So welcome down to a very special episode of the rickshaws goal show podcast everybody this is episode number 76 yes. And we are on location. And if you're watching this on the second channel you'll see that we have got the greatest backdrop in golf yes who would have thought when we started the podcast this would be where we were sitting right now this yeah i think today's podcast might be quite bad because i'm speechless i don't know what to say also want to give a massive shout out to our fantastic sponsors motocaddy who do amazing electric motorized trolleys. And again we've been using as loads i had a little issue with my remote but they fixed it within seconds let's say seconds less than 24 hours and we're back up and running and uh someone broke your remote though that wasn't your that wasn't in the middle of his fault and i'm not gonna blame anybody but someone who sat quite close to me was trying to get the camera bag out of my car. And actually snap the remote control out of my motorcade but either way it's been fixed now anyway we digress where are we going. And what have we been up to we are we are going to speak we are at saint andrews. And we are currently in the old course hotel looking over the 17th the road hole one of the most famous golf halls in the world. And yesterday we played the old course for the first time ever and i've i've been here i lost count many times i've been here probably i would say at least upwards of 10 probably getting closer to 20. probably the same or maybe more for you oh no not that many i've probably been six okay lots lots watched loads of opens here been here. For events been here for all sorts of different things but never once in my time as being a gold professional working in the institut or anything i've had the chance to play the old course we're this weekend and we can say everything now because this podcast is going to come out after the actual event oh yeah this weekend is going to be. And i mean this a bucket list weekend of golf uh. For me especially and for the viewers watching the channels but also i want to make it a little bit special for you because everybody listening will know that guys getting married in from this moment now two weeks on sunday yes. Or people listen to podcasts less than two weeks now you've had a bit of a tour time with covid and moving the wedding this and the other so i wanted to make a little special day for you because you've never played old courses so yesterday i might have told a few little cheeky little fibs little white lies and i've been liaising with guys family his brother his mum his fiance his dad and uh we managed to pull off the surprise of the century it was outrageous you let's just set the scene a little bit. So when you come up here to work which is true that's right you said we'll come on to in a minute by the way yes you said to me we're going up on the friday. And we're meeting somebody from st andrew's trust whoever it was. Or the rna and they're going to show us around the golf course certain holes certain iconic holes we need to know about when filming etc okay great you then.

Said come in your golf clothes because we may there might be a chance in the afternoon we can get on the old course. And play a few holes yes. So that was i'm already amazed i was really excited. So you pick me up at seven o'clock on saturday morning nice to meet you morning friday morning about two minutes past seven you're really on time that was good really really early. For you set off long drive but a good drive no traffic everything was going well we get since andrews it's absolutely horrendous weather let's properly properly set the scene. And i want to when we say horrendous weather i've never experienced rain and wind on a golf course like that ever like it was it was biblical it was wind was coming in sideways you couldn't even put an umbrella up like we parked locally at the museum. And like getting out the car was a challenge like opening the door was a challenge we're getting out the car i'm putting on we're putting on jackets. And i'm saying to god come on guy we're going to meet in this guy called laurie near the first tee because he's going to show us around the golf course. And and to be honest you were very like um what's the right word like excited about it like you weren't because it was bad weather we could have easily sat in the car there. And gone really have to go meet this guy now like can we not just wait 10 minutes. But you were dead up. For it we both got our coats on we're walking down to the iconic first hole i mean we're talking sen andrews the home of golf where it's all happened all the greats have played in jack nicholas gary player old tom morris still the history that all goes behind that tiger was walking now the 18th fairway. And he's picking up his his uh open championship the famous picture of sevi took place just there just on that green just behind us that david cannon took we who had on the guest a couple of weeks ago so i'd arranged for guy's brother yes giles who's a pretty handy golfer actually bad. And guy's dad who used to play golf but he used to play he was never amazing. But he likes golf loves golf but he loves walking around and watching us and just kind of seeing the scenery and that kind of stuff and he was very trigger happy with his camera yes took over 700 pictures outrageous. And i'd already arranged with giles that we're going to meet near the first tee. So i'm walking along and i'm filming the group of players on the first seat did you think that the only thing all i thought was weird was we got out we got the car watch was the first t. And you were filming people on the first tee which i thought you're just doing just because it's like instagram story. Or something but you were filming them. For quite a while but i didn't think obviously anything i started filming them. For quite a while next.

Thing we turned around the corner of the stars hut and my brother and my dad just appeared from nowhere so i was absolutely gobsmacked then.

You flip the camera straight on to me obviously which is why you'll film in the first place i think if you want to watch guys reaction we'll insert it now. And go and check out the second channel and you can see on youtube his reaction. So we are playing today.

Oh my it was shocked. But also quite muted it was because yeah because when you watch like tv programs where somebody like meets a long-lost relative. Or they win a car or a house and sometimes they scream their heads off don't they go mad other times you almost don't look even remotely interested but it's just shock and i'm still feeling it now it's that like shock of like what on earth is going on here. So then.

Tell guy we have got a tea time at the old course we're playing in two hours at that moment in time and me and giles guys brother were a bit like we're playing in this bad weather where you were just like over the moon like because you you knew it was happening. For weeks and months so you were hoping. For a day like today.

It's amazing i had no idea. So i would i would have played in any weather to play the old course at that moment in time so big surprise we went we told him we're staying in the old course hotel which we're staying which we are in right now. So thanks for the guys here for setting up this room as well and the views on this golf course are just spectacular from this hotel this is the famous hotel that you drive over on the 17th where you cut the corner. So we went over to the driving range which is a little bit of a walk away we actually drove around there hit some balls. And again it was just like horrendous weather we were looking at the weather report. And going please please stop raining like it was 100 rain 90 rain it was it was dead cert to be a horrendous afternoon. But we were like well let's just wrap up let's get out there. And let's go and play uh hit a handful of golf balls each on the driving range went and grabbed a quick bite to eat in the eden golf club i believe it was yeah then.

We parked up in the old course hotel walked back over the golf course. And had also surprised guy in jars and me with caddies which was a really that was quite good actually i really liked him weirdly missed on the way up you said to me i'm gonna get some cash out of the petrol station because if we play we might have caddies. And i was like well i don't know if i'm not bothered i'm gonna caddy really. And you oh okay yeah fine obviously when you got to go battle you're having cabbies i was like actually it's fine i have a caddy i really enjoyed it you don't pull the avalon then.

All right then.

Um yeah it's really good yeah. So um we walked back over and again we're in the starters home we're looking around and it was pretty bad weather. But we're like come on let's get out there and it was really cool because there was there was a few students from the university of saint andrews coming to the first tee to watch because they kind of knew weirdly we were playing because they'd seen it on the starter. So one of them um charlie webb nearly spoiled it the whole surprise we won't go into that he spotted our name on the t sheet and anyway luckily he dodged a bullet um teed off the first hole and uh you had the greatest round of your life you know what right so let's just set the scene it's howling it's windy a bit nervous just still absolute days couldn't believe it it's just mad so just a strange were you nervous on that first tee shot not no no well it helps like it's the widest hole in the world doesn't it yeah literally out 200 yards wide just getting like a 220 yard shot a little too iron which i know i'm not here i'm not going to necessarily a great one. But no i'm not going to hit a horrendous one with a driver it could go anywhere two hands gonna be fairly safe. So once i was necessarily nervous. But i was just like the moment was mad hitting all right well not amazing. But the wind was horrendous. So i thought himself i'm not bothered about going to try to shoot an amazing score today.

Because it's not what it's about. But equally i don't want to play so bad i just don't enjoy it you weren't bothered about keeping a score card at first well my brother said let's swap cards me. And him and actually have a proper like scorecard and you said let's have a match me. And you had like almost two not two games going on. But i had a scorecard to mark and a match with you but i just thought i'm gonna play for bogeys today.

Not obviously i'm not gonna miss power puts on purpose. But i'm gonna be happy with bogeys which obviously if you have 18 bogeys that's a 90 which isn't great but i thought i'm gonna have some powers in there so that's how we bring that down and then.

My main thing was no doubles if i could have no doubles i know i might make a birdie. Or two make a few paths and that's a mid-eight season i'll take that in today's conditions and i played quite well i didn't well a lot of didn't have any great shots take one or two but just hit loads of shots that weren't great but they were fine they were safe your misses were phenomenal yesterday ball was traveling nowhere there were. So many times 150 yards like a four ryan yeah came up short yeah i was just saying rage some occasions he was really good my caddie dave he's from san fran san francisco. And the us but he moved over here 30 years ago um how much was it with the bird he had a bird walking around with him the whole way like he had this what was it called not i would describe it as a crow. But it wasn't he described it as something else i think it was like. And this bird literally followed my caddy round all the way walking flying but anyway i became quite good friends with it because i said at first god that bird struggling. Or something like he's really struggling to fly and he's just around when she i was like oh god you know this burden on a personal level um i. For me when i teed it up i was actually. For me remarkably calm on the first hole quite chilled you know just it was kind of your experience. So even though it was my first first time playing it as well i i almost kind of didn't think it was that big a deal because i wanted you to have such a great day. So i remember teeing it up and i'm there stood oh with a foreign easy like i've got all the room in the world to hit it and i literally see it up and i stood on my ball and suddenly my legs went like properly jelly legs i'm thinking oh crap i haven't said that on the old car i'm at the old course there's a bit of a crowd forming from these lads from the university yes there's a big fairway. But i'm not sure if i'm even going to hit this golf course i think it's not that's it it's not even hitting the fairway it's hitting the golf ball it's the weirdest feeling. So i've hit this like toei drawy thing and then.

Pushed massively with with the wind but luckily hit the fairway anyway because it's so big um front nine we were quite level pegging yep you had a string of like six fives in a row i had uh either seven. Or six fives in a row which was i think six bogeys in a par. So i think we were level pegging after nine your brother had an amazing ninth hole yeah describe this. So it was three was it 340 yards three three forty seven it was 347 off the tee it was one wind helping it was the first hole would have the wind behind us i think kind of off the left. So i think i hear two iron down there i can't remember actually now. But it was if you smash the driver the chance of getting on yeah he hit this driver he aimed quite far left absolutely mulled it perfect strike down the left wind brought in ended up on the green pin high probably about 35 feet yeah 30 35 foot. So he has an eagle put so i was thinking this could be a three foot power this could be a four put double because he's putting's hit. And miss what's what's his actual handicap i think he's like he's index like nine point seven he's ten. But he's quite yeah he's he's actually fixed a few things in his swing. But he can be quite hit. And miss but he can get it around he it. But he's got quite a strange he's put it in stroke he's quite short but he hits it with pace so it's quite like when he's on with putting he hits a lot he gets a little puts in he'll hit the back of the cup and drop but equally if you missed the cut they're going past. And the greens at that speed and so undulating we'll come on so ninth green is probably the flattest green we've played. So far yeah not taking any disrespect back from giles because it just generally was straight back into wind you started filming it. And uh you think. So you dropped it for an eagle i think again i'm sorry if this if you're listening on the podcast properly podcast there might be a few clips that we're going to put on the second channel today.

But let's just show that eagle port for everybody watching on the second channel and they did a little birdie dance he was abs because i think. For him he wanted to get a decent enough score together but he was just. So happy to have an eagle on the old course in that conditions on his first time playing it so that was obviously a big moment. For him and then.

I won the match beat you i want to get out right now i've beat rick shields on the match he's never got you've never beat me in a match but i've got six matches you've batted me once and the rest of them you've beat me but it's always it has been other than that one you better you always want to play yeah. And it's not been much more than two and one and stuff like that so for the first time you beat me i happen to be at the old course yeah i mean listen i am just such a nice guy in that manner you know i didn't only just want to treat above. And beyond i also wanted you to play i made it so you played great golf i mean there was a couple of times where your ball went in the bush. But what you didn't see add a little spotter out there had a little guy a little scottish fella just kick it back out into playing again come on let's get let's get you guys going right now close me though because there was a lot of room left. So i have a snap poke as a bad acne either way but i have a left is a bad miss i did a few of those. But it was actually. So much room i was actually one up after nine. Or ten i was one of that through ten in the match where did i win two. And one one or three and one you won about four holes on the bounce you won that par three which was ridiculously hard that was the best par. For a shot of a hit i did a two this is the 11th again on a day like today.

And it's so mad the contrasting weather like today.

It's calm it's sunny it's beautiful i can almost imagine we're sitting at eight into that flag today.

Could you because it was only 160 yards it was. But it was the one that's most on the coast if you like the wind was howling into i think i know it's hard to put into words how windy it actually was. But i literally hit a two eye so happy with it i tell you what this is how we can describe how windy it was two things happened i've never seen on the golf course a ball generally blew off the tee of your brother's teeth i don't think i've ever seen that with the guy that's got to be pretty windy. And there was one time where i was putting my ball down on the path three eighth. And the ball would not stay on the stay still that was mad like i literally had to put it down like 10 times. And it would not stay still um so just to give you a bit of an idea if that was a the open was on yesterday it wouldn't have been played well no it was moving on the greens yeah there's no chance it would have been played that's just making sure everybody listens super super super impressive everybody listening knows how bloody hard it was um. So yeah that part three your brother hit a driver you hit a two iron into an amazing shot. And i i think i got four around on the green you won that hulk. So i three-putted it you two-putted it and then.

From that point you just went on a run yeah like you in your head from nine was all about bogeys bat nine downwind a little bit more off your left yeah you'd settled in you'd kind of go over the shock a little bit. And you just the bat nine you shot two over about nine right two over back nine yeah you played with one bad bad boy get the side of a path five. And two or the six thinned the chip just schoolboy error you made no double brogues no double that was the battles that would be i double bogey the first i had to double bog it straight off from the bat uh you didn't double bowl guinea hole um you're obviously at 81. i didn't really keep score my count i was keep score of my shots. But i shot more than 81 obviously uh not many more but not a great round of golf for me um i've always found whenever i've played a golf course i've been excited to play if i don't play well because it's hard to take it in. And get pictures yeah i'm. So like in awe of the facility like the place i'm like oh god you remember when that happened or do you remember this. Or oh god that's that hole i've seen on tv that many times and i just i don't play golf i think the thing is when you come in something like this it's not about playing amazing golf no. But it's also there's a balance work if you play absolutely terribly it can ruin it yeah. So what was quite fortunate is i played did actually play quite well as happy with that you played not your best. But you weren't horrendous no i just couldn't i couldn't score yeah. And i think my brother shot 91 which was 19 over he's off about 10.. So he's obviously always handicapped but it was very tough. And he didn't like he hit a couple of battles battling 18 unfortunately we had to get a house and put someone's someone got a black eye and you've been waiting to say that on the podcast yeah. But he didn't play bad enough he enjoyed it and like i know she'd always enjoy it it's not about trying to win when you're playing friendly rounds but there is a point in golf if you're going lost lost ball fat lost ball thin through the green it does start to get on you. But we all played well enough to enjoy it well on the 18th tee we all had our original ball that we played with yes you didn't lose a ball i didn't lose a ball jar didn't lose a ball um describe how kind of emotional it was playing with your brother. And your dad like at the san andres is that is that something like that's describable what we missed out was obviously i was meant to get married last year yeah. And i think a month. Or two before was due to get married obviously covered ruined a lot i was meant to come up with my dad. And my brother to say andrews for a couple of days to hopefully play golf but i wasn't guaranteed to get on the old course just come up and have a couple of nights here like a bit of a mini family stag do yeah i mean we're a bit weird because my dad doesn't drink my brother doesn't drink. And i'm not really a big drinker it wouldn't have been a proper boozy ladstag do it would have been just seeing the town. And nice meals yeah just enjoying ourselves. So that was cancelled. So then.

When they were here. And we got to do that like this weekend that was unbelievable. But yeah it was just well it didn't sink in. For a while and i think i think it's not even now. But obviously the benefit has got those pictures on my phone forever now on this wilkin bridge of all of us it's so good and then.

What we've not said is i hit one of the best shots of my life on 18. the best shot it was unbelievable. So again let's set the scene wind hard off the left if you know the 18th hole this is the one where you play back towards the um town effectively down the right side you just can't miss right buildings cars people i can't believe people park there yeah like it shocks me it's not even like it's a badge that's hit it there it's literally it's the like you've got cars on the side of the hole. And you've got like range rovers there and all sorts like really nice vehicles and um guy oh you knocked it down the left and the wind brought it wind brought it was just about safe it was a good shot it was just the wind was. So strong um i went miles i went miles left safety left charles lost again we won't say any more times now charles loves his house inside the round side and you stood there with a seven iron 130 yards and it's seven that's crazy a little like three quarters like nippy back foot not kind of not quite a punch and not quite a chip like um like i don't know but yeah straight over the flag over the flag about 20 foot past it kind of end up running out too yeah. And as we're walking up there i'm on the left-hand side and we have one final surprise for you which i think giles. And your dad was really like they couldn't wait to get that off the chest a little bit i think they because obviously everyone wants to enjoy it. But i wanted the whole family to come up there up here so i kind of arranged for uh you have to have two more visitors to meet you on the 18th green as we're walking up there i start filming you and you're like did you see that shot i'm like yeah it's amazing. And i said to you something like in front of all your family. And i don't think you heard me the first time. And i said in front of all your friends i just thought you meant to give it a good shot in front of your dad. And your brother on the last hole with a decent scorecard in your hand and stood behind the 18th hole is your fantastic fiancee abby yeah. And your wonderful mum dan and you were just your face i can't believe it i'm just gonna insert this clip into again the second channel sorry if you're listening. But jump over the second channel because you're gonna see some of these clips this is when guy found out that abby. And his mum was still on the 18th hole it was just mad i was i couldn't believe it i still can't it's just weird i was just like. So shocked your face was a picture then.

That was the most shocked i saw you yeah i was that was weird. And then.

I i was hoping to hold the pot. For birdie i just missed it and got the par but this again saying that scores doesn't count i was literally thinking of this put if a whole 80 i missed it's 81. So it's still a good score in this conditions nine over i obviously got my family here you've organized all this playing the course i don't mind i've never played again and in some ways i kind of don't want him in a way i don't know if that was the only time it sounds bizarre that doesn't it. But it was just. So good um oh it's class you've asked me like i'm not going to do a good podcast i can't really speak properly it's fine people love um yeah. So we surprised you with that and we all went out we all stayed at this wonderful hotel and we got upgraded rooms which was very nice. So thank you very much old course hotel and uh we went out for a nice state restaurant in the town which was very nice. And i felt part of the family part of the charm at click when you're paying you get me to feel that way well that's wonderful i might do that. For more families um and we had a lovely meal uh me and your friends the only ones drinking i was ready. For a big night out yeah. And i didn't get the big night out so hopefully we can get another big night out soon um. And we um just because my family listens to podcasting if you have a few beers next.

Thing if you have a fisticuff of the manchester me yeah the cocker man. So uh yeah it was it was brilliant um like i say i didn't play my greatest. But we are up here. For a bucket list do you want to talk about anything more about what happened yesterday apart from the fact you got your most nice thank you. So much yeah i've got two. And a half thousand likes instagram which is outrageous i think i got four thousand followers. So it was like a ridiculous. But there's some good pictures but no i want to just thank you. For organizing it i was. So so appreciative it was unreal. But as i said i still feel a bit like weird do you know what i mean i'm just. So shocked it was a wedding present a thank you present. For everything you do. So it was uh nice of you watching surprise you. And do it properly. And i remember you saying that you wanted to come up here with your dad and your brother and play it before the wedding and obviously with everything that's going on i didn't want to disappoint you with that. And having your fiance and your mum here and i thought i'm trying to get it to well up there um i i thought it'd just be a perfect time and like i said the conditions were tough. But we got out there we smashed it and then.


So let's explain now a little bit more the weekend yes um the reason why we're up here is a once in a lifetime opportunity yes. So if we describe this so the old course as people know it right now the first hole next.

To the 18th green and you tee off that massive open fairway and you play to the green that's on the right hand side and you come around and play the loop of the golf course and you finish on the famous road hole bunker where you drive over the hotel then.

You come to that grandstand finish on 18. that's not always been the case no the old course was played in reverse it was. So they used to have back in the day and i don't quite know the dates but we need to kind of figure this out you can find it actually they used to play it what would be called anti-clockwise which is the play the way they play it right now anti-clockwise. So start on the right side and come back down the left but they also used to play it clockwise whether it's start up the left so what i mean by that you t off the first hole from the first t. And play towards the 17th green mad so you can almost go cross then.

You tee off on the 17th at the 18th tee. And play to the 16th green you then.

Tee off on the 17th tee and play to the 15th green and so forth and so forth and that's why some bunkers are potentially backwards isn't it the wrong way it feels like when you're looking some bunkers on the course feel like they shouldn't be in play. And that sat the wrong angle so the only green that would actually still be played as the 18th is the 18th green yeah. So you tee off on the second tee and play back towards the 18th green which is back in the town. And like guy mentioned if you've been here a lot of times and you know the golf course and the history there are some bunkers when you play it the new way around the correct way around that don't make sense like some bunkers out there that are like 30 yards off the tee. And you're thinking why is there a bunker there that's weird apparently. And i'm going to find this out tomorrow when you play it in reverse those bunkers very much come into play yes this is an amazing opportunity it has been set up by callaway which i want to be super transparent with it's not a paid deal callaway have a relationship with saint andrews. And they want to do a cool video. And they want to invite me to to make this amazing video to share with the world and i do think it'll be an amazing video it's the number one course it's a rumor that tiger wants to play well that's what they said to us the only golf course in the world that tiger one not the only well there's number one priority course that he's never played that he wants to he wants to play in reverse tomorrow i'm gonna play it in reverse. And it gets better because i've got a european tour player with me too so min woo lee 21 is it 22. i think he is 22 year old australian kid unbelievable record. So far in his early days on tour he's already had a win his sister's a massive name in the led world as well she's had to win in dubai uh we're actually are gonna do a podcast with him straight after this podcast he's coming up in this room very soon. But that's gonna come out in a couple of weeks i'll probably release that actually when you're getting married so i don't need you know we won't need to record on that week but me and him battling it out oh i think we're going to actually play as a team playing tomorrow early in the morning on a sunday. And that's also special in its own right because sundays here at saint andrews the golf courses are closed they're actually you can't play golf here absolutely mad. And then.

And not only that don't let the public just walk around like it's a park it's like they have picnics people walk the dogs like it's actually bonkers because i think how much revenue they lose because of that ridiculous how much is the tea time it's like 200 quid. Or something 400 pounds yeah 300 pounds sure that's what i've been told i'm sure it's 400 pound a person. So imagine that for every sunday four sundays a month so 52 sundays a year they're turning down probably in excess of well probably millions yeah just. So it can be used as a park. But that's that's like that's the magic of it now that's what i'm saying i love it because there's so many parts since andrews that any other course wouldn't like so for example there's often no definition between the t. And the fairway and the green even so you come off one green there's next.

There's two markers there whereas like when we went to hillside last week you got this massively manicured like big thick juicy rough and in between the lovely manicured tea and i'd say that's quite rare with links like that you don't often get what you're saying at hillside where it's almost been manufactured like you say you get it a bit more like a jcb caller and i love that because it looks just pristine whereas here it's almost like to some degree when you look out you can't see what's a fairy what's a green what's a t the flags the actual physical flag is just quite thin. And painted it's like a mesh it's like almost like a community it literally is the actual tea markers like these little round like balls it's all just. So like what's the almost like humble it but it works so well like if you went to a canoe steven or a jcb or anywhere it's a massive golf course at berkdale and you saw that you'd be thinking that's not quite what i expected but here it's just it works it almost doesn't need to prove itself to exactly does it. And then.

The 17th hole which we can see literally looking at the green e. And the 18th these like two of the most famous holes in the world literally aren't they the 18 for here um since andrews is possibly one of the most famous hills in the world with 17 as well the road hole. And it's literally on the side of the road you can literally somebody now can park the car. And just walk on yeah. But i love that it's not it's phenomenal it's as close to you i mean we are literally looking out the window now. And there's hundreds of golfers i can see on not only the old course the new course there's the eden course there's the duke's course i think it's college loads different golf courses. And it's like it's just a hub of golf in it like the town is full of golf little you've been out there with the family this morning going a bit shopping yeah you go in the little uh gift shop. And stuff on the corner but that's the thing like with all that even if you live in england or scotland or the uk whatever and you can come here obviously it's very hard to get on the old course. But i don't quite know how you do it. And stuff but it's just help a youtube channel yeah. But it's worth just coming up for even if it's a day or a night or stay in a cheap hotel down the road whatever it might be because just to be if you like golf which obviously you do listen to this podcast it's. So like magical and everybody who has watched and opens and just knows that view and all those buildings and it's just to see it in real life is mad. And the silken bridge it's actually really small in real life i think it's. So much smaller than you think. But so iconic and even getting a picture on there and got a lovely picture of you and your family we got a nice picture of us the four of us i got a really nice one of you your dad and your brother and then.

You've got a nice one of you and abby you and your actual all your family and your mum and everything it's all set it's really good so today.

Later on i'm playing kings barnes which is another golf course i've desperately wanted to play. For ages it looks absolutely out of this world i'm actually going to play with minwoo lee i'm hoping to break 75 which will be episode number nine um after my performance i feel like either golf is gonna be one of two ways today.

Golf's gonna feel easy which already i feel like i've just cursed myself yes. So i'm gonna touch wood because i just feel like yesterday was. So hard i feel like today.

Can't be as like it can't be as mentally taxing as it was yesterday it was a lot because as well. For you you were like there's. So many things about this surprise you thought you'd almost like nearly ruined it or whatever or giving it away and you hadn't at all so your brain was going in overdrive. And i've driven up all the way from manchester united that's why i pee yeah that's all the news might be the only reason um yeah honestly as i said i'm. So grateful it was really really good. So um we're going to do it dear rick in a minute king's barnes today.

I'm going to play with minwoo lee we're going to shoot shoot hopefully a new episode number nine to break 75. And then.

Sunday playing in reverse and to finish things off monday 11 o'clock and i can say it's quite openly now because it's going to come out after the podcast no. But no nobody's going to turn up i am playing saint andrews again the old course with the head pro steve north yeah episode number 10 of break 75 sent andrew's edition. And i feel like if as long as i get some decent weather and i know the golf course now there's no surprises i can stay in the town i can roll out of bed i can hit some balls monday i'm going. For it i don't know what i'm going. For beat my i'm going. For it i'm going to try. And beat yourself if you can beat my skull i'll give you a nice nice firm handshake how does that sound i i think now because the golf course. And again it's hard to say this after what we battled with yesterday isn't a challenge super challenging golf course it's not if you play today.

If you played like in today.

Or maybe even a bit less than today.

Still a little bit of wind if you play on a flat summer's day it's easy don't sound horrible like no cocky it's easy. And there's we played off the back as teams we could play off yesterday furthest back there's not many holes where you can go much further yeah there was a couple i saw one maybe 30 yards back that's a proper t. But not many no. But having said that it's easy i was looking with any bunkers there's some deep one because if you just rolled off the wrong side of the fairway into bunker. And you'd thin it and don't get out whatever you could you could rack up you could rack up a high score but yeah i went in one like he gave me a bad bite advice playing the caddy um i think today.

We're having quite a short snappy yeah i think people would have loved tuning in just to hear that story yeah they wanted to know saying how much we appreciate everyone listening. And what we also missed was really weird obviously rick's had loads of people asking. For photos of why he's here which is really nice to see everyone saying how much he loved the videos. But what was really bizarre was when we got to the range before playing golf he just nipped to the bathroom. And me and brother went onto the range to hit some balls and some man wasn't looking at us like not like you know in a stranger kind of looking more than you would do if just somebody comes next.

Year that makes you kind of looked over. And kind of kept looking and then.

We were just chatting. And he went oh i thought i recognized your voice and listened to the podcast no way that's mad. And then.


Thing i'll see you turned up he was a bit more obviously then.

He's like all right how are you rick whatever. But it was crazy to think that people like obviously. So everywhere listen and stuff you mean the numbers that we see on poc they're actual people people actual people you're afraid you said if you listen to this. And you're in the clubhouse to your friends there's one thing you've massively missed before we come to the day rick there's one thing that if you don't say on this podcast there'll be one very disappointing person my dad's hat yeah. So my dad i'm glad i've reminded you because i think he would miss that dad my dad bought a hat to try. And keep the rain off it was like a proper bucket rain hat. And it defined gravity i i didn't wear my hat i think it kept flying off he had this bucket hat that had one ear going up over his head. And it literally stayed on all the way around and i have no idea how it happened it was out of this world it was unreal you had a little fastener inside. And like say your dad took 700 pictures on this camera which i'm ready to share i'm excited about sharing those. And um and i will share all 700.. But he uh the hat that he stayed on with 55 i think it's the best 55 quid he's ever spent yeah i've bought it from since i've seen the money. So yeah it's good. So let's get a little derrick in i think it's a short one today.

I'm an emotional wreck today.

So it's a short and snappy one but hopefully people have enjoyed listening to that and um yeah anyway. So dear rick he's brought to you by my good friend and your good friend best friends best best friends um i'll actually be using the little key stand back at the minute the hydro flex stand bag and what i love about it what i love about it is i can carry my bag. And use it as a stand back if you want to and the next.

Thing oh there's my trolley whack goes on and fits perfectly yeah it's kind of cool with that. So this is from um anonymous it says dear guy vibes charnock. And rick nugget shields you've already one was there on his list of the exactly given the trolley um cracking podcast as usual the genuine make my tuesday's a whole lot better keep up the good work. So it's really that's if you want to send in a dear rick and you you send your email to podcast at that's the kind of thing that gets you read out on early just just perfect but it's a good one as well so here's my dilemma i'm looking for a few nuggets of advice myself like many people i have a bit of a golf addiction i'm not the best player but i can't help wanting to play more and more to improve my game i am slowly running out of excuse to tell my other half where i am without her suspecting i am having an affair just off to see my mum or just going to do a few jobs when in reality i'm heading to my local community. For cheeky night halls or the driving range can you suggest some more cunning excuses i can use maybe from personal experience on what i can use excuse-wise to my partner to get away with just a bit of context i can only sign off with her every. For around once every for around once every one or two weeks so mr anonymous loves playing golf wants to play more than one saw every other week what can he say to his partner does he love her i mean maybe just know maybe just pretend he's having an affair yeah break up with her. And then.

You can play as much as he wants yeah like that um i think i don't know obviously golf is the biggest challenge. For golf is the fact that it does take time out of people's day yeah they understand that. And if you've been working all week and you get home at the weekend or if you've got kids and whatever but i understand four or five hours being out on the golf course does take away from family time. And things like that so you do need to balance it definitely um i wouldn't i wouldn't give him any more i wouldn't try. And come up with any more excuses i'm sure there's many out there and i'm sure many people would recommend oh you pretend you you pretend you're going doing this. Or you're doing that i'd just maybe be open with her and just say listen once or twice a week not cutting it for me i need to play more goal fighters twice it's once or once a week or one every two weeks i think he's dead just like like come up with a reasoning go you know i really love it it helps me stay fit it helps me stay mental i feel like i can have a bit of down time. And free up my space um is there anything that you would like to do. So if i go and play golf is there anything that you would like to do that that you might gonna spend some time on your own might go. For swimming or go for a run or she might go and start playing golf i mean that's that would be an ideal world from i'm guessing if he got his wife into golf potentially. And they could go down and practice together and they can go. And you know spend time at the golf club together potentially but i think if he loves it. And he wants to be open with it and i'm saying if he loves playing golf not his wife is is be transparent. And just say listen i want to play more golf and once twice a week i don't feel like i'm i'm enjoying it if i only played that much time because i'm not getting better i'm not practicing as much as i want is there anything that you would like to do that would help free me up with a bit more time if going playing golf good answer i feel like i want to come up with some humorous like story. But i just not got the energy today.

I haven't haven't got it well as we overlook the last few golfers well i'm saying last few it's amazing how many people have actually hit in towards the hotel here. And looking over the wall finding the golf ball it's an amazing trip amazing weekend let's say a one of four days done uh so i'm excited about today.

In the next.

Couple of days thanks everybody. For listening like so we'll wrap it up pretty soon we've got minwoo lee coming on next.

Or very soon we've also got some more guests as well lined up so next.

Week will be a normal podcast back at the studio i think well they can squeeze one in yeah we might do another guest on that day as well yeah from transatlantic yes. And then.

We will have this one in a couple of weeks with minerally yes. And the normal service is resumed you'll be a married man i'd be married ma'am yeah i'll be right back yeah. But i'll be doing dears i admit uh i want to play a golf ball the bloody misses the ball and chain won't let there uh you know i'm a good player i can i can break 85. i want shot 81 at saint andrews yeah. And what do i do. But yeah that that that's good i'm glad you enjoyed it thanks a lot mate. And uh thanks everyone for listening we'll see you all soon thanks for listening to episode 76 of the rituals golf show podcast.