The facts show that nicholas is the greatest golf ever because he's won the most major championships. And that's what you've got to basically do [Music]. So welcome down to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shiels i'm here with producer guy co-host guys it's a weird one because it's like this is this is not the podcast this is an official podcast this this is an off the record youtube exclusive you will not hear. Or see this anywhere else in the world via this channel where else would you see in the world other than this channel anyway so normally each podcast each week we obviously do an audio version we film it as well we put it on youtube as a film version on the second channel. And then.

The audio version goes on all of the all of your favorite podcast platforms now the 101 episode yep had a little glitch mat via camera balls it up matt who destroyed it basically yeah he used the wrong hard drive. And it didn't save so we've not got a video format but i thought you guys on youtube should not miss out on a youtube video just because of matt no really i hate matt at a minute i don't hate stronghold at this point in time matt i hate you because we have to do a special version. But either way we're going to we're going to touch on a few things we've talked about in the podcast. But also a lot of things have happened over the weekend anyway which we didn't talk about on the podcast um just a quick note though joke said if you do love the podcast obviously the full audio one will put a link in there as the pinned comment in the description go listen to that full length we'll go over a few of the same topics on here as well that we covered i think yeah. And like you said a lot happened this weekend talk to me well let's even go back one step this is the first youtube video we've done after the live show yes how good was it it was very good enjoyed it yeah it feels a long time ago nowadays ages ago now when we last did that when the last podcast actually got recorded which was thursday it felt like it was. So recent the live show now the weekend's been gone it feels like live show was forever ago. So thank you to everybody that came to the live show it was incredible success we we sold out the lowry theater 450 of people attended from all around the country. And i believe some international fans came in as well to come and watch we put on a performance of an hour and a half long we managed to raise a couple of grand total figures haven't been calculated just yet even now but we managed to raise a couple of grand for christie's hospital in manchester which is a cancer charity hospital. And so amazing again thank you for your support with that and it just went down really well we had john robbins on it we had tubes and and we had james robinson sophie walker you were fantastic you won a couple of prizes which you've got there on the desk have indeed to this we had a challenge who could chop six golf balls up in the quickest time yes i won you did i think i was 50 odd seconds. And you were 48 seconds i've watched the footage back because i couldn't believe i won that. But actually what happened i started off really really slowly and really got pace towards the end this is the trophy i got that you made that you probably thought you were gonna win i did i must admit i made it really nice trophy says obviously he's on video. So i can show this to the camera that's my trophy it is it's nice. And and the glue somehow is still holding those uh those pipe cutters at the top of the glass one issue there wasn't there it was gonna go on my shelf behind us it doesn't quite fit it's a bit about an inch too tall it might sit there forever. But you know it went really well and again thank you for everybody watching and supporting and hopefully we might do lives again might be a yearly thing we might do it around certain dates um it was nice to do it. For the 100th episode and again thank you for your support to getting us to 100 episodes which is amazing um yeah lots of things have happened this weekend yes rory mcilroy won again he didn't see cj cup in vegas um i didn't watch loads of it i saw a little clips of of youtube content. And snippets um it's nice to see him playing well again it was really interesting hearing his post-round interviews talking about after the the devastating blow of the ryder cup. And how he felt like he really didn't we really underperformed and he was kind of very emotional after the ryder cup he's kind of come back here this week. And really said he doesn't have to be somebody else he needs to be rory mcilroy what does he mean by that though i think you know what i honestly believe. And we saw glimpses of this through lockdown last year i believe he was trying to chase certain players let's say bryson. So bryson is bombing out there at the moment which we'll talk about in a moment rory has always been known. For being one of the longest hitters in the world and now he's maybe not now he's kind of slipping down that rank a little bit and i think he's then.

Gone on this kind of journey to try. And be somebody that he he's not he's gone from more distance he's trying to get more power he might be trying to also search perfection in his golf swing you know he's moved coaches recently from his from his childhood coach um michael bannon michael bannon now going over to um pete cowan is all right yeah that's gone to pete cowan um you know it's a massive like change again is he making is he making big changes in his golf swing is he trying to change technique um you could look at his last couple of seasons. And say that it's it's below power for his ability he's not kind of set the world online he's he's without a major for many many years now so seven years it's been that's crazy in it for someone who's as good as rory mcilroy seven years seems a long time not to have won a major but it's interesting i think after seeing that performance at the weekend i know it was kind of a very low scoring golf course. And the total score was like 25 on the par. For the four rounds of golf which is phenomenal it'll be really interesting to see if he kind of builds on this momentum gets a really good offseason in starts the new year strong. And actually has a really really good 2022. i i want to see him play better again i think he's his ability is phenomenal. And i would definitely love to see him win majors um i mean where is he in the world ranking now he's having a look that's the thing though you think he's been bad he's still was world number eight okay he came up from 14 to eight off that win. But he's not been obviously roy mcelroy for last few years but he's still been up up and about there a lot of time hasn't it i think when someone is. So good at such a young age that you really just expect to be there forever i feel like he has been around forever well he has it's 2000 and was it 12 his first major i think it was was that the open at carnegie there's not one that opened up sorry the one he first played in is is that you saying the one he won i think his first yeah his first major was i'm trying i'm thinking of of young you might have been the pga i don't know. So he's u.s opens his first in 11 actually i thought it was 12. So 11. well i was getting confused with i thought we were talking about when he kind of first hit the scene oh we won the silver medal at um i'm sure that was cardoso have a look yeah 2007. would that have been when harrington won wouldn't it. And you remember he was like oh i either jail in the bergdah yeah it's oakley as well i think after that wasn't it straight into it he had this massive kind of barnet going on um. For 14 years he's been on the scene which is crazy well he's only 33 i think 32. So he probably gets a hard time because of of his stardom so quickly but um you know he he wouldn't like to have been 14th in the world i'm sure i don't know how much these players really think about world ranking. But you know it's nice that he's got back in the top ten um it'll be interesting to see how he kind of goes ahead because the names above him now john rahm yeah dustin johnson colin murakawa patrick cantley xander schofley bryce nashambo justin thomas it's a weird one i think the obsessive a world ranking yeah i think they will do like we obsessed about in the biggest youtube channel. Or whatever the biggest part i would obsess about well i don't know i think they do 100. But equally they're that good it doesn't necessarily define them just because rory is world number eight if he's going to the masters in two weeks time let's just say obviously it's not. But if it was he's not going to feel i'm only 8th in the world he's going to think i'm the best in the world yeah. So it's one of those weird things where it probably means so much to them but yet they can't let it become like because also you have like most majors rory is one of the odds on isn't he yeah top three. Or four even kind of irrespective of his world ranking and so was tiger when tigers come back before even when he's not been playing that well it's almost like when you've won a major before. And you can multiple times. And you show you can do it that stands. For so much doesn't it it really does. And then.

Over in the european tour again somebody who's maybe not been in the winning circle that often matt fitzpatrick or often recently matt fit patrick um the contrast of scoring because this was played at valderrama one of the hardest golf courses kind of in in europe uh the grand score there was six on the par. For 72 holes uh and i'm eight min lee came second yeah three under three on the par. And he had a really strong charge coming home he didn't kind of he there was an eagle pot on the 17th which i cannot believe didn't go in it looked like it was in all the way i don't think it would have obviously been enough to kind of win. Or put but it might just put a bit of pressure on matt fitzpatrick um but that golf course is one that i kind of want to play. But it kind of scares me because it's so difficult i've i think i've been there to watch an event when i was young. And like you said every time there's an event that i mean six under is obviously an amazing golf score. But for four rounds like these guys can go. So deep can't they must be absolutely solid i'm just looking was there any horrendous scores john rahm yeah best player in the world first round shot 78 shot 74 missed the cut. So it's like that's how diff and and he's played that place loads and loads of loads times before i actually played it just a week before and did pretty well um. But that's crazy would you rather watch the torpros like so obviously there's that contrast this week would you rather watch them of course they rip up and go super deep or one that challenges them and they kind of shoot more around level par what a great question um does it not matter because the best golfer's always gonna win. But from a spectacle i think i want i want to see lots of birdies from a spectacle. So i would probably have watched more if i had the two options you can watch this golf event. And the winning score is gonna be 25 under. Or watch this golf event and the winning scores miss six under i'd probably go 25 under yeah because i like seeing players go seven eight nine making lots. And lots of birdies personally yeah. But then.

But then.

Equally if it was holes with a going driver chipping a wedge to three foot knocking it in. Or they're going driver smash 6i into 12 to 15 foot just like do you get what i mean it's different levels of golf isn't it. And going back to like valderrama you know. For me just personally i don't mind seeing golfers struggle at a lynx golf course when it's when it's really difficult and it's really challenging and the weather conditions are like ridiculous. And everybody is kind of struggling i sometimes think with a golf course like valderrama it's almost it's. So tripped up it's so difficult and and tree-lined and sloppy and fast it's like it feels a bit crazy golfing almost in a way i do think typically a lot of people do like seeing the golf at the top pros have a bit of a tough time i would almost imagine most people watching this video would prefer to see them struggle leave a comment down below actually do you prefer seeing a really really low score in a golf event. Or do you like to see the golf pros struggle i'd be really interested i'd see both which is weird in it i like seeing the mixture i don't want to see 2500 all the time. But i do quite like seeing a player shooting like 10 under yeah something quite like whoa that's like crazy yeah. But i understand why people would like to see him like see him struggle a little bit as well it's just because it makes it more relatable doesn't it if you see a golfer hitting like you don't see them hit good shots and get punished obviously because that's just not fair but when you see them on a hole where there's like not much room to miss or whatever and then.

They go in the furry bunk and then.

They have to chip out sideways and they put to the side of green they don't go up and down make a bogey whatever it is quite nice in here [Laughter] it is you like you yeah one thing we spoke about rick actually on the podcast which obviously is out now the audio version which matt ruined which matt absolutely destroyed what's the best word just ruined is that. Or destroyed or you know what was baffled. So we'll have a look for all the words are destroyed last thursday we did the podcast. And we we it was one of our best ever yeah arguably one of our best ever. And uh we recorded it probably went for just over an hour and me and guy went back into our kind of office space and matt was finishing off doing the doing the little bits of recordings. And he came out like he came out into the room that we were in mean guy. And he looked like he look he's seen a ghost he did his face was completely white. And he was like lads um it might be an issue i was like oh no what's it gonna be. And there's there's been faults before sometimes things have not gone our way small faults have been slow faults very very i mean tiny faults like we've lost like the lens cap of the camera whatever i snapped a t a battery wasn't quite charged right little tiny things. And he said i don't think the video was recorded well some words that you could use apparently i destroy demolish pull down dismantle wreck ruin shatter um yeah there's quite a blemish devastate ouch i like all them yeah i do a blend of all of them balls up us on there as well. And bugger up so as you can see rick i'm wearing my tigers t-shirt you are. For two reasons i like it yep and secondly there's rumors that you know a little bit more well the thing is i don't know it's act like i don't know the answer to this because we've done the podcast already. So if anyone's flicking over the two it's like a general act but anyway tiger woods is potentially back yeah he's getting close to fitness he's been sitting on the on the course holding the club next.

To his son talk to me yeah well rumor has it that tiger is planning his return potentially. For a big event next.

Year whether that's going to be the masters whether it's going to be the 150th open championship at st andrews the home of golf holy mother um. Or whether it's for the cj cup next.

October in vegas or the the rickshaws golf podcast annual event at marriott woodsy park so we're not sure yet of fine details bought promising signs that he does sound like he's not only walking around it not only seems like he's getting recovery it's not only seeming like he's able to do things that we maybe thought was impossible there may be a glimmer of chance that tiger woods is gonna be seen out on the golf course again a chance of seeing tiger woods potentially winning golf events again potentially seeing tiger woods overcome jack nicholas's record. And become the greatest golfer of all time undisputed you know what's weird though about it is obvious that's what i want. And you do. And a lot of people listening watching etc do. But like are we getting carried away like what is realistic is it like because i don't know obviously none of us do exactly how bad it actually was to crash anything all the way. And so he's already got his body but like is him just playing golf again an unbelievable success story that like he will be. So happy about because he can just enjoy the game with his young son. And his family and stuff is it a case where you like you said he might get back playing competitively. And making the odd cut or is it a case that go on. And dominate you just that's you don't know and that's kind of what's weirdly daunting but exciting about it that is what was exciting i remember last time when he kind of made his return quite a few years ago now it was like oh is he going to be the same tiger woods. And at first he never looked like he was going to be. And a lot of people ruled him out incorrectly because he did come back. And he did win. And he won the masters and and he proved people wrong so i never want to kind of say he's not going to prove people wrong. But you're probably right for me at the moment i'm just happy to see there's there's maybe light at the end of the tunnel whatever that's going to look like what however. tiger woods is going to be involved in golf it can only be a positive. For golf really yes. And him and fridge family and like say it's it's a it's a different tiger now you know he's he's he is a a dad he's got commitments to his family you know he i'm sure he wants to just go. And play night holes with his son when he when he can you know. So his his goals might have changed i don't think they have. But his his ambitions might be different like he might be thinking i just want to get on the golf course again to to compete and to you know have a bit of a wander walk around do you think though realistically if we're getting in well i was gonna say forget about the injury we can't that is part of it. But like he's won 15 majors now jack nicholson's got 18. so he needs three to tie four to win obviously we've just said then.

About how rory hasn't won a major. For seven years and how good he's been and that's had some off points admittedly but how good he's been you know in fact let me just quickly how many has dustin johnson won three majors uh i think he has. Or even two quickly i'll find this three i think um he's won two. So tiger has still got a win to beat jack nicklaus at four so double what dustin johnson has had in his whole career is it is it gonna happen. And i want it to and i don't understand oh i'd love it too i'd love to witness it is it going to happen realistically if you had to bet your house. And it now and don't don't think of the tiger fan hand on heart what you actually believe i i don't think i would bet my house on it um i don't know i'd bet on it 15 pounds yeah yeah higher i've got higher than that um would you watch is that your heart speaking though was it genuine hand on heart now thinking with your everything really like do you think he's gonna win four more major championships my head tells me no my heart tells me yes like is that a wish though because it is yeah yeah of course it is it's it's it's i want to have lived in the time frame where we saw the greatest golfer ever live undisputed that's it i think he'll still go down as that. But they'll always be that little asterix won't they there's always going to be that question mark like you said nobody can have a a real argument. Or a discussion around who's the best player ever because unfortunately the facts was not unfortunately. But the facts show that nicholas is the greatest golf ever because he's won the most major championships. And that's what you've got to basically do you think then.

Because i again huge huge tiger fan in my opinion obviously i was born in the year 1990s where i literally followed his rise as from when i first started playing golf at 96.97 to me he'll always be my favorite golfer. And the best golfer but when i say the best golfer again i'm speaking with my heart in order for anybody to be the best at anything there typically has to be a quantifiable number of what that might be whether it be long jump or javelin whatever it mean anything if you go off majors one he's four behind he's three behind sorry yeah if you go off i think even actual events won he's not had as many as nicklas as he um i don't think he has i don't think he has golf um. So you have to measure it off something you can't measure off how he's changed the game and how we feel about it you have to measure it off events and majors is what obviously professional golf typically goes off yeah uh yes well no he's tied with sam's need. For number one for most wins well okay then..

So if he wins more wins would that give him potentially possibly the goat state well he is the goat in my opinion. But would that give him the status they're both on 82. what wasn't it what was jack nicholson then.

73 all right okay. But you know what's mad as well not this kind of matters but how many second place major nicolas got to contrast that so was tiger. So many top 10 finishes maybe not second place but so many top 10 finishes um another one going back to this tiger has got to win the same amount of majors rory currently has well that's it i've pulled this up now. So you've got tom morris jr and tom morris senior both have got four yeah right ernie ells four rory four brooks kepker four you know these are i mean they're still still still going. But then.

You've got vj singh three harrington three spieth three and these are all people even if spiff never played golf again he's not going down he's gonna be in the hundred percent the golf hall of fame isn't it greg norman two bernard langer two mark o'meara two like you look at some of those like two winning a major obviously is unbelievable within multiple majors is ridiculous. So it just puts that into some level of perspective without sounding kind of negative how much of a challenge it is. But oh my days i hope he does it i hope he does it. And you look at the list below nicholas and tiger like walter hagen 11 ben hogan nine gary player nine tom watson eight i'm a palmer seven i mean these are absolute legends yeah sam snead gene sarason bobby jones harry varden nick faldo's won six phil mickelson's won six sevis won six uh series won five like i mean to win a major is astronomical i mean it almost weirdly again puts into perspective 18 major championships jack nicholas that is i i almost forget how incredible that is yeah because we didn't live through 100 you know what else is mad i said this to you before it's all on podcast. Or off but i remember so vividly that phil mickelson was the best golfer to not have won a major yes because i'm looking at his first one was an o4. So i would be like 13. so i was well into my golf then..

And he'd never and now he's won six and what's also i saw a status today.

That i think rory becomes the is it the fifth. Or sixth youngest ever to win 20 times the pj tour all right okay. And phil nicholson was ahead of him. So phil nicholson by the age of 32 was already an established legend. But he didn't when he's first made so i think 33. Or 34. so think about that like again i can vaguely remember i can remember that. But how good of a golf phil nicholson was before he won his first major. And now he's won six and once he won that first one he went on a run and obviously won even just last year this year so he won his like his most precious yeah 2021 yeah his most previous major was this year. So yeah i mean i i i don't know i want to say yes he's going to do it. But i'm not sure so ready for this jack nicholas is winning span. For mages his first one was 1962 okay his last one was 1986.. So 24 years yeah tiger's first was in 1997. how many years later is that now 20 i don't know 23. 24 years 24 now right now yeah oh my goodness oh yeah across this wow. So there you go it's possible but who knows don't rule them out yeah now we did just briefly last again on the podcast we're kind of repeating ourselves a little bit. But i think you guys are the youtube viewers should have this discussion as well um mr deshambo bryson shambo um loved him at the ryder cup yeah i found that he was phenomenal the the the facts he was absolutely bombing the golf ball hitting it a ridiculous miles really captivated the kind of atmosphere of the ryder cup um we got a couple of comments saying we haven't touched on the ryder cup we did doing the podcast recently. But um america well done you're absolutely smashed just a bit it was a dominating performance the usa team was ridiculously better. And i think there was a slight unfair advantage just because you you've got such it was a home advantage anyway. For the usa and then.

We had no support there really at all which you could say is a slight disadvantage. For us but i think even if it was a normal ryder cup year. And we had all our fans out there i think the usa team was just far too strong yeah. And it slightly worries me because the the how young the usa team is i think they're going to dominate. For a long long time like dj is their oldest player. And he's still in the prime of his golf this is why though jokes aside i've had this discussion before the ryder cup's overrated. And blah blah blah people don't like it when i say that which i understand because it's so held in such high regard i do enjoy when it's on. But the only thing i find difficult is if you're like a football soccer fan in america a football fan over here when the season finishes you've got. So much chats before the next.

Season because of the signings you may get etc etc but with the ryder cup now what you're saying is correct they've got such a good team. And they've got such a good amount of youngsters in that only gonna get probably get better but we want to be at the ryder cup now for the 23 months really so it's like it just kind of goes to everyone's mind and it comes back in again and the team might be totally it could be you know it could it could be you know and it has happened before where a winning team like there's no guarantees those same the 12 players. For 12 players are going to be in in two years time that's all like it's gonna be a completely different mix again i do like the ryder cup i do. But i just wish that it would be good if it kind of somehow kept some level of do you know what i don't know like i think that you i think the usa team described it really well there was an interview. Or there was interviews going on loads. But the usa team play for the usa like they play for their their country like they're proud of they were born there that's where that's kind of what who they're playing. For the european team play for the team they play for the european team well that's it because we don't feel players the players next.

To him you know rory doesn't want to let you know matt fitzpatrick down or lee westwood down and pulter doesn't want to let you know shane lowry down or whatever it may be because in europe we've not got that connection that's it i mean obviously with everything going on with brexit all sorts. But we've not got that kind of connection because we just don't feel that do we really we live we're in europe obviously. But it's not i'd never say i'm european but that's also what's weird in england if someone said oh i'm going to hold him going around traveling around europe when you're from england wouldn't you yeah yeah where americans kind of. Or people correct me for wrong but americans kind of just put us in that we're eur we're just europe oh you're in europe i don't know right another one but um going back to my point bryson was incredibly impressive um he then.

Went on the week after to play in the world long drive championship. And came eighth i think we said in the end um i'm becoming a big fan i really am i understand i think. And even since the podcast on thursday i think i've become even more of a bigger fan what's changed. And stuff social media's class it's really good like you can you're really getting involved i'm really getting involved do you regret all the stuff you've said on twitter now like calling him about the chat. And four and stuff oh no he should still he should still. But you should but like the stance you took it was quite strong. And like called him out do you feel like he should not have they're just trying to get clicks um no in a serious note like i still think there's a couple of things that he he could do better just just. For me it's more traditions and things like that that he could be shouting for any you know whatever but on top of that i've got to kind of give him a lot of credit because of what he's doing for golf the excitement like when when i'm on instagram this is a good barometer. And i'm going flicking through instagram stories i'm excited to see his his circle at the top of the page now question then.

He's obviously getting massive on social media. And he wants to be growing his youtube channel and his other stuff does a part of you feel like i'm guessing obviously i'd love to collaborate with him do you ever feel like because of all the full stuff on twitter that you might be like no no you might not do it jack. And he wouldn't even even know jackie will know about that um yeah i think he would be bothered. Or not who knows we'll find that way should we collaborate why don't you invite into collab right now see what happens bryson if you're watching i'm really sorry i'm really i'm really really sorry about all the four stuff i know first off what you're doing for the game of golf is phenomenal keeping up um you're really changing the game if you ever want to do a collaboration let's do a collaboration you can teach me how to hit the ball a long way i'll teach you how to shout. For in a safe responsible way um i think a collaboration with bryce will be sick i think there would be a lot of that'd be a really popular video you know what though as well like speaking about i know we are kind of obsessed with social media to some degree. And obviously but like from watching his actual youtube videos i was a fan of what he was doing. For the game and some of the distance stuff and obviously i'd seen that not shouting for wasn't over the keen on that jokes aside but from watching his youtube channel and certainly the behind the scenes stuff you do see him as a kind of normal 20-something lad with his mates chilling with him. And actually i think. So and as nice as a laddie is. So many other people could do that as well. And make you feel more connected with them because it's like it is hard sometimes you see them on the golf course hitting golf shots you see them in interview afterwards where they might be quite kind of standard like yeah you know i've hit it quite well today.

I need to work on my chip into there. And it's quite like almost semi-robotic not as much in golf as in like football i think it's very robotic in football. So well media trained but even then.

We spent time with minwoo lee you see this lad in real life and what he's into and his stuff and you actually become so more so much more connected with them i think. So many more golfers if they've got the time like should should do more on social media to get that fan base not even. For making money but just to let people in a bit more yeah you're dead right. And i feel like what you i'll tell you where i really again going back to i watched more clips since again the podcast was on thursday him on that full send podcast with the elk boys i mean it's a real it's completely removed from golf i mean it's. So different uh i mean those guys are absolutely crazy. But you saw a totally different bryson again like you saw i felt like he was a guy i could hang around with that guy. But did you not think though as well i completely agree it's kind of should be obvious because when you think about it when you're playing golf you act differently playing golf than you would just chilling certainly if you're playing golf with other people. And you're playing golf for money and you're playing golf professionally it's very hard to be yourself and to well not to be yourself but well you have to show that other side of you and that's why every now and again you get that kind of golfer that does i.e a sevi. Or like a john daly or a beef yeah they get massive amount of like loyalty. And fans because they are bit different whereas somebody like again knows about matt fitzpatrick he might be an unbelievably nice lad i'm sure he is not cool. But i'll never see him as being a golfer correct and i'd like to see more of that side of their life but it's difficult i guess isn't it yeah. And some of them might not want to share it they might want to keep things private and get all that completely um but honestly i feel like what bryson is kind of doing at the moment with not only what he's doing on the golf course. And his golf and how he's changing the game how he's hitting the ball further i honestly believe he's going to dominate at some point i'm not quite sure when it's going to all click into place i really do think he's going to go on a run to dominate. But the fact he's going into that these long drive tournaments the fact is he's doing videos with like the nelk boys. And he's doing like really fun things he's doing that thing with bro with brooks capco in vegas where it's him and they're having this match for 12-hole match yeah i might not be dead into that. But it's it's a bit different it reminds me of kind of maybe what we do on youtube like we like to try. And do different things we like to try. And entertain the audience i feel like he's doing that but in his own kind of special way that's what we need like we've said. So many times about how we got into golf massively tiger influenced that and certainly kept you going. And so many golfers now if you're under the age of 35 maybe even a bit older maybe 140 pretty much you grew up loving watching tiger we do need amazing golfers that play the game very well. But we also need those personalities that can inspire people correct. And bryson i think he's driving that yeah i mean again going back to like personalities you look at even like emma rather i kind of got a name now. For tennis she'll be bringing in so many young girls into tennis because she's fun she's relatable she's showing her personality and social media and things like that and i feel like if a sport can capture these stars. And they can really propel them into a different level um i'm just not sure if if golf as as a whole propels those kind of superstars as high as they could do um it's hard though isn't it because even when football if you score a goal. And you go and celebrate that can show your personality more can it it's like with gaza with the famous golden the the thing we laid down. And got the stuff sprayed in his face it was like the dentist chair obviously he was already known. For being a character but that emphasizes that but in golf it's hard isn't it and if bryson smacked the drive and started proper cheering people might not like that but actually that would show his personality more yeah define balance it really is because you are balancing traditions. And your personality a little bit like you've got to please a lot of people in golf like there's lots of different age ranges lots of different backgrounds which is great obviously that's why golf is. So amazing but you've you've to be really really popular you've almost got to relate to every single body that's watching which is. So so so hard yeah. But you know he's doing good i really like i'm starting to really really like him a lot levels really liked him no you've not liked him as much as i have i've really really liked him i like him more i love him um i like this this this was kind of quite a nice riff yeah we learned a new word after the live podcast we'll just riff it nice little riffs um we didn't want to disappoint you guys at the youtube audience uh we wanted to put something out here today.

So hopefully you enjoy this little clip podcast will be back next.

Week normal service hopefully because we're going to employ a new producer yeah. So matt doesn't balls it up format but also if you've enjoyed this go listen to the audio one as well because a bit like this a bit different and there was a few more elements we just riffed like an hour 55 minute riff it was how long we've been running this one format [Music] right thanks. For watching like and subscribe.