All right guys welcome back to the rich shield call show podcast episode 150 i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy um we've had a action-packed week last week we played quite a bit of golf actually that was quite an underwhelming start over 150th i episode that's better that's a bit mad that isn't it it is crazy it feels like you don't realize how many you're racking up until you hit these certain milestones well it's also mad that obviously simple maths 100 was 50 episodes ago the live show at manchester which was really fun we enjoyed that people came. And watched us on stage but yeah 150 who'd have thought well it's nearly three years now isn't it yeah well november 19 i think it was wow since that we've had a global pandemic yes new golf tour starting yes i still can't chip yes. And uh you're still hitting it longer than me so yeah a lot of things have uh some things haven't changed. And a lot of things happened will we be here in another 150 dragon i hope. So yeah i definitely hope. So should we do something big should we try. And plan something big for 200. yeah come on talk to me it's a year away i said i'll say vegas that you did absolutely yeah let's book out like the mgm grand. And do a massive show where 100 people turn up okay no it should be good um well after the success of range night a couple of weeks ago obviously we spoke about it on last week's podcast the video's gone live now hopefully everyone enjoyed it the response i don't think i've ever seen a tidal wave of of positive messages as much on a video ever before you know what it was it was a number of reasons i think it was because people like seeing i think people like seeing people meet you if that makes sense. So obviously a lot of people watch the videos and most of them will never meet you in real life because they live abroad. Or whatever it might be so but they feel like you know you at the same time think you get with youtubers don't you feel like you know them definitely. So when people watch videos of people who have also watched your videos kind of meeting you in real life and hitting shots in front of you and taking you on on challenges i think that's quite cool yeah. And seeing the youngsters there who are having fun oliver was brilliant the clip of oliver hitting that drive 180 whatever 180 yards um it was absolutely brilliant it was it was uh the crowd going mad it was like being a football match really the crowds were just going crazy a league too much um. But yeah the video was great i'm glad everyone enjoyed it we have been inundated from different driving ranges from different professionals. Or or driving range owners or people who go to certain driving ranges go and do a range night neighbors do a range like nero's we will do more just locations t b c what do you say pay me the right don't i'll be there exactly big box talk to the talk to the boss. And we might get there so um we'll see i think definitely more i really i really enjoyed it it was it was quite taxing on the evening because. For two and a half hours like you have to be very energetic and quite loud and shouty i might need a microphone next.

Time but pre it was wasn't that bad at all was it like we didn't it wasn't before the event it wasn't that taxing no it wasn't that much planning was that's what we said it was people come. And hitting golf balls at a range it was easy yeah i know it's really really good. So we'll definitely do more. And this last week as well we filmed two brand new uh break 75 episodes two golf courses we played back to back which were coming out uh this week. And next.

Week hopefully but the episode that's just gone live was formby yes what i mean first off brilliant golf course beautiful weather mixture of weather actually yeah we had everything sun rain wind. And i don't think we had any snow. But it wouldn't have surprised me i didn't play golf for three weeks you'd been grinding your ass off absolutely for three weeks and it was a it was a really good video you could have shoulda woulda had a good round yeah just a couple of bad ones left you kind of hanging. But then.

You hold a monster put on 15 you nearly had a sorry 40 you know they had a hole in one on the 16th yeah just to give everybody listening a bit of a context of that tee shot. So the path three the sixteenth at four behold there's only quite a short one hundred and thirty four sorry not four bit or for me golf club and um i'd hit what we looked was a really good shot yours looks stiff we thought mine was about three foot away it actually turned out to be about 10 foot away you hit yours. And we didn't hardly react at all on it we knew it was good. And we knew it was closer to mine we just didn't realize how close it actually was unbelievably close because it was pin high. And slightly to the left like the the perspective made it not look like it was that close three inches away yeah it probably looked three. Or four feet away yeah that was brilliant that's one of the closest you've been. For a while yeah well i think i said before i've had two hole-in-ones. But i actually think i've not had any. And that's for two reasons firstly because the two i've had i didn't see go in the hole and one of the two the first one ever had i think i was 14 years old i hit actually a terrible golf shot believe it. Or not and it rolled over the kind of side of a bunker disappeared because a bit of a blind hole and it was in. And then.

So that it was like a weird feeling it was like i was overwhelmed i've got a hole in one. But it was a terrible shot i didn't even see go in. So that's one thing and then.

The second holding one i had actually was a great shot about six years ago. But again it was very sunny. And they couldn't see it got the pitch mark was like eight foot short. And the ball was disappeared you know it's not gone through the back. And it was in the hole that was a little bit better it was a good shot. But still i've never had that feeling of watching it go in and i envy people that do because it was. So close ones are the best thing in golf. But that round of golf summed up my golf game absolutely perfectly so a little bit of a spoiler if you've not watched it maybe just skip this podcast 30 seconds or so but i shot six over par which for me is good golf i'm happy with that. But that was with three lost balls. So i know it's all shoulda would have caught all that stuff but if i hadn't have lost those balls or if my provisional ball was my real ball i would have shot level par which would have been amazing golf. But i just my driving's getting better i'm still losing golf balls and getting random shots to be honest though you actually look at the shots you lost you lost an iron off a tee one was a shank yeah with a three eye. And it's great where's your other two so i lost one on that uh the one before the path three fifteen i went into a gauze bus right and the second hole it's random like low snap up that was just horrendous just out the blue golf shots. But i think that's all off the tee yeah um no it was really good. And and talking about holding ones did you see the clip i shared on twitter yesterday of this young lad in australia getting one what a reaction i absolutely loved it we'll actually try. And put it in this podcast right now oh that's nice it's right at it get in get in get in get in get in [Laughter] [Applause] young lady not been playing golf that long he gets a holding on his dad's reaction everything was absolutely amazing. And it really gave me a great feeling and you think that really just captivates golf. So much like that that energy that friendship or family obviously father and son they're playing um it was phenomenal the comments have been great about that. And apparently that golf course the tv's just gone off matt that golf course nearly um shut down about six months ago so people who were glad that it was back up. And running again um and then.

This week will it be next.

No it'll be two weeks of break 75 episodes we went back to my the venue i had my only ever holding one west lance golf club. And it was the 17th. And i won't spoil it too much because you got to watch the video the pin when i played it was exactly the same place i don't know if they planned this knew it knowing i was coming. And i've teed off from exactly the same location with exactly the same golf club and we almost had the same result almost almost um so that's going to be coming up in a couple of weeks. So we've got this week it will be clitherow golf course north lancashire uh beautiful golf course open qualifying uh very tree-lined not dead long. But really really interesting golf course that'll be coming out hopefully this friday and then.

The friday after will be west lang's golf club which. For some reason i love the golf course it just gives me negative vibes just gives me because i did open qualifying there a few years when i was doing quest. For the open and uh it just gives me the heebie jeebies like it takes me back to a time where i was probably the most nervous in all of my life because open qualifying back in 2017 when i actually got the holy one because it's weird it gives me gives me great thoughts when i think of that individual whole yeah. But when i think about around the clubhouse. And on the putting green on the driving range and that first tee i just get this kind of weird light like feeling through my body and it's and it's it's like i get a bit tense and a bit nervous are you the kind of guy that before tea off my have to have a quick trip to the toilet. And just several times um and the last time i played open qualifying there i i had to hit three golf balls off that first tee i hit my first one and it was it was heading towards the outer bounds on the left where the where the um the driving range is i wasn't sure if it was inbounds. Or not i teed it up again there's quite a lot of people around teed up again the second ball that i hit absolutely went out of bounds on the driving range so then.

Needed to go back back to my bag again get another golf ball swap to driver and hit it into this bunker horrendous lie i was thinking what a way to start an open qualifying luckily luckily i managed to find the golf ball my first shot you were looking it was a yard in bounds. And i think i made beau gill maybe even double. But i was relieved that's your question. So around 20 probably 15 16 and 17 it was when you were doing any kind of quest. For the open stuff and so i'm touching the mic i'm really conscious people are saying the comments how much i touched the mic i don't know why it's a comfort blanket. So if you don't like me touching the mic i apologize um but don't just check if the mic enjoys you touching it mate loves it i'll see you the way i'm gonna say something um no. So yeah you were doing quest. For the open which for those people who don't know i'm sure most people listening and watching do you were trying to qualify. For the open championship and as part of your kind of uh training regime for what a better phrase you were playing like local pga stuff. And these are typically tournaments that there may be like between 15 to 30 pga pros in the north region whatever who are decent players who some of which have played in the open i guess actually yeah um. And you were going sometimes with pete as well you were playing in these events documenting your journey your highs your lows then.

You have a couple of quite decent finishes yeah i shot a few a few quite a number of scores on the par. And i think either game joint first in one of these events. Or or second i think. But it was it was you know i was putting some decent numbers together. But when you were going to these events. And obviously sometimes you i remember watching the videos back in the day you actually filming yourself not on the course so much but like certainly kind of on the practice range beforehand or on the putting green and then.

As soon as you finish maybe on the clubhouse did you ever feel like because obviously then.

You weren't anywhere near the size you are now did it feel weird that the other pros who were probably maybe let's be honest some of them are better than you as well obviously not all of them work you had some great finishes. But did it feel weird that they were like looking at you. And judging you how did it feel remember the first ever event certainly me. And pete went to when when we decided to try and do a quest. For the open and it was a short hill yeah in chorley it's like like a first first ever proper event i remember us turning up. And and you know like i said the channels my channel p channel were much more than what they are like on 120. Or something because this would have been 2 000 and probably 15 that i think at first yeah i think i was over 100k. And you know a few of the pros obviously kind of knew who we are we were getting some level of of notoriety i wouldn't say popularity against these other other pros. But notoriety and we i never felt more uncomfortable with a group of professionals ever because we're there we were there with our buddy tour bags. And our free golf clubs and our sponsor clothing cause that's what we were both at that stage. And uh with our cameras we didn't have any camera crew with us we kind of filmed it all ourselves and pete sometimes would film me and i would i would film pete it was a very hostile situation it was it was it felt a little bit like these other pros were looking at us like who the is hollywood just turned up in town like who the hell do these two guys think they are. And it definitely took a long time for me to feel comfortable with these with these golfers because i think what i hadn't also anticipated a lot of these guys who've been playing in these north region events they've been playing in their a long time oh yeah it's like 20 odd years aren't they you know. So so this is not new to them like it's new that guy's going with cameras though correct we would have probably got that level of hostility even if we didn't have cameras even if we were just turning up as two new people fresh blood the fact we would turn up with cameras. And and like say acting all billy with our tour bags and our sponsor clothing and it definitely how did you feel on the days where you had like a bad round did you feel like more embarrassed than we just knocked back way more embarrassed the amount of times i was playing the round of golf in these in these videos doing quests. For the open and playing the amount of time i was during the round of golf however. i started. Or middle you know through the middle section or the end i was constantly thinking about the title of the video which is bad enough. But what were you more at the time thinking about the fact that people are going to watch it. Or the fact that your peers who are pj pro is going to be like oh this guy's come. And film this shot 82 or was that not. So much an issue after the first few events i think once i'd got a couple of good scores under my belt i felt better yeah you knew you could play you could play i felt a little bit better once i started to be able to actually show that i could play. And the fact that i got to play with a lot more of them as well i think once they started to know who i was. And who knew pete wasn't got to got a bit more chatty with us i wasn't as concerned about that as at that point um it was still embarrassing if i had a crap round because you're thinking you know they they know i'm gonna have to film this they know i'm gonna have to put this out on youtube it is brave to be fair. And uh and they would definitely you can make remarks not snide remarks just remarks that oh god you've got to put this on youtube now tonight. And you think yeah great um i always thought to myself even towards the back end of when i was doing requests. For the open i wish i could have entered without it being me you know yes to some degree i was quite envious of their position because they didn't ever need to justify it to anybody. But i can't be over their position because they would look at looking at me going i'm envious of you with your free clubs. And you're sponsored well and also it's it's i get i understand what you're saying because you're thinking whatever i shoot there's going to be literally thousands of people wanting to know whereas this guy might come off the course. And text his wife or whatever and it could be the golf club but then.

Equally you're getting paid regardless because you're making a video for it the guy that shoots a million and has to go home he's thinking i'm going to put petrol in the car tonight literally that's what it's like some of these guys it's. So tough that was the one it was a security blanket in the fact that it wasn't ever a wasted day like it was never making mega money the videos certainly at the time. But it wasn't a wasted day i would it certainly covered my entry fee my travel sometimes i'd you know use a caddy sometimes i wouldn't need to pay the caddy if it was a friend. Or something like rob potter and so i didn't i didn't particularly need to stress about that too much and and it wasn't as if it was a day of a day away from working in the pro shop where cause a lot of these lads again um who are playing in these regional events they have a ghost golf shop they've got a pain assistant pro to sit in that shop it's insane in it. So you know they're over there their stress level comes more down to the financial side of things where my stress level came more from people criticizing the way that i play golf that day you know what's mad i can i can kind of respect both schools of thoughts the guys that have a pro shop. And say you know what i'm not a player that's not my forte so i'm almost never going to play competitively i play obviously with friends whatever. So i'm never going to play these local pj things because what's the point i completely respect their viewpoints. And why they do that. But i also massively respect the guys that still do go out. And play because you said they've got a pay assistant pro to cover the shop. For it a day that might be however. much that costs then.

They go to an event they've gotta obviously try and play well to at least make some money they might actually play well and only just break even never mind make a profit so i also really respect those guys but do you think obviously the pressure of having the social media presence is what really caused you to stop playing those competitive rounds yeah again going back to why i feel more nervous about somewhere like going back to west langs because i remember that last time i played open qualifying obviously we tell people me. And pete would tell people playing in the open qualifying what our tea time would be and very nicely fans would turn up that was pretty nerve-wracking it was horrible like i i. And i even remember the guys we played with they'd almost never played in front of crowds that much and they and they said i feel nervous. And they're not even here tonight did you really feel that was bad on them correct yeah big time i was almost apologizing i'm really sorry i didn't realize like 50 people are eternal um because a funny story. So one of the times i did open qualifying i did it fair haven yeah um just absolutely well in lithu. And um i was out second to last. And my pal john beasley we spoke about on the podcast who i oddly enough caddy for in final qualifying he was in the group behind us. Or a couple of groups behind us and um around i thought at the time i must admit i do think a few more people would have been here watching because we've talked about this. And after this another and it was at the time peter was injured. So if pete wasn't playing in it so i felt like almost his followers would come out and kind of see me as well or the the followers maybe wouldn't be a split over his group in my group so i tee it up and on the t rick shields i tee up and hit this tee shot and i think i've got away with this hardly anyone's turned up. And as i walked off the tee john beasley recalled this he said literally everybody that was sat around the pro shop sat around the clubhouse sat around the putting green all stood up. And moved and followed that group so they were there they just didn't make it quite as obvious where somewhere like west langs because the tea is a little bit more offset people wrote everyone was up near the t already. So yeah it was it was definitely different um have you quit competitive golf i think. So i had an opportunity to play in a pro am actually this week and i joked and said if i could play under a different alias i probably would i would like to test myself again though because it because i did the truest test doesn't have a proper scorecard yeah because i do think now playing much more break75. And actually having having a score you know i've become marginally better at keeping a score going. And it's given me a bit more confidence that i can shoot somewhere in the 70s some if i have a bad round it's 80 81 it's not horrendous i just fear that if it really goes wrong. And i like the nerves get to me it could easily it would you could get closer if you were playing around. And i wasn't there i would have no idea we're going to shoot it depends on two things you start of the round of golf. So how you start that definitely affects you affects everybody but i think it affects you more. So because you're a confidence player and secondly how you chip again sounds obvious if you're one of those bad ones early on that's your head guard but equally if you do a few good chips early on yeah i feel i feel a bit frustrated by chipping at the moment because like i said jokingly before i went away on holiday. And i spent loads time with good good and we you know and i granted i've seen a comment on facebook today.

Saying what was it like to get schooled by the guys from goodgood actually don't feel too bad because we made some banger videos. And it wasn't i didn't play phenomenal in stages but i didn't embarrass myself it wasn't like absolutely atrocious i hit some bad shots granted but i actually felt my short game was actually starting to trip really really nicely spending time at jcb even just around the chipping green having a few little competitions with those lads it gave me a little bit of confidence. And i chipped nicely i came away from holiday i've come back thinking i'll just carry on with that and it's not quite got there so i need to spend a little bit more time on it again to get it back to that point it is confident thing talk about confidence thing though did you catch much of the golf this weekend no. But i saw highlights so i'll be honest there was three big tournaments on this weekend well i'll say three big ones there was the um european tour dp world tour we were playing in rome where the ryder cup golf course is next.

Year it's looking good. For europe by the way it's very good that was quite a big tournament here over here in the uk in the in europe on the on the um pga tour there was another big tournament even though i actually have lost the what was the name of it danny will it one max homer yeah. So that that was another tour event it was the uh [Music] 14 40 net championship i've never heard of it before. And then.

There's obviously live golf in chicago if i look at my consumption of golf this weekend i have got to say i watched a lot of the dp world tour on thursday friday i did over the weekend i watched most live did you i didn't watch any pga tour apart from the highlights yeah. And even though weirdly the pga tour had the most dramatic finish that was outrageous i'm sure a lot of people have seen that. But danny really had a put to win the tournament that was probably from the length of me to you he missed it which isn't the end of the world because it was a missable port had then.

A put. For the playoff that was probably further away in this first port. But it was even the build up. And max home are chipping in. So max homer coming down the last hole i think he was one shot back he hits his second shot into a bunker on a par five he kind of fats his bunker shot short of the green. So you think it's over now because he have to get up. And down to put any pressure on he then.

Chipped it in watch it from the front of the green which was phenomenal chip. But still danny because up until that point danny willie at that point must think i've got two putts to win this tournament yeah i have he's not max holman boxes that chip which is incredible it then.

Forces danny will to hold the putt to win slippery one down the hill he knocked it as far past if not further pass than where he started. And they missed the one coming back i've never seen anybody three put a tournament that bad to lose no did you see his interview as well incredible they took it very well i think it's one of those things that happens in golf doesn't it. And it can happen on the first tee in your local i saw in the first green. And it could also happen there on the 72nd hole in a pj tour event and it it's it must have destroyed him inside that to do that. But the way in his interview came across was. So kind of dignified and his interview well-rounded amazing and and it got me thinking someone left a comment i wonder if if he is still in gratitude. For winning the masters in 2017 as in like this was it 2017. was it almost this idea because he uh 2016 he got gifted that masters i'm not saying he shouldn't win it he did john spieth messed up if you remember on 12.. And he was in the right place at the right time. And it was him against lee westwood to finish it off. And he held lee westwood off to win that but a lot of people said he shouldn't have won that i wonder if in the back of his mind at some degree like losing out on this he kind of goes i've been on the other side of this i don't think. So i think the way we is is interview after was just like how is he coping with this. So well i think what's mad though is the way we think of goal as golfers is that certainly when it's the end of the round anything good that's happened before we can very easily disregard. So for example when that breaks at me five we just talked about but where i hold that massive put on those at the 50th 14th or whatever it was it was literally a one in a i don't know how many thousands of attempts the whole lap. And it goes in like you celebrate oh yeah winning blah blah hole if you miss a three footer. Or two foot that you don't really think logically. And think well to hold a monster on the hole before you think however. i put himself on this opportunity. And then.

Missed it so all the hard work he's done for seven to one and a half holes he's done to get himself in contention to be leading but equally into three put from from from not very far away surely and his initial thought will be oh my word. But yeah his interview was. So so good maybe he's just so much calmer than than we would be i'd be so upset i'd be in tears and i wonder to some degree i'm sure max homer's walking away from that tournament going wow i've just won that i wonder how much it kind of tarnishes his celebrations as well he won it he didn't didn't bother paul laurie like he won it obviously. But it's like it must have this kind of weirder feeling it's not like you know if he chipped in i think the opposite i think he knows that he's chipping put. So much pressure on yeah true maybe not pressure. Or such but maybe she completely forced him so if he hasn't chipped in that would never have happened i would have two but don't even hold it but the fact that he chipped in i know when he gets that level it's again it swings and roundabouts because he will have an event in the future i'm sure he might have already done it where he gives one away. So things you know he said it happened. For uh danny willett he kind of got gifted one then.

And then.

Lost one so it swings and roundabouts but what was mad was obviously um live was on i didn't really watch much of it. But obviously cameron smith has won we're now seeing a lot more people talk about this kind of issue with the world um ranking points because it's a big issue it's a huge at the moment there's obviously i'm sure a lot of people are worried this is no official world golf ranking points. For live events the initial conversation was that they were going to be kind of co-sanctioned by the asian tour. And that was going to give them some level of world ranking points. And obviously at the moment that there's nothing so you're looking at guys like dustin johnson who's up there every week you're looking obviously now cameron smith who's won and they're getting no world ranking points you look at the fields now regardless of your thoughts on live the field is getting stronger. And stronger yes it's only 54 holes. But at what point does this does it it's gonna work one of two ways it's either gonna obviously massively harm the guys who in live. And mean they can't play mages unless like cameron smith are exempt because of winning a major. Or whatever it might be so a guy like sam horstfield for example as time goes on his world ranking naturally drops because he's not getting many points other than when he can occasionally play in a european tour event as he often at wentworth. But ultimately he's going to suffer is that going to mean that those guys are massively a disadvantage you think. So or on on the other side of the coin as more and more people seem to be kind of warming to live and there's a stronger stronger field does it start to actually make people think the world golf ranking the official world government actually isn't that important. Or isn't that um accurate because these guys aren't getting points and does that then.

Affect the entry to majors what do you think i think at the moment you look at the field of all three tours i just mentioned then.

The pga tour dp world tour. And uh live i made it i made it did a little bit of research just before the podcast with yourself then.

Out of the top 10 players in the world right now only three of them were playing this weekend really. So rory rory cameron smith yeah. And matt fitzpatrick right wow so scotty sheffler he wasn't playing anywhere patrick cantley john rahm justin thomas will zelda taurus that's because the pga tours early though isn't it it is. But that also concerns me a little bit because you look at we mentioned there there's three really good of three pretty good events on this weekend and yet you've got seven of the top ten current world ranking not playing somewhere which i i don't quite fully agree with when you start to look even further afield to the top 50 world rankings you actually start to see a lot of live players in that field where at the moment someone like dustin johnson's 23rd in the world crazy he's not 23rd best player in the world right now he's not he's much much higher he's still probably top 10. so it does start to make the world rankings look like a bit of a fast because this also got me thinking world rankings points you can earn world ranking points as an amateur. And you can well you can earn world ranking points in 36 whole tournaments. So this is 54 hole tournament why can't why should world ranking voice not be featured in this right now the only reason from what i'm understanding why it's not doing is they're dragging the feet the world ranking point system are dragging their feet in liaising with live as such. And and they're probably quite in bed with pj tour and european tour the other thing when you actually look at the three leaderboards now from the three tours that happened this weekend you cannot argue the top 10 players from each from the leaderboard if you showed a lot of cat somewhat casual golfers yeah they would know the names in live way more than the other two tours this weekend way more the the names that are at the top of the leaderboards now in these three tours that happened this weekend a much more sway towards liv being being the tour that has the best caliber player i would agree this weekend without a shadow of a doubt. But obviously like i said the pga tour season doesn't really get started just. Yet so it's it's kind of comparing apples to oranges because we know it's not a big pj tour event on the flip side you could say well that's not right that pj tour have events that aren't big ones it would be good if every event was a meaningful event with the best players playing on it which is what i feel came out of that meeting that yeah that's the plan i think it's 2024 that i really come into play because they do need more tournaments where the best players there's going to be a it's going to be a full year now isn't it a proper actual year calendar year not a wrap-around year yeah um going back to the. So yeah i think world ranking points definitely need to start featuring as much as it might absolutely annoy pga tour dp world tour i don't think you can you can have fields like cameron smith dustin johnson um you know chase bryce de chambeau you can't have tournaments like that that just aren't having world ranking points i want you to put your um what. So what i'm looking for crystal get your crystal ball out right we're going 12 months down the line do you think that either a the official world golf ranking includes live events. And obviously therefore. if players can benefit from world ranking points. Or you think b the official world ranking still doesn't allow live. And therefore. it's kind of almost just diminished and it becomes a new entry into majors somehow absolutely in my opinion they absolutely have to feature live regardless of what they like or don't like i just don't think you can look past it it completely tarnishes the the um the the authenticity of the world ranking points yeah. But you know the validation of it you just can't have taught regardless you know i feel like almost as long as that i don't know what the absolute criteria is. But i feel like if if they play an 18-hole stroke play with some of the best players in the world world ranking point should be applicable question for you obviously you said then.

I would agree that they'll live um like field was probably stronger than the pj tour field um. And cameron smith won on live and max home won on the pj tour but do you you might have answered this. But do you look at cameron smith. And think wow it's on a live event out of a hundred let's say you think i don't know percentage-wise of how impressed you are by that do you look at max homer thinking wow i was in his fifth pj tour title as being more of an achievement if that makes sense. So are you at the point now where you're actually looking at live events as being seriously oh wow we've got the field yes i have to say live is a better field this week. So you yeah. So your answer would be yeah you think cameron's miss achievement was bigger yeah yeah on top of that though i'd possibly argue just that uh robert mcintyre's achievement was probably even slightly bigger what was bigger because of uh more field yeah more players four rounds of golf. And the caliber player is still pretty phenomenal yeah you had you had two of the top ten playing in dp world tour this week where you only had one of the top ten players playing in live yeah currently this week question then.

It's a little bit loaded. And it's the way i perceive it but i i'm interested again to hit you by the way i've just found out something that i didn't know so come back yeah let's just i know it's ifs. And butts again but danny willett obviously didn't win in the end because he kind of messed up on the last hole if danny will it had have won right that would have been his pga tour win blah blah equally if danny will had gone to live. And won that event which one of those would have been seen as more of a bigger team but you still have thought danny willett winning on live because he's the kind of player that could have gone to league yeah would suit live i am because. So again going back to my point a minute ago. And it's not it's not the sponsor's fault fortinet i didn't know what this week's tournament was do you know what i mean where the livery just live chicago yeah it was just our live event in chicago where i felt like this week's pga tour. And even somewhat degree that the italian open this week no the italian open's got credibility to be honest um do you think that'll be case by case then.

If that was the farmers insurance open this week on the pga tour way bigger yeah i mean just because i just feel like it carries more weight weirdly enough the fortinet championship that was also won by max holmen last year oh wow that wouldn't have known either um very quick one the governing board at the official world ranking did you know i know jay monahan's on it yeah nine slumbers i think keith pelly yeah. So keith pelley european james martin slumbers um the usga mike one um yeah. So obviously it's very very influenced by the the exact same decision makers who who want live to fail yeah currently right now i think lift players obviously the world ranking is massive to getting players into the majors which is obviously the biggest reason. But obviously also that i'm sure they love being world number one or top template in the world just for their own kind of a lot of them as well will have contracts with the manufacturers if you're a tailor-made player they may say if you're top 10 in the world we'll give you more money per week you're in the top 10. Or whatever if there was a way let's. So again let's just say all these kind of hypothetical questions but if it turns out were the mages say look we won't do it off world rankings we'll do it off other things do you think the players that then.

Play on live as long as they can get into majors won't care about world ranking anymore. Or you still think they'll want that. For that like almost level of knowing where they sit i i think it's very interesting when you actually do talk about players about world ranking they don't really care about it really number one well yeah they want to be number one definitely. But i think top 50 number top 50 top ten top 50 get you in the major would have been yeah. And wgc's back in the day well still obviously present um and then.

Obviously you want to get into top tanks i'm sure it comes with extra credibility but i think yeah i i is um one of the things though i definitely think this weekend has made me realize two things with all these different tournaments going on. And just being a busy weekend any anyway i am much more drawn to watching individual golfers rather than events apart from the masters in the open and the radical what do you mean individual i wanted to watch the dp world talk because of rory mcilroy rather than the fact that it's the italian open correct okay. And i wanted to watch rory mcroy and matt fitzpatrick this weekend i also wanted to watch aaron rye who me my golf coach like i want to see those golfers i when i watched to turn into liv i wanted to watch cameron smith i wanted to watch dustin johnson when i turned on to pj tour there was nobody at the leaderboard this week that i really wanted to watch. So it was easy. For me not to watch it as much the other thing i really realized is i'm very much certainly when i've got a busy weekend. And i'm there with the family my wife went away this weekend partying so i had the kids which is fine obviously it's fine coming to dad. But in the sense that i didn't maybe have as much luxury time to sit down and watch the tv ease of watching content is really important. So for me this weekend i've got i've got now tv on my phone so i can watch sky sports to open the app to go on sky sports. And to watch live i can do it. And i watched quite a bit of roy macro when i knew he was doing well. But i knew he was doing well through twitter. So then.

I go oh let's watch a bit of that so i watch a bit where for me liv i didn't particularly know who was doing well because i wasn't watching any social media. But in fact it's on youtube and i can just go straight on it. And i can rewind it pause it as we've mentioned in the past currently the viewing platform is very very good. For that there's lots of talk at the moment about greg norman talking about different broadcasters whatever it might be um that might completely change it might go to a network that i don't even get a chance to watch yeah. And then.

Will i be asked i don't know if i will yeah i really don't tough one you know if it goes to what's that one the zone yeah i've i'm not gonna i'm not getting the zone just to go. And watch that particularly unless you're not really zoned at the moment as well but yeah i don't know i think it's going to fox who knows. But yeah you're right the fact has been on youtube facebook. And stuff has been a big selling point i feel like as soon as you move away from sky or you move away from youtube you definitely start putting more barriers up yeah it's even bt sport i don't have bt sport yeah. So if united i just don't watch the bt sport i'll illegally live stream it through twitter but like so so i think that that's my concern if it from a standpoint of viewership. And and potential growth not concerns the wrong word but what might change the goal post if they do start to take it away from these free platforms how is that going to be perceived. And how is it gonna the other thing i realized as well sorry i feel like i'm talking about a lot of different con different um uh comparisons this week i feel like the audience certainly lives seem rowdier yeah i know we had that email last week about the the the uh wentworth jen who wasn't happy with the the chavy crowd. For me when i flicked i was flicking through the different channels this weekend like there wasn't many people at rome. For the italian open it seemed like a really quiet event um you typically do get that sometimes in europe we don't get as many spectators compare that to somewhere like bmw went with last week in london um the pga tour had a decent crowd definitely. But seemed very what you'd expect from a pga tour crowd the live crowd just seemed a bit more mental yeah i think they encourage it don't they yeah like there was chanting there was you know even like dj on the last green he nearly chipped it in this might be on the saturn actually he nearly chipped it in. For an eagle and uh his putt finished like three foot away and the crowd's like that's good dj pick it up dj banter you're all right so it's a very different yeah they must fuel them the drink must be a bit cheaper yeah well we have had a very very busy morning on our facebook group rick um the rickshaws golf show podcast group if you're not a member as always why not um why not we didn't know you wouldn't if you found someone in the street you said rick big fan. But not a member of the group he'd say what how dare you i actually saw you um i was a bit out of order. But at range night when um someone called she said hi rick i'm honored to be a big fan oh thanks nigel his name is nigel um. And then.

He said um just one thing though i've not ever bothered joining the facebook group um. And then.

You looked him in the eye you took your golf glove off and slapped him with it and i thought he was a bit harsh. But you know what though i thought that bit wasn't too bad okay it was when i pushed him off the top deck of the driving range that was a bit too the slap with the glove okay yeah maybe i was maybe a tiny bit of order. But i feel like it was also justified the facts. And then.

Pushed him off the top of the driving range and everyone started chucking eggs at him i don't know where the egg's from that was the weird thing it was like silver suddenly everyone was launching this guy nigel was like why they all thought apparently you told him before you come bring gags. And so we'll be very careful on how we answer some of these but liam cowan has said our ping bringing out a new driver anytime soon yes yeah we'll have seen it um it's actually google you'll see you'll see images uh any updates is from kevin smart any updates on the new golfbidder challenge versus peter finch i think we're still trying to get it in by the end of this year uh if not a bit early next.

Year maybe give me a bit of time to practice ian crump it's a question as old as man how important is the right chef again how important is the right chef the oldest man you'll know a bit more from a fitting standpoint i think it's got some level of importance as long as you're close by to the shaft spec that you want i think more important are things like lie angle length of a golf club weight of a shaft more than flex yeah i think you're right i think weight is very important. And also i i feel like in it depends on on you which club as well so if you've got steel irons and you've got an r300 versus an x100 i think. For most people as long as the right head and it wouldn't make too much difference actually um but yeah it's worth getting all these things checked. But um typically stipper shafts are heavy. But not always so be uh be wary be wary um gadget gear must have for winter golf mark clifford a hundred percent rain gloves oh no i didn't that's what i thought you're gonna say two gloves rain gloves yeah just have them in your bag at all times. And they get better the wetter they are they're. So good yeah what were you gonna say i thought you say hand warmers i know you're partial oh yeah hand warmers as well the only thing i've really gone off is mitts they're just a bit of a faff aren't they mitts are um yes i feel like topro suit them because they have them on give them to the caddy. But they are faff you know i do like that big one that you're getting like a motorcade how good are they they're. So good jeff gibson are you going to review the tsr driver rick i've not ready. Yet no um if i get hold of some potentially. But don't hold your breath yeah i think it's um it seems a bit you know i'm keen to hit it um we might have some breaking news about club reviews coming soon we've not quite decided. Yet but um yeah at the moment i've got no massive desire to. And sometimes if i don't have a desire to like proper i just don't see that much of a difference in it i just don't think i'm going to put my all into the into the video i've got to i've got to still enjoy testing. And being excited about equipment. And at the moment from what i've seen that tsr eye whatever it is it doesn't it doesn't float my boat just. Yet i think um long. And hard before i answer this one it's from reese lewis can i get a happy birthday it's my birthday today.

Oh f reese uh yeah straight on this camera hi reese it's rick shields happy birthday hope you have a great day. And make sure you play a bit of golf have a few beers and thanks for watching the videos i really appreciate it and uh have a great great birthday i had to watch the videos twitter twitter someone was like in the street like hey i love you on twitter oh do you watch me do you do videos no just just like your tweets i just love your tweets. And rebecca halfpenny has asked this is a good question rebecca hopefully this is going to be music to your ears when is that richard hammond video coming out i have just seen the first edit of it. And possibly this week possibly tomorrow if not next.

Wednesday george mccutchen has asked have you meaning me or rick meaning rick ever been kicked off or refused to enter to a golf course it's definitely becoming harder to play it i think it's just of course is that pain then.

It's definitely getting harder to sometimes arrange going to a golf course. And filming because not for the fact that they don't want us the fact that they want the golf course to be in fantastic condition so we've had a couple of times this year where golf courses have refued refused us yeah to go. And play because we have had a few golf courses that have just damn right said no you cannot play here. Or film here you know what because our condition isn't quite where it needs to be i respect it in a way as well it's frustrating when they say it's like oh nothing somewhere else but it's like they know that that means they understand the guess that they obviously know their video is going to be watched by upwards of half a million people maybe more depending on what video it is. And they want to look good sometimes they've had course maintenance or the greens aren't quite as where they want to be or whatever it is. And and also i'll come back at another time and we never do i also think sometimes chances are on chance yeah sometimes people might that you do like a course review as well which obviously we're not you playing the golf course. And because obviously these golf courses are nice enough to let you go. And play it's very rare to start looking at things to pull them up on because there's no benefit to that really i'd almost think i'm not going to review it. But the the viewer might review it yes i mean the viewer might go oh that green didn't look good i'm not i'm not going to particularly pick up on that. But you know a viewer might go i was going to play there. But now i'm not where if the golf course in good condition will go wow those greens looked amazing yeah um somewhere like a wallacey what beard oil this is from james howell what beard oil does rick use to keep it nice. And well groomed do you actually use it um yeah i can't remember the name of it let me have a look i'm gonna google it now i use a beard moisturizer. And beard oil uh bulldog bulldog beard no i don't yeah i do i do i do bulldog there you go great breaking news um i've had loads of questions which is really good to see um anymore what's what's rick shields hangover cure before around the gulf well luckily. For me i don't particularly get super hungover but a bit of food a bit of an energy drink plenty of water and uh just got a stomach it and maybe after two holes get a beer down your neck uh are you any closer to organizing the youtube major potentially alexa i feel like a lot of plans we start to think about in the summer then.

Before you know it we're getting to the back end of the year. And middle of september now getting into october the weather's definitely changed over here in the uk aren't it oh it started to get a lot literally middle last week it was like someone pressed a button. And went that summer gone yeah welcome to autumn. And like the leaves are coming down the tree off the trees it just it you know when we played it uh where was it. And it was super dewy all the way around was that form b no clutter oh yeah that's when it just felt it like saying it just felt autumnal straight away yeah um. So maybe not this year but lots of exciting plans for next.

Year and can i read some reviews out there i've got another question i've got something i did have one yeah um i've got the weirdest thing ever to read out i want to read it not weirdest thing ever. But a strange thing and what's worse bryson not shouting for or his behavior yesterday when getting caught on the rope you've seen this since his behavior so i'm getting caught he really he kicked off he dived like football like a footballer that that question was from duncan hauler. And it weighs but the way he snatched the towel off his caddy in a strop was disgusting he went down like a premier league footballer in the penalty box um no just a quick one i thought was quite funny um don't normally like respond to negative comments too much this was you can obviously review the podcast on apple i think on spotify now as well. So if you want to go if you've never reviewed it before and you want to feel free to go and review it we've currently got rick i don't know how i feel at this 4.9 out of 5 stars okay um which i think is all right it's really good. And it's a mixture of uh it seems to be either great comments or horrendous comments okay which is i think why people would review you wouldn't really review. And all right if you went for a meal and it was brilliant you might go you know what that was great i'm going to review this. And leave a trip advisor equally if it was terrible you'd probably go i'm gonna um leave a bad review. But if it was medium medium good you wouldn't do anything. So for balance i'm gonna read out a good comment a bad comment and then.

The weird comment the weird comments are kind of about me. So it took a little bit personally but it was just weird. So good comment big fan of the show this is from someone called chris dudd uh would highly recommend to be people who like golf. And even people don't play golf rick and guy have done a great job growing the community well done to them that's the example of a good comment so thank you for that but equally as a bad comment people are allowed their opinion this is from adam the angler potion readout who they're from anyway it says disappointed one star nice you don't half blow your own trumpet you two i used to love your youtube channel. And pod followed you for years but not anymore stop trying to be american rick and stick to your northern roots no wonder john daly binge you off okay yeah i have no idea i always even american that's the most weird one. But so that's an example we get thankfully hey folks welcome down to the rick shields golf show podcast how are you all doing here right now that's an example of we get mostly. And thankfully lovely ones but also we got negative ones and you're allowed your opinion but the one that struck me come up on my thing i've not been searching for these i got an email about new reviews and this came on okay. So this review the title of it is a full stop weirdly that's it that's a title. And it's had four out of five stars okay. So that's a weird number of stars to give because it's not obviously anywhere near a one star but it's not full marks so it goes like this it says currently on episode 91 okay try. And listen to them all from the start i get through about six or seven a day as a drive truck for about seven hours it passes time wow so i'm thinking he's a fan six or seven a day is commitment right big time he then.

Says have listened. And stopped a few times now because i have to admit i find it hard listen to guy okay opinion fine he isn't funny in the slightest yeah third news. And the way he blows smoke up rick's is cringeworthy. And he says after the episode with peter finch came on and then.

The week after the guy spoke down by his level of gay blah blah so basically that's something happened a long time ago i'm sure you know about that if you if you do. But then.

He says the content is generally decent. And good listen okay okay. So now i'm confused again i'm not doubting dice guys production input but really do you think this should be better if guy wasn't on it. And someone else was. So again i'm thinking fair enough so he's kind of saying i've listened to up to here i've had enough a guy i'm thinking he's out but then.

He's an episode then.

He says 50 odds to god i'll be in the clubhouse but we've got a decent lager on draft when i get there so i i feel emotionally like a roller coaster he wants to get in the clubhouse he likes when he gets in he's going to give me a big hug. And a handshake because he's going to blank who was the most bizarre i'm used to some people saying guys alright forget that oh it was like i've listened to seven a day 90 episodes worth that i'm killing it i'd rather guy not be on it. For a play that's your opinion i think some people agree with you. But then.

He then.

Says but i've got 50 more to go i'm going to get through it imagine if as he's doing it he turns you down every time you know what i wouldn't blame if he did if he's like he's okay listen you've got. And is it anonymous you've got 60 episodes. And many many more of guys so get bloody used to know but he's committed he has said he's committed. So he's going to be there. And if you want to know what the clubhouse is i'm sure you're listening you know. But if you don't know when you're thinking what is the clubhouse it's a mystical place it's a magical place it's a it's a good place it's cool the vibe changes it's recently been quite chilled out vibe in the clubhouse it's been refurbed. Yet it has been refurbished and there's a lot going on. And all you have to do to enter this this place is listening to all the podcasts. Or watch them your choice it's a commitment it is it is. And you've officially become rickshield's friend um if you're in the clubhouse and you need a best man on usher rick is obliged to do that. For you obliged um he's been to four weddings so far i've never been a best man in my life in real life but in the clubhouse world constantly best man literally the speeches just flow off my tongue so yeah no all good get involved don't miss out on anything make sure you are following us on all of the platforms like guy says make sure you check us out on the facebook group uh all over youtube got some banger videos coming out this week like i say fingers crossed it'll be richard hammond on wednesday uh me giving him a lesson. And then.

Friday it will be clitherow break 75 which was a fantastic episode. Yet again um stop blowing your own trumpet and then.

We shall we shall be taking out the trash and making sure that i watch some nfl this weekend yes because i love the patriots because they're my favorite squad i'm gonna go. For a walk around the sidewalk sidewalk because i needed to get some like you too many elevators but did you notice the the freeway is closed are you kissing diapers. Or not diapers and they've got pacifiers and they eat a lot of candy candy and yeah. And they um forever saying hey y'all hey y'all hey y'all welcome back to the rick shields golf show podcast and uh i've become american actually thinking about it really really yeah. So i need to go we're just now going to go into in. And out burgers yeah. And go and get some burgers paying with dollars can we get soda soda. And uh all the other good stuff that comes with it can i wear a fanny pack as long as i wear my hat backwards yes guys thanks. For listening we shall see you all soon and that's ricky and guy signing out on this week's pod we'll see you next.


Time folks.