[music] so thank you for joining us on the rickshaws golf show podcast yeah excited to be here first time doing a proper podcast. So i'm excited is the backdrop okay. For you uh i can't ask for more no it's pretty sick. And you've been in now sent andrews for about a week practicing because we're going to do a pretty awesome video tomorrow you're excited about that yeah i am um got some hickory clubs apparently. So i've hit i've hit them about once or twice and once good once bad but i'll hopefully get get used to it but i know it's it's going to be pretty sick uh the layout that we're going to play is going to be pretty exciting. So um yeah i'm looking forward to it i almost want to go back back okay when did you first start playing golf when did it all start it's kind of like every pro i mean i picked up a club when i was about two. Or three plastic ones uh and then.

When i was eight i started playing these little tournaments back in perth home at home in australia um mum was a golf professional. So that's pretty much how we got started to it so teacher or yeah teacher yeah teacher oh she she did play. And then.

She just started teaching um and then.

Oh you know i would go follow and then.

That's quite cool so yeah it was pretty cool yeah. So she was she had a history of trying to play on tour yeah i don't know the full story. But um yeah she was i think she was on the korean tour. For a little bit and then.

Uh she just started studying back in in oh not back but like in australia yeah um. And then.

Yeah she just started teaching in australia. And um no not anymore um mum. And dad have a cafe back home so they're busy doing that mum does the cooking. And dad does the coffee. So oh wow um it's pretty busy in there i've helped out a little bit and i was sick to golf it's pretty it's pretty nerve-wracking when there's like. So many people coming out coming out asking for coffees and i was like. And that's in perth yeah that's in perth australia yeah. So is that like a seaside resort is that a seaside cafe. Or is that no just inside just inside a supermarket i mean um people people just get their order get their shopping pick it up a lot of a lot of locals come back every time like every i worked there. For like a week and the same person really the same people just come back and back and they are they super proud with pictures of you. And you and yourself oh yeah you should oh dad was gonna get this whole painting like it was probably like half the sweet. And there's just it's gonna paint my sister and i on the wall and we're just like no that's that's too embarrassing. But there are you know a few newspaper articles of the latest things that we've done. And um it's pretty cool yeah they're pretty uh my vic open trophy was there. For a little bit but i thought something might happen to it so i had it there for a little bit but um yeah that's that's. So good we'll come on to that because you have had a professional tour win already yes yes was it the perth open oh it was a video it um at 13th beach it was pretty cool it was uh actually pretty windy like yesterday it was like 40 50 k's. And it was pretty cool um to get my first win in australia. And before you know covert hit so i was excited to you know it was exciting to play in front of crowds. And especially vic open there's uh no ropes yeah like all the the crowd can actually like walk right behind you. And literally like they can be a few meters away from you. So it's pretty cool how big sorry how big is that then.

To get your first win on tour sounds an obvious question. But that must change your mindset i mean to get on the european tour in the first places if you obviously know you you're a good good level of golfer. But to actually get a win over the line at such a young age that must fill you with confidence yeah it's um it's amazing especially doing in australia. But winning i don't know it's pretty tough like uh my caddy at the time you know we we talked and i didn't have any three parts i didn't miss any parts inside like four feet um and especially those screens that were you know it was. So windy and to not have a three part and you know you usually have you know one or two maybe and if i had those one or two i would have been in a playoff so you know i hit it i thought i hit it amazing i thought you know i didn't i didn't make any i don't think i made a double um. And yeah pretty much to get that first win it was pretty special you know you got to play really good that week you know winning doesn't come often. So you got to play you know pretty much perfect um throughout the whole week and you know it was really really cool to do that. And you know you yeah you get that satisfaction of you know you can play against you know a lot of the pros out there. And um hopefully you can do it consistently. But yeah it's pretty tough to win out there um. But yeah it's nice to get a bit of security as well. For the year and next.

Year and a half so it was it's cool it's awesome. And then.

Your sister minji lee had a victory as well was it last year was in dubai yeah in dubai. And do i i don't even know what you're talking about she wins every year. So i don't know what tournament but um how many wins has she got under a belt uh i want to say like seven or eight maybe um she went she won every year on the lpga i think. For the first maybe six years and then.

She had a she didn't win i think last year. Or two years ago but um how many years older is she she's two years older. So she's 24. she's only 25 this at the end of this month so uh yeah she's a couple years older than me yeah wow is it competitive growing up uh yes. And no you know she i was always competitive. And she was like do her own thing. And i would go and practice with her but she would go piss off you're so annoying so you know literally that happens every time you know still to this day i mean a bit better today.

But you know i'll get annoying on that side and you know annoying brother typical brother is it just the two of you yeah just the two of us yeah that's crazy. And have you had matches do you have do you have much yeah back home now it's at the moment like on the record it's she won the first one. And then.

I won the second one so we need a rematch but i mean we haven't we don't really see each other. And when we do see each other it's only. For a week or so so it's we try to get away from golf as much as we can of course yeah hang out. And go to the cafe yeah exactly exactly help out yeah we don't really see each other much in perth actually we see each other more you know when i'm in america i'll go see her. Or she'll come see me um yeah she came out to crowns a couple years ago when we played in swiss yeah. And um yeah it was pretty cool you know we got to hang out. And pop my collar up sorry um yeah yeah it's it's pretty cool you know. So when you play you're in a match do you play same tea same seas. So the first time we didn't play the same tease and then.

My coach was like play on the same tees because you know my sister it's pretty close when she plays with the ladies. And i play off the men's because obviously i hit it further than her yeah. But then.

When we play on the same teams i just thrash because i'm so much longer than her and she gets annoying at me and the you hit it too fast [Laughter] is there any part of her game that's better than yours oh i probably say everything now she's she's very she's very good ball striker um she's a machine like we just call her the machine she just hits it dead straight every time hits every fairway you know yeah the ladies golf it's very it's not it's a good it's a great boring golf you know this this this yes um. And my sister when she when she putts really good she wins tournaments usually because she her ball striking's always up to power but um above par but uh i mean we would go pretty close in most things uh i probably beat her. And putting yeah um. But yeah it's pretty i mean yeah i would say it's pretty close that's did it feel like it almost with the family obviously your mum being a girl professional the coach now your sister being. So into it did it just kind of spur you on did it did it almost was your was your pathway almost set out to some degree a little bit. So it's funny so i started loving golf and then.

Like my sister practiced a lot every day after go after school um and i would go follow her but i would you know kind of be in a shadow so i didn't really i didn't really enjoy it when i got to like 12 13 so i stopped for a year um i did swimming pretty passionately i you know went before school after school. And was in a squad. And my sister was also a really good swimmer she could have either chose swimming. Or golf because she was. So good in reality and um and then.

Yeah i did basketball soccer taekwondo i did a lot of sports. And i like you know a fast action sport and then.

I i got picked to play a tournament uh in sydney uh just the junior tournament and you know first time flying uh by myself and oh well with a team uh and you know that was. So so amazing i really liked you know meeting new people from america canada everywhere europe they all came over so that got me started um started again so i came back and thought you know give gold food another go and then.

I stopped probably sports when i was 15 except golf. And kind of pursued that yeah. So what was your lowest handicap as an amateur what did you get down to plus five i think yeah wow it was that's pretty good yeah it's not too bad yeah i mean does is that like the benchmark almost do you think do you think plus five because we've had a couple of pros now yeah. And we've had a young lad who kind of tried to play on tour european tour james robinson and he um it's really good i think he i can't remember i think he was four. Or five james he played the open had a year on uh european time but i think the the general consensus is like plus five is where you need to yeah i mean really if you if i shoot five under. For the rest of my life i'm gonna be of course the number one if you're 20 under every time exactly you win exactly so it's i don't think it's a accurate representation obviously the higher the better. But it's not tough like yeah it's not a tall golf course i suppose what i've learned it's not about how low you can go it's how you can cope on the golf course you know professional life is completely different to amateur life yeah not many amateurs know that you know i'm here by myself. For a week so like yeah you have to be able to learn to look after yourself yeah exactly. And you know kind of be independent in that mindset isn't it completely yeah exactly. So it's kind of it's i mean yeah it's it's not i won't say it's the best life. But you know it's you've got to work hard to you know we want to be you know the rory mcilroy's or them you know we want to take care of family you know live in mansions we've got to yeah. But people will always look at the pj tour. And like oh i want to be like him but you got to get through q school you got to get through all that and you know there's weeks out there that you just hang out by yourself so um i mean you can be with a friend. Or your girlfriend or whatever you know cove it's tough even tougher right now so um yeah it's pretty much how you cope cope not i know you can play five under your home course. And yeah around around the world. But yeah you gotta learn how to play professionally. And you know you get money and all that so and different golf courses yeah exactly every week different hotel rooms all the time you know the travel it's things that people don't you know appreciate sometimes you're a long way from home yeah like perth australia is a long way i remember when i went i went to australia. For a few weeks um back in 2015 i think it was. And i felt so far away from home i wasn't there for three weeks and i was with my wife. And we had a little baby at the time i almost really felt like homesick and i suppose it's the same for you like if you're based in perth that's where you live that's where you grew up as soon as you then.

Start traveling to europe or go into america it must be quite challenging because it's like it's not super close anymore is it obviously technology helps. But yeah technology is pretty much your best friend you know this is your best friend yes i know it's sad. But it's i mean it's kind of the truth. But yeah it's well we as from australia i've learned to you know live kind of away from home. For a long time you know when i leave my mom and dad they don't cry you know they you know they say good luck and yeah you know we talk on the phone. And that but it's not yeah it's not like end of the world kind of thing you know we're going to be back. And it's you know our job to play well and then.

Come back so it is a bit tough with covert you know we got a quarantine in a hotel. For two weeks and i've done that twice now really so for a month yeah. For a month i was that was sitting in a room half this size. And yeah you get hurt you get hotel food. And it's terrible and you know you've got ubereats every day and you know it's we got to get it out of our own pocket it's three thousand dollars for that for the two weeks and then.

Oh my goodness and then.

You gotta pay for you know food that you're not gonna eat the hotel food because it's horrendous and then.

It's super expensive exactly so yeah it's uh it's a bit tough. But um yeah i mean you learn to be away from home from a young age if you're a golfer i think. And you know you can make it as as you know friendly you know there's a lot of people that want to pursue pro golf. So you want to you can hang out with your friend. And do q school with them. And do all that. And i think it's really important to have that because some people can't you know take being by themselves you know it's tough. So um there's a lot that more that goes into tour life than i think people can appreciate that's what we obviously like you've won on european tour you're super successful. But like like james who we've had on before who who was a european tour player obviously missing cuts. And stuff and you know didn't do as well as a light. So it's not as glamorous to life as you think if you said somebody oh yeah i'm oh you're here that guy over there is a european tour pro you're thinking that's the dream. But in reality unless you are doing really well it must be. So so tough yeah it's um yeah there's a lot to it behind the scenes. But like i said um i think it's i think it's anything you know if you want to be a a lawyer you've got to go through eight years of study you know it's it's tough. And that can be lonely exactly exactly. So that's commitment where you can't go out with your friends at the weekend yeah. So you're right anything that you're trying to pursue anything that you're trying to be ambitious for it comes with obstacles and barriers you know i can't fathom though like we came up yesterday it's only only a four and a half hour drive whether it's when the grand scheme thing's not very far but imagine if you'd have like flown here for the open from australia wherever it might be and you have a practice around swinging it quite good you get on the golf course shoot like 80 82 or something how that must be exactly yeah it's a lot of mental strength um you work. So hard for this specific week and then.

You miss the cut and it's a terrible feeling you know i missed five cuts in a row from later last year to you know abu dhabi dubai saudi i missed all five carts in a row and you you know it's it's kind of good that that happens because you need to have a kick in the teeth sometimes and then.

You work hard but um yeah i mean it's not you kind of it's you've got to get over it. But you got to learn you've got to learn everything every every step of the way you're going to learn what you did right. And what you did wrong. And you got to improve and um played pretty good last couple weeks last couple tournaments and hopefully i'm on trending trending path but yeah it's it's very it's a i mean i don't want to say it's a bad life. But it's it's very good it's very good difference yeah yeah i think it's it's the real side i don't think people get to yeah exactly this is why i love doing the podcast. And things and getting people like yourself on because yes it looks glamorous. And you'd never for one minute ever believe you could ever complain about being in scent andrews for a week yeah yeah it is literally a dream yeah. For most people around the world it's a dream but but it comes with it's not always perfect because when you come here you come with family for once a lifetime trip we're spending but you're not on your own or going grafting. Or you've got a swing fault you're going to work on that that's the reality isn't it that's the difference. And you've got a plane like say testing conditions what you're not used to and all those things like that's where it becomes much more of a if you've got a mental strength it's it's a lifestyle isn't it that's that you know i'm sure and again the glamorous side the the private jets the mansions all the money in the world that'll also and again it'd be hard for people to to appreciate would also come with different challenges like you know it's um it's hard to stay motivated when you've got things like that much money and things like you know look at your rory's and your djs and things like that and you think it's hard like they've got to go out every single week. And put the grind in even when they don't always have to yeah exactly yeah where's what's the what's the goals give me give me a list have you got have you got yearly goals lifetime goals career goals yeah you know lifetime i probably want to be hall of fame. So obviously a lot of a lot of uh wins as well under the belt and you know i think a lot of people would want to say that um if they're very you know dedicated to the game um. But you know i would love to be top 50 well we can start with let's say top 100 by the end of the year what's your current ranking right now i'm about 2 20. i got to 130 after vic open. But you know slowly got out because you know covert and european to a stop for a little bit but um and a few miscuts but um yeah i would like to be you know top 100 top 50 end of the year um my device is pretty low as a start like as a professional when you start you know start uh the professional life you get a divisor. And you know by the time goes you get your divisor so it's i think it's like the tournament wins. And then.

It you get it divides from the tournaments you've played so i haven't played enough tournaments to you know get it like kicked out so yeah i've got you know small amounts. So i got the minimum right now i think um. And pretty much the points that i play good in they count and the ones that i played okay. And i still win but um yeah the you pretty much pretty much like if it's a brooks capcom you know in two years their win kind of kicks out because they're um your devise is pretty high. So i'm not really sure on it that much but i know it's it's a complex science the world ranking isn't it so you need to play a lot of tournaments this year is that this implant is that oh well no i'm saying if i play let's say i go out on a win uh next.

Week yeah i would jump up in the rankings heavily. But if someone like brooks kept going won. And they wouldn't get kicked up that much let's say we were the same rankings. And he's played plenty of tournaments he wouldn't he wouldn't get kicked up that much because he's played a lot of tournaments but because i've only been pro for two and a half years i've you know it counts as more yeah. So what is the schedule pretty busy this year uh yeah. So i mean i'm gonna be in europe. For probably another two and a half months three months because i don't want to go home and quarantine yeah when you go home too yeah. And and when you come back here no no. So we get an exempt like special exemption when we come out and play yeah uh these tournaments. So but we you know last week uh that was the first week on had to get tested before i fly had to get tested as soon as i landed um. And then.

Had to get tested on day five and then.

Had to get tested on day eight and then.

I just got another test to go to denmark in a couple days so uh yeah it's pretty brutal with the covert test. But um yeah pretty much a new new way of life yeah it is. And when when you're um when you're playing all these tournaments at the moment are these all pretty much brand new tournaments like have you done denmark before no i've never done denmark because i got cancelled i think last year. Or i just didn't play but um so a lot of these new events coming up now yeah i've. So i've played like scottish open and i've played um i didn't play irish open i don't think it was on last year um played porsche european open in germany. So half of them are okay. And half of them are because you know when covert wasn't there i would you know stay here. For a month go home and then.

Come back but because i don't acquire anything yeah i don't want to quantify i want to play as much as i can when i can. So you know take this necessary time off when i need to but um you know play as many who gives you guidance when you go to a brand new tournament like let's say let's say denmark you've never been there right you get off the flight and you land explain how you get to the place it happens how do you how do you get to places where do you stay who recommends restaurants who recommends how you travel who tells you where the driving range is how does that all work. So obviously you don't really know but we're in a bubble now so as soon as we get to the normally we fly in uh you they might you know you get yeah i have a manager he takes care of me. But there's guys on the european tour side play a relationship side that help out and you know you have to get this you have to get that so pretty much you fly in you get your courtesy car or your service to the hotel um this is covered. So and then.

You're gonna get your test pretty much as soon as you get there yeah wait in your hotel room. For about four or five hours and then.

You can do whatever you want. But you can't leave the hotel or the golf course okay. So pretty much you're in you're kind of stuck in the gym or the range and yeah yeah. So pretty much just what you you have to do. For your work life you can't really you know go out and you can't go to a restaurant yeah like if we were in dubai at the beginning of the year. And you know we're right on the right and the marina yeah literally there. And we couldn't you know we could just look outside we can't go out and walk and you know hotel golf course hotel golf course that's it yeah. So so is that in a weird way does that almost help you when you are going to these venues that you don't know about because you've not got a choice yeah like you've you've got i'm guessing then.

Is there that there's player um dining i guess. So your food's all sorted for you there's there's as soon as you get to the golf course is the hotel like right next.

To the golf course usually next.

Week it's a bit different it's like half. And half an hour away i don't think they can get hotels nearby. But well that is the nearest hotel. So um there's a few hotels that the players stay and then.

Um but usually it's on the golf course so yeah you know because of covered reasons. And getting a cab back and forth or whatever it's just easier if the course was on go like belfry the course we stayed at the developer that's easy. And so it was easy you know just in a way does that not make it more like an actual bubble works like you're literally staying there. And the course is there. And you don't see anything else yeah i mean i'm not the touristy type of guy. So i'm not going out every day. And but you know there's you know you when you go out to dinner every night you see you see a lot of things and you know if it's a special place you go and check it out but usually it's usually you're there to do one thing. And practice and do all that. But also yeah it's tough because you're not really getting away from work you know you want to obviously like i don't say it's work you know it's you know it's my life. And i love i think it has to be seen as a job. And it worked because you've got to structure it like that and if you didn't need time to play as well don't you it's a business and you do have to see it. And i think again. For people listening who don't live in golf they would struggle to comprehend that but sometimes after you've played a tournament let's say you've had a great round or a bad round wherever it may be sometimes you do want to switch off. And go away and go for ice cream and you go to watch the cinema and things like that where obviously you can't at the moment so again when you get there is is your manager on site. Or is he on the phone my manager's in america. So he you know we contact through the phone and um he knows most the things you know he gets it done before i get there you know he gets everything sorted just so i don't you know have to wake him up in the morning and freak him out but so if you have a problem is he the first person you ring uh yeah he's he usually knows most things you know um he's a pretty good pretty good what what he does. And you know it's his job so yeah you know he does he does he does a very good job of it he knows all these yeah he knows who's yeah because if you if you think about setting up all this setting up all that you know by yourself it gets pretty you know you need to have less thoughts exactly exactly you need to not think about anything exactly. And their job is to make sure you think about nothing your job is to go practice hit balls play players better after the after the round yeah do this. And it's like okay yeah. So it's yeah it's. And then.

You caddy do you have a full-time caddy no. So at the moment i'm kind of toss and turning at the moment um had some you know i had a caddie for a year and a half he was awesome um. And then.

You know just bubble life and it was a bit tough with you know he lived in america. So it was a bit everything's everything's right now is a bit tough i don't have a european tour caddy. So um or europe european caddy so it's not it's not easy to just you know travel in and out from america and all that so um yeah it's right now i'm kind of just i'm getting a local next.

Week just because uh no one can i mean the person that i had before couldn't you know fill in. So yeah uh it's yeah right now it's a bit tough. But so when you get a local caddy are they just literally local to the golf club. Or are they are they actually professionals. So he's well i'm not sure i don't i don't know the guy that i'm seeing next.

Week so you know there's a lot of trust and all that's gonna say yeah it is a little a little strange i've never really had a local caddy like someone that i've i'm obviously professionally if. So if you get a professional new for the new week or new like he's a new person like he knows the way to do everything you know he's had it before. And he'll get the gist of you know what i like and what i don't i don't want him to tell me this i don't want him to tell me that you know or i can just tell him you know i usually just tell him what you like. So yeah um. But next.

Week it's probably going to be you know mostly my you know i do the yardage book i do all that. And he's just carrying the bag yeah pretty much pretty much i mean cleaning your clubs carrying the bag it's kind of a last minute thing. So i mean it's yeah it's just like i said it's tough if you've you know got a caddy from america. And it's of course and there's you know troubles along the way and all that so um yeah a bit of bit of tour life there. So you just let lay out the land and go right i like it this is my favorite club to hit off the tee this is much shot shape. Or not even nothing uh it's oh well to him to him oh i don't know i probably have to do most things myself you know i would rather i've played enough to know what i like. And yeah obviously you want a second thought. But i mean he's he's not a professional character. So he wouldn't know more than what i would of course you know so um you're going to know you're getting better obviously yeah we'll see we'll see next.

Week if it goes good hopefully english is good. And things like you've got yeah i mean we've texted back. And forth i mean i think it's okay um. But like i said it's pretty much just carrying. But then.

After denmark where you're off to next.

Uh germany and i'll be someone new again yeah he he carried. For me at belfry so he's um he actually carried on the pga tour for a little bit and he yeah he knows the rope a little bit oh great. So you're getting the guy that you've already had on before yeah he just had he just had stuff to do. So um it was just kind of like a last minute thing. And it is what it is. So um yeah i mean it's a bit tough. But it's fine you know i know how to play golf so hopefully hopefully i'll play okay i'm going to switch off golf. For a second what do you like to do when you're not playing golf oh some of my followers know. But i like to play call of duty on my laptop gaming laptops okay um on my my off time instead of sightseeing i'd probably you know play cod um i actually love modern warfare 2. yeah that when i was about i'm 30 now. And i was probably 20 20 to 19 20. i absolutely loved it i got obsessed to the point where yeah when i was walking around playing something this would be a good map like i've been looking at this thing yeah it's nearly you play. So much and you're just like and you see like a like a glint like this and you're just like oh sniper yeah it's um. So you like playing card and then.

You do like meet up with like friends online. And is that again a way of staying connected to your friends i don't know it's a little tough with covered. But yeah is it like cut as in when you play cod can you do it you can do it oh yeah you can play with anyone in there can you can you connect with like your pals back in person yeah like usually it's usually usually like that. But last like last night i play with a guy that just you know dm me on instagram and i was like just go play. And you know it's pretty i mean the gaming community is actually pretty cool you know there's not if you're playing with them you're you know they're a team you're on a team. So they're like it gets a little toxic when you're versing other people but it's i mean it's it's i mean that's a nice escape yeah it's a pretty awesome laptop you've got do you have to be pretty powerful yeah it's gonna be pretty it's gonna be it was i mean like a couple of thousand dollars because you know it's it's not like a ps4 i carried a ps4 when i first came out on tour it was it was way too hard because it was it was you have to connect it to the hotel room. And then.

The tv can be like inches. And then.

They're going to be like tiny. And you're just like sometimes you can't get to the back of it let's say or things like that exactly and then.

Yeah sometimes like it's like up in a shelf. And you have to literally yank it out and then.

Like hopefully you don't break anything so you've resorted to the laptop yeah uh it's a new thing now i mean i quite as a mobile version you know i know it's probably not if you're if you don't if you're really into it's not. But i haven't played cod for years and about two years ago this mobile one came out you're getting into it i really got it it's actually pretty fun yeah if you're a proper gamer it's obviously like a bit basic. But like if you've not played card for age or you're new to it it's actually from for an iphone game it was free it was pretty good i did play. For for like a couple weeks but it's not as good as obviously iced always camp because that's still a turtle oh yes yeah i was a problem i know i just hide in the corner is it a wimp yeah things like literally like you can put a tent. And you just you set it up in the corner and wait for something there's a really good person that's been killing people compassion bang yeah. But then.

They come back and find you just shoot yeah that's okay. And do you play do you play like your opportunity to challenge other like tour players are they into it as well yeah no we usually play together if we do play because it's like a squad. Or duo or a trios you can play. And then.

You verse 100 other 50 people but like if other players out on tour that are in their hotel room playing against it really who else is dead into it um i don't know now. But you know crocker sean crocker sam horsfield kurt kiriyama um brandon stone no way i'm exposing people i don't know um i think kellen shinquin jordan smith you know i'm not yeah there's a couple guys that i'm not friends friends with. But you know you've got you've got friends on card or something maybe yeah can it work like like you've got friends on the ps yeah sure like i don't know someone. But you can just add them because they're good at the game. And you know you enjoy it but yeah you try to enjoy it as much as you can that's how i first got to youtube really watching cod videos yeah i was remembering this one with this guy like through a knife yeah we do that yeah it's it's fun i mean it's just a way to get it get away from it. And you know sometimes it's bad because you're like literally on it and then.

You can't sleep because your like brains like screen and yeah because you almost any time if you like. But certainly back in the day when you play with more video games and stuff you you think about it don't you even when like you're going to sleep. And stuff like that why is it when we're late. For his tee time oh he's got a good kill streak going just wait a little bit put it back a little bit who's your pals out on tour who'd you hang around with um a lot of the aussies a lot of the aussies. So ryan fox no he's new zealander of course he is yeah. So um you know jacob literally all the australians you know we're all pretty you know we've we're away from home and yeah we relate to each other. But a lot of the guys out there are really cool you know i can i can it's with the bubble it's pretty tough because it's you know we've got to be in in a pod. So pretty much me and you have to have dinner every night oh really yeah it's like yeah. And you're in the caddy uh but how do you designate them to somebody else yeah they're kind of told you've got to be with no no it's it's not that strict. But you school trip but if you yeah. But if you're a buddy it's pretty much it's a body system so you kind of have to be with someone but you know it's it every every table is social distance. So i mean you can be i can be with you every night. But it's going to be a different it can be a different table here there's actually five of us around it'd almost be like this yeah. But it's just like little two tables just like this set up or along the whole yeah. And last week was at the belfry was really good because it was three restaurants. But usually usually you know it's only one restaurant and you know sometimes it gets a bit hectic because uh there's not enough space you know there's 150 there's 140 players plus caddies sometimes they do get venues that are really good. And really big so do you like sorry do you like eating out on like is the food good when you go to like tour events it's good. And bad so well obviously you want to eat healthy um and hopefully there's you know decent decent things on the menu um but then.

There's some days where you just shoot three four over and you're like oh yeah i know those days i need a burger yesterday that's a good day that's what i'm shooting that's why i'm opening champagne i'm going back to my wife. And going let's get the steaks out let's get champagne 75. we're going out big tonight where you you do it the other way you you uh you comfort you after shooting 75. yeah yeah it's yeah it's it's tough because it's like you know you kind of want to feed yourself really good. And it's it's kind of like an investment you know you fly business because you need to take care of your body or else you're going to destroy your body just sitting up like this. For 13 hours oh that's generous maybe like 20 hours flight from australia so uh it is expensive. But um yeah it's you do you do take care of yourself you need to take care of yourself. So all those marginal gains isn't it that we talk about like one percent here like if getting a business flight over economy saves you a little bit of energy but then.

That makes a difference over a season or over career that's gonna make a lot of difference to you and yeah it's what a few k different i mean that could be not even a shot at the end of the day you know. So um yeah you look at things like that you mentioned before about the your aussie pals are you kind of friendly with have you had any like words of wisdom from like australian greats like greg norman adam scott have they ever have you ever been in contact with them. Or if they give you any advice like mentored or anything yeah um well i mean not mentor. But you know just you know it's pretty cool so at wgc you know that was my first tournament first my second pga tour tournament um. And it was just amazing you know you're there with the top i was the second worst worst second rank there. And there was literally 60 other p 60 other people that were ranked in the top 60. And you're just hanging out with them and i was having breakfast. And lunch with adam scott for like three days in a row and i'm just like i can get used to it it's pretty cool. And is it cool it's cool it is he seems really he seems really easy yeah i mean jason day. Or they're they're all pretty late i mean they're obviously if their golf's bad you know they might not be in a good mood. But yeah i mean they're enjoying their life. And they're going out there playing trying to play the one interview with jason day. And he was really i really like he's he's awesome yeah he's he's i don't know he's kind of like a brother you know he's he's kind of like my age i know he's older than me. But he's he's relatively lost him like man he's like a kid he's a kid he's a hizzy like well i loved him on those taylormade videos yeah because there was that i don't know if he saw those those long form videos that like taylor made put on youtube. And it was just him like just picking tiger's brain. For like 10 minutes and the questions he was asking. And stuff i really enjoyed i could tell he wanted to be those loving it it was like a wedge that was a wedge video that yeah. And he's like uh can you speak in like kid terms because he's like i don't know what you're speaking about tiger i could watch this video as a tiger. For hours it's just uncle that was like an hour. And a half the way you talk is just when is tiger your idol. Or because yeah yeah tiger is yeah i would say he's you know my idol yeah in golf yeah i'd look up to him. And you know he's done pretty hopefully he recovers well but he's he's pretty he's pretty cool i met him i met him a few years three four years ago at a junior tournament and him as well he was pretty he was not a kid. But he was still still a teenager you know he his mind's still young. But obviously you know there's a lot of whys and wisdom and everything he's gone through but um yeah he was he was on our level he was playing basketball jason day at that same tournament the year after uh he was playing table tennis with us ping pong you know it was it's cool like they i think they like it when they're you know helping us juniors. And helping us you know pave pave the way a little bit so it's pretty cool that's when you were a junior are you describing yourself now as almost a junior i still i still don't i'm a professional golfer. But i don't i mean i'm still a kid like people that know me they they know me as like annoying little kids i'm still i like to be called you know professional. But you know i'm i'm trying to enjoy i'm trying to enjoy life as much as i can like there's you know tour life is you know sometimes brutal. But you know i like to play cod i like to you know hang out i just yeah yeah i just like to you know having 22 at the end of the day yeah exactly i was going out getting smashed every single day oh yeah after really quiet you work at the mirror in the golf shot. So your life was like going out on a weekend driving to the golf club in the morning probably still a bit worse yeah careful yeah there's some trips i shouldn't have to take them. But you got taxis in didn't you of course there's a throw shot rough as anything thinking uh i missed mr jones how do you think you could make on turrets why don't you yeah i think i was i think the best thing. For me was realized i wasn't good enough. And i was never i never dedicated enough when i was a kid i'd never proper proper into it as soon as i came out on my local little golf course. And i wasn't the best golfer anymore and i thought i thought oh crap on the wedding it was good like it's yeah that's also a very a very you know tough to you know that's pretty impressive to like know when you're kind of like not good enough what was i think i was enough tipped yeah i think when you're close to the middle like you think you can that's the most dangerous point. For me because you can pursue it. And you can pursue it. And nobody's going to tell you you're not good enough if you've got the money you've got the backing i've still known friends who are probably similar to me still trying to make it exactly. And i think there is a time where you've got to go i just don't think it's going to work really. And that's right that's a hard thing to say it's known in yourself but i think it's because with golf everybody knows when you play well it depends on your ability. But you can play good golf good standard. And like you can hit shots that like you rick hit some shots yesterday you would like proud off exactly 17 here he went over the old course hotel literally probably 350. he was running behind 72 yards away from the pin. For this i didn't hit the green in three shots but one with that t-shirt though genuine genuinely if the open was here which is next.

Year any tour pro would have took that torch. But then.

It's everything else isn't it that's why it's so hard to let it go and admit it i can't do it what do you think's the best part of your game uh you're long off the tee aren't you usually when i play good i'm not making any like mistakes. So doubles are kind of off the card um i make plenty of birdies. So last last week the perfect example you know uh i started off three over so you know i was coming 110th. Or whatever and then.

Shot five under one of the lowest rounds so when i play good i know it's good enough but it's you know kind of getting to a level where it's very good golf and hopefully i can get to that. But um i'm good at i don't know i'm just it's it's a bit of momentum a bit of everything when everything's working everything's good yeah. But then.

It's kind of like learning to it was a bit nervous you know the first round you know i few swing changes had to trust a little bit more. And then.

You know you have nothing to lose after you when you're three over so you know you went out there and shot five one and you're like holy should've just done that you still get nervous or do you get nervous yeah. For sure how do you deal with it because i i've a lot i feel at the moment weirdly i should be experienced i feel more now that i'm managing my nerves the worst i've ever managed to write that's the hard thing because i don't know how much you practice. But pros they practice every day yeah because it's their job. And they what are you playing in what are you playing there's. So many people asking what you're playing in oh belfry you know british masters and you go out there and i know you're just you've worked hard but you've that you've worked the whole month leading up to it for that you know for that tournament and you know it's a it's pressure you know it's it's not just easy you know you hit 10 shots on the range that are like amazing why don't you just do that on the course. But you know everyone has trouble going from the range to the course tour pros these days me everyone. But it's just it's i think when you get on course on you know tour you know on european tour. And like any tournament you kind of find a way to you end up finding a way to play yeah it's completely different to when you're on playing you know with your group of friends. Or that so when you get out of the course you just i know like the first hole i missed the four footer and i'm like what did i do wrong there. And like i practiced for a month doing three or four footers and then.

I missed the first one and i'm like well i was a little slow on that routine let's just fasten it up. So for the whole week i fastened up potted pretty good right and but i was nervous on the first one you know. And you know you get a little frozen over and you're like okay that's that's not good. So then.

You kind of rationalize and you kind of know how to of course yeah cope with it. But it's a lot of people ask that even when i did a q a a couple weeks ago people were like how do you do this how to deal with that. And i think it's such a mental sport it's it's crazy like anyone can hit it you can hit it good you can hit it 350 yards. But then.

It's just like the last hole of course you need to be able to do it it's just 100 i don't know it's it's it's hard work obviously. But it's experience it's 100 experience what was it like obviously now was your first win 2019 20 turn pro 2019. And then.

So you won the vic open in 20 yeah was your crowd yeah huge. So what was that like as well playing because that was that one of the last crowds yeah it was it was yeah. So it was that. And then.

We played i think it was qatar kenya. And then.

Covert hit yeah. So it was literally like not even a month until kevin do you love playing in front of crowds it's yeah i've heart like half of the tournaments i feel like i haven't didn't get into it because there's no crowds yeah usually when i i don't know i'm pretty lucky you know i got a bit of a like a little bit of a fan base. So when i go over to any country there's always like a little group of guys or girls that come out and watch is this through instagram would you say yeah it's 100 instagram. And they they kind of you know root for you so you you want to play well for yourself but work well for them and i love playing in front of crowd especially in australia where it was kind of like a home i would say homecoming it's not my home it's you know the other side of australia. But they're so good you know the fans in australia they know how to it's kind of like the european fans they know what golf is you know sometimes if you're in a tough spot. And you've hit it to 20 feet you know clap you know but um it's yeah they just root. For you and yeah i love it i love fans do you feel like you almost show off in front of you yes yes that's i'd love to be in that situation you had the ability to you had fans watching yesterday i go the complete opposite way you have to take it a good way you have to take it a good way you can't just oh you have to think that they're helping you. And they want you to do good instead of what you probably thought oh i feel like the film would be registered yeah exactly oh obviously the time when you won that event you would have been. So happy clearly and i guess i was just before obviously your code was hitting hens because there was fans there. But after that then.

Now that obviously has been events with no fans do you look back. And are you even more kind of thankful. For your win because what's going to get to is if you won an event now without fans it's still a massive achievement. But you've not handled that no you know you can do that now it's a bit different um because fans you know there's going to be let's say ryder cup ryder cup you're playing in america. And let's say covert hit no fans like that's you you consider it a win if you're it wins. But it's it's not proper it's not proper because you're you're playing against hundreds and thousands of fans that are booing. For you you know bowing at you you know so it's i mean hopefully they're not like that. But you know there's some crowds that are like that. And especially ryder cup so i think it's a bit of both you know you've it's let's say 5-1 next.

Week it's i'm proud of myself. For winning without a fan because without fans because it's i know it's tough for me to get going without it. And you have to sometimes you just got to fist pump a power part for you know just yeah just to get going yeah. And that that's what troubled me early on covered because when we got out to play because you know you you're out there but then.

You just got you hit like a class bunker shot to a foot and like yeah there's nothing yeah no you're playing partners like good shot. But like you kind of want to be like yeah yeah yeah yeah. And all that so if you've got ambitions playing like the president's cup yeah. For sure that would be that would be cool you know they were i think the last one was in australia yeah raw moment. And that was tiger was the captain. For the usa that was pretty that was pretty that would have been sick you know just being there i'm sure cameron smith. And the aussies you know mark lee schmidt homes got you know them there there's there's so much australian talent isn't like the golf is amazing out there anyway. But like you say first off what i was talking about adam scott like craig norman. But then.

They say jason day martin smith is absolutely killing at the moment you have got some really good you know pedigree of players you know it's phenomenal really yeah um i've got two things first off can you remember the first ever dm you sent me no it sounds a bit weird i've got some thoughts about dms in a minute this is really funny i'm trying to think what do i say this was 2019 february 2019. And you are pitch not embarrassing well it is a little bit embarrassing did i say something did i did you follow me. And then.

Or did i follow you. And then.

You followed me and then.

I would have said something about that no if you featured in one of my youtube videos oh this is where you're gonna say your manager sent it you now. Or something yeah i don't know you featured one of my videos. And i was in saudi. And i was filming bryson deshambo you don't remember this 16th of february. And you took a screenshot of the video oh and i was yeah i was yeah i remember the people listening to everyone no people people watching. And yeah. And my friends are like haha look at this. And i'm like oh maybe we lose in the background you're looking very very young and brightening shampoo look in there yeah we both don't look alike. And uh is picking his nose yeah he said you have to do me like a yeah have you um you're in a relationship you've got yeah i got a girlfriend back home yeah is that hard as well um it is obviously it's actually from out much. And see you or oh it's in australia you can't really leave unless you have like a job reason but um yeah she you know she supports me a lot. And she's she lives on the other side of australia at the moment so uh she was from where i was perth. And then.

You know family moved over so um but she's not like brisbane way then.

Yeah gold coast way. So she lives like in a really nice place and you know there's uh when i go over there i would you know stay with them and uh i'll you know practice that a nearby course and there's a lot of golfers there so much yeah yeah it's just it's nice it's um it is tough relationship wise it's tough. But it's you know we we you know we're grateful of when we get to see each other hang out with each other so it's like things like the time difference right now it's hard as well yeah you're going to speak to her yeah i just first time yeah super early in the morning yeah super late at night must be challenging as well it's okay you know we're kind of used to it. So we kind of you know make the most of what what we get so it is tough. But you know it's yeah she's a yeah she's a good girl. And she you know takes care of me when i need when i need it and it's cool did she pick you up is she is she like is she kind of when you've had a bad round. And is she good encouragement. Or just take your mind does she yeah about something yeah it is good. So at first she didn't know anything about golf so she's like oh you did this. And i'm like yeah i don't why don't you shoot in 75. well i'll great bogey what does eight on that i mean what's that what's that what's that blue square why why didn't you have any red squares yeah. So many blue um it's i mean it's good amber she knows a little bit about golf. But i think it's good that uh it's good. And bad she's learned to take care of me that way you know yeah. But we try to you know talk because i suppose if you were with someone that was dead into golf that's sometimes harder like yes yeah it's they don't yeah my wife isn't into it. And so i can sometimes say to her good. Or bad i played really well today.

She's like oh great um what we're having. For tea i should like almost brush over it and it's like where i think sometimes if it was a girlfriend listen yeah she might come in she might get into golf. And you might this might be in the future but sometimes it's a bit hard where it's like it's too much golf it's just too much so if you just want to get away from it right yeah. So question then.

Um a bit of a random one but try and use our world's analogy like when we try and like have a milestone in subscribers or in views or whatever like we we unlike these journeys to hit a number like a million subscribers last year and you hit it and for like a day or two it's euphoric so happy and then.

Quite quickly i think well what's next.

How did that feel when you won your first european tour event i'm guessing. And rightly so you were. So so happy but then.

You just want more straight away how does that feel i think it well it just comes down to goals right you let's say one tournament you want to win in that year. But you win in that year and then.

You know that you can win any other time if you play good in this tournament you can win in any other tournament. So i think it's a bit of a pat on the back satisfaction tick that off. But then.

You just kind of you just once yeah on to the next.

I mean it's i know vic open was a european tour event. But you know you're striving for pj tours or wgcs or majors so that's just a great step forward to that final you know or not the final goal but like to the to the you know majors and milestones as well so i think it's i mean as athletes you want to do better every day. So i mean. So what if i mean yes good you win one let's win more i think that's the mindset you have to have at your level because some guys would obviously be like might win a local championship oh great over the moon because they've not got that drive. For more that's what stops against that next.

Level i think everyone's different you know if yeah someone wins you know richard bland let's say last week he's one was crazy yeah it's um it's amazing like 750 exactly yeah i would took his first week yeah it's pretty yeah i mean that would have been pretty brutal i don't know how many times he's lost in the playoff will come second. But to win you know at that course as well and it's yeah it's pretty special. So it's you've it's different for everyone you know obviously some people get the first win before other people but and sometimes you know you could be better than someone but everyone's got different goals and different all that so i mean yeah i mean you guys want to hit 2 million subscribers. And you just want to keep getting better you know and i don't like i don't watch every episode of what you guys do. But i mean i'm sure you guys want to help out kick me off i'll be asking. For your signature definitely um yeah you do you've got to keep driving you've got to keep pushing forward um right we're going to wrap it soon because we're going playing golf uh we're going to play golf at king's barnes state which i'm excited about have you played there before yeah i played in dunhill once. And it's it's pretty spectacular it's pretty cool not playing it so i'm looking forward to that yeah. And then.

We are playing reverse round here tomorrow yeah yeah i'm excited. For that because i know a lot of people haven't did you know this it's the one course title yeah someone said that to me. And it's pretty cool that's pretty cool it's crazy yeah. So we're gonna play that tomorrow um i'm gonna lean on you for a lot of support and advice and uh and then.

I'm playing here again monday yep kind of hopefully getting normal whatever normal way yeah. So i would have played it normal yesterday yeah we did play a set up we've not mentioned that why haven't i mentioned that we played yesterday i did a lovely surprise. For you did you beat him oh yeah yes destroyed him the one time he bloody beats me. For the old course for the old costume one time i freaking surprised him and dude i did something nice yeah surprised with my family i didn't know they're gonna be here oh really on the first team a dab of brother. And then.

When we finished my fiance and my mum was here. So it was amazing. But the best part you guys live near here four or five hours they've come up especially recognized that's around the corner but the the the best part of the whole thing wasn't seeing my fiance mum on the 18th green he wasn't seeing my dad and brother it was seeing your face on the 17th when you were done out of it yeah exactly that it's a way of golf just kicking you in the teeth in it hey do something nice i thought you know what i've done. So many nice things today.

They have to this has got 67 written all over it nope it didn't yeah yeah it was lovely anyway thank you. So much thanks for your time um if people want to follow you they're going to check you out on instagram it's the best place to get you in it yeah we're gonna play some golf i think it's gonna be class i'm excited about it. And uh thanks for being on the podcast yes thank you try stay warm. But yeah awesome to be on the podcast. And hopefully see you guys soon awesome we'll see you later i mean i mean [Laughter] i was trying to be a youtuber.