Welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast every body this is episode number 75. yep coincidentally yeah right 75. um powered by our really good friends motor caddy who are the number one powered electric trolleys in golf hundred percent i was kind of hoping then.

You're gonna forget to say it again. And i was gonna leave you. For as long as possible and say who you forgot to thank you did it well done thank you uh here we produce a guy um we are just me. And guy today.

Just gonna chat ish chat about other stuff just it's just a nice relaxed one we've had quite a lot of guests on recently um in fact we had we had now three back-to-back guest episodes back to back we had a week after dan whittaker we had a gap then.

They were good they weren't they're really good the feedback we've had on the on the guest podcast have been amazing. So thank you so much for that um also i think we should nice. And early celebrate the fact that now the rickshaws golf show youtube channel has surpassed a hundred thousand subscribers nice little clap off stage there a hundred thousand subscribers that's cool in it it is. But the only problem is these milestones you get really excited. For it and then.

You hit it and it's like right what's next.

Do you know what i mean i really appreciate it everybody's subscribing a little bit sorry the youtube plaque's on its way yep it's gonna go where the sevi books are at the moment on my side yeah you can have that one yes um excited. So it should be arriving soon and we'll we'll um i think we should unbox it on the podcast. So it'll be good not sure when it's coming youtube said it's it's on order. So we'll get it we'll get it unboxed live on a podcast coming soon that's gonna be good to listen to when you're driving just recording in a box a little bit housekeeping though um there's been a problem with apple podcasts and it's annoying so if you listen to this podcast on apple which most people do a lot of people do there's been this weird problem where. For some people you go on on the tuesday morning and it's just they're ready for episode 74 75 wherever it might be listen to it straight away for other people including me it takes like 24 hours to come on sometimes wednesday so what's your top tip for people my top tip is to either listen on spotify as well which is completely free to do. So if you're an apple user never really heard of spotify just download it it's completely free you can have a free account just search. For it just search for shields that's what i sometimes do with other podcasts because it's not just us it's happened to other people that make podcasts it's hard to find them it's really frustrating the good news is we are ending up on apple every week. Or sometimes a day later the other top tip the other good news is from last week this is well this is the first real real week the podcast the full-length podcast is also available on youtube. So some people will be watching me as i'm saying this is that camera there hi everyone that's watching um nice to see you people are listening you've got that you can flick between she could listen to this the vibe i'm going. For right you could be driving yeah listen to the podcast he's 32 minutes in to get to a good deal rick you go actually gonna save that when i get home i'm gonna put the youtube video on skip to 32 minutes. Or watch it again your choice and watch the dear rick i like it we're also still going to be releasing clips on the second channel as well. So if you just want a little a little nugget of the podcast a little 10 minute nugget we're going to make that nice. And easy for you as well you've said nugget a lot these days you've said it a lot do y'all remember the week you should probably get in the woods it's all the time. And as well you do a perfectly mcnugget-sized nugget. And you get i mean when you get 20 nuggets from mackie's rick's holding the exact same size as a nugget because nugget nugget not sure where that is it's fine yeah you like you have a thing though where you get a word i feel like. And your word at the moment is vibe vibe yeah you're saying vibe a lot because i give out if we're going to be nitpicking if we're going to pick up on each other's you know yeah what's better walking around saying five i'll go around nugget who knows we'll let the listeners be the judge of that um where are we going today's podcast i'm not sure we've got a chilled out vibe okay we've got a controversial vibe to start with okay. So can i set the scene. For you for the listeners yes last week. Or week four last we had sophie walker on who was absolutely class the comments about sophie walker's podcast were phenomenal people loved her yeah i must admit. And you should be good because obviously she's got loads of good stories she's media trained but she's probably even better than the thought just the conversation was. So good and we as always had questions from our awesome facebook group if you're not a part of that feel free to join it's um the rickshaws golf show podcast on facebook and we'll often ask for questions before a podcast and we had loads for sophie but we could only pick half a dozen and one of the questions was um what do what does sophie think of like paige peranic. And is she good. For golf yes. So i put that forward to sophie and if you remember if you've heard the podcast listen closely i actually said at the start we can cut this out if you don't answer it which we never do the podcasts are always kind of long form. And just what you hear is what what goes on there's never we don't ever cut anything because there's never then.

To cut really. And sophie said well i would want to cut that out no i'll answer that question you know. So we had a discussion about paige brannick and um the clip on youtube on the second channel did quite good numbers people were very interested in the topic yeah now we did use quite a provocative thumbnail a little bit now i don't say click bait because. For me when i think of click bait. And a clickbait video will be you saying rick shields i'm quitting youtube. And you click on that video and it's go right guys i'm going to review the new pro v1 today.

You thought i was going to quit youtube. But i've completely misled you i think there's a gray area we sometimes get wrongly accused of click bait. And like say for me clickbait is when it's really really misleading like when it's completely not related to the video whatsoever where if it's just a juicy part if it's a headline story of that video. And we use that for the title that's not clickbait well i mean if you had any if you had any industry like you had a restaurant you're not going to put on the windows we sell rubbish food are you you're going to sell you know we sell succulent nuggets correct our vibe in this place is very chilled out entertaining vibe you can enjoy it exactly best drinks best food best atmosphere. So it's not really clickbait but anyway we did that video about paige did good numbers. And off the back of it paige who has her own very very successful podcast was a little bit annoyed at us more. So you um i would say and she was a little bit angry. For a couple of reasons i'm gonna let you elaborate on this big in a minute let me just set the scene she was a little bit angry that people keep asking is paige good. For golf and i can get that to some degree. And she was also a bit annoyed that you kind of sat there. And didn't slag her off but also didn't figure up you just kind of very muted and the third thing she was annoyed about was that when we put that video out onto twitter that the link to youtube we didn't ever tagger it just said is she good. For golf or is this good. For golf and then.

There's the video below it she would have liked to have been tagged and she felt like you had a relationship to some degree with your speak on dms occasionally you really kind of pally and stuff so that's where we're at she then.

Did her podcast. And for about 10 minutes lit she was almost shouting she was very very angry she was very kind of rightly. So some degree again she was upset that you know leader yeah girl. So it's really interesting for me the topic the question obviously came from one of our followers as you mentioned and we asked sophie her opinion that was the question she was a guest on our podcast. And we asked sophie's opinion i sat back i didn't really say a great deal because it was again not my time to say anything. And i feel certainly in the past over social media albeit instagram youtube i've left several messages um you know like i said we've exchanged messages me. And paige before in the past and she's jumped on one of my videos before in the past there's like a little cameo role and i've always been outrageously supportive of what she does i think what she does in her probably break it down into a couple of things let's let's start off with golf first what does she do. For golf well she makes golf look cool yep for one like she makes golf she's always out there in beautiful weather swinging in the golf club fantastically she obviously is a very talented golfer she probably would admit it she didn't wasn't talented enough to make it out on full tour which is obviously super hard to do. So would you say she was a better level than yourself obviously in the women's game i think she yeah because she went through that like college yeah game. And everything she can play then..

And i feel like when you go through that kind of college build up and you've got that that pedigree of of competitiveness in you she probably could switch it on and properly play and she practices plenty she's got a great golf swing she's obviously looking at now getting new clubs she's had sponsored clubs in the past and now she's almost like reviewing clubs on her youtube channel and seeing which one's best of her et cetera so for golf i think she's unbelievable role model i think whether she'll get many people into golf i don't know i don't know if that's hard to measure it's really hard to measure. But with millions of followers that she has millions on youtube on well maybe not new youtube millions yet but she got some massive views on youtube on instagram twitter whatever other platforms she has it would be wrong to say she doesn't bring people into golf she doesn't put people off golf let's be honest yeah she's definitely not doing anything wrong. For golf correct so she's got to be bringing people into golf that's that side from a business side i think early days. And sophie alluded to it on the podcast when we had her in i don't think she quite got it right from the early start which is hard because she was. And she said it in her instagram bio she's the og the original instagram golfer girl yep she is without question. And i think at first you made not wrong decisions. But companies um it's the right word almost wrongly um utilized her in in a way that she maybe wasn't quite switched on enough at the time i should probably again admit that now i feel like she's got a business lined up she would charge a lot of money for appearances a lot of money for ads a lot of money for sponsorship deals whatever it may be and she justifies that value because again to get eyeballs and the interaction she gets on her post are outrageous the engagements through the roof she's got i think collectively it's probably upwards of 10 million followers i think because she's got oh. And maybe not quite we should think about three million on insta roughly same on facebook's at six quarter of a million. Or something on youtube and then.

About 400 000 on twitter and then.

Tick tock as well she's shortboards of 10 mil and her engagement is high yeah every time she posts loads of comments um. And you know in that side of things as a business i think she's doing a really good job as well. So there's no. For me there's almost no massive downside to it the only thing that i think some think is a downside is that she is using her beauty her sex appeal whatever as a advantage. But i don't think that if i had it i would do that as well do you know what i mean. So if paige is listening there's no beef there's no um i didn't say a lot in that podcast because it wasn't my time to say anything um. But i've been chats to her since we've cleared the air and she's hoping to come on the podcast soon yeah would be good i think do you wish you had said this on the podcast now last week probably the only thing the last maybe the last line i should have maybe said looking back at it i watched the clip back. And gone i didn't say a lot did i. And i don't know why i didn't say a lot there was no reason why it's not that if let's say sophie which i'm sure she wouldn't have done. But if the guest had started saying oh i really don't like uh you know she's not great for golf then.

That's probably where i would have jumped in and gone no you're wrong there yeah it was probably just because i was in agreement with sophie well actually neither of us rightly. Or wrongly kind of expressed our views because on that youtube clip a lot it actually got really good not only did it get good views it got really good engagement which is the biggest thing. And it was a grown-up conversation it was completely a grown-up conversation. And like i said it was obviously gonna get clicked because of the thumbnail let's be honest. But the actual comment section was really good. And i think most people really enjoyed it. And the like to this light ratio was really high as well it's quite common if you get like a clickable video that people do dislike it. For whatever reason but it didn't the only thing i think i would disagree with her to some degree not maybe disagree. But is she said in that on her podcast as well that she's very kind of sick of people saying is she good. For golf and she had it last five years so i understand that she probably is sick of it that through five years of making content. And good content people are saying is she good. For golf but i i also on that i get sick of people asking me am i sponsored exactly like are you a are you a real pro you get paid to review those equipments the questions that i get asked. And we see on social media all the time that i get asked all the time and that's it and i think unfortunately. For paige if she wants to continue growing what she will do in gaining more subscribers. And more followers and attracts more non-golfers and golfers to the game unfortunately for her if you like that question is going to happen you can't have both ways you can't be gaining new subscribers. And you're the same as this you can't be getting new subscribers and then.

Be upset and people say you're sponsored because new people have questions to ask exactly so if a page as long as she keeps growing which again she will continue to i'm sure it's gonna happen it's gonna keep popping up she might say well she's not better of us to ask that question. But equally we had so many people are enjoying the conversation. So i think it was i'm glad you've kind of sorted out with her yeah there's no beef well there isn't we've not we've probably not had the opportunity to ask many people the question either because you know when we did put when we when people knew we had sophie on the podcast probably that person that you put picked out wasn't the only time somebody asked about paige like she is a hot topic in golf. And rightly so because she has such a massive following so there's no beef can't wait to get her on the podcast um if we have to clear the air again i'll clear the air. So bang my watching not anger um and it'd be great to do it stop hanging in your archery it'd be great to do a youtube video again in the future the last last last thing i would just kind of semi-disagree with i think she made a really good argument. And she was very passionate. And it was great to see the last thing i would just say it wasn't quite fair she said in her podcast that you we were kind of again slagging off other influencers. And you're an influencer and that wasn't quite true what we will get into is that we're not i'm personally not a big fan of when people come into golf create a space whether that be instagram. Or youtube and don't really have an interest in the game but i've thought that's an easy way to get some followers because quite a still a small market really and there's a few people i'm not gonna start naming names there's a few people who've cropped up on instagram the last couple years who put such a such thing golf at the end of the name and just post pictures and don't really actually play golf and i think that is wrong someone like mia bake has done a great thing we should come into golf. And she's got a great phone she actually wants to get good at golf she's doing something good for the game she's making it you know we had her on the podcast and she was great. So it's not that you've got an issue with influencers it's people that choose an easy way to get followers that's the problem i think there's different categories of influencers i mean i don't i know i am that. And even though i'm not the biggest fan of that term i know i am an influencer that's what kind of comes with the role but it's like you said that there's different categories of golf of influence should i say. And that that's not just in golf that's across all genres whether it's in the beauty world whether it's in the um hair and makeup whether it's in the protein stuff from like muscle people i bet i bet that's a nightmare because as soon as you get a bit beefed up in the gym suddenly you're promoting protein bars or whatever and you're getting a following from it and getting paid from it so it's it's just that fine balance it's not against influence as a whole there is just some bad nuggets of influencers out there which sometimes bring the name put a bad mark against influencers remember when i used to be an influencer when i um started pushing the mini egg chocolate bar exactly. So you know if you don't like influencers you like me as i said there's some good ones that was a really good one um. So hopefully that's cleared the air that'll be a good clip for youtube as well so i've got another thanks paige um okay we have got a trip of a lifetime quite literally a trip of a lifetime coming up in a couple of weeks well effectively. And from actually this week we're listening to this we'll be going. So we're actually filming this a week today.

So we're filming this on the friday before the tuesday the podcast comes out but a week today.

We are going on a trip of a lifetime let's spill some beans the only problem is i'm just thinking now if we do say where it is are people going to start pitching up you love that they did no i don't a little bit. But no we're going to scotland went to scotland. And it's a it is a trip of a lifetime yes it's gonna be four days that are gonna be absolutely banter boys beers bucket list material type of stuff. So really looking forward to it uh the whole crew is going up me guy harry tim. And matt the the crew behind these wonderful videos that we produce um it's going to be epic we're going to do a podcast up there as well which will spill more beans about the actual trip because we'll have been up there. And done it by then.

Um i'm just a bit conscious about saying too much because i don't want too many people watching you i get nervous when people watch let's be honest so it'd be better if nobody knew where we're going. But it's going to be very exciting people are probably putting tunes in together now you said um scotland bought a bucket list yeah i've always wanted to go there. And play i've been there but i always wanted to play it there yeah. So if you don't know where it is by now you're not doing. So well i'm not telling you when and what day and how you say a week today.

And it's going up. But doesn't it yeah either way it's gonna be exciting um loads of clips coming loads of youtube uh footage um which will be released over the next.

Couple of weeks. And months i'm excited sorry we didn't elaborate on that too much it's what happens when you've got a massive huge following you get on the first t. And there's hundreds of people going rick rick rick. And then.

I shank it it's veno's shanking it right 75. didn't shank it this week thanks like you did it jcb off the course um okay. So so far let's have a proper dive into this now because i feel like we've not proper dived into it for a few weeks so we're up to now episode number seven episode number eight will be coming out this week that you're listening to the podcast yes. So far we've done mario 77 i won't go through them all santander links not great uh mia very good one on the presbyter two over um jcb a million over uh but really enjoyed the experience and celtic manor last week with jack decent but could have been better putting was horrendous this week which would have seen presbytery yes not prescribed stockport with hannah davis with hannah davis summarize my performance this week solid jackson's still poor you need to work on your putting another thing i've found about your game actually. And i've said this to you on the day since i don't think you're good at judging shots i i'll fly allies yeah i'm not there was a hole par five where is a dog leg right it was a massive dog like right you hit a decent enough drive over the corner took a bit off kind of a little bit of a drawy one perfectly fine what did you have in was it two thirds it was a long way in. But you're in a proper you're in a quite thick roof that's quite wet but like not thick like deep but like nice what's the word i think about that lush roof that's it bit wet it was wind behind very kind of flat hole with quite bouncy fairways. And you're gonna hit three iron and you're also not only that you've got like quite a chunky three on a drive night and really haven't yet and i was like that's gonna be well too much which should go four. And i said no go five you hit five it probably wasn't maybe you needed four. And a half fine really yeah. But you got on the green pretty much were you on the grill you'd have been potentially lost ball big. Or something the other thing as well like that throwing out of that rough would have been a much harder shot yeah less light i might i might yeah it might have flushed out. But i might have also only hit it 150 yards down the fairway you know and that's something to do today.

We did that ping ball video which i'm not sure if that'll be out. Yet or not but you we're gonna hit a that was a weird one that's a seven iron yeah nice no what we're gonna hit i was i was about one seven eight a one seven five to the flag classical wedge. Or something okay you said nine nine. And i was in just in the rough ball was set up quite nicely. And i had seven eight out because the pin was at the back. And i don't know i just i do like hitting shots hard. So i don't know why over the last couple of times i've opted to go for a slightly bigger club because i had my hand on seven guys said nine. And we compromised on eight these are all the things you don't see behind the yeah behind the scenes guy basically caddis. For me all the way around um yeah it's weird i don't know my i feel like i'm swinging it better i feel like my misses have got slightly better my driving round celtic matter was outrageously really good my driving around stockport was sketchy some unbelievable drives. But then.

A couple of missed lefts actually quite a few big lefts which i've been kind of working towards wedge play feels nicer i'm hitting greens which is a positive yeah i'm not getting that close just. Yet but i'm hitting greens um bunker play was good uh i am playing a little bit drawing with my irons overall i feel like it's close. For me though how do you feel like the attitude differs i think it's been three standout rounds. And i think i could have probably even done four my attitude uh mia presby stop port yeah whether i play better in cheshire who knows way more just like chilled confident relaxed like i never felt in any of those three rounds i was going to shoot a big number i think it's because it's course that you've played before which helps to some degree. But because it is local you just go you just turn up a little bit before hit a few putts go in the net. And i think you just feel relaxed well if i meant that celtic manner not only was it quite a tough course it was like a three-hour drive it was quite like uh it felt like a big day didn't it same with jcb as that was solid as well. But i think when you've got somewhere that you just feel a bit more relaxed that you play better i think when you've got a history of a of a golf course it's much better when you've actually got a history of let's say i've played mere a million times i know i can shoot well around there i've played presbyter a million times i know i can shoot well around there it's just the ones where you know like a jcb i never played it celtic man i never played it. And i don't have any good memories of the place to know that i can shoot on the path. For example what about the shot at um stockport at the ferrybunker where you went through iron i said all right like a seven i just get out of the fair bunker you hit it free. And you hit the lip and it back so the other thing we've not actually mentioned yet it's the stock port because the video's come out yet hopefully you've watched it i shot 73 so two over par so i broke um i broke 75 comfortably obviously by two um on the six hole par five i hit in the fairway bunker annoyingly and with this new chunky three iron i've got in the bags i've dropped my dropped my two iron which we've not really said much about because actually my two iron broke on the driving range at jcb which we actually never included in the video um. So i've got this like chunkier 3i now this titleist u500 i think it is. Or 510. i think it's the 500 calendar with those two it's the slimmer one anyway um i was in this fairway bunker 230 yards out. And i rocketed this beautiful high draw three iron out the bunker nowhere near the lip guy and matt who was there filming thinks it caught the lip me. And harry who was also filming knew it didn't hit the lip it was sailed over comfortably right up towards the green. And the three put it for so we would have played it while this podcast coming out hillside this week how do you think i want to get on it's a golf course i've played a number of times. But it's not it's not easy what do you know what t is going to be going off as far back as we're allowed the maximum length of the golf course is 7 000 yards can i be honest yeah i don't mean this to be a cop um i think breaking 80 will be very impressive okay. But i just think it will yes i'm playing with spencer who's a young junior there who who has featured on the golf video a video i did before where i was doing a golfbidder challenge playing with the golf clubs when i was 11 years old. And if you remember joined up with a young lad and we played three holes and uh that was spencer. And he chips he slammed that wedge remember yeah he's 16 now playing off one um he's a member there we beat you do you think i should maybe try even though we're gonna play stroke play do you think i should almost mentally try. And play match play against him maybe actually yes i feel like that help that would help me the only thing i think you sometimes do when you're playing is like i thought you'd go. For birdie puts like you've said this before too much because. For a birdie i do i just like the birdie source on the videos yeah i need i really really need to work my putting something i'm going to work on over the weekend ready. For monday when playing at hillside and there's been some change at the golf course so if you don't know hillside it's one of the best best links golf courses here in the uk it's actually right next.

Door to royal birddale it kind of gets overshadowed a little bit by role burdell just because obviously bertdale is the open venue etc. But it's a stunning golf course the bat nine is absolutely gorgeous we played there with spencer a couple of years ago didn't we did you lost i lost quite literally eight balls i yes before i can't remember how i played that day i think i played okay i think you shot 15 over you're quite happy [Laughter] um. So 75. it's been a good series people are loving it something i wanted to address i think it's actually a question i got we've had some really good facebook questions again today.

I'm going to kind of bounce them throughout this episode uh. But one of them which i'm going to find hopefully straight away yeah um bear with me. For one sec um why is this always happening when i want to find the question it takes her. And it takes ages to come up okay got it michael hung has said can we have extended cuts of the break 75 series more of a vlog style um you could release them on the second channel maybe it's a good question with a lot of people in the facebook group saying about the watch the videos were longer. And even in the comments section of the videos people want them to be longer we're not going to make them any longer are we we are going to make them shorter if anything shorter. And better now the reason we've gone longer is because i think 20 minutes is the absolute top it could be what's been our longest. So far 18 or 18. and it's a balance because obviously the people are commenting. And in the facebook group and this is the podcast are kind of hardcore fans if you like which is great. But a lot of people that watch just kind of watch casually and if they became much longer people the vast majority would get a bit bored i mean they could be an hour long it could be comfortably an hour long because 18 holes of golf we could show many more of the shots with the guests we could show you know. So much more of the dialogue the bits in between the shots like saying it it's that's not the the vibe to use one of your words it's not the vibe we're going. For but also when you even though we've had some amazing guests on and there's been some good chat off camera when you do play golf if we were playing new it won straight. And i got a bit left you go you kind of walk up the tin you kind of walk together but also like when you phone have a quick scroll and kind of start to walk separate ways it's not always exciting and i think what people have enjoyed about these videos is that kind of fast paced how there's no kind of dead space. So if we did make them longer people wouldn't actually enjoy them quite as much i think people think they want them longer. But the majority would tune out yeah short. And sweet short and sweet there's a couple of really cool spin-off series i've got planned or we've got planned for after break 75 because we're only doing 12 episodes this year that's it 12 episodes we're up to number eight this week so there's not many left so glad glad everyone's enjoying them um and then.

I've got a couple of ideas for spin-off shows which will be coming. For the latter end in the fall 2021. are you ready. For a deer rick let's do it what i like about dear rick is it's sponsored by my favorite people in the world someone could say yeah by i motocaddy the best it is. And the beauty of a deer rick is not only to get a little bit of her time it looks anonymous. But you get a little bit of her time on the the world's biggest golf podcast will you get points withdraw. For a motorcade how many episodes is it left now the system number seven oh that was very that was really loud this is number seven. So there's only another through eight nine tens three more left so if you want yours i'm gonna be upset when this ends i will be if you want yours read out send it to podcast rickshaws.com we've had. So many it's hard to get through them all this one we literally can't get through them all this one is um again i need your advice really dude this isn't an easy one to answer this i'm fully insulted i've got my laptop in front of me nothing's on it i'm just on my screen no scrolling no phones my phone's not dead. But it's just dormant i i'm all ears okay. So uh my name is bleep um don't use my name interesting i got into golf last year during the first lockdown i started off by going to my local driving range one of my best mates. For a bit of fun before i knew it i was obsessed okay me. And my mate had a few rounds a local course at the back end of last year before the golf courses closed again once the courses reopened this year me and my friend designed decided to join a golf club in stockport i don't know if it is stoppable. But in stockport as my uncle and a few of his friends play there i feel like it wouldn't be stockport yeah it feels like that's more of it yeah yeah stability said in stockport makes me think it's something like a brahmal. Or a brahmo park code we're trying to froze off the scent potentially true um so if your friend at stockpot golf club turns up in five weeks the brand new motocaddy it's definitely not him since starting i've been given a handicap and i've been playing nearly every single day i've been playing with myself [Laughter] i mean that went that way that went differently tonight than i expected that wasn't the dairy that was me i have been playing myself i've been playing by myself come on i've been playing yeah with myself um with my best friend who has also joined the golf club with me. And other people who've met at the club or friends who only members sounds even worse he's been playing golf on his own with his friends and with people from the golf club she's got a variety of vibes yes. And here's the problem my friend is around the same skill level as me. And we shoot around the same score however. he has a really bad temper and often gets very frustrated whenever he makes a bad shot this could include throwing his club shouting at himself loudly and being really snappy with me this results in there being a really awkward silence for the rest of the game and brings down the mood massively snappy with him it makes playing the game unenjoyable for me and makes me think i should have come out by myself. Or with other members who don't get so angry at the point which is no fun this happens nearly every time we play oh my god i understand golf can be a very frustrating game. And i'm not saying i never get annoyed with myself but the difference is i don't take it on others. And get super over the top angry or make everybody else feel like shouldn't be having fun any advice would be much appreciated please don't use my name in bold font well his mate needs to get a grip don't they um that's a bit pathetic i get the feeling it doesn't have his age but i feel like he's quite young because his name without giving it away is kind of a youngish name yeah. For when when another if i was playing with a golfer who was affecting my enjoyment of the game of golf i'd have to bring it up certainly someone i'm playing with a lot like if he's making me feel uncomfortable i would have to say listen this is not fair i'm coming out spending time enjoying the golf course. And you're making it making it not not enjoyable would you actually say that you're being a it depends how close it is to him yeah i think he's his best mate. Or one of his one of his close friends i'd say to him i don't want to if you act like this again i want to play with you it's almost like i speak like as a kid yeah would you do this face to face. Or in a text i'd do it when he was most pissed off well if he lamped yeah well then.

I've had one fight on the golf club i got hit this is a funny story it was actually a match i played in college right. And people were literally i think you were 12 at this point oh 16. people who who knew me at college would know this story. And uh me and a ladder i think particularly ci we're having a match. And it was only nine whole match. And during the match he actually snapped his driver during the match because he must have hit a bad one over his knee or something yeah. Or whatever right so in his bag he had a a graphite shaft snapped in half one with a grip end on it and one with the obviously the driver head on it shoved in his bag right we get to the last hole and the match is really tight right i don't give him a short putt to win the match. So four two four whatever it is the greens are horrendous where we played right yeah i don't give him this short putt to win the match right he misses it. And it's literally a thought he misses it lips out the most disgusting now i might have said something that riled him i can't quite remember. But i think i think i said something along the lines of like i can't remember. But i'll try and remember it annoyed him it annoyed him i then.

Was like walking off the green he doesn't shake my hand right. So i'm walking off the green i'm thinking of won the match i don't really care the next.

Thing i know he he has his graphite shaft with his grip on as i'm walking away he smacks my arm with the graphite shafted and i actually get a graphite like splinter in my arm oh my dear next.

Thing banks are on the floor we're all like actually scuttling on the floor. And there's two of us it was like dead quiet sunday night. Or whatever we're playing this match or might have been midweek literally just me and him scuffling on the floor and it probably lasted about five minutes and we both watched our separate ways and probably never spoke again who won i won the match i'm saying no no no no forget the match you're in the fight oh come on um obviously um it was like it wasn't really it was like it was a bit of a pathetic scuffle trying to talk me through the actual fight was it fists getting thrown. Or was it more like very headlocks all right i mean like headlocks. And no come on like whatever it wasn't as much like put your boots up let's go yeah it was more like headlocks on the ground almost like like wrestling submissions yeah like wrestling getting on top of each other digging each other in the ribs. And things like that i mean it's a good i've been in a few fights in my day you might not think it pretty face like me. But i've been a bad boy back in the day i used to get in some scruffles i used to this is a really funny story completely going off this derrick. But um for whatever reason at college where i was at i didn't see eye to eye with i mean a lot of people i'm not. But i didn't see eye to eye with the football crew the football academy right not just a player the footy lads not just a team for whatever reason me and the football and i'm talking a lot of young lads right for whatever reason i'd be for them right right and there was one day i got back back night back out from preston after a night out i was drunk. And whatever and i'm walking back to my dorm and suddenly there's like five or maybe 10 of these football ads walking the other way right or shields i like it and i mean leggy right. And i'm running around college i'm trying to get school these are football ads i'm a golfer i mean i probably have golf shoes on knowing me going out on the night out when i was 16 to 18.. And i'm running around the back of the campus and everything else and suddenly like literally all of them managed to find me and i just curled up on the floor as it just and that's kick the lid yeah i don't know why i don't know whether it i stealed several of their girlfriends probably something that's not true let's get it let's be honest you know young good-looking golfer like me probably just going around flaunting it is that ricky shields with his burberry hat on oh i want a piece of that oh my days i can't get over this. But yeah. And then.

I only had one main fight at school tell us that one as well my mum always said to me if you're getting a fight don't throw the first punch because then.

You don't get you're not in blame which i found a bit of a weird theory because if i got knocked out the first punch i'd always lose a fight i didn't mean a lad we didn't go to i met on the park after school really i was looking i was sticking up. For a mate of mine why are we talking about this on the podcast. But who knows me and me were he was getting like bullied by this little lad i didn't i didn't want to take it. So i approached him and said you're out of order whatever else. And you know back in the day it was like we almost set a duel after school you. And me on the park right so everyone knew about everyone in school knew about it right so me and this ladder meeting after after the park and i always had in my head my mum said don't throw the first punch because if you as long as you don't throw the first punch you're not in trouble which i still haven't got a weird one right. So i'm literally stood there ready for this fight and i had to let him throw the first punch because as long as he did that then.

I could unleash the power. So he threw the first punch it didn't totally land well and uh i finished it with a couple of blows anyway that was uh oh my days it's got me sorry just cut you off i've got my google up then.

Auntie joshua west is off apparently go ahead in saudi arabia august 14th anthony joshua one sec sky sports news anthony joshua has now said he doesn't want to unify the division. And fight tyson fury he wants to fight golf youtube creator rick ricky the boy shields oh my days ricky hammerham i knew rick was decent at golf i knew you could make golf videos i didn't know it was really hard. And tough and a big scary man and now i do they used to call me rick hard when i was at 60. [Laughter] oh god i don't [Music] we've not been drinking tonight wow all right okay mo caddy i'm really sorry you've sponsored this section of the podcast is an absolute joke. So in order an answer to the dear rick this week um fight your mate beat him up and just realized a lot of you actually had a fight with at school he's a guy he's a king golfer now he might listen how funny would that be all right anyway um what you probably should do is not fight him on the 18th green send him a nicely worded message that you can take some time if you do it face to face you might get a little bit heated you might get a bit agitated back confrontational. So this week actually it's not the rick it's dear guy it's send him a message type it out show it to your mum your girlfriend your boyfriend whatever and read it maybe go through it change it a couple of times and just say dear brian um i really think you're a great friend get on with you. So well off the course you know you're great yeah your attitude on the golf course gets me down a bit it takes the fun out of it just maybe in future just relax a little bit. And you know let's let's buy guns without guns i'm actually sweating well that was good anyway um. So dear rick's done right that's funny i i don't advocate fighting by the way no always throw the second punch um i think i've got the best golf clubs in the world ever can i talk well you know about this. But i wanted to elaborate for a little bit every day this last week at 8 00 am in the morning before filming you've been out on the chipping green perfecting your chipping machine one handed chipping i did something actually wrong no. But somebody actually left a comment on facebook saying do you reckon you're better chipping with one hand than rick is at two. And i would say yesterday i would have said actually genuinely said yeah i was unbelievable um i think i'm tripping i think i'd better one-handed that's quite you know what's really good darn it basically which one do you prefer by the way right yeah i was did a little stupid instagram story yesterday where i hit these five chips with one hand with my new wedges which i'm going to come on to in a second. And literally it wasn't fake hopefully i could tell nearly everyone went in they didn't non wedding but they nearly all did when i went back two hands honestly it felt. So easy i felt like i had so much control the club felt really light so i know you see tigers putting with one handle latch it might be a good little technique people to try at home just chipping on the garden or on the chipping green with one hand and go back to two it feels easier anyway people that listen for a long time or orca might know that i had nike engaged wedgies for ages how many years you said 2015 i think i got them what happened when i worked at nike i got given a massive tour bag full of the new wedgies literally. So i could go to demo events and let people obviously try them i had every degree every every loft every bounce etc and they're rusty and i love them because the leading edge when it was behind the golf ball was really squirt. And they just suited my eye perfectly and obviously i've left nike agent ages ago but i kept those two edges in the bag at 54 and a 58 degree rusty ones loved them and recently i found that as much as i love the shape they just don't get as much spin i can just tell they're not gripping. So even when you've been like just chipping with my eyes like taylormade why didn't you notice and spin it ridiculous i almost felt like yours was spinning too much because like you hit them it just stops i was like i need to get some new ones. So i had to think about it i've had folkies before i had voki's a long time ago. And he had them as a kid as well and i always liked them but like there is a mass they've done. So well with the marketing because everybody if you say what's the best wedges most people say voki so i kind of got sucked into the hype a little bit i've got three sm8 i got 50 54 58 but the key here is i wasn't interested in this dark finish because it comes off in the bunker don't have to time look rubbish i didn't really want chrome they've now released fairly recently i think a raw finish nice. So they look chrome in the bag at the start but over time they'll rust i love them absolutely the only thing i don't like but i'm getting used to they're a bit more rounded leading edge than i'm used to but not massively if i you know every single wedge you would ever try after those nikes they're gonna be more rounded like those night that front edge of that nike is ridiculous. But what i've also now found actually going against that is because the because the leading edge was. So square and i'll try this before my hand when i open the face on the nike the face obviously was pointing to the right with a more round leading edge when you open the face you have part of it that wants to face target. So i quite like that but the feel honestly and this is obviously not because i didn't paid endorsement obviously it's not paid endorsement i don't get paid by titles to use the clubs clearly guys. And influencers no. But seriously i mean obviously all wedges i'm sure i could have got callaways. Or tailor maids or cleveland whatever it might be but i really like the feel is awesome. So i'm really happy with them should i get some i think you should because you've got those taylormade's which are nice wedges the only thing i don't like with those is how the face is rusty. And the rest isn't like even the toe in the heel which looks a bit weird at least with a fully raw wedge it's just all going to over time i'm going to do two things i'm going to get some new wedges. And i forgot to mention this earlier after my round at stockpot i actually went in the pro shop and bought a new putter which might get an appearance so you've bought a butter i bought up explain well when i say i bought a potter i wasn't allowed to buy a putter okay what the hell. So i went in the pro shop after i played at stockport for the day and we played yeah right gary norcott really really good pro very very dan webster vibe passionate passionate pioneer really interesting what he's doing great shop right. So i'm in there i've put it badly again at stockport i'm walking around the pro shop as you do pick up a butter oh that's nice that's oh i like that it was a doing that camp voices yeah i think i probably did say out loud [Laughter]. And then.

I i'm ricky hart and then.

I i was like what model is that. So it's an odyssey t something or other so it's like it's very similar to mine but it's got almost like a bar that sticks out the back very similar shape to mine but with a bar at the back with the white part it's really nice i like that but the grip's too thin it's added proper grip on it like a normal putter grip and i was like oh you know what there's an assistant in the in the shop i think he was called uh callum maybe you can stick a grip on it while i go. And have lunch with gary um anyway i put that down i thought no don't be daft rick two putters along brand new still in the wrapper exactly the same putter with a fatter grip on it i was like done done. So i went to gary i said can i have that please. And he looked at me like i've got two heads and said what do you mean you want that i went well can i buy that off you. And he went well put it put it to the side we're gonna have lunch and we'll sort it after i go back in the pro shop after lunch and everything else lovely he um i said i'll put trophies he went i don't want to pay. For it i'm like what do you mean you don't want me he wouldn't allow me to pay money. For it so give me for free so i just i just walked away with it so thank you well it's i'm going to try a good plug fish pro shop on the podcast. So it's what in fact he's done a clever thing he's yeah he's seen you coming. So i can make 100 quid now on this putter i'll give him. For free get a shout out on this amazing podcast that gets listened to by millions but a few people good exposure so that's gary norcott gary north stockport golf club yeah just go in say rick sent you. And who knows what he might give you for free yeah that's good yeah okay i'll try that. But i might use that putter next.

Week we'll see but if i'm going to get some new wedges i'm going to try something either i might go vocals with you i'm going to match you potentially. Or you know what i really fancy have kind of pink wedge potentially but i'm going to go parallel thicker grip okay. So a couple of layers lower on the hand so have it all the same thickness all the way down but slightly thicker so that when i grip down it doesn't feel too skinny a few brands have done that before because i feel like we spoke about it before james robinson we had on the podcast and who did the youtube videos. For us recently he grips right down on these little chips it just feels too thin for me yeah if you get an extra layer on the right hand it should pad it out a bit. So who knows what knew what's in the bag potentially coming soon with a free putter i'm not saying it's just mad i mean why do i buy a putter. But i've got a few at home but that's the thing with the putter what i love about putters is because technology has changed at some degree. But equally you could go and play around if you went and played around the golf tomorrow and you're giving a 30 year old driver it's going to affect your score probably isn't it a 30 year old putter especially if you like it it might actually help you score. So sometimes there's been tales of like torpros didn't haven't they before an event they're going to show up. And bought one you just get a feel and it's worth it jim furyk like well known that did. But i think with the putter as well it's probably again every custom fiddle probably said this is ridiculous. But you can just stroke even even well it's nice to hit a putt at least we're just even stroking it i love the feeling i feel super square i feel like i'm never going to miss. And i think one tip i haven't get to this book before. And it's it's because i've done it wrong myself before if you can afford not to never sell a putter yeah unless you have to trade in because you know realistically if you get if you've had a ten-year-old drive an old ping g5 whatever. And getting a new one you can trade it. And you want to get much it'll give it to me you're never going to want to use it again really with a putter how many times keep all of them i've had the even roll in my bag. For ages and there's been many times i've swapped out and used a different putter you've gone back back i've always gone back to that one if i sold it i'd have been gutted yeah no it's a good good tip if you can obviously sometimes it's difficult do you want some facebook questions let's fire through something um. So um the only problem is we've got a new setup i've got no idea long we've been running. For what's the time 45 minutes i think 45 minutes it's pretty good. So a bit of a nerdy one to start with but from david paul is gc quad now better than trackman i've always thought it's better than trapman in my opinion um obviously i use a gc quad. For me it's more reliable um i like how the display is i think the graphics on it is ridiculously better in my opinion um the only thing. And i've mentioned this before the only thing i hate about gc quad is those reflective dots you got up on the club face it's annoying it's the most annoying thing where trapman now does also monitor strike i've never actually tested it on trackman. Yet but you don't have to put anything on the golf club the only thing is that you're very different because if you are a club brother gary noelko let's just say. And you've got a gc quad when you get a new demo kit in yes you've put them on. And then.

They're done then.

If you have a lesson in it it might be more difficult occasionally but yeah i know you mean that's the only thing that needs to change the only thing i don't like. But apart from that i think gc quad's better the only thing i would say if i was having like a fitting studio. Or let's do an outdoor thing as good as gt quad is sometimes because it obviously only tracks it like instantly if you hit a left one. And then.

It moved to the right with the wind it won't really show it whereas trackman would actually show the real flight but pros and cons to both ideally you'd want both i know it sounds ridiculous but you see tall pros now with both don't you bryson and stuff are after number oh he's seeing a lot of torpos with gc quad now yeah a lot dc quad is better i would say um peter garrett gravy. Or curry sauce when having a chippy it depends what i'm having it with good answer chips obviously fish fish chips it's gravy i'm a pie but i got gravy as well yeah i'd go fish chips gravy mushy peas okay if i wasn't having um fish. So if i was having a steak. And kidney pudding handed me off anyway because i'm fish that fish in a rice cake video fish and a rice cake and they have fish they have fish and a rice cake they have fish so if i was having chips steak. And kidney pudding weirdly i have curry sauce yeah yeah that is weird um i do love curry salsa. And chips if i was just having chips on their own i'd probably have curry sauce 100 yeah yeah good answer uh alex copeland upgrading irons from 1994 versus getting lessons what's gonna make a bigger difference to his game 1990 1494. they're quite old aren't they. But does it depend what they are i still think lessons do you think because again sounds daft if we give those 1994 clubs to james robinson the one we've had on channel recently he played awesome yeah he didn't give enough information there. But i would say if it's like 1994 pings are quite chunky that'd be still good 100 lessons if he's got some tiny blades of his father-in-law like literally tiny to use. And dead traditional lofts possibly getting some clubs yeah that's true. So it's more on the actual club than the year um okay this is a decent one. For you and a bit of a dear rick style actually it's from kieran johnson do you think it's acceptable um to ask. For a refund after playing an away course if it's shocking condition and i'm not saying something i would do. But i played the course recently and the greens were absolutely awful to the point was almost it was pointless putting you couldn't get a straight roll. And it made me think that i paid 25 pound. For essentially a product that's faulty what's your thoughts well i i experienced this a few times when i was like an assistant pro at mia. And i wouldn't have ever offered a refund i would have offered um a rain check ticket range yeah. So so if that would happen if it was bad weather um. And then.

It depend i think we did have a bit of a policy where it depends on how many holes it played if it was actually bad weather. So if they played like 15 holes we probably wouldn't have done it which is a bit slide really yeah. But that's equivalent of if you order a burger and chips and eat most of it and leave a tiny bit and go that was horrible why have you had it all if you had one chip in the back of the burger yeah you should get a refund i'm thinking that's more actual weather all right weather okay oh yeah if they'd played the full 18 holes like say. And the condition was terrible that's probably where to your point you'd go well you've actually played 18 holes you maybe should have tough one come coming earlier than this. And said it. But it depends on the club i think you're probably never gonna get a refund you might get next.

Time you play we'll do it. For half price or next.

Time you play we'll give you a boogie for free or next.

Time you play you know i think most clubs would invite you back. For another time playing when the golf course is in between yeah i think it's worth asking if you play if you've yeah yeah you used your hard-earned cash i mean unless it's something ridiculous like there was i don't know i can't have an example. But something annoyed that's not really their control if there's a slow group in front of it also it's not the not the club's fault is it really. But if it was something like someone would vandalize the green yeah it's not the club's fault let's say yeah. But if it was just it was actually in poor condition yeah. But then.

I suppose where do you lie when when the course of do greens works because it has to be done i think the other thing that this is something i remember doing again as assistant pro we would have a really good communication with our green keepers. And they would tell us from this point from the first of october to the 14th of october the golf course is going to be undermining under maintenance. So anybody that's booking in please tell them they're getting a juice fee we did do it like a winter fee. Or whatever i mean. So i think as long i think it's the worst when you go to a golf club i think it's going to be in pristine condition. And you get there and it's not because there's course maintenance where that should have been communicated when you bought that but the but a lot of bookings happen online and stuff now as well so it's probably not as many actual conversations that take place jordan bryant has asked how important do you both feel at decent footwear is when playing golf. And also do you prefer spikes. Or soft spikes i pro we don't have spikes over in the uk for me i've really gone off like trainer styles playing golf i really have unless it's literally a beautiful sunny day of an evening because even in the morning on a beautiful day you can get a little oyster. And even like what i surprised when we played with jack at celtic manor like he had the trainer styles on yeah i thought. For such a high level pro tour as well like it surprises me they don't wear spikes i think i would i used to wear spikeless a lot more than what i do now i feel like i wear spikes much more again now you know why that is because you're playing. For a score yeah. And it does actually i honestly think. And it's a stupid analogy if i had to go and play golf my mortgage tomorrow and have to shoot under eight to whatever i probably were spikes i know i'm not gonna get any slipping was in training style as good as they are as comfy as they are you do get a little slip occasionally it's not an excuse it can literally lead to a bad shot the only thing i do prefer with trainer style is i do prefer putting with them weirdly maybe a little bit closer to the floor i feel like you're a bit more connected to the ground as fast as it sounds. But i can sacrifice that to make sure i don't slip on a t yeah joe mccabe has asked um guy. And rick why is golf. So addictive it seems like it's an all-in or sorry let me move that again oh yeah it's an all-in. Or all-out sport i just started to play during the pandemic and i spent so much time looking at videos and equipment now no other sport i've ever been involved with was like this because you can't complete it nice. And that's that's you cannot say you've had a perfect round of golf that's true so if you play football or support a football team if you get the three points you're pretty happy you might they might have played better you might not have kept the clean sheet but you've got the three points what is a perfect match in football three nil win away you go away yeah where in golf you cannot get a perfect score because even if you shot 18 under that's still not a perfect score it could have been hole in one every hole i know that that's. But that no golfer has made a perfect score. So that's why it's so addictive but eve i suppose because even like darts and like we got into darts loads and loads and loads and we were always after the 180. Or whatever but like even doing a nine dart checkout that's weirdly complete in darts or a 147 in snooker that's complete in snooker to a degree but you cannot complete it you can't perfect it i think that's one thing. And i think the other thing as well is even somebody knows this million miles of completing it if you're a new golfer. And you play golf for six months and you're gonna break a hundred you're unbelievably happy certain milestones isn't it then.

It's like i want to be 90. and i did that i've done another rune recently. And i tried to beat 20 minutes for a 5k on a treadmill admit this wasn't quite count but still i did it the other week i was over the moon literally butting. For probably a day and then.

I wanted to do a bit better. And a bit better and then.

As soon as you want to get into the 18s and then.

There's no stopping. But i suppose at the same time there comes a point where i know physically unless i change i can't really get much but golf you probably think i can always get a bit better i've hit a shot that i know is as good as scratch handicapper could do. So if i do that again. And again and again and again i'll get down to scratch myself interesting i think we have to wrap it thanks. So much for listening everybody hopefully enjoy the podcast we've got some new mics new audio hopefully that came through on the video on the uh podcast audio and also make sure you check out the full episode on the youtube channel youtube and last thing i don't like asking this but if you listen on apple and you like it please give us a rating and not had as many five well added many ratings recently so give us a five star and um an email podcast rickshaws.com thanks guy cheers i'm gonna get in the gym get training for my big boxing fight against aj i thought you said matt crossfield then.

I'll take on the other youtubers later thanks listen everyone you.