Many many times i've heard a story where junior golfer has played the men's competition won it and then.

After has been disqualified not allowed to play [Music] possibly my favorite feature this at the moment stupid golf rules if you've missed last couple of episodes it's worked people right in with things that happened to them either on the golf course or at the golf club where it's a stupid golf rule hence the title if you've got one you want to send in please do its podcast And we'll get them out hopefully we've got loads of in the in the bank in a minute but the more the merrier this one the good ones make my blood boil rick okay you want your blood to boil i want it i want it boiling hot okay. So it's from ollie um don't there's any i don't need any reason for it to be anonymous when i started playing golf properly at 15 about nine years ago i was a junior a golf club um having taken up the game that summer i started playing a few junior tournaments. And i was giving a handicap of 32 okay which i think at the time they were official were they 28 was the highest there was a men's four ball better ball competition coming up. And my dad asked the head pro if i could play with him but obviously making sure i was playing off 28. okay. So we didn't take more shots that was kind of legal at the time the pro agrees that that was fine we booked to play on the comp i basically played the best golf i've ever played up to that point. And we shot the best score overall winning the comp so it's better ball him and his dad yeah uh four ball better both times just two against two i always forget with that one. So he's gone off a handicap there's four slowing his actual kind of handicap he wants to play firm playing the camp obviously the committee of old men heard about what happened and we got disqualified the head pro in all fairness was really good about it. And was really angry as well. But couldn't get the committee to change their decision um the old blokes have since moved on the club's been better for it so basically he got banned and told he can't win the comp because of that this isn't the first time i've heard a story similar to this many many times i've heard a story where junior golfer has played the men's competition won it and then.

After has been disqualified not allowed to play in it not allowed to collect the prize whatever it may be and for me it's unacceptable in any capacity um i think it's what's an awful situation is things like it sounds like that golf club the pro wants it to be act proactive. And proactive to juniors ollie you said his name wasn't yeah all he wants to play in the men's competition like he wants to play he he's done the somewhat the honest thing. And played off the maximum men's handicap which was 28. So he's already taken a hit there and he's had a field day which a lot of junior golfers have the capability of doing so because they're playing at the golf club a lot like when you're a junior you you do reduce your handicap. So much don't you really yeah i mean you playing. So much you play more than the comps so you can't get you can get down low enough quickly. And i think that's where the old men committees at many many golf courses they can't get the head around they can't accept the fact that because i only get to play once a week. So i'm working every day monday to friday i'm an unfair advantage at a junior who can play every single night. And get the handicap down but that that's it that's golf like if the player shot the lowest net score if that's what it is if it's a net tournament that player regardless of age regardless of sex that's another big thing that's coming to kind of fruition recently regardless of of what's taken place there if that player has entered to play the competition. And abide by the rules that are set out in play they should be able to take the prize they should be able to win they should there should be no restrictions to who wins that competition i think. For me what it looks obviously it looks like there's probably something against juniors it's more the fact that if i'm trying to play devil's advocate they've said will you put up an incorrect handicap because you're handicapped 32 you've got 28.. But is lower it's not sure you're allowed to go off hand the cat like all right i might be wrong. But i remember something along the lines of i'm sure you're allowed to play off because there's lots of like corporate days or other days where the maximum handicap is 20. Or 24 or that's true yeah. And you have to play to that that's really true because the maximum handicap is 28 fair yeah the only only thing. And again for me is that if it was. And i don't agree with this rule one bit i think it would be ridiculous to have. But i know golf clubs will have it if there was a rule that very clearly stipulated that junior golfers cannot play in men's competitions yep. And that was the rule set out in play. And this junior entered a men's competition and won it if the rule was set out in play that juniors categorically cannot play. Or winning men's competitions then.

The committee have a point i don't agree with that i think that's wrong. And incorrect that's the only time that you'd ever think oh actually he doesn't deserve to be disqualified uh he does deserve to be qualified because he's actually broken a rule of the golf club i've got a question. For you then.

Go for it i want to be honest on this it's tough one i don't agree with it but it's just worth the discussion so my golfer when i was a junior if you were a single figure handicapped junior which actually were quite a lot of us at the time you could play in the men's comps. And i think you could win them all if you were i think you could it might be completely couldn't. But i think you could. But you knew that going into it anyway whatever the rule was. And obviously at the time i completely was was full that i thought it was completely fair. And a lot of people did as well. And i still do. But just a different opinion out there how would you feel if you were um a full member of a golf club. And your green fees alex just say 1200 pound a year and juniors are paying 100 pounds which obviously it's great. For us to pay reduce green fee it's good to get people into golf etc we all i'm sure we all agree on that but if you want to play at 10 o'clock on saturday morning because you had something on the afternoon it was your daughter's birthday party whatever. And it was busy you know club comps these days. And open experience get very busy very quickly you go to book on about 10 o'clock and there's no spaces. And the 10 o'clock t you're hoping for has got two blokes and two juniors they're paying a tenth of your green fee would that annoy you that you can't get the green because of juniors there or is that just really petty. Or how would you feel because i could kind of get it to some degree if someone was annoyed i just i don't ever think i'd look at it that way i don't think i'd ever break it down to how much the pain from a person's perspective. And the other thing when people get asked about juniors winning personally again if you're asking me i just don't think i'd be asked enough like even if i hadn't get my name on a board i don't think i'd be asked enough to think. Or juniors beat me because he's shot less net score than me it's just golf like but what about that i know it's hard because you're not a member of a golf club but if you wanted to if it was happening all the time i think i'd want to i'd i'd want to get in a point going how can i guarantee a tea time at 10 o'clock if i want to if i want to tea time at 10 o'clock what do i have to do to guarantee it the the thing i mean do you remember the old school things that it probably still happens at golf course where the saturday competition the paper board the paper sheet would go up in the clubhouse on a thursday night of the week. For the week but after it's not the next.

Yeah that just happened at night it's all online physically yeah go down to the golf club because it was the golf club's way of getting uh rick. And guy are going to go down. And grab a quick pie or whatever um but i mean that that that i found ridiculous because if you were yes evenings. And you couldn't get down that's just the most ridiculous thing in the world um yeah i'd say it's probably hard. For me to really give an honest answer because i just don't think i'd be asked enough no that's good i don't think people should be. But i'm just trying to i'm trying to give all the reasons because i don't get it why people are. So against juniors sometimes but like that could only be one angle that people might say well i'm paying 10 fold up their pain and i can't get a tee time but that is very petty yeah it happened every week maybe you've got a point where it's a one-off it's it's not really yeah because otherwise the the 954 that's been taken by four members full pack i should still i just can't get t that's what i'd be annoyed about as opposed to who's in that t-slot yeah like it's almost more the club's fault why can't i get a tea on a on a day that i want to play golf do you do you think that juniors would have to should have to play with men though. So you couldn't have four juniors in a comp or three i i must admit i'm not opposed to that to which um junior's needing to play with it and i don't remember and you know what it's not so much the fact that it's it's checking up on the juniors it's just making sure that that no nothing happens that the juniors aren't aware of let's say a rule impeachment. Or they've not quite added up the scores correctly or like i feel like it's just more of a guidance rather than policing yeah like it's more like we're gonna put a male um a male golfer with you oh sorry not a male an adult golfer with you just to keep um not check that's the wrong word just to help help you out not to police you. And i think it's good as well if you actually junior is one of them shot on net 65 people might be thinking it's a bit wrongly. So people might be not believing it if there's a grown up there with them it might be a bit more yeah that's all it is i feel like you know if if it sounds a bit petty. But if if three juniors were at school in the playground their version of an event on their own would be very different if. And if an adult was there that saw it all happen i feel like the adult would have a better perspective of the event that took place. And that's similar to out on the golf course like if you've got three juniors out there playing on their own if it's a junior comp fine that's what it is. But i think as a as a proper tournament. Or whatever you're playing in i don't think it's the end of the world if you did have an adult there just checking it cuz i. And the other thing as well i'm not sure how confident because i've had it not personally but a student i used to coach had an issue with another junior and they thought this other junior was cheating a lot. And that the junior that i knew didn't maybe have the confidence or the ability to raise that subject where i feel like if an adult there an adult could go i'm really sorry little jimmy you've made an error there like that's that's actually against the rules of golf i'm not sure if you're aware of that but you can't ground your club in a bunker or actually by the way did you notice that you took eight shots. And you didn't take a six or do you know what it is it's more just giving that little bit of guidance having that having that grown-up brain be able to put an input in there.