golf course in the junior midweek roll up so I feel like I'm you like I could be in tears because I'm that stressed because I want to be that good yeah. But I just suck that's what golf does to you how much with all the things going on right now yeah. And to be honest a lot of listeners might not follow you already how almost would you even describe your kind of who you are right now you know you're a you're a presenter of golf you're an author um somebody of social media status yeah promote you have connections with clothing companies still retail manufacturers equipment manufacturers what what are you right now like what how how do you if you're at a business card. And you were to hand it out to somebody what would it say underneath your name hi my name's Mia Baker. And I am a golf entrepreneur oh wow I like that address the Moon no you know what it is is a lot of you guys who are in golf now started in golf I started not in golf. So as soon as I tried to get into the industry well I wasn't even trying but like I fell into the industry I had to change everything I was doing because you don't directly make any money from Instagram. So you have to try and find another way that you can get your income. So then.

You do like presenting because that obviously helps you be able to like I don't know just pay. For your YouTube channel yeah okay. For your Instagram Channel take those days that you need you know exactly what it's like um so yeah I had to quickly pivot. And do what I can. And it's been honestly so wonderful and I can't remember if you'd brought the book out about from when our last podcast that you had because the story of that you actually wrote that on a tray on a plane right a plane yeah. So I forgot my headphones on the plane up to the AIG Women's Open um in 2020 what that was kind of news 21. And I was like hmm I'm feeling inspired. And then.

I just wrote it on the notes of my phone and I showed everyone around um like the teams up there and they were like yeah that's cool yeah that's cool I was like I'm gonna make a book. And I'm like yeah yeah whatever yeah yeah awesome three months later I had my book. And they're like huh you actually did what you said you were gonna do. And I was like yeah of course I am. So are you quite determined a lot of this it's what I kind of I think from the outside you come across as very bubbly. And very friendly and but is there a real kind of business entrepreneur behind just before I went to that. So I jump in with some things that I was gonna save I think we'll do it now it was a perfect segue it's a comment from Tom Cotton on our Facebook page. And he says I picked Mia's book up at American Golf not so long ago I read it to my two-year-old in bed most nights he absolutely loves it top work thank you so much Tom I literally said to Rick a second ago before we even started this book I was like can I glue to you. For a second it's like what do you want to go to me about he didn't say that. But effectively and I was like. So basically someone actually bought my book and they wrote something so nice about me on Instagram and sent me a DM how they took it into their school and they showed all their friends in their class and they invited all their friends this was a little kid we're talking about invited all their friends to go. And play golf with them wow that is really good I must admit you you were very nice. And you sent me a couple of copies and you signed it for my kids and I I read it a lot of times to my children they really like it I think they like it because they've met you as well. So it's like oh my that woman we met wrote that book because they don't get to meet many authors or whatever it may be um but again it's a sign and I think real credit to yourself in this because not there's a lot of people who say they're gonna do stuff. And don't do it a lot of things that I've seen you do across your kind of three years whatever it's been Journey when you say you're gonna do something you do it when you say You're Gonna Run women's nights at pitch you did when you're talking about being an author you did it when you're talking about whatever you might do next.

Who knows what body next.

Is when you wanna you know when you you set up a podcast you set up a podcast you did it you've set up a YouTube channel you've done it. And I think there's a lot of you should be very proud of yourself with that a lot of credit because it's very easy in this day. And age to kind of put something on social media oh yeah I'm gonna do this. And it kind of just Fizzles out I've seen it loads of times but I must admit there's a lot of times where you'll say it and I'm like yeah she'll do it it's gonna happen because I love it I enjoy it. And I also I have this thing inside me where I just want to learn every single skill ever so if anyone were to speak to me I'd be like oh yeah boat yeah I know. So much about boats even though I know freaking nothing about boats but I probably studied boats one day and built a boat because I just wanted to see how they did it have you always been like that quite inquisitive yeah my dad said it was really annoying growing up because I'm still quite annoying now. But I was like why why you know that little kid yeah you're like the the sky's blue because it's you know blue why you're like um one thing that I think I would like to dive into because a couple last couple of weeks it's been quite heavy. And I remember talking about this and at the moment you're currently sipping water from a master's Cup on an Augusta National Golf Club napkin there's someone in this room since the Masters you may not have heard most of the Masters recently quiet was the open that's the one I am quite interested to know like because I'm not going to bring up well I'm gonna have to do now there was a time where you didn't quite understand why people liked Tiger Woods. So much is that still yeah something. So the the frustrating thing about me having started so late in golf is I knew nothing about golf before I started Golf like I didn't know what a power was I didn't know what green was you know it's like the ultimate beginning as opposed to I don't know any players I knew nobody. And people like how can you not know them you're. So stupid and I'm like I can't I just didn't know it just had never been around it and so Tiger Woods I know now that he is a legend. But the first time I ever saw Tiger's play he doubled the first and I'm like dude I double the first I'm over there so basically trying to say you're as good as Tiger Woods I get it yeah yeah exactly that. And then.

What about golf tournaments have you have you gotten invested in golf tournaments just yet I don't I mean I understand why people like it. And it kind of brings people together but I don't think I'm like obsessed with it. Yet I've been to a lot of female tournaments so I do a lot of work on the females tour. And I love that because I know all the girls like they're like my really good friends the guys I just don't know as well I've not learned about it as much the Masters is this super exclusive underwrapped tournament that no one shares like how am I meant to find out about apart from talking to people you know about Masters I think as well what's interesting with this is that we me. And Rick have kind of alluded to this already grew up in quite an authentic golf background in where we started as youngsters and joined a golf club and played competitions and tucked our polo shirts into our trousers and all these kind of things that were all the things that you do. But what I also think's refreshing with what you're saying is that people start golf at different ages different stages in their life. And not everyone has to kind of like the same thing so some people when you go to a golf club you'll see on the First Tee with a motor caddy the stealth 2 driver everything is Christine Jalen deberg clothes. And they might love the Masters and love social media and everything other people you might see I've got an old bad set of clubs but they don't care they want to go out walk four miles get some fresh air and hit a little ball into a hole and that's their perception of golf and it's like a sliding scale and there's no right side to be on. So you obviously love golf and love creating content but the fact that you might not love the events as much or might not feel the same way towards tiger he's kind of also fine isn't it you know what I think people who adults who get into golf are very fundamental. And important to development and growth of the game of golf and what I mean by that is that everybody started playing golf when they were younger. And children and almost they they got taught how everything was operated. And that's what you learn that's all you know so you're never really gonna question it right you're never really going to push boundaries you're never going to say well why is it like that why do I need to do that yeah well do you think if you come into it later on in life. And you've got fresh eyes and you've got different opinions that you came straight in and went well why are ladies go golf clothes like this yeah why do we have to why does it have to be like this. And if if people if adults who um came new into the game weren't asking those questions I don't think golf would ever actually develop as quick as it is doing. And quickly as done now fashion is changing. So much in golf right now God massively like and that that isn't through you Me growing up as kids playing golf because that's kind of all we've known and that's all most our uniform you accept it everyone's like but this is what I wear to golf. And everyone who's new is like. But why yeah exactly. So new people coming in Posh those boundaries and go do we have to. And I think that's really important. And again it'll be similar with golf tournament well how do I watch it I personally hate the fact that tournaments are behind pay walls. But I I find that so frustrating I understand the business side of it all but you know little Timmy who's 10 how's he going to watch golf unless his mum. And dad have got Skye yeah like it's not going to happen as much anymore is it it's. So true no. And that's the thing that's why social media and YouTubers do is doing. So well because it is. So much more accessible and also again that slide in scale we had before not everybody is bothered at watching who is the best golfer on the planet a lot of people are hence why they watch their masters. And watch the open but without being rude and Rick won't mind me saying this people like watching Ricks what's the best golf on the planet they're watching someone who's relatable entertaining and same with your content anyone who's not on if you're not a tour pro people aren't watching your videos for you how good golf you are because they're not watching. For other reasons and there's more and more Avenues now to consume golf content and what's also really exciting is like yourself there's more people coming into the World of Golf content creation from different worlds you've got yourself you've come from a totally different world you've got tubes who's come from a football background there's now coming to golf I think the original way like where Rick came from was quite a clean cut PJ Pro which is great. And there was definitely a market. For that it was more. And more diversity coming into the golf content space now will it be in five years. And will that then.

Change the game once these Brands can see there's markets out there. For more fashionable clothes or more irreverent things whatever that may or may not be they'll start producing it which opens up to more people which they start buying in all these Brands want to sell stuff basically don't they the more stuff they can sell the better they are. And this is a mark of hoodies people will buy hoodies. And they'll make more money Etc if you all in in your period of time playing golf have you seen quite a dramatic change huge change like when I first started everyone on social media in my opinion were like really really good at golf. And I was like I'm the only awful person how is the status quo yeah it was a PGA golf professional male typically PJ gold professional of a certain age that's what it was. And that's something a lot would joke then.

About like relatability you need to improve like three or whatever compose the average person you are unbelievable at golf. So if you just started Golf and you're watching this one as a pro you can break something five a lot that can probably feel quite alienating to some degree you don't even know where to start literally my friends I'm still trying to get my friends to play golf because like not many people around me play golf. And I got a text saying Mia how does one play golf. And I was like that's actually a good question it's like I don't know where to start it's such a hard question to do anyway because like what do you start with the equipment do you start with arrange how do you start at the range how do you hold it like all these questions that you guys probably take. For granted yeah well it's questions we ask ourselves all the time because you know part of Legacy. And what we want to leave in the world of golf like it's in a great place now but let's see if we bump those numbers up we've got to answer all those questions we've got to be able to say well actually this is the pathway. And it's actually a lot easier than it appears yeah. But you don't even know you're like literally stuck to the point where you don't even know what the question is you need to ask it's that it's also the nerves like. For me you know I'm not an amazing golfer but I wouldn't be remotely nervous with a new golf club and and paying a green fee and playing a golf course if I suddenly this is a bit of random analogy. But if I watch The Cricket on TV and thought you know what I wouldn't mind starting playing Cricket how on Earth do I start playing cricket. And how nervous do I go into a cricket team I don't know the rules I don't have any goods. And what position I would be playing like how do I start playing Cricket it's really what bat do you buy what do you wear white stuff I think well yeah yeah. So that's all I know yeah. But I even get confused now I'm like when people are playing off the tee who's going fast I'm like why are you now going fast I'm like I'm getting confused like yeah. But it's my honors three holes ago I'm like what does that even mean it's it's definitely definitely changing I I've I don't think we've lived in a period of time where golf is changing as quick as it is doing right now. And it's exciting I can't wait to see what the future holds because like I say it's all these fresh new ideas all these fresh new people coming into it um the the barriers the boundaries are being gradually. And I do believe this I've been starting to be open. And not down it's not perfect yet but we're getting there um and definitely yourself and others who have opened the golf up to a new audience are definitely helping with a lot how many beginner golfer channels are there now oh my God what trillions yeah well this is a good question from Jamie Galbraith again these are all from Facebook um join the Facebook page well shouldn't you Rick are you a member of the Facebook page you're a Facebook user are you really yeah do you say yes no I don't well if you did Imagine you've got a Facebook account right you've got it if you did would you join the Rick seals Golf Show podcast group oh yeah I would double join it yeah okay well actually would meet. And you'd probably leave it because once you joined again um but there's 85 000 members of the group it's growing and we love people sharing their success stories as well I think it's just at 90 000. was it I'm pretty sure is it 19 000 people yeah it's a nice Vibe it's like um friendly if you've had a hole in one you put it on there you get loads of likes if you break a hundred. And what I love as well some people come in and go up break 75 today.

Some people girl broke 100 today.

Some people might say it's my first round of golf. And I completely didn't shot 120. the amount of likes everyone you almost get more likes that the word is some degree it's a great community. And we use it a lot to ask questions and there's one thing though I'm not sure if my post on there are restricted in some way I have to accept them because I get I think he is the restaurant I get almost no interaction on my own post on my own group you haven't done anything significant enough apparently it's actually deleted it no delete it it's just you post really are great. So I put on something yesterday I'm looking for I'm looking for one of these currently okay that's 19 likes 15 likes on my own space gets double figures these sausage rolls got 76. oh Rick I feel like some guy got on some new set of irons they got 242. me asking. For questions about 93 likes today.

Me my own group asking. For advice from my own followers and fans and 17 likes well anyway a picture of a golf ball plugged oh well wrap this podcast up and uh Mia gives you some social media training if you like but the question I was going to get onto was from Jamie Galbraith he says. And I want to ask you both this is golf social media a more realistic Target slash aim than the tour. For girls and boys growing up so for example I think he's getting out if you're 12 years old now you're loving golf girl. Or boy is becoming an influencer quote unquote more realistic than trying to become a tour pro um you'd expect it to be more realistic because it's in it's in your hands to some degree well it is more realistic definitely you have to work hard at both though I feel like I think you do because there's more. And more people doing it now so if I was 18 years old trying to do social media in golf I'd have to create a USP to get an audience same way you'd have to be. So good at golf to become a tour pro so it's different but yet you still have to stand out I also think from a female perspective there are a lot of females on social media. But there probably isn't as many as they could be on tour and so there's probably more opportunities for you to become the best if that makes sense because a lot of the people who could be the best have never played golf yet or haven't ever had the opportunity to reach a potential say I started when I was like three years old I would be. So much better than I am now yeah. But like I'm out I always think that imagine if everybody like well that was World's Strongest Man. For example weird analogy I know someone is cracked his crowned the strongest man in the world. And to be fair they probably are because the train. For it but anything about the Sun a random man in African tribe or I was never going to experience with strong man competition both he trained might well be even boxing there must be some six foot seven Russian fellow who's never boxed in his life that can beat up a burr he would be the best golfer from the planet if everyone played golf. And you could beat up the best yes I'm sure didn't Australia do something like this. For the for the Olympics so whatever the year the Olympics was in Australia last was it Sydney 2002 I think it was where Redgrave 2000 Sydney anyway what they did in the build up to that let's rewind 20 years. Or 15 years they decided to try and almost source and categorize children at what sport they would be really good at really so they would test children and or their high or their percentile growth wow and go well you're in the hundredth size percentile you're gonna go into this category player or a swimmer or whatever whatever it may be and somebody else who was outrageously flexible okay you're gonna start to move into the gymnastics I'm pretty sure that that was it was something like that that makes sense. And imagine if every single child or every almost had these are things you're going to be terrible at don't even bother that don't worry tough come on oh come on you they're they're the things that you cannot do. And there's a list of things that you're gonna do in order of how good you are going to be at them wow yeah. But they do that. For careers I think I got librarian look what I'm doing now yeah you wrote a book you could have wrote your room I could put that in the library nice. And neat so like I don't know you could be putting off a child about something that they could be really good at you know some people grow later if I'm this this method might not have been perfect yet but figure out a perfect method golf will be a tough one. For that though because think of the different size. And shapes swimming you think to some degree if you've got long arms long legs whatever maybe well think of the different shapes. And sizes of golfers but if everyone tried Golf and everyone put in the effort I think it's a mental thing you'd have to do a mental test to see if you could cope with golf yeah I'd fail that straight away the other thing as well I I think. And this has been proven the fact that getting kids into as many many different sports and letting them have so many different abilities anyway because the real skills you need to is balance speeds agility you know coordination you know all of those things the mental strength that you learn from other sports from winning. And losing you almost become a rounded athlete and then.

You can just plug into any sport then.

Can't you really yeah you do find that if you are good at other sports golf does often come somewhat not natural. But you've got some level of ability like my friends who play football and start a golf as I said before you do find quite quickly they can strike the ball pretty well just help I remember when I was coaching. And you get a 20-yard year old lad come in he's like I've never tried tried golf before or do you do any other sports. And as soon as he started saying oh you want to play hockey football blah blah blah and you think well you're just going to be good follow-on question from this then.

From Paul. And this is one that will put more towards um me because I think it's it's what's aimed at you anyway he says another question what's the last one earlier on why does Mia think what does Mia think clubs could do to get more young female golfers play I know it's a bit of a cliche when you've been asked many times. But what do you think if there's a couple of things golf clubs could do to make it more appealing um I think this is what I was speaking to you about before employing females at your golf clubs like young females like represent the people that you want to come in I think that is a huge like advantage. And that makes sense I also think obviously corporate days um only in a lot of businesses men get invited. And there's women in the office have been like oh I'd love to like go but I can't play golf yet and doing something whereby they go to the range and have group lessons and even guys who've never played golf before whatever and then.

You have the group who go out and play like things like that where it's inclusive from an element of getting better learning as well as those who are confident enough to go out. And play I think is a good way to do it yeah I love that I always I've told this before one of my trophies many trophies on the Shelf over here I've got one of those too which one no just a trophy shelf all right it's bigger. And better one of these is a from a golf event that used to take place at my local golf club every year we used to call it foxes. And rabbits and there's an opportunity where I can't remember which way around it was now I think the golfers would be the foxes. And they would hit all the shots to the green you would invite a non-goal friend someone who'd never played golf ever before and they would be the rabbit and they would put I love that but only put so you'd work as a team and it honestly it was one one. And the golf afterwards yeah everyone was around in the clubhouse to be a barbecue one. And you're mixing all of these golfers who are members of the golf club that says 100 of them you bring in a hundred non-golf I love that team golf is literally the way forward. And it might be a family member it might be a work colleague it might be a husband or wife whatever it may be a kid but then.

You know they go that was actually quite fun I actually quite enjoyed that. And I think corporate days. And things like you mentioned there could definitely do a bit more of that you know it was fun eighteen. And two stroking X1 you six-putted you might have caused some divorces you stupid rabbits that's such a good idea my golf club it was called golfer non-golfer. But I also quite like Fox and rabbits but yeah we should do it I don't think my fox. And Rabbit's trophies on there yeah could we do a tournament golfers. And non-golfers yeah lots of rabbits. And I'll bring like all of the new golfers from my channel and you bring all the like pro golfers perfect big tournament let's do it even kids can be part of it I know another question. For you from Scott Warren who is your dream four ball now you're in this four balls you've got three guests do I have to say Rick series podcast I'll go. And get my clubs I literally love Lewis Capaldi it's nice did you see you posted on weekend I've been playing golf yeah you play I play golf with Lewis Capaldi what yeah all right human next.

To me how's he got he tried all right he tried really hard yeah yeah he was out on the golf course recently I know I saw that too with I mean provocative pictures granted yeah yeah he was like he was like looking all sexy on it's like the front of a golf buggy you know it's funny I just think he's. So he's in the he's got a spot what would your golf course be as well you can choose any golf course come on you've not played. Or when you've played or an easy Golf Course a hard golf course somewhere somewhere really exclusive yeah [Music] I I would honestly play like uh like a par three course nice I love them yes I do. And like it could be an 18 hole par three okay because there's not as much not I hate walking. But I just love hitting my next.

Shot she was saying before I showed I showed a glimpse of the room next.

Door I'm not we're not giving this away too much. Yet she'll say now when she plays golf she finds it too frustrating once she's hit a shot she's got that time between walking to your neck shot she's like almost too excited yeah yeah. So to be able to get to that next.

Shop quicker yeah Pottery course you lose Capaldi [Music] um this is where it gets really tricky uh who would you guys pick can I have a moment I think I Know Who You'd put in. And I think you'll kick yourself. For not putting her in Olivia Cowan oh I love Olivia there's a football I've never played sorry no it doesn't give me anything dream football yeah she would love to be in that formal to me. So you've well comments in a minute you've been kind of professionally caddying for Olivia Cowan I don't know why like I just keep picking up the bag you know is it in tournaments yeah oh wow I've seen that. So basically I go to a lot of like I said before women's events. And the difference on the female tour is a lot of them don't have a regular caddy because. And a lot of them are my friends. And I'm out there and my job is to present. But then.

When I'm presenting when I make content and go through all my blah blah blah and so I'm like what better the way to support my friend to make cracking content and get to be out on the course and I learned so much it's amazing do you feel much pressure not at all I just like twist the bottle cap water hold the banana skin great yeah should you get the bag itself would you hand it to her uh she kind of does that herself yeah you carry the bag. And then.

You bring Vibes I bring Vibes that's a big thing to bring positive vibe chilled out vibes just nice Vibes yeah exactly it's. So good so she doesn't ask you about any advice whatsoever so I carded one to Anne Van Damme if you don't know her she's like okay yeah we've done a video with Anne she hits it a long way I carried. For her we're on a par three she's like me I think you're ready to use the rangefinder took it out I was like 320 yards it's just like put it away I was like never did that again this might cause some offense please don't dig it offensively I can imagine saying give me a six sign. And you give me a nine iron and going oops that's a lot to myself I could just imagine doing that. And I also feel like they might have been a bit anywhere you gave a wrong yardage as a tactic so that you would never get asked again you know because there's trees and you're like shaking because it's like a big job and you've never done it before and then.

Yeah caps blowing off. And then.

Your tiles falling off you're like I'm Ducati you know what I would love to see and it'd be hard to measure this because there's all these theories now people saying oh Roy shouldn't be using his best friend Harry Diamond as his Cathy because he should have a more professional caddy and blah blah and also an experiment I don't know how you do it where you get a professional golfer play 18 holes they have an absolutely amazing caddy until statistically they say it's one five two to the flag wins doing this. But then.

They're quite like robotic versus a friend who doesn't really play golf who's got great banter and atmosphere and Vibes just to give him the bag see what the actual difference would be is one better than the other I guess a hybrid's the best Olivia is one of those players she she knows her in game she's like no I'll do it I don't need you to tell me. And he was like. And I'm like okay I think it also depends on the person yeah it does I think I would possibly would prefer someone almost giving me directions really yeah I think I would want someone to go it's this I think you should hit this because I. For me I quite like that kind of like almost passing on the responsibility and then.

Going you need to hit seven iron here I think I'm pretty pretty trusting on that yeah I think. For me I have the other way if I haven't played well in a comp and I'm going down 18. I'd Rather somebody go in we watch on Netflix at the minute. And just take your mind off it completely whatever you see tonight and then.

When it's the ball it's like and then.

I can get in the zone. And I just pick me on number and probably thin it through the green anyway but it's different you want to be a bit of both I guess I need someone like hand holding me the whole way I mean like it's gonna be all right you Lewis Capaldi Olivia Cowan. And give me someone really random that might not even play golf like like a celebrity that you've always wanted to me a hero a film star like if he was alive I'd have gone like that on the Steve Jobs route you know that would be a great show I just think they're. So fascinating even like Elon Musk like just think they're like really interesting people you Lewis Olivia Cowan Elon Musk another one can I film it yeah one that follows on from this then..

For the peer review it's a bit of a battle here so take a few minutes to get your answer correct um because I'm gonna pick the winner this is a quiz no it's just I'm gonna pick the winner. So there's no pressure. But you will get from James Rideout he's asking. For both of you what would your Champions dinner be at the Masters so let's imagine you win the 2024 Masters yeah 2025 comes around is it the Tuesday night. Or the Wednesday night Wednesday night you sit in there or is it no it's not just a Tuesday sit there on your green jacket. And it's your meal starter main dessert what are you picking outside to make this fur you go starter first then.

You go starter you go May. And then.

You go main so you've got a bit of time to think of each one hey can I ask a stupid question. But what is the history behind this Masters meal like was it Bobby Jones at first introduced it I imagine. So I don't actually know the the history of every Champion or was it Ben Hogan I quite like the idea behind it. So all the Champions meet before the event and they have they have a dinner and the last year's winner picks the menu it's an opportunity for have some of the best golfers on the planet that have all got one thing in common yeah well not just one. But one main thing in common they have all won the Masters and I think it's an opportunity. For if let's say you're quite a young golfer and you've won the jacket you get to sit in this room with Legends I mean it's amazing. And you know I think there's quite a lot of times where there's been there's not it's closed doors no one can find out about it. But some of the store did you hear about it of like iconic speeches that have taken place whether it's Jack Nicholas stood up there you know talking about you know the development of the game I I think it's a real it's a bit archaic in some sense. But also steeped in Tradition steeped in history I think it plays a really important part I like that that is a traditioning of I actually think is quite cool yeah. So yeah I'm pretty sure. And I don't want to just chat guy with your laptop who sell the Masters in that I'm pretty sure it's Ben Hogan but that also doesn't quite sound right because that seems not the right era um it was Ben Hogan not interested too because I think there's a massive starting now right anyway. So so just quickly then.

So Scottish Scheffler he went with cheeseburger sliders uh firecracker shim that's shrimp easy to say tortilla soup Texas rib eye steak or Blackened Redfish and then.

A warm chocolate chip cookie with this um ice cream so Rick come in with your starter please because you've got to please a lot of people it's not like you're a last meal right but I don't know I think this is your chance to you want to somewhat please them yeah. But it's also your dinner so you want no regrets it's typically a bit of a nod to where you're from as well I also throwing a drink here as well. So it's normally got some level of of almost um things yeah that was pretty great okay with lots of red red I'll eat the bread I wanted either a baked Camembert with like garlic. And rosemary and like warm bread or like Charles Bao or those types what's that one the second one uh like you know the Asian barbecue pork buns all right okay like what you get wagons I have the beef Bourbons they're almost like eight Asian place that you've ever had I've never been like have you been to like Hong Kong no okay you need to add that to your list McDonald's sometimes we go to Mexico. And we go to The Burrito Place uh okay. So that sounds good I would give that to you because by default yeah. So bad right main course come on Rick redeem yourself here I'm gonna go for okay I'm nervous now staking kidney pudding with chips. And curry sauce ketchup mandatory taking kidney yeah what's the steak it's actually if you stick a nail you're doing kidney pie taking any pudding the little ones that are upside down yeah I don't know what it is. But it's nice okay right right you're close chips curry sauce covered in it. And you have to have ketchup then.

On the curry sauce they could remove the kidney from that I'd be very interested let's see if we can beat him yeah the kidney is kind of thrown me I don't I don't think of it what I mean it's really nice yeah um because I I don't know if you've noticed. But I love bread so why would we know because my next.

Thing is going to be another bread a loaf of warburtons um. So I was thinking of like a freaking love like a toasty okay you're not allowed to the judge of this season beans toasty I mean I love that too you get it from Costa Coffee oh my god wow there'll be some chefs listening now cheers cheesy beanie toasty love that you know they used to do the Chicago Chicago time pizzas like cheesy beanies yes I love Chicago Town pizzas tomato stuffed crust plug yum wow okay okay I think like a toasty we could do like either I don't know I do like a tuna melt. But I also like like the uh Brie and cranberry it's delicious wow with like this by the way Jack Nicholas is going to be in this sort of stuff around with curry sauce. And ketchup there you go Jack this is real nice Rick yes I'm like I don't think Gary fire would approve mine that's all it's a mini um honey mustard cocktail sausages which are hot yeah I'll put you a drawer. For that one then.

Creme brulee yeah ever I don't want to go to your final dinner [Music] puddings. And creme bruise everyone just swerves it they're outside of a sandwich but I'll take that all day long drink then.

So everyone's gotta drink one drink all night baby bears actually not tried them or thanks a Guinness only you go in ginger beer look at that ginger beer either oh it's so nice to me I'll call it Connor um I'll just go straight to bed sounds like it's got alcoholics it's called beer I know it's not a cold no all right fair enough. So it was like a terrible somewhat underwhelming well that one different to how you plant guy I'm pretty sure yeah overall I'll give it to Mia. But it's not convincing Victory it was uh it's okay um while you're both here [Music] I want to share something uh I'm nervous yes you should be very very nervous because in less than 48 hours I am running the London Marathon oh my gosh have you ever been to watch it no obviously I don't know why I asked that stupid question my response was quite yeah my response was quite weird if Rick here's the word Marathon now he goes aggressive. And spiky so I've trained this week yep 20 miles which I've got which I've been told you shouldn't do the week before you should have done all the trading pre there 17 weeks 20-week plan. But I didn't so I've I crammed my marathon training in five days before the marathon good I'm I'm very very nervous about completing it can I ask you about your shoe situation well guy recommended me some which I've bought. And they're very very comfortable ran in them yes okay a couple of only five times okay yeah you do need to run in them a little bit yes I think that they're comfy enough. For comfort shoes on this channel but um yeah I'm looking forward to using them well that's why the podcast is today.

Friday because we might have another one again this could be the last podcast ever. So but we want to take a couple opportunities Mia you're not often in Manchester so we want to get you on the podcast we're doing some filming for your channel this afternoon which I'm very thank you so much for agreeing to come online my little old channel so it's you Jenny and Emily yeah. And golf golf girls on tour yeah. So we call ourselves golf girls we kind of want to redefine the term golf girls um as people who genuinely love the game we're not the greatest we play as a scramble so we still kind of score low the shots that we do that are bad are freaking hilarious like they are in embarrassingly bad that it just makes. For good content to be quite Frank so what's the what's the goal this afternoon apart from you girls to beat me that is the goal right us the Rick Shield. So it's you three fine scramble versus me okay. And how many holes and we're gonna play nine holes I like it and we're doing the front nine of the butt nine I was not undecided uh what golf course is it. So MIA I'd say Batman's better would you agree about that is better it just depends how busy it is Friday afternoon. But Sunshine out a few beers a few beers a bit of Pate on the Pate at least no I'm the pattern on the patio eating Pate um maybe this is a question. For guy what do you think same tea boxes. Or Strokes what do you I think if you go off whichever teas you prefer yeah forward tease um. And then.

Rick goes off whoever whites are out. And then.

I think you I think that would be a fair match I don't what's the ability how how let's just say it's pretty low handicap no shoes uh Rick's golf at the moment well last time I played golf was actually at Augusta National Golf Club wow I've not played golf since how is it there I played really really well. But life's changed since then.

I'm a different train from Marathon as well yeah that's the thing my legs are really sore because I've trained. So I think you start the game off with you on the forward tease Rick on the whites. And just play it no stroke. But you've obviously got the fact that you've got three attempts every shot and maybe see how you go a few holes and if it's like going one way. Or the other you can go I'll tell you what I'm gonna mix up a little bit it's not super serious do you power most of the holes. Or not uh well so I've been playing some really bad golf this past week it's like I've been possessed by a demon and she's never played golf before Oh I don't know why none of your golf courses really have like practice areas have you seen the practice area at Mia no I think it was just like passing. And chilling you're hitting to the lake oh it's cool you hit bought it Waters you it bought us into the uh you went balls floating golf balls into the lake oh no I didn't know that. So we'll get down there early a bit lunch then.

You can hit balls into it's actually okay quite good to start the video down there this is a game changer. So you can hit you can hit plenty of shots. And we do have practice areas I went to a course the other day. And it was just like a net some yeah some don't. But most of them do I'm really bad sometimes they're hidden aren't they a little bit of a walk away to drive there. And party car yeah I'm interested to see how you get on um. So that's going out that'll be going out soon as well yeah um. And then.

We the reason why then.

One we wanted to give you guys listening watching a Friday special me I thought I'd had an incredible value you do always um. And more people should follow you are you playing your face incredible value is that right yeah okay from which we're paying you you brought brilliant value I wish. And then.

Um I think let's make a decision now if we can guy I don't think I'm gonna be here Monday okay Emma it could be quite a funny podcast there's no reason why you shouldn't be. But that's the boss yeah you know am I going to be able to drive Monday morning to get here no. So let's do a podcast Tuesday. Or Wednesday well let's do it Tuesday to release on Wednesday okay. And if I can get in Monday if I if I spring out a bed like an excited puppy. And want to come in we'll do it Monday if not Tuesday to go out Wednesday leave it a Friday treat everyone listening watch is that what none of you can move if you do want to know please email at moan please email Mia by the way don't overdo it on like the gels if you've never had a gel I've been told not the gels yeah because I'll tell you what I did buy a little recently yeah well I don't even know if I want to disclose this information. But like lots of cream to put places um you do need that. And like I've seen some horror stories it has fallen off and also got nipple cream yeah yeah. So that's going to be interesting there's some plasters on them I bought a bum bag cute can I say one bag yeah I'm gonna do it really tight because where do you store things what do you need a phone charger airpods charger wallet do you wallet [Music] I'm going to be out there a long time I need a full survival kit Pate taking kidney pie I'm a scam really yeah I don't know what have you got a time that you're trying to aim. For um I want to finish by Monday's alive I want to be able to finish the marathon on the Sunday before things start getting packed away okay what I'm going to tell you is you'll see all sorts of different things out there like trees. And rhinos if you let a tree or a rhino beat you that means you need to be better I'm my plan if I see a rhino running past like it's a two men in a rhino suit I'm going to jump on their back without them even knowing. And I'm just gonna ride on the Rhino just waving at people because did you see did you see a story recently about the woman who got this qualified that's a bit rubbish that might be me um if you see me on Sunday in London on an underground. Or taxi okay keep it keep it oh shush your adrenaline is going to be through the roof you know how many people are watching. And cheering you all the way yeah all the way on Route all the way make sure you're wearing a big Rick shirt because you really don't even know you which is wild to think could even say go brick well imagine most people don't. But yeah it'd be quite cool yeah you've got it when I'm literally in a gutter desperately begging. For help yeah don't be stoned don't take pictures. And post them online when I'm just absolutely dying yeah I'm really looking forward to I'm doing it. For a wonderful charity it's never you make sure you do uh donate to child put a link in the Top Line description um it's a charity that supports children it supports parents who have lost children to cancer. So if you can't support it'd be really appreciated and uh yeah hopefully I'll see you next.

Week excited. For you 180 podcasts done thanks for listening everybody thanks for watching be sure to go and follow Mia Baker Golf entrepreneur author golf presenter golf Enthusiast bread lover future astronaut I would say kind of interesting I think you might be the first golfer that plays on the moon thanks everybody stay tuned lots more to come. And we shall see you next.

Time all right.