Shoved the kids in the car went to hay hall played mini golf um did you win taught well it's always hard with the kids because yes i did i batted them good uh do not give them shots welcome back to the rickshaws gold show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy episode number 112. yes um i'm excited because i've still slightly um hungover from golf from the last two days of last week yes um we went to our one of our favorite places in the entire world i teased it a little bit on social media a video coming very soon i spent 24 hours you obviously came with me as well um in the home of golf the only state's one of your favorite places on earth i think it actually is my number one favorite place i've been to it's well that's the caveat i've been to yeah because obviously i'm sure a lot of people say yeah. But such a place is better well i've never been to such a place. But i think saint andrews certainly. For golfers and somebody who is. So passionate and loves golf so much that is one of the great that is the greatest place i've been to in a golf scenario we've been three times now in the space of what six months i feel like it's our home it is. But it's that at this point now the novelty still isn't wearing off like if you worked there or lived there surely after a while it does. But for me and i'm guessing for you i'm still in awe of it you know what was strange this time though it was a different scenario to what we've experienced in the past it was. So we went in january obviously this podcast is now. So we went last week um it was outrageously quieter than i've ever seen it it was quieter apart from when you're walking down the high street. And some going i'm in the clubhouse yeah the high street was quite busy. So the students weren't fully back yet um the senate andrews university students some were just kind starting to appear um obviously it was quite kind of it's been cold even though the golfing gods were looking down on us. And those two was absolutely outrageous. And you're going to see all this in the video coming soon. So i don't want to give too much away but yeah 24 hours in andrews we've got to stay in our favorite hotel in the world the old course hotel yes um who sponsored a podcast a few episodes ago it was everything that i dreamt of. And maybe more yeah i think again this is partly what the video is about. But certainly we have i don't want to be kind of too generalized here but we do have a very heavy male audience we know that from the things we can see. And obviously if you have a wife or a partner who's not into golf it could be quite difficult to try and persuade them to to go with you to a kind of golfy location that's just furniture st andrews are. So much more than gold so much you've got the beach and when i say beach i don't mean a little like farty little bit of sand it's an actual full-on beach huge when it's sunny as we saw it's beautiful it's amazing it was beautiful on a sunny day in january it was. So imagine that in july when it's absolutely warm i mean i've we saw it last time when we went in august um the beach was packed. For miles and miles i'm really looking forward to the audience seeing your really kind of moody drone shots we've got something on the rock looking into the abyss i could have we could have shot a music video it looked like there's this shot people going to see in the video it's like you all stood there looking as if you're really like pondering why are we here in existence when really you're thinking how can i gain free miles an hour of ball speed what does life mean yeah how can i hate it should i use a stealth this year. Or not um but yeah that video coming out soon like i said i don't want to give too much away. But we got we got to spend an amazing couple of days on lads day one right it was an absolute lads day me guy. And matt who manages the the podcast it was a proper lads day you forgot somebody there oh scotty scott scotland scott have you followed him i'm not found basically he's tagged me in the post as he yeah i'm gonna follow him um i really liked him. So basically we were on the way into tr well rick was wait i would say wheeze if i was playing i wasn't playing this time that's fine you've treated me to a once-in-a-lifetime trip. So i forgive you for that for not inviting me this time but we were stood on the first tee waiting to tee off. And this kind of random lad came up and said can i get a picture with rick which we get a lot you're a big name rick you're a household name you're a lady. So housewife's favorite and he was very pleasant said of course you can. So you got a picture with him and i kind of chat to him you did a bit of warming up didn't he didn't he come over from was it he came from dundee about a 20-minute drive over because he saw we're in sent andrews that day. And he literally parked his car up and after two minutes being out of his car he walked to the first tee and bang that's where we were he found you. And i kind of got the feeling he was a sound guy yeah. So i went up to you whispered and said it's that nice lad this lad should we let him walk around yeah yeah cool let's let him walk around which is very nice of you. So scott walked around and the first few holes he was kind of i said would you stand near me we'll always be out with a shot because obviously i kind of know where to stand. And stuff to not be in shots so he stood with me and i chatted him loads and he was kind of quite quiet. And reserved taking loads of pictures he said to me at one point i don't even know this rick was putting. And you're putting her head cause on the floor and he said do i have to just move any mood to get a really nice picture of yourself is that his forearm um. And but by the end of the round he worked because what another thing that happened actually we were nearly hiring him yeah it was really kind of are we talking about what matt did wrong should we let the audience know that i do not want to say that um i think. For matt's safety okay. For matt's stage you might did something wrong uh which is fine we've forgiven you just about matt. But by the end of the round scott was giving me it was really nice lad um. And we had we had on 17 and 18 had a bit of a crowd forming a load of some of the students that were there yeah the kind of third win i was playing i joined up with two young lads as well who were university students there yeah um clever guys alex. And i can't remember the other guy's name sorry but uh we played 1718 and they would love in life so yeah it was an amazing trip. So video coming soon you know i love about these trips though is that obviously anybody when they go away can meet people. And kind of make friends and get chatting in the pub that's obviously quite a common thing to happen but obviously because people which weirdly happen to us as well that's going to say because you get a lot of people come up to you. And stuff naturally we end up chatting to people like scott all that the guys in the pub and you kind of realize a lot of sound people out there aren't there there really is a lot of you guys listening they're actually all right that's not surprising every time you get out of the car because i thought i've listened wasn't all right. But there's a few all right ones a quick shout out as well you might have noticed on the table sorry if you're listening but i'll describe it to you um i came into the office this morning there's a little parcel arrived i was like oh what's this i've got no idea i'm cutting it open it's all very well packaged i open it up a gentleman who watches the channel from stoke on trent called richard dawson. Or dizzy he likes to be known as of course he does has he from now on has made us some exclusive the rick shields golf show podcast mugs. So i've got the one that has the black with the rickshaws golf show mod the other podcast on guy's got the black with the rs headphone logo he's even got some little placemats he sent us four corpse four placemats and i think that's very nice of him. So thank you very much he noticed after watching the podcast on video that i'd typically drink out of a cardboard cup yeah. And you drink out your monster can which absolutely drives me insane. But i don't say it too much but now you don't have to you can drink out of that i can drink out of this will you drive me insane sometimes well there yeah. So yeah really good um week um i'm gonna give a little teaser of something that's coming up this week which i honestly believe that you guys listen to the podcast. And watching are gonna one be amazed too shocked three ecstatically excited to listen. And watch talk to me on wednesday we've locked in our biggest guest yet i want to say we you've locked in our biggest guest yet outrageous and um there's a clue on our instagram that's all i'm going to say. So at the rick shields golf show a little snoop around see what you can see see if you can guess. So we don't want to give too much we don't want to say the name yet just in case some things happen and it doesn't get recorded i want to make sure that it's locked in the can before we actually properly announce the guest. But it's going to be huge yes it could be controversial yes we might make a new friend. For life i'm classif him which is a giveaway as a friend already all right. So we've been chatting dm oh you've been sliding yeah um. So yeah very very exciting. So hopefully next.

Week's episode um has the potential to be the biggest podcast we have ever ever done and we are not going to shy away from some controversial questions i will that's what that's my vibe if i can give all this banter. And controversy when the person's actually in front of me i'll just sit like a quiet little mouse this cup of be filled full of vodka next.

Week just for some dutch colleges so yeah really excited about that um also after last week's podcast. For the youtube twitter social media blew up it absolutely went um i wanna thank everybody for their wonderful supportive messages this was about the my girl spy dig um that they had um oddly enough no response from them which i'm surprised about um. But thank you so much for everybody taking um our information as it should be taken the honest the truth and realizing that the outlandish claims of me only hitting five to ten shots is just ridiculous. And so thank you so much for everybody your messages were very very nice to read thank you. So much the one of the videos that the actual clip of um that bit what you're talking about beef has had 209 000 views in the second channel wow which is obviously phenomenal a lot of people that watched it aren't normal podcast listeners no um. And there's a number of comments and they couldn't understand me from americans and i know i get i talk fast when i get excited. And somebody said it sounds like he has a mouth full of marbles. So i'm really trying today.

To talk slower. And i'm probably still talking too quick but that's my new vibe for 2022. bag your jeans and talk slower if you listen to the guy in point five speed yes you'll be about right we'll see that clip a while ago put on my story yeah of me. And i i didn't understand what i said myself it's because i get excited i don't think you speak fast i can understand what you're saying. But there are a few comments. So it's nice that you're taking those on board and slowing things down did you have a nice weekend i've played mini golf again did you yeah i love it. So i felt a little bit bad on him because um a couple of weeks ago around christmas time we went to a local park near me it's a big um huge box hay hall park it's huge yes played golf there uh yeah it's got a golf course. And it's it's massive it's got this what we call the mega park because they've got this park there for kids it's just ridiculous it's so good um so we went around christmas time but we went about half three so it's quite late to go there oddly enough and i promised them we'd do mini golf because they've got this 18-hole kind of adventure golf thing there. And we've done it before but it's been a number of years and because they seem to be so into mini golf at the moment and i'm not really pushing them i really want to give them as many opportunities as i can to play it there's a few weeks ago i took them to the one at trafford um. So i really wanted to take them we got there about half three four o'clock closed oh for god's sake that's annoying not floodlit so it's closed we then.

We went center park we were booked in to do mini golf again. And it absolutely lashed it down and we didn't end up getting tanks it was on the last day annoyingly some listeners might say you should have just kicked the kids out. And made them play in the rain but it was more me yeah they want to play in the rain of course. So uh so again the weekend came and i was like right what should we do kids. And again so excited go to your mini golf. And i'm like this is brilliant yeah. So we went much early 11 o'clock just me and the and the kids claire watched spend time at home cleaning the place up or whatever and just getting things sorted so i went not a problem shoved the kids in the car went to hay hall played mini golf um did you win taught well it's always hard with the kids because yes i did i batted them good uh do not give them shots um. But obviously i'm very focused on them i taught jude the correct grip this is something correct though let me tell you something this is phenomenal okay go on i realized something this weekend with the kids. So i've not really ever taught them that much in golf yet the little tiny bits of information where to stand roughly you know where the club should be positioned in p3 yeah what the shaft angle should look like. But jude's a big fan of danny mordeney she gets a lot of tips from danny mart you know i like to see exterior reflection through the impact zone and they don't they know what it has to do. So i've been quite easy on them at the moment um just give them some basics so pearl and ivy can hold the club pretty well i don't have to ever show them how to hold it right. For what i thought jude holds it like this way around yeah. So his hands almost on top and it really frustrates me so i managed to get his hands underneath this time right all three of them put left hand below right do they they've copied off yeah because i do. And i've never shown them that how mad is that that is. So they all put left hand below right i can't tell them that's the wrong way because it's what i do um. But yeah really good fun um i might just get a hole in one. And none of them were watching oh literally lots of one of the hardest holes i thought this this i fancy this hit it up roll around in the hole i meant kids kids. And one of them was looking up at the stars one of them was bloody picking a nose one of them was doing something else i was like i just got only one. So that time you you reckon you're the whole one open qualified but that wasn't on camera it's only convenient uh so yeah it was really good um. So again i i'm really keen on this a moment after they've played about 14 holes they were just starting to borderline drop off yeah. And i honestly wanted to just go straight away because as soon as i feel like they start dropping off being engaged i just want to cut it straight away so we actually missed two holes out maybe even three finished down 18 done so on that note if you're enjoying this podcast that's it we're done cheers see you later no nice of it i think that's that's why all right he got it mini golf is good it's fun. And that's what i think i've said this before. But like when you watch golf on the tv it can be boring sometimes if you're not into it certainly. But if you show somebody a putt that's eight foot and say if this ball goes in that hole that person will win a million dollars whatever it's obviously exciting. And that's what obviously mini golf doing a million dollars unfortunately but it is fun isn't it. So simple and obviously the ones what like at trafford where you have all the dinosaurs and stuff are um very fun. But i had a weird weekend talk about traffic well just before that i actually um today.

We're recording this monday yesterday was obviously sunday i normally wake up quite handy. But for whatever reason i was kind of sleeping in yesterday morning. And at half last day i woke up to a oh wow yeah okay that was the front door i'm glad you're going all right i'm glad you clarified that was the uh door there yeah. So the front door like to the point where this is the police no one knocks the door at half of my skate on monday morning oh it's horrendous on sunday morning sorry yeah half past day woke me up. So i'll run downstairs in a box of shorts and open the door i got no idea what you're going to say i didn't know what's going to see. So a lad stood there either black like north face bubble coat on jeans and like black trainers and it kind of fosters you're joking no absolutely bladdered he's like scouser can you order me a taxi mate it's like what he was like can you order me a taxi i was like what i was like still after what literally i've just woken up i've been downstairs within 15 seconds i was like what's going on he's like oh i've got i've got money have you ordered me a taxi. So like right i said if you get off my like drive. Or whatever get off the front get off the front and i'll bring your taxi i wasn't really gonna ring him one get him i wasn't like in danger like really drunk yeah. So right and then.

He went but have you got a lighter and then.

It got a box of cigs out oh no i haven't got gum put on your stove as if you're going to walk through your house with a lit sig. So i said right. So i shut the door and locked it and you still stole it so i ain't got some matches i thought i want him if this was like on the street like a saturday night just say get away mate. Or whatever but i thought i don't want like trouble on my front door literally i'm actually on my front door so i got some matches went back to the front door she was in bed still we were both like literally asleep at this point. So went back to the uh front door give him a box of matches and generic cooks match whatever so we struck a match kind of half lit the sig it wasn't really lit properly i went right i'll ring your tattoo now i went just go look so i shut the door locked it he walked off went upstairs looked out the window he was gone didn't see him again how mad that is like where i live as you know very well it's quite a busy road it's not like near a town center. But roll out of pubs i've got no idea how we got there. And no idea what happened to him oh hopefully you got home safe hope well yeah i thought you're gonna say to me you did not listen to me i'm in the clubhouse i didn't even invite you in got a mini egg bars on me. But yeah. And that is weird in it. But speaking about kind of um weird things in golf we had something that was posted in our facebook group. And if you're not a member of that why would you not be baffles me it's free it's actually well it's not free i get a little bit right okay um. And it's a golfer who lied has been jailed for six months so listen to this so our our condom or condemn is like to become real life. And i'll you struggle to condone this one but a champion golfer who swindled 26 000 pounds in benefits has been jailed so um i mean his name's in the paper alan bannister who played of a handicap of six. So he's a good player claimed crippling arthritis and back pain meant it took him 15 minutes to walk just 50 yards that's what he used to tell people he had such bad pain he couldn't walk more than 50 yards right as a result of that he was able to claim a top-rate payment usually reserved to people who cannot walk. For more he did that. For more than eight years and he was also handed a mobility car as well. But he found himself in a hole when investigators filmed him walking around an 18-hole golf course the 56 year old was also caught on camera hitting a 240 yard shot from the first tee. And then.

Lifting his bag of clubs with one hand and strolling down the fairway the former mechanical mechanical engineer had claimed his condition was. So severe he could not lift a saucepan or even peel potatoes when he applied disability a living allowance in 2004 a court heard the same year he joined um his golf in wales and told his fraud trial last month playing the game um helped to reduce his symptoms but it took a jury uh no less than two. And a half hours to convict him of taking money by deception wow jailed for six months wow let him off i love sex he wanted a self-driver i'm joking i do not i don't want to condone that anyway how powerful golfers does because it might have taken him 15 minutes to walk from his car to the first tee as soon as he hits that 240 yard drive it's all paid he's skipping down the fairway no that is obviously very very bad. And we're not you know make a joke of that but that is not on at all in any way shape. Or form yeah yeah. But yeah i guess he has to pay all the money back well i guess. So but i think i'd rather pay the money back. And spend six months in jail i'd hate how much should you right okay question. For you then.

You go to jail for six months okay. Or you can pay not to go okay what would be the limit of what you'd pay six months yeah all your meals cup jelly not needing my mobile phone some really good podcast ideas. And video ideas come out with a little tear tattoo yeah i mean right let's just play it back i wouldn't last a day in jail imagine what would you try. And go in with i'm a sound guy i've got no issues anyone don't hurt me. Or you're trying to be a bit hard just to kind of let the tough guys know i'd really hope that some of them were golfers they're not golfers ah it's not a golf joke right you're putting a in a room with me. And you're walking on the hard man and you knock on the door i go all right mates hi good afternoon what are you in. For um i accidentally um tripped someone over and if you fell down some stairs and [Laughter] a weird way of saying it i was trying to think because i'm like golf term dead i didn't give the judge a put once. And i won the match you were [Laughter] you'll grass all right around here son just pulling your leg are you that rick shields rick shields yeah you can call me whatever you want sir i think you'd do very well in prison rick i would do terrible i would do terrible very well yeah. So if it touchwood doesn't happen but if it did we sell everything. And please everybody bail me out yeah i think i'd i'd reply require at least 10 pound from every one of my subscribers to help me out that'd work it's quite a lot of money 20 million yeah yeah that'll do give a million to the jail. And then.

I'll be scot-free with 19 million let's do that um what else has happened well what else has happened does you know very well what's happened well i gave guy the news on friday afternoon in fact did i tell you while we're at the old course you told me on the 17th tea what a fitting place to tell me. So if you listened to last week's podcast you might have heard that guy has been grinding surprisingly a lot at the moment with hitting golf balls yeah a phase a phase yeah he's playing golf he's grinding he's hitting golf balls. And he went to my my one of my favorite places and yours traffic golf centre yes. And you mentioned last week that i i'm quite lucky i do have a a black card yeah all the cards are black by the way. But yours is a special one um well it's after thank you very much traffic call center. So when guy doesn't go with me he ends up paying that that is absolutely fine. So you made a comment last week on the podcast quite fortunately my friend and yours you're now probably best friend yeah one of my best friends um the director of golf there pete listened to the podcast. And texted me and said um just let you know if guy ever wants to come down to the driving range there's a card behind the till with his name that will give him unlimited golf balls free tier still comes to me i want to hear that text. And out of all the things that we've done and all the all the nice perks that you get and nice staying in the whole course hotel etc etc your face lit up like a 10 year old on christmas day that had just been told that you've joined the local golf club and you've got a brand new set of taylormade golf clubs absolutely um i would say you've used this so far right yes yes you've used it well the thing is i can't i can't abuse it it's not my fault if i've got a car to go every day i went saturday on sunday i'm a club in the boot right now. So i may go today.

Um you're hitting a lot more balls. And you're enjoying it the reason this is. So good right is because it's free it's free no because genuinely now hand on heart i've been going to trafford. For 10 12 years whatever used to work there obviously you know and i genuinely go and hit balls and jokes out i do obviously go with all intention of paid. And sometimes if pete's behind the till which isn't because he has his own office he'll sometimes say like oh i'll okay i'll sort you out yeah which is great. But i genuinely don't expect to ever not pay because although i know pete pretty well a lot of the guys that work there i don't know so why would they give me three balls randomly they wouldn't and they shouldn't do. So i go and i hit balls and recently they've changed the structure now so that top tracer is included in your ball price brilliant they've slightly increased the ball price fractionally. But top trace is now included. So if you're the way it works out i think is if you're a kind of actual golfer proper goal. For whatever it's better value if you're going on a bit of a date night it's a bit probably year than it would have been before. But you get in touch yeah exactly. So it doesn't matter in a way everyone's winning you know what honestly and i said this recently i think i said it to you a couple of three. Or four years ago when top tracer first came out i wasn't over the moon with it yeah i was i was quite skeptical i think because i couldn't understand a unit a mass unit on a driving range could be accurate yeah i felt like no gc quad. And a device down here that i can see that it's measuring only me can be accurate yeah i've completely had a u-turn yeah i feel like now. And i know you've mentioned it a couple of times i feel like now if you went to a driving range without it you do actually feel like you you're you're not practicing correctly well it's a bit like using analogy to you before if we go running a bit if you go. For a run and you didn't use your apple watch or your garmin or an app on your phone whatever it might be you don't know how five and how quick it feels almost like a waste of exercise which is a stupid way of thinking about it. But it just does. And that's kind of how i'm getting the top tracer now if i hit balls without seeing the stuff and even it's just fun as well so i went on saturday wait on sunday end up hitting probably three wedges four seven irons and all drivers obviously on a long drive and some of the people that hit drivers i don't know how to do it. So what's your maximum distance so far the max i've used over the two days was 304 i think. And it was. But they were good hits as well. And you see like 320s and stuff up there and i just don't know how it's done i really don't but respect speed strength i honestly think it's like that lad who did the one pound yard per yard challenge who went last yeah i think he got in the 320s didn't it. And it's just super super fast well then.

The thing to remember is is that top tracer is tracking the actual ball flight yeah. So if it's wind into the face or behind that's going to make a difference if it's very cold that's going to make a difference. So if you go in the summer with a wind behind i'm guessing i'll pump out some big numbers the thing is you're going on the same day as some of these guys here well that's exactly it. So my excuse isn't really valid i've no idea how to do it. But i've really enjoyed it and i'm i'm not going to go obviously jokes eyes because i only get 40 balls as well. So that's enough for me i'm not going to go every day it's a bit of a novel at the moment. But i do i do enjoy going. And it's weird because it's actually only 23 minutes for me to get there yeah. So straight onto the motorway it's a good range that we know it is a good race cafe quality is. So good so that was that is the best thing i've ever got ever um when are you playing golf again next.

You get anything lined up um depends if you want your fancy in the game that's what you know what i did think of by the way bit of a challenge. For you yeah podcast challenge why don't we have to give you something to go the gym. For and hit balls for let's just say in two months middle of march we'll have a top twitter challenge of actual long drive i like no excuses. So we'll both have two months to train hit balls perfect we'll use the same batteries check our calendars um no i'm doing a date now i just feel like i'm neat today.

Monday the 14th which is a podcast day perfect valentine's day no that's april uh wednesday when is valentine's day oh february sorry. So then.

We'll go the month after so we've got two months okay you can do a bit of gym training bit of speed training well today.

Is day one of new rick right well that's it then.

That's what you're aiming. For yeah new rick starts today.

And even if you obviously want to be each other even at the minute i can't get much over 300 yards on top tracer and now i know again i just said the weather might change. And stuff might get easier but i can't so if we can get both get pumping about past three to ten love it that's the challenge yeah 100 i feel like that that's set in stone 14th of march what about if it's covered pending we have a bigger audience maybe cheering us up yeah that's it if you're in we'll we'll confirm it like that if you're in the area that'd be good that one looking at a few people watching like night yeah a few beers called it. For the record a bit for the podcast oh this could be good this could be good um this week you're gonna see another driver review coming out on wednesday and it's from another big brand we've seen callaway we've seen taylormade we see another brand coming out on wednesday which i must admit i think we spoke about in the podcast. So far underwhelmed me initially but managed to sway me more positively towards the end of the review question for you then.

This it's cobra i'm going to say it in trouble i get trouble it's cobra visually doesn't look that outstanding let's be honest. But it performs stealth looks very very different yeah when it performs do you think if a driver comes out now it's all seen all dancing you expect a lot from it yeah because when one comes out it's a bit more plain. And vanilla you're then.

Almost happy with almost average results in a weird way the same we almost use here in the office it's almost like taylormade have over developed yeah. But underperformed yeah where i feel like taylor callaway have gone they've underdeveloped. But they're over performing yeah i feel like at the moment it's like when you expect it's not the same we say is it under under deliver now what is it under under promise over delivery yeah under promise. But over delivered that's right so i feel that's what cobra's done this year where i feel like taylormade have over promised yeah. And you almost go in with this mindset that's gonna be the best things ever since sliced bread but then.

You might go you might come off and go oh i'm a bit underwhelmed i tell you what though i don't know if it's i'm living a bit more in the social media world this year or not which can be quite not real. But i can't i think you said this as well. But i can't remember barrel seven taylormade driving this much excitement ever ever ever happened even more than our seven yeah 100 like 100 possibly is it feels like this year. And i don't know whether it's marketing i'm sure somebody would be able to do some real deep diving analysis on why taylormade stealth driver this year seems to be. So hyped but you know what that's actually great for all the brands because let's just say you've got 10 guys who are gonna go to trafford on the date launches because they want one seven of them probably will walk away with it because they wanted it hit it well there'll be three guys who hit it. And go oh i didn't quite perform for me and then.

The sales staff if they did a good job they'll say well let's try out the new callaway. And go actually that's that's good i'll get that one so in a bizarre way it could actually work well for all the brands well as you know i've just nipped into a golf shop this morning and they're asking about the reviews and asking about there's something other than i said what's it been like here he said the phone has been off the hook it's mad with people wanting to book in to test stealth. And i said what about callaway what no nothing they all want to come in. And test out you know what's mad when i said when you got fitted. For it like those three shots that were terrible i wasn't interested now i'm hitting driver touch wood better again i actually want to hit it again i don't know what i'm looking. For but i'm interested myself even though i know it won't be miles away from my own driver it's just it's intrigue isn't it that's what it is i'll be very interested when it actually hits the shelves. And to see how it does actually in reality who knows got some um questions. For you go for it so this is from gaz fit i think it's pronounced could rick shields break 75 the old-fashioned way just a score card no gps. Or gadgets just using a course planner in the markers i asked this question because my apple watch stopped working after only eight holes and i shot three over par on the back nine the old-fashioned way i'm a 26 handicapper so what he's saying is um gary says he's just named actually gary that he played better golf without his gps yeah i think i could i think sometimes we do rely on technology a little bit too much on the golf course you know i think sometimes it sounds daft you know when you just eyeball a shot. And you just go yeah that feels like it would be my 56 degree i'm just going to flick it in almost a bit like you'd practice like if we were on the short game area at woburn yeah when we did that mad challenges we're not zapping the flags. And finding out the exact distance we're just going that feels about right that's about the right shot i think where it would be most challenging is the probably the longer shots into the greens like the par threes. For example because you can go off the markers that are out there. And you hope they're going to be okay it's just that if it's a massive green. And the pins at the back it's hot just a little bit harder to calculate but i think if you almost played that style. And only went off the marker as long as those markers are to the middle of the green. And just play to the middle of the green you wouldn't be far away no the only time you would be really maybe a little bit stuck is if you're playing a new course yeah because you might not have the mark as it's hard to really know on your home course yeah it's certainly your home course you feel like you've played it probably enough times as much as i am still a massive advocator on getting the right number. And getting the right distance i still feel like for the majority of people if not everybody technology definitely does help. But sometimes just as a little training aid not training aid almost just a bit of an experiment just go out and just enjoy it like rob potter who obviously used to be on the channel when i was coaching him he was probably my most intense student would turn up with all of his stats he'd have uh that would never happen to him what happened to gary would never have happened to rob well he'd lose charge. Or anything because he'd have he'd have two range finders he'd have three watches on he'd have a speedometer he'd have a wind measure right you know do you know what i mean. And i think sometimes i said to rob i honestly would love to see you turn up in the morning hung over with no technology. And go and just enjoy playing golf and i still to state think he would play better yeah um. But then.

On the flip side i see a lot of golfers who maybe don't go into that much detail and make silly mistakes unnecessarily the one that i i'll say hey i don't hate it i'm not that bothered but what i saw a lot of my friends doing was they'd get to let's just say third hole. And it's a path three and they normally hit seven iron yeah. And they'll just get on the hole put seven nine down and i'm thinking this is a five today.

Yeah the flag's a bit further back it's cold it's wind into the face a little bit there's a lot of different like um factors to consider us rather than just actual distance well you look at even the whole we played well i played at saint andrews old course the 11th car three yeah like. So far i've seen your brother hit driver yeah. And i'm sure i've hit like an eight iron into that green on different days just because the the condition is. So different so yeah really do factor in your distances this is from eddie bellamy is there such a thing as irons getting old. And losing their pop with age my current irons are 15 16 years old how much distance. Or forgiveness am i losing compared to something from 2021 or this year i think if you if you ask the question do they change pops let's say he has that set now he's on 15 years if he could somehow get in exactly the same brand new set from 15 years ago if you just compare them. For a minute the only thing that could change is your old set might have changed loft in that time frame by the time they've been in your bag. For 15 years and you've hit hundreds of thousands of golf shots and you've shoved them in the back of your car and whatever certainly if it's a soft metal like a forged iron the lofts can change. And sometimes it can be quite a significant amount two. Or three degrees so i would start off by saying make sure and it's not expensive to go to somewhere there's a loft and lie check and make sure all the lofts that they should be is what is correct yeah i remember when i was assistant pro at me. And we do love the lie checks i'd be shocked sometimes let's say a seven iron had gone three degrees weak right. And an eight time had gone two degrees strong those clubs have almost swapped mad like the eight times any stronger than the seven so it can really easily happen. So make sure i would start off with that if then.

You can compare in that 15 year old set with a set of brand new irons the biggest difference right now is loft. So the irons i reviewed last night which you would have seen on the channel the taylormade stealth irons that seven iron is 28 degrees of lost now 15-year irons ago that would be a five iron yeah minimum want it really yeah two ions more yeah. So if you were to compare apples. And apple that 15 15 year old club with a set of clubs now the only pop you might see that's different is this lofts now are stronger the club head designs yes have changed obviously they are more powerful. But the biggest thing is making sure that those lofts kind of match up yeah the other thing as well you hear certainly better players. But it's quite often you'll hear somebody saying oh i need new wedges because my grooves are ruined. But you don't hear that with irons very often but i remember i bought um years and years and literally years ago now a set of second-hand titleist blades and i don't know who had them before me but they were they had like the proper black spot in the middle where someone had been nailing him yeah. And if you looked at like the nine iron the wedge maybe even the eight iron the grooves were almost non-existent. And that's gonna have a negative effect on performance as well so there is obviously characteristics. But yeah the biggest thing that you said it's a seven iron net from then.

Isn't it seven nine today.

Um from david jolly have either of you ever fell out with a club. Or and then.

Lost all confidence in using it yeah million percent yeah happens. So often i feel like it's normally like a two iron or something like that so often drivers two irons putters what is the big one uh wedges yeah i feel like maybe sets of irons are slightly harder um because there'll still be some irons in there that you like. And there'll be some that maybe don't like um a hundred percent any club in the bag you might have been in love with when you first bought it for whatever reason a couple of bad shots a couple of bad strikes you soon soon start to lose confidence when you put that club behind the ball you're not as it's not as inviting to hit as it once was um you can easily lose confidence in the clubs. And i think that's why we've touched on it a few times if you can keep a couple of old putters knocking out one. Or a couple of old drivers that you might have thought i can get 50 quid trading. For this driver but sometimes just keeping it in an old bag in your garage and then.

When for example you lose faith in your brand new taylormade stealth you can just jump back in the garage grab out the old callaway diablo from 2002. And just go on the range and smack a few shots and go oh yeah i'm going to put this in the bag. For a week i think. For me putters is a massive one. And i actually went in some aloft of the day and i've still got i can't remember that it was a nike method origin putter. And it was the one that rory used. For a bit it's like a scottie cam really it's not as good as that but it's like one and it's got like um sounds to this but a thin fat grip so like a fat grip i think you know quite a hard grip if remember correct well the ones that they actually came with originally were like a thin pistol yeah. But this one i had like a custom grip on it's like um what are those brands of grip that are thicker what's actually called not fat superstroke yeah it's like it's one of those it's not nowhere near the biggest size to do yeah. And i just did a little few strokes oh that's really good at some point in my life that will go back in the bag again. For a bit and if you actually if you can not sell a putter that is the one club i think you can throw back in. So easily well again a daft thing warren said andrews we couldn't afford we couldn't not go shopping. So i went into ottalone's secondhand shop which is actually my favorite shop in saint andrews i think. So by a mile yeah i think it is. And a little tucked away around the corner and the gent in there i think ask his name again need to ask his name next.

Time he was loving it because he got he got a shout out in one of the videos we did a few weeks ago. But looking around that shop and just picking up some of the old clubs it's like i mean i bought four. And i didn't really need them but i just thought why not like sometimes i i bought a 64 degree cleveland wedge a hundred percent one time this summer i'll go out to the short game area near me and just just just yeah just. For fun at what point does a club become almost cool again. So for example i've currently got the ping g425 driver yeah. And then.

The other ping driver i've ever owned was a g10 yeah that was in about 2008 also i can't remember what year it came out. And they had pretty much the exact same morning and i nearly got it and i thought it was like 75 quid he might have done a bit of a deal i never thought no i'm gonna use it. But it kind of semi wanted it a little bit a little bit if that was a ping g30 it wouldn't have occurred now obviously i didn't own it. But still there's a point where they start to feel like almost when is the hat like what i don't think you can put a time on it. But time definitely makes the heart grow fonder yeah i would want an m3 driver now you wouldn't know no. But then.

In five years did you pass an m3 maybe weird in it really weird yeah exactly the same you a lot of these clubs that i was seeing in the shop i probably got in my in my lock up. And i'm and i'm going i'm going oh fancy that i'm thinking why do i fancy that what makes me like that it's almost nostalgia it's almost like god think clubs used to be simple back in g range well no the technology back then.

Was just as revolutionary as it as it was back then.

Arguably more. So back then.

Because the fellow was a bigger jump yes bigger when i drive bro when a brand brought out a new driver it often was literally bigger in size. And there was more to talk about you know which club right now i think you could almost get away with being this kind of cool is an old m2 yeah. And that's what 2015 that's not a good driver as well but it's like already that feels a bit retro yeah yeah it was good it was an equal attack this 913 wouldn't no it wouldn't because it wasn't a good year 910 though. But that's good it's weird um speaking of taylormade and equipment brands etc kristin broadbent has said would rick sign a 12-month deal with taylormade to be through the bag on the promise of a video with tiger seriously now wow. So let's just say i think if i was if i was allowed to be super transparent. And say this is why it is they wouldn't let you do that i don't think i i would if i could sign it. And go right i'm signing with taylormade because i can do a video with what about if they said sign with us the first video you did with us is going to be at the kingdom we're going to tiger there you're going to kind of do a bit of whatever with tiger. And actually that's your video with him but then.

For the next.

Year you won't get to see him again but you still have to use all the taylormade stuff [Music] i think that um make that way round might be easier yeah because it's in the bank i've done the video with tiger it was up front first first day i'm doing a video with tiger. And everyone else oh you sell out i'd if you're a tiger oh you're selling out of it what if it was at the end of the year. And so all yeah yeah i'm like yeah. But i'm but i am doing oh i am doing a video with tiger and people like yeah whatever yeah. But no i am they've promised me oh yeah whatever yeah okay okay we'll see yeah. So if tell me the listing video is tiger up front no fee no fee just just please video. For tiger up front i'll use all the clubs for the full year yeah i think it's fair yeah i do um charlie jones has said um how important is a decent golf ball. And i've got a little take on this i have told a story before so i do apologize to those people i've listened. But i would normally go out and use a pro v1 just what i do i'm happy to use a tee people have to use any golf ball that's what i'd navigate towards to gravitate towards the pro v1. And there was a time where my mother-in-law. And somebody at her work had left or whatever in his desk he had a couple dozen golf balls he wasn't bothered about taking them so i got them she gave them to me because obviously i played golf and they were like um i can't remember exactly like a titleist dt solo like some random logo stamped on the side. And i played up my old golf course with some friends one evening using one of them because they wanted to use a pro v1 and lose it whatever and shot through undergrowth so it's one of the best scores i've probably shot her out like what's the best score shot around there but yeah i would never use that ball in a comp when i'm trying to get a good score. So it's kind of oh that's not a bad golf ball obviously it's kind of not what you'd fit me for and you think isn't mad how like if i went. For a fitting with titleist and they tried me again with that ball against the pro v1 every day of the week they'd come out and say pro v1 and i'd also say i want pro v1 but there's nothing more actual evidential if that's even a word than the actual score you've shot yeah under par with it it's weird in it because he even sounds daft things let's say. For example you you got fitted for a pro v1 yeah which titleist claimed that everybody should use a pro v1 yeah somebody in it everyone should use the pro v. Or pro v1x it's only if then.

Basically you don't spend that much money you go down the tiers of golf balls kind of makes sense if it's true or not but so if you were if you got a proper fitting. And you came out to talk probably v1 whatever it may be that is giving you the best ball speed the best spin characteristics that on paper should suit your game. And you go around the putting green and you like the feel of it the most and you like the spin of it the most for example right yeah from personal standpoint what you might then.

Under factor is let's say you go out on the putting green. Or let's say you go and play golf let's say when you're using pro v1 around the green you might like the field but does it almost spin too much are you leaving your chip shots too short of the hole because there's too much check yeah where if you threw down dt solo that doesn't spin as much are you actually statistically getting it close to the hole the other big thing as well let's say you prefer putting with a pro v1. But you're putting speed the way you see ports and link that with the pro v1 everything's missing short and on the low side because you're not getting the speed for example if you use a dt solo it's a harder golf ball you're hitting it and it's staying on the speed that you project better yeah even though you might not like the feel of it that's true. So there might just be elements of that as well as much as statistically on paper you should use this ball sometimes in a real life scenario and different golf ball would suit you better yeah. So i think i love golf balls. And i used to not like testing golf balls that much because i thought they're not that different i think they've all got these little subtle differences that might just suit different golfers. And i feel like golf ball reviews certainly we do them on youtube they get fantastic views because again unlike a brand new 500 pound driver somebody listened to. Or watching a golf ball review go yeah go on then.

I'm gonna i'm gonna buy three of those. For 12 quid and give them a go i'm gonna buy a box of those for 20 quid and give them a go you know it's an easier product to try isn't it yeah no it's 100. And and at the end of the day we lose golf balls we need to replenish them yeah um i think they're at a price point now at the pro v1 where they're expensive. But they're just about like they don't really feel they've changed that much i think a dozen pro vs now you're going to get. For a round i'm going to check out something about 12 quid well i was thinking of a dozen he's going to be able to 40 quid. But well 45 quid i think. So on yeah american golf which is the first website going on the 44.99 yeah i feel like probably ones have always been 40 quid yeah. So they've they are expensive certainly if you lose them. But they've not like got to the point where the 60 70 quid um speaking of kind of the pro v1 and how big of an advancement that was in golf max thomas has said what do you think with the next.

Big advancement in golf in the golf gear kind of sector uh. For example when hybrids first launched to a kind of revolutionary crop you know a whole new product line it's not necessarily a technology but an actual product line if i knew that max i'd be a bloody billionaire um it's hard to say is what's the gap in the market right now in product the only sector i believe that brands could make cool because hybrids were never cool when they first came out you know no people didn't like them they they almost a bit more people wasn't using. For age did the top pros didn't use them. For ages and they almost had this stigma of light oh it's just a club that gets you out of the bit rough yeah it wasn't that popular. And over time it definitely became a lot more popular it became a lot more um usable by all different categories of golfers i would say one sector which was really struggle with that is like the short game i still think there's wedges out there that could help a lot of golfers. But they've never become cool and really wide soul clubs even chippers yeah like i feel like chippers have such a bad stigma. But i honestly believe if if chippers became a mandatory golf club that people had to carry people would lower the score i think that i think if you if suddenly a rule of golf was right you can have 15 clubs in your bag. But one of them has to be a chipper i honestly think people would be a bit wary at first. But over time they'd actually start to use it and and i genuinely believe that they'd hit better short game shots no i think yeah i think whenever we've reviewed basically i want chippers to become cool no coincidence i mean maybe i could make chippers cool the only thing with the chipper is. And it's a joke but if you are a better player there's taking a whole club at your bag yeah if you had one i feel like. But but bearing in mind that's what hybrids were like back in the day rescues yeah yeah you don't have to take a club out the bag three iron yeah. And putting in and put rescue in well that's where the numbers came from wasn't it so you replaced that number of iron didn't quite work but i'd say what i think i would like to see. And this probably will never happen now in the kind of hero in with launch monitors. But there was a spell where brands had squirt drivers obviously the whole story that was moi forgiveness accuracy in your golf shots. And they kind of weirdly weren't marketed as being the longest but certainly the most accurate drivers and there was i think evidence in that obviously sounded horrendous at the time didn't really take off. But it would be good think about like it's about the best example now just over my head. And it felt good so bear with me he might not be but if you think about like um when mo farah does a marathon run. Or whatever the shoe that he will wear is obviously nike's top shoe. And and they may say that that should be the everyone should wear but if you were you know he's looking. For speed he's looking for all the things in a shoe he wants was if you were running your first ever marathon you're doing it. For a charity or something you probably wouldn't wear the same shoe here you might wear one that is a bit more padded. Or whatever it might be but yet with golf clubs that people want obviously to aspire to you what the top pros use when they have very different wants and needs and yes you can get them fitted in the slightly different models. But overall they're kind of similar but it would be good if brands made so like taylormade made a driver that was all about accuracy. So turbo didn't use it they don't really need to but it was let's say rather than 45 inches it was 43 inches. So you get a bit more control you know they changed it wasn't super super low spinning but it was you know i don't know what they'd do i'm not an engineer. But if you had clubs that was designed more to hit the fairway because drive is now 45 45. And a half inches longer you know people are getting more clubhead speed with a striking all over the face that would be something that would interest me i just don't know how it would work how people would would people get sucked into it. Or not because distance is sexy isn't it yeah. And again going back to this idea i think if you used to allow another club in the bag of 15th club i think people would possibly put a forgiving driver in the bag yeah. So you've got your normal drive that you might use that's going to hit your long distance. But now you've got a club that is just designed. For ultimate ultimate forgiveness because there's 13 degrees of loft on it big massive head shorter shaft dead easy to hit yeah it doesn't curve offline um i honestly think you'd see a lot more golfers put it in i think that the stigma is if they only have that as a driving option they would be con always thinking could i hit it a bit longer yeah he's got the normal driver. And he's hitting it 20 yards past me question for you then.

At the moment brands do typically make they'll make several. But two drive is a kind of standard one one of the better word. And then.

A lower spinning model and the lower spinning model is what you typically see topro's using i imagine they're getting a bit of gas if you got a brycen. Or rory to hit the standard model and then.

Hit the low spin model they would gain on the low spin model some amount if you've got 18 handicapped do the same test i imagine the gain would actually be very short if actually no gain. So they don't really get the benefit of these low spinning drivers massively but people still sometimes navigate towards them like is there not a way of making another not like a slice of another option it's like super super super i don't know i think it'd be good like i said they make slice drivers don't they yeah which haven't been great it would be a good idea then..

For a video so now we've obviously got the rights on it we say it first if we get like nick hibbs a professional club builder to almost build us a super forgiving driver so like let's just say a ping g425 max with the most loft you can get get a proper custom built shaft it's like 43 inches get it all weighted. And actually give it to amateurs and give them a normal one and see what the difference is i mean even like glue the inside of the head yeah make it all proper. And give because i when i used to fit golfers in my old job many moons ago i had i actually asked the guys who worked above me for some shorter length shaft options i knew that the shaft that was in stock was too long i think i had an inch short. And half inch shorter and i put so many gulps in the inch shorter and the strikes became so much more centered and consistent that'd be a good thing to try a bit nerdy but i think it'd be good i just like say yeah i think i think golfers can get better sometimes their ego can get in the way i'm the same i'm same i think i think golfers could definitely lower the scores if that's what their main objective was i'll just enjoy golf a bit more. And then.

Last question i've got is from john cason what are the best golf courses in the northwest to play in the winter anything links yeah sent hands old links i played it a few weeks ago phenomenal condition robert dale hoy lake royal lithum the only thing with all those though is they're expensive. And what um there's links golf courses like um let me think there are cheaper links call of courses what the cheaper links what's southport old links like i never played that i know i played it i played fleetwood that's dry nice course oh is it dry what about ones that are more like i always think like forestry courses are quite sensitive sometimes dry i don't think there's anything that the roots of the trees almost soak up a bit i don't know if that's true again delamere yeah the one that we played this year is phenomenally dry um. But again maybe not the cheapest um that's the only thing with good quality course in this in the winter they know they're good quality golf courses and obviously they'll stay expensive um i think of a really good little thing to do. And this is kind of not what he's asking he's in north west he's like a trip up to scotland where there's loads more courses it took us four hours to get up there the other day that's what i'm saying i said this to my family when i got home what's mad is that like if i know americans the difference was in the sense that if they have a four hour drive it's almost on the doorstep yeah whereas. For us it's like oh my day's got a four hour drive but it just almost saddens me that so many people who live within a four or five hour drive of like saint andrews who love golf have never been that's mad it's like you could all and this sounds a bit extreme you could always get up on a sunday let's just say your partner i've had something on that day and you had the day to yourself i know a lot of kids and stuff but let's just say you did. And you left the house at seven o'clock which isn't ridiculous get there for like 12 that includes a stop off at the services you could literally explore the you could walk a lot of the course you could even on a sunday you could actually walk around the course explore the town i'm going to give some names of golf courses go on highlight muni all right right next.

Door to our lake it's got a bit got to be dry leo. Or lisa yeah yeah these are all over the water at the moment wallacy golf club is definitely one you want to try. And play again not sure the price on that one um west lance amazing super dry form the golf club and formulators again not the cheapest but amazing uh sna south portland dale hillside um but there are choices like say just a bit more of a challenge when it's uh what's this one called again uh hescath southport golf links there um yeah there's options green fees obviously can get silly. But if it's a course that you have almost like your bucket list and you want to play you have to see it as not so much that i'm paying that to play it today.

It's that i'm paying it to say about i've played that course forever that's true. But that's the something that's in andrews though again if you live four or five hours away you get there for lunch time you set off at seven that morning yeah that's a long drive obviously you have a wander around the golf course you go into town you go you know there's all this stuff you can do. And you leave at like six yeah back home. For 10. now yeah that is a lot of driving. But then.

The next.

Day you going to work on the monday. So what yesterday oh i just went shopping did nothing i did it would you i went to andrews it's like what like it isn't that far the real possibility i played the jubilee course. And i played the new course i played the old course whatever it may be even not to play golf sounds bizarre himalayas go in the himalayas look around the golf shops you know i don't think it was over the other day you know was it not no there's no flags um i think that's what we're up to. So exciting week again big guest wednesday very big guest wednesday i have to think about what to ask him you've got a few questions you need to ask him i believe i've got some big questions. And we're asking sometimes we've had a guest on zoom i've kind of just not bothered not not bothered but we've kept it just you but i think i need to be on this one oh you need to referee this i know we'll win it comes down to fisty cuffs guys thanks. For listening hopefully enjoy the podcast make sure you rate it five stars on apple spotify um on your local fast food chain website tell four friends that's what you gotta do this week if you've watched this to the end. Or listened till the end um you can comment on the youtube video now. Or you could emails or something i don't know but if you can guess what drink i had in that cup we'll give away some of the badges that we got. And maybe something else there we go [Music] guys thanks for listening stay tuned lots more to come we shall see you next.

Week [Music].