
Five things i want for christmas uh to hit two million subscribers on the main channel yeah. For uh that's probably it i'm a simple man welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy episode number 110 christmas week special yes sorry it's a day late everybody um it's my fault before you start blaming guy i was off yesterday playing golf some pals we didn't we could have done it before the weekend. But just didn't quite work out so we decided to push it a day later i don't think that apology is big enough really. For the flack i got in the group yesterday on fate i announced on facebook yesterday the podcast was a day late. And everyone's like guy got one job and it was i didn't say this. But i was like because rick was off gallivanting with his mates playing golf. But we wanted to do it because obviously. So much went on over the weekend with tiger and charlie and other stuff that might have happened mainly tiger and charlie yes uh where should we start today.

Guys um first thing i'd want to start with weirdly is something that's not that positive. But we need to be addressed okay give away scams stressing me out. So we've done recently on the main youtube channel on rick's main youtube there's been loads of giveaways for drivers for irons for all sorts and there's been a number of accounts people have been setting up horrible people have been setting up with a rick shields logo yeah which is not hard to do you can just google it if you wanted to take two seconds. And the username isn't rick shields goal for anything like that it'll be like plus three one five nine six two what's at me and they'll be commenting back to people saying you've won the giveaway what's that me on the number yes which obviously it might well it's in my eyes it's obvious not. For everybody but it isn't real it's not you we've had an influx of messages saying is this you rick you know i can't believe i've won this is amazing. But deep down they must think oh this looks a bit shady yes well anyway if you what's up that number you get a response which is not me it's not me doing this. And they were they're asking you. For 50 shipping fee which again is not me it is a scam do not send money. And there's also i've said yesterday there's another account that was actually called rick shields golf this time. So that looked quite genuine even there's no tick next.

To it which your account laws have a tick either blue on other socials. Or grey on youtube and the comment back was like invest in bitcoin. Or whatever and again it's it's obviously not rick so if you are lucky enough to ever win a giveaway there the comment you would receive will be off rick shields golf with a great tick. And it'll be hopefully very obvious it's the real rick and not these horrible pesky scammers yeah. So be aware please don't fall for it um you know i would never ask you for money for shipping i'll never ask well i'll never ask you for money no. Yet just just all we ask for is to like subscribe. And comment down below and that's all free so yeah do not get scammed uh giveaway winners will be announced end of the year we've got a few on the run at the moment um one recently where i'm giving five drivers away if we can ideally try. And hit two million subscribers it's gonna be tight for the end of the year if not impossible but still hope where's the wheels away just one more note as well on giveaways i saw somebody else on the on your main face what page of the day they commented i saw you coming back saying about how i never see the with the giveaway winners announced are they genuine yes the genuine yes i deal with the media with them on the emails they're genuine the reason we always put them out is because if we pick a winner. For a giveaway and we announce it that john smith has won the giveaway out of the blue we'll get 50 people who've got an email john smith one at emails oh i'm john smith i've won yeah it's out of people who were also called johnson genuinely by mistake. Or people obviously making up fake accounts yeah then.

After we've been verified yeah they've got to send an actual screenshot of the comment they got back. And all that kind of and sometimes people just don't want to be have the name read out for whatever reason sometimes we'll ask them do you mind us announcing that you've won. And some people say no like they don't want to be announced on the world of social media they've won a prize. So you made a really good point one and i think this is summarized really good the lottery takes place every single week. And somebody wins it every single week but you don't know who wins it yeah. But you still believe it's true yeah it happens yeah which is. So true so giveaways do happen just that you don't always see it. And for multiple reasons but speaking of giveaways we a couple of weeks ago we ran this this giveaway for this exclusive lit quite literally money cannot buy rick shields golf show podcast driver head cover yes look at that we've got a winner just feel it. And tell me out of 10 how good it feels i'm going to go. For nine it's close could be better no it is it's actually a good quality if that came on a modern head cover you would be on a driver you would be calling out some headquarters really good it's fantastic it's like thick it's it's what you almost like the same quality you used to get on really expensive phd drives once it started making cheap we've seen it started making packages yeah now we need to get one um. But yeah really nice quality we've got a winner. For it we have so we asked people to those several ways could enter it you could either um rate on apple podcasts which was a great way of entering sadly not everybody uses apple podcasts there are other platforms. Or you could enter on the the youtube channel which is the rickshaws golf show. Or whatever way and you could email us as well with your kind of screenshot of proof that you've done so yeah pick one at random just literally skim through. And pick the guy he was called mike oh maylie nice well done he's been i've obviously got his email. So i've emailed him back she'll be the genuine mic we'll get back to me we'll ship that out wherever he is in the world nice one mike um something exciting coming in the new year i am participating in a challenge that's the wrong term in it. But 24 hours in my favorite place your favorite place the listeners and viewers favorite place saint andrews scotland the home of golf yes gonna be good it is gonna be very good. So friends of the podcast mastercard yes reached out. And said rick you're the best person in the world at golf thanks i said yeah he's okay. But they wanted to they've got some really good initiatives around the open next.

Year and it's called price priceless st andrews where there's some really amazing kind of experiences that are very very unique to the townsend andrews. And they're all kind of exclusive for mastercard holes and things like that so we're going yeah you're going to spend 24 hours in the town. And we've got some exciting things lined up so we've plotted plotted it from start to finish exactly what i'm what i'm going to do. And that video will be hitting your screens early next.

Year should we give a little bit of an insight of roughly what we're planning um a stay in our favorite hotel in the world yes it's an android old course hotel yes a meal in a seafood restaurant yes golf on not just one not two. But maybe three golf courses that sounds pretty epic um putting on a rooftop terrace yes drinks food maybe a subscriber meet up yes in a pub in a pub drinks are on me um lots of exciting things coming. And i'm thinking as well whilst we're there we've got to go shopping for clubs again we've got to see if we can find a little second hand goodies bits. And bats we've got to spend some money so it should be very good so that's going to be mastercard next.

Year obviously really excited. For that um but like i said. And we kind of mentioned it on the podcast a few times about how good san andreas is. But genuinely is the best place in the world do you think you'll ever get bored of that walk like kind of down the side of 18 no there's a property an apartment that's behind the 18th hole it's up in like the old kind of student block. And it's amazing the views are absolutely amazing i mean it's ridiculous money it's like tens of millions. But it's worth it so i think the views are just amazing yeah i need to get a tissue 12 seconds later um sorry about that rick just went off to wipe his nose i've actually got a cold it's not covered anybody i've been tested um because cold still exists in the world because i think why i i've got a cold guy i played golf in the cold yesterday let me guess there's no cameras there she's got 75 million under par it's annoying it is because i seem to play good golf without cameras well. So you mean that when there's no cameras. And no pressure of two million people watching you actually play well believe it. Or not so i played something on top links nice um it was. For me the friendliest golf course you can play in the winter yes when there's no wind it's not ridiculous where we did i've done a break 75 there before it's where you recently saw luke willit play speed golf round there it's a links golf course it's it's kind of next-door neighbors royal lythum dan webster's been on the podcast james robinson is kind of based there. And live in golf academy um and yeah played really well. So we played in there were six of us that went we all had christmas jumpers on that's why i think i've got a cold at the moment i didn't i wasn't i wasn't completely wrapped up in what i should be such witty bands that i knew sixty christmas jumpers such a banter um you've got a party bus did you really. So we ordered the party bus from mia so mate of mine picked me up from my house drove me to mia that's about six o'clock then.

Go back oh yeah i didn't want to miss out right i got fomo loaded the minibus up this minibus was. For 16 of us there were six of us. So we had lots of space golf bags change of clothes christmas jumpers maybe a few beverages yep several beverages party boss music blaring bit of banter all the way to lyrium okay got there. For about 10 o'clock um on the hill already yeah we started from about 8 45. that's unnecessary that. So and i must admit i'm not great normally when i've drunk and play golf it doesn't always go my way right it seems very popular in america don't it yeah over here we just don't seem to do it yeah because drinking in america there's something quite like aspirational about it you're on like a really warm lovely golf course there's like a cart girl coming around with the really ice cold bud lights. And it just feels like so cool and over here you're walking onto the first tee with a shandy bass or something it's like freezing it's not so we got there um let's say six of us we threw the balls up i played with uh my really good pal john beasley who plays off actually plus six he's really good player and another mate of ours uh lloyd and then.

There was other three of them that played behind us. So get this this is amazing guy okay we thought what format can we play well let's play let's play an individual stableford nice. And friendly but let's also as the two teams of three play combined total stableford scores nice okay. So it's not two from four two from three or anything all three scores count on every single hole okay with yeah you won't believe what happened though right. So i i must admit i played really well i think i've figured out something about pitching go on drinking yeah it helps no genuinely i was doing slow mo swings pitching. And pitched it ridiculously well like literally feeling like i was going in slow motion it wasn't. And i was hitting these unbelievable pitch shots i didn't hold the world i didn't hold anything in fact however. i might still manage to get six birdies wow three bogeys nice finish three on the par oh my days i birded the last two to finish three under that's really good golf um while drinking on the way around. And also you know my open cup yeah the one that you we got from the open yeah that's my name on it that was my drinks uh container. For the day what were you drinking in that estrella nice. So anyway long story short played really well so i finished off i played off scratch so i ended up with 39 points stableford okay my mate john beasley shot three on the par as well. So me and him shot three under he plays off whatever plus six but his handicap for the day was plus five. So we ended up being two over par it doesn't seem fair doesn't and then.

My other mate who played in our group shot 35 points so you yeah okay i'm with you 36 34 35 39 oh sorry yeah sorry four thirty five yeah. So collectively we shot level par right so the scores for three three handicap everyone playing sandy caps 108 right so we thought we've blitzed this there's no chance they're going to do the same not even close right because i thought anything over 100 is pretty impressive they come in they're finishing off the three other guys are slightly higher handicappers not massive. But like playing like the teens and stuff handicaps they've come in first guy 34 points okay next.

Guy 35 points thinking hold on last guy 39 points they had exactly the same points as us 100 800. So we worked off a count back play-off we won it on a count back play-off and then.

It was me versus the other 39-pointer we both had 18 points going out 21 points coming back in. But i i went par birdie bird in the last three so i won on on the last three cup last three whole players oh my word and what is that that's ridiculous. So yeah i played pretty well. So what's under goal finish out then.

Golf finished at three then.

More pints we had a quick scoop in the in the oh this was funny story actually quick scoop in the um clubhouse yeah okay another santa thing coming in. So they had loads of kids turning up so we got out there pretty sharpies but i was literally walking out. And a guy on a mask comes up to me and goes hi rick so i think i must like be a bit of a fan. Or whatever he says you don't recognize me do you think oh god who is this i've not i've thought i've not gone man use the mask i can't tell you mask took his mask off can't tell with your top on literally no idea who this guy is i'm thinking oh god this is awkward i said oh i'm really sorry i i i don't know i don't know who you are i'm buddy robbo's dad ah james robinson's dad yeah i've met him once yeah. So you weren't gonna remember not really so anyway he was uh he was good fun. And then.

Went into um live them i had a meal book so the party bus stayed there all day bloody hell picked us back up we drove in to live and went to a lovely restaurant called lithum house having a nice bit of food nice steaks bit of red wine a few beers having a good time the party bus is waiting. For us when we want to go as well and uh so i'm there i thought let's have a dessert why not eh it's not a little cheeky dessert anyway comes out the chef hand delivers the dessert and he put this on it oh my days like and subscribe let's go 2 million so if you can see that on that camera. So it literally came out with a dessert and then.

Written on it in chocolate like and subscribe let's go 2 million and then.

He said by the way i've entered a few giveaways. And something have a driver do you not know him oh obviously he didn't you just was a fan he was just a fan i didn't realize that he'd how did he see you if he was in the back someone must have told him all right. But you know what's quite annoying still charged me for that um well yeah all good fun. So two things i feel like you've got a very organized group of friends who actually organize all that stuff i did it you did it i did everything i genuinely i mean that i bought the minibus bought the golf put the restaurant. So it sounds like a great time um i just feel bad for listening that i would podcast delay today.

Because of that well i feel bad because i shot 68.. So it doesn't really count when i don't see it i feel like i can't if i was with a guy played really well when i'm not there did you cheat somebody really what did you do to suit that score he wasn't cheating a little bit cheating no one's like no one's bothered i missed the world he played third lies it really half whites no yellows there's only yellows oh it's all coming out it's all coming out. So well we played yellows preferred lies you get five more only five but five mulligans per hole and gibbon's inside six feet no it's still a good score it was a what i was saying though it was super friendly golf yeah like that is exactly what you want with a bunch of mates bit of a cold day. Or whatever but it was just really nice it wasn't a massive test certainly after playing jcb a few weeks ago going to somewhere like art i was like oh this is nice no i think though. And that obviously stands is a really nice course. And it's like i said in winter it's. So good condition but in that environment when you're playing with a few mates you could play it anywhere yeah that's class laughs even the really wet boggy calls you'd still have had a great time with that you know the thing i was only gutted about is i kind of sometimes wish you could play more than fours yeah i wish we could play it in six what. For the kind of camaraderie yeah because there were six of us do i think you'd like to get a bit like teens though like on the t of a path three likes if you're hitting off yeah it might do actually just sometimes frustrating when it's like uh a weird number of people like i hate five. And five yeah the worst of course yeah. But like three and a two yeah let's say where three. And three was just about okay uh. But yeah all good time um what else happened i lost my towel okay oh yeah all good fun very good well on the weekend i um watch some golf which i don't always do. But i couldn't not and i know you did watch the pnc is it the pnc yeah pnc which i didn't realize actually because i'd never heard of the pnc until about three years ago. And little john daly played one of the first times and from then.

It feels like it's got low obviously since last since then.

It's gone massive partly because of charlie woods who we talked about in the second but the pnc you have to warn either it's a major other players to be able to play in it i don't i didn't know that oh yeah that's why ian polter's not playing. And stuff you have to have won a major or the players championship i believe oh that's cool and that's where nellie corder can place he's one of women's major ah vijay singh your friend of mine vj singh. And casting i think is his son will play in there was john daley. And john daley the second there was tiger. And this guy called tiger woods i think he's called yeah yeah charles i think tiger yeah i know okay it won't catch on no um yes it was unbelievable. And basically it is there's no handicaps i don't think is there i don't really know how it all sort of works it's a form texas scramble yes. And the the juniors or whatever all the amateur players are forward t i feel like they just call it a scramble in america though yeah yeah they do actually suppose probably because well why do we call it texas scratch i don't know because it's an american thing yeah yeah. And there's different teams i don't know at what point it's almost like how we call it the open they call it the british open well by the way actually right let me just come on something took a picture of this i was. So chuffed with the weekend at the weekend do you ever watch like a tv program a quiz program there's a golf question oh yeah yeah yeah yeah. So there's a question right listen listen to this are you ready. For this now so there's a program if you've ever seen it on bbc called the wheel yeah yeah. And you sit in the middle yeah michael mcintyre presents yeah it's brilliant. And it's quite i can't if you've never seen it it's quite a complex show to explain but basically there was a guy he had he he got basically there's three contestants. And you pop up randomly if you're going to be taking part. Or not i'm not just yeah it's a quiz show a guy had one questions with 92 grand no 92 grand are you ready. For this there was a question with four possible answers. And there was categories beforehand. So there was golf randomly popped up mad uh something else something else who was the golf expert there wasn't one because it's the very end you see this is just out of potluck. And the question so it's golfing come on guys right okay i don't mind golf i don't mind golf the question come up which of the four major golf championships that make up the four majors is held at the same golf course every year okay. So obviously the u.s open the british open they called it the masters of pga so obviously straight away the masters you got it right and 192 grand it's weird how they call it british opening yeah well done well i feel like really when there's a golf question comes on i really really like it i i kind of panic a little bit though i know i did this because you don't know that you're a question of sport when you come up with a golf. And i'm like right this is me yeah i don't know 1977 what club did they hit into the third hole yeah like what um. But back to charlie yes. So i think what it is is that the the pros golfers the the back tees. And the amateurs go for forward team i don't know what point that because little john daly is about 15 how old is he actually he's about a bit older than that um. But he hits it a mile so i don't know if he still went off the very forward t or not i wasn't paying that what about like gary player what's he do yeah i don't know like lee travino. And i was 18 little john daley i thought it was nearly um anyway little john dalian big john daly won it yes uh by two i think in the end in the end yeah. And tiger and charlie woods came second i believe charlie woods is absolutely unbelievable um his swing is just outstanding well i feel like we've got a lot to dive into here now. And this is why i wanted to push it back. And not pre-record this the week before because we wouldn't be able to speak about any of this first off tiger woods was back yes a lot better than i think he's letting on to most people i want to agree. But i also want to disagree because his swing looked nice yeah he's played in the cart boogie yeah yeah. And towards the end i could see some grimace in his face oh yeah. So i think he puts that maybe he is maybe he is i think i mean one of the driver shots he hit like 174 miles per hour ball speed yeah still pretty good in it using a new driver taylormade unreleased driver i think we can mention that now to some degree because they've said the certain bits in the press well it's a stealth driver um i might have my hands on them already i might already be testing them you might see the video at the start of january that's yes to all those things um. So he had that in the bag um and i just their chemistry seeing them on the golf course together is amazing seeing tiger as a dad. And and kind of seeing how charlie is just a mini version of tiger yeah in every way golf swings mannerisms banter like you saw him having a bit of banter with like justin thomas yeah early in the week it's just tight it's like a mini tiger i feel like i've got a little kind of mixed views on this though a little bit on the whole charlie thing no don't be wrong i absolutely was glued to the screen. And i really thought he was his golf swing looks fantastic um some of his gold shots that he hit were unbelievable yeah. And certainly that one on that 17 the power 369 yards or 67 yards it's like an idea to like six foot whatever yeah that was a phenomenal golf shot the way it hits his driving see the speed's got through the ball he's absolutely he doesn't miss a fair way no ever i mean if that was any 12 year old child. And you saw them playing golf you'd be unbelievably impressed so ridiculous obviously the fact is tiger's son added to that. But it was it was phenomenal the only thing i feel a little bit unsure on. And obviously tiger must have thought about this in massive depth to put him on this year and last year playing the tournament i feel there's a lot of pressure for a 12 year old child and last year obviously 11 years old and when i say pressure i mean not. So much well in his performance yes. But you saw him walking from green to t and some people come come on charlie and it was done really endearing. And people really supporting him and he probably quite enjoyed like a lot of kids shouting as well yeah which is really good. And it's it's gotta be great for the game of golf see people enjoying it together and stuff i just worry or would i worry i'm i just wonder at what point does that become too much like the amount of coverage you got. And kind of rightly so tags a legend of the game and it's great to see him back and with his son but he said he's a mini tiger. And he is like. But is he going to want to grow up. Or doing his dad's shadow like there's going to be he is going to be no matter how good he is he's going to be some level of his dad's shadow forever. And unless he goes on to win 20 majors well yeah. But even then.

People say oh but tiger if you haven't had these injuries would have been better and you're thinking for 12 i mean think about 12 when you're 12 year old year 7 at high school it's very very young to have all those eyeballs. So i just don't know i i loved watching him i'd love i'd watch him every week because it was. So fascinating but i just wonder is this any negative putting a child like that in someone you hear about child actors. And stuff getting you know often in life there's some negatives that come with it i just wonder i don't know yeah i think it's obviously something that that could potentially affect him it doesn't seem to do he seems to just take it his stride. And he doesn't seem to get nervous he doesn't seem to be like bothered about all these people shouting his name and someone's expectation you play in front of camera i mean he's better than me he's better than me playing there in that situation he's better than me without question he's 12 years old i just can't wait to see what happens in the future i i i can't no 100 it's just it's more. So like on the golf course he appeared to be so confident and calm and the way he played but and maybe he's too young to even have any hope he is too young to have any kill you just think like there will be some negatives on social media about him i've seen i've seen. So i saw somebody say oh he's not even that good for his age group and then.

Somebody else said oh no he is he's won loads of tournaments. So i don't know i'm not looking into it enough but i don't know i just think there's always a you have to be to some point careful don't you 12 years old like yeah definitely one of the things i wrote after watching it all. And i genuinely believe this but it got a bit of negativity i thought something along the lines love watching it blah blah blah i love seeing tiger and charlie it was amazing i put something like tiger his golf yeah. And he got a lot of negative comments tigers not golf i wouldn't have watched that tournament if it weren't for tiger i i watched that event because of tiger like as much as attack maybe the tiger isn't golf for viewing i will flick on the tv if i know he's playing 100 i think i would put a caveat. And say tiger's professional golf i would think that i love tiger as you know. And i know some people don't because he's he's these things he's done his personal life whatever but i absolutely adore him but i think if you think about today.

It's what it's december it's 21st of december as we're doing this it's it's cold it's wet outside. But my home golf club i guarantee there'll probably be a group of four ladies going playing golf with the power caddies. And having a great time in natter in a couple of colors they don't care about tiger woods they might like him and watch him every now and again but they're not playing golf with the tiger they'll be playing with the motor caddies by the way or caddies yeah um yeah do you know what you know what i mean maybe. So like maybe i said that a bit too kind of ambitiously. But it's more like i just feel like he inserts energy into oh 100 into professional golf 100 but i'm not even sure like if that kind of rubbed on me even yesterday playing played well but as in like i was more excited about playing golf on monday after seeing him on sunday yeah i was more because i don't know i don't know what it is it's just something about seeing him playing the way he plays. And the way he hits it his legacy and everything else and seeing him with his son just like oh god it's it's so impressive the only thing i do get now again i don't agree with it. But understand it if there was an option to just just have watched tiger. And his son i had to press that option yeah yeah i would have only watched that sound that's the coverage anyway really well yeah i also get when people get a bit frustrated they want to watch more of like john daly. And some of you actually won it already yeah. So although i don't i'm not on that side i can understand how people do sometimes get frustrated when tiger plays a tournament it's often very much heavy a lot heavy on him even if he's not doing that well yeah well you don't see the actual winners. But i'd watch tiger do every shot yeah you hardly saw any of like uh justin thomas. And mike thomas that's it and they i think they came third yeah you have this already of like faldo. And his son or play a little bit of play on his son but nothing much like so no no vj no no no no that's i'm actually very known about that would you think though like the whole tiger is golf thing again it depends how literally literally you take that. But is that a negative to some degree that like you're feeling that inspired after watching tiger which i don't blame you to do. But you know in reality we've got five or ten years left of tiger at this level what happens after that charlie hopefully yeah i don't know it does scare me it like golf watching golf this year. And i think i've watched quite a lot this year to be honest. But i honestly believe if tiger was playing this year more i'd have played i'd watch double the amount of golf. And maybe been inspired more to go and play even more to get even better i don't know i don't want it what it is it might have been my own personal opinion on it obviously. But um do you think though as much as again i i always think i have to caveat these things i'm a massive tiger fans know sometimes people watch these clips on on youtube. Or whatever and they might say oh you're a hater which is ridiculous because i absolutely love him. But do you think that when tag has been off before. And then.

Come back everybody including again myself gets so so excited they'll always watch the first tournament back it's just blowing his nose um i have to tell everyone well i just thought it's a bit random if you're watching. Or well if you're listening it's like makes you stop off his nose and likes the commentary it's all right let's put the tissue on the floor um what's gonna say no. But do you think after. So i know what you're saying about potato being back you watch more golf but do you think that's because he's been gone when tiger's in a season where he's actually played a lot i don't think you've watched every week because tiger's there do you think the novelty was off again you get used to it maybe maybe let's have a look. So when when was it tiger woods 20 when was he injured he had a car crash in february. So that was this year won it yeah. So i just have to just have to feel for a second here why i have a look hi everyone how's everyone doing everyone ready for christmas you all brought your presents um also just a quick one some of you might really not like this um after today's podcast we're going to have a break i'm sorry i know listen nothing we can do about it. So we're probably going to be back on like the 11th of january. So yeah just thought i'd sneak that in there now. So in 2018 tiger played 18 events okay jacking you up to all 18. uh did you watch the quicken loans national yeah did he go 68 67 no i didn't 72 no do i mean i mean a bit pedantic here well if that's the phrase that's right word. Or not but like you played 18 events then.

In 2017 he played well he wasn't he didn't play many actually he only had one i think 2019 he played 12 in 2020 he played seven. So you do massively feel now like you're missing him which obviously we are. But then.

When he actually is there yeah they watch every week maybe i don't me wrong you've got to watch thursday friday saturday sunday every week of every event every single shot every shot okay every shot oh you can you can quiz me on it at the end of the year perfect um. So we are i said a couple of weeks off now. So by the time we come back it will be new driver season it will. And there is a lot to get excited about they're usually yeah i think we hinted at it last week maybe um your major manufacturers taylormade callaway have got something new. So cobra um ping don't normally really start the year they might not even release next.

Year and is it tight this year next.

Year um i think we're willing to list well yeah because next.

Year yeah well yeah. So maybe every single manufacturer will release a new driver next.

Year wow of the main major brands um yeah there's been a couple of testing sessions. So far with a few of the drivers um again reviews will be coming start of the year well you fully tested one of them. So far and after this after this podcast ends we're going to be filming the actual body of the review offset driver correct um yeah we can't say too much yeah it's a bit harder because we basically have to do you might know. Or might not know we have to use like embargoes and you have to sign like a non-disclosure agreement up until that point to say you can't talk about the technology if things like the term made stealth gets leaked we can say it's stealth. But we can't talk anything about the material the technology etc etc um so yeah stay tuned. For those one thing we've not touched about and i think a lot of people will still obviously remember this when it went out last week the tommy fleetwood video oh a friend of mine well it's only your friend you've got my what's that now. And stuff haven't you all our friends now i i did a tweet about this. And it was a bit like what was that what was the word bit not cringy. But what was the what kind of word to explain my tweet about him when you you can the one who said about how good he is like not a golf was a person it's a bit like not sucky upbeat i know you wouldn't see it. But basically i did a tweet. And said i've been looking up to meet slash work with some amazing golf in the past which i have at this job. And meal job but i have to say tommy fleetwood was exceptional he couldn't do enough. For us and he's really so down to worth that tweet he did really well. For me i think you liked it. So it's helped 298 likes i don't want to flex but um no don't like tommy anyway never liked him never liked him. And there's a nice picture of him with our team but i think when we film with like some of these totals that we're filming with. And they've all that as a role that actually don't look bad because mimo lee was fantastic sam also was fantastic. And they truthfully worked they were great lads. And sam horsefield in particular kind of semi-kept in touch with him and i wish him all the best and minwoo lee was. So so gordon but there was something extra about tommy that it was i can't quite. But i think with memory lee. And someone like sam's certainly those two they're kind of very early in their careers yes that's a good point. And they're quite young and they're quite kind of fresh-faced and bushy-tailed like they couldn't do enough i think we always expected that to some degree yeah. And they were fans of the channel yeah certainly. And sam both real big fans of the channel well like tommy he is a he's a big name in the world of golf like he's got as high as number 10 in the world yeah you know he's challenged the major tournament. So he's one big event he's been there a one rider cups so i think because of that all of that um pedigree. For him to just rock up twice by the way yeah to to film with us was phenomenal it really was i did a two-hour podcast which i think a lot of people enjoyed i'm sure he did. And he kind of was happy to do more if you wanted to we did a really cool coaching video which has not been released. Yet it's coming out soon the first time we went there it was snowing. So we had to cancel rearrange and he committed he was true to his word yeah because i thought it might have been a bit oh as soon as you ever start to like rearrange things people might be able to cancel. And it's a dead easy cop out for a little tip oh he could have got covered or just another a dead easy way of getting out of it going oh i'm really sorry guys she would she would film it in the new year yeah i could have easily done all that. But he didn't he still rocked up friday after it wasn't great weather he pitched up and he was. So eager to film and play phenomenal yeah like the weather was. So bad when we first arrived at jcp that second time and and he was like it was optimistic. And again it would have been so easy for him to go ah lads i'm not really into this today.

I'm gonna shoot we'll do it. And we'll do it another time we wouldn't have to like stand on we have to go okay like. But he there he it took us ages to film because it does sometimes we're out there. For like five hours playing golf freezing cold um raining carrying his own bag it's just coming about that in the group but people really like that and i get it you don't see it very often do you no you almost never see it we know i think's mad i think we said this when we may be filming with sam horsefield. But when you see a tour pro like tommy and he's carrying his own bag it looks weird and obviously it looks weird because the fact normally seemed with finno carrying his big toe bag but actually these guys have played more golf as amateurs and more people playing the lie like tommy lee was probably carried his back more times than most people have ever played golf because he's probably not seen him yeah because he's played golf from being eight to 18 amateur every weekend every week like you forget is he even like sounds silly like taking the flag out. And stuff you almost think oh you know that's about the flag obviously like do you know what i mean he's been doing it. For something like god he knows how to rake a bunker of course he does yeah that's quite quite true. But um what what were you most impressed with. So about from him as a person mm-hmm because we can set up another society yes we've got vj. And i don't know thomas society i'll be president of vijay you can be present as tommy tommy fleetwood appreciation society what do you think was. So good about his game um yeah okay well several things obviously has to expect. But really what stood out to me was his driving even on the practice ground before handy a couple um it was just always straight yeah he didn't quite catch it his worst one was a healy one that would just fade off 20 yards yeah um his lag putting was phenomenal his pace every pot had just a perfect pace he did um. And he's ball striking which is what he's i mean i did some research on him probably after the podcast beforehand really what what his strengths actually weren't in in from most season hitting greens greens. And regulations around the top on the european tour but the one shot that absolutely stood out because often when you see a torpor maybe not tommy's level but like a middle of the range top bro you'll watch them and most of the shots they do you think if i had 20 goals that shot i might do it once yes. So when you see like if you saw a guy who's a kind of not always but a run-of-the-mill european tour pro sounds hot in run-of-the-mill but you know what i mean i could drive like they could once in every 20. And you could do it as well of course not every time not under the pressure. But i could actually do that shot um. But then.

There's other levels of golfers we just can't and tommy hit a five-in on hole 14 didn't need the power three to like three foot or whatever it was i can't hit that shot. But you can't hit that shot it's just it was. So straight it it was high the speed as well really really high in the sky it stopped on a sixpence like he needed to make birdie yeah. So he there was an added bit of pressure there. For him it was not pressure. But there is a bit there um. For me there's a couple of things it was his he was longer off the team i thought he was going to be yeah 100 there was a couple of times where i smoked a driver. And he was still 30 40 past me just like god i mean i was asking him what his club head speed does. And he says he normally cruises like 120 miles per hour faster and i'm there at like one ten one eleven not nine miles per hour man he's flushing out the center absolutely in the middle uh his strike off wet kind of um soggy lies yeah it was a couple of times where he was like a bit of a soggy fairy because it was red it's wet it'd been raining. And he's still just crazy yeah as pure as he could. And a couple of those three woods that he hit that like came out like a bullet yeah like on the part of the long path five yeah it'll intended to do it on it's really amazing ball flight um. And i'd like to say he just he i think he gets a bit of bad press. For his putting but he put it really nice that's it like something about that thing you could do one out of ten there's well there's obviously several reasons why torpos are torpros. But one is to hit amazing shots a lot of the time which is why again we might do one in 20 they do it 17 out of 20. Or 18 or 20 whatever but like i said his ability to hit shots are just phenomenal. And as well watching around that golf because it's a tough course it never felt like it's ever gonna do anything massively wrong i never worry on any shot he shot level par. And quite easily could have shot 500 around there oh yeah like level power was the worst round he would have had i think oh yeah it was yeah want it. But what's interesting as well is that a low shot level par. And i think it comes across that video people know that course a bit now. And this certainly holds it at 17 on the water it's obvious how hard it is that is a hard golf course that level part in those conditions off those back tees i would say i know it's hard to say this. But would be a 500 a normal partner that makes sense well if he played the same golf there as he did uh well i'll tell you what this is probably not far off i shot 10 over at jcb i think i hit it pretty much the same yesterday at centran's old links. And shot three yeah there you go i honestly do. So i honestly think he would have probably been 10 10 on the round centers on links yesterday if not more. Or less yeah. So i think that's the big like that's the way to be able to kind of address it didn't you say text you said he enjoyed the video as well he loved it honestly loved it i told him it was trending number seven that was really good on youtube. And he said is that good i went he said is that in golf oh no that's in the world of youtube like that's massive um he said he got he's got believe it. Or not is that he's actually received loads of really good messages about it as well um yeah really good the comments have been outstanding some of the best comments i've ever ever ever seen on the youtube channel. And currently right now it's only about three days it's at nearly 800 thousand views well thanks everybody for watching and commenting yeah it's it's great we have these kind of ideas because i think as well we could have any video with tommy would have done well. But although it seemed a simple concept there was quite a lot of thought went into that idea. And we didn't just think because initially it's gonna be tommy playing his own new walking round there's gonna be you just playing. And just it was gonna be a bit like a sam horsefield video yeah. But at jcb with tommy which would have been good yeah. But wouldn't have been as good as this so it's good that that because evenings at the title sounds ridiculous the title's so simple it's can i beat tommy fleetwood if i start 10 under par yeah that's. But that took a lot of time so all these elements in this you know all this it's nice and all these kind of pieces of the pie come together yeah people enjoy it i got some messages from like people in the industry golf industry that just said they absolutely loved it which is great great to hear a few questions let's do it um. So i put a thing on instagram asking for questions and um we have had a a lot which is which is nice okay um right on topic from d stags underscore does charlie woods win a major before he's 25 hard to say. But yes i still have a pressure the twelve. But yes absolutely well no i'd love to see that always a nice one from steve winneton i think it is who was your favorite guest on the podcast of 2021 um who's my favorite guest come on rick think think we've had some really good ones aren't we we have was robo this year was that last year robo was this year i think uh i don't know what's happening yeah it was it would have been um who's been my favorite guest have you got one um there's been a lot of different ones aren't there different stories to tell i thought um like david cannon was really good amazing um obviously phil kenyon was great um tommy sam horsefield was good to say isn't it really that's really cool like sophie has been great john robbins has always been really good they've all got different kind of stories to tell. So it's hard to i feel that was one guess how i kept i was. So interested to find out about their world probably probably a bit phil canyon weirdly yeah because i was. So interested about his world and how it works kind of i kind of feel like i should know about it but i know nothing about it um the interesting thing we guessed is though. And what's good about having a guest on is you could do one with a person. And people some people think it's the best one having other people aren't as keen. And then.


Week people you know i mean it can it depends on what that individual who's listening is into even like tubes. And orange quite another question for you then.

Who's got the best hair out of all the guests uh probably between dan whittaker and tommy okay i'll probably give it to dan well that's quite bad actually it was actually james robinson that's that question hoping he would say him. So james unfortunately you've not he's got this yeah you're third. And he's got good hair but he's third in the list well somebody's put d some nurse but why do you guys always film in a hat to get one that suits you well rick's own a hat today.

Okay. So the reason i'm wearing my hat i'll show you now not my haircut look how bad it is it's like wet. And back it's terrible i need to get it cut before christmas so what's that guy what does it look like should not be showing this on camera if you are listening to the podcast. And you want to see what i look like by the way it sounds weird no headphones on it sounds like you're like a 1960s gangster well that's kind of what i'd like to be known as um oh this is a nice one from charlie evans that sounds a bit count then.

This is the nice one favorite putter of all time um two ball i'll just see two ball ah very good question as well from me i've got some really good questions here actually um is rick hung over now i am thinking a little bit yes that's where this cold has come from actually that he's a bit bit rough. But um i was in bed at half nine last night. So i think i slept it off yeah good answer uh ollie chandler said are we getting any videos of rick's lesson with phil kenyon uh we might do something with it yes we have film that haven't we just trying to make that into a really powerful video yeah we i mean we were talking about even redoing it again because i think we missed a lot of things that first time annoyingly. So it's in the bank at the moment but it might never see the light of day question for you and for me from f nicholson18 top three favorite golf youtube channels from from us uh rick shields golf show yeah rick shields main channel yeah um i kind of did too okay now who's my favorite channel stack golf yeah they're quite good i like them stack golf they're probably up there it's a dead weird one with stack golf because i don't know why i like it. But i just do i just it's just wholesome yeah no it's just like that it's a husband. And wife to go around to like thrift shops and charity shops and american clubs for cheap i really inspired our videos in andrews where we went to thrift shops i think um scratch golf when it's eric anderson is eventually engulfed yes it's weird. For me because i just be addicted to adventuring golf and watch everyone and now kind of dip in and out they've become a bit longer form and like half an hour long and they're very deep in the storytelling every now and again i'll get one i watch the one at royal wimbledon as it and oh yeah. And that really got into that but i don't watch everyone trying nothing else there's loads of great channels i don't want to put with an order because people are like oh you didn't say this one. But i think what good good are doing really good i don't watch everything. But i think what they've do in his collection is really exciting really kind of bringing a youth element to it as well which is good makes me feel very old i think that again well yeah the beauty this is why i love youtube is that you can watch somebody who has got like good good who half a million subscribers unbelievably well produced videos great golfers kind of you can really see who they're appealing to. And you can click another thumbnail. And watch a video of guys got 5 000 subs it's a bit rough and ready on an iphone and you can equally buy into the persona. And character and story as well somebody else i don't there's an obsession with people with hats somebody else's wise guy got hat on inside i don't understand this whole thing of inside i kind of say we get in a clubhouse where you're sometimes supposed to take it off yeah yeah. But i don't get why we're not inside that's a very old school thing somebody else's day was sitting in the group up i say pants instead of trousers again that's an americanism. But it's not in the north west certainly where island people call them pants yeah yeah yeah i'll fix between yeah i don't trust house just feels that just don't say it right that's i don't think i'd ever say trousers now i just said it used to be i'll get some golf trousers punch oh yeah i think i'll see you guys i need some order some golf pants oh yeah i would well do you say matt yeah matt would say pound. So that's what matt says that's hard honestly it really is um how to confront a cheats from cameron newton might not shouldn't probably said his name. But how do you confront a cheat uh you know he punched sheets don't you yeah there's a little left jab normally correct yeah little dead arm. So don't do that again please because you yeah you never do a full hey mate just a little don't get caught again yeah do it. But just don't get caught again what does it want. For christmas a peloton yeah i kind of say it. But i don't want to use it i think i brought a palace on tread yeah. But i still wouldn't use it that's the thing with gym equipment isn't it um what a golf game what a short game so i've had a question from josh crawford 17 saying guy just wondering how do you pull your wife big respect punching big dog the way i pulled my wife was by kind of not dming other men with comments like that really asking how did you pull your wife probably just just went out. And chat to girls normally rather than have another blokes asking that's how i did it to be honest um let's have a look at his wife though to see what his life looks like. So this is what you get if you want to message about my wife josh because i think he is married by lots of things. So let's have a look it's very engaging for everyone um yeah i think you're also punching josh as well that looks like a quick look it's only somebody's private profile. But you can just see it's just entry level banter. And people say oh whatever you put picture on with the ui people say punching yeah well that's what i do. But what but it's amazing how many we get i guess but it's rubbish banter but also it's not an insult and it's like well i was debating getting an ugly wife i thought no i won't last minute what they say are they saying that i'm ugly because that sometimes i'd read it even. So if you're punching well okay. So am i am i too ugly for my wife that's what you're saying but i also understand it because if if it's a straight mail that's comment on your post they're going to find your wife more attractive than they find you you'd think. So yeah. So you're always i have questions big appeal but yeah you think. So yeah i don't i don't i don't mind those comments. But it's like if someone said oh your wife's dog then.

They built christ that's really insulting that's another nice thing to say. But saying you're punching it's like saying you've got a nice car yeah yeah you don't deserve that car you're too ugly to drive that car yeah you're a golfer like yeah. So if you want to dm stuff like that you will get called out from now on we have a new section oh we'll have a new section calling people out five minutes punching section um have we got a recaro i've not got that far today.

Rick go with me um just stay on. For christmas this is just one way of just gonna i must admit i sat down this morning. And i thought i'd pat it out so much i'd have to bother looking through the emails it sounds really bad that's what people have sent them i'm joking we have got loads of good ones let me find a good one the problem is with forgive all right does it tell you what then.

Should i go off i should just oh this is a lot just read one i'll pick well that's really long um i know that is ludicrous let me find a good one well not even good let me find one don't make them too long the people obviously think you're gonna read it like five paragraphs well i try. And read as many as i can. And respond to many as i can as well it's just that like this one's off the cuff um it's hard have you got anything else to say yeah we're going to vegas by the way yeah next.

Year next.

Year next.

Week. Or next.

Year yeah it's next.

Year we might be going to vegas next.

Week next.

Year. So look out for some content coming from vegas if you're covered carries on you're not going to go in though this way did you actually test yourself this morning absolutely [Laughter] we've had issues with sniffles recently um there was a point where like the light the red line kind of faded down a little bit. And i thought well that's a bit worrying but it all went to just one solid line you do sound very full of it um the problem i'm having here when i'm looking at the emails is a lot of the emails were people trying to win the head cover which is really great we got loads um. And because of that i'm struggling to find say what they're anyway for next.

For next.

Podcast when's that going to be now um we would love to send more in. So podcast and one thing going to mention as well i've seen some people saying that their emails have bounced back i imagine it's because people are spelling shields wrong. So make sure it's obviously rick s-h-i-e-l-s dot com it's podcast um it's that simple easy um right i need to find one how long have we done that see if any more facebook um i in fact there we go i knew i'd done something else so i put on the facebook group people's favorite moments of the last year on the podcast oh nice um let me i'll read something we've had 29 comments so not been that many nice moments but people like that bothered i'll never read something yeah yeah have you got it give me a minute okay uh tommy right let's read a few uh david says guys northern accent with the pie phantom when rick thought he was to turn pro badminton yep that's gone though badminton's gone well why don't you help badminton as well haven't we if we talk about that are we not gonna go. But we've booked it have we booked it yeah it. So because rick's a badminton addict and he's mentioned badminton a number of times on the podcast we've had an invite from england badminton to the what final the major major final and yeah. So it's going to be exciting i think that'd be really good i think badminton would be a good sport to watch actually. And actually annoyingly i had a tweet off a guide today.

Um i think he's a listener. And a fan obviously so it was kind of not too um offensive. But he said let me find it now um bear with me. So a guy um said why what's with the constant badminton jibes ever played at elite level question mark. Or even watched an elite level i was like they said there are no jibes here. So rick has recently started to play badminton we talk about it a lot arguably too much for a golf podcast and he said i know. But whenever you chat about it on the podcast it always seems your belittle belittling it as a sport all good if not yeah who is an avid commenter on the podcast group thanks nick he's put a rick hard without a doubt. But basically when you were rick just chat utter nonsense every week then.

Always been my favorite part of the episodes um richard has said the live show was pretty good to be fair no thanks all right uh rick putting out oh this quite good one steve uh said doesn't quite make sense to the podcast though rick putting out videos on how not to miss short ports after seeing him miss two sitters at jcb nothing to do with podcast uh gavin lee said guy china your inability to say words i've got no idea what you're talking about gavin lee someone's put that time rick had that guest on who was talking about golf not if not yeah i found a these comments are terrible why do people why do people think they're funny you want to hear an unvetted golf um confessions do it right this is unvetted. So it could be i kind of want it to be bad now could be funny at my workplace golf exploded over the past year we have players that constantly shoot power we have middle of the road players and then.

Players that will lose 25 plus balls around sometimes we all go. And play as a group between six and eight players but it takes all day my golf confession is that sometimes when they ask me to come along to play with the guys i lie. And say i can't go and go to another course in the opposite direction of where they are going i take the extreme of making sure that i don't snapchat. Or post on social media of where i'm playing that day what do you guys think it's quite extreme in it i think that's all right yeah it's fine i can forgive him. For that yeah right should we wrap it well my christmas present what do you want. For christmas a few no in general um i would like um people to subscribe to the podcast on youtube oh i would like it if you believe it's a five star review. Or a four star review but not a three or two or one star review no no i would like the golf brands to bring out drives are actually better than the year before um i would like tiger to recover. And play every event so you have to watch every minute of every event every event um i'd like a scottie cameron okay on your list i wouldn't use it just to play with okay just mess around with in the house clean it. And roll puts like to stop sniffling sorry that was quite really quiet um yeah i don't know what do you like name five things i want. For christmas uh to hit two million subscribers on the main channel yeah. For uh that's probably it i'm a simple man there's not two million subscribers if you're listening to this podcast and you're a fan of the channel which you subscribe make another account yeah just say if your username is john smith go out. And go johnsmith1 and subscribe or you could come up with a completely alter ego oh yeah it's not even nasty comments that'd be really good you could be called like joanna smithy oh talk to me with joanna smithy she's um a feisty redhead she's divorced really 42 though 42 3 kids divorced she has great child care. So she goes out a lot yeah almost every weekend she's out on the title it's gotta be cleavage big cleavage. And she likes it it'll be cleavage i just pushed together well big yeah okay big really she only likes wearing white boots yeah okay that's what that's like a trademark uh you see the kind of woman where other people would say she'd eat you alive. So like someone could call she's like go joanna smithy she'd eat you alive you are like yeah you could say that um she's let's say well known in her local district yeah you know what that means uh. And has to fund all her nightlife she has a sunday job at the pub okay where like when you turn up she's the barmaid. But she's very lazy behind the bar but yeah the owner of the bar just can't tell he got a bit of a thing. For us so yeah yeah she doesn't really do anything. And his wife says why don't you wanna run again she was nothing. But stand there flirting he's like she's good for the customer she's really good she's really good for the customers yeah she's got three kids little johnny peter you keep looking at her we're giving her the eye no no no she's good with the customers she'll eat you alive yeah she wouldn't she'll eat you bloody alive. And then.

She has loads of sick breaks as well and she's like she's really smoke she only smells distressed and then.

She smokes when she's at work she gets a lot of sick breaks and she goes on to like youtube channel what what bar watching our channel what other channel directors should she actually watch our channel this seems like she's too far away from golf that watch she got a thing for you that's what it is she hates golf she's got a thing. For you that's what two million subscribers does too she was a bit of a tommy fleetwood fan from the ryder cup then.

She found the channel because of tommy. And now she's got a thing for you she did i had a weird one yesterday actually when i was at when i was at santans yesterday a few beers in 14 off guy comes up to me. And says uh eric watch it watch your videos and stuff could i get a picture i said yeah because you can it's not. For me oh yeah i went all right okay i think my wife got a soft spot. For you oh did he all right. So he took a selfie with me maybe they might incorporate into the bedroom somehow yeah. So maybe they'll get it the picture blown up but on the wall and then.

You can walk in. And go right it's me a little ricky tonight darling oh yeah put your beard on yeah that's it put your beard on your atom yeah anyway hook you've got one pocket hug me that was really peculiar. And weird and rubbish but anyway but set up another channel subscribe that's the moral of the story and we'll be back in a couple of weeks i guess so hopefully with some better content um but no promises you know what we could do actually we could kind of send the teas we could maybe do a twitter space. But in between now the next.

Podcast now okay we'll see if two weeks back [Music] have a good christmas.