Does rick shields play on the pj tour wow i searched does rick shields right. And there was one two three four five about seven. Or eight things that came out straight away okay does rick shield. So i'm gonna start at the lowest ranked one and work my way up i'm quite nervous about that something you probably won't want to answer but let's see so in that number let me just check again one two eight there is. So number eight what shot tracer does rick shields use obviously is that that's number eight on does rick shields on google. So i use an app called shot tracer app it get it gets horrendous views on the app store have you ever seen the app store reviews terrible and i think the reason is because people don't set it up correctly they don't have it on a tripod. Or whatever so i use shot tracer app i also have the macbook app as well which is phenomenal uh the guys over there have always looked after me i think it is a paid app. But it is one of the best ones you can get we can ask that you get asked that a lot. But i don't get why people are that bothered if you're not making golf videos why do people do it the only thing is that it's not as it's not almost not as automatic as people think it is going to be do you get on me yeah i think people think the app is literally going to be like almost. And it wouldn't surprise me if some people thought it might even be a launch monitor yeah it almost gives you data where it doesn't it just draws a line after taking clips from your video. And again you've got to use a good phone you've got to have good lighting the camera's got to be stable but yeah shot tracer up. So that was number eight okay in at number seven was um how much does rick shields make a year wow very very personal how are you gonna answer that one obviously i'm going to answer it directly. But what's going to be yeah my get out yeah i need to answer it like a politician don't yeah well it's interesting you're asking about what i what i earn per year because one of the things that i would like to know is um how many dimples are on a golf ball. And i think i think if you tie those two questions together you might come up with the answer yeah it's not a question i'd like to answer. But um you know there's a better one though coming in a minute that kind of links to that so don't keep that on there yeah okay next.

One number six um what irons does rick shields use currently i have gotta have to really think then.

It's been that long even though i've carried them on my back. For 14 days in a row taylormade p7 mcs so i've had them in the bag now for a while now actually can because was that last summer they came out no oh not the summer i think endless um i'm gonna go september i'll have a quick check when the that was you know when you said then.

What items have you got in my head i was thinking of the uh wilson cavity back no i did. For a minute we had that in it i also thought i'd just have the ping guy blades in yeah. Or blueprints whatever they were called taylormade p7 i want to say september they came out mc's five months ago. So that would have been uh 17th of august all right that is a while i need some new new irons next.

One this is very very relevant with what today's video will be tuesday what putter does rick shields use ooh currently er2 black uh even roll er2 black uh again putter i've had in the back. For a long time even if it wasn't the black version which i put in last year i had the kind of chrome original version for a couple of years now i might be rocking up for nearly three years about that putter in the bag you've had this is how i remember you've since i've worked with you which was october 17 you've had an even role you had the silver one chrome whatever. And now they're black yeah wow definitely um. But i i'm releasing the video today.

Again tuesday the 16th of february where i review a new putter which i'm saying is almost perfect. Or is it the perfect putter find out in my review later today.

What i actually think about it. And whether i'll put it in the bag it's in my bag that putter oh yeah yeah i've got one like it not obviously used it. Yet but rolled a few in the uh office upstairs with some pro v ones it takes me back to being a junior that getting your clubs out and rolling a couple of balls in the hallway in the carpet yes. But you know what's really quite worrying at the minute i'm starting to do yoga i've only done like a couple of sessions because yeah yeah there's a really good youtube channel called yoga with adriana adrian she's a woman. And um she's got only 10 million subs she's absolutely killing it the thumbnail get you in yes i did i'm gonna say something horrible then.

It got i know i'm not saying that i'm gonna say um. But that's it's yeah because this is why i'm doing it my hamstrings my lower back i'm like my hips are really stiff right i was upstairs i think i had four pulls with this new putter my back was killing that's not right. For a 30 year old person that is it. So i really want to get more flexible so that's my mission um but this is a good question. So this is number five i think is on the list how does rick shields make money um interesting question um hustles yeah um i make money through youtube ad revenue. So youtube is effectively the the not the boss. But that's youtube is how i make money. So i release videos on there and through the adsense revenue the every thousand people watch the video i basically get money from that and that goes back into the business to pay for staff we're up to now five members of staff obviously you being one of them matt and harry are behind the camera right now. And also tim as well so and me obviously i'm the fifth member of staff um it goes back into production it goes back into paying wages but also obviously it's my living as well so youtube facebook podcast sponsorships exterior sponsorships as well which we will come on to later on today.

Uh one of my big partners with garmin um you know. And then.

Also i've done things that are what's the right word like appearances. Or um i'm trying to think of a good example whenever i've done one like when i did i hosted the open content yeah. Or did driver versus driver with the golf channel um. So they're kind of strands of revenue stream as well um i don't coach anymore that's something that i've kind of put on the back burner for the time being never say no don't say too much on that okay i'll tell you when a sec it's one of those yes i don't know why dalek is a big secret then.

Obviously one of the next.

Things don't say that um yeah that's that's what i think i had something else to say then.

I can't what it was it was on that oh yeah what it was going to be. And um just touching on that youtube and revenue and stuff sometimes and this is absolutely fine people don't understand that youtube youtubers make money off youtube. But i sometimes use the examples like when you get a free magazine or a free local newspaper there's adverts in that obviously are paying. For that piece of content to be produced it's the same on youtube you might watch a short advert before a video and that's how the creator makes money i think that's the one thing that confuses some people who maybe don't know how the youtube model works they don't understand why i'm making a piece of content. For free yeah they watch it. For free and they presume i make that money from the brand yeah as opposed to being youtube yeah where they saw well no way did you make that video as a tailor-made review let's say. And taylormade didn't pay you well taylor didn't pay me i made that money through a really good piece of content that goes out gets gets distributed worldwide um and then.

That's how they make the money for the adverts on that if you don't like ads this is this is how much you have to decide if you don't like adverts because some people moan about the adverts which you kind of get you can pay. For advert free youtube premium which i do pay. For and it's 15 quid a month now that quite your bank every month it's not so only 15 quid but it's like a flipping neck but i hate watching ads and i watch a lot of youtube so it's one of those things if you really despise the adverts that you can pay to get rid of them. But it's do you want to pay 15 every month depends on what you watch. And the benefit of that you can watch. Or listen to youtube with the app close that is a good benefit to be fair you can swipe up on that yeah i do a lot um this one you won't be too specific i'm guessing. But where does rick shields live uh north west england yeah this is this is whoever's this. So i'm guessing i think i'll tell you what's really interesting on that recently when i've been going out my walk certainly nearby the amount of people that have like stopped. And gone rick shields i'm like yeah what are you doing around here yeah never knew that i lived in a certain place. So i'm guessing the reason these are in this order is because of how commonly asked okay now i can't believe this is number two because people are asking this question don't watch the videos clearly you ready. For it yeah almost obscene does rick shields play on the pj tour wow it was a question i got asked recently my wires are all um i don't plan the pga tour i don't play on the european tour i don't play on any tour whatsoever because i'm nowhere near good enough it's a question i got asked recently on my live video as well i did on youtube why not on tour it's not it would have been a goal of 11 year old up to probably 15 year old rick shiels. But probably when i got to college we spoke about it recently on the podcast when we're on the golf course last week walking around um it was at that point when i realized i was nowhere near good enough when i started to see other players. And went nah that's not me i still wanted to play as a professional potentially but you really do need different level of dedication. And talent we're going to come on to a really good question today.

Dear rick. So that's that's great but also actually just touched on that i forgot to mention this at the start of the show you alluded to it then.

Was the last podcast the bonus podcast. So today's as we're speaking now think is number 61. 61.. So number 60 you may have not kind of realized where that one was it was last week on the bonus podcast on thursday where we were walking around the golf course. For your um walk 18. is that a really good reception yeah well on it the numbers are really strong. But the amount of comments people said because i was quite conscious that there was literally no structure to it. And we went out walking the audio wasn't fantastic our clubs were clanking. But the feedback i think i think it summarized almost exactly why i'm doing that walk 18 he did because it was exactly the sort of nonsense you talk about with your mates when you're out playing golf. And unless we recorded that and it's always an interesting one for me if we hadn't if we hadn't recorded that and got in the car park or the day later and said what did we talk about yesterday we'd have no idea what we spoke about. But we spoke for an hour and like say out on the golf course you speak for four hours the amount of times i play with mates and claire might know him and claire knows that the partners and stuff she go so what did you all talk about am i no idea yeah we spoke. For four hours but i have no idea what we spoke about. But i loved every minute of it well we had a really good email off a guy called dean who's an english bloke but lives in america and that's exactly what he said he said he loved the bonus podcast he's in the clubhouse which means he's listening to every episode which is perfect it was minus 17 degrees celsius. And he went out for a walk and that was him a little selfie there wow just a really nice email to say that he really enjoyed he's a lead united fan. So as a fake manchester united fan you should have a real hatred towards should i yeah you should okay from the early 2000s i think it was how harry will tell us more about that i think. But yeah i think you should hate him. But i really like harry cool and um alan smith was he called yeah good. So it's like lee boya was he was he i'll say you're good yeah really you did that famous like was it a free kick. Or a shot where it hit like the crossbar and bounced bounced in there who was that oh yeah i'm thinking oh yeah was libero don't know the fight. For newcastle against kieran dyer sorry our football expert here so sorry everyone rick let me football's name of the weekend's gonna say and then.

The final question and a bit of a bland one for the top hands for the top uh most asked one but does rick shields do golf lessons oh that is a bit of a bland one could have gone much more than that um. So obviously i coached for many many years i turned professional when i was two in 2008. So i was coaching. For 12 years or so and then.

Last summer obviously with everything going on. And you couldn't coach i kind of had to make a bit of a decision about which direction i wanted to go in at the moment coaching's on the back burner i moved away from living for the elizabethan golf academy moved away from there for a long time ago but prairie sports village we did a video about it. And um at the moment coaching's on the back burner i still really love it i'm still very passionate about it i still want to help golfers around the world but just from a business standpoint right now it's not quite where i need to be so stay tuned it may happen again in the future.