Oh i can't you're joking me rest rest are you blind i'm like oh did you see how good that was oh my god like people look at me going can you just calm down a bit welcome back to the rickshaw's golf show oh no sorry my bad go on the rick shields badminton show hey episode number one this is going to be a new show. So golf i've figured out golf's too hard you complete your golf broke 80 several times nicely fought completed golf and uh i i just think badminton is where i need to go now yeah it's simpler the only thing i don't like about is the fact that you come in your badminton uniform is the office he came with these shorts on your vest. And my headband yeah you got three rackets now. So my new racket which i spoke about last time uh worked exactly the same as the old battered second-hand racket that i uh i borrowed you're supposed to pay more for equipment and therefore. play back that's how it works isn't it right no it's around this i did play a lot better i still lost every match. So but i played better the matches were closer i had i had a match point against my mate which i've never done before. So uh yeah you know what it's fun it's it's easier i don't have to chip you know what chipping's like in badminton a little delicate [ __ ] over there. But i have no fear of those. Yet yeah it's been the key word i like it we just sat down then.

I said well i've got quite a lot of plans. For the day yeah you've got nothing. But you come in with your badminton chats all you need to bring the badminton chat that's all that's all i bring these days i've had to be honest i've had i've had a long heavy weekend guys so i'm not i'm not feeling 100 today.

Okay you can chill today.

I've got it covered i'm kind of like 73. So if you're not that's not bad if you're an iphone well we've both got new iphones and to be honest that's like three days worth of use you get to 73 percent new iphone battery is fantastic i've been uh suckered in by apple's wonderful marketing i'm the exact guy that goes out of here. And buys latest taylormade drivers to get sucked in by the market that's me you don't go first-hand you're not pre-ordering it no. But you'll come in late once you've seen a few of your mates have it in the bag see my mates have in the bag it's watched the countless youtube videos on it and get sucked into it and go i need to buy it i know it's just consumers haven't gone mad it's just like a burning desire to buy something and a bite same as last year's but at least i can relax now it's almost like market research about what new drivers are like basically as well it is well good news we've got a good show lined up today.

Bad news we've got sore eye my left eyeball to the left of my left eye i've got a bloodshed eye. So if people are watching the podcast because if people didn't know it listening we film it as well i can't even see it. For me no it's really on an angle can you see us do that oh yeah yeah it's really red really sore. So if you're listening don't worry about it if you're watching don't worry about me if you're watching and rubbing my eye a lot don't give me grief i've touched the mic a lot yes it's a bit of a habit. And i might touch my eye a lot today.

Well i've got i've got really weird dry skin at the moment. So my eyes look all kind of red and puffy as well you know what that is it's um screen time withdrawal symptoms could be on your phone less it gets itchy skin that's what it is it's what it is oh look i've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow. So i'll tell them that when i go in yeah i've got a really bad dry skin at the moment. But i know exactly why it is oh yeah i bet about that guy chanakin last week he's flaky skin um well it's a golf podcast oh yeah um we've actually got a new feature today.

Rick which you know nothing about. So i'm excited to see your um reaction around i like surprising with stuff though because like here because you'll be honest if it goes rubbish it's like okay that's rubbish. So i like hearing your kind of honor reaction to that okay um we've also last week shot two groundbreaking videos. And i think it's only right. For our hardcore podcast listeners certainly those of which are in the clubhouse to get a little bit of an insight into them. And i'm not sure maybe one might drop later this week the other one probably next.

Week so it is a little bit in advance we're not gonna give too much away. But i think it's only right today.

We talk about them in some level of detail yes um maybe we'll save that. For a little bit later in the part um first thing they've got a question for you and it was posted on our facebook group this weekend from nick k who is a regular contributor to the podcast group if you want to join the podcast group. And be one of the cool people that classed as a close personal friend who will always help out in a time of need go onto facebook search rick shields golf show podcast knows the group just join it i want to tell you a story about facebook groups quickly how come then.

Yeah i'm all ears i feel like i can now relate with the people who follow our facebook group because last night. So claire's really interested i've been grouped no not. Yet i've not joined many yet so claire um is obsessed by this certain clothing brand local uk clothing brand it's called scamp. And dude i'll give them a shout out really nice quite cool gear right little facebook group they've got of members scamp and duders okay it's got five. And a half thousand members right so claire's been obsessed she's been buying loads of dresses from this place and she wore one at the weekend she looks amazing as always i say all the right things don't you charmer and um we took this really funny picture where when we're out on saturday night at mates 40th she put a leg on the bar and so did i as a drunken act. And she looked mega her leg looked better than mine obviously and she put it on the facebook group she she she took a bit convincing by a friend of her saying put on that scamping dude you know a group you know people will love that picture with this camp. And do dress on [ __ ] it's like a free ad. For the company here anyway she submitted the picture okay yep. And when it's not there i went i know because someone has to like authorize the picture they've got a guy yeah she's never she's never known this before right. And she's like all right so i've gotta wait i'm like yeah you've gotta wait cause not everything gets accepted she's like all right she didn't didn't like it straight away checking the phone checking the phone checking the phone i'm like it's not gonna happen straight away because somebody if somebody's not their present anyway miraculously it happened about five minutes it got approved she's like oh my god it got approved it got approved right all night then.

Me. And her were like like we were. So obsessed with the likes and the comments and because these are random people in a group like. But you all like one thing and the main woman who designs all the clothes even commented on oh nice that's like like you or me commenting on a post on facebook did she feel good i did i thought me. And her both felt like oh my god the main woman's commented so i feel like i have that kind of sense of what the podcast group is like the process of posting having something approved having it then.

Commented. And liked by the main people of the group it's quite heartwarming and that reminds me if you want 10 off your first order on scamping dude enter badminton 10 check out so yeah if you want to have your ego boost about in a post-approval. And rickshaw's golf show podcast send in a good quality post we'll approve it sometimes comments sometimes um and you've made it but anyway nick k he knows how to use a facebook group well he's always on there chatting which is what we like to see. So he's put uh i won't read it quite a long comment but he said serious question. For guy and hopefully rick if he sees it my first and only hole-in-one came on the third hole of the heritage course at adlington this summer okay if you remember that hole which we played of the day slightly over water about 135 yards. And kind of slightly uphill on the day i got one there was a strong wind into the face. And i caught it a couple of groups thin turns out that actually helped because it pitched into the up slope and it should have spanned back but because it was thin it bounced forward. And ran out a little left to right and dropped in the hole now there's been some other gossip within our group that holding ones on a par 3 course don't count so he was asking does it count in your opinion if it was in if he's going out playing golf like if he's if it was one ball he's playing with. And he's playing the part three course and for me i don't know what the specifics of a length of hole needs to be for a hole in one 135 are comfortably within that yeah that's the longest on a normal call exactly. So i've weirdly have three around the little tiny golf course at my home course where you may used to play a few times but they're like 50 60 yards yes i don't count those no that's like having the same on the adlington small course yeah john robinson video on i wouldn't count that just because it feels too short well i feel like if it's a. And again this is maybe where it's it's a little bit of a gray area why are you counting a 110 yard par three see this is my. So i've had two legit ones mentioned last week neither one was a good shot one was all right whatever well one's a bad shot you've had one in open qualifying no questions that is the genuine the most genuine you can get i think i kind of feel i'm not this is up to nick to decide i almost feel like this is what i said in his comment if you feel when you're telling the story that there's an asterisk next.

To it yeah i think you're feeling yourself like it's not holding one. And i kind of feel like the way you wrote this he's kind of justified it i get you do you get what i mean. So i don't know i'm not gonna say nick it's not a hole in one because you've played the whole of golf in one shot on a legitimate length of hull but is it what would your final take be on this rick is it a hole in one. Or not i would say nick circumstance yes yeah i would even though he's playing a part three course they are proper par threes if it's his only golf ball that he's using that also consists of that um. For me i would say that is a legitimate holding one i understand your point though because lots of comments we'll see oh i was i was um i had one with my provisional golf ball. Or i i hit it into the hit onto the wrong green and it went in the hole and all these daft things i think if there's any like question marks around that yeah then.


It's dodgy. But or like i had it on a on a winter hole you know when you get those massive cups in the winter none of that's kind of can be real really yeah it's i think officially officially officially i'm just trying to look online i think they have to be in the comp to be like ultra like when you see those hugo boss watches. And that for a hole in one i think they had to be done in a comp which is only because it's like more kind of official. But equally if you have a hole in one on a practice round it still counts as long as like you said everything is legit. But i think this is obsessed i think this is the day when matt had his hole in one that we mentioned that was amazing it's like this obsession with holding ones. But i get it it's just such a obviously you ever had one or you've played with somebody that's had one or you've witnessed one when you're in the tee box ahead or whatever there's something magical about holding one and i get why obviously clearly everybody wants all in one apparently just very very very quick research don't take this for fact the whole has to measure 65 yards or longer ah it's actually a lot shorter than what i would possibly classify it as uh like the only thing then.

Would be is that you know in a kind of proper course. And use that term loosely there's never been a hole that's that short not really so it still feels a bit it's a talk it is. But then.

Again maybe off the front like if we played a really short hole and the front tee sometimes the fronties can be maybe not 65 that does seem really short. But you know sometimes they can be definitely under 100 yards without question um yeah it's a it's a very interesting one i'll try. And do a bit more research between now. And next.

Week um apparently someone's had a hole in one of them just looking a line here on a 404 440 yard 444 yard par four someone's had a hole in one on it must be a dog leg must be that's mad that in it anyway speed of holding ones hole in one is the perfect outcome you can't beat a hole in one can you no however. the perfect round of golf doesn't really exist do you think well how would how would you have the perfect round of golf rick um can you have the perfect round of golf on paper if an alien landed on earth now. And said tell me what the perfect round of golf you can ever have technically it's 18 shots yeah like that's a perfect round of golf 18 shots because even if you shot 18 under par which would be 54 yeah playing a normal pass 72 golf course why did you not eagle the past par fives yeah well they tell you just going off matt. So if they're watching the podcast just got off the screen um yeah. So for me obviously it's close to 18 on the powers you can get i don't think anyone's ever done 18 on the power up there. And nobody's ever going to shoot 18 shots in a round of golf never. But that is the perfect round of golf true i do think though i know somebody. And i actually know this person who has had as close to the pepperonis golf as they could have and that's the key here i think we know. For example that you've just said then.

The perfect round of golf will never happen because no one's ever going to shoot 18 shots. But we all have our own level of ability don't we and we all kind of know towards how we already get there at golf but we all know our kind of real don't usually limit what the word like potential is do you get what i mean yeah. So a lot do i know who went to school with last week i think one on the 30th of october yeah just over a week ago. For his handicap which is a very good handicap i'll come on to has had essentially the perfect round of golf. So let me yeah a bit of good news. For the podcast so guys called alex illege right okay. And i went it was my year at school. And at school he was a decent golfer. But was actually i was way better than him in school a couple of other lads were really good golfers he messaged in no i i put on facebook i was messing him over the weekend about something that's since. And then.

My brother mentioned it he'd seen it on the club website wherever he hadn't seen it he's put it on facebook but just missed i just missed it so i've since found it and that's on his own face we're not on the group or anything she's a scratch goal for alex he's kind of played golf consistently since we left school and it's his hobby obviously he plays all the time he's really good player very solid one club champs this year when i rejoined the golf club a couple years ago he was doing really well always he's like a proper scratch goal. For always around scratch so he played in um i think it was a four ball better ball. So remind me four ball battle ball when there's literally four of you and you do the best score out of your fours when there's two of you always getting a lot i know it's called four ball better ball is it's basically pairs right yeah. So i think. So but you've got to play in a four ball yeah. So it's me and you best score out of hour two against two other people yeah we're not against. But with two other people yeah it's probably the only other thought would be best two from four yeah would be when it's four of you. And the best two scores count but i think in this instance it was the two of them yeah four ball battle ball is just pairs i also thought my jacket's quite noisy can hear that oh it feels a noisy jacket anyway. So it was full ball battle ball. But he kept his own score as a proper comp um on a weekend par 72 okay he's gone out on shot 62. wow. And he's gone out in 30 so six under par and he's coming in at 32 which is four under par without a single bogey. And obviously that's 10 birdies that's incredible i like that effect is handy well sorry that's a problem it doesn't because it's better ball. But i think apparently on the when it comes out an email of like all the scores you've got i think his teammates came fourth. Or something crazy right but he got like a special mention so i asked him someone said i'll give us some insight into this. So i text him earlier on i said had you been playing well recently he said yeah he'd been playing okay he had some decent scores kind of around power couple under he had 24 putts in the day yeah he had 16 greening regulations didn't hit loads of fairways he missed a three footer on the 10th. For a birdie and he didn't go up and down on the path five to birdie so there's two shots it feels like he left out there he said i said did you get nervous surely he got nervous he didn't really get nervous at all uncle until coming down 18 when he had to hit a second shot a really bad lie to his second shot over a bunker. And they had to hold like a three footer i think it was um. For power and 18 and i said like oh you know what did you play in partners do did he get excited apparently just kept him really chilled kind of kept kept him talking kept him in the zone. And as i said it doesn't come with his handicap which is a bit devastated about. But i was thinking that. For a scratch golfer yeah 10 under par must be as close as you can get to perfect i think by his own admission there though even he's not saying it's perfect it's true because even he's saying there's two shots there that he left out the the three footer. And the time he didn't get up and down on the par five which is crazy because you think he could be 12 under yeah. But i think that the only thing that could you've got to all myself diagnose it. And go i think after any round of golf obviously most golfers if not every golfer can look back at their round of golf. And go ah i left a few out even if they've played great they've left a few out there you could even talk to probably even tour players when they've gone round and shot like i mean the only maybe examples is when like was it furious that shot like a 58 like if you asked him after that round is there any shots that he left out there. But they might have been yeah like i i kind of vaguely remember him missing a short putt. Or doing something on that round of 58 you think oh my god that wasn't perfect. But the amount of times they hold monster putts or chipped in or did do perfection um. So i'm not sure if it could ever be achieved because i just feel like out of all those shots even if you you only had 58 shots around the golf which is ridiculous. Or 62 in this in this alex's example i still think you'd look back. And go oh there was some in there that i could have i could have done you know is that what makes golf sword it didn't know when you played badly you could obviously play it back you could say when you played badminton. But the thing is though we literally have a key in badminton actually we're like i'm terrible oh i'm not very good. But i think would be quite a similar ability that would be fun maybe uh if this video gets 10 000 likes. But that's it you play badly you could obviously do better you play well you could be better you play close to perfect. And you'll still be thinking but what's mad is though he said that then.

In that message that likes a couple of shots that didn't go in that could have done. But i bet he held like a few thirty fours it's mad isn't it and you'd be more inclined to tell you the ones that you missed out on as opposed to saying to you oh but by the way guy i chipped in three times and one shot it was heading out of bounds. But it hit the outer bounds marker and bounced back in like we forget those lucky opportunities don't we we only remember the bad shots or the unlucky moments in a round of golf 100 um but that's great round well done awesome round no he's obviously a very good golfer i think this year coming up this next.

Season he could go with the new handicap system as well he's. So consistent if he gets a few low ones he's going to be low well just a quick one to talk proper golf news not that isn't obvious that's more proper yeah alex is not proper golf tour got golf news um we had him on the podcast a few months ago maybe a couple months ago around the open time victor hoffland went back to back. And won the pga tour i think he shot the one of the most lowest tournament records ever at 23 in the past outrageous. And what's mad after the final round he said he didn't play out well he shot four in the final round. And they didn't play well it's crazy is ridiculous like yeah that again just 23 on the path. For four rounds of golf and he's looking back at that and going uh it was all right well have you heard about that new stat that's been proven by the pj tour it's official now that if you do go on the rick shields golf show podcast your golf does improve 100 because sam horst without a good week correct minnie right a good week correct i think the hovland's obviously won obviously. So whoever we have on next.

Whichever pj pro we have on next.

Topro so give us a shout out bryson um yes i've actually had a little um that's all this is a little conversation about the potential of something with bryce since that later that's what rick's really wins the points at badminton i am you know the one thing again i won't talk about badminton all show even though it's badminton's show obviously i'm outrageously vocal compared to everybody in the whole of the arena give us an example this guy's playing tennis right strenuous sport. And it's like there's three maybe three tennis courts some are playing doubles from playing singles mixture of men women children whatever right. And in the badminton section i'm in my club my badminton club there's four badminton courts yeah okay quite close to each other almost in the same footprint yeah tennis court it's mad really the only people oh the only person everyone can hear is me what kind of with the uh oh i can't you're joking are you blind i'm like oh did you see how good that was oh my god like people look at me going can you just calm down a bit i find myself sometimes throwing out a few uh naughty words. And i look around and go oh rick that was that was not called four i feel like i'm gonna get kicked out of the club that i'm not a member of i would love that i would love it kicked out of everywhere at the moment what's your handicap at badminton then.

If it was a handicap. So like that's a great question what's your mate off then.

Let's let's give you mate a golf handicapper for badminton so i can 13.. So he gets it round yeah. And you're a 25 i feel like he's a 13 that used to play a five but he's not played for ages yeah. So he could he he could really really step it up if he needs to and he did a couple of times i'm like i'm coming in at like a very excitable 20 handicap. But i know it's going to go the opposite way before it gets better i'm going to get worse before i get better about that scrapping inevitably. So i've just started looking at some of badminton uh youtube videos have you actually oh for christ's sake you're coming next.

We've got a good collaboration idea right um you know what we laugh about this though obviously a lot of people listen to the podcast i played twice by the way that's all i've done so far a lot of people listen to the podcast like months behind so we still get emails now but he's still playing darts like that was years ago are you still doing 250 workouts this year exactly. So we'll have probably in about six months someone's saying how's rick going with his badminton's i know he's sold his racket um on ebay. For 10 grand um can i see a personal question yeah on behalf of one of our listeners. So again this was in the facebook group this morning i said it's not really personal. But i just thought i'd use that um i asked for some questions and we had some great ones as we always do one from montana cole interests me. And it says have either of you and i'm going to go with you first in this rick obviously have either of you ever felt like you didn't want to play golf anymore [Music] yeah. And i don't want that to be off i've had about a round i'll go in the car i'm going to quit. And then.

Obviously have you ever had a spell we have really thought um it doesn't last very long typically and i think that's again somewhat the beauty of golf like i've had horrendous rounds of golf. But sometimes the next.

Round of golf doesn't show that at all i might have a week off or a couple weeks off or whatever it may be um i think where it would be the hardest if you were literally a tour pro. Or and you're going through a really really bad spell like each week you're missing the cut each week it's not going your way each week you've got you've got to go back again you've got to carry on like there's no respite you can't just have a couple of weeks off if you want to because the money doesn't allow allow you to do that you've got to keep playing i think if i was only if i was getting to that point i think i would then.

Go oh yeah i'm really starting to struggle now i mean even just this weekend again talk about golf news thomas peters won he's not one. For ages he was quite emotional in his pr post uh round interview i don't know how long it's been. But it feels like it's been eight weeks thomas peters won and he's back out there winning in portugal on the european tour and it's like you forget like how many of these amazing players that have come and you know the next.

Best thing and they win a few and they fall off the face of the earth and they've got to come back and you know that must be really really hard work to keep dragging yourself out there to keep putting the work in um but i think personally. For me every time i've had a stinking round or bad a bad even a little bit of a bad period because certainly i don't play professionally anymore for a living i can soon brush it off yeah personally about yourself i think this before. So when you're answering that then.

I have had spells where i've kind of obviously had a shocker or honestly i'm going to quit. And i said that lasts. For an hour but on a more kind of bigger picture i think i've come to the conclusion now which i'm quite happy with about how much i play golf. So for example when i was a junior like a lot of junior golfers it was literally everything i'm sorry well enough. And emotional thinking of the junior days i um used to play every single day in the summer holidays and i remember going actually on holidays mom. And dad's like let's say tennery for a week and as as grateful as i was on a nice holiday in the sun i was actually heartbroken i wasn't playing the junior comp remember earlier i remember texting my friends asking who'd won. And what score and perhaps in my swing like with no club in the hotel room. And then.

Getting home after a week and a swing like somebody else's body you know just so weird and it was my life it was literally my life. And then.

Obviously i got older that kind of stopped quite as much and then.

It got to the point where i think the first couple of years. Or the first year i wasn't a member of a golf club anymore i felt like quite guilty i don't know who to but you know what i mean if someone said to me i watched your handicap i knew that the handicap wasn't actually official anymore do you think it's because you put. So much hard work in it must it might have been yeah like because if you put. So much hard work and effort into something you know and then.

You let that lapse for whatever reason life comes in the way that you probably just you feel guilty to yourself because you put or maybe even to your parents or who funded you who got you to the golf course every single day in the summer to the pros that helped you or your plane pants whatever you probably felt a level of responsibility to that i think it was a group of people. And i think because i grew up being a member of a golf club from the age of eight again i was very fortunate. So my whole golf in life i was a member of a course i played comps off the white tees put my card properly that to me was was golf. And was proper golf. So when i wasn't a member my handicap wasn't official if a mutual friend said oh you'll play golf what's your handicap i'd still tell it's like four. Or whatever but i feel like i started with a white lie it wasn't official anymore and they went and played golf with friends and played the yellow tees and i had a decent score in my head it wouldn't be real it wasn't off the whites and it used to do me editing a bit i wasn't enjoying it anyway what i'm trying to get to is now i'm i am a member of a club. But it's not a playmore golf membership it's not super superficial i don't play comps but i feel so much more at peace with it it's taking a long time you do see when we've played a little bit more as well these last couple of years. And you featured on a couple of great 75s and stuff it seemed like you're enjoying it more i do because you set your you set your goals more realistically 100 percent like when we played this in andrews yeah yeah yeah shot nine over. And horrendous weather but i was made about that that was a ridiculous round of golf in that condition well that's right dale you played really well because again you set yourself a realistic goal around a very tough golf that's it. So i feel like and it's a bit of a different answer to what he was kind of looking. For i don't think i've quit golf. But i definitely feel like i'm a different point in my kind of i might at some point when i'm 40 join a golf club and play as much as i can. And get dead into it again i might do it next.

Year i don't know. But like i'm okay with it you know what i mean it doesn't have to be everything i i really do think. And certainly in your situation and and mine to a degree and a lot of people listen i'm sure it just comes down to the time at a time so you know um hard to fit in around the goal for a lot of people over a weekend you know you've got family commitments you've got a wife you you want to go out to nice places you want to see your family yeah like. For me i want to spend time with my kids i've got classes for them to go to i almost can't comprehend when people have managed to get out and play around the golf at a weekend yeah because it's four hours long do you think as well could you spend all week at golf courses as well because i don't want to it sounds bad yeah you know we're very fortunate the fact that you know most days in the week monday to friday we don't see the golf course being that busy. And we're out on the golf course either filming or i'm playing or whatever it may be um but it actually kind of moves us quite nicely into the video we shot this week so i played with the guy this week if i didn't play with the guy actually we filmed the video of a guy called luke willit who uh doesn't seem to have this problem about time of golf because he plays speed golf he does. And i filmed a video with him this week i don't want to give away too much of the answer or an answer or whatever he did. But to give you an idea he plays maybe six times faster than normal for normal four ball he plays a round of golf in the town you play around at badminton so i don't know what he called it so i'm not god come on please it's obviously a uh about i challenge you to about junk sir you have to get your like racket and like waft it around um yeah he play he plays unbelievably quick. And he put it this way he's got up played golf shot a decent score by the time most people have even teed off madness is. So crazy so we we teed off at 10 past seven and i don't want to give too much of it all the way because it's going to come out in the video it's going to crack next.

Week um he got round. And maybe only maybe only one or two other groups had teed off yeah on the first tee. And what what impressed me like is a pj pro it was the level of his ability regardless. But also under that circumstance of running around sprinting um it's something that's definitely i think the video it's almost like not that we're expecting people to go. And start playing speed golf it's not practical for a lot of people and most people including myself aren't fit enough but it just shows that there's more types of golf than people probably listening and even going back to that point a minute ago oh i used to feel like i have to have white tees. And play comps and mark my card now i feel more comfortable enough to yellows and i'm gonna laugh you can go. And just play with four clubs doesn't have to be speak up play with four clubs or you know what i mean. Or we that's what sometimes annoys me out golf we play it so like rigidly i've still put a stroke play but like luke showed you can play golf in very different ways i i might have showed this story on the podcast once before i think i do think i have actually the time when i was doing a playing lesson at davey hume. And i got down there about 10 o'clockish and there's a couple of old older gents on the 18th hole and they were just finishing off. And i thought that's quite early they finished pretty well there and i just it politely kind of went over to him and said hi gents have you had a good round today.

And they went brilliant two hours 35 yeah like that's what they measured a good round on yeah it was it was the time it took them to get around the golf course they probably teed off at eight they're done in two hours 35 quick coffee. And a snacking approach in the clubhouse and back home to wives families or whatever in the afternoon like you know it it was a it was an interesting take i didn't it wasn't the answer i expected well that's the thing though isn't it again i remember having this discussion you remember this at um the open invitational with brody smith oh yeah yeah. And i was saying how. And again a lot of our listeners might not quite get what i'm saying because a lot of our listeners are hardcore golfers. But i remember being a junior golf roll working the approach about my old golf club and there's a lot of different members of different age different abilities different genders and not everybody believe it or not was bothered about being great at golf a lot of them went up on a wednesday on a tuesday on a sunday afternoon to socialize to play nine holes to play three holes four which quite good hour of course you could play three holes really easily four five five seventeen eighteen twelve etcetera those different accommodations. And it was play golf a lot of them had electric trolleys it was a hilly course get a walk in. And have a nice coffee cup of tea beer afterwards and if you played nicely else but they all didn't keep score no i remember on this chat with brother smith. And everybody that plays golf wants to get better and i disagree and it's like that you know those guys they might like said play golf together exercising. And get the steps in getting their older guys and the fact they play well as a bonus yeah like even on the last hole like they didn't almost didn't wait. For the ball to stop rolling before they put it back in or or as soon as it got somewhere near the hole they were picking it up as a gimmick like i'm not bothered if i miss this little three footer five foot ten footer i've finished this whole i've completed it. And my task today.

Was to get around fast yeah um i mean it almost brings me back to when my mum used to play golf she got me into into the sport. And no way did she think about massively improving she went. For the social for the natter for the exercise if she played nicely one day great she didn't she wasn't bothered right it didn't bother at one bit uh let's say to a lot of people that's hard to comprehend because we we put so much time and effort um and energy into it but even when i used to coach i'd get people coming in for lessons and about so much watch your target what do you want to get your handicapped down to. And they're like uh i'm not that bothered i just want to hit it a little bit better yeah just wanted it a little bit straighter i don't want to lose as many golf balls i don't want to make a bit of a proud of myself at the local at the next.

Corporate day i've got a play in you know. So everyone's kind of goals are different to each other certainly in golf. And that's kind of what again makes this kind of sport so unique i totally agree before we come on to the next.

Video we filmed this week which is also an absolute monster i want to introduce our new feature to yourself. And the listeners so one of my favorite features of the podcast and the probably the longest running now we do consistently is dear rick now we go no no no i need more time no dear rick we aren't going to dare it this week. But we will continue every week. And if you want to get your so dear rick those are new listeners is where you ask a question to rick shiels. And he will answer it with his most honest. And hopefully informative opinion insight insightful that's the one the did you of the email. For that is podcast rickshaws.com yes did you see the comment of the guy who said it should be d e at sign this feature this week well hopefully it's going to be ongoing feature it's a similaris vibe. But it's also quite different so bear with me the new feature you ready golf are going golf confessions that's a terrible drum roll. So basically for a clip though basically yeah yeah. And people can write in emailing they don't have to write it we don't accept post. But they could email it in oh no i've lost the email one sec i've got it here right they can email in their confessions right right. So whereas with dear rick at the end of the email you give advice if with this you feel like there's anything needed then.

Feel free but it's not really about that it's more about somebody getting a confession off the chest i do say that when you get things off your chest you feel better okay. And he wants to do it he. Or she wants to do it live on a podcast yes. But also i thought a little bit of fun to it you can have the option at the end to forgive them. Or not so firstly the good thing is if you email in your golf confession you're going to feel a little bit better to start with because you've got off your chest if rick then.

Says you are forgiven the golfing god himself then.

You can feel you could you can die in peace wow if he says that he can't forgive you then.

You're going to get bad breaks you're going to get bad bounces on the golf course you're going to lip out more often yeah than not if you're forgiven it's going to go the other way you're going to you're going to lip him more you're going to find your ball when you're not expecting to you're just in a much better place exactly. And ideally we'd like a variety of different ones so if you've got a story about this so this week it says these are all anonymous yeah well yeah this one's definitely anonymous. But he does say his friend listens to the podcast. So it's definitely anonymous it says i've come and actually this guy so the first person has given us the whole idea of this this whole feature so um thank you very much you'll know who you are i've come seeking forgiveness. And hope the golfing community don't give me too much hate wow since locked down i've taken up golf alongside a mate and we've been playing much playing match play rounds ever since we have rough handicap she's an app and agree to him having nine shots per round the weekend just gone with two holes to play everything was all square. And i made a comment that inadvertently could have been seen as mind games by saying to him you've got a shot on this hole and not on the next.

So you're probably going to the last hole one up. So he's saying almost like you're going to win this holes you got a shot he then.

Said actually the mind games have started go careful with the uh be careful with the outer bounds on the right. So they have a bit of banter right he said this knowing that this is where my drive more often than not goes. And sure enough that's what i did okay okay am i to locate my golf ball that foot on the wrong side of out of bounds however. i chipped it out. And told him that it was in play oh my god although we didn't question it if it actually found it. And he couldn't prove it was it obviously was his balls was oh no look it's my ball etcetera now i'm fully aware this isn't within the rules however. he went on to win the hole anyway. And when's the last hole one up we're quite generous with each other as high handicappers on the next.

Hole he should have been three off the tee but i gave him a mulligan and he let me carry on outbound again on the next.

Hole as well we have and he won the match with both of us hitting our best ever scores on the golf course so we're both left happy with our day's golf butts and there's the butt i felt the need to confess about what i did. And to avoid the karma from the golfing gods is this an unforgivable act every chance he may listen to this. So i'm really sorry mate cheers that's god this is like different it is um wow lots lots. So you can forgive. Or not i think i need to have a word what the opposite to forgive could be is it um i'll just say forget that's kind of the same sin. Or kind of but i don't know yeah i'm not sure. But anyway we'll work on that but anyway so i think i mean lots of unpack the good mates seems like they have a lot of matches together yeah played high handicappers not been playing super long it seems like they've got a relationship where it showed on the 18th hole when he weirdly let his mate take another shot was that because he already felt bad though correct. But then.

He also said he's mate then.

Also let him hit a shot out of bounds yeah it's weird. So i it seems to me like they've got a relationship where they are quite relaxed with the rules which i like i don't mind that if you the two of you are together. And quite relaxed with the rules and you might say oh don't worry mate i know it landed somewhere here just drop one down and just carry on playing if that was that was how they want to play golf as long as it's not a big competition. And not swindling anyone else out of any prizes or whatever it may be so i find that okay the bit i don't find okay is the fat that didn't happen on this occasion on the 17th hole his golf ball went out of bounds he know it did one foot out of bounds. And it's the most annoying thing in the world when your golf ball only goes just out of bounds it is it's horrendous. But it went out of bounds and there was no communication with his playing pants say hey john my balls going out of bounds here pal what should i do. And he's his mate man the gun i'll just play it don't worry you know yeah he might have said that. And that's that's fair if that's how they want to play but that's not what happened yes he lost a hole good yes he did he lose the match yes good you deserve that um. So the out we're gonna call it forgive or convict oh nice um for your single act on the 17th hole when you knowingly your ball went out of bounds unfortunately you are going to have to live with a life of bad bounces. And lip outs yeah convict you yeah to a lifetime of golf god misery well i'm going to also i'm also going to jump in on this because i want to convict him as well. But i'm going to give him six months of the shanks. So i should teach you if you can you can go lifetime does this feel like just before because it's new we're just finding our feet is it a lifetime no no i think it's a it's a lifetime of no it's not a lifetime it's a year of bad bounces yeah i like that. So every time it's playing finally and on the flip side his mate gets a year of good bounces yeah on the 9th of november 2022 his conviction will be spent if that's the right phrase yeah served yeah um just yeah i like that yeah we want some more of those if you want to feature you obviously they're all anonymous unless you particularly want to be um read out yeah they don't have that word yeah they don't have to always be kind of cheating about the other things you've done i don't know. But whatever you've got the best ones will get read out. So it's podcast rickshaws.com and if you give us a title of things like golf confession or convict or forgive whatever it might be and we will do some more of those next.

Week. And we'll also get a deer ricky well thanks i do do try um. So just come on how far are we matt oh stuck a load loads of time another question. For them rick um again from our facebook group who are providing lots of content today.

So it wasn't for them we would be snookered um it's from ryan barker i like this one when looking to buy a set of used golf clubs what is the first thing you should look. For other than just the overall condition i think certainly irons that we talked about than just irons. Or goggles have you like look out for are the clubs longer are they shorter are they massively different in lie angle are the shafts super super stiff. And that's not what you need i think anything that really stands out as being totally off the wall. And and different like let's let's say for example paul sturges our good friend seven foot seven and a half inches right he's just got some new ping guys let's say and he decides to sell his old ones on golfbidder right golfbidder we'll put him online brand new you know set of ping irons seven out of ten condition blah blah blah but lower down well not lower down in the description not trying to hide it but in the description it'll say these clubs are bloody longs yes that's what does actually say very very very very long yeah they used to own to used to belong to paul sturges the tallest golfer in the world avoid buying. But like something like that would be impossible to adjust yeah really. For the for the most majority of people if you are seven foot six inches. And a quarter go ahead go and buy them they'll suit you but i think if you are just a standard sized man. Or woman and you're looking for a set of clubs condition yes price yes spec is something you really need to watch out. For yeah i think i uh yeah good advice i think. For me another thing to look at and it kind of comes into condition but is have a look at things like the grips because if you got two sets of irons that are the same model roughly the same condition generally whatever. And one has some kind of semi battered golf pride grips on yeah another one have been re-gripped what looked like quite recently like a nice multi-compound that's an eight pound fifty grip grip times up by eight. Or by seven you're getting actually a much better deal um and just a quick one on grip as well going back to spec make sure you're looking at clubs that aren't like jumbo sides grips if you don't want them to be jumbo size grips. For example yeah that's it there's loads of people now selling like secondhand clubs. And like facebook's a big one obviously ebay has been going. For years there's other things to look for as well it's not as common but like counterfeit products we've done that video with the taylormade fake drive if you've not seen that it's quite an old video now but go and have a look on the channel just type in fake taylor second biggest video on the channel because people are. So intrigued about fake versus real that's it one the performance the looks the sound but you know at the end of the day i'm sure recently there was a raid on a warehouse somewhere where they um uh what's the what's the word confiscated loads of fake golf clubs. And literally this warehouse was just floods of taylormade drivers ping islands. Or what look like those irons but they're obviously not the face that's the thing like some people which is up to them might wear like fake designer clothing because you get the logo. And so the untrained eye or people in the street looks genuine and if that's your kind of thing i kind of not that you should wear fake stuff not buy it because it might um fund what's criminal organizations but whatever like if you're going to holiday. And buy a fake lacoste pole well whatever everyone's got a word i'm joking i'm joking like if you go to halt on holiday by a fake lacrosse polo show whatever it looks like a lacrosse polo wanted to get to performance-wise it won't be as probably as soft it might last a lot of wash as well but whatever with fake golf products certainly with metals drivers three woods the performance as we've proven is horrendous yeah. And even with the putter you really you might think of putters the one that's going to be the least effect. And you could argue it is. But scotty cameron might be normally like three degrees aloft a fake one could be like seven so or it could be minus one on the weighting distribution exactly the angle the length of it and stuff so it's kind of all around it's going to be a negative effect on your game. So if it looks too good to be true and it's brand new then.

It probably is too good to be true this article says nearly 10 000 counterfeit golf clubs seized in china such from brands that look like zexio titleist taylormade pxg callaway ping right the quality of the finish to a lot of them now is very good i'll be honest. And and like we had that fake emphasis and m5 it was m6 on six it wasn't adjustable sure it was an m6 now you could take the shaft out because that's what ended up breaking in the end yeah. But it wasn't adjustable in a sense of the weight there's an m6 yeah um it looked. So similar in so many ways and to a lot of people if you've given the fake one you wouldn't know it was fake in 2020 the largest largest counterfeit golf equipment raid ever seized 120 000 pieces of fake golf equipment wow partly due to the video that i did apparently that's what it says in this article thanks to it it's like down down to top youtuber the mafia is coming after rick now. For boston 120 doesn't matter i do feel like i'll get a horse in my head one day five horse in your head i was in your bed what's in my bed um another video we filmed this week then.

Rick that will hopefully be going out the back end of this week if harry pulls his finger out which he doesn't always do he can't hear us. But how he never pulls his finger out pull your finger harry um was a video that we kind of got how much do you want to give it well i suppose we can give away the format can't we because it's if anyone's gonna do it i'd be impressed um we've seen a couple of videos online certainly from like a weightlifting channel where it's like bench however. many pounds you bench they'll pay you dollars yeah per pound it's like guys we're going in the street. And benching like 150 pounds and then.

150 dollars yeah. And the risk is if you can't complete the rep you'd like anything. So do you go light do you go well a bench 100 cause i'm doing my eyes closed. And get a hundred dollars how'd you go i'm feeling strong gonna bench 175 and mess it up and get nothing so i'm going to give a very very little glimpse of this video because like i said it's coming out the back end of the week went to a driving range our driver's traffic golf center in manchester it's already happened last week if you were there lucky you you know what went down if you were there lucky you you timed it correctly yeah unlucky you. And quite simply i held a sign up win one pound every yard you hit the golf shot what say what you got one shot you got to choose your weapon so do you play it safe with a little lob wedge. And chip at 50 yards because that'd be 50 quid you missed off a bit the while that we playing it safe now he's coming onto he knows he's not his first rodeo or do you grab the big stick well sure i'm going to grab the big stick. And do you smash it as hard you can nothing to lose nothing. Or isn't it and if you hit it 250 yards bang 250 pounds that's a no-brainer of course gonna hit the driver it would be mad not too however. ah there's a cat there's always this asterix the ball has to be on the fairway ouch but the fairway was wide. But not wide enough in some circumstances yeah that was it the fur way from the target line is 50 30 yards either side 60 yards wide sounds. So wide and i can testify it's not when you get one shot you get the hot under the lights with the cameras the pressure me getting in your ear in people's ears at one point someone split their airplane out because it was too far eric they uh there were some times where fairways weren't hit. So a lot of times but there was one shot that absolutely um rinsed me it did it was fun because it's obvious that you said it's this there's kind of two elements to it there's the first part of what is the person going to do are they going to go with this pitching wedge. And get 110 yards and realistically you're going to struggle unless you shank it to mr faraway from that far because it's just a wide fur way do you go middle apart you've got 79 which might go 150. And again you should might might struggle to miss the fairway but again some people may have missed the fareway or do you go driver where obviously that the reward is much much longer in distance therefore. more pound sterling however. the fairway feels much much much much much much narrower with a driver um. And the reason why we did the video was well on a kind of cold certainly wet it wasn't raining at the time. But it has been wet day in manchester is because a lot of golf courses were closed. And i wanted to reward golfers who were still making time. And effort to practice and get good at the game so there was a nice little kind of goodwill story going on there as well. For golfers who put aside the fact that golf courses were closed potentially. And got out there and still carried on practicing because they managed to take lots of money off me it was an interesting video i'm excited to see how it comes out as an edit it was kind of quite youtubey. So if you if you're if you watch some of the kind of generic youtube kind of challenges or money challenges it was kind of a similar to that. But with it obviously very golf centric people watch the videos a lot of people were fans of the channel they gave a lot of money away. But yeah that was all good hopefully the video makes more money that's how business works what you do is you pay like that. And outgoing and then.

You hope and pray it brings money back in uh yeah. So please please watch the video everybody watch it twice or thrice i love saying thrice say thrice i don't say four this is that weird part of the the show now kind of. So what i do just as inside if anyone cares enough i have the notes on my laptop. And then.

Ever done each bit i can delete it. And delete it and it's now to the point where i'm just getting rid of giving away money video delete and not just episode 104 so it we either riff it out as we really get riffing recently out we just riff back and forth or we cut it short and sweet i'm guessing that run 50 minutes bang on 15 minutes rich well to get out to an hour um oh let's not waste people's time today.

Okay we've got a big podcast we're filming on friday we have which will be next.

Week's episode with one of the most recognized. And famous knowledgeable um wealthiest come on every week something big deal about it golf coaches in the entire globe that's ever worked in golf yep i think matt fry is a good guy great to have him on um. So that next.

Week will be a huge episode which i think a lot of people will maybe flick on thinking i'm not sure i'm not gonna be sure about this one. But i think you're gonna learn a lot will your vibes are the same i feel like you might go a bit more serious vibe on this depends how how he brings it he's quite a serious person that's what i know that's what i'm thinking. But i do think he has a side that not everyone sees. So i think we can. And also i really really sounds a bit geeky this there's been some big rule changes recently okay. And he ain't happy with him well my challenge to you then.

Is we did a video recently um formulated golf club coaching video which hasn't been out. Yet and i asked you to say a word if you remember was it worm just worm yeah. And you said it in the video. So there's a video a coaching video coming out soon where rick says the word worm wow because that's breaking news it's good to watch it so my challenge to you if you like see if you've got the minerals is next.

Week when we've got said guest on who's a very authentic very knowledgeable very thingy guy you've got to still talk about badminton okay. And if you don't i guess they still got to talk about little dicky a little ricky well ideally but um i want your badminton i still want you [Laughter] right guys thanks for listening to the rick shields badminton show episode number one hopefully that went well it did we'll be ranking much higher in the chart of badminton we'll be number one on every country in badminton yeah we will yeah we will um thanks. For listening thanks for watching and we'll see you next.

Week with an awesome guest peace out good episode thanks mate yeah do try cheers bye you.