All right guys in this episode we talk a load about golf sent andrews uh we talk about kings barns we talk about mingwoo lee one of the best golfers i i've ever played with and ever seen uh playing sent andrews backwards or in reverse should we say which will give you a little insight about coming soon um mickelson winning brooks. And the um what's his name bryson having a little bit of a fight we also talk about idea rick where we deal with cheetahs again how do you think my um my method was. For dealing with cheaters it was quite bizarre. So your actual your actual um feedback for the day rick was quite sensible quite down the line we then.

Took on a bit of a journey where it got very weird i feel like a lot quite weird some of these d-ricks. But it was fun i think people enjoy that um we're obviously back in the studio today.

Um we've got some really exciting guests lined up. For the podcast coming soon we did one with ming wooli recently which you'll see you'll hear very very soon um that's pretty much it should we roll the intros some little rock paper scissors one two three yeah i win i always go scissors i'll go um five four three two one welcome back to rickshaw's golf show podcast everybody episode number 77 we're back home we're back in salford uh i feel a little bit like almost semi-golf hungover after this weekend it was a lot of golf uh a couple of days to recover. But we're back um powered by our good friends motocaddy and motocaddy was very very useful up in scotland uh some of the hills. And the mounds and the undulating lies definitely not having the stress of carrying my bag definitely helped me and you hit a lot of fairway so you're just gliding down the fairway with your electric trolley with its remote control just chilling looking like a boss so i roll quite literally it's how i roll so yes. So last weekend obviously our last episode obviously was a very special one we did it at sent andrew's old course after playing the old course on the friday we also gave you a little sneak preview of what was to come. And we kind of want to discuss that a little bit today.

Because we've got king's barns to cover yes sent andrew's old course in reverse which was one of the most incredible moments of my life. And then.

Also playing saint andrews old course again for this upcoming break 75 which won't give too much away because that's going to come out this friday well the reverse video isn't out. Yet either that's 16th of june i think we'll give a little little nugget a little sprinkle a little sprinkle of what's to come with that well first should we start first things first i think last week's podcast i said this to you i was still in such a daze after the surprise of playing since andrews. And i don't know about loads and become a bit of like a meme they don't stop talking about it but it was honestly unbelievable. And we've got a little i asked people on um on the facebook page yesterday to send us some of their best golfing moments as well because that for me 100 my best golfing moments we've got a couple of those we'll go through later on um but for me bar obviously how unbelievable it was to play the old course with you. And my family my highlight that weekend was watching minwoo lee in the flesh around king's barns because he is undoubtedly the best golfer i have seen properly in the flood well i've been to the openings in tiger hit shots i was very fortunate obviously years ago by two holes of rory. But like properly for 18 holes to walk around with he is a the best golf i've ever ever ever ever seen it's quite special honey. So uh being up saint andrews obviously having the advantage of playing the golf course in reverse we were invited by callaway it wasn't a paid gig they had a they have a link with sent andrew's links trust yes. And they wanted a really cool opportunity to be able to make a video there and when they put it in front of me and said would you want to play old course in reverse i was like absolutely. And we started throwing some names about our tour players we actually started just a quick one just need to give it more about the old course in reverse oh do you want to save that about what it not about you playing it. But about the history of it or did we do that last week i didn't remember. So back in the day he's coming matt matt's bringing a drink for rick no it's all right i don't want that thanks what do you want the water we've not got any left there's one water in the fridge is there not no water what the hell is responsible stuck in the fridge in this place you um yeah. So back in the day back in the olden days as many people know the old course is the home of golf apparently where it all started there's other rumors of where golf originally originally took place well i think what happened was golf in some form happening in china. Or in all countries in the world because obviously it's not that complex an object with a stick yeah. So i think there's there's rumors. And obviously you know not rumors that sounds a bit like gossip but there's like theories and evidence that's died in different countries but andrews is officially were the rules were put in place you know the actual game of golf as we know it today.

Was born about was it 5 600 years ago yeah 600 years ago yeah. So there was the original original layout of the golf course was very different to what it is now. So it actually started off as 22 holes golf at the old course and i believe the first and the second and the 17th and 18th were played as almost four much shorter holes. Or eight much shorter holes should i say and over time they decided actually it's getting a bit hectic when golf became more popular it was getting a little bit more busy out on the golf course they realized actually this isn't going to work as 22 holes we need to shorten it because there's danger of people getting hit by balls. And this another so it ended up shortening to 18 holes and that became almost the the that was the standard of a round of golf every golf course in the world crazy about it like it's proper mad though i always think this. So back in the day as well they used to actually play the golf course and i don't quite know the theory behind this but they used to play it in what's known as clockwise and anticlockwise so right now the old course as the people know it as they've watched it on tv and they've watched the open then.

They've seen the greats play that golf course they'll know the first hole starts on the right hand side and it'll go down the fairway and the green's on the right hand side and basically from that point then.

You pretty much go anti-clockwise around so you go out up the right-hand side of the golf course there's a bit of a loop around nine and ten where you're back on each other and then.

You come back towards the town back into town and that's where out and in came from as well and scorecard on the right hand side of the golf course coming back towards the town or what would be the left if you're looking for the first t and then.

Obviously they've finished on the 18th green but that wasn't always the case because you could play in clockwise and anticlockwise so the clock the actual clockwise method of playing it this sounds a bit complex but the clockwise method of playing is actually in reverse yes. So you tee off from the first team picture this from the first tee you go almost across the golf course towards the 17th green the famous rolled hole bunker then.

From there you tee off pretty much where the 18th t is. And go towards the 16th green and so forth and so forth and then.

You finish from the second t back to the walls the 18th green that that last tee shot's definitely a little bit easier than the normal 18th what's crazy obviously we played on friday the correct way around the normal way round and then.

Aft when playing it on sunday in reverse it still looked like a proper golf course well there's certain bunkers that were in place. For that way around so when you play it the correct the correct way around you'll see some bunkers that aren't in play at all really and they're like sat the wrong way around and you'd be thinking of why is that bunker there well that's obviously why because when you play in reverse it's in play now to play in reverse it happens incredibly rare yes quite unbelievably rare i think maybe once. Or twice every few years they have a competition where there's hundreds of golfers that get the opportunity playing it the wrong way around as a part of history based quite simply well playing saint andrews the correct way around this is quite difficult sometimes to get on as people probably know to play in reverse is essentially impossible isn't it money can't buy really unless you are rick shields well there we go the other thing that i think not a lot of people know. And i don't i reckon not a lot of americans would know this and probably not a lot of brits know this the old course at saint andrews is closed on a sunday well i was on the phone this morning to a potential guest. For the next.

Podcast we won't spoil a lot yet and i told him that and he had no idea. And he's an avid guy he's a massive golfer it's literally the old course is closed as rick said to the public. But not only that sorry it's closed for golf opens to public as literally a park you can walk your dog on there literally playing rugby throwing it around kid's probably playing in the bunkers you do what you want it's literally a public park because it's owned by some andrews link's trust it's not owned by a person. Or anything it's owned by the local trust it's so weird don't it it's so strange so it's only ever open on sunday for the open championship obviously i finished on a sunday when it's at saint andrews the dunhill links which again finished on a sunday and then.

That's pretty much the lynx trophy on amateur competition i think possibly as well. But other than that it's like three four times a year to the extent were if there's anything happening on a sunday ie the video that we filmed they have to send out like an email a letter to local how about people that live in the area andrew to say that look something's happening at the golf course. So just be aware that you know so we had to tee off super early on the sunday get out there there was nobody out on the golf course when we started filming. But as we came back towards the town it was busy like we had to have stewards out with us who were who were kind of. But very politely asking people could they refrain retain from walking on the fairways because there was going to be golf being played with me. And ming wu lee so it was it was unbelievable. And like i said you after filming you went out. For a reason i didn't i've been a bit of running recently but i wasn't bothered about going. For runway away really but i just thought i can't not go for a run on the old course so i literally went out like you said run run anti-clockwise out. And then.

Came back over this wilkin bridge and literally ran up the 18th fairway and just filmed it just as a memory and i stopped about two-thirds of the way just before and what was it called the dip symbol just before the valley of sin literally on the most well i would say arguably i think definitely the most famous hole in golf actually went. For a run up it it's mad it's abs it's it's crazy there's no other golf place that i can think of where you can get that close to history you know what you need to do if you listen to this. And even if you don't know it that well go on to google earth and just put yourself on there like the little man with the little yellow man on the road and you can literally see there's a road. And there's the golf course and you can just walk on it is it is mad what's really cool as well when it's all these little things that that i didn't realize again. So once we'd finished golf on the sunday playing it in reverse and finished on the 18th green and took our pictures and whatever one of the guys from saint andrews actually carried the flag off the green and i you and me probably thought he was going to take that inside. And just by the side of the green there was a hole that was designated to put the flag into. So it was off the green. So that tourists are the spectators. So that golf avid fans could come down and you can literally walk on the golf course it's mental. And have a picture next.

To the flag on the 18th green with the clubhouse in the background the rna clubhouse in the background or the university building which is now the red building. Or back down towards the swilken bridge you can sit on this wilkin bridge you can take pictures you know again it goes we had a conversation about this not that long ago the difference between uk. And america if that golf course was in america it would there would be stores out there there'd be merchandise tents there'd be guys with you know like when you get a camera like a theme park. And be taking a picture and suddenly there'd be this massive stall that you could go and choose 45 quid for your picture please you could have a picture on a key ring on a mug on a mouse mat or whatever it may be none of that smart what are you living in 1998 oh your phone covering this actually none of that happens there does it it's the best place on earth if you're a golfer it's just well obviously if you live in the uk it's much easier to get to. But it's worth going into it. For a day even if you know that yeah you're not going to get on the golf course if you live within three four five hours of the which obviously a lot of the uk probably will. Or decent chunk it's worth the drive up just have a day there i'm going to i went to go. And see old tom morris's grave if you're not aware of who old tom morris was he was arguably the pioneer of professional golf he's an absolute legend in the game. So many of his rules and things are in the game today.

He won the open four times i believe his son young to marriage from it four times before he's really early death i think they did 25. their graves are there you can go. And see there's loads of little independent golf shops that anywhere else in the world probably wouldn't survive but because they thrive it is just an epic place it's disneyland. For golf 100 but moving on do you want to move on to king's bars i want to touch on two things i want to cover something quickly i want to cover something that we talked about last podcast that we got wrong which was the green fee yeah i got told it was 400 quid right. And it's not it's like 190 pound for a green fee at 700 so it's not it's not cheap but it's an experience a ten or a hole basically um also i wanted to touch on this crazy thing that we found out that if you are a resident of saint andrews you get membership to the whole of saint andrews links. For 250 pounds seven courses i believe it is if you live in the town i mean that's that's like crazy. So straight away i went on right move i started looking at properties in saint andrews maybe just a little holiday home okay you know just somewhere to well what's a two bed flat 750 grand. Or something well yeah obviously you've got to pay the 750 grand. So you get the 250 pounds that's worth it membership but think of that house in five years it'd be worth a million it's an investment well i've decided said to my brother of the day that i now want to try to make a bit of a bucket list to play every open course on the rotor oh wow. And keep the scorecard so i've already done canoe steep i wanna do it again. So i can because i don't know what the scorecard is. And keep every scorecard and they're looking at prices now some of them obviously that usage can be 200 300 quid which is a lot of money. For a green fee but i've thought of a way around it if you think about it you work. For rickshaws no i'll pay don't worry. But like let's just say it's 250 right which is a lot of money i know that. And then.

You put another 250 to one side for travel expenses and that in a hotel if needed or fuel or a bit of food 500 quid and there's 10 or 11 course on the rotor so you're looking at about five grand which is a hell of a lot of money. But if you do that over five years. Or ten years or ever however. long you wanted to do it over i feel like it's quite it's not actually that expensive you know in a sense over that time. And even when you think of like a green fee as being 250. Or 300 quid is a hell of a lot of money. But if you do two a year. And it's like a proper bucket list thing it's quite it's not as bad as like it's for example if somebody rang you the night before and said i've got a free space at royal living tomorrow it's 300 quid do you you're thinking that's a bit pricey. But if you've looked forward to that yeah if you've factored it in. And you look you've been looking forward to it for three months four months five months it's not actually that much so i think that's my goal to play them all what would be the top of the list. For you um i must admit i've not only got a top of the list obviously it was andrew should have done which one of you you've not played that many i've only done um andrew he's not playing any of those not the whole like i've not done any of this yeah i'm gonna keep reeling him up i'm not ready um okay cool someone did dale first maybe um that's an andrew's done dusted what's next.

Um king's barnes. And min lee yes. So mingwoo lee i want to start with him first um we had him on the podcast he is next.

Week's episode no sorry two weeks episodes from tonight uh reasonably it's not time sensitive we're gonna release it when guys are on holiday. So that's gonna be really exciting one he'd never done a podcast before or actually sat in person he's 22 years old but his maturity level is just ridiculous in it like he he's a grown up yeah isn't he yeah he's. So good so that's a really good podcast to look forward to his golf so before we've done the podcast i haven't played golf with him we've kind of been a little bit communication on dms on instagram and things like that and he's done really well he's won in australia on the european tour um he has been up there round about it's quite new to the tour still um but quite simply he is one of the best golfers i've ever seen unbelievable i've played with some really good golfers westwood fleetwood rose matt wallace luke donald beef uh harrington harrington nasa had hatsukocha yeah who who i would actually have previous before this said she was one of the most impressive golfers. But on a different scale ming wu lee was just phenomenal he had in 18 holes. And nine birdies and it could have easily been 11. he had a three put he had a three put par in that he drove a green sixth three put par he had eagle opportunities on every par five and very very makeable at equal opportunities he boxed a lot of fantastic birdie puts and his golf and i've we kind of both said this that i play with many good players. And when they hit a great shot i kind of think to myself i know i can't do that all the time. But i can do that like what you've just done i can do yeah that first take maybe ten tenth take whatever it may be whether it's a driver shot an iron into the green a wedge shot a port a bunker shot whatever it may be the way he played golf i can't do 99.9 of the things he can do yeah. And that scares me when we've done videos recently with james robinson who's been on the european tour and played in the open he's obviously unreal at golf like imagine the best player at your club your club he's probably five shots better than that well that's hard to say but he's class isn't it he's so so so good yeah. But like you said when he hits shots it's it's what impressed me more like a james robinson is not. So much the shot it's the consistency of hitting that shot like you said if he bombs a driver. And it's gone however. far meow and you i think could do that shot. But we might hit five or six more that horrendous or whatever he does it every time pretty much. But like minwoo lee the strike the sound the flight the distance like he was 30 40 past you wasn't he truthfully if not more holes comfortably oh absolutely bombs it there's a couple of times when he hit driver first. And i thought bloody hell is it that really well. And i would step up then.

And crush it and deep down i'm thinking i've not i can't hit that any better like that's as good as i've just hit a golf shot it's straight down the fairway and i played really nice at king's band which you would have yeah that'll be out now um i played really nicely. And um i'm walking down the fairway thinking well there's my ball where's his where is he he's 30 40 50 60 yards further than me every freaking time it's abs. And the strike with irons that was with long irons it's just like absolutely flushed. And then.

Like it hit a wedge that he's like not overly impressed with and it'd be like 15 foot to the side and it's like still a really good birdie chance he was always pin high on wedges he played this beautiful little flight with his wedges just. So nice nicely played and the other thing that i really noticed i think you picked up on it as well there was next.

To no shape on his golf shot. So straight like and that really helped because it was there was a bit of a breeze there at king's barn there's. So many times where he just hit it almost the wind just didn't affect his golf shot mad um he putted him unbelievable his short game when he didn't hit the green was phenomenal uh he played this that amazing bunk shot on number 17. yeah just like what um the kid's a baller you know when we did videos recently with james robinson you said after filming i think you might have said in the podcast you almost can't comprehend how he's not on tour still do you now realize more i do. And this isn't i think with james robinson level below. And and i think people need to see that to understand the separation between a james robinson. And he knows it james knows this is why we're not we're not talking about a turn. And then.

A ming wu and and then.

A dustin johnson justin thomas a rory mcelroy tiger phil mickelson like that again is like a different level again it is it is literally ridiculous how good these guys are. And he stood on the tee and he's hitting a driver and you you know like sometimes when i stand there i can't imagine how i'm gonna hit a good shot i'm looking this could go left could go right it could go straight it could do anything i don't have any idea when he's i can't see anything other than the middle of the fairway. Or worst case just leaking to the right by five yards it's unbelievable and the weirdest bit is he um i was used to play it was you a guy called owen. And possibly gonna be and minwoo and then.

Possibly me as well and then.

We found out i think just before going playing that i couldn't play because he had a friend come in. And truthfully now i wasn't bothered i'd played at st andrews i'd had the best day of my life i thought you know what i always feel golfed out it was tough that friday as well the conditions were horrendous. So i thought i'm looking forward to walk around like i put more layers on i can wear a big chunky coat i had a packet of salt. And vinegar quavers in my coat as well live in the dream yeah. So we got there and there was this lad on the tee he was obviously his friend. And i don't know why i had this like feeling that he was like seven handicapper. So get it around he wasn't a world beater but he's about seven or eight and he was a bit of a fan of mimwoo. So he connected to instagram well it was almost mimwoo that said that after the podcast he went oh yeah just a friend of mine is gonna join me he's only an amateur yeah that was his line he's only an amateur exactly. So i thought this lad that was going to be nice enough lad i don't know why this thing had because he's quite active on instagram minwoo. So i kind of thought well he's from australia he's not going to know a lot he lives in scotland it might just be a connection whatever. So we got them with chapters laden because i said a quick like hello. And he was you know he wasn't a big lad he was he was a 20 years old he looked like a normal 20 year old kid yeah. And we got onto the tee and then.

The four of you said should have ever matched as well i know ever. So owen was off plus two he's an absolute baller minwoo's obviously a tall pro one in the european tour turn pro plus five baller this guy we said what what you off. And i think he's gonna say seven eight nine plus five he was off plus five. And it turns out that he is scottish born 20 years old lived in um australia. For last ten years which is how he knows minwoo lee he's got an australian nationality now exactly. But you came over to scotland england for six months to try and play north amateur stuff and he's staying with a family friend he was an absolute baller josh greery's name is he's absolutely sick at golf. And again he played really well yeah i think he shot like 600. he was unreal yeah again minwoo lee played even better than that like it was just it was a class class day playing obviously me. And i kind of joked in the video and joked on the first day i was comfortable with the worst golfer in the group which very rarely does happen. For me i play with i play with good golfers yes. But in a group of four very rare am i the worst golfer in the group and i was comfortable you liked that though i think because it was no pressure well it took all the pressure off me. And i was like i know even people might be listening yeah. But you're a golf pro rick i'm not this level i'm not i'm not a horse handicapper you've seen enough videos of mine now if you if you're listening and watching the videos that i would probably see myself and we might do a fun video where i might work out my handicap soon i see myself as realistic now a two to three handicapper well let's put this way then.

Let's say you're two just. For our figures i would say minerally now would be plus seven yep he's nine shots around probably going to shoot better than here which i think he did. And you both played what you played well you shot level power really tidy score you played so solid i couldn't see any doing anything wrong a little put you missed on 18 which is a shame. But you hold over the good ones so it's just the way it goes isn't it but he's literally at nine that's better than you and you're like nine shots better than the 1011 handicapper yeah it just puts it into this it's just 18 shots better than he he was 18 shots better than a nine handicapper. And he actually is like it's unreal unreal. So you're right i play solid i did something i've never done before i had 15 pars on the bounce only to break that pass streak with a birdie on 16. And then.

Pad 17 and annoyingly made a three put bogey on the last hole to shoot level par but cap to this point if someone said to me to start the round you're going to shoot 72 i'll snatch the round off um. But i felt a bit like ah that was annoying. But as you mentioned that holds loads of really good ports from short range didn't particularly have my aa game on the other thing i've certainly started to realize is when i hit greens now i see that as a success. And i need to maybe change my mindset a little bit closer yeah because that's the biggest difference now when i honestly look back. And i've watched the video i i thought i had birdie opportunities i didn't really like i didn't put 30 puts i was miles away. So like just doing two putts were great. But when you look at like meanwhile.

Again i was like was blowing smoke up his ass a bit. But he was nine under. And there was still a lot of really good birdie opportunities he missed which is mind-blowing i look at my score. And go that's probably as good as i could have scored bad last put maybe on the last green that's as good as i could have scored because i'm not unless i hold a 60-footer across the green that wasn't likely to happen yeah. And i think that's the thing now like proximity to the whole being just not only being a good tee shot down the fairway. And putting yourself in a great position but from 150 yards in like these guys are breaking the flags it's unreal there's two things that like kind of took away from it the first one is i'm going to keep an eye on him this season on the european tour i think you said this well you did you're looking at this he's out he's out in about two hours. And i can't wait to see how he does i'm gonna keep an eye on him because it's a win-win he's gonna go on. And be class and win again on tour in which case we've spent time with him it's been great to see or well it's not a win-win if the the worst case if he doesn't do that well in the next.

Season. Or this season ever it will open my eyes to the level that those guys are as well the other thing i've talked about we can have a future um we'll reserve him a spot to be a um guest on our channel at any time yes that's what that's his fallback plan if he doesn't make it get in that video get on our video the other thing i'm going to take away from. And this sounds a bit counterintuitive but really i am this is truthful here he was that good at golf didn't make me feel bad he made me feel good because it made me realize how on earth can i get a node if i don't shoot a good score. Or don't play out well because i'm not actually that good to start with do you get what i mean yeah. So it's like if i go out and shoot a good score let's say i shoot three four five over power which you should be pretty happy with that's great i should be happy with that but if i shoot 15 over so what i'm not playing for a living i'm not a good good golfer like that is good golf like i felt. So far a movement they actually feel bad do you know what i mean what do you mean it put me yeah i do get that i want everything that he has. But i don't want to put the work in so i can't i can't be a good golfer yes i'm not a lot i shouldn't i don't deserve to be a good golfer because i look at him. And i walk off and i and i'm jealous of him to a degree i'm like but yeah how good was it it was ridiculous. But i don't want to put the work in to get that good i don't think anyone does a lot of people do because it's obviously. So much work isn't it so that for me is almost like uh yeah you might want it. But that's like looking at buddy um some guy who's probably ripped on on instagram and going i want that body. But i'm not willing to work out well five guys mcdonald's exactly how big on the way home so we came home on monday was it monday evening yeah can we just talk through our mcdonald's order quickly because it was absolutely outrageous. So ridiculous i had two triple cheeseburgers with a large fries first off we so we had a four hour four hour drive home it was late in the afternoon we done 10 andrews break 75 which again coming out soon this weekend this friday um left sent andrews jumped in the car packed everything up we're tired we're hungry we're shooting down the motorway we only really want to make one stop we get to the first services it was just a petrol station horrendous like absolute disaster um. So we had to and we were. So looking forward to food at that point what was your number one thing you wanted mackies started to get if if i didn't get a market i'd almost resided myself to having a kfc yeah. So we're driving down a little bit further we jump on another motorway on route back home and uh we've probably probably been driving for maybe two hours by this point absolutely starving so luckily we pulled into a another kind of a semi services with a petrol station and needed petrol as well which was lucky. And uh we found a mcdonald's golden arches screaming our names it was beautiful. So you had two double trees cheeseburgers triple cheese cheeseburgers a large fries yeah. And then.

You add your burgers i had this kind of like chicken spicy mayo thing which was really nice yeah as a meal large meal a big mac on the side then.

We decided to order 20 nuggets yes we didn't quite polish those off. But we did a good job um a couple of drinks we were debating. But flurries but we didn't bother should have done really um went to services bought a packet i bought a packet of chocolate raisins and also some squashes you went pretty big but don't blame me i needed it to keep me awake that in a monster and i was rocking i couldn't sleep that night i don't have a lot mcdonald's. But in certain situations like that it just hits the spot i was. So hungry and so many calories so quickly but yeah it's good um are you ready if you're dear rick let's do it. So dear rick he's brought to us and to you the listener by my best friend and probably your third best friend i'll be honest i don't have best friends like my problem is uh uh i fall out with people too quickly yeah. So i i won't put them in best friend category because that's who i mainly fall out with okay. So i might put them in like sound acquaintance yeah like if we meet up in the pub in a couple of weeks i'll be signing with them. And also for me up in the pub with them in three years it'll just be the exact same level of soundness they're not getting that special treatment but they're never going to fall off either we'll always just just quick fist pump usual motor caddy like a rod potter like a rod potter it's a nice solid rob potter. So mo caddy and sponsored podcast this is their ninth week they wanted to get some really good brand exposure. And a line to the best podcast in the world and they're walking away being told the rob potter of the golf world so hopefully there's a compliment i think they should do rob if you're listening um we'd all be a bit more like rob the world would be a nice place i don't know i'm going with this now anyway right you ready. For this yeah. So dear rick i play golf but once a week with a couple of close friends okay i play off about 10. And my mates play for around 28. we typically play stableford and play for a tenner the loser pays the tenants the winner and second place keeps their money so there's three of them yeah if you win you're getting a tenner off the guard finish the last nice middle is quite i'd quite like that format because if you like if one's steaming away he's going to win. So it's the second and third place balance out if second and first are close it's kind of a good dynamic future um if you win two games in a row then.

Your handicap gets cut by two. And if you lose two games in a row then.

Your handicap goes up by two so it's all in good fun and good spirits to keep it even yes i'm really invested in this we should have a go at this one time that being said one of my mates always cheats oh my god he doesn't always count his ear shots in the cur. And also the correct amount of a bunker so let's say it's four at the bunker it's suddenly become three etcetera he doesn't take drops from the correct areas when going to hazard. And he moves the ball to a better lie when he shouldn't so essentially he's cheating wow given it's good fun and it's only for small amounts how do i call out my fellow golfers who don't play by the rules. So this is as simple as clear cut. Or someone cheating in the comp i just feel like this is an education piece okay i just i just feel like this is it might take a few times. And you might have to do it quite tactfully. And you might just need to you know address it in the right manner i can feel a role play coming on here i think it's just a very tactical way of doing it just education. So for example let's say on the first hole they have a fresh air shot they take two extra in the bunker and he walks off instead of top five when you actually know the top seven or eight or whatever it may be it's i think it's that point you go just a quick one john um can i just recount that score because there was the the air the shot that you missed. And i don't know if you know but that's actually counted as an actual shot so that'll be two and then.

When you went in the bunker i was watching i was counting i think i don't think you got out first time i think that was maybe one you hit the bank. And it rolled back down and went in your footprint you remember your wings and moan then.

You tried to take it again and it hit the lip and and just missed you because if it actually hit you that would have also been a penalty believe it or not and then.

You kicked it out and then.

You three put so um if we count out together you count that with me jump so that's one to the to the fairway you missed that once that's two remember that you've got to count that air shot you then.

Put it in the bunker you hit it against the lips at four five six seven out of the bunker you're two points let's say oh you actually scored nine so don't worry we'll put nine down um just remember those little things uh but also a little tip out the bunker next.

Time just open that face up and just get that wedge under the ball ball a bit more christ used to be fun you did it's just a listen i like cheating with the best of them. But when we're freaking playing for money you you play by the rules i think i think that's hopefully it's done in more naivety than on purpose if it's done on purpose then.

Obviously that's a different topic. But i still think you can address it the same way [Music] i would try. And educate as opposed to come out straight fighting with the fists okay that went quite serious. And quite well fair enough any advice from you um it is a tough one because i've had some friends that play golf that weren't necessarily cheating. But if might not do things the right way. So like you know there's the rule now if you've got a bound you can drop it near the outbounds. But these do that before it was a rule yeah. But that's only if it's a local rule as well well yeah that's not even if that's not um i think as long as in my opinion if it's i i would say there's two ways there's cheating like actual cheating where you know on purpose you're moving your golf ball. Or you put purposely writing the wrong score down or whatever it may be like when we played that for the charity golf day a few last year like that's cheating genuinely cheating cheating the system cheating the scores everything but i think when it's done in the way that's been described there i feel like it's that doesn't sound as cheap like that just sounds like he maybe wasn't aware that this shot was a. Or you know they've just let each other off now and again but maybe they need to go i'll tell you what from you know we'll all play exactly by the rules moving forward a little scenario for you then.

In uh 15 years time you've retired from youtube right yeah. And you won a golf course yeah i own a golf course you own it you're the best. And it's called um rickshaws towers rickshaws um the clubhouse i don't know it's called whatever it's called you're the boss right you're at this point you're in your 50s can i think of a golf course name yeah. So i'm seeing i'm seeing 50 over this is rickshaws 50 years right okay in 50 years 50 years time that'll be quite old then.

Your hair will be looking good i'd love my transparency you added transplant you maybe like a nice beer belly from all the red wine you're drinking yeah aston martin oh you wear hugo boss jeans obviously. And i was like a polo really big fancy watch yeah your teeth are even better than they are now like unnecessarily white okay um what else can we have still married to the first wife you're on the third right now okay yeah well listen obviously you've just had another kid as well. So you're like 55 of the brand newborn ah okay i like it you're wise 20. yeah yeah. And you're like my wife doesn't listen to this podcast really talent outrageously tanned as well the same colors as wooden things behind sound a bit like that linea fella yes wayne lineker that's exactly what i'm thinking about yeah still unlike all the social media apps like tick tock whatever there is there. And a bit of a pest etc okay i feel like you'd like to be this fast i know yeah what the weather's down at the moment. But you're basically the owner of the golf club okay. And you know you go most days you're always on a saturday propping up the bar giving out ales people that you like et cetera smoking at their bar they get free drinks obviously obviously and because it's your golf club it's your rules so it's a particular day says it's nice it's a nice sunny june day and there's a big compound and you find out the guy that's won has actually cheated okay. So it's your rules what are you going to do to him how are you going to punish him cheated he's proper cheated yeah people have been thinking about. For a while he shot a gross 82 off 15 and won by a couple of shots but there's been evidence not only people know about they've actually filmed him on the golf course movies moving into the ball in the bunker dropping one out of his pocket actually on film as well so it's definitely him your club your rules this is that easy he goes to the punishment wall ah okay. So this is how it works. So once said she has been you know um guilty of cheating we've got evidence hardcore evidence uh it goes to the board which actually is only me yeah. So i just make the rules yep he cheated okay um he then.

Is uh called upon to attend the punishment wall uh he doesn't it's mandatory as well he he has to come. And at the punishment well saturday afternoon everyone's had a few beers because every what's really good about the rickshaws golf course is nobody drives there everyone gets picked up by ubers. And or get dropped up after so you can drink as much chicken as well tesla's only tesla ubers you get picked up you get dropped off everyone can drink this dirt cheap i'm not i'm not in it. For making a profit you've made your millions billions this is now just a little playground. For the for the for the the wannabes yeah the wayne lineker wannabes right is your wife called courtney by the way she might be. So in the punishment wall there's a couple of shackles it's a little bit fifty shades of grey this i'm not sure we're going to go with this one one two on the hands yeah two on the feet. And they've got to turn backwards okay okay um i mean this bit sounds a little bit weird they have to drop the trousers shaft yeah the bare bottom is visible okay. And what takes place then.

Is what we call the punishment um what can we call it the punishment punch okay okay there's a there's a golden two iron oh set aside. For the punishment wall like 18 yes okay a little bit short shafted because you don't need you want you want the loft. But you don't need the distance or the power okay we've got the text from the production team here what they're saying sounds like [Laughter] well we did a stupid game inside andrews where we tried to rhyme people's surnames. And match just put this sounds like a rick rick or deals like rick shields um two iron loft 17 degrees we're gonna go with but a seven nine length okay because you want the lowness you want the power. But you want the accuracy strike then.

We have some not proper golf balls like this is where i draw the line okay i don't want anyone to die yeah okay i just want to be punished okay. So you know there's like squishy balls that are like almost a bit more like a squash ball yeah texture like a squishy one. And you tee it up and everybody every single member who wants to attend with all a few beers everyone's been joking and laughing i mean big frank on the wall isn't particularly happy because he's just about to get the punishment to iron in the buttocks everyone then.

Has an opportunity to pound the two iron squash ball straight at the back of big frank yeah. And everyone's going g g. And then.

You get the last shot you hit the final shot don't you um and hopefully he gets a few uh balls in the bum [Laughter] um he then.

And then.

I'm gonna do one of two things okay if he's taking it like a man [Applause] if he's owned up to it. And turns around pulls his pants up and goes all right fellas you guys i'm just tuning at this point here now you got me fellas i cheated i shouldn't have done it um i'm really sorry i won't do it again okay i will allow them to be a member of the golf club if they paid double fees next.

Year. And they also have to have head covers on their hands and say cheetah for one year yeah if at this point big frank still denies it cries hits the floor please pleads this is not fair yeah right i'm gonna sue you all this jazz then.

He will be asked he'll be escorted out of the premises um reported as a cheater to the national government governing bodies. And also what we didn't talk about i actually own all the golf course in the surrounding area as well just little play pens that i have he doesn't get to play any single golf course in the area either perfect so if you've got a dear rick for next.

Week emails podcaster and it's the last one next.

Week for a chance to win a motorcade and second place is a bag exactly. So last next.

Week no cheating i don't know how they would cheat. But no cheating to try. And win the prizes no cheating yeah next.

Week is the last one in the series of the mostly sponsored ones. So it's the episode we're gonna give the last derrick we're gonna do that live obviously. And then.

At the end of it we're gonna pick out two names from the hat i just want to clear up all this was fictional too you've got a very strange. And vivid imagination with chains and balls and stuff like that but anyway um okay that was good. So do you want to hear some of our listeners favorite golf memories i took a little bit of a screenshot. Or some before let's do it nice mixture actually. So um actually your friend of mine rob potter big rob rig rob he said being part of the team that won the youtube golf day favorite golf memories that was a good day to youtube the german fella oh yeah i do know you mean there's quite a nice mix of these comments though because sorry i forgot you'll you'll see that it was i think that's the thing though isn't it what i'm realizing more to get older that. For me obviously i love playing golf and hopefully playing well but it is. So much more about the memories and the times that you haven't yeah that can be a score it can be a shot it can be around with a certain person some of these are quite deep. But some of them are quite funny. But the next.

One is from samuel uh samuel de la cruz it's quite a cool name awesome name my best golf memory on the golf course isn't anything that special that's quite common it's quite common. For a lot of golfers but it's my first chip in with a sandwich on the side of the green background started playing golf in college and that got me hooked to golf the feeling you get as a newbie to pulling off a golf shot like that is something really special. And really motivated me to keep getting better i love that it's class that isn't it's simple i wish sometimes because i played at such a young age i can't remember shots like that well because i would have been 10 i'll make something i will remember my first birdie yeah yeah first hole where i played. And it wasn't very long hitting i didn't hit the green in two but from like 30 or 40 yards out pitched in from my first bird that's awesome so i do remember that the other thing i remember weirdly my home golf club we had a simulator well well well before they were even a thing it was really quite bizarre didn't that it was in fact it was far too ahead of its time in terms of they redeveloped the clubhouse. And they put a simulator probably the size of this room and it wasn't anywhere near the technology today.

Obviously. But it was an actual simulator you could pay to use it. But they also had it on free sometimes you could hit balls um and i remember occasionally hitting one over 100 yards and being absolutely made so i remember that and i don't remember like like certain shots but um this one from cody gardner uh the albatross i made two weeks ago from 160 yards on a short par five that's very i've never met have you been albatross never no i made a fake one. But that's oh yeah you had that recently it was about two years ago i was on a path five a local course. And i hit a driver and i had about 220 yards left in and i had a hybrid in the back at the time i tried to hit like a three-quarter like kind of punchy chippy hybrid and like top it into a bunker that's not very good like so i want to have that shot again because i feel like that's a shot i'd like to have the locker literally drop another ball did the exact same thing. And flushed it and it went in no way it was like it was a it's my longest have a whole lot. But it doesn't really count for anything doesn't it there's so much guys on the other tea or something as well there's nobody there i just i knew it gone straight and i got there's a pitch mark about 20 20 foot 30 foot short and obviously it was a hybrid obviously i had four momentum on it it was gonna be close it was in it's quite strange feelings it's like i've hold a shot. But it literally counts for absolutely nothing it would have been nice for it to be for albatross obviously next.

One is from steven johnson as a new golfer this year was my highlight breaking a hundred i played okay throughout the round i didn't really think about my score the lads who were with me were struggling quite a bit. And they were getting quite frustrated. But i kept going i lost my cool in a couple of holes. But managed to plot my way around the last three holes okay. And i was talking up the scores. And ended at 97. i was. So tough to achieved that and the handicap has come down low since i started off um with my three card entries at i got 39 and now i'm off 29. that's really good but i think that's the thing that sometimes like breaking a hundred might be a bigger achievement something than when they then.

Break 90. Or 80. yeah because it's the first one. And then.

I've got two i've got two memories that stick out to me i'm just saving some pictures actually my mum sent me this it comes down to the story can it be is it just a moment on the golf course any golfing moment the lollies are on the golf course. So i've i've got two that really stand out to me number one i'm gonna go from a from a a professional career moment for me was the one time well not the one time was well a couple of times it was the day in general youtube golf day yes on the putting green before we went playing i was mad was probably one of the most surreal amazing moments of my of my career i know it sounds like a ridiculous thing to say that because it was just the fact that something we'd even just thought of in a bloody cafe six months earlier had turned into something as big as that with. So many spectators so many other creators somebody like when you when you're looking at it and thinking oh my god like you're one creator from one part of the world and you and like you're chatting and you're talking you're making content together and you like that was a really amazing experience one that i would like to do again potentially in the future. But that memory is. So almost strong that i don't want to ruin it really that was really good as a career. And i've had lots of really good highlights obviously it's been an amazing thing to do one of the things i always remember was a trip i took when i was very young in fact i was this young guy. And we'll we'll put it on the um i'll put it on the main youtube video we i always heard a com did i see someone competition yeah in the facebook group um well it's called the rickshaws golf show facebook group which somebody had a bit of a kind of a complaint that they've been listening to the audio podcast last week it's in andrews there's a few clips that we threw in that were on the video. And i kind of get what you mean we don't ever become the audio podcast that doesn't really work. But but equally with some of these things it's nice to be able to show people and and the second channel is free to watch. So even if you just want to skip that's you know listen to the audio one and you think oh at 33 minutes rick said something he skipped the other video. And see it so it's your choice but but that on the audio podcast would have sounded awful all you'd have heard was do that win just the odd thing we'll put this in the youtube video okay just to annoy that guy. So i don't quite know how old i am at this point but it's not well i'll show the picture oh my days describe it so you've got a putter looks like a scottie cameron i don't think it is it's got a camera in shape you've got a proper pair of like saddle shoes like a white golf with the brown saddle how old do you think i'm there probably about 13. yeah i was about 12. Or 13. you've got actually a decent fitted pair of pants like area because they weren't that baggy you've got a jump rod and a hat like a bit of a chav um but i think it's just a cap that gives that look the color's quite up as well. But very much of it up at the top yeah where was that. So this is one of this is one of my greatest memories ever gonna do look a bit chubby uh oh yeah look at those shoes that's awesome um this was one of my greatest memories ever right. So me and my mum yeah who got me into golf. And i'm sure we've already said this in the podcast at some point she got me into it um we decided to go on a trip. And just me and her jumped in the car i think she might have been working. Or something and we headed to the isle of aaron do you know it yes it's got a third of it i don't know it i saw it. So in scotland it's just off the coast of the north south west of scotland uh it's an island and based on this island it's got seven golf courses on it some are like long proper golf courses some a little dinky like yeah pitching putts. Or whatever or nine holes or whatever so me and my mom jumped in the car we got the ferry over to the levara and was doing a little cottage. And each day we played a new golf course and each day we drove around the island and weirdly listen to whitney houston which might explain a lot of things in my life and uh we'd go to these different golf courses and play and it was just i remember it being at the time like i've not really been on a golf holiday i'd been playing go. For about a year and a half or something and be able to spend time my mum she doesn't play golf anymore for whatever reason but we used to go there i wasn't particularly very good at the time so it's just a really nice kind of bonding experience and i still so vividly remember the golf courses and where they are. And i'm just looking at the map now and thinking oh yeah i remember playing it up there. And down south there and it was just classic. So it was one of the one of my best memories in golf would just be able to play seven days with a family member obviously my mum just driving around having a great time. And just enjoying it should we live that for a video a travis thirteen-year-old we should do that as a video i'll be sick seven days an hour it is class over it's really nice over there has eric done a video though harry kander's lang i feel like aaron rings a bell i might not have done i might have done actually um a couple of others then.

If we'll leave this topic it's been quite nice um one time it was one other thing as well cottage was no it's not nothing mad where our cottage was i was fascinated right we're in this little bay. And across the bay there was this island right right across the bay a standalone island. And it was called holy island right. And monks lived on it oh my day so and and so when you're there because i i stayed you can see something it's literally called holy island. And i was fascinated about this island like thinking literally people just monks just live on the island they don't have technology they don't have they must have bought something how do they get food how do they get stuck how do they get stuff like they don't know about anything about like what's happening in the world. And some part of me just thought that would be quite nice to live like that but i'd get a bit bored anyway uh good morning gareth price said hitting a three iron out of the rough in front of two x liverpool football players john aldridge. And jason mcateer they were playing behind us i hit it about three foot john aldridge said it was the best shot he's ever seen that'd be nice nice um this is a good one um from mark rodbert playing the old course from a best mate from school in 2019 we started off playing together in 1975 after school still in our uniforms. And everything and with our dad's cast off clubs and we're still playing golf together 45 years later that's really cool and the last one is a bit of a sad one. But it's from aleister brownlee um a memory although kind of sad played a round of golf with the great work friend he gave me a cigar which i don't smoke so it went into my golf bag um he sadly passed away a few weeks later the cigar now lives in my bag and comes every round with me r.i.p mat so so that one it's not the actual memory obviously it's more the fact that he didn't chuck the cigar and he kept his golf bag and then.

Obviously unfortunately he passed away but he still got that as a bit of a token is that alistair brownlee the uh olympian could be i don't know actually i don't know if it's alistair this was alice with a d all right this is alistair brownlee cool um nice nice little touching stories yeah there's something else to cover well we've got the the bryson. And um brooks b which i don't know much about really if you can elaborate on that much. Or not so after the uspga let's just yeah okay after the uspga brooks was doing an interview. And he looked a bit disheartened i think this was the final round. So he's been playing with phil nicholson he didn't win obviously phil went on to win which we'll come on to in a minute and brooks was doing an interview. And by the side of him bryce nishambo was also kind of finished off an interview. Or whatever and apparently from the rumor has it that a couple of things got taken away from this kind of video that got leaked because that shouldn't i don't think that video should have ever really come out without 100 percent i almost feel like it's a bit orchestrated i really do i feel like it's a bit staged. But basically as uh brooks is saying that he struggled on the greens. And most people struggle on the greens today.

Blah blah blah apparently bryson said if you started online you wouldn't struggle something along those lines a bit of a dick as you walk past. So brooks rolled his eyes uh lost his train of thought kind of swore and kind of said i can't you know i can't concentrate with that kind of taking place. Or whatever in the background so he um he wasn't happy basically he wasn't happy at all and bryson kind of walked off he had spikes on as well bryson which a lot of people thought that that's why he was annoyed at first because as bro as brooks was doing an interview bryson it's annoying with brooks. And bryson um bryson had spikes on so people thought brooks was a bit annoyed because of the the tatter across the you know the path. Or whatever it may be um but i want to believe it wholeheartedly really want to believe it but just some of them it feels like it's it's planned i don't know i just yeah i'm not too sure both golf's are quite fiery certainly brook says he's not scared about saying his opinion he's been in kind of a few little beasts before. And you know he's very very kind of open to to um you know saying what he thinks and obviously bryson as well both big fellas i'm sure they're not scared of anybody um and there was a then.

A line that took place on twitter this weekend. So it came out that phil mickelson was having another match with tom brady. And um against bryson de chambeau and aaron rodgers who i think is an nfl player. Or something yeah i don't know actually sorry if somebody says he's not. But there's another match coming up and um brooks then.

Went to twitter and kind of said i feel sorry. For you aaron rodgers and obviously a bit beef started there and bryson responded saying i'm glad i've got into your head or things like this i'm living in your head rent free i think you put then.

There's a bit more back. And forth and blah blah blah and there's also this underlying match that's happening at the moment so i don't really know the guy but the president from bar stool sports again it's massive in the america barstool sports has called out bryson uh brook sorry and brooks is going to play this president of barstool sport left-handed is it yes yeah. And this i don't i don't even know this guy's name has said um that he's asking now bryson to caddy. For him so that'd be quite funny if that comes off um a lot of questions around this kind of 40 million pound social media pot that the pga have put out there at the moment that's an idea that you know if you have raised more publicity for the pga tour you get rewarded at the end of the season um i've definitely seen a trend of we said it a few weeks ago i've seen a trend of of tall players starting to do their own much more social media we actually saw a vlog that bryson released that was good yeah i've not watched it. Or you said you said it was really good i've watched little snippets of it um phil on social media just going mentally i know he does his own stuff phil yeah. But he does his videos he obviously does all of his video stuff like i think his tweeting that took place after uspj wasn't yeah wasn't him because that was a lot of stuff that got done. But you know when he's talking in the car park about bloody bombs and hellacious seeds and all this that's got obviously got to be filled um but i think there's a big push on social media at the moment i feel like this is brewing to turn into something whether it's a big money match. Or i feel like golf like this could be turned a little bit into boxing soon i think it's good. For golf though because you think about it mikey's moving if you think about it when a golfer comes onto the scene you see them obviously on the golf course you might see them do a five-minute interview afterwards you don't really get to know much about them as a person do you it's only when they've been on the scene. For so long that you feel like you know them but like i don't feel like i know matt wolfe for example really what like what do you know about him you know you feel you might know polter a bit because you've been on the scene. For so long obviously they're out of cups and stuff you can kind of gauge the personality even like rory what do you know about rory really yeah you don't the thing is i always think about this. And i always think i'd love to see behind the scenes. But like i said maybe i need to watch more of this bryce. And stuff that he's doing at the moment i don't know what it'll do what it'll make me think what do you like thinking if you see sorry i just like to think. And i know what happens behind the scenes a bit more i know there's a scene in that video if you're not you've not seen this bryson's on youtube channel now and he put this like vlog on about half an hour long it's not super super exciting but it's just quite like a slow pace the week in the life there's one point he gets about like half fire in the morning is bentley. And he goes to the event and he has to fill up fuel in the way and it sounds ridiculous but just watching him at the gas station he's caught in america filling up his car with petrol or diesel whatever in the rain like it's real like you kind of think in two hours time he's on the telly in bombs from millions of people across the world he's a normal guy. And i almost think. For these guys they don't have to make it mad content it's just seeing that they are real people. And then.

Seeing them maybe in the hotel room afterwards or going out. For dinner and what they think you don't see any of that normally. And that's there's definitely a gap in the market for somebody to take that and be more real because you you feel more part of them then.

You want them to do well like i already want brighton to do well because i can know him more i don't know him obviously at all. But i feel like i do from watching him on those videos yeah it's um like. For example do you know colin marakawa no like you don't know anything about them do you well the issue that you find is certainly when they're doing um when they are doing interviews post-round they are very they turn into somebody like media trained you know it's very safe it's very corporate it's thank the sponsors thanks. For the event great i just didn't quite play great today.

I'll i'll move on i'll try. And get better next.

Week you hear all those same repetitive lines but it is nice to hear a bit of a different kind of take on it really i like it um do you want to see a match with them with them too um not massively really what what i'd like to see him in a boxing match i don't think a golf match does much was it i'm going to beat you i'm going to beat you. And then.

Let's play them one will win. Or whatever they play you know i don't know i feel like obviously a boxing match that'll be ridiculous but it would be funny if he did. But i don't think golf massively has that. For me in a in a match form i don't think it massively it might do i might change my tune. But i don't think it massively because. For me with boxing i get quite into box and very casual fan but you have two guys often sometimes undefeated and you can't believe that one of them is gonna have to lose because they're both undefeated fighters yeah. And they might go in for a belt or whatever it might be and the whole week month two months before giving each other the trash talk and sometimes it's a bit fake but you get so involved in it they're both i'm going to beat you in the first round i'm going to beat you in the first round. Or whatever it might be and then.

The fight happens and then.

One of them wins and one of them loses obviously very very really it could actually be a draw but with golf it's like well if brighton and brooks played each other well one of them will lose like i kind of know that i'm not doesn't mean anything does it the only way i'd like to see it happen. But i don't think it would because it's too much of a risk if they actually played. For 10 million of their own money but even so it would still be backed wouldn't it be massive i'm saying i'm sure like say they'll make it back in sponsors and stuff but even that match that mickelson and targeted a couple of years ago when they were playing. For a million wasn't their money i know but even that i know what you're saying but it doesn't work because if they say we're paying for 10 million out of our own money they're still going to make money doing it the sponsorship. For the event what i'm saying that's what i'd love that's what i'd love to see just to have a match of just an actual cash match but on youtube it's like yeah that'd be the way i do it on youtube. But like on someone else's channel they don't make a penny from it yeah. And it's just all you got right here 10 million there's no sponsors there's no sponsorship boards if you want to play on my channel that's fine i'll be sick i'll host it yeah i think that's something i would like to see like genuinely at the end you see an exchange not an exchange of 10 million. But an exchange like an actual oh i'm gutted because i've just lost 10 million where i feel like when again when they're playing for a million in these matches they're playing four million but they're not going to lose a million like they're still in profit what about if they played. And the loser had to delete all the social media yeah i had to start again yeah that'd be quite good i just feel like it yeah it just needs to. But then.

Equally brooks has got four majors hasn't he now yeah has he got four. Or three four i think four i think ryan's got one. So that that has his argument done straight away well i've got more majors on you so until bryson gets more than him he can't really see anything can he be interesting to see how it pans out um just on the i know we're a bit late to the party here because we filmed this kind of later. But this is like two weeks late now just very quickly touch on it well done phillips winning the uspg yeah uh feels like a very young 51 year old yeah 48 year old because he's 51. he's 51. i'm confused i thought it was 48. um why'd you say 51 first though i don't know i thought i was too old because i thought he was two years older than jack when he was 46. i'm sure he's 51. um we're late to the party. And we're getting the stats wrong is he 51. uh well you've got me doubting it now. But i kind of ended my head all along he was 51. uh he's 50. 51 very soon um he feels like a very young 50 year old like he doesn't i remember when we talked about tom watson nearly winning the open at 58 like he felt like an old 58 year old yeah. But it's quite a big difference as well i suppose because you're thinking he's only 60 at 58 whereas he's just 50 but yeah glad he won i suppose it take nothing away if it's a mage it's unbelievable that age when a major. And he hit the longest drive of the week as well or so yeah. But it's the uspg it was the master that would have felt different wouldn't it be open it would have it probably made not that i watched loads of it i'll literally watch the last two holes i've been walking down the uh the 17th. And 18th when he won it that was it i i wasn't that invested in in watching it again the uspg i do feel like that that event needs to do something differently because i'm just not that bothered like usp us opens coming up next.

At torrey pines right yeah i'll be kind of interested. And then.

They open it all depends on who's doing well the uspg for me as i said before is my least favorite. But having said that if it was two massive names down the stretch level with three else to play you probably get a lot more invested don't you. So it's down to who's doing well obviously phil mickelson's a massive name in golf it's great for him so it's really good to show people of all ages can play. And compete um i said it before when tom what's a nearly one that loves a lot of people don't agree with. And david cannon said i missed a point about how i was kind of glad tom watson didn't win the open years ago which sounds terrible to say. But i just sometimes worry that does that inspire young kids to play it might do it might not i don't know does does it make a difference who wins i'm not sure i think it'll give a lot of i don't know a lot of probably doesn't get more people in. But it gives a lot of people who are into golf probably more purchase on well i'm i'm 14 i don't feel like i'm going to play any better well they might go well actually filmmaking's just one at 50. i've got you know i've got time to get better like still. So i don't think you're probably getting many new people in. But hopefully it would keep people in the game loads of like 40 year old blokes now i wanted to make it the senior tour gives like 10 years of solid practice um yeah. And then.

I hope us open then.

They open and there's thoughts that the open's gonna have like an attendance which is good like 75 percent attendance that would be good which will be incredible because i think we very much missed the open uh it wasn't happening yes didn't happen love was last year. So hopefully it does take place with a great crowd this year good are we done i think. So i don't know how long it's been how long has it been matt an hour oh nice solid hour um great we're gonna do one more it doesn't matter nobody needs to know guys watch friday break75 sent andrews hopefully you enjoyed the last one um. And that is episode number seven right we'll see you all soon.