I said what did you shoot he said i i i didn't play great. And i shot like one under yeah what the hell i honestly makes me think i've never been good at golf [Music] welcome to the rickshaw golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy uh we've just been chatting about phone usage yes. And how we're both gonna go phone free eventually one day only a typewriter an aquila pen it's just scary when you actually really look into how much you use your phone certainly me i must admit i have definitely got i'm rick and i'm addicted to my mobile phone well you've just you've been saying to me how you're getting better we've just gone through our screen time off camera and yesterday you were five. And a half hours and honestly i thought i'd done better i honestly felt like i'd not touched it yesterday that's worrying social media is the devil if you're yeah watching golf tips. But other than that it's the devil it's a weird weird thing i'm trying to be a little bit more conscious about screen time just for my own sanity do you know what i mean. So i've deleted tick tock off my phone and i've actually deleted twitter off my phone good and youtube studio but nobody really needs to know that um i feel better not having twitter on my phone yeah. So i'll still check it probably once a day go on safari just go on twitter already have a quick scroll like a few posts do a few retweets. And i'm off because constantly you end up just refreshing and refreshing what what are you refreshing. For you know the worst thing with the phone on social media it's like you said then.

You look at tick tock tick tock is absolute nonsense really isn't it it's just absolute stupid videos. And the worst thing like i do watch quite a lot of tv. But weirdly i feel watching tvs better than me on your phone i don't know why i feel like that cause it's both wasting your time well well it is. But it feels that certainly on tv the screen first off is much further away from you it's not literally i select that next.

Time it's not literally right in front here. And you're watching something you're watching it to be entertained and it's not just constant scrolling nonsense scrolling for no reason um i mean we discovered last week one day last week i spent over an hour on my phone on tick tock these are 15 seconds well to be honest you can get some three minute videos now just of utter nothing. So i'm off tick tock i've still got a profile on there so if you want to follow me on tick tock rickshaws pga but at the moment i'm having an instagram's your one though that's what you need to give insta insta insta stories insta stories is where i live. But do i don't why'd you care do you know what i've got fomo fomo fear of missing out important people that you don't know that well doing something about it anything i've got fomo over yeah like yesterday we went pumpkin picking okay. And traditionally the shields family we're running late and there's four families that when we all went together and we actually thought we didn't think we were running late we thought we were on time. And we only arrived a few minutes later but the car part was really busy it took us ages to get in. And we saw the other families like already there and i was like oh i feel like i'm missing out on something like. So i think that's my i need to get over that i'm the party the party starts when i arrive no no other time. So yeah a little bit less time on phone um a little bit more time on family. And thoughts and business and fitness and meditation that's going deep early in the past if you're doing meditation. Yet um i really don't i think you're gonna struggle with that i've done a few what the card now that i was going to pick on my phone then.

Uh affirmations what's yours. So it's like i must admit the slightly weird youtube videos at the moment where it's like i am strong i am brave i am powerful and i'm like okay i've probably done 30 seconds. And i'm out of this because of that so i've tried a bit of that but i i don't know if that's going to continue well it's not going to continue. But yeah you know what you said you'd do a little bit of meditation every day yeah i'm keen on trying it mm-hmm that's good apps headspace is a good one my um calm is a good one about how long i just do 10 minutes normally i like it i think that's what i need in my life well even it's just 10 minutes weirdly it's on your phone i have a big headphone that one's got now do it on that in my office on a chair sit up nice is it good do you have to cross your legs. Or anything no no it's not like um all that stuff it's just like it'll be about breathing techniques. And being the moment and not being on your phone looking at nonsense and stuff not scroll it says do not use tick tock tick tock i think tick tock you can get rid of that it's not the devil's yeah um anyway welcome to the rickshaws golf show golf podcast in a weird way because i've not been on my phone i know nothing what's happened in the golf world this weekend um congratulations by the way well that's yeah i am owed a lot of congratulations because liverpool destroyed manchester united by five goals to zero. And it was all thanks to me as a fan as a fan an armchair fan. So i'm not i'm not a football fan anymore of course you're not i've really got my foot just imagine you just stuck to liverpool last season you're debating it ah could have been so much more fun yeah yeah. So i've unfortunately um got wrapped up in the world of football i'm watching it all the time and i'm kind of in it in a week i proper watch the match yesterday um did you be like was it proper watch it already on your phone during this no i had it uh i think i proper watched it had the kids around yeah. So yeah um i had to keep the kids distracted. So my tactic is after pumpkin picking yesterday went in the morning kind of lunch just after lunchtime i was like right kids let's do pumpkin let's do all the carving. And stuff which by the way is buddy hard work you know what hand on heart i don't ever believe i've carved a pumpkin not very nice is it overrated it's horrible inside it's like guts. And it was only oh i think top tip. For all the parents out there and i'm sure everybody in the world knows this but i discovered it yesterday after only carving three pumpkins so i chopped the top off and then.

Started scooping it with a spoon okay. And it this is taking like forever why is this taking. So long surely it doesn't take this long and i'm doing it i'm getting the kids involved putting their hands in scooping it all out and then.

I thought hold on there must be a quicker way to this so i tipped on its side right okay. And literally just went round the inside of the pumpkin so all the seeds all literally just like carved it round and then.

Just tipped it out and bang i did it. So much quicker it's a little top tip for all the parents out there they needed more time to scroll once i've done that with the kids i was in the good books with the wife i was in the good books with the kids. So i could sit down flick the old tv the old box on and watch watch united get demolished by liverpool which was very disappointing um. So yeah that was that was the kind of weekend really. So i didn't watch any golf um i know the zoho thing was going on in uh tokyo which hideki matsuyama won there was an event in mallorca which jeff has won which he's actually been on the channel before if people have remembered the old um qualifying. For the european talk card yes. So weirdly now out of that little mini documentary that we did we followed the lives of three golfers three of them got through three of them didn't out the three that got through two of them have won now dan gavin's. And jeff winters yeah. So anyway little what point can we claim letting him do with those though because that feels like it was three years ago now i honestly think if i saw jeff winters at the event he wouldn't even bat an island at me you know your wife wouldn't buy his eyelid though you know that's right i'm not gonna let him i'm not gonna back myself tick tock superstar he's added he's. So unbattered he so fixed his eyelid why is. So anyway congratulations jeff um good victory right well um got quite a decent podcast lined up today.

I feel like we've gone really deep straight away we have it's just what people want go ahead um hopefully matt won't ball this one up this week. So the video and audio one should be the same last week we had an error which um there was an error with the film in recording. So we did a little bonus kind of spin-off podcast. Or a video on the youtube channel we did it was very similar to the audio one. But still different just a bit did a bit better maybe was it better was it worse you know different on it. And so if you are a listener of the podcast you didn't know we filmed them we do if you go onto youtube. And search for the rick shields golf show there's a channel there is 128 000 subscribers i think now you can watch the podcast instead of listening to them different choice we've got in our studio we've got some nice cameras we've got someone manning them come over. And enjoy the video yeah you could maybe stop listening now oh. And now you could be watching me so you could be watching now and then.

Go back to listening whatever you want to do. But few emails in and we've got a nice dear rick so dear rick is one of my favorite sections of this show ricky people email us podcast rickshield.com keep them coming we've got loads we can't get through the mall. But we do go through. And look at them all and apply as many as we can. And obviously read out that the best of the best but we've actually will come on site in a bit i've had a question. For me this sweet ring which i wanted to um read out because you want me to read it because it was. So outlandishly off the mark that i wanted to address it okay. So it says from christopher gorman hi guy and rick i like how this is not anonymous when it says oh no it's yeah you'll see what i'm coming on to i have a question. For guy which ideally will be read out by rick. For change so i've stopped that already because i read it we could have read it out but i've already read it beforehand because i go through the emails typically with a guy being a three or four handicapper depending on the whs etc which is correct technically has he ever considered dropping his amateur status to compete in open qualifying. Or any other professional events i'm not dismissing guys ability and in actual fact i'm praising his skill level but i've always been curious as to how guy would stack up against top pros in the country great show keep up the good work and then.

He's put chris gorman a three-time clubhouse member so being in the clubhouse means you listen to every episode of the rickshaw's golf show podcast so i'm guessing to do it triple it's a triple clubhouse not once not twice. But thrice as he listened to every episode if that if he's not a liar because i don't think chris gordon's a lie do you he thinks you can make it on tour well. So that's what i'm going to come on it might be delusional no he's not at all he said compete in open qualifying. So if i decided tomorrow to drop my amateur status then.

I could legitimately compete in open qualifying next.

Year you could or i could enter a professional event obviously not european talks i'm not a card i could go to a local like pj north region or maybe not pj north i'm not pj could i oh no you'd have to go to what they called it 1836. Or clutch tour or um there's a few it's an answer to chris's question um how would i get on i would be absolutely trash horrendous he'd be man united against liverpool yesterday yes. And i would be man united yeah as you just said mine's blows i can't even believe there's a question no. So obviously i think probably where the kind of question stems from is that when you're a full handicapper you can do your pga training. And you can become a pj golf pro yeah in theory you could drop your own status at any point you could have 18. And say i want to play in a pro event and i'm going gonna pay the money to enter correct. And see how i get on i would be absolutely horrendous because although my handicap officially is i think it's 3.4 i've not played very much. For a long time if i went out and played tomorrow and played really good golf i probably would be about three or four over par and that would be playing really nicely hole in puts hitting it pretty straight and probably like around the golf course that you know maybe as well exactly and i'd be really happy with that and i'd be yep chuffed if i did that like around the marriot which is what i would be quite happy with doing very happy doing. And there was a local pj event on the winner would probably be five six under i'm guessing i have one one round tony well i hosted one last year yeah um like i did a bit of presenting stuff. And it was a absolutely horrendous day really windy really wet terrible. And the winning score i was thinking i think they asked me what's going to be winning score today.

I thought well anything underpass gonna gonna have a chance yeah something like six under one it's outrageous i don't i'm thinking oh my god like these guys are just. So good um yeah i think it's difficult i understand when people will they see you chipping one-handed on instagram exactly. And suddenly jump to conclusions i'm really good i'm not and it really is i mean. So we've got a video coming out this week on friday i went to play the hardest goals we're going to come on a minute. So don't course in the uk i spoke to a really good friend of mine who played um either you're a pro or something there called chris hanson yeah he said how did you get on um i said oh yeah questions results in the video coming soon i said what did you shoot he said i i i didn't play great i shot like one under yeah what the hell i honestly makes me think i've never been good at golf is it like it's. So these guys and chris hansen played in tour playing the open amazing player one of the best i've spoke about him before plays in college i think he does listen to the podcast as well. But like he can't make it yet he can rock around one of the hardest golf course in the uk. And post a number that's it's all perspective and if you're like um an 18 handicapper you might see somebody that's off 12 has been a really good player and the article play 18 is good it depends it all depends on what your component against we asked this question a while ago if you remember we said what is a good golfer yeah the amount of responses we had some people said plus five some people said a top row someone said eighteen someone said breaking a hundred it's all relative to what you determine like a three. Or four handicapper in some ways is good. But i am not a good golfer at all like i could go out tomorrow shoot 90. yeah like these guys who are actually winning local events. And qualifying for the opening they don't do that though exactly. So nice question chris nice question thanks for being three times clubhouse member um if anyone beats that if anyone that's good if you've anyone that's a good question actually if anybody has ever listened to the podcast more than three times over i can't believe they have if they have let us know emails podcast rickshaws.com that is hardcore let's find the most hardcore listener are you the most hardcore rickshaws golf fan that's a lot of hours because of roughly an hour episode roughly wow. So it's 102 hours to get to where we are now. So 306 hours of dedication and that's as much time as i use on my phone in a week i mentioned how many times you could listen to the podcast but you kind of every time i picked my phone up it automatically started playing the the podcast that's what that's what i do let's get listens up i'd complete it 10 times over you would have um. So yeah you alluded to it then.

This week well last week should i say with a little trip we did a little road trip er doors it was super early i got up at 5am yeah me too um i drove there i was a passenger not by you by somebody else's come on in a minute i've got a real qualm with what you did something you did it really ruffled my feathers i'll come on twitter the blanket yeah that re. So right i told that about this let me just come on to this for a minute cause this is really what's wrong with that because i'll tell you what's wrong with them if you're fine with it then.

You're fine with it. So set the scene on friday we went to a golf course in darlington which is kind of on the way to newcastle nowhere near like an hour away from newcastle kind of on that around about 2 hours 15 from from us. So i left my house and matt came to my house we were in one car we talked about in ball's nut podcast. And now we can improve that good shot he then.

Fell asleep pathetic um harry picked you up. And you went in harry's car yeah what i'm thinking of rick shields i'm thinking of he likes playing his phone he's alright golf i also think he's the kind of guy that doesn't really moan that's what i would think you just get stuff done just like never i'm a get-goer he never says he's tired he never moans just gets on with it. And i like that you turned up at the golf course you lift off harry you had a blanket wrapped around you in the morning you got all the car the blanket i don't think i had it on in the morning it was close by. But not on me and then.

On the way home which will come onto trip in a minute on the way home you overtook us in the motorway. And you were leaning against the window with the black catching flies the blanket round your head. And look at almost a tabby really let down by richmond well you took a blanket like that's not your vibe all that you should be sat there just like taking it in just like yeah it was a tough day long day i got beat up by the golf course. But i'll take it so talk to me about this blanket let me explain so do you see where i'm coming from. Or not normally i'd be dead against it yeah okay normally i would i i've been your camp blanket i'm i'm anti-blanket yeah okay anti- comfort. But um so what happened recently i've been getting up super early in the morning and over a period of time do not stop wetting the it bed me quite fatigued. So on friday i go we go up early in the morning again okay five o'clock um i don't want to boast. But i did a little cheeky workout in the morning which definitely set me up. For disaster for the day and uh quarter to five or six o'clock sorry harry turned up to my house so i had all my camera game my um bag my trolley um everything i was running in the car okay i'm thinking to myself okay i'm not a passenger very often am i no like most of the time when i do a trip i drive yeah the reason why i asked harry to pick me up because i had this tactic in mind okay. For the journey home so because i've been quite fatigued again my own fault friday night we had some friends coming around okay. And it was going to be a big sesh yeah i'm talking drinking i'm talking drinking [Laughter]. So friday night we had some friends around and i wanted to be alive i wanted to be you know upbeat ricky shields you know definitely ricky shields not rick at that point the the heart of the party you know i'm blasting the tunes you know i want to be i want to be there you don't even go for a wii in that duration of time do you want to miss out on anything you're holding it in yeah rick why are you in pain because i need a weight i'm not missing anything. So so so i thought tactical here i thought if i'm getting back so set up early in the morning i'm already tired because i've my own fault i've been getting up early in the mornings if i then.

Go and play this ridiculous hard golf course a rock cliff hall video coming this week and then.

I've got to get home in the car i'm gonna be absolutely exhausted i'm gonna be walking through the door at five o'clock like falling asleep wanting to sleep and our friends will come around a half five like that's how early the session started yeah i did that. So i was like right i'm putting all my stuff in the car. And there's something other than i'm thinking to i'm thinking to myself i have a little nap on the way home that's what i'm gonna do harry don't mind. And that in principle i'm not opposed to so so i had a tactical nap in mind i thought that's what i'm gonna do. And i thought to myself harry's car is it geared. For comfort not at all is it is it the luxury limousine that i'm used to no. So i thought to myself you know what i think i need to modify some things here. So just as i'm leaving the house literally just as i'm leaving it in my garage at the moment which was what was my golf studio it's a bit of a tip at the moment. But there's some there are some outdoor blankets that we use. For the fire table okay. So i grabbed one instinctively grabbed one didn't even think about it didn't even didn't even cross my mind we didn't think about my feelings we would be talking three days later about this on the podcast. For a length of time took it in the car i might have apologized to harry i might said sorry mate i'm gonna bring a button kill we don't mind. So anyway drove up i didn't sleep on the way up didn't check my phone in fact i didn't check my phone so much you rang me twice like overslept so go up there um played golf got battered by the golf course size got back in harry's car i gave him 10 minutes of my time and then.

Blank and then.

I was gone yeah blank it up against the window. And i slept for a solid one hour 50 minutes he took me back home um half five my guest arrived and i was rocking. And rolling cali who could look them in the eye did they know about it the blanket of course he didn't know about the blanket i i i did a good stint minimum midnight i got to at least i'm not having it even then.

I wanted to fall i could shake your hand on a pillow i could i could i didn't have a pillow though it's just a blanket i thought was functional because sometimes you know when you take a pillow it's not the right size. For the spot you've over yeah i'm not i'm not you're not going to change my mind blanket you can like manipulate it against the side of the window. And the side of the chair and it's got a lot more flexibility and if i was a bit cold say how he wanted the car cold yeah you might be like that type of guy i've got options if you can sleep at night that's up to you with a blanket without a blanket. But anyway that was that video was coming this week. And it was as you've said it was you playing the hardest. And longest golf course in the united kingdom yes nearly 8 000 yards yes brutal long rough big huge greens of undulations massive bunkers you hitting three wood second shots on par fours there were some powerfuls i couldn't reach into it's outrageous path threes are all like 220 yards i hit a driver on the bathroom he did there's water around the pathways as well. So this this golf course has a course ranking so if you were a scratch handicapper you would be allowed seven shots over your handicap wow. So the course index is 79.3. So a power 72 so a scratch on the cup and go around in 79. it's outrageous find out what i did it was it no to be fair it was a really good oh say it's a good video if not in the edit. Yet it's gonna be a good video but yeah it was just stupidly hard i could not play that golf course off those tees i could have shot a million. And there are more options at that golf course there are obviously shorter tees i've played that golf course before. For normal tea and the golf course is beautiful it's actually a lot nicer than i remember it being as well i know i've been there once you've your first visit we got treated lovely nice food afterwards um tracy in the pro shop she was lovely tracy. And just the whole vibe of the place is one of those one of those places that i could frequently visit. And not really get bored of the only thing i said to you on the golf course i kind of undervalued is how like good the greens were. And the condition of it because i was just constantly focused on how long it was like you were hitting second shot let's say it fall right into a power four i was thinking about that rather than how good the actual course looks. But it was a really good course. And hopefully a really good video yes people like seeing you get beat up on the golf course as do i i'll be honest i like seeing you play well i likes when you get beat up as well it's relatable it was you know what was nice though about it in a weird way it was a genuine excuse like this is the hardest golf course. And you were tired. And i was tired i should have slept on the blanket on the way down you know what actually i want to watch that video. And just think this man took a blanket with him. And just if you lose a bit of respect from that's up to you i'm not saying you should so if you soon start feeling sorry for me just remember that and you'll go i'm not sorry for this man a blanket in a glass of milk you had with it right so i've got something here that i i can't believe this is real okay okay. And i think like chris listened to the podcast three times yeah this is even more of a lie. But it's in black and white it's more of a lie oh listen to liars um yeah i've read it. And i wonder if there is a typo in this that then.

Makes it seem. So outlandish okay hit me i don't think there is. So it's not idea it's just literally an email so it says dear rick and guy love the podcast and youtube content keep up the great work just wondering if you wouldn't mind reading this out to your listeners in the next.

Couple of weeks i'd be interested in your thoughts and how you dealt with this situation now it does yeah okay i'm gonna read it last weekend our club member our club members were invited to play the annual captains day followed by the usual prize presentation free buffet entertainment in the evening all paid. For by the captain as always there are a handful of prizes up. For grabs and as you can imagine everything that's gone over the last 18 months it was well attended by a decent number of members of all abilities yep the main prize was a stable competition. And it was 95 of your handicap off the back tees to my knowledge there was no handicap limit the eventual winner was a young lad in his mid-20s having recently just joined the club his winning staleford score of a handicap of 31 okay was 54 stableford points that's a lot. So 18 under his handicap okay beating an eight handicapper into second place by 10 points. And that eight handicapper on the day played to scratch so the eight handicapper got 44 points played to scratch obviously had the absolute day of their life and lost out by 10 points right the winner walked off with a hundred pound cash prize nice i believe he made a speech to an almost stunned audience thanking the green keepers etc before um being informed of a subsequent handicap cut okay this is where i find how to believe now it comes in. So he's off 31. so all that you believed well i believe somebody can get 54 points very hard to do. But there's off 31 played to 13. it could happen so he was playing off 29 as well it's 95 okay she's playing 29. So he's actually played to 11 then.

Yeah this isn't going where you think it's going i think you're going to go at cheating route it's not going that way this is what gets weird the subsequent handicap cut as calculated by england golf was huge okay from 31 to 6.6 having taken into account his three birdies. And one nr blob on the par 73 track which i may add has a slope rating of 139. now i must admit that's in america is it no it's over here now i'm not massively up on slope rating. So that must be a tough one sure people will be knowing now because i've not played many comps in the new handicap system. But i think 139 is a tough one i'd be interested to see if any of your listeners have known of a higher score than this. And what are your thoughts on whether it should have been addressed. And challenged by the club i don't know much about the lad other than he comes from good golf in stock he has a sibling of plus four and his old man can play having previously been a scratch golfer it would good to be here your thoughts this is probably gonna go down in club folklore oh my god is it like nick faldo's grandson. Or like lee westwood the first first party yeah like what you said the first part is how amazing of a score that is outrageous which. So he shot 13 over he shot 13 over pat well no 11 over if you're saying he's off 29. 29 is nice he's shot yeah he's shot 11 over power then.

If my match is correct yeah he's played he played 1800 handicap yeah. So if yours is off twenty nine eighteen under will be eleven over power yeah. So that's that yeah okay plus he's had a blob. And he's a blob yeah. So so effectively and i know that this world handicap system can be a bit bizarre depending on how many comps you've played. But to be cut from 31 to 6.6 and that's where i found that it should be 16.6 but that would seem then.

To not quite fit the narrative of the story because that would almost seem semi-believable caught a low it'd still be ridiculous so so and he's had three birdies he's lost 25 shots off his handicap that must be some of the clubs done just as opposed to just whs i i don't don't know can you still have general general play adjustments i suppose a lot of it comes down to what his last 10 rounds have been. Or 20 rounds have been as well but they can't be low surely because it wouldn't be a third one let's say there was one oh yes the start was really really that's knocked out now. And then.

Yeah. And that's knocked out and then.

Suddenly the rest of them have been quite low like i said the only logical thing there is 16 handicap. And not six but i think it is 6.6 because the fact he's put 0.6 as well i feel like he was just 16 years. But 16 yeah if i just put six point six leads leads me to believe that's crazy in it that must be the biggest handicap cut ever yeah yeah it's gotta be on it because 54 points like you say as outrageous as that is it is ridiculous yeah because. And again for i don't think americans play stable. For very often no. So american listeners stableford is a really i really like stableford as a former it's a point system. And to play to your handicap you've got to have scored 36 points so that means you've got two points per hole you get two points per hole for making a net par you make three points for making a net birdie you make four points for making a net eagle you make only one point for making a net bogey and you make nothing after that so you could have one or two holes where you have an absolute nightmare and you can just pick your ball up. And you scored zero points on that hole that's why i love stableford yes. So to have 54 points as guy mentioned that's 1800 under his handicapped there's three points a whole oh my goodness fair dudes fair dues he's never gonna win a comp again is he i thought handicapped he won by ten yeah handicapper did well handicapper shot level par his handicap would have got chopped yeah if this if the course index whatever is tough if it's a past 73 they've said yeah it's quite a high power really yeah it must be a fairly long track you think you can imagine wow well there you go um. So i've got some we'll get you an award most improved golfer of the rickshaws golf show podcast um a couple of questions on facebook so again our wonderful facebook group the rick shields golf show podcast on facebook come and join why not free that is we are going to start charging at the moment two pounder person per month that'll be nice. So it's from richard joyce would you rather gain another two million subscribers over the next.

Five years or see tiger break the major records major win record gotta be subscribers i don't know it's gonna be tiger that's it yeah i'll tell you what i'll do your deal that's not deals i'll do this okay tiger. So currently currently we get about 12 to 15 million views a month let's say i'll take if we can get to 25 million views a month. And tiger wins majors then.

I'm happy with that that's that's and if subscribers stay where they are oh you do it off this i think tiger you'd write. So you could keep the subscribers the same they are now. For the next.

Five years i'll give you two minutes that's what i get i guess it is because it's gained two million. Or say the same i think yeah. But we can get three we can get to three million nine hundred ninety nine 000 i'll just take just slightly under 4 million no it's all. Or nothing that's the question he's saying 2 million more yeah well what about if i only gain 1.5 million that's not the point i think he makes it mean you can either keep as you are now. So you can have the stage you are now. And tiger get when the majors okay. Or tag doesn't and you get two million more subscribers that's what he's asking essentially tiger would yeah yeah another man be more successful than you yeah i wouldn't i don't mind fair enough um as long as he gives me a shout out when he when he wins his 21st major i'm just letting this know rick shields help me achieve this yeah by not getting subscribers um. So nigel stevenson said static someone's phone my phone's no end there oh yeah what is that static can you hear that matt that's just silver sudden gone really bad it's rick's wire i don't know if we keep recording now. But i may as well keep keep it free styling might start rapping just riff i'll just keep riffing so i've had a good email not an email i've had a good question off nigel stevenson that stopped i think rick you want to just leave it like that oh no it's not back again i don't think matt can hear it. So we could just keep going this is good content isn't it this is what people want to listen to oh there we go brilliant well done um. So nigel technician as well podcast technology he did plug it in really well uh. So nigel stevenson has said steel. Or graphite shafts pros and cons please so we can safely say that's in ions because gone are the days now of steel in your long clubs even your hybrids it's irons really we're talking about. So advantage of graphite is lighter um it certainly suits lower swing speeds. Or players who struggle with heavier golf clubs downside it's much more expensive always kind of has been i always felt like there was going to be a time where the prices would match a little bit better. But graphite is still more it's just steel is cheaper yeah advantage with steel you can go heavier if you want to. So you've there's not as much limit on weight if you did want to go heavier. And it is cheaper on performance wise that's kind of down stick to the player yeah it depends how strong you are depends where you want to feel the shaft in the golf swing it depends how much kick you want depends how much torque you get in a shaft. So that's kind of more dependent on um the individual more than kind of just a genet general topic but there you two big ones yeah i think more people should look at graphite i would like to do fitting in the day. And i would often put people into a graphite iron they would gain ball speed height accuracy everything but it had a bit of a kind of negative connotation that they were only. For like older people or people who were much weaker. So certainly for like kind of middle-aged blokes they'd almost frown well i don't want to use them yeah. But the way that graphite's come on now is. So much more stable as well it used to be it was very soft. And and now some of the graphite iron shafts you can get really good there's a couple of tall pros do you see graphite there is um even in like wedges. And stuff as well lightning potters that's it like you said it is deerer though. But it's definitely worth if you go for a fitting and you've got a slower clubhead speed or you don't have the strength that you used to have or you've had an injury it's worth considering it's amazing how if you've been using steel for a long time it's amazing how easy graphite feels yeah i always find well i like graphite it feels easier to hit you get a little bit more feedback from the shaft you get a little bit more help from the shaft um again that is much more suited to to maybe players with slower swing speeds well william has asked. And i've asked his question today.

Because of the new rick shields 3.0 whatever happened to rick doing four workouts per week. For a year how long it lasts for um it wasn't my fault no it wasn't. So january no january that's when it started i was gonna do i was gonna i was trying to do 250 workouts this year yeah. And did it pretty much all the way through january. And then.

February i did the walk the mind walk yeah every every day walked 18 holes with my golf clubs on my back. And the challenge with that was that was kind of an hour. And a bit of time to do that trying to squeeze in another hour of workouts etc uh was more challenging. So getting through february it didn't kind of work and then.

Kicking it in march it just never kicked in so more recently i've been doing some more personal reflecting on on me personal reflection that's what that's what it's about and um working on a few things fitness being definitely high priority i've definitely put weight on i'm definitely not as fit as i want to be i'm starting to find now which is the one thing i never wanted to happen i don't want to be an out of shape dad. Or or an unfit dad like now if i go to the park with my kids or whatever there's been a few occasions where starting to ride the bikes and they're riding the bikes i'm running after him i'm like yeah i'm guessing here i'm like that can't be me i need to make sure that you know i set by example i i can run after him i can play with him. And i don't get fatigued so that's something i'm kind of working on so as i mentioned earlier in the podcast i've been trying to get up earlier in the morning much earlier like in the fives um trying to get my workout carries a blanket around every weekend trying to get that workout trying to get to bed earlier trying to not use my phone as much um i think that's better because that's a lot of that maybe not you might not do the five o'clock thing forever. But like it's more things that you can like positive habits you can carry over like the five. Or four workouts every week you could do it. For a bit but it's not sustainable is it just trying to find those things i think that's what i'm trying to do better as well just not like because i'm just i'm all. Or nothing so often i'll smash the gym for five days in a row and then.

Not go for four weeks it's like just go twice a week but go for all year yeah it's hard it's even like this morning. So 20 past six so i went for a run this morning at quarter past five and i kind of once i stretched down and whatever i was done. For like maybe quarter past six and i lost my watch i'd already done like five and a half thousand steps i was like it's a good start to the day it's just a that's just a nice start it puts me in the right mindset um you know i can i'm happy with my kids when they wake up. And get just a better mindset so william thanks for your question and it's something that i'm definitely working towards um hopefully i'm going to try. And implement some good habits i read an article where it takes 66 days to build a habit into your daily lifestyle wow so i've only done nine days so far so i want to that's my mission to try and get up to 66 days which is the 15th of december it doesn't mean every single day. But a huge like if you can if you can do a habit i suppose it'd be a bit like golf if you wanted to practice your golf you want to be really strict with it putting the work in putting the effort in making that time. For 66 days it starts to become a regular part of your life really yeah. And i think as well we can use the podcast keep to keep us accountable correct this time next.

Week we can sit down. And we'll say you're still going strong correct i like it um we're gonna be. So ripped when we go to vegas oh what i just said then.

Oops we're going to vegas what's that actually should you drop a little bit of on this. So do you want to keep it underwrapped i think that's enough okay i think that's it off yeah it'll be um it'd be good basically that's all i'm doing it. For i'm trying to get up at five o'clock so i'm getting ripped for vegas rick's gonna walk out absolutely but what's annoying they're gonna get cocky they're gonna get a big bizarre badge people in vegas and just i think you'd suit that quite big biceps. But i think what you'd also really suit is massive upper body. But don't train your legs i feel like you'd suit that okay i'll do it maybe a tattoo tattoo i'll get a tattoo in vegas oligarch out on your left arm zidane in on your right i like it um we're just two football lads that's all we are um right you ready. For dear rick yes it's good one this week because it's a bit more of a light-hearted casual one i think i can name him because i don't see why i shouldn't his name's ben hi ben um dear rick my best friend. And i have planned to go on a road trip golf holiday to scotland in november nice lads lads we both work extremely hard and i've been working during the whole pandemic i myself work in hospital and i don't take blankets around with me that's the last blanket shout out as promised we both need a holiday and decided with the current state of the world we figured out that a golf holiday will be perfect we live on the south coast of brighton. So it's going to be an absolute mooch i'm plan on making this four day a round trip. So stop halfway on the first day and play golf then.

Get to st andrews yep or wherever then.

Come back with me um so stopping halfway each day could you please recommend some courses to play fur local to you because that's the first kind of halfway point manchester area and recommend a course to play in scotland we are hoping to play something like kings barns. Or trump international of we have heard they are great also other than visiting st andrews in a late district on the way do you have any other things you could do to stop off um as you've both recently traveled to st andrews recently from ben okay exciting trip it's very exciting trip um i mean it depends how much budget you've got a little bit i if i'm just looking at the map now if i was driving up from brighton i'd have a little stop at the belfry okay first off i think the belfry is a class golf course to problem yeah if you want to go a bit further get up to manchester yeah come. And play the home of rickshield golf if you want marriott marriott where's the park do a great deal um you might see me filming a video. Or if budget wasn't as much of a constraint i would definitely head towards southport try and get on a royal birthday on the hillside royal liverpool livingston hands that kind of vibe it's going to cost you a lot more. But they are really historic obviously venues also though the good thing with liverpool. And or manchester to be fair two lads will have a couple of not a massive heavy night out to go. And drive the next.

Day you've got the southport stuff it's close to liverpool yeah you've obviously got marriott is literally in manchester pretty much if you've got a manchester could have a decent hotel a couple of drinks see when that takes you yeah then.

I'd probably do a bigger stint i mean i don't know i don't know loads of golf course in the lake district personally no i don't um. So i don't know you you might want to visit lake district because it's gorgeous and it's really nice but whether it's golf on the way back pop in possibly when you're kind of flagging a little bit so i i would almost go full gun straight up to um i'd add again if money is not constrained i'd probably go uh [Music] i'd probably go kanusty first would yeah yeah canoostie. Or no take it all back take it all back. So you're definitely gonna get santa andrews in that's a giveaway you know they have to stay there ideally the course i'd actually go at before sent andrew's then.

I'd actually go to uh north berwick i thought you're gonna say north barrack yeah north barrick just um east coast of edinburgh. And some amazing golf course up there anyway like gullen renaissance archerfield but north berwick we played it a number of years ago i kind of want to play it again i do i think let's try. And play that next.

Year you're really good um it's just an unbelievable golf course really quirky really cool one that you do want to have on your bucket list. And then.

From north berwick i would head then.

Andrews um sun andrews obviously home of golf just the best place in the world himalayas you have to play the himalayas putting thing and bucket yeah i mean we've been twice not booked at once. But we're lucky to get on yeah how would you explain the himalayas. So it's well it's a putting green it's it's more than a pudding green it's a different way of life it is you can walk on with a putter yeah. And a ball and it's and you can walk history. And what i love about it they'll be a man with two kids of course there'll be a group of like 60 year old women who don't necessarily look like golfers they look like they're very well established at putting you know i'm having the best time of life yeah. And then.

They'll be like two lads like these two lads will be having a little girl boyfriend. And girlfriend it's such a mix and they'll be like a golden labrador that's just so well behaved yeah that just sits there. And and it's only just goes come here boy yeah. And it just comes and sits there and knows it knows the roo it knows that even the dog knows not to step on the line of the putts yeah. And not only that you are literally next.

To the first green you next.

To the first hole in the 18th hole the 17th you can see the old course hotel um you've got a really nice tunnel morris grill there to your right it is just the best. And then.

You could walk around the shops and recreate the the steps that um the legendary rick shields did when he went doing some thrift shopping um i don't obviously stay inside andrews if you can get on the old course do get in the ballot get on the old course just do it it's the best um i must admit the one course i've heard lots of things about. But again not played it yet is done barney links i'm hearing lots of really positive things about that place it's a brand new golf course that's been built just a couple of years ago i i then.

Would make the absolute trek. And it's a it's not a particularly nice drive from saint andrews up to aberdeen and i would play my favorite golf course you can play it's not i think it's 200 pounds to be honest green fees trump international um it's just phenomenal it really is. And then.

Is that the trip done well that's a long way in it from brighton then.

From aberdeen to brighton let me just check that out you know what i love about that trip no matter where they stop on the way up. Or wear this up on the way down if they're going to andrews. For the first time which it might not be but i'm kind of feeling like it is you're not going to be going home disappointed if you don't play the old course. And you just walk around the town it's absolutely unbelievable depending on how much of a kind of golf kind of nerd fan you are you need to go to like the old little shops even to old thomas's grave i thought it was great there's obviously the museum there as well it's just oh it's unreal. And then.

To drive home it'll only take you uh ten hours and seven minutes well what i like about that is you've gone to ten episodes of the podcast. So you can either become a second clubhouse member. Or you can fly. For flying it will take you one hour 35 minutes i think car monsters couple of kinds of monster what would your if we were having a 10-hour trip now what would you pack. For the car blanket [Laughter] whether i'm driving or not driving i'm taking a blanket um what a pack what were your treats. For the car i've really got i've not had a white monster for ages i'm trying to catch you out here and you do it yeah it's good answer i've honestly had one. For ages bottle of water bit of fruit yeah. But you can't beat get in the car with a load of treats chocolate raisins you love that little go-to yeah um i like it i like uh i like anything i like i always feel like as well when you're on a road trip however. naughty you eat at services doesn't count absolutely not on the way home at night because there's no other options then.

Little salad bowls don't exist i can't see them i can't see the mackies the golden arches that's all you can see we've had some big mackeys we on road trips. So ridiculous what's that what's the worst bit about them it's the fact of life you get like a large meal so let's say double quarter pounder cheese meal large i'll order mine and your audio should throw in like 20 nuggets a share as well yeah go on why not i'd get a little bit flurry i think it was uh was it not saint andrew's last time we went big yeah on the way back we did you remember anyway that sounds like a great trip ben. And you may if you want to to uh podcast host to join you yeah i'd love to have to pay in absolutely i don't know yeah not this podcast that's your podcast a few doors down good luck yeah. But no that sounds like a class trip. And i think with all lockdowns. And if you've been working really hard go and treat yourself like you know holidays are memories that you'll live forever like don't try not to worry about spending too much enjoy it have a great spend don't get yourself in that holidays are worth memories holidays are working in crippling debt. For um i think that's that's how far away are we matt that's good good timing well thanks. For listening to everyone though thanks everyone for listening nice to the rickshaw podcast 100 episode 102 episode right at the end i forgot to talk forgot to learn what keep going right at the end i forgot how to talk oh it's tired again this is the front of the five o'clock starts by eleven you goose in theory this is like three o'clock in the afternoon you do look tired thanks um i've got it now i've quite obviously i can't speak quick thing again um if you enjoyed this podcast. And you listed an apple give us a five star rating um and i also found out we're not number one podcasting golf on in ireland so if you're irish pass the podcast in ireland please um that's upset me i know and if you've watched this podcast on youtube like it but you said don't like it last week didn't you said you don't like it did it make a difference no okay i don't know i didn't look well thanks listening thanks. For watching stay off your phones and we'll see you next.

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