[music] welcome back to rick shields golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy um episode number 108. 109. 109. i feel like 108 was. So memorable i wanted to kind of say it again but 109. you've actually got the name of the podcast wrong rick this is what you don't even know the new name i'm relaying the podcast oh this is now ready. For this drum roll please that we love tommy fleetwood appreciation society podcast all right i was going to go with three other options it was either the rickshaws badminton show yeah f1 show. Or uh or the soccer show that would have been my third option oh yeah soccer show i've gone off soccer yeah that's not um it was good last week when it last week well there was last week's podcast was good i think. And it seems to go down well with people um we've also since filmed with tommy fleetwood the video we wanted to film which is out this week which we could talk about to some degree we can't give away the uh results. But talk to me about the video with tommy yeah. So well obviously the last when we did the podcast with tommy was filmed on the first of december. And we're at jcb ready to spend a full day filming and then.

Do the podcast after. And then.

Because it kind of snowed it was actually the second december we filmed it in the end weirdly just snowed around jcb. So all the greens were frozen everything was white obviously we talked about it on the podcast nothing changed that day. So we basically filmed the coaching video which is coming out soon as well which i think you're gonna really enjoy five fantastic tips from one of the world's best golfers tommy fleetwood um. So that's going to come out soon. But then.

We rearranged and i didn't want to bank on it until we definitely filmed it because sometimes things can happen weather can change tommy fleetwood decides he doesn't like me whatever it is things can change. So anyway luckily we managed to lock it in friday just gone um a very mixed day of weather still yes wasn't ideal was it no it was cold it was um windy in parts suddenly then.

It was sunny yeah then.

It was raining torrential rain biblical weight rain. But i tell you what give credit to tommy and i'm sure i'll explain it in the video as well for somebody who is one of the best golfers in the world who's played the best golf tournaments around the best golf courses obviously jcb's an amazing golf course. But how light how good was it unbelievable he was such a nice you think i'm like a super fast i thought well as i said i kind of grew up knowing who was i said that in the podcast because he was this guy that was really really good at golf that was the same age as me at the time was a giant which is weird it's not that big anymore what he said in the podcast again. But he actually is exactly what you see. And to the point where i was forgot after we'd filmed him how who he was if that makes sense he just became like one of us didn't he just fit in. So well he said he wanted to be part of the team he was um he was just a nice guy very nice guy. So the video we filmed again we hinted it in the last podcast it was me against tommy fleetwood around jcb which is a golf course that i've had mixed fortune round a couple of times it's absolutely beat me to death the one time trophy up there on the corner actually won a trophy with my pals playing there the other thing is that with that one's like a little bit of matrix there's no cameras that time. So i've been there for the rounds of players that was oh yeah played really well it wasn't on film though i just made a trophy of myself i just went to the trophy shop. And went i need a trophy um so yeah. So this time playing off pretty much the batis um me versus tommy fleetwood but with a twist well there's a twist because that being rude rick you're a decent golfer i mean i beat you when you play. And stuff but like i'm not telling fleetwood you're not tommy fleetwood obviously there's only 39 people officially in the world who are better than tommy fleetwood at the moment in time um. So you two playing a round of stroke play there's gonna be only one winner there rick let's be honest so let's bring the old handicap system into play but with a handicap system how many shots would you get would it be one would it be two would it be five let's go simple you turn pro off four heating pro off plus six there's a ten shot difference there yeah. So you played golf with tommy he started off level part obviously it's a normal game of golf but you started off 10 under par nice so it was a good feeling it was like a bit of a nervous feeling it was a good feeling um. So video of that coming soon again we're not going to give away the results there was some very good play there was some very dodgy play in there um. And again i don't don't want to give it away at all i think you're going to really really enjoy watching the video 100. And i think you know something that actually i thought really stood out from your i feel you're looking around. Or something where's the red where's the red light it's on me then.

Now it's sound i can see him rick wants the camera constantly yeah rick yeah he's heard on there's no red no red light it's on okay um i trust you put on me a sec. So this outfit i'm wearing today.

Is my janitor's outfit every time i wear this outfit people comment on the videos they're like a high school janitor in america. And if you google high school janitor i actually do look like in high school oh it's gone off now one sec this is rubbish if you're just listening to the podcast. So it's just going to watch it. But look at that rick i look like a high schooler don't i yeah you do yeah it's just like weird thing absolutely nothing um i was gonna say then.

Oh yeah. So you start off 10 under par yeah. And again without giving the video away there's a few bogeys in there you seem to not get as annoyed or whatever with bogeys you're like i'm now nine under whatever of course it's a nice feeling well that's what i mean. So like weirdly let's say if you're a 10 handicapped golfer and you go and play stroke play event now in theory the advice would be don't look at your score just play toll right on the scorecard goes to next.

But actually the ten handicap went out on the golf course and stroke played comments said right i'm 10 under par today.

Yeah i bet they'd actually play better that's quite a good thought it's a double bogey under yeah that's actually a really good way i think. And even even let's say when you get back to level or you do go over to one over handicap i think well only one hole i can get this exactly yeah it's quite a good way of thinking actually um. So yeah video that coming soon tommy was phenomenal um. And i honestly think you're gonna really really enjoy it they are my favorite kind of videos that we do because not only are we an amazing golf course watching golf which obviously people people want to do on the channel. But with tommy who's obviously one of the best in the world but came across so well and that's the kind of thing i think when we have this chance to work with tour pros we want to try. And do something different to what you normally see on like you know as good as a job of like sky sports do the golfers in that situation are very kind of in work mode. And giving the kind of nice answers and stuff so i feel like we get a really nice side of them like when we presented with some um sam horsefield now with tommy we've obviously done stuff with like minwoo lee even james robinson who was now not a tour player. But he was i feel like we really get into him. And the videos that have been the most entertaining and it's proven this certainly with sam horstfield around the average golf course what can you shoot i think this video concept again asks a question that people are going to want to know the answer to 100. So if this basically if this isn't hit 5 million views in the first couple of weeks it's a failure yes um anything over 10 million would consider it a success i've got a new um interest okay. So f1 no we'll come on to one of the bigs i'm not that bothered f1 it's just men in the car um. But i'm referees jc yeah jcb which is obviously where this video tommy was was uh filmed we've been to a number of times now it's a phenomenal golf course. And weirdly although i've played it once and walked around it two or three times now uh whatever i actually appreciate it more walking around it because you see more of the golf course you look at stuff differently and it's awesome the unique thing with jcb's it's very kind of exclusive to play you can't just rock up and pay and you can't just become a member of a corporate membership system and it got me thinking and researching the most exclusive golf course in the country and i've become a little bit obsessed with these golf courses because we talked about a few today.

When we were with them yeah i could probably name a few. So there's an ask on golfmonthly.com um can i try. And name a few go on we've got this ten on this list now it's not an official like the but like there's ten so let's see this is really exclusive golf clubs yes okay beaver brook yes queenswood yes um oh um what's that one called um uh wisley yes uh wentworth yes okay doing very well here i feel like wentworth changed i think you could have been a member now it's really gone super exclusive there's one that you've not said that we jcb yes. So that's five is it england only. Or is it uh it's actually it's actually says uk. But i think there's one i know you've played that. For sure which is not in england renaissance oh wow that wasn't gonna say yeah that is on there okay you're doing unbelievably good at this um. So i've got four more to go and there's one i've played there's one i didn't think i know you played renaissance. But i didn't think of that one this one you've definitely played not i don't think it'll work capacity as such. But you've played there um oh god you'll you'll know it when you when you you know when you know it i thought i've got four more to go give me the three that i don't know so i think i'm still the centurion centurion yeah apparently. So wow um sk skibbo castle skibo the carnegie club um and then.

Burwood lake which didn't realize was oh bloody hell because that wasn't that big. And the last one the one that i've played but so i've done centuries you played there's some link some ex footballers managers why wait managers footballers managers oh i don't know then.

I was gonna say george's hill how he's just taxed like lomand oh look it's harry just said it yeah lot lomand of course. But um it's not about ten how many of us you basically got seven i think i've never played well you've played you've not played queen would have you no you played wentworth yes yeah have you played the wesley no i've been. But i've never either brooke nope beard lakes yeah jcb obviously yeah that's skeebo castle nope lot loman do you have yeah centurion yeah renaissance yeah that's yeah i didn't know that was that no i didn't think it was to be honest what was mad. So i think you'll know much better than i do i feel like queen was the one i have heard of that's ridiculous apparently it costs about 200 thousand pounds to join. And if you go onto the website i actually went it's dead hard to find though actual website and if you do get onto it it's literally this really nice light website. And you can't go on anything other than member or guest and you click on either those you have to log in the only the part of the website you can get onto is the careers if there's obviously advertising like chefs. And bar staff etc there's nothing else you can see on there from what i understand as well it's queen wood that's super uh protective about like when people go like taking pictures really yeah they almost vet it um does it make you want to play more a little bit yeah it does me a little bit i saw a question actually in the podcast group a while ago. And i can't remember what the response was around it. But it was interesting links this to some degree. And it was somebody saying that like you know these top courses that host the opening stuff how expensive they are. And you know some of the top courses in the country and in the uk how you know they literally cost upwards of three for 500 pounds sometimes and is that kind of against this whole growing the game initiative that people talk about you know right rightly. Or wrongly i've weirdly not got a problem with these golf courses charging a fortune to play because it's kind of supply and demand isn't it everyone knows you can go. And play your local muni for probably 10 pounds or even less in some instances or you know a decent track you can go on to. For 20 30 quid you go to driving range they can be cheap etc if there's a golf course that hosts the open that charges a fortune how does it bother you do you feel offended by it. Or actually would be but because again i'm not i'm not agreeing sometimes with the actual price itself but the concept of the price being more expensive is because when you go to an amazing golf course like a rorbert dale which i'm sure is expensive to play the quality is unbelievable into it the service you get that the greens are going to be fantastic the teas the fairways the layout the history yeah you're walking down the fairway of this of tiger woods has walked down that fairway john spieth has won there yeah right padre carrington has won there you're walking down the fairways of greats. And there's not many sports you get you get to do that no you can't go. And play at wembley you can't go and play at the buddhist super bowl stadium or whatever that is um. So it's expensive yeah it's supply. And demand but also i think that expense kind of makes it enough um that's the right word it gets reinvested back into the golf course to keep the upkeep great. But if you did charge two less imagine the footfall that you get like. And local muni is all about mass yes. And you want those places you want a 10-pound green fee but be honest if you play a 10-pound green fee what type of facility of golf course standard are you expecting it's probably not going to be the same as rorberdale is it. And and also i think with these courses weirdly in my mind anyway people have different opinions you're not paying necessarily. For the course now as good as the actual condition will be in my opinion no golf course is worth 20 pounds per hole no like 360 quid which some of these are charged of course you're paying to almost tick off the bucket list aren't you paying like. For that experience as opposed to the actual obviously is partly. For the golf course but it's even like the old course there's some a lot of holes at the old course are very average i don't remember them yeah there's obviously a handful that are. So iconic but you're paying when you go into the old course if you can get on it. For the sake of playing the old course article joshua so when somebody asked if we played the old question oh yeah i fed the old course yeah it's it's slightly hard. For me to comment on because i'm in a very fortunate position that i i get quite well looked after with green fees and stuff so it is hard. For me to comment but it's it's there are different types of golf courses. For different levels of budget so yes if you can go. And treat yourself to a lovely golf course and you enjoy it do it if you think that it's out your price range. Or you don't think you'll benefit from it don't worry there's lots of other options it's like going to a driving range as well like i used to work at trafford. And used to get oh you always used to get well it still might do kind of get a little bit slagged off about the price of golf balls etc. But when you go to a facility like that it's a really good experience like the mats are fantastic the golf balls are brilliant the targets you hit towards are brilliant it's all really well lit you've got mirrors you've got nice service like you pay. For all of that don't you you can go to a driving range where you go to till. And pay one pound for 100 balls but you don't get smile you don't get a nice well warm welcome the maps are like concrete you've got no real targets to go to there's nothing lit up. Or nothing like unfortunately there are times where you do have to pay. For the experience and the quality this is why though sometimes as well. And again i completely get people's opinion on on this topic but it kind of semi annoys me as a golfer when people and certainly golfers do this as well people golfers give it a bad rap. For being too expensive i think that's because once you get into your golf. And you get kind of keen on it you want the new taylormade driver because the market is. So good you want to go and play at bertdale because you hear such good things about it i'm on the sports direct website now there's lots of other retailers in england who sell cheap golf stuff golf shoes on here for 12 quid yeah that's good that in it now dude obviously probably might not be the most comfortable. And stuff but you think you do need a lot of gear. For golf a lot of course maybe not on muni's but a typical golf course you might need to wear proper golf shoes pants you know polo and have gear but in reality most people own a pair of trousers yep most people own a polo shirt like that you can get pants. For 12 quid we know we can get packaged up. For 70 quid get a few balls it isn't actually that expensive but it's only expensive if you want the top top stock correct but equally what's weird is a lot of people that want the top top stuff are also the people that say oh new drivers are no better than they were five years ago yeah that's why you're moaning up the price of the new taylormade being 500 quid because you've almost said it doesn't matter 100. And that's that's in any walk of life like you do want the more expensive things are more desirable that's just what what it is it's marketing it's it's it's brand snobbery of some sorts it's it's your own um almost what's the right word almost like self-worth almost like you're rewarding yourself. For it you want to show off to your mates and stuff so unfortunately all that does cost in any walker life it's a bit like a car like if you want a nice car it's not going to get from a to b any better. But you want to show off that you've got a nice job like you want to have the nice alloys and the fancy upgrades and the and like you want all that but you got to pay for it yeah it's just how it is the way of the world rick the way of the world want some emails let's do it. So um we did actually say we didn't do one last week what time we did we did the um dear rick. And we did the confessions last one yep if uh if anyone from uh beaver brooks queen wood. Or any of the top 10 exclusive golf courses that i've not played when i get in contact feel free to email i'll happily come down and you know what i think it's weird about that though they actually wouldn't want to make a deal that's what's mad about it it's like they don't want they almost want you they'll pay you not to go make a video okay if you want to pay me not to come. And do a video yeah that's a good way doing it. So if you want your email uh read out on the show which obviously everybody does we email podcast rickshields.com. And i think next.

Week we are going to pick the winner. For the head cover we did those people email him with that. So it's like we don't want to people not everybody since the podcast the week comes out tomorrow yeah i know some people are a few weeks behind. So if you want um to be in for a chance to win that exclusive merch email us podcast rickshaws.com with a screenshot of your subscription or the fact that you've rated the podcast on apple that would be really good you'll put into the draw but this week we've got a dear rick and a confession nice now what i like about this suits confession is it's not the you know it's not a cheese it's not the worst of like the one we think oh it's just a kind of nice like little soft one. But i think i'm very keen to hear it that's what she said um that's what she didn't say um [Laughter] okay you ready go. For it dear rick please read my confession this story has been looming over me for a couple of years now and i need some assistance to know whether i can rid myself of my golfing guilt during around my dad. And my younger brother and a mate at rockler hall who's where rick's played recently i did what i have. And many others have done countless times before the famous par three fifth for those uh insane listeners he says you haven't seen rick's recent video at rockcliff it's a short path three with a massive island green i dunked it straight into the water off the tee okay this is where the confession starts i was naturally disappointed. And immediately threw away threw another ball out of my pocket onto the tee box and hit another shot there is a drop zone further down. But give this as a friendly round i want to take another one off the t and kind of actually play the whole properly it's a bit more fun i absolutely striped my second attempt lo and behold the ball landed softly on the green before rolling straight into the hole unreal scenes we all celebrated as if it was a hole in one. But quite rightly we scored it down as a par which it was knowing the etiquette dictates you need to buy a round of drinks the entire clubhouse after getting hole in one as a student i was glad to know that this time the actual course um clubhouse was short because of the code rules at the time yeah regardless we still decided to go. For a drink at a local pub that was open as we walked in my mate noticed that there was some others in the pub were in golf gear. And asked them if they'd had been at playing at rock lift that day to which they replied yes we have my mate told them i had got a hole in one. And i was willing to buy them all a drink after i bought them their drink they seemed excited. And asked me many questions about the hole in one really milking it i spoke about the beautiful shot how the little baby fade landed soft checked upon the green and then.

Went into the hole at perfect dead weight not once did i mention it was actually my third off the t am i in the wrong here should i feel guilty about this please let me know no you've completely forgiven straight away i think yeah it's not i mean what a mad story you've dunked in the water you've stepped up there third shot gone in the hole you've made your par happiest days. And in your playing group you've not tricked anybody yeah in my brain you don't have to buy anyone any drinks nope like he shouldn't feel responsible. For going in the clubhouse. And buying people drinks if i'm honest with you so the fact that then.

He's gone into the pub the fact that his mate has said oh yeah my pal's just had a hole in one you're kind of just going with the flow yeah bought them all a drink presumably that's what you said done it yes yeah if you can have that on me that's fine absolutely not not a problem at all do you think though it would have been even a better story today.

Well actually no guys didn't have a hole in one what happened was i fight into the water then.

Place one down. And then.

Get a three no i don't it's a bit of a kind of an old wives tale in it it's a bit of a fish story yeah every fish man went in the pub after a hard fish if that's what you call it i said oh yeah i caught it was this reality they caught a little tiddle. And they'll come in and suddenly they caught a shark i mean. So yeah if he's going in there. And presenting pretending he's caught a shark for the day who who are we to condemn him we've all caught a shark no i agree it's not not really a bad one i feel like this guy must be an i don't say his name. But he must be a nice guy to feel almost guilty about that the only thing i do feel. So well feel sorry for him is the fact that forever now someone says we have a hole in one it's kind of got to say well no. But yeah oh well yeah. But no like that was because it is a hole in one he's played from the correct t he's got the ball in the hole in a shot. But obviously this is third that must be the worst thing ever though it's good up there in it that's all i think i don't have to say this on the podcast work i have had a fake albatross one time i think you know yeah remember it was um my old club it's a par five. And it's quite a nice drive and i had about let's say 230 left into the hole and i didn't have a shot that would get me there so i thought i'm gonna play like a three-quarter kind of hybrid and just float one in and at least topped it five years from them into a furry bunker thought well i'm still behind me i'll have another go with that shot because it's charlotte's having a locker so i dropped another ball down hit this really nice high with three quarters it just popped up it's quite sunny quite warm bounced and rolled straight into the hole so i hold out from 930 yards which counted for absolutely nothing because you're not gonna if someone said if you had an albatross yeah if not. But but holy one's a different question hole in one is an absolute it's a different question i feel sorry. For him i mean coming back almost be a bit like um playing playing andrew's on the simulator he plays in andrews you go oh yeah place in andrews well you're not really everybody simulator hole in ones no i don't no i'm not having them it's all computerized like yeah you've got to have hit a good shot you presume. But it's it's all computerized i don't think they're fixed as such well every hundred shot goes in like a fruit machine yeah imagine just to keep you carry one okay one more um. But yeah no i think i think there is obviously some skill involved in that. But a simulator typically you've hit a number of week guys to be honest i don't always know why i've got you don't need it well that's the thing i was just there flicking through like you don't look looking. For what uh analytics for this channel um but like i was like what am i doing here why am i not why am i bothering even looking um yeah no i think unfortunately. For that young man it's not holding one and i think you've summarized it quite well recently if there's an asterisk next.

To it it's just not one is it well that's it we get a lot of this again on the facebook group. And if you're not a member of the facebook group join uh if you're excited go on facebook the rickshaws golf show podcast we've got a group you can join it. And get part of the banters there is too much banter don't join it it almost makes you feel dizzy how much banter there is i go on the i go onto facebook sometimes feeling dead calm. And relaxed it's like half six at night it's about my teeth i'll have a quick look on the facebook group next.

Thing they'll come off and i'm like whoa whoa but i've actually got a good deer rick do it. And this is one that's like not really necessarily an answer as such. But more your opinion okay. So um morning wrecking guy she was obviously sent in the morning from a very uh punctual listener um we have just had our end of season club presentation night which was a great evening um until the most contentious award oh the most improved golfer okay there were three gulps in the room with this award all at various ages. And length of time they've played golf okay this is the first awards evening since the first lockdown. And so all the golfers have about 18 months of practice before this award was given i won't mention anything they're i always feel like most improved awards are like when i was a kid at football i was rubbish it's like oh you can have most improved footballer yeah you kicked it once well done i won't mention any names it wouldn't be right. But here's the three players in for the running player one at the start of lockdown one they're off handicapper 26 okay. And now they're off ten decent just just before we go into this was the world handicap system in place at the start of the first lockdown i feel like it was yeah it was i think it was 2020. So yeah this is all new handicap player two at the start of lockdown one they're off 5.9 okay at the presentation day they're off scratch decent. And player three at the start of that down one was 12. And now the five so go through those again 26 to 10 yep six scratch 12 to five i can almost picture the three people in my head go. And then.

Elaborate please feel like the six to scratch is a young lad okay 16 year old having the dreams of becoming a best player what's it called chad forgotten america. So chad williamson [Laughter] um i feel like at 16 years old he's wanting to he's wanting to make it he's he's got into the game quit baseball to get more into his golf oh cricket and then.

He um he's just grinded like he's in that age where we can go every week like having lessons watching every single youtube video has the latest. And greatest definitely has a electric trolley these days yeah like a motorcade. Or something because they all do don't they do 16 year olds yeah yeah i did it you didn't you did do not no my golf course is unbelievably hilly. And i was like i was taking it quite seriously my golf. So if i'm walking four miles up a hill with a golf bag on my back my performance we used to pick on the kids with electric trolleys we used to turn the clubs upside down and put them in the wrong way around if milk anyone sponsors the podcast again rick will change his tune at the minute you're sponsoring us don't buy an electric trolley bully people that use them i don't bully him anymore. But i did when you cut it out of the casper this one headlock i was like rick i got the head little use the power caddy people yeah i still put people with power gadgets yeah fair play admittedly. So 16 he's got all the latest and greatest mum and dad are fairly wealthy um i've just listened to the podcast wow um yeah. So that's who that's who chad is yeah okay he's never gonna make it he's just not he's just not got the min rules does it angry as well nice money mr 100 [Laughter]. So ginger chad so he's gone from six to scratch right that's the first person yeah okay player one was twenty six there's a few controversial drops that chad's only getting 20. we're going to lose the actual story we'll carry on um 26 to 10 who's that. So he is foot x footballer okay who's just got back into the game bit lad like everyone everyone wants to be him right. And he's gone out and he's and he's bought hefty he's gone pxg right he's doing all right for himself he's now he's not an ex football he's not a net football more he's a football agent okay okay he's working with the best players like he's living the life pulls up with a big range rover he's called like lawrence um lawrence thompson tompkinson. So lawrence like was gonna make it yeah used to be signed up. For united got dropped when he was younger had a bad leg injury. But he's come back into football now his mates have played for years he got going 26 was always a bit of a controversial handicap at first yeah some natural ability very natural right. And he's just he's just playing a lot yeah he's one of those one he's played that full top 10 list of the exclusive golf clubs yeah in his first year because he knows all the connections. And he's just his handicaps just dropping off there's a high maguire sometimes yeah why not yeah. And he just knows harry kane's brother yeah. And his handicap's just like dropping like crazy so he's off ten and then.

Number three was 12 down to five. So this is phil phillip um mcguire philip jones okay okay who plays. For man as well oh no how weird is that um phillip donaldson okay now phillip is a stat man okay a bit of a robbed pot of eye though he's a stat man he is at the range every day all day he has lessons he wants to know the grind of his wedges the loft of each golf club like he watches txg a lot yeah like th he doesn't even subscribe to rickshaws golf challenge we actually talked to us with unsubscribe from rick shields. Or anything chad's definitely into he calls it power videos like lawrence doesn't he watches a few but wouldn't ever admit to that football game yeah he wouldn't commit to being a subscriber yeah. But he watches a lot i like him to become someone involved in our channel so then.

Phillip he is he's not into us at all he doesn't like he doesn't like all the the gimmicky clubs that we review. And he's just been working really hard in his game a lot what was his handicap from two 12 to five yeah. So he's like he's never gonna get any better than five okay like five is his limit because he he only really he desperately wants to get the ball further we can only really maximize like clubbing to meet at 102. hits it like 245 on the fly okay. So back for the players we've got 26 to 10 chad no lawrence no twenty yep yep okay yep six of scratch was chad. And then.

12 to five was philip who do you think should have a bit weird who do you think think should win. And then.

I'll tell you who did win most improved player oh i think well this this is where it gets complicated though. So lawrence had a fallen out with a committee [Laughter] [Music] because he parked his range rover in the captain's spot once he's not he's not the the golf club's favorite just for one sec take the story out of it for a minute who do you think should win it actually in reality. And then.

We'll come back to story nobody knows who philip is like nobody knows what he looks like he just turns up. And like if he picks up the prize like who's this guy i've never seen him before but he's a member of two clubs yeah chad everyone knows him nobody particularly likes him he stops his golf clubs now. And again um but he's ri the golf club love him chad's going to win it. So you but just take the story for one side again you think the guys come from six to scratch would win in general real terms no i don't i think lauren should win. So 26 to 10. yeah he just gets a bad rap well i can tell you i think chad will win it the actual winner of the real thing in reality in the real world not in rick's brain was the guy that went from 5.9 to scratch. So your chad yeah yeah yeah yeah 100 yeah i i agree with that i think his mum was on the committee 26 to 10 is impressive. And he well 18 months he's very impressive but it's doable yeah 12 to 5 again is doable i think six of scratch is hard because there's a lot of guys that are off six who might get to four. And that's just kind of where they'll stay then.

Forever maybe go up and down a little bit but to get to scratch is really good the only thing that takes a little bit of shine off this. For me and i'm sure that's getting head around it is it's the new handicaps that makes it in the old days i kind of knew really what that would take old world yeah that was good well done chad well done she called chat i don't think he will be called chad um. But who knows he maybe speaking of improved players players getting awards i saw something today.

And i'm kind of going to start a new campaign okay this is going to be a new set part of the the podcast um a new series i don't know what it can be called. So if anyone wants to help me with this i'm struggling uh email podcast rickshaws.com but i want you know we joked about how the tommy fleetwood appreciation society yeah i actually want to join. And create a real legitimate society for something okay. So vj singh i want to form the vj singh appreciation society yeah the vap the v v j yes jazz anyway do i tell you why that is yeah um. So let me this doesn't sound like a good so far but trust me it gets good okay. So the other day i was on twitter scrolling as you do. And i saw something that was the world number one at the end of the year right. So december of each year from like 2000 to modern day as you can imagine the 2000s it had like a picture of the person oh i saw that it was a flurry of red tiger. And a red red t-shirt red polo other than 2004 and there was your friend of mine vijay singh. And i was 13 in the majority of 2004. i turned 14 towards the back end of the year. So i do remember vj singh being class yeah i really do. But i was probably still a little bit too young. But like with a tiger to appreciate how good he was. So i got a little bit of research have a look online in the year 2004 vj singh was absolutely unreal at golf. And i almost feel although i'm a massive massive massive massive tiger fan i feel like he doesn't get maybe the recognition it deserves okay. So the point where i said to harry before off camera said do you know vj singh he's like oh that old golfer guy that's not that i was like yeah i don't know is it i used to see him on tigers pj tour game which is fine. But in the year 2004 he won nine times decent so he won in february in april in may in august he then.

Won the pga championship in august he then.

Won three times in september and then.

In october and he finished the year world number one i think how did they go on the april after win the masters um no the masters was actually a couple years before in 2000. But he basically i mean i think i'm good tigers as well yeah the ernie elves ratif goosens phil mickelson's this was a serious error adam scott mike weir stewart saying loads these guys were knocking around. And he was that dominant. And i then.

Looked online saw wikipedia smash but i then.

Looked at pj tall wins in a season the most now there is some um mad ones if byron nelson i think. Or 24 in one year or something but there's kind of like asterisks next.

To that because it was when um the world war was on. And a lot of the golfers went to war 118 sorry but in the modern era in the kind of realistic modern era the most of the season is nine. And that's by tiger in 2000 and v j 2004 everybody talked about already so the tag was 2000 of course why it was talking about vj singh made a good point there. So i just want to get some recognition on vj sings nail a lot of people sleep on vj singh and these young kids knocking around oh is that guys on a game a few years ago we need to somehow i don't know how we do this. But get vj singh the recognition he deserves see if he'll come on the podcast i would love to i'd love to get a trophy made and give it to him um okay i just feel passionately about this i can tell you're scrolling i'm looking at vgs inc all right um he is 58 year old yeah because hasn't he done well now on the chance to won the champions tour yeah um yeah. So that's it i i think if you're listening to his podcast. And you're younger you don't quite know who vj singh is i'd suggest you ever read about watching videos. And let's keep his name well it's hot is it interesting. So check on his twitter yeah pj tour golfer obviously. For sponsorship inquiries email such an email that's email why don't we sponsor him let's give him the podcast why'd you respond to bella richie's got your podcast but imagine though like how good he must have been anyway that was just my little um story today.

That i want to start society if he wants to join me. And and be part of it feel free i don't know what we'll do we'll have like maybe monthly meetings we could talk about vj sing. And stuff like that you've that was a curveball that one today.

Guy i didn't expect that well moving swiftly on from vj to my favorite golfer. And we have to talk about them every week to the dismay of some other people listening we've had a few comments about this but obviously every week we mentioned tiger and the new tiger news is that this week he was playing in the pnc tournament with his young boy charlie. And vijay's playing in that of course i didn't i don't know about vj's singing really playing um but if you remember last year tiger and charlie teed it up and i was actually watching the clips back on youtube the other day at the weekend of how good charlie was. So god now he's had another year to practice his game without impression this young lad how old is like 12. Or 13 is he now probably it's about that age now yeah his golf swing is absolutely unreal if you've not seen it before go onto youtube. And type in tiger woods pnc and you'll find the videos like two 10 minute videos are really good. And it's back this week so there's tiger he's playing with his son yeah do i know some names go on right bubba watson. And wayne ball not quite sure bradley duvall gary player sorry i'll say i'll do it gary. And jordan player henrik and carl stenson jim and tana furyk john and john daley yeah little john daly's class justin. And mike thomas who won it last year yeah lee. And daniel trevino mark and sean o'mara matt and cameron kutcher nelly and peter corder all right nice i think that's her dad yes um because one of the callers got married this weekend. But i don't think it was nelly um nick matthew faldo. Or cernick faldo matthew faldo nick and greg price podraig and paddy harrington oh nice that's good rich and michael beam stuart i'm not there's only last year stuart and uh region regent sink tom and sean layman tom and michael watson tiger and charlie woods nice and vijay and quas sing so i'm going to cheer on. For vj soon paul did you also see tiger's real caddie joey the carver. And his son is going to be on charlie's bag which he did last year as well um i'm excited to see him play i'm actually more excited to see charlie play than tiger because i imagine tigers can take it very easily i think he'll be riding the cart yeah um. But to watch him i mean again you can't put pressure on the other he's. So young but the way he swings and his mannerisms are. So similar to tiger it's unbelievable it's like in those interviews they did with henny. And dude they were talking about charlie. And how he's getting on with his golf and this thing the other and he said like obviously like most teenagers he gets angry. And gets annoyed but then.

Tiger turned around and said that's all right you can do that. But as long as the next.

Shot to you is more important than breathing that's all that matters yeah i think your dad's saying that to you your neck shot is more important than breathing goodness it's gonna go yeah if if he can take an ounce of that well competitive spirit of tiger is gonna be unbelievable i thought you're gonna bring another topic to the podcast today.

This idea can help this idea how famous footballers ah okay yeah we just often often bring up famous footballers yeah exactly we tried this we. So we we had a chat with tommy fleetwood around we'll chat with tommy fleetwood just chilling um and i was saying about how in boxing it's quite common that certain boxers have boxer fathers yeah. So you've obviously got um chris eubank chris you bankrupt eubank jr nigel and connor ben uh ricky hatton's son uh um what's he called brookie hands son i can't remember ricky hatton's son has just started boxing there's quite a lot it's quite you know no thing yeah uh you know floyd mayweather's dad was a boxing boxing trainer i believe all that kind of stuff even like tommy fury yeah tyson fiore's dad lee was a boxer yeah um. And then.

In football there's there's quite a lot of footballers who go on to be successful whose fathers were footballers obviously you've got peter michael. And casper michael um frank lampard and frank lampard jr yeah alex oxlade-chamberlain's dad was a footballer mark chamberlain he was called there's a lot of footballers um in golf there's very very very few tommy actually that was it bill. And j house of course but not many and it got me thinking that like again it's not as simple as but if you are a professional boxer. And you have a son and from the age of three they are in the boxing gym going on the pads. And understanding the simple bits of box and it becomes almost like like walking to them it looks like it appears to be there's a chance they may go on to be it's decent boxing same with football now i know again there's going to be some obviously things that'll inherit speed. And whatever it might be but again a lot of footballers have had sons that go on to be excellent footballers we know that most golfers who have children play to some level yeah well i almost think they all do seem to do like most famous golfers will have their kids playing golf yeah. But most professional golfers do i tell you what there is a lot of golf pros who now are famous playing pros such as justin thomas yeah his dad his dad mike thomas is a pga golf professional who has coached him from obviously when he was young. And i'm sure there's many more examples but there's not many have been famous golfers who now have famous kids playing out on tour i'm sure we'll get an influx of people saying oh yeah the people switch bodies well even in football what's the guy um erling harland who plays. For dortmund's like one of the most famous footballers in the world his dad was a footballer as well um. And he but it's not even like they just play a decent level at the top of the elite yeah. And even like you look at some of the footballers now like cristiano ronaldo's kids are in like united academy. And like um it was the the big thing that happened this weekend robbie savage his son charlie savage um got his debut at man united old trafford in the in the champions league match against young boys i think it was. So it's like that kind of sparked the conversation um what's interesting is it is it now where we're going to see this big wave coming through do you think well that's what i was going to get there will be people that you said they'll email in i'm sure who can give us a few examples like. And that's that's great because there will be. But there's definitely without question loads more footballers who've gone to have sons who play professionally than there is golfers at top level it's even going back to f1 mick schumacher yeah michael schumacher's son yeah he's he was not competing just. Yet properly but he's he's there he's in the race well is it is it then.

Because with golf you know you might have genetics to some degree. But it just takes so much more than just being i don't know is it the skills that you learn are much harder to to learn should i say. So skills that you require are much harder to learn where to learn to race a race car it's it's there it's their intention i mean like the skills to yeah race a race car you can be taught those skills you start to have something the other angle is i mean obviously it's clearly very very very hard to get to top level of professional football. Or boxing of course is. But like i suppose as a footballer a lot of your practice is done in a team where you will get told what to do. And obviously some of them will go on. And practice out of you know on their own and stay doing free kicks whatever but golf you have to on your own don't you really and you have to want and that desire and like tommy said that he was practicing all conditions he wanted to be as good as he could be is it again if you're born into a family where your father is a famous girlfriend worth multi millions of quid although you might like golf you may not have that desire to go on practice. For six seven eight hours a day in the rain like your dad would have done potentially is it is that the reason i don't know the other final little one. And this is probably quite a cynical look at it do you think if you in football if you have a famous surname you get spotted a little bit easier by the scouts possibly do you do you suddenly get a little bit of a leg up just because of your surname yeah rightly. Or wrongly do you get some more advantages let's say because let's say a scout goes. And watches a match and suddenly they see on the start sheet cristiano ronaldo junior yeah yeah they're going to watch cristiano ronaldo junior aren't they 100 percent where in golf you can't do that like if if ian pulsar's son luke wants to then.

Come play in the open his dad can't influence that kind of the only thing yeah the only thing he could say then.

That is definitely true is that someone's again luke polter. For example ian paul the son he is you think gonna have the best equipment the best coaches the facilities at home. So although we might not get necessarily invited to go and play in the tournaments he still should have the best chances yeah. And he looks like he's gonna be a really good goalkeeper he might go i don't know it's just something that caught me i mean there's other sports as well. So there's loads of examples where people don't necessarily have sons that gone through i just compared to certainly football well even that thing max verstappen his dad was a racist was he yeah he just won the f1 this i feel like i want to talk about f1 a lot. But the only thing with f1 i suppose is he couldn't really use it is because how many kids at school start playing football. Or playing basketball or playing even golf whereas no kid plays f1 unless there's a reason does f1. And this is a reason why your father would get you into because i'm sure hamilton's dad was a had a go-kart. Or something that's how they all started that's what i mean you wouldn't even have the chance to start you wouldn't think yeah like like i want i'm i'd love my little boy. Or all my girls obviously to get into like go-karting and stuff i think really yeah i think i'd really really enjoy it. But i've got no. But i don't know how to do that they'd well i would either need to force it on him to a degree take him to the go-kart. And track every single weekend because i'm not going to do it at school oh yeah form of the one at gokai at school um anyway i'm a bit i was a bit annoyed about the formula one have you little minute of formula one i'm a very very new fan. So at the moment i feel like this season has definitely caught my attention and i think f1 do some incredible things i would love to see golf do a little bit more of like very little time spending watching f1 i feel like i know a lot of the races already. And that's straight i don't think i don't get that in other sports because there's a smaller field though isn't there 20 odd races. But like you get to learn about them you get some really good interviews about them you get a little bit of rivalry like you get even even when they're out on the track and then.

There's doing the radio back to the team such a body's just done this and so it's like great i almost feel like they're going to get out the cars. And [ __ ] like that'd be good like it feels like that's how much like they hate each other like it's it's some do anyway certainly like lewis. And max seem to obviously not particularly be friends but like it's so like exciting in the way they film it and the way they put it all together and like all these things so you know you're asking last week about our drs i don't know what it meant yeah. So apparently what happens if your car is one second closer to another car. And you're in a certain zone on the track you get drs which is down oh god something drag something about drag right. And you have a flap on the back of your car that flattens oh my goodness and you can go faster to overtake them. So there's an advantage to the car behind how what is that like it's like it's all geared. For drama i mean there was a little bit of a kind of a fast at the end when the rules officials got involved. And stuff but i feel like it's all about the drama and you just don't get that in goal flight yeah there's definitely ways obviously that um that golf can we talk about loads of times that golf can become more entertaining. And there's obviously these plans in place from different people that want to try and make it that way i'm not going to f1. Yet maybe next.

Year i'll give it a go yeah it might not continue. For me next.

Year it might fizzle out and to be honest i really had a bit of taste in my mouth after the weekend but it's like everything that goes on like it is pretty exciting i tell you what's mad as well this was crazy just before the race like they opened like the all the cars are on the start line. And and they open the track up to like everybody i can't believe they do this you had like stormzy there you had like patrice patrice everything you had like um who else was there uh usain bolt was there like you're like this is bloody madness like how are you all here moments before the race is about to go yeah that's mad. But yeah it's good it's got a vision then.

Of like you know you have a little phase of like it was 40. And badminton and f1 you're gonna like next.

Year like say march for example you'd be like walking around the trafford center somebody's behind the podcast but it sees rick nice to see you all how are you can i get a picture over here oh. And they'll go uh oh it's watching the f1 tomorrow and you'll be like no not six months ago well that's people aren't like saying about that it's like. But um yeah i did like it i did. But it wasn't i was a bit frustrated at the end anyway that's f1 never mind um we potentially potentially might have an exciting trip this week we could well people thought we had an exciting trip when i took that picture of you with your monster. And raisins we might be doing that in real life in real life we might be doing that in real life so if you know what monsters and raises means that could be happening this week potentially in fact we don't even talk about that exciting trip did we i know we can't talk about it let's talk about it we can talk about the fact that we went to beijing stoke i thought i'll give it away we can say what we did let's say we showed you to the main driver i think all right can we yeah we sold a new terminal driver this week next.

Year yeah let's just say we've seen cobra yes we've seen callaway yes we've seen taylormade yes that's pretty much everyone. And that's who we've seen and that's all there is to see i think really that's coming out. For new year um starting to arrive testing will start to commence videos will start to be made yeah see what happens yeah there's actually somebody's just tried to put a picture in the facebook group other driver which i can't say what brand it is we've had to decline obviously people some people like to see things early they don't even share pictures. So that they've kind of seen it first but we just can't accept them because we have to sign an embargo form yeah. So yeah a lot i've seen a lot of dms this week oh rick this is the new telemate driver. And i'm like well yeah. And like share it if you want to i'm like yeah i can't share it because it's like it's it's um i don't know i don't always like those shared pictures too much certainly when the crap quality is exciting though the brands don't like because they want to show it in their full glory. And television innovation story but as a fan there is something exciting about i get excited every year about seeing the new drivers i don't quite know why that is. But i do i like seeing leaked pictures off the conforming list better yeah than actual in-hand pictures really you know i just feel like yeah because i just feel like there's still a bit of mystery there. But when you see it and it's like some ladder in the pro shops just taking it and it's it's not the best camera quality not the best lighting crap angle because they've tried to like slide it under the desk yeah look really cool that is a video we've got hopefully coming fairly soon we're going to do some testing some older clubs as well oh yeah um because again a lot of people know these new drivers that come out. And we've not reviewed them yet so we can't speak about the new ones you know for 2022 but certainly 2021 models they looked great and they performed nicely but there's not much difference between those and driving from a number of years ago um so again so talked about before how people want the latest and want to have stuff and golf can be expensive which it can be. But you don't have to have the latest and greatest to still hit the ball a long way and shoot decent scores gotta have fun yeah um short one today.

I think it is a short one today.

Got some busy stuff to be cracking on with we have. So what the time harry oh not that shots nice yeah you got two hours last week everyone yeah is that windy stop crying about it bothering me 52 minutes that's good good enjoy the rest of your day. And we'll see you next.

Week if you've got a motorcade or anything like that rick's gonna punch you yeah hard not murder colors. But yeah you're a will yeah it did [Music].