[music] all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode number 107 i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy how are you good good to go last weekend um i did good wow what a strong start to the podcast did i catch you they'll catch you off guard no i just thought today's podcast you've walked. And said i'm not sure we're going to talk about today.

So that's normally a good sign because when we don't know what we're going to talk about those podcasts end up being the best. So i thought i'd start it off low and we'll build it and build it and build it and build it and by the end of this episode it will be our best ever podcast full start period done well there you go well to kick things off let's start off with our favorite sponsored read go. For it the old course hotel sent andrews best hotels in andrew's barn on five-star luxury five-star hotel it is overlooking the 17th hole one of the best holes in the world of golf um i know we talked about it last week on the podcast it is just if you've not been definitely try. And get over there i'll tell you what here's a quick one then.

Considering you might not have had the most exciting weekend in the world yes describe to me. And the viewers listeners what's your perfect sent andrews old course hotel weekend okay. So right what the one we've already lived or if i could elevate it right so right let's start again right okay you ready yep friday morning yep get in the car okay you can come with me if you want thank you appreciate it pick you up. And we set off after about 25 minutes in the car we go to our services okay we go in we get i get a red monster ultra you get a white monster ultra wow this is long story oh it's going deep you can't just rush me into this then.

We get snacks you get some chocolate covered raisins i get some hula hoops big eat um what maybe a white twix two-fingered white twix okay i'm gonna head up the road okay we find a good podcast system too yeah um maybe like a youtube one. So like how to like increase your youtube followers we're listening to it really good now that's really good but nothing else yeah you're on your phone scrolling constantly you're never off your phone obviously we're being chauffeur driven here no i'm driving oh okay um i want to experience the roads you're scrolling. So much that your thumb starts bleeding we pull up into andrew's four hours just flies by flies we get to um the old course hotel there's almost too much car park space so i can't decide where to park because some of the hotels and andrews are lovely there's always a park there is nowhere. So we've probably spent 15 minutes thinking where should we park there's too many choices eventually we park up i reverse into my space as you always do big fan of reverse parking. But then.

We go guy he reverses that calf packing space so well so precisely but we can't access the boot now that the golf clubs out so i have to go out again and then.

Drive it yeah get our clubs out okay go to the hotel greeted by the amazing staff well you know what from my memory last time you asked. For this i know i did i regret it now um i i remember last time the doorman being in traditional kill attire being incredibly friendly kind of going welcome to the old course hotel here in saint andrews i won't do a scottish accent anything anything you need from us don't hesitate to ask they'll direct you to the reception desk. And you'll sign in and it's lovely it's all very well you walk in you go it's fine artwork yeah remember that remember the picture of the golf course on there inside beautiful big painting of the golf course the saint andrew's old coursehold golf course you walk around the corner you go to check in hi uh mister. And mr mrs do you want your usual room done with a queen bed um obviously we check in uh individual rooms separate rooms i i must i'm gonna upgrade to the golf course you've got a little bit of better room than me. But you pay for it that's up to you and then.

We uh the the bell boy takes the cl takes all our luggage to the room that's harry the bell boy and then.

We check in and we walk into our beautiful hotels and we text each other straight away what's your room look like really good we then.

Say we have half an hour meet each other back down reception yes half an hour chill etcetera unwind it's been a long drive after all back down reception straight out to the golf course i think no go go into the don vegan. For a pint first okay. But we've got our putters in our hands because the himalayas have a putting comp is this the first day this first day putting come on wow okay um first day putting come. So friday the chill-out day yeah very much walk round um a few scoops watch out andrew have a quick look in the shop i'm looking secondhand shops just vibing real loads of vibing saturday we're playing golf yes old course yeah 8 10 tee time oh i like that nice. And early get to the driving range seven o'clock what because that drive range is. So close to the hotel yeah too close really then.

You can walk you don't need your car the car's gone now we don't need car now in san andreas we drive we walk over to the old course tee off on the first have an epic match where i'll let you beat me again two. And one two one okay we finish up a little painting they're done vegan again we're locals there now. And then.

We get back a little shower and change and then.

Hit the tiles for a saturday saturday afternoon sesh yeah i like it. And it's sunday we're playing one more time sunday we're gonna play um not the old we're gonna play what's the what the one with the jubilee just another what about the actual golf course that's attached to the old course hotel yeah well. So our last day we're going on monday oh yeah we'll drive there. And play there i don't want go for a little walk in the countryside do a little bit of kayaking yeah have a few little whiskies yes i would i'd i'd like to look like i'm drinking the whiskey. But i wouldn't really drink it but you can't get it yeah sunday night one last big fancy meal in one of the six phenomenal restaurants at the old course hotel. And then.

We go back to one of our 100 one of the 175 rooms we're occupying two of them yes uh check out in the morning nice big cup breakfast yeah the works we've had that already on saturday on sunday again on monday hit the road i'll have a snooze with my blanket. And my pillow pathetic but true get home for lunch time and spend a nice afternoon reminiscing that's why we are the best golf podcaster sponsor because you get your good bang. For your buck don't you got that 12 minutes there exactly and it was good content i think um. So thank you very much the old cos hotel for sponsoring the podcast if you want to know more go on to oldcoursehotel.com um should we talk about after our epic match at formby ladies the other epic match that was taking place soon after how epic was it. So just talk to me about this match right people that don't know which i don't think is many people. But elaborate please well there's been a few versions of the match now what was the tiger. And phil the first one so tiger and phil they played for a million dollars yeah they've had one where it's been tight not tiger phil mickelson. And tom brady is that the tom brady versus who did they play was that not bryson could have been bryson. And there was tiger phil then.

There was oh that peyton manning tom brady versus justin thomas was it oh no uh the tiger go again actually as a doubles yes yes when it was absolutely throwing it down correct. So yeah there's been individual tiger versus phil there's been four ball match between tiger phil. And celebrity partners it's been a good few actually it's been quite a lot but the most recent version of it with all the build up of certain last 12 months of this hatred that's happening between two incredibly famous tour players brooks kepker and bryson deshambo they've got this beef yes they apparently they kind of hate each other. But i don't know if i fully buy into it if i'm honest i think it's a bit of a dislike. But the media have massively kind of picked it up but it was a match play at the wing golf in las vegas over 12 holes weirdly which i suppose was done to make it kind of shorter form a faster pace which is something we're asking. For more of in golf so it's quite kind of i don't blame them for doing that brooks destroyed him five and three yeah which is. So that would have finished he would have finished on the ninth uh yeah ninth hole wow that's battering that isn't it yeah yeah he uh what was really interesting all the build-up i must admit you don't see a lot of brooks practicing you don't see him shelling golf balls you don't see him putting the grind in i'm sure he does we just don't see it bryson i feel like certainly recently with his social media he's featuring on his own youtube channels he's featuring loads of other youtube channels like the good good lads. And people like that he seems to be putting a lot of work in hard graft hitting lots and lots of golf balls obviously trying to increase his club head speed he's bull speed tremendously trying to hit the ball off as far as he possibly can he's working out you see a lot of it. But in a match like that i do honestly think it's an element of grit. And determination that comes into it yeah i think did you enjoy did you oh it wasn't on tell in the uk it was on tv it wasn't live i think you could stream it yeah maybe not illegally um. So you could if you wanted to i watched a lot of the highlights and little clips because again something nine holes really got to see this there wasn't loads and loads of clips there was a bit of banter a little bit of bryce. And shambo coming up to the first tee with some cupcakes of brooks's face brooks weren't really buying into it i quite like the commentary of phil mickelson yeah i thought he was excellent um. And uh charles barkley is well who i don't really massively know i know he's huge in america. But is it charles barkley is that the singer that's niles bark he did the one that says crazy um anyway the commentary i thought was really good the interaction that what was fascinating like they had airpods in yeah. And like you could hear them and they could hear the commentators i like that yeah i felt like you got a little bit more in the mind of these players. And obviously it's an exhibition match so we're trying to raise money for charity or whatever it may be the golf course looks amazing no better setting than las vegas um. But i must admit you tell me right now i've seen maybe five golf shots the thing is with it. For me i'm very much and we said there's many podcasts i'm sure we can we'll continue to do. So i'd love to see more different varieties of golf certainly it's fun to watch you know for us and it's another way of getting more people into the sport of golf not everybody wants to watch four days of stroke play so i'm all behind that the only thing for these matches that i find a little bit kind of semi-cringy but more hard to get into is. For me i'm like a casual boxing fan so i wouldn't go out there and say i'm a huge huge boxing fan because someone who's got proper knowledge would just look at me and say you know nothing so i don't claim something about boxing however. every like big fight that's on was on skybox office. And i'll be on that zone or whatever i end up paying for and watching because i get i get into it and even with the youtuber stuff obviously coming up soon as jake paul is a tommy fury which is stupid. But i'll get into it and the reason i get so into it for me personally is i can't comprehend at the minute like jake paul. And tommy fury which i know people will be noticing these guys exposed to some degree one's gotta lose yeah. And he could draw but in reality one of them's gonna lose and they don't both don't believe they will. And to some degree their careers will be massively tarnished if they do lose with these golf kind of one-on-one things another one. For a bit of fun but well at the minute bryson is better world ranking than brooks kepca. So if he loses what he did he just go out if you want to well yeah. But i'm high up in the world rankings yeah brooks kepler's got more majors on him. So he can always say well i've got more mages than you have you've got one i've got four yeah it doesn't really change then.

Does it i know it's like it's done. For fun but what actually is the point yeah it like do i think anything worse of bryson exactly after losing no no i don't think he's a worse golfer than brooks kepker because that you can't measure it on on just that not in golf anyway like you say in a boxing ring it's man versus manners someone's got to get knocked down. And somebody's got to win the fight as such yeah this isn't a fight a few you know a few wayward drives. For bryson it puts him in the trouble and a few hole puts from brooks kepler it makes him win the match it's like it's not a proper fight is it they're trying to build it up like that they're doing all this they're doing all these press conferences before they're even doing like the face-off before the match. And everything else like that um interviews afterwards um it was nice it was entertainment this would never happen if they had they matched. And said right the loser of the said match isn't allowed to play any of the four mages next.

Year. So that's what you're playing for god so it's like there's actually something massively on the line imagine bryce have to miss next.

Year's four it would never happen but imagine had to miss the next.

Four majors he lost the match yeah the only one thing. For me that it really should be done off is their own cash that would that. For me would be the only way you could really really like get somebody going if they both put 10 million dollars in each winner takes all that's like i'm taking 10 million off you it'll it that would come across incorrectly in the world of the in the world of other sports because where'd you where the golfers put their. Or sports people put their own money into it really it's always off sponsors and stuff but that's the only thing that would kind of make it really feel tangible like he's beat him he's taking 10 million off him but then.

Again if tiger played against phil it's not comparable because tiger's worth ten times more than phil i would guess but it's like it i don't know it's a it's a weird one it's nice to see golf exploring different avenues these short formats and stuff so i'm definitely behind that it wasn't quite it for me but having said that they might make another match in the future i'm like i'm definitely behind yeah. But it's just hard in it yes i'm really like saying fully i love the ideas. And i love all the pr behind it with like bryson hitting shots from the top of the wind hotel down onto the golf course and that was his face like i loved all of that sort of stuff. And the match it was it was good. And there was a bit of heckling um. But like i said i don't think anything worse after it where in boxing you're dead right you definitely see a failed fighter as he's that person has failed like auntie joshua's lost twice now you see him differently exactly which is is bad. But that's the sport yeah even like conor mcgregor like he was number one now he's lost a few times you think ah he's not got it anymore. But that doesn't happen in golf does it question. For you then.

I can't exactly off topic but using one of those athletes just mentioned in uh brooks kepca he's obviously just signed we mentioned last week we knew he was going to break they're going to tricks in which you know houses got off well not a full through the bag deal in a sense not every single club is going to be. But his driver his irons his wedges are cleveland which obviously come under the stricken umbrella he's putter still a scottie cameron i believe he's got a 92 iron bag he's had. For years but we've had a question of nathan young on the facebook group if you're not part of the facebook group why not it's completely free we actually did an offer on this offer i put on the group on black friday i thought it was incredible. So we have an offer on black friday which unfortunately now you have missed but it was um the full day it was free to join the facebook group no way yeah full free offer wow it looks like 100 that's like 100 discount. And it was also free to subscribe to both of your youtube channels. For the day as well the hell guys so i know this is something good now anyway the question was from nathan young in the facebook group if you do want to join the facebook group it's always free it's the rickshaws golf show podcast. For you listening it's free always and i would like a few donations actually for all the work and doing it but if it's fine i can live it that way all course hotel are painting no jokes right. So nathan young has asked if sponsorship deals or pro players didn't exist okay what golf clubs you think would be the most used from the players on tour from putters wedges irons. And drivers etcetera that's a great question um you know the best way of answering this i think is if you look at when nike stopped making clubs yes. And they said they said to their athletes they said look we'll still pay you the full amount because we've not making clothes that will pay you toward the apparel still you can use what you want i would then.

Say i saw a trend of mizuno lions yes i saw a trend the taylormade woods yes i saw a trend of titles pro v1 golf balls yes uh wedges were a mixture yeah a bit of oaky bit of whatever yeah i didn't see any real trends there uh putters again probably a bit of a mixture i'd say odyssey. And scotty typically yeah um. And i think that's probably a fair kind of it's almost exactly what brooks kept could use yeah when he was when he stopped using nike had a tailor-made driver he had mizuno irons which he won all of his majors with um like i said they might still keep a couple of clubs hanging around some of the old ones like i can't believe you still got that nike is it that's incredible it's still got that in the bag um honestly. And i mentioned it last week on that i was i was really shocked. But then.

The more i thought about it he's also using the strix and ball as well dead star he's using a lot of kind of strixing stuff already so basically it's a multi-multi-million pound deal for using a driver and a different golf ball he's usually uncontrollable he's already using the irons so um probably more of a smart business move for him more than it's a funny one isn't it because if you think of the big brands now. And i'm talking you ping callaway taylormade titleist mizuno cobra mythical out they don't make bad gear they all make good good stuff and whether they make drivers irons wedges and a ball of every department that said brands make is good. So like for example ping pongs are good the wedges are good ions are good drivers are good etc we all knows who know wedges are great irons are great drivers are good ball etc etc. So you could sign for any brand and they as even as an amateur i know they don't sign out so let's just say you signed an amateur for a brand and they gave you all the gear they make you'd get good stuff yeah if you then.

Think of that it's been a tough pro not only will they give you all the stuff. And pay you to use it they will also make stuff. For you so if you like you said to them look you couldn't play that you make at mizuno it's nice. But i wish there was a bit more balance. Or upset or whatever less offset less bounce whatever it might be yeah a bit more of a grind here they will do that. For you and even the likes of taylormade now there's so many different irons they have for their tour pros so you do think in one way as a tour pro any brand will make you what you want. But equally on the flip side of that it is quite hard to find just even to your eye that every piece of equipment a brand makes. And how it feels is going to be perfect. For you so i think that these guys that use mixed bags are onto something. But obviously there must be a hell of a lot of money up for grabs for people like rory and tiger and brooks technicians how to be signing these deals i think the other thing that i saw a lot with taylormade as well taylormade used to have a lot of players on their books. And they decided to go down the route of just signing the kind of superstars and they had more of a smaller stable but the biggest of the big names i think sometimes as well some of the big names don't always like to be in the same stable as other big names like nobody is as big as srixon than bruce kepca right now yeah you've got shane lowry obviously open winner a couple of years ago you got graham mcdowell obviously major winners in the past. But matsuyama matsuyama that's a fair shout out yeah major masters winners got a few minutes um he's probably going in there as top dog oh yeah really where he doesn't do that in taylormade. For example true bryson has gone with cobra because he is top dog cobra you know. And i think i think part of signing with these brands as well is to be top dog like everybody's going to jump through hoops to make you as happy as you can as their star tour player it's a bit like when justin rose went to honma it was because he didn't particularly feel maybe as as um what's the right word as loved as love that taylor made potentially he could go to a new brand. And he is their people they will do anything. For him it didn't quite work out but they would do anything. For him um and i think that's somewhat of an appeal. For some of these tour players that they get literally they would have there and shrieks and they're going to be all over brooks kept giving him everything he could ever ever ever ever want um it's a bit like bridgestone with golf balls really they only have tiger. And bryson yeah they'll do everything they if bryson says i don't like the dimple four on this golf ball they'll change it. For him that i think. For i mean even though i don't use a bridgestone ball they've got such a following every time what you have on social media people say about bridgestone balls i think in having those two athletes they probably will have more obviously. But the two main ones it's so clever because obviously tiger woods is the greatest of all time. So even though people know he's getting paid school in the pounds use their golf ball it also has to be a good golf ball then.

On the other side of the coin having bryson who's this kind of scientist who's looking for perfection looking for distance to have him using your ball you think well again he wouldn't use it it wasn't giving him it could. So it's kind of like the two they've got are super clever at bridgestone i wonder why they've not they've probably moved up the ladder in golf ball priority. Or or one i wonder why they're not really kind of pushing on like what like more athletes or just becoming more of a popular golf ball i mean was it really popular i think it's bigger in america because over here they're not that big the amount of comments we get. And stuff people love it i think it would be bigger in america that's true speaking of um these amazing athletes. And what's in their bag they're gonna say talking about amazing golfers and what is in their golf bags this is going on tuesday this podcast yesterday monday you're watching the bag went live on youtube it did. So if you've not seen that video yet it's a little bit of a spoiler alert so maybe just skip five minutes or so but if you have listened they'll go a bit more in depth on rich golf clubs we did a what's in the bag video yes uh that's changed which features a cheeky cheeky giveaway if you're not already entered make sure you subscribe like. And comment on the video and giving away a personalized well not personalized one-of-a-kind rickshield's folky wedge um a few things have changed a few things have stayed and i also said in the video right now even though i've got new clubs in the bag i honestly think. And it sounds surrender i honestly think i'm playing the worst golf my life right now yeah i don't want you to agree absolutely um i've destroyed you i know you've formulated destroyed me yeah no i never played golf rock up. And absolutely destroyed just that you need to hang your head in shame so that's give me the kick up the arse i need um so yeah i'll give you a quick run down. So uh ping g425 max driver in the back nine degrees tensile extra flex shaft love that driver for accuracy i don't feel like it's the longest driver in the world but it it off i can offset that with accuracy oh yeah i would be interested to look at maybe some options that would unlock a bit more distance. For me but the moment i think i need to increase speed efficiency of strike efficiency of swing path angle of attack i think i can max out more distance anyway. But i might look at start the years a couple of drivers that are coming out that if i can get the same forgiveness as my ping. And rock on 10 or 15 yards with me becoming stronger and faster and maybe a driver that can give me a little bit lower spin rate. And can bound down the fairways a little bit more i would be inclined to swap. But from an outsider's point of view do you not think that you don't need obviously we always want more distance. But for you you're quite long quite straight at the moment it's not that it's like you don't want to be a world beater realistically because you're not playing enough golf you want to you want to be shooting level power or whatever i do. But long enough honestly have this year felt there's been golf course i've played that i'm now not long enough to play i play some rock cliffhanger yeah. But i know but rock cliff hall jcb um even when i played king's barns with like minwoo lee like normally i would never worry about distance ever there's been a few times this year i'm like oh crap i'm actually getting quite short i'm getting old and slow i think that's because of you playing with playing i mean he's like a long hitter on the european tour who's just by the way cracked into the top 50 in the world well exactly you're playing at the longest golf course in uk. So it's going to feel long again formulators was very very short. But you drive a dead long and dead straight around the ground you're letting yourself like shoot i'd say i'm not not 100 say i'm swapping yeah. But if there is well yeah there's always a long run straighter we're all going to swap aren't we obviously honest it wouldn't go long in australia um 3-wood cobra don't feel like i'm going to change that 2-iron. Or 3-iron i've got in the bag at the moment is a u-500 titleist which i really like. And i've actually gone a bit tightlist heavy at the moment it's not on purpose it's just what i'm kind of using um i mentioned the last ones in the bag that i did earlier in the year that i had the taylormade p7mcs in the bag. And i loved them everything about them looks feel performance everything and i wasn't really planning on changing and then.

For a review put the set of titleist t-100s in the bag and for reasons that kind of weren't obvious at the time i kept those title designs in the bag and that wasn't ever the plan the one i mean i love the look i love the feel like the performance. For me i find that maybe whether it's the language or a different waiting ahead system in the head they don't go as far left on me which is a nice little positive i feel a bit more confident i'm not going to hit it left. So i've got three a four iron down to nine iron yes um again i don't see why they should change. But i said that about the tailor taylormade. So we'll see what happens in the future then.

I've gone for four specialized wedgies i've gone for a 46 degree so like a pitching wedge which i'm still not sold on yet yeah that. For me obviously a lot of tour pros do that. And people might know if you have a look at these watts in their bags they don't have the the wedge that's part of the set you have you said a specialist wedge which is normally like a 46 degree one. So this is a vokey wedge i'm i'm personally not a fan there's been a couple of times where even when we played the adlington golf course where like. For 125 yards 130 yards well for me that's just a normal pitching wedge yeah i'm looking down on this slimmer more bladed specialized 46 degree wedge thinking i don't know if i've i don't know if this is gonna get there i think you lose ball speed really i don't think that's proven. Or not but i really do think you lose ball speed off it. So that might be a club i might change maybe put the t-100 in the bag of the pitching wedge which i think i've got anyway then.

I've got a 50 degree vokey 54-degree vocal 58 degree um i'm sorry i've not i've got 50 54 60. um i've decided to go. For slightly different wedges this year over the tm uh taylormade mg twos that i had in the bag which i liked for a bit but lost confidence with chipping um i've got lots and lots of bounce really forgiving grinds um i feel like i can almost chip better with them my confidence at the moment i have to certainly have to formulate this shot. So i need to do a lot a lot of work on my wedges this this winter i watched actually a really good video. So you know the lad i feel like we'll talk about bryson loads bryson hangs around with a lot yeah hogan hogan is it there's one called hogan. And there's nothing brother he's got a youtube channel and he went he had a chipping lesson off bryson so interesting really bryson basically tries to fight his chips really dead shallow hits behind the ball closes the face so he goes back really shallow hits purposely slightly behind the golf ball let's the grind of the club and the bounce just skim across the floor this is an american crime granted. So if it happens in a wet golf course in manchester and then.

Purposely closes the face through the shot why so a couple of reasons he hits the ground behind the ball for bouts so he doesn't he doesn't need to rely on becoming so close to the golf ball with his strike so you can go shallow. And i've even seen some stuff off as a golf coach called james ridgard who's a short game coach he was showing some videos this week where they you put a coin a couple of inches behind the golf ball. And basically trying to skim that coat that coin behind the golf ball that is weird. But dead shallow and literally the club comes in and just skims and the and the bounce of the club just glides along the surface you almost don't see a mark there's no divots. Or anything and the balls are just popping up popping up popping up. So definitely something i want to try and then.

The reason why bryson shuts the face he doesn't like the face opening because he feels that it influences the loft too much right so he flares it out high right a lot when he gets to face more closing he feels like he can be a lot more consistent with your face loft interesting stuff. So anyway short game i need to work on putter i've got the even roll eevee er2 in the bag i had a great putting lesson on phil kenyon which the video is going to be coming out soon um again i like i put to no real reason to change i used to prove he won golf ball um. And that's kind of what's in the bag but at the moment as i mentioned none of these clubs are making me play good at the moment. But it's not the club's fault it's my fault so i need to get a bit better i need to over the winter um i've been doing a little bit more working out i've been getting a little bit more fitter healthier being more conscious about myself i want to continue that and kind of roll it into my golf game a little bit as well we'll see how much that comes to fruition random one and we're speaking before world ranking of min moo lee how he's in the top 50 now there was something i saw the other day that kind of very much surprised me. So jason day who was world number one is now outside the top world 100. For the first time i think 10 years. Or even 11 years he's now 105 in the world jason day it's crazy and that is madness yeah how much he is he ended the year. So end of the year 2016. it's kind of been a bit of a sharp decline really so end of 2016 it was world number one yeah. And of 2015's the employees number two so he's obviously made progress then.

It went i'll go up in the years now from 17 he finished 13th in the world 18 14 2019 37th last year 43rd so it's going down down. And now i was going to finish the year 105th that's crazy. And he's missed eight cuts in the year that he was world number one he only missed one cut. And played more events madness isn't it how form can. So so mad that's what worries me about golf like i know any sport you could you could say the same but i sometimes think like how think about you watch a tour pro now. And they had a seven iron into a green and it's 175 yards obviously they don't always put as close as the public may think because if you look at the stats when i see on twitter it's actually their average 30 foot. Or whatever it might be i don't know but within reason they're hitting that white little golf ball quite close to the flag how mad is that anything. But you're swinging a metal club around your head hitting it on the grass there's obviously wind what happens if you woke up one day couldn't swing a golf club what would you do what would you do i was a junior this used to get into my head sometimes i almost think what happens if tomorrow i'm hitting a driver at speed i just can't do it anymore yeah that's what's happened to me right i can't drive anymore i think i think i think it's a mindset thing isn't it. But like you said with your wedges though at the minute you've got not really any confidence. And you're chipping around the green thinking it all can happen was when i'm in that situation i'm not amazing. But i feel fairly confident yeah on the flip side you would drive it pretty well most times bang it down the middle. Or whatever i honestly stand there now the driver in my hand scurred yeah it's a horrible art i don't wish i'm the worst enemy it's disgusting yeah i can well same flip side like it's almost the same any any negative in your game you feel like you put. So much more kind of emphasis and pressure on it and it definitely is a more of a mind game that ends up becoming a a challenge uh oh shane jason dave's dropped. So much i like jason day a lot yeah i don't hear a golf confession let's do it. So this has been our new topic we're kind of calling it golf confession slash forgive or condemn we've had some good ones so far i think it's the fourth week of doing. So last week's guy was the lad who lied about being a golf pro yes that was that little clip did well on youtube as well if you want yours featured please email podcast ricksheels.com we've got loads of good ones in the bank. But keep them coming because if you've not read them out we love just reading them and laughing so today.

It says hi rick. And guy greetings from canada please put please keep me anonymous this summer i took part in my very first individual tournament it did not go well i was 17 over power when i reached the 16th t the hole is a short path four instead of going. For the green i just had to try and be quite smart lay up and just salvage a half decent round the first tee the first tee shot went ob out of bounds right and the first provisional ball went left in some fescue two more provisionals went ob right oh my god but i thought this was the last one was close enough. So i moved on i ended up finding my first provisional ball so it would be three off the tee so i chopped out the fairway chunked the fairway shot mr green three pots later i walked away with a 10. on the next.

Tee i noticed that the ball wasn't actually mine i've been playing pro v1s and this was a pro v1x i did not notice at first due to my frustration of what had taken place in the earlier shots i didn't say anything. And i signed my card at the end and i finished triple bogue if what it's worth given the total carnage and the nearly last finished place is this forgivable lapse in judgment love what you do keep up the great content um i feel in the heat of the moment from 17th. And he's obviously had he's having an absolute nightmare and he's gone down there and found his first provisional ball or he's found a ball yep that he's he's probably his head's gotten at this point aren't it really yeah you seem red jeffy did you ever get that time when you were if if something really bad happens on the golf course like your eyes almost get a bit blurry not not. For crying but like like like there's like a mist i get very in your head my heart starts pounding there's like a i get this like weird like mist i almost like my eyes like get like weird uh that's hay fever he's got down there and he's obviously seen the golf ball and he saw oh brilliant this is my first provisional it's not as bad as it could have been he's obviously not checked him you know what i mean i like to think he's not checked it properly he should have done. But he's not he's chopped up there's come off with a 10. he's had a horrendous hole obviously he's then.

Realized so in a stroke play situation that's just disqualification in it um it's stroke play would it be yeah it is not yes he's not finished the whole lot correctly as he would have paid to ever if i think if you've noticed before you finish the whole house you can't rectify it it's a penalty yeah. But i think finishing the whole out is just straight out first qualification which he has to call on himself at that situation like at the end of the day i actually weirdly quite liked getting disqualified certainly as a junior [Laughter] because it felt like it was an excuse. Or how did you play oh you know i i almost had it today.

But i got disqualified i cheated again so i got kicked out the golf club why'd you get disqualified i didn't sign my card again i didn't put my hat that was the one i used to not put my handicap on the camera i was a big fan of the nr. So if i was having a bad round i was like 20 of the power go are picking up n r i feel like i feel like correct me from wrong i don't think you your handicap goes up if you're disqualified either it might not just ruin an r. For sure so i think that's that was a little trick i used to do as well because i was just thinking well if i go up now i'm going to go up to like x handicapping i don't want to go up to that yeah. So if i if i disqualify if i get disqualified i don't sign my card or i don't put my handicap on my card or i don't put my name on my card i don't know it's me i don't have my card in i felt like it was a way of uh hiding that. So basically he had to disqualify himself really that's what he had to do he didn't do he came dead last. Or second to last or whatever he's obviously it's not affected the overall result um i can forgive him yeah i think he needs to learn from it i think he needs to own up to some mistakes even if it's post round. Or whatever it may be you've got to put your hands up sometimes and go i made a mess up there um i for me i don't see any punishment okay um i'm not sure because in one sense i feel like it's it's better to do it that way than if he was winning the comp. And did it. And then.

Knew and kind of fraudulently yeah that would be bad. But having said that if the ordinary was doing really bad anyway. And he gets to the 18 and think oh damn i played the wrong ball he probably should say look guys i've played the wrong baller. So i'm gonna be dq'd like and think well actually i'm doing rubbish anyway. So it sounds like he's probably learnt his lesson and he's not gonna do it again. But the only qualm with stuff like that would you do it again i'm not just he will. But if you've done it once would you do it again because there's no consequence nobody knew. So you think oh next.

Time you have a good round. And gets to 18 and puts it in the fescue and finds another title that's not his own thing well go away with it last time she'll do it again i don't know it's a good point he may not he may have learned his lesson um well let's say his name yeah well i'm going to give him a punishment. And it's not going to be a big one it's going to be that he when he next.

Plays golf needs to buy a new golf glove right okay goes to pro shop says john i need a a glove a left hand oh yeah yeah medium yep immediate foot george right on yeah okay that's 15.99 right pays gets on the first tee it's ripped. But then.

The pro give him a refund or let him swap it say i'm sorry it's fine when you sold off me so it's costing 15.99 for a pointless glove oh that's the punishment of me um i think the thing is that i love about golf. Or he loses it loses the glasses yeah yeah that's that's even better. For his back pocket and loses it um the thing is. For golf it's like so much of it is about honesty isn't it. And that's why it's like when you watch football or soccer for those in america and if i was doing it you play the united after liverpool. And i kick the ball it hits you and bounces out you would try and claim it hasn't done and i put it out that you get the throw right not me that's just the way football is yeah equally if i tackled you in the box in the third tackle you'd dive. And you would say that's not you as a person that's just how football is it's almost frowned upon if you don't exactly. And you try and get a penalty and obviously now this is var. And stuffing to try and make it more and more firm ultimately that's how you kind of brought up playing football it's trying borderline win at all costs and to some degree cheat i think the beauty. For me as a junior starting golf was that. So much of it is about being honest. And even i think this is the day. And it sounds bad to say this and i wasn't thinking in a negative way but i was thinking about like how juniors playing like a saturday junior comp. Or sunday ever and they got in three balls of juniors and player comp or whatever and ultimately there'll be a winner who'll get a prize but there's quite a lot of trust isn't in a way there's no like grown-ups walking around watching. Or refereeing typically it's a really high level of tournament and you've kind of got to trust that if two of those juniors go to the left side of the fairway in the roof and one goes to write the trees and they find the ball that they trusted genuinely have and from my experience as a junior that was 99.9 always dead honest. And everyone played by the rules that's the beauty of golf and it just feels like there's so many opportunities where you can cheat you could give yourself a better lie it kind of takes it away from the game a little bit. So although i'm not being an absolute stickler some people don't know the rules just get them wrong by mistake but if you are going to do things like that it's just kind of a bit light. And it's a cliche but you are just cheating yourself really aren't you yeah yeah i i definitely think it's gonna be rife mainly it's probably rife all the time we probably just don't know about it. But like i think in junior golf that's where they could play i didn't know do not mean. But you know what though i actually found that as a junior when i was a junior golfer a lot of the other juniors golf was the kind of only sport as it was. For me and it's actually some of my friends and they won't want me saying that they've come into golf from playing football like mid mid-20s and they're not they don't cheat but the more inclined to want to bend the rules because they've come from a football background that's just not slating football here i think a lot of sports similar. But i do think golf is quite kind of on its own in there what other sports you cheat. So easily at like you couldn't change the darts no you can't come in snooker like it's hard boxing unless you there's a referee in the ring at all times like what other sport could you. So easily cheated out i think that's the only thing with like let's say boxing it's more the decisions well yeah sometimes go against yeah unfairly. And a bit like football sometimes even the refereeing decisions can go against you. But you're right footballers are trying to bend it all the time. So unless you go on like take steroids or something you can't let you cheat very much i don't imagine in the actual no you can't cheat hundreds of meters against each other you can't really cheat like was golf there's. So much opportunity to move your lie to fake if you certainly if you're a high handicap and you're getting nines and tens you could knock a couple i've got seven there and you're playing fast probably gonna go back and count you can oh there's one other sports you could literally have a ball in your pocket at all times the same mark. And drop it wherever you want like it's mad how much you can actually cheat i don't know yeah there's no other sport that you can do. So if you like cheating start playing golf um another video we've got about this week that is going to be a banger we want to give too much away in a sense because obviously it's not out just. Yet there's a golf course in derby yes called the pastures. And i'll let you explain obviously the concept of the video because it's class one but it's a nine-hole golf course that is run by one full-time employee the rest of volunteers it's. So amazing it's a short golf course with what's actual it's a par 64. it's passively played 4 950 yards so dead that's really short yeah past 64. the 6 000 trees there's eight par threes which six of them are all over 200 yards it's tight it's a really really small plot of land like you say it's voluntary run we went down there last wednesday. And i've never ever and i've been to some lovely places and we do get looked after really nicely at lovely places bar the old course hotel naturally of course i never received a more warm welcome. Nor have i like how nice were all everybody turned up all the members. But there's probably 20 odd members that turned up that took off maybe even a day off work or a lot of them retired to come and watch us make a video down there because they're so proud of their golf club so they should be um love little track and the reason why it down is their course record the golf course like 50 years old. Or something so yeah 1969 it opened. So that's literally 52 years and the course record is one over par. So again let me let me that's crazy one over part nobody's ever shot under power around that golf course madness launched at level par and it's a power 64. so we thought there's two great gals in this room you are capable are going low can rick shields face a challenge no he can't go there's a challenge no he can't have i got a better better girlfriend in my phone yeah that can ring. So we had james robinson who's been on the podcast before been on a couple of our videos i've gone really big he's a great lad played on a european tour for a season he's played in the open at 2018 at carnoustie and he's a good good golfer he owns i don't know if he currently owns but he did own the course record at the manga 10 underpass he's got some game in him he's. And also what i think about him as well not only can he go deep from what i've seen him play off he's quite solid as well. So we thought he'd be the perfect man for this challenge so we're not gonna give the result away but that video is coming this week possibly tomorrow yeah you'll enjoy it i think you'll really enjoy it um yeah what else is happening we're filming quite a cool video tomorrow. And another cool video wednesday cool videos wednesday really busy time at the minute thursday we're seeing some new products for friday we're seeing some new products um yeah really busy week it's a bit just i've just got one little request. For people that listen to the podcast and i don't do this very often. But it's about time we did if you listen on apple. And you want to give us a five star rating we would very much appreciate it we've not had many ratings recently so if you're listening on apple and think oh never do stuff like that take a minute leave a rating. And you can leave a comment as well. So why don't you leave a comment something on the lines of um what should it be rick maybe we'll do a little giveaway um just just leave a really nice positive comment yeah a really nice positive comment. And we might pick one by we'll give it a couple of weeks we'll pick somebody before christmas who's done that send us a screenshot either the email address or on the podcast group or whatever you want to do. And we will send you three dozen bottles oh yeah forget that. But we've got some exclusive merch if you want to grab your if you want to bag some swag from the rich girls rickshaws golf show podcast we've got some very very limited samples of some merch that we're looking at maybe bringing out early next.

Year uh we'll give away either a head cover or a towel can i go. And grab one put it on the camera can i get one okay listen i'm gonna get one one sec oh he's gonna tease everyone yeah question he's gonna tease everyone here now which camera around stop switching array right um. So guys going to go. And get some merchandise like i said we've had some made up it's incredible stuff we've had some rick shields merchandise. And then.

Rickshaws podcast merchandise um and guy is about to bring in oh you're bringing in all the gear teasing people all right i'll trick. Or something i don't understand i'm back so are you thinking about giving that away. So are we doing all three no no just that all right okay yeah this is the this is the outfit. So you show yours first then.

We'll save the big reveal so far we've got made up wowzers so listen to this get onto the youtube channel and watch you'll see the finest of quality this is a proper player's taste it's like almost like a beach towel. So for those listening who aren't watching it's a big towel black with the rs logo and the headphones on it the proper podcast logo so that is players towel i think you look swag on the golf course with that. So swag play better golf yeah it clean your balls better than anything cookley i want my balls cleaning consistently. So that can with my towel oh the towel um. And then.

This product yeah we actually i don't think we're making this now i thought we were no i don't think we are this is one that we might not be bringing out. But if there's enough requests we might bring it out pom-pom head cover and if you look on the shaft of the pom-pom it says hashtag the clubhouse wowzers so for people listening black pom-pom head cover beautiful material so is this the one i've got we're going to give away yeah. And then.

On the top you've got a black red white big pom-pom big pom-pom that is uh would protect your driver. So we're not sure about bringing i don't think we're bringing that this is the one we are going to be giving away this is the premium is it leather it feels leather it's um it's genuine um camel leather i don't know what it actually is. But it's a driver head cover it's got the rs logo with the headphones all done it dotted around it feels wait there oh it smells delightful it's comfy inside like a nice oven glove it's really nice that rick so one person's gonna win that's cool if you are not a apple podcast listener. And you're thinking all i could enter what you can do is you could like this video that you're watching. And subscribe if you're not and it sends a screenshot of that so yeah we'll sort it if you want it signed by me. And guy let us know we'll sign it as well there's some nice white paneling on the side where we can stick our monogram on um quick fire questions yeah i've got some have you guys have you ever looked i've just quickly had a look on the facebook group some questions would rick be willing to cut off his beard completely if he lost 18 whole match to pete. Or matt no i wouldn't um will shields. And finch should be more competitive than brooks and bryson um i i do think we'd do a match. But not in my current state i need to get a bit there uh what else is there somebody's asked what's the email address we get that a lot it's literally podcast at rickshields.com that's mad that people are starting in fact i was actually looking at a thread from 42 weeks ago. So i wasn't looking at the current one but still that is still the email address um marie has asked i know you have this missed gimmicky golf presence in the past. But what about buying vouchers to play on a golf course which is not the golfer's usual course do you think it would be appreciated absolutely sure i think golfers sometimes don't like paying green fees no really. So you've got to think if they're a member of a golf course they've paid their dues. Or whatever it may be for the year or every month to be treated to a nice golf course that don't normally play percent people would love that so that's a really nice present um if you if you've seen a bloke on the golf course walking around doing a casual nine holes with a pram and a child with his clubs some some way or another fix to the prom would you what would you think about it i think the guy's a genius yeah yeah i love that joshua ford has asked if yeah if if you can strap a kid your own ideally not around a girl street to a pram. Or some sort of contraption emote or caddy or something and play golf the kid's getting fresh air getting warped come over a little snooze more more daddy getting out doing some exercise playing a bit of golf socializing win win win somebody's asked that gwen evans has said would you ever consider reviewing clothing. Or shoes on my channel now that you're not with nike um i think i'll speak on your behalf the answer's probably no um only because there's some people out there that want to watch a footwear review. But ultimately not many people it's not the most exciting um what's what there's that quite good channel what's he called golf guy reviews yeah i think it works. But it's like running where there's not much equipment to buy and therefore. your shoes are really obviously you've got like gps watches. But your shoe is one of the key things that you can buy there's. So many different types of running shoes with different ability different kind of types of running different um running conditions etcetera there is in golf with different types of golf shoes despite the spikes these new kind of hybridy ones is obviously waterproof not waterproof you can pay a fortune you don't have to pay a fortune. But most people speaking quite generally on the golf course you should have a standard pair of shoes to work year round and they're not that full starting no not at all what what do you think is the worst golf gimmick you've seen um you know the one that i absolutely hate. And i'm sure listeners are going to get bought this. For christmas come on that bloody potty golf that people yeah i don't know them once right where you can sit on the toilet while you're doing your business. And pull out a little tiny golf club and put in green and put that you didn't you never used it did you know the other crap the other one that i find not amazing. But it's sort of less of a gimmick than the swipe like that but it still is those little score count we have on the side of your golf bag i think ideally they major people obviously are new to golf every time you hit your shot you can click it. And you go right i got nine but in reality i don't think many people actually ever use them though um. And the old one remember the thing that you just stuck on the side of the bag that was like half a ball shape with like a little sponge inside. And you put your goblet and like rub it like a cloud shell do you like them 100 horrendous you should towel no they were clasped no i'm not into them um someone going back to my point before instead of having these lame matches not my words sean taylor's words would you rather see skins games come back even bringing actors. Or other athletes but the skins format more at stake than than just weird manufactured heat like pro wrestling again i think as long as it's the players money if it's their own money i can understand it yeah i just don't i lose the connection when it's just sponsorship money because they're not playing. For anything it doesn't mean anything does it these guys are already multi-millionaires um last question um how is europe going to survive the next.

Couple of ryder cups most of the europe team is older. And starting to drop off and the young players haven't really found stability yet for me obviously at the moment you look at the american team it does look. So much stronger but someone's been changing two years in golf where was colin maracao two years ago i know jason day isn't europe. Or american but look at him like a couple years ago so up there now he's fell off like you just don't know again talking about even more australians again it's a shame we can't use him but like mimwoo lee yeah it's kind of coming out of nowhere. So who knows sam horsfield yeah he could go on to kill it he might be our next.

Ryder cup player like you know it it's there's. So much much talent coming through week in week out i mean those uh ho ho guard brothers like how good it like they are. So good and they're only 20 or something um yeah. So i think there's the time will tell um i don't think it's quite as set in stone as it looks right now no well thanks listen to episode 107. thanks i don't know i thought you were dressed up to me though yeah i listened to this thank you. For that and then.

You do listen afterwards i also listen afterwards you have to get one more download why not um one of the guys i was really good with the guys all right [Laughter] that guy just rolled it out. So if you want to win this head cover make sure you rate the podcast or comment on the video and subscribe to the channel um email podcasts to get your entry in you can have a lot of emails do something um peace out everyone peace out.