Also don't put him off this year because you put him off last year he did it two years ago you were there filming him yeah he did he was rubbish he'd like to think you'd want two weeks off. But that's not the case is it because am i writing saying six days later. Or seven days later depending on what day you're gonna get pulled out you're doing regional qualifying at your home golf course and android links no pressure. For the open for the open the open qualifying wait i just i've been there 29 years and i've never had a game on a saturday morning and this is my chance i can get a game. For 125 quid 150 now it's not yeah wow well it's worth it i can't say that it sponsored this podcast um. So 150 pound and you're gonna do open qualifying because this year just explain to everyone listening what's what this is very unique to any other year right yeah. So suntan's old links we're on the open final qualifying rotor and we've had it we have it for four year blocks we've had it in 19 due to have it in 20 21 and 22. obviously we didn't get it in 20 because what's going on. So over those four year blocks we have final qualifying so you play regional that host of venues and then.

Final answer four venues and we're one of those four which is great now this year due to the travel restrictions they've asked if we can host regional. And final over the five-day period and that's happening at all four venues so us and uh west langs nuts and princes i think it is can you imagine if james robinson. And the dan webster both get into the open off the back of this podcast you know what if i had if i was a gambling man i'd probably put a cup of code on rob well rick's going to be caddying. For him i think. So i want you to turn up in your orange and also i don't know if we've actually really mentioned because the the connection here as well and this kind of way it stemmed onto this podcast obviously we had james robinson a few weeks ago james works at your driving range now as one of the golf coaches um and obviously he qualified at regional qualifying at centennial links two years ago um i mean he's got an unbelievable chance this year. And i'm not i don't want to kind of touch wood it's a is one of his favorite golf courses that he shoots super low at yeah because he shoots super low around there he's good player good goal yeah i mean i i took him out a couple years ago i think he touched on this we have had a game together. And i had a probably one of my best rounds we're off the back teas and i'm going to remember it my way i think i was 9 8 under i don't know to be fair i was a couple under par. And i was like chuffed a bit. And he he was 10. Or 11 and he missed he missed an eagle put on the last to get to 11 i think it was maybe 12 he was different level he was low. And he was telling me during that round he was telling me yeah i'm just not good enough at all. And in the time he's working at clarks yeah. And also don't put him off this year because you put him off last year he did it two years james happy days i don't think you'll need it. But don't worry yeah we can have a little bet on my my score at the old link what would you be happy with um we're going off tangent here being able to walk actually because six days before i'll have done that really nice excuse there right yeah i've backed i've backed up you know if i could yeah if i could if you see me hobbling down the fairway would you take a nice 77. oh all day don't know that's my if you can beat 77 um tenerife tour was my my kind of my most of my tournaments was like mid 80s high 70s a good one below 70s a cold day in tenerife well i'll put you a little charity wager on no i don't think we should put a charity where drunks that's not fair i'll be happy if i shoot 75 74 i think something from 77 to 75. So no. But yeah i mean i mean if i can do robo by one uh yeah i think i'll come away pretty good there yeah i'm not in the open if you beat rubble. But i won no because i. So so the regional have a nice day one round some putts go in for me and i'm able to walk and swing then.

Happy days that's all right then.

Having to sleep on it and then.

Playing two three days later that's when it gets different they're real players and someone is three days later it's about that i think. So there's tuesday or the wednesday i should need to look at that because they sort of wrote us out i'll be in one of them it's a busy week very busy week yeah the golf course will be in mint conditions it's gonna be good it's gonna be great from 29th of march you know i've had a look at it already it's in good shape. So yeah it's exciting. But if i break if i break um yeah i'm joking around at breaking 100. But i'll be upset if i didn't break 80 and i'll be i've only entered it really because i fancy i'm going to go through at the next.

Round. So i back myself to go and shoot 72. i should be able to shoot 72 however. there'll be about 50 people on that first team there's a chance i'll miss the ball yeah good going back to breaking 90..