It sounds that simple this is where i can tell dan's a proper golf coach because i thought he might just say turn your hips more. Or something but he's actually got like a proper like form is that the six points i know your take on. So douglas has asked us and don't answer this but i think you'll magic something up what's the easiest fix. For more distance so we here now and sometimes we can chat about. So much about this whole distance debate people don't take it far and that's it's more important to take it long than it is straight. And the bryson story etc so well it's two questions actually how important is distance in this modern game. For the average golf let's say because that's who's listening to this podcast really and also how can people hit it further without even seeing you what's the magic trick you could give them if you can. So in terms of how important is in it long massive now. But uh you know i was talking to you last week when we're going around. And i see it as there's actually a formula to hearing it long now there's about six different components that you can put in. And you can figure out which is right. For the person and you can quite quickly gay you know really really great distance up i mean you look at bryson. And it's been the fact that he's using force plates and they've used some biomechanics and they've had a few other people in and basically they've used a science approach to get him took the ball further and protein shakes shed loads and um you know in terms of when you look at it you'd say well you've got making the stance wider so making stance wider actually helps you to create more talks a bit more turn so again sometimes it wider than shoulders wider than shoulders yeah okay then.

This thing called the counter move that you see bryson do matt wolfe does it a little bit well he does it a lot actually where they push into the front foot to move over to the right foot. So what happens is that if you saw any other athletic sport if you saw american football running backs. Or football you know premier league someone wants to go round a player if they wanted to move left they push off the right foot to move to the left quickly so it's the same principle it accelerates the first move back quickly and then.

As you do that if you take the club back as quickly as you possibly can what happens is from a technical standpoint as you get it to that top of the backswing as you go. And change direction you're putting more force through the handle so because you're putting more force through the handle you have to do that to slow the club down which increases the power that you're going to put down the hand path into the ball. So they don't need to know what it's all doing but that's the technical reason why they're doing it so if they speed up the backswing they're going to edit further wider stance create a bit more torque counter move is going to help create that speed the other one would be let me summarize counter move a little bit better just. So so what you're saying is once you step to the golf ball you'd almost likely either push into your left foot if you're around the goal foot. And then.

Pull back yeah what do you mean more like like sway to the left as you pull back just summarize that a bit. So you imagine that you've almost got like uh half a tennis ball underneath the front of your left foot or or it's like an accelerator pedal pushing down into the front of the left foot as you move across see if you're trying to think is there any other sports that really i like say you're probably tennis serving mm-hmm lean onto the front lean onto the front foot. And then.

Tilt back with the upper body okay yeah that makes sense okay. And then.

Actually the same thing that they would then.

Do is um the they let the left well let the left heel lift in the golf swing at the top of the backswing if you've not got enough flexibility what that does is that creates a bit of what's called unweighting which is people talk about vertical force quite a lot it means that you can create a lot more of that. So those four bits in backswing are absolutely massive. For power wider stance push from your left foot before pulling the club back yeah pull the club back swing back as fast as you can fast as you can. And lift the left heel up at the top of the back swing too yeah that last one looks horrendous in my opinion i know it's a bit of an old-school move. But it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing no left heel to help you get more rotation as well as vertical force can do yeah. Or just mainly more for vertical more actually a bit more rotation coupled in with it yeah. And when you talk about vertical force you're talking about coming down in the golf swing now you hammer that left heel down into the ground as then.

Everything synchronizes back what actually you're doing is you're going into the front of the left foot with a vertical force you're going right into the very very front of that foot. And the bit that is it's actually dead easy when you get your head around it. But wherever you put the force you move in the opposite direction okay. So if you want to open up more push into the front of the left foot more because she's only so far forward you can go into the front of that left foot conversely you'd pull into the back of the right foot you'll have seen on instagram you know the guy who hits the golf shot on the ice. And falls through the ice oh yeah i've seen that yeah it's about six inches behind it falls through the ice okay okay when when you watch it what happens is when he starts the downswing his front foot slides towards the ball his right foot pulls backwards. And that's actually what's creating the rotation but because there's no friction because he's on ice he falls over. And it's the ice and falls into it so that movement that he actually makes i've got that on my teeth in my teaching software which i'll occasionally use to demonstrate how the forces are working. So if you then.

Pull into the back of the right foot push into the front of the left foot you're actually then.

More on top of the golf ball and then.

The reaction from that is right foot rolls over left foot jumps backwards the vertical force you've pushed down with takes you upwards. And that's how they absolutely smash it and it's that and then.

It's getting the combination of all those bits sounds that simple this is where i can tell dan's a proper golf coach because i thought he might just say turn your hips more. Or something but he's actually got like a proper like form is that the six points i know is there anything else yeah the downside is where the weight five five. So it would be how that is created in the downswing. So the big one is. And that downswing is you're pushing forwards if you can keep your upper shoulders back. So imagine you split your torso into three sections you've got lower body up to pelvis pelvis up to your sternum breast bone and then.

Breast bone above well the body's really good at separating from the breastbone so what you do is if you separate from there. And keep the left arm keep the shoulders back the left arm tightens against the ribs and actually creates almost a little bit of extra coil and that's then.

Huge for getting the extra power is this what they always talked about with like rory having like this double hip turn. And all this yeah you know he separates his lower body his upper body stays a little bit more closed helps you also hit more on the inside helps you hit more on the way up as well which is much more good. For obviously more beneficial for deliverable numbers with your driver yeah sweet was that six i think we got those that was good.