Tiger get well soon get hit in full shots i know you're listening to the podcast you're a huge fan uh if you obviously want a club i'm open my diary is literally free hey everybody welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast episode 106 i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy how are you doing pal you're good yeah i'm good you i'm very good i'm excited we've got a sponsor. For the podcast today.

That's why i'm feeling good because you can get paid today.

Finally the heat we've got the heat number three weeks at home you can't have the heating i'm sorry today.

We could eat we can have the heating on all is good we'll talk about heating. And talk about enjoying the warmth in a comfy chair while maybe having a little whiskey or a hot chocolate or a little beer well today's our episode is sponsored by somewhere where you could do everything i've just said the old course golf resort. And spa in saint andrews i mean this was quite a neat this is quite an easy i'd read because we have spent time there it's one of my favorite hotels in the world it overlooks one of the most famous well the most famous golf course in the world. And arguably the most famous hole on the most famous golf course in the entire world well what's strange is we don't do many sponsored stuff do we because. For the podcast it has to be the right product or the right people but the reason i was. So keen through this sponsor today.

Was that i had arguably the best night sleep of my life at the old course hotel i'm not sure if it was the luxurious double bed that was soft. But springy but yet supported that like a big marshmallow the room was delightful whether it was because the bed was. So good or because i destroyed you on the golf course that day you did i don't know which one it was. But either way i slept so well so well that hotel i slept i slept well as well just because i pulled off the best surprise ever you did. For your wedding present so indeed you did if you remember we also did the minwoo lee podcast there now since he's done anything recently he's he's gone on to bigger. And greater things yes he doesn't reply to my text anymore i don't think he even follows me on instagram anymore he's now flying first class here everywhere the old course does that to people it does it's a it's a it's a pioneer to help you become better. So quite simply we're here to promote the old course hotel because it is phenomenal no yeah five-star hotel um spa facilities the food there was lovely we out there a couple of times it's got six restaurants there 175 rooms beautiful spa penthouse suite um. And also you don't only have to go there for golf that's the thing for me why i love san andreas we've said this before in the podcast we'll say it again until the day i die andrew's the best place on earth full stop period you've got the beach you've got the shops you've got the culture you've got the university where famously prince william went i met kate yes it's just it's like a weird like vibe of golfers cool quirky students nice old people what else is there nice restaurant yes nice bars good night life weirdly end up in the studio student union last time i was there till god knows whatever hours in the morning i was um. But also you can do other things like it's even got on here like kayaking walking looking around the historic sent andrews town like you've mentioned also the old course hotel. And we actually went up there last time we were there they actually also owned the duke's golf course yes sent andrews yes. And we went there last time people remember we filmed the the ping wedges up there yes what a nice place as well it was very good a little bit out of andrew's kind of town centre. But a very picturesque course kind of like a bit more parklandish very different to the kind of links that you would typically see old at saint andrews but also an amazing golf course i've played it a couple of times actually really like it there um just overall the old course hotel an amazing place if you've not been there definitely pop in if you can stay there do. Or if just go in for a nice drink or a nice meal or even like the little pub down at the corner in like just everything about that kind of corner overlooking the 17th and again for people listening certainly americans if you come over to saint andrews this is the famous hotel that you dr the players drive over the hotel on the 17th tee shot as they as they parade down the 17th. And 18th hole on route to maybe lifting the clarity jug for the open and who knows 150th year this this time around i'd love to say i drove over the hotel but i weaseled out and pulled it left and kind of cut one down the left side of the fairway i didn't quite have the minerals for that but on a serious note yeah i just it's a great hotel. And and if you want to learn more at the hotel website is oldcoursehotel.co.uk simple as that. And it's definitely worth if you are lucky enough to get up to that part of the world it's definitely worth staying i feel like today.

We're going to talk more golf than ever before arguably too much golf i think well i've only played badminton once this week. And i got destroyed again but i'm getting better that's how i'm getting better nice to know that you keep getting me i got beat five matches in a row so so far i've probably played 15 matches so far me mate it's 15 nil you're like san marino you're the san marino of the badminton world you're just playing with experience for the fitness to represent your hometown i enjoy it my heart starts racing though when i get when i get closer to nearly winning but i've not yet to win soon as i win you will know about it on this podcast well speaking of win we have a game of golf last week we played a really good game of golf we're gonna come on snap in a bit don't pretend you don't remember oh yeah sorry i don't remember i do we played golf we got some more ladies which is arguably one of my favorite golf course i've ever played now i've been with you a couple of well i've been with you once. Or twice to film and that was the first time last week i'd ever played it. And we will talk about in a bit more depth later on. But what a golf course but there's a lot of golf news this week rick i don't even honestly don't even know where to start my heart if people are watching you'll see my hat doesn't really suit me this hat massively. But i had to work today.

Um i'm wearing a tw hat. For those of you listening to the podcast and not watching because my friend and yours eldrick taunt tiger woods is back elder what what's hans is that his name yeah it's his middle name not know that the answer didn't know that's something new um he literally wrote the internet yesterday he destroyed the internet. So i was quite fortunate i've been i'd like to say i've been on my phone less recently. But i haven't since i got this new phone i've been on it more which is a no admit. But yesterday it was it paid dividends because i was sat there chilling out i had the kids all weekend on my own claire was away in york with the girls. So i'd done all my jobs the kids were happy watching the film watching paw patrol film. Or whatever and i was there sat there just having a little brew having a little minute to myself i'll flick on instagram flicks instagram opened it up bang the very first thing that was presented to me he posted it within two minutes it's almost like a new it's almost like he somehow he told me there was a video of tiger woods hitting what probably looks like a nine iron. Or an eight iron yeah a three second clip which i've i've never seen i i think this is arguably bigger than the clip he released like five years ago when he when he came back last time. Or three years ago whenever it was um because even though i think did we speak about it two podcasts ago there was rumors of him kind of coming back i think there was a picture of him holding a club wasn't there yeah that's right um this before the new year before this year ends to see him hitting golf shots full golf shots was. So bloody exciting it was i think he's going to be there. For the masters and i think he's there. For the opening hundred and fiftieth century he opens the one thing i obviously love them to be at both the open's the one for me but like you said it's mad because i i saw that yesterday. And like you said everybody in his dog was posting on social media. And resharing it and stuff and i got in there early yeah. And it just kind of shows us that i think some people do it because they know they get likes. And reposting let's be honest but a lot of people do it because they absolutely just love tiger woods. And it does make you realize how how big of a deal he actually is like that sounds. So obvious doesn't it but like when he does do this when he has unfortunately been injured. And then.

Come back it feels like there's a level of excitement that nobody else in the world of golf could ever in my opinion get close to well in fact i think if i just go on quickly um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to find this quickly i'm sure that some of my biggest ever posts on instagram are pictures of him. Or videos of him because even that one yesterday i mean that from i posted that video pretty soon after he'd posted it it's had 23 000 likes it's been viewed 329 000 times i mean that's nothing compared to how many likes tiger actually had obviously tiger managed to get you got 3 million views on that video. And it's had 519 000 likes and everybody i'm flicking through the light list everybody i know in the world of golf literally almost everybody i follow has like that picture from fellow tour professionals to to other social media personalities to other celebrities in different work walks of life um to different professional sports people in different sports everybody has loved seeing him come back well there's two reasons why people like it the first reason is people are genuinely just excited. For their own kind of what's the word i'm looking for like oh no don't benefit. But well it's supposed in a way yeah their own benefit of watching they enjoy watching tag awards they see that. And think actually it looks like soon he could be coming back. And you're a fan of him so you want to be able to watch him does that kind of make sense the second reason why people like it is because this man lives. And breathes golf for him to have not been able to play regards to playing competitively must just eat him up inside to see him back doing what he absolutely loves and literally what he does best how good does it feel. For him how good is his upper body looking he's looking lean i mean his legs are obviously slim at the moment certainly his right leg in that sleeve actually that sleeve looks sick i hope he keeps that i actually. So yeah really really exciting news um it was very interesting that he posted it yesterday why i just think a lot of things were going on yesterday. And he very conveniently posted it the same day that colleen marikawa won the dp world tour race to dubai championship also the day that rory mcelroy ripped open his shirt in anger round i i just think on a sunday i don't know it was just a bit like there's one thing that could have topped that that video one thing that would have absolutely made it just the best video ever what did he post it on something. For a red or something right that would have absolutely been the the um yeah i i just think that it's a very very very um calculated time to post it i'm sure it is i'm sure he's not pressed the button. And gone like laughing laughing watching the tv going i'll post it now we're refreshing the likes every five minutes like we would he's not going yeah let's post it let's do it let's do it i'm sure there's been he's got a team. And every you know i'm sure there's lots to go on behind the scenes there's obviously a bit of an ad there as well from the full uh full swing what is the how do you speculate a new launch matter yeah. So are you sponsored by full swing never december they do really good simulators apparently. And he has one in the house and the second other reason it's kind of an ambassador and they've just recently brought out a more portable device almost to compete with like trap man or gc quad etc so obviously there's a bit of an ad in there as well it's what it is slight change of subject speaking of ambassador have you seen um i think this. So this podcast come out tuesday we'll record this on monday but some point today.

So what will be yesterday to listeners it looks like srix. And are going to be announcing brooks kepler has a full through the bag ambassador whoa yeah i didn't know that if you go on stricken's twitter there's a image that's 11 22 2021. So that'll be today.

The date um. And it's clearly brooks and they're good so by the time this podcast comes out i think it will be announced everybody will know. But it looks like they're uh signing brooks which i thought he was uh gonna be a mixed bag guy. For the foreseeable obviously he's decided to go with the shrieks and route wow which is interesting it is because he's got his match up against bryson coming up very soon um at the win hotel in las vegas i think that's next.

Week. Or whatever um i honestly didn't see that coming and i can't believe i've actually missed that um but anyway awesome to see him back tiger get well soon get hit in full shots i know you listen to the podcast you're a huge fan if you obviously want a club i'm open my diary is literally free no we'll have to check the diary to see if we can fit him in my diary tiger my diary is free any time you want me to come over you know maybe give you a little bit of a chipping lesson you know what if he says rick i'll be on your podcast tell me what middle name is what would you say tono no tony you got close to taunt um yeah i'll come. And spend if you want to come and spend the week we are we can we can do some stuff to boost your social media i know you want to try. And win that pip that player incentive he just proved yesterday that he's the king of golf how funny is that he just won however. much that money that pot of money is worth is it like 10 million. Or something that yeah something like something crazy yesterday didn't it crazy music crazy crazy speaking of winning yesterday obviously it was the um dp world tour championship in dubai. And it was the race to do buy final um i actually watched quite a bit the weird like i i think that time kind of works in the morning because i kind of got watched with the guys really cheering on. For sam horsefield who obviously listeners will know he's been on the podcast we did a great video with him as well he was in the final group of rory yeah he kind of fell away a little bit wasn't going which wasn't his day i was watching it quite closely. And he just kind of ended up being 74. and it just felt like nothing was going right he still picked up 110 000 euros though. And he broke 75. and he broke 75. so you know what i was thinking though this is weird right it's a stupid thing to say. But obviously he has won twice in europeans already he's an established golfer really you know good player clearly when he was walking around the golf course there was obviously crowds. And i was thinking i wonder how many people they're in dubai knew him off the back of the video about lots because nearly two million people sort of thinking like not suggesting that like he needs that kind of credibility obviously. But like there will be people that you know that's that lad that did the video. Or actually it's about the walls anyway he fell away a little bit but it's nice to see him competitive very much so it's weird how joked about this a few times but a lot of the people have been on the podcast on the videos have gone on to do good things mimo lee had a great season i think him eighth in the race to dubai listen tiger again i'm gonna i'm gonna tigers i'm a good luck charm just come. And see me and i'm we'll definitely win more made just together of course right we've got a question for you though now together together as a team as a team so rick takes one instagram picture of it you win a major we get some of the credit right colin maracala yesterday shot 66 yes. And he played incredibly so he is this a tidy golfer i just think everything about him just looks tidy. But i've got a question for you go for it and this is a controversial one. So be prepared it's come from a question that we've had an email it has a bit of a dear rick really is he a worthy winner of the race to dubai well can i just support let me i think i know what you're going to bring up okay well yeah you might know. But let me just for the listeners so he won yesterday so that's obviously unbelievable and he has gone on to win the race to dubai but we've had an email saying is marakawa really a european tour member. So hi guys great podcast possible discussion topic is colin mccowart really a european uh tournament he's played ten events six of which are co-sanctioned usa with the mages. And the wgc tournaments and he's actually only played three kind of genuine if you want to call it that european tour events this year so i had a little look this morning so i thought that doesn't seem kind of right but it is. So if you look on the european tour for this year at maracas season he has played i think it is 10 events that come under the european tour. So it started off the season in dubai at the end of january which is the amiga dubai desert classic. So it's genuine european tour event i think he's sponsored by amiga which is possibly why he was out there. And he came tied 68 so he didn't obviously play great yeah he then.

Were wgc which is really a pj tour event is co-sanctioned he then.

Played masters uspga us open obviously went on to win the open he also played the aberdeen scottish open yeah the genuine european tournament the week before the opening came 71st tied 71st. So again didn't do great. And he then.

Played wgc and then.

Finally he won yesterday so he's actually played three genuine european tour events one of which is a sponsor i think amigo's one of his sponsors the scottish open to be fair he's played in it. But it's the week before the open which a lot of the big names comes get a bit of links practice and there's one that the tour championship kind of final if you like so taking nothing away from he is an absolute amazing golfer world number two i believe now. And he's probably going to be world number one i think he looks like a great guy very humble. And has made it when he won the open but is it right he is now the european number one what do you think rick i must admit i've am always shocked at the names that are leading the race to buy yeah at the end of the season because it is always the real real big names you know. And typically they've had good seasons but not particularly on the european tour like somebody who's played on the european tour for every single week is never going to win the race to buy no unless they do really well in the wgc's which like you mentioned the coast sanctions. So you get points for the world golf championship or they do really well in the major tournaments at all four major tournaments all four majors are called sanctions. So they all they all count so unless you've done them if you've played every single european tour event and done really well but typically if you're doing really well a lot of the time you jump ship to pj tour if you can. Or if you've done amazing in the in the majors or you've done amazing the wgc's somebody like let me think of an of an example tell you what mineraly is he he came sixth. And he is i think pretty much played exclusively obviously european tour yes. So for him he's obviously won he won at the scottish open he's done nicely in major tournaments but he's never going to particularly win against the colin marikawa. For the race to buy just because the points as soon as you win an open or you win a major or you're in a wgc then.

You throw in obviously a big win like you did yesterday you were just gonna get catapulted to the top um is it right i'm not sure he's the first american to win which surprises me you know i think patrick reed had a chance of winning it a couple years ago. But he's the first american to win it which again really does surprise me because. So many americans play in the qualifying events and they only have to play in a few european tour events for it to actually properly count um yeah i don't want to say it's not right because it that's how the the that's how it's all planned out that's how that's how it's been designed to be it's to encourage more of these big names to come. And play i was a little bit disappointed that not all of the big names came. And played for example john ram john ram had a legitimate chance of winning the race to buy final and he decided not to play he didn't even fly over which surprises me um you'll even look on the list here colin maraca has played 10 events that count billy horsle 11 events john rahm nine but then.

Look at something like mim wheelie you're right memory lee's the highest placed player that's one that's playing 21 counting events uh nikolai um hogar has played in 22 rob mcintyre 19. they're just not gonna like richard bland he's had an unbelievable season richard brown's had an unbelievable season he's come 11th in the race to dubai he's playing 23 events he's playing over double what colin maricao has played in but then.

He's not winning open he's not won a big major tournament the only way you could make it fair is if only european tour events counted. And that's it no co-sanction nothing if. But then.

You're not gonna bring in the big money you're not gonna you're not gonna bring in five million pound purse or whatever something i must admit again i've said this many times the podcast i'm not a big huge watcher of the tour golf i do depending out when things excite me. And this weekend definitely did excite me. So then.

When i saw this email this morning i want to dig into a bit deeper and like it doesn't bother me either way massively but it is strange that you can i said you can win the european tour kind of order of merit essentially with three actual european tour events i mean one of which he did he'd win the other two didn't do very well. And at all so it's interesting to hear if people are watching this on youtube comment down below what you think. Or if you want to email us podcast at shields.com and we'll see what people's thoughts are because it's a funny one in it the one thing that makes me think that people aren't that fussed i've never really heard any players complaining about it massively no not massively i've never heard let's say if a richard bland coming out this this week. And said this is unfair this is not right because he's only played in half the event i have. But i don't really hear that because i'm sure the way it's worked out richard bland has made a lot more money than he would have done if it was only exclusive european tour yes. So it but it's hot it swings around about so for me i'm not i'm not i'm just not fussed about i'm not gonna play have a big part in this but for me no no i think it's fair i actually think it's fair yeah yeah i i like it's just how it's set up yeah i just think it's definitely it's fur in terms of how it's set up it's not like anyone's doing anything kind of dodgy it's just is it a true reflection on the european tours number one is colin murray well was he the world number two. So he would well is he genuine the european tour's top player of this last calendar year i think yeah because he's only played three times. So yeah it's weird one in it like you pulled to say minwoo lee is yeah anyway i don't know um i was gonna say something else. And also it's how weird is this now it's not european tour now it's dp world tour. So that's gone europeans have gone well if you notice what's happened so today.

Again this is monday the 22nd recording this. So dp world is what actually is deep. So it's is it a freight it's yeah it's like to do with shipping i think in dubai. And stuff like that but the company is called dp world. So the european tour is now called from today.

The dp world tour. But it doesn't mean it's it's not dp space world tour it's dp world tour does that make sense because because it could be people i think i think it's now a world tour i love the european tour is much broader than just europe. But anyway today.

This is a bit weird um the european tour on twitter has been renamed to dp world tour. And they've actually lost the verification badge it's not verified but yet because if you have a verified twitter like rick does um. And you change your actual app name you do typically lose your um badge. And when they out there have it change the name on facebook as well as it stands now i mean this again might change by the time this goes out. But as it stands they're not verified anymore they've lost it they've still they've got the verification tick on facebook still about on instagram i don't think they've changed on instagram as if yeah i hadn't done this morning when i checked um no no no oh weirdly the names change. But the at handle hasn't yet ah and if they have to that takes longer to authorize or whatever um what do you think about rory what happened right. So i watched the golf watching finish 18 and then.

I turned my phone off i was on the treadmill you'd like to know nice working out. And then.

Literally looked at my phone then.

About an hour later and i saw they'd come off the golf course and ripped off his shirt like hulk yeah what happened. So he obviously didn't have a great final round he was playing with our mate some horsefield. And neither of them obviously set the world alive he was leading by i think one over sam horstfield going into the final round. And quite a few they were they were a couple of shots ahead of everyone else obviously macaroon going into that final round has got to think not that he's got this in the locker obviously there's no there's no guarantee when you've got players like colin murray chasing you down. But you'd like to think of someone with rory macaroni's ilk loves that golf course who's just shot 65 70 67 that he's gonna break 17 win yes you've got you've got to imagine that's going to happen um it got off to a a kind of a slow start um nothing was kind of going his way. And then.

Towards the back end of the round i think it was the 15th hole something really bizarre happened. And again i don't think it would have massively changed the result. But he he hit a great drive down 15. he was like 50 yards away from the green i'm making a little bit further about 70 hours away from the green flipped in this little little wedge. And it pitched one hop just short of the pin six inches short of the pin jumped up hit the pin did you see this question see this one hit the pin now at this point it could drop in the hole it could drop straight down it could drop in the vicinity obviously it's hit the pin on the volley basically half fully it's then.

Ricocheted. And spun back straight into a bunker no. And like rory is like looking at he's kind of going what the hell i mean when it's not going your debt away it's not going your way is it you know what i mean. And i actually saw a clip it came back up on my twitter feed today.

Calling maricara on the second round got a massive uh break of luck he's. So good with his irons normally on the 17th hold the par three over water he pushed his iron shot and it hit a water hazard steak nice a yellow steak and it stopped it from going in the water he chipped. And put it in it made a power in that hole now rory got a little bit lucky on that same hole as well on the 17th i think it might have been the same day he pulled it left. And instead of it going in the water it nestled on the rocks. And he had to actually hit a shot off the rocks and end up making four or nearly chipped in for a three but then.

You look at those little bits of look and whatever and sometimes it just doesn't go your way and i'm sure rory probably felt amazing going into that final round he's been swinging more freely he's gone back to his old golf coach michael bannon um he seems to be swinging it unbelievably well again hitting these like low bullet driver shots which i've never seen um. And you've got to think he's kind of it's not going his way that's happened on 15 he's obviously warts off he's fuming with his result he's end up finishing tied six he's obviously gone back in the player's hut whatever it is looked himself in the mirror. And tried to hulk his way out of his top really don't get the ripping i get anger on the golf course a borderline get snapping a club i don't condone snapping a club but i get it so certainly if you're getting your clubs are free did you sleep in your shirt open it's like a little baby did you see the meme no i'm not seeing the meme please. So i think it was golf gods that shared it right i don't know if they created it let me just double check uh who's who i don't know. For the tour created it right so fun of this it's rory mcelroy stood there with his shirt ripped open and he's got he's on his phone and he at that point you see that yeah. And he and the they show you what he's texting right he's texting tiger who goes hey tiger and ty goes what's up raw remember the swing video you showed me the other day inside goes yeah the goat is almost back looks like no green jacket. For you in 2022 obviously this is not real he's put l. For you anyway you think you could post that swing video today.

Oh my goodness he's gone sure. But why and rory's gone while he still got his phone i'll explain in a bit i've got to go nike calling i just thought that was very very clever. But um listen i think he's obviously got the talent he's obviously got everything in the locker he just he could win more he should win more. And then.

Probably it's one of those moments end of the season he's just gone you can rip your own like that i don't know i really wish we've got a shirt. And he could try um i think it's from doing that you know oh yeah he's strong in it yeah well he's a strong laugh it's a rip you like that it really must have been anchon i'm not at this point come on come on let me shoot oh rick rick oh if you're scared it's like oh he's scared sorry everyone listening. And watching rick so it's good and i'm actually not sure what score would make me want to rip my shirt 93 yeah it's not the question it's not out of the realm um. But yeah. So that's all a lot of golf there yeah a bit too much we'll come on to our golf bit later can i come into a little bit more golf is it good go on what are we gonna guarantee that you're gonna go i think it's amazing gone then..

So i also caught a bit of the lpga okay right i'm sorry no i'll watch like five minutes. And do something else. And come back to it i don't sit there very often and watch it unless it's like a major the only thing that frustrates me and you can do it now on youtube. So i've got a thing that way i can swipe off yeah you can swipe the video off the main screen. But it's still on yeah yeah. And so i can go on other stuff yeah. And check whatever it's the only thing that annoys me with watching live tv you can't do that. And adverts drives me insane so many i think there's. So many adverts but i know they've got to pay the bills um so so but the lpga i did watch mainly online. And watch loads on twitter and stuff like this because it was the highest winner's check that's ever been over a million dollars 1.5 million dollars nice enough uh jin young co won right that's not the amazing things not gonna say the greens she hit 63 consecutive greens in regulation that is outrageous apparently there was a stat as well tiger in his best year 2000 hit 29 greens in regulation that was the most he's ever done this this woman jin young co hit 63 greens in regulation i think she missed the green on thursday at some point halfway around i suppose yeah be about halfway all the way to the end of the tournament from it would have been the ninth hole on thursday yeah yeah i think roughly from that point onwards then.

She didn't miss a green in regulation that is ridiculous that is very very impressive um. And also nasa to catch her second well it's again getting a video of rick you'll win she uh well she comes second but she's win money were you with money uh i don't know what second place was. But i just think obviously first off i do 100 believe that obviously women's support they should get paid. So much more than they do. So it's great to see now the break in these massive records um and well done amazing tournament and listen to shoot 63 greens regulation you absolutely deserve to win [Music] you want to come on to a little golf confession so new features become a very popular feature yeah we've had. So many emails in and if you've got one to send in please do it's podcast rickshield.com. And we've got loads we want more because i think we're going to try this. For as long as we can because there's such a good variety last week the first one we had was a cheat yes then.

We had the guy that jumped onto the golf course without paying yeah. So we're trying to like vary up a little bit we still do want all sorts of like cheats in that because the arrows i love listen to the cheetah golf. So this is from uh anonymous i played in dubai i left them around i decided to rip my shirt well this one this week. So we've kind of called it golf confessions i've also kind of called it forgive or condemn but today.

I don't think there's much to forgive it's just a funny one you're ready. For this the the title of the email is golf confessions dash trying to impress my class okay. So it says high reckon guy we listened to the golf confessions this week and realized i need to get some off my chest dot dot dot nice i just moved countries and i'm a senior in high school i'm from the uk but i go to an american school so he's moved to america at my old school we had a golf team and i was a captain which i made everyone aware of by having captain. And then.

His surname on the back of my hoodie i was naive i'm weird i know which is even weird when i moved to manu school in america i got quite nervous on my first day when doing first day introductions um i got asked what i do my free time okay i said i was a professional golfer as soon as i said it. And you had messed up anyway i went on to tell a story of how i was asked to turn pro last year into niadex wanted to continue on school. And go to a good university but then.

Told him i actually had since turned pro and the um as a brand rep for some made up golf brands and now everyone thinks i'm basically a total professional i am a plus one handicapper and i was asked by school counselors last year whether i considered turning pro instead of going on. And carry on at school but i decided to stay at school i want to get this off my chest and let the world know i am not a professional golfer i got a bit nervous on the first day i wanted to impress the other people in my class he told a little bit of a white lie and not being able to get his way out of it i like how he had to invent freight golf brands rather say oh yeah i'm a tail made ambassador he's made up a random golf rand. And said he's ambassador. For that brand oh my god what's your advice then.

What i think i can forgive him it's not the biggest lie in the world it's it's a hundred percent something i wouldn't 100 out of i probably did. And honestly that that is definitely a something i would do i i've done it too many times where i've i said something i'm have you said that. And i just have to go with it for the rest of my life um wow um i i don't i can't i don't know what advice to give him but i mean he could turn pro you could yeah. And it's all he's off he could actually turn pro you just resend it rescind your amateur status um and he's obviously good enough i think where it would have really fallen down your story let's say if he was off like seven. Or eight or something and he's and like but he's obviously a good player plus one um oh i don't know my punishment for him it's not a massive one uh i want him to lose his butter head cover so he's got no headphones putter. So it's a bit of convenience had to buy you one off ebay for 19.99 okay that's that's enough. For me quite a good punishment i feel like you've been thinking about that on the spot um punishment uh oh it's a bit of a nasty one but the next.

Time you are playing. For your team do you still play. For the team or not i mean there's a team at this school from what you're saying next.

Time you are on the first tee i'm sorry. But you're gonna have to top it 50 yards yeah in front of everyone as many people as watching as possible yeah. And then.

You turn around and go i'm not a pro it's all i'm gonna lie rickshaw told me to start live um yeah sounds a good one. But again we want these every week so i really enjoy them so if you've got one send them in podcast rickshaws.com the more elaborate the better so let's get on to the real news we've had the kind of poxy european tour dp world so whatever it's called and some bloke called tiger woods can hit a golf ball again whatever um. But last week we played golf we did we um went to former ladies golf club which as i said earlier on i'm now a big fan of. For several reasons of degrees the greens are great it's got lovely thick rough that really contrasts. And nicely cut fairways the condition for this time of year in northwest england is phenomenal um it's quite short in length. So you can either go with driver. And drive the greens or play safe with the fire iron if you go for the green the stick rough to deal with all those reasons the staff were lovely uh it was a lovely sunny day. And anne's lovely ain't you and anna was a very nice lady an irish lady who what's her actual club secretary she's club secretary she was very very nice very kind of um what what would i say like wasn't just yeah a really pleasant lady. And i think irish hospitality yeah she was she was really really nice i was made to feel at home i also won the match which did help oh i didn't when you were gonna come on to this we had a little uh we were gonna play we just we've played a match yeah you've won a few before yeah willy nilly. But this was the real map we said on the first c this is the match that is whoever wins is the best golfer. And we shook hands on it weirdly we spent our hands each and then.

Shook hands and um two remember though witnessed it um john and ian who said yeah we witnessed this. So this is the final fact this is a real match. So i said fine i'm not that possible um. So we played demolished i think i played absolutely horrendous yeah i lost two balls as well. So i wasn't great but still no it won't let's let's have a little bit of a i'll ingest. But it was a really nice day what was funny it was it was quite a pleasant day it was a bit chilly a bit cold. But was it sunny as well weird um. And i thought right i could do it let's do a bit of a section. For the podcast obviously content we need content desperately as you can tell. And not play with guy for a couple of weeks or a couple months whatever it makes i know we played it whatever i thought where's the golf course that could really beat him he's crap with his driver so why don't i take him somewhere dead dead tight anyway what i hadn't anticipated is because it was. So tight i don't think he hit driver wanted you i didn't lost it that was one driver i was a professional as well yeah. So guy didn't hit driver once which surprised me he hit five iron a lot and because of that he was hitting longer irons into the greens. But hitting a lot of greens yeah like almost 63 greens almost yeah we played 18 we had 17 holes one was shot. For maintenance i actually hit 64 greens so that's why it's got a little asterisk next.

To the exactly yeah because it's not really a win um on the contrast i don't think i've ever hit driver as good you've you nailed it. Or asked straight this is the issue right. So it's a short i'll tell you what though honestly just on a serious note though for me ladies golf course is phenomenal i was really impressed. And you have that choice if you're a longer hitter like you are you can either go with your driver. And get up to these powerfuls in in one or even get that sounds silly there's some par fives you could not put it close to but get a long one down but if you hit driver genuinely there's this rough to deal with you didn't hit much rough you were really accurate i honestly hit driver. So bloody straight but there's a problem there was a problem with that you had a lot of flicks i had a lot of shots under 100 yards off perfect tight fairway yeah which probably didn't realize i was driving home that day. And going oh that was a mistake because you're not very good from there rick like normally when i hit good wedge shots about the rough there's a little bit of forgiveness yeah i can get the club underneath the ball a little bit when i was on these tight links turf not feeling the most confident with my wedges in the world trying to hit these little flick shots often hitting second into the green. So guys already on the green typically the amount of wedge shots i missed the green on was actually scary yeah like really really really really scary. So i missed so many greens didn't get up and down made a lot of silly bogeys from nowhere putting wasn't great even though i hold some good ones um and then.

Weirdly you were way way way ahead of it in the match around kind of 16 i managed to claw it back within one. Or two it was within two. And then.

The very next.

Hole it all went i got i thought i'd lost my ball oh so 17th hole there's only two shots in it now guys blocked it right i've crushed one down the fairway but weirdly found the fairway bunker which i didn't think i was gonna reach we're looking. For guys ball for probably about six minutes yep it was about six minutes um there's no one behind us no rush you know whatever. So i managed to find this golf ball i'm really nice i walked past it like three or four times and then.

You knew that you wanted to lose with dignity i better tell him what was that stuff you'd say it was in it was like um heath lundy stuff on it it wasn't rough it was like um what do they call it it's almost like when you have a gauze bush. But on the floor yeah i can't explain mini trees yeah weird flammable not what actually is think of now hit a 54 degree i think to like 24 great shots. So i was in this fairway bunker about 60 yards away. But a bit too close to the lip and i played an okay shot got to the front edge rolled it up there to within two foot. And we weren't playing gimmicks we were trying to knock everything in you just missed a tiny one on the hole before which got it back to two the very next.

Hole had a foot away a foot. And a half i went to knock it and missed it that's like great that's a nice bogey well done rick guy knocks it in for bird yeah takes a four shot lead coming down the last that's what i do see you beating my four b by four yeah that's yeah. But it was you know what though on a serious note it was it was good i enjoyed it etc. But as you said before i can't hit driver i need to i need to work on it i need to get it back because it's part of the fun playing golf hitting your driver isn't it it just is. But i've also learned if i'm going playing golf casually just don't even hit it because i know it feels like i'm almost admitting defeat. But i never hit just long lines off the team keep it in play i'll enjoy the day more and i'm playing so infrequently that when i do play i want to enjoy it. And if i can just keep it in play. And even some holes in five and off the t which is ridiculous when i quit driving a bit of wind behind. And get up towards the green but i thought if i do it drive i might lose it at least hit a five. And keep it in play play the golf course and just enjoy it what's scary for me at the moment i feel like i can hit. But with my driver i've got more accuracy where i'm going to land the golf ball my driving than i do with a with a sand wedge in my hand yeah which is quite scary. So i need to work on that um we'll have more matches more updates coming soon yeah big news we not this is going to be super super annoyingly um what i'm going to say i'm trying to avoid this limited what i'm going to say. But we saw a driver last week from a brand that's coming out next.

Year one of the big big brands looks really nice i think honestly. And and you kind of got to go off looks a little bit these days because there's not loads and loads of different in technology obviously the brands will say there is. But i must admit this time the brand wasn't claiming the world no it was a very small increment incremental change if any. But honestly the look of this driver drivers in the lineup yeah wow nice i know it's annoying we can't say more than that. But we just can't and it's but yeah there's got some good looking drives quite next.

Year whether before there's a really good looking one. And then.

A very different one yes which we definitely can't talk about because we shouldn't have even seen that. Yet um so yeah they'll all be coming very soon i feel like i've got quite a lot of questions here on facebook. And i probably should have prepped it a bit better i've got some saved and i don't haven't done so let me have a question just across the top um yep okay i'm just scrolling down the page i feel like i should be able to pad this out i'll tell you what we need to pad out actually um the speedgolf video went out last week didn't you have to do that well on v which is annoying even though it was really good videos if you haven't seen it go. And watch that one it's called sprint gold i've changed the name or something as well have you done the fastest round of golf i've ever seen that's what it was [Music] probably not ask. For the title that's fine we needed to try something we needed to resuscitate it somehow um so i filmed the video with uh he's a golf pro in here i keep forgetting this he's a golf pro he's a pga golf pro we mentioned this the kind of story i think on the last podcast before. But something wouldn't really do on earth then.

Well that's just oh no not on the radio. But let's do anyway why did that video's not done as well as it could have done because it's had about two hundred thousand views to now which is after all dates out friday afternoon. So it's all day saturday all day sunday now some of monday what do you think um i i don't know by the facts that people just maybe not interested in it potentially um. For me it i think it was one of the obviously because we were on shoot. And we were witnessing it it was one of my favorite video shoots i've done oh it was very. For a very very long time there was loads going on loads of different camera angles you might have even appreciated a little we hired an fpv drone which is one of these drone pilots that basically like whiz round. And do all this stuff. And it's dead cool and we we you know filtered a bit of that in um we just did loads of really cool stuff on the video cam gopros me running after him which got a lot of comments um which i've now started to analyze my running technique a lot more now after that i need to really consider think think how i run these days a little bit like raheem sterling very much. So like a t-rex yeah like a t-rex raheem sterling um what was interesting that's rick's film uh i started watching video i'm just trying to get the views up just give me a minute um go on i ran the golf course on friday when the video went live. And i ran the marriott on the paths which is longer than centennial links if i was playing it i think it was 7th out it was 7.16 kilometers. And i ran it in 37 minutes so not a record breaking time obviously i really enjoyed that by the way i run really enjoyed it luke um golf on an 18-hole golf course in 43 minutes arguably a little bit shorter than the run i did i mean that's a pretty incredible feat it is. But i think on hindsight it's a great video to shoot luke was a very passionate guy. And it's a different type of golf that is it's always nice people take other types of golf because we do again i think a golfing very linear hole one to eighteen. And a three ball and a four ball or whatever so it is always interesting when people take it to a different kind of way. And play in a different kind of way but i think. For me the reason if i didn't do as well as we would have liked is that people don't play golf a time do they. So people play golf obviously for score that's that's the ultimate how many shots you need to get this golf ball to that hole now everybody who does play golf kind of fairly regularly know that one of the downsides to golf is it can take a long time certainly in a football on a saturday in a comp you can be pushing five hours. But a lot of the comments i saw people some people really getting it and that's incredible uh incredible feat of athletics athleticism other people saying i don't get it why is he bothering running around it's just kind of not what golf is. So i just wonder that like if people just see it and just don't really not get it there's not much to get but just don't really appreciate it like you don't play golf to the speed do you play. For score it's probably a little bit like how i could imagine some people not understanding or getting long drive for example yeah. But equally i kind of get that but hitting the ball far is part of goal don't have to hit it far. But we all know that the further you hit it typically it's an advantage and we all know our limits don't so i might know for example i'ma hit the ball 200 yards so if somebody gets at 300 i think wow that's. So far i can't imagine that but most people although they know that they're not as fit as luke they don't play golf running yeah you almost can't do you know what i mean i would it's one of those sports let's say. Or one of those types of sports that and i mentioned it after the olympics this year i would honestly love to see not just golf play the olympics in the way it's played i.e 72 holes yep you know four rounds of golf i would love to see things like speedgolf in the olympics or long drive in the olympics or things that are just. So different and almost very easy to sit back and con consume that type of it's different just nine holes who can. And like there's a world record like what's mad the world record we we only discovered this the video the day we've released a video the world record for 18 holes of golf played by an individual without any assistance i mean no golf cart. Or whatever it is was done in raw count in county down in ireland. And it was 27 minutes yeah didn't say what he shot. But 27 minutes to get around he's obviously played pretty well the golf course was 6200 yards. And that actually happened in 1987. so like 34 years ago that took place that's crazy i can't believe no one's beat it since. But do you think as well with that like if you think of 100 meters 100 meters 100 meters it's going to be a flat course now obviously there's temperature might be wind i don't i don't really understand athletics. But so there's going to be some certain elements that can affect how an athlete performs ultimately 100 meters over 100 meters that golf was like you said i don't know where it was how downhill it was how like i don't know like might be one of those weird golf courses where it is literally all downhill yeah somehow you finish at the bottom of the hill. And whatever i don't know or if it was done in the summer imagine if like a proper burnt out golf course where the ball would just roll forever yeah. And he played this like little scurry low shot and just legged after it question for you then.

This is a good one. So obviously you enjoyed making that video about speed golf and it was a nice video if people haven't watched it i do suggest go. And go and give them a watch but you obviously on the day were quite in awe of him naturally as we all were he had to be he was just it was mad. But are you now bothered about watching it again like would you not not the video. But would you want to watch sp do you feel you've seen it now i've seen that that was interesting done would you actually like if he said i'm playing in the world championships next.

Week. And my full round is on youtube i think if somebody said it'd have to be time now i think because i know he went around in 43 minutes yeah if then.

Suddenly someone said he went around in 35 minutes i'd be like whoa. But would you sit on the same course though if i wasn't caught doesn't resonate as well does it no that's true because if that you know if you don't know i think yeah i get i think as well this sound this would never happen we could never do this. But people watching the video if it was their own course yeah they'd appreciate it even more yeah i get you i i honestly i thought they would ever do this. For the video i think we've learned our lesson that speak off isn't as popular. Yet maybe i think that could be an hour i think i'll get around in under an hour i don't challenge i don't know as well. So i think that was literally the most perfect course. For it personally yeah because it's flat it's not super long the t's. And greens are they're close to each other i honestly think if i run that golf course i think i could do it around about 30 minutes. So to play it i think i could do it in under an hour per player we'll see next.

Week um how far are we matt it's good i think it's been quite a golf focus one this week. But i'm really sorry we can talk golf if needed i'm really sorry about that i'm sorry it was too cold next.

Week we're going badminton we're going monster energy we're going beans on toast cadbury's bars. But one thing we'll definitely talk about is the wonderful scent andrew's old course hotel oh absolutely a hundred percent two-week sponsorship. So it's definitely gonna spill out next.

Week guys thanks for listening i hope you enjoyed the episode make sure you like and subscribe and do whatever you want to do we'll see you next.

Week on the rich girl show podcast.