Rickshaws golf show podcast is going on road to london baby all right mate we're going down south yeah welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode 115. yeah this is actually the second we don't ever do this no i'm going to say it i want to come clean this is the second take we normally start the podcast that first start was absolutely horrendous i'm gonna blame you. For that oh yeah okay you can blame me it's fine um if you're new around here welcome i'm rick this is guy hi. And uh imagine that really cool anything where it's like he's guy he's i don't know rick is much better than the first day is this one um action-packed episode this week absolutely actually no guests um you know what though thoroughly the last couple of guests we won't go on about it too much again. But yeah we've made surprises yeah right bryson who um it's not a big deal he's not won. Yet but he will do soon after he'd been on the podium he's not bloody injured. And then.

Uh nc was on last week which was great episode i think. But a lot of people i included learnt a lot about behind the scenes of like tv work yeah well according to my dad it was one of the best i've ever done. So it's high praise it's he got the dad rating yeah wait a minute [Music] [Laughter] rick's just coughing up his sweetness oh my word you're right this one you've got to be watching if you're listening in the car make sure when you get in here then.

Put the podcast. And watch it right and he just died um i feel you know what's mad about today.

Normally when we do our podcast we do it kind of monday this morning today.

It feels like the back end of the day it's nearly two o'clock we're late. For us we've never left the office by now aren't we normally done feet up relaxing uh we've been out shooting a video today.

Oh we have well we're gonna come on to that yes yes yes yes content content. And controversial content it's like my dream um so we've got that to talk about what first things first richard you were. And this is the reason getting called richard is an important announcement okay you will remember well maybe you don't have all the beers you had. But after a hundred episodes we did a live podcast yeah 100 was live there's rumors. But not rumors the true we are doing another live podcast there you go what four four um money we want to make as much as possible no it's not really a money that is you have to pay to come it's not free basically i don't want to give too much away there'll be more announced on february the 15th i believe. So if you're not sure what you want off your well if you don't know what to get your wife or your girlfriend your partner husband for valentine's day but you're a fan of the podcast surprise them and say look darling today's valentine's day i'm not going anything. But tomorrow you're in for a big surprise and you buy them you a ticket and buy them one nice you're happy yeah they're gonna trip to a location should we tell the location yeah go on you tell it rickshaws golf show podcast is going on road to london baby all right mate we're going down south yes um where it's always sunny. And apples and pears and all that jazz we are going down to london. And we are taking part in a very big podcast show yes like it's almost like a podcast week right. And we're one of the acts yes. So more information coming soon and you will be you listening right now in your car on your commute to work whether you're in the gym whether you're walking the dog you will be the first people to know where this is going to be. And how to buy tickets the only thing i don't know this could be an issue but also could make it even better to go i'm not sure if it'll be recorded or not don't shoot the messenger i think that's fine i think it's almost a bit of a spin-off it is. So if you want to hear it you might have to go and if you can't london that's not my problem it's not london's problem either we'll do one next.

Because people often say uh come to sacramento. Or something random we will. So when we when we want we'll be there when we get the private jet yeah anywhere yeah. So that's coming up that's exciting i feel after we've done one live episode now i'm actually somewhat excited about the next.

Live episode it was weird the first time. But we've got a bit of a formula yeah exactly the exact same show literally the same show um. So if you had come to manchester united's apps i don't even bother coming so it will be the same i just got different guests you might you might have a few sources beforehand though resources 100 how many is the optimal pints before you're live dragon three three yeah three you get louder. For four don't you two at the interval oh so going into the fight unlimited after see what happens yeah one guy hit london town yeah i have a couple of vodka cranberries. But i'm very careful because it's a very fine line for me between consumption and wheeze so if i have one too many drinks i'm weaning a lot a weeze yeah i wonder what that meant then.

Yeah wheeze uh. So it's like one drink could start the wheeze so i get you anyway this is a really bad start again. But we're too fast did you rate it five stars if you're not writing this five stars there's something wrong with you would you listen to this podcast wasn't your own i don't listen to my own well exactly it's not a good sign is it i do like podcasts with guests all right okay. So you turn off now [Laughter] if you help okay. So when people say they're in the clubhouse if you're not sure what the clubhouse is you probably are. For listening but if you're not it's somebody there's a hardcore fan that's listening to every single podcast it's a commitment it's a badge of honor it really is i've i've been told how true this is if you want to join like a posh stuffy golf club. And you have an interview if you at the end say oh and by the way i'm in the clubhouse and you do a wink three wink. So it's wink wink wink nudge nudge nudge do you know what that means you're in you're in wow. So i'm in the clubhouse wink wink wink nudge nudge nudge careful what you're saying are you in the clubhouse that's what's trying to get to are you in the clubhouse i'm in the clubhouse of well yeah because i've listened to every podcast ah. But not through live i've listened to every podcast live that's very true so i've got i'm already in the club i've got a deep dark confession you didn't you didn't listen to the one that i did on my own yeah. So you're not in the car listen to her the one that you did on your own episode 12. Or something a long time ago you're on the couch chilling i listened to a bit of it i definitely had two beers by that point i wasn't at three beers i think it was a four beer rick. And i've been absolutely in four beer rick's a banter guy speaking of four beer rick got a glimpse into the day oh yeah on monday we had a night out yeah yeah we did are you four beer rick. Or five beer rick at that point uh there is a difference uh well i had that really quick one at the hotel you'd have a really cool one that was that was that was. So skilled and then.

No probably probably. For four beer rick yeah. So last week you might see in the video we went down to bletchling bletch fletchingly watching glee golf club which is right at tomat london right down south of london. But on route because we're filming there with martin borgmeyer if you've not seen that video we're going to come on to martin in a minute yes. But to break up the journey we actually last monday we went filming at jcb doing a little a couple of bits of filming ready for a video this week so we're kind of halfway down stoke-ish we thought well let's travel the rest of the way down today.

Or get somewhat close and i kind of think wouldn't it be cool if it's like a top golf because not many around the northwest in fact there's no not top goals there's top tracers top golfs are different. So we decided to go to watford booked in a really nice hotel it was you me matt. And harry yeah all in one room no we didn't have one room we splashed out pajama party four rooms rick please never been that beast. So on the on route it we thought it'd be a really cool idea to that do a bit of a meet-up yeah like i've done range night before. And a couple of times when i've been at the opens and stuff it's been quite cool to meet a lot of people collectively but this was absolutely random monday night last monday in the middle of was it february just about february the first. And uh puts tweet out instagram facebook message everything else i was overwhelmed by the response yeah john barry lucas. And uh charlotte yeah thanks. For coming it was really good no in a serious note there was well it's hard to know how many were actually there because topgolf was absolutely rammed look we got there quite late fashion bit late you should get there. For 7 30 for eight we were rocked up quarter past eight which wasn't intentional as actually the traffic on the way down was quite bad anyway we got the the place if you've never been to a top golf before it's bizarre it's like driving range obviously with massive bars a sharp it's. So cool and it was just absolutely ramsey it's very much like sports bars in the usa yes like that's what they're kind of geared around big bars tvs everywhere kind of table service. So as we walked in there was a crowd of people um when i messaged my contacts at topgolf saying we're running late they said you were you're causing quite a commotion there's quite it's quite a crowd forming. So we had four bays reserved off and topgolf were amazing to us thank you down there at watford put a number on how many people you think were actually did turn up though. For you one for us for collectively um i don't know can i just say a number that you're going to be happy with this. Or not okay 50 yeah i thought it's 50. i was gonna say yeah okay good i think that's a lot no i think it is a lot. But i don't know if you're going to say 407 10 no there was about 50 people all different ages all different backgrounds some people who played golf. For years some people had only just got into golf there was a young lad um i don't want to butcher his name. So i won't say it but young lad who who wait for me passed his bedtime and everything and hit some great shots in front yeah um. So kind of from a young age to an older age males females really really good mix it was it was very good. So we had some challenges hit loads of golf shots i was bombing it this is what upsets me now. And i feel a bit cheated because there's quite a lot of podcast listeners there which was great i was chatting to a few. And they kind of said oh you're going to be bombing it past rick then.

Hashtag 12 yards etc etc. And i was like yeah yeah annoyingly. For me and i'm going to hold my hands up now i'm longer than you normally i don't know if i am. But as of late you've gained some sneaky distance i'm happy about it and you know what's weird about it i don't i don't think it's i think it's just distance it's not as if i've massively increased ball speed. Or bad speed yeah i'm just launching it really well striking it pretty in the middle getting a really good ball flight that they're coming. So if i can increase club head speed which i think i can do increase ball speed you're hitting your driver. So well at the moment it's scary i feel like any driver i pick up at the moment as well you took your own one which is the ping g425 max yeah. And for people who watched the video last week or whenever it went out about you hitting the stealth as well you took that one because it does go a long way not always that straight the numbers you were getting out of that were just insane yeah both to be honest both i just feel like the head shape of the stealth i can't swing faster. But also it's longer in length yeah you know it's longer a little bit longer in the shaft. So i feel like on a driving range situation like i can just go hell. For leather and get that a little bit more penetrating fly and yeah it was good 345 yards was my best drive wow. So going on to long drives the day after went down to bletchlingly you keep looking at me is that that right i don't know. And he is i feel like i can see the letters b l e t c h i n g l e y um i wrote on the desk. And signed it rick was here 1995. we did you were a fan of um writing on tables at school yeah with with tip x. Or like what were the things called not protractor was it protractor yeah protractor yeah the sharp point of it yeah yeah what was it going to go to what would you write i used to i used to draw this little cartoon character you have like droopy eyes i think he's intoxicated of some description really big teeth dead skinny neck roll neck big arms i could literally write i'll draw it. For you later i think we should draw it in a minute actually. And then.

Show it to camera get me a pen and paper yeah matt if you want to get a pen. And paper in a minute that'd be really good i literally drew it everywhere in all my school books everywhere i want to say the children listen to this now that there will be some of to should they copy that. Or not um don't get caught kids what they could do you could write subscribe to rs brackets rick shields brackets. And his podcast um that'd be quite cool and so then.

Metal with martin yes how would you describe his kind of physique. So what's frustrating for me is i can say his name now martin borgmeyer martin borgmeyer one more martin borgmeyer i keep calling him martin broberg i don't know why i keep doing this that is a person no i think there's cr is it's christopher was not a golfer i don't know where i've got this broberg thing from it's not that i can't pronounce his name you're getting completely wrong anyway he is um about six foot four yep big. But shredded athletic german german we're like an american he kind of twang if you people think he's american his accent big ginger beard big ginger beard a top knot ponytail type thing christopher broberg is a gulf of swedish um yeah a giant of a man giant of a man. And he is currently one of the long drive kind of competitors he has won long drive tournaments in the past. But he's never won the world championship um recently become mates with bryson our mate as well some mutual friends so yeah we're kind of mates with him already aren't we yeah exactly. So he said he was over in the uk he's having a golf lesson um down with steve. For longer by the way what a great name for a coach who helps golfers hit the ball it's a very good name steve fur longer real names like steve fur and he thought right i'm going to get a better business steve longer imagine like steve far longer um. So he was having a lesson down some of the force plates lee cox was there as well who is actually a really kind of long drive specialist. And also joe miller was there randomly. So joe is a two-time world champion um kind of a different frame to martin into yeah like you would say he is still most well very muscly. But he's just like big with it he's not fat he's just absolutely massive in he and what's that i didn't realize how tall he was yeah he's mad he's not same height he's not maybe a little bit shorter yeah i think he's about 6-2. But because he's so broad and kind of stacked he makes him look a little bit shorter but they were both there. And it was. So good like seeing these guys in action because bard jamie sadlowski back in donkeys years ago 2016 or so at the orlando golf show and it was hard to really get a perspective there because it was like on a big round driving range i've not really seen that many long drivers up close. And personal yeah have you seen any um no ah big mark i think the close stuff bin is watching bryson before yeah. And they're on the range well if not that wasn't that actually close but the ball flight is just unbelievable it's. So high and obviously so far yeah it's unreal it's it's ridiculously fast off the face yeah obviously. So we were getting some numbers i hit the ball about 160 miles per hour ball speed martin was getting up to like 210 miles per hour outrageous 50 miles per hour off the face in relation to club head speed he was getting about 158 miles per hour i was getting like we saw it in the video i was top it out at 119. And i couldn't go any faster outrageous so he's like nearly 40 miles per hour faster than that we got himself a go of your driver as well you swing your driver out it was something still in the 140s 140 yeah he couldn't switch he couldn't swing it quite as fast because it looked like a kids club in his house because it was. So much shorter regulation ones they use they used 48 inch sharp drivers we didn't say in the video as well i thought was really interesting he was using a four. And a half degree head which was cranked down two degrees. So it's a two and a half degree driver most people most people's putters are around four degrees aloft. So it's a lot less loft title after the putter what did you find something i found amazing which i didn't know that they almost hit the drivers in to a certain point yeah almost like how cricket players kind of were knocking the bat knocking about he was saying that when they obviously there's the ct testing which is basically how fast the face can be. And obviously if it becomes too fast it's non-conforming for long drive or for tournament play whatever it might be so they were saying they get them. And they're often a little bit below the ct limit because they hit so many balls such speed and quite a hard golf ball it actually starts to flex more yeah. So they have to be careful because if they find a driver they like and use it obviously a lot during practice when they go to a tournament it actually could be illegal because they've worn it in so much so we're left to get to a point where everything's right that feels good i'm going to park that drive. For a bit and i'll go back to it a tournament it's mad but the ct test as well he's got no access to doing himself apparently the only people that have them are the rna the usga. And obviously the club brands and the developing clubs have them to make sure they're not making illegal golf clubs but apparently you're not almost allowed to just go out and buy them so we can't measure them it's crazy because what was also really random i wasn't sure then.

If you went to a tournament that they would test ct like pre-tournament. Or whether it was random. But they do it pre during. And even after mad so if you've won they'll test your driver as if it went over the limit on the last shot and you could get disqualified they have to be really careful well that was mad as well as i am on the weekend went hitting some balls. And i was walking through american golf. And i got chatting to a couple of guys and i think i kind of had seen the video while we were talking about the video whatever it was. And i kind of said right i got them into a little bit of a trip uh what's a little bit of a trap sorry i went what flex checking his driver was like oh 5x extra extra extra extra stiff. And that's the guy he was like yeah extra whatever i was like regular driver is regular it's mind-blowing it's everything well it's if you know anything about golf equipment you would think a guy swinging at that speed is going to be. So stiff yeah this must be something they've discovered fairly recently feels like it because i again when i filmed with jamie i remember jamie solowski who was what i think he was world champion at the time back in 2015-16 he had honestly it felt like a metal pipe in his driver it was absolutely rock stiff. But martin's i know it's childish in it was like was i'd whip yeah well they're saying now if you can get at impact that shaft to flex it's gonna give you more speed almost like it kicks at the last minute. So they've kind of had to change how they deliver the golf club yeah. And i'm sure as well he said that actually is regular. But it's almost on the softer side borderline like ladies flex which is ridiculous. But it was 48 inches long. So it's very long yeah. But he absolutely came so two things that the speed off the face and the height yeah i mean it was just astronomically high we know what do you want us we've seen this probably before in the comments. And stuff and i'm sure i don't know if other people have done these videos or not but what i would love to see because when you watch him in the golf ball he hit the odd one that was horrendous. But not many to be fair like is it that hard it wasn't like there was a couple that would be like that was a horrendous goal like he's scared yeah i think he has a black little snap. But overall most his shots were decent. So you think if you hit the ball that fouled the driver you're also injured as we saw you're in your sand dying miles in your six iron further than everybody that's the driver what would he shoot an actual golf course like surely you would able to score i see that a lot of the comments like well if he was if he was that good he'd be out on tour well there's a couple of things you might not want to yeah like being a tour player is a very different set of skills than being a long driver. And you're right you might you know you might just love absolutely pounding the golf ball as hard as he can has no real ambitions to try. And get the ball in the hole the least amount of shots but equally like i said it's. So different because not only have you got driving is one part of the game which he does very very well. And obviously excels at but equally i think it's six. Or five goals the average six i think. So you have six goals if three of those goes out of bounds when it's one monster that's fine and then.

Tournament play three out of bounds would ruin your scorecard obviously but normally that you then.

Got short game you've got pitching you've got bunker play you've got pressure you've got so many facts to golf isn't there not hitting the ball a long way you must mail to port yeah you might not do it might not be particular you might put really well in irons. Or whatever or but again you're still in that first team you've got so much power how the hell do you feed it down the middle of the fairway unless like you say you just hit five iron everywhere like you just don't even use driver. But then.

Equally you then.

Kind of giving up your massive advantage because you added that years ago i played in the match play against this guy it was a scratch match. And i was longer than him. But i was hitting the driver that badly i hit two iron. So my two i was going level with his driver. And i felt like when he ended up beating me i think two. And one and it was like well i've got an advantage of this guy i'm probably 34 yards longer. But i'm not using my advantage because i'm so inconsistent with my driver so it's like he doesn't want to give up that advantage does it even though it's better hitting a fire right off than a driver it'd still probably rather smash it as far as he can i think that's a video. For the future i think it is how can he get how does he get on around the normal golf course a bit like what we did. For sam horsefield but yeah. But it's with martin yeah that would be really cool even when we did see irons because he hit we did a little short video on youtube that you may. Or may not have seen where he hit every club in the back yeah he did there's a couple again going back to james stellowski he did end up stopping long drive. And he actually had the pursuit of trying to become a proper player i don't think it's worked out. For him i've not seen anything really since and also cal berkshire has hinted at taking this journey on down kind of a tall level really yeah the only thing is i suppose like they said the drivers are using now are 48 inches aren't they banned on the tour now it's 46. well he was saying it was a local rule as well i think it's going to be emotional isn't it. So straight away he's going to go to a shorter shaft which would affect his club at speed you would imagine like you said his swing on a golf course with out of bounds. And water hazards would change so even though clearly it's going to be unbelievably long i wonder how much longer it would actually be than the longer i feel yeah i'm guessing it still would be much longer. But i wonder how much and if that was enough that then.

His short game's bad. Or not as good as other guys it's not the advantage of the strokes gay in their life isn't enough but you look at like bryson where did he finish in that long drive tournament i think he did quite well didn't it was like top ten running yeah he was eight i feel like it might be wrong. So he's probably kind of right now the ex the exam the experiment that we're probably asking i he is a tour player who can hit a ridiculous amount of distance one of the eighth longest players in the world in theory yeah. But yeah he's not winning everything no. Yet he might do um. So nicely there's an health on that are you done the only thing i wanted to touch on was him increasing my swing speed we did we surprised yes i was you were swinging normally about 109 110. And that's where i normally see you at yeah i wouldn't be surprised if you got a 130 yeah yeah maybe a 140. i can sometimes crack into to the teens yeah one team yes. And he came over to watch it hit some didn't you go straight up to like 1 30 when he was third he was joking saying it was like presents. And stuff he had pressure of him watching you he got to 119 and what was bizarre. And he he wanted basically he wants you to hit it as hard as you could and almost not worry about where the golf ball goes yeah. But folks when you club at speed and i think he was almost borderline jokingly getting frustrated that when you're trying to do this you're hitting it well every time he was hitting driver like he was flushing really fast i was hitting it. And i think he was almost thinking i wasn't that hard that you're almost like falling over. And you were hitting it faster. And faster and still catching it really well which was mad. And you're up to 119 which is a massive game. But what was bizarre straight after if you remember i said right i want to i think i just said it to you i'm going to hit one just what feels like normal now because a lot of things he was telling me i don't i can't do that on the golf course like tee the ball up outrageously high have the ball outside my front foot the very first movement away was swift. And almost feeling like i lifted my whole entire body and my chest and even my left foot would come left heel come off the floor and really extend that to the kind of the right hand side and then.

Really snap this left leg turn the foot out the way i couldn't do that in a real i i just couldn't i just don't feel like i could maintain that. But was weird straight after that kind of that training as such i said to you i'm just going to hit a normal one yeah honestly that felt normal yeah. And it was like suddenly my normal swing had gone up to five miles per hour. So i think right now my journey i i would love to kind of i'd be more than happy if my normal is 150. that's that's really good well that's like is that not far average you know what i think tom average is like 111 yeah. But i know we say this a lot but it is. So different in it the driving range to the golf course it's a different world but speaking of um a little bit of a slight segway from bryson into cobra okay. So we have just filmed a video and literally finished filming an hour or so ago and it's one of my favorite videos in a while and i've got an email so there's a couple reasons why we filmed this firstly uh sas golf simon smith who we both know did a really good video on this of the week. So we kind of took his inspiration and done the video and also we had a few comments on the facebook group if you're not a member of the facebook group join it just go on facebook search for the rickshaws golf show podcast join it um and also an email i've not told this email yet i'm gonna read it to you rick and to listeners so it's from richard he says i feel like i've been robbed as a new golfer i was uh using old borrowed clubs. But i really got into it it held me through the tough times of my dad passing away he left me some money and my mum wanted me to treat myself so i looked around for months and i found a package set for the cobra f9s speedback so i bought them from a retailer for a thousand pounds which is expensive. But i knew they'd last me for years to come i really enjoyed playing with them i've just watched the video from s golf which you just mentioned and the woods are fake notice the s after the cobra f9 it doesn't have the milled face as normal f9 does i'm completely devastated. And i feel robbed can you tell me if there's much difference between the cobra f9. And the cobra f9s i'm not sure if the irons aren't real or fake so a couple of just a couple of things right before we quantities just to make sure we're saying everything correctly firstly richard the clubs aren't fake that's a very strong word fake is um obviously a counterfeit product these golf clubs aren't fake um. But what the cobra f9 is are you coming in i was just going to say i'm i'm also not um surprised he said that no when he. But also i don't know what term's using the word fake because i'm guessing he knows that the retailer that he's said which is where we got the club from he's a very well-known golf retailer. So i think you will know deep down than actually fake i think he's just using the word fake meaning like a takedown version. So basically again you're gonna explain this in more depth rick but cobra the f9 drive which launched in 2019 was super popular. And you used it you really liked it and so many other people did. And it was a good price point it looked good at technology there was only one driver in the range which was really kind of clean you wanted an f9 you bought the f9 you get it in the black. And white well it's matte black it was white always the normal color was yellow. And black super popular we've since been and bought this driver we've not bought in a package set we've bought the individual drive which can also buy. And it's a cobra king speed back f9 s talk to me rick about this driver honestly like say you mentioned that we saw it first originally on simon's video uh sas golf shout out and i i was shocked. And i thought now this must be something wrong this it's not this is not right there's something that's that's missing. Or the story's not been quite told correctly not from simon's point just from the whole general idea so i needed to look for myself so we actually went to a golf shop the other day and saw it on the shelf what looked like in the rapper a cobra f9 yep i looked in the wrapper i was even saying to you like if i knew a friend who was after an f9 brand new right there. And then.

I would have texted him saying hey by the way literally when it looks like it literally is an f9 yeah hey bryson just just just in case you needed another f9 there's one on the shelf you know said retail. So for the for the untrained eye it absolutely looks like the original cobra king speed back f9 driver and it even had a sticker that said was 379 now 249.. So it's not for a driver that launched three years ago it wasn't outlandishly cheap it wasn't like 50 quid it was a respectable price. And it had the original rrp on there which as everybody know i think it did rp at 379. But it sold at 3 49. so everything was hunky-dory until until you notice a few differences. So i don't want to give too much away because this video is coming going to be coming out this week. But there are differences in the golf club. And that might leave this open-ended might result in differences in performance yes just a little bit then.

Just about the product i don't want to give too much away again. But i think it hopefully will be out this week won't it it's tuesday now. So it should be out by the end of the week but what a lot of this is from my time working my old job when it's work at american golf as a student as well a lot of brands will make smu products. For a retailer so if you're a big retailer and you want whether it be a polo shirt in a certain colorway or a footwear or whatever that's quite common that you'd find a certain trainer and if you listen if you're listening from the uk probably one of the best examples would be when you go to jd sports and you look at a pair of nike trainers lots of little gold tiger that's a jd exclusive it'll be that colorway is like an smu exclusive. For jd sports although i've like have you noticed they've got like little swashes on them yeah yeah sometimes yeah it's anonymous it's a jd one exactly um. And you do see it in gulp again you see in there might be a certain polo shirt that normally comes in red blue. And black and there's a green version for a retailer which you wouldn't even if you're going to buy a polo you wouldn't even think of that. But we do see it in golf hard work we're sitting clubs i don't know if it's in ball before probably out though i think you said before off camera one of the popular ones was a callaway x hot drive i think american golf had that. But i might be wrong in saying this i'm pretty sure the smu version was a glued head as opposed to adjustable. So it was quite clear that it wasn't. And if you literally put both from side by side it even though the text looked the same they were still they're often a lot cheaper. And the retailer will have a lot more margin in them. So it's quite well known that golf clubs are very expensive typically have quite poor margin. So it's not that great for them to sell certainly high-end stuff but smu products typically they'll buy a massive quantity it's exclusive to that retailer and there's a lot of money to be made in them this one is an smu. So it's at the moment only one retailer they told it's going to other ones which i don't know if that's the case. Or not but the worst part about it by the technology which you're going to obviously show in the video there was no s on the video on the club the f9s other than the barcode sticker which obviously would remove once you've purchased anyway. And that's on the shaft yeah as well like you could take the shaft out i think the one thing that simon even said in his video. And we didn't touch on it too much but i'm just worried if because people could legitimately go and buy those cobra f9 s's from a shop now and sell them on ebay for example as an f9 yeah which are mega popular drivers the after the original f9 is super popular. And a bit to richard's point he feels like he might have been a bit hard done by there um suddenly you're not getting the product you think you were back that's the key thing if you went into a retail not again i'm not just in the staff don't do this because we've not had any experience the staff that we saw are always great. And you know them quite well and we knew what we were looking. For but if you went in and you wanted the f9 because you knew a couple years ago you raved about it after the creators as the other golf magazines and you thought you'd bought one and then.

Found out that actually it was a takedown version which technology-wise it is not going to talk about the performance just. Yet but you would be annoyed i imagine if you thought you'd buy a new i don't know if iphone and you found actually it was a new on the bra that didn't have the same technology it wasn't as fast. Or didn't have the same camera but you didn't know that exactly because i i say in the video like if an iphone comes out the year after they might bring an s out well that's fine but the s typically has more features i think it's the yeah it's the s isn't it because that's become a thing you see like in cars in um actually in phones normally the s is added extras into it really yes i think where this where this particular example is cobra f9 this s is has got less features than the original that's it i'm guessing that they'll have a like the castings of the heads. Or whatever so it looks like it said the same in terms of shape. And everything like that but they've obviously cut corners now on the website it does say when you're looking at the technology on this brand that on this computer that sells it does say no no no. So what's out there it's gonna give it away but it does kind of loosely say what's different yeah it riled me up a little bit i felt a bit guilty on people that are buying not a guilt it's not our fault i felt a bit. So hopefully we've done our due diligence and put it through its proper paces f9s versus f9 video coming soon um i would hold off from any ordering just yet yeah. And i will not say anymore no. So i'm going to email in that's a bit of a dear rick we've not done this. For a while for one reason so it says dear rick hi the title is should i cheat. So you ready okay i started playing golf uh more often at the end of 2020. And after joining a local club with a few friends i got my first handicap of 19. since then.

I've tried to play as often as possible but with what my work commitments i play once or twice a month i've had a few lessons with the local pro my handicap now is 15. So he's dropped four shots i listened to one of your podcasts a few weeks ago um when guy mentioned playing golf on his own i'd never played on my own but thought okay i'll give it a try. So i've inspired someone rick there you go so i'm here to be a loner yeah to be alone then.

It's really hurt when i did fat well that's the thing is i texted you. And said rick didn't come back today.

And you're like f off mate i work with that's about it um that's not true i said unfortunately um oh sorry i missed about when i did i found it very relaxing. And actually played my best round ever six over par wow unfortunately as i played on my own i couldn't hand in the card for my handicap so again that's a new thing over here in the uk with the indie cap system at launch 2020 now i think it was you can actually play casual rounds with someone else who's got handicapped. Or on the england golf app and handing a score up until two years ago couldn't do that my friends i know me play with um after taking the mickey about me not cutting all my shots etc offered to sign the card as they know that i wouldn't really cheat that i'm obviously a genuine guy i have the card in my bag. But can't bring myself to hand it in as it just doesn't feel right please give me some advice i love the podcast i'm almost in the clubhouse um and i think the videos have genuinely helped the game very nice anon um well i think i know that one i do know the answer. But i'll come on to answer in a minute i think whenever you played on your own there are benefits sometimes with just playing on your own. And i've found that i haven't been a junior go out for nine holes i always just think why do i play like this with other people i'm playing unbelievable like why is nobody here to witness this. And i don't know what the psychological aspect of that is. But you're not waiting for anybody else you're not you're just in your own world yeah you're not not even talking to anyone else. So your concentration levels are probably quite high when you're hitting your shot. But in between shots you're just enjoying the walk you've got no one to really speak to you're just lost in your own mind. So i think from from a performance benefit there probably is a lot to be said about just playing on your own as a performance booster. So i love the fact he's obviously shot an amazing score and he's off 15 he shot six over which is 11 under his handicap amazing amazing amazing. And as much as i know it's gonna great on him if he's got the ability he'll do it again if he if he can shoot six over today.

With it on his own he's got the ability. And he's probably proven it to himself so next.

Time he goes out and plays with his pals he might not shoot six over but you'd like to think he's still going to put a decent score in. So on that merit i just do not we can't legally you cannot sign a card. And hand it in legitimately if you've played on your own yeah because as much as you might say put your hand on a bible. Or whatever and say i've not cheated i am the honest of salt of the earth there could also be question marks around it couldn't it like who's there to validate it yeah who's there to to pick you up on the fact that you were on the third hole you teed up a foot in front of the markers yeah. And you didn't notice yourself yeah. But it's something somebody else would pick up on or oh you're playing part and just spots you're grounding the club in the sand you might not notice but something you're playing partner might picked up on so i just don't think you can do unfortunately well you can't it's a shame i wish you all the best. And i'm hoping you get another great scoring soon but do the right thing big believer in karma go out there. And and go nope that's a nice one to put on the mantelpiece but it's not legit next.

Time i go out i'm going to try. And shoot my best score good good advice i feel like you're going to come back. And say i actually should cheat no you would no no i think you're right like you said it's i think going back to your point whenever anyone asks about holy one all right. And you think it's got an asterisk next.

To it yeah this is the same 100 percent it's a score with an asterisk you're right i think um. For me you could look another way i don't believe this but another way of looking at it you might think actually. But don't put that score in i don't know that's my true ability and i got on the comp and shoot six over and win by a load you might get annoyed at me but realistically that may or may not happen but i think you're right i think like golf is that one of the beauties we said this on other podcasts before about the beauty of golf is well many different things. But is the honesty of it like if you wanted to if anyone listening wants to you can cheat every time you play yeah it's sometimes small amounts sometimes huge amounts that's up to you if you want anyone not no a lot of people won't see it. Or stop you but it's your own life you're a bit corny but you are cheating yourself aren't you. And i think in this instance it's not really worth it if he's good enough to do it again he will yeah. And if he did you know even if he has played literally every shot perfectly which i trust he has. And you put that card in you get your handicap gets come down and somehow it comes out actually on your own next.

Thing you get the gold could be known as a cheat or whatever it's just not really worth it but i think i think as soon as your brand is a cheat at golf club as well that's like that's one of the worst internet. And also as well like you said i know it's a bit unfair. But like playing on your own whether it makes you play better or worse obviously everybody will be different it's kind of in some regard not not a true test. But part of she shouldn't be this but it's the case part of shooting a good score when you're with friends or playing partners competitors is that a little bit more pressure as well like if you're playing with three other guys in a good round. And one of them says after 15. have you got a good round going whether it intends to put you off. Or not like they wouldn't do that might get in your head a bit when you play on your own. And also i think last lastly as well i'm sure i don't quite know the rules. And if somebody might correct me i'm sure you're meant to say before you play you're going to put his inners around you can't just play. And go oh that'll do i think that's the case i might be wrong yeah i think you are right with that um. So don't cheat richard oh that's not richard that's it yeah she's called richard as well oops richard shiel no he's he's not got a name. So yeah yes um we've got a couple questions on facebook as well yeah i've got. For you so let me just pull these up one moment well before that should we talk a bit about actual golf so i watched a tiny bit over the weekend not loads okay there was three events on which one did you watch the fact there's four cause the only maguire one as well. And the ladies yeah lpga i watched highlights. And little bits of saudi i watched highlighting a little bit of the one in dubai when you say right this is a question. For you then.

When you say highlights and watched a bit i actually defined that because i think it's live this could lead on to a bigger problem about golf as it is potentially nothing live okay i didn't watch any saudi live i didn't watch any of the one in dubai live are you watching this on instagram. Or youtube instagram youtube twitter yeah. So the best bits basically the best bits are the worst bits yeah really um. And that's how i like to consume my golf personally like um harold varner yeah he won the one in saudi he was tied with uh he's one shot behind bubba with the last hole left to play okay. So he needed to make birdie to get into the playoffs yeah he's at the front of the green it's this ridiculous long putt over a hundred feet one of the best spots to win a tournament possibly ever yeah i saw that ever yeah went in. For eagle he wins the tournament by one do you think though like i watched that clip i must admit hand on heart is the only shot i saw if that yeah it was whole tournament how much better would have been if you'd actually watched it properly then.

You got into it. And you're thinking and you watched it live like oh my days you kind of bought into it more do you think a little bit. But i still got the same energy watching it watching it because you know what also is really good now as well. So it only took a few minutes because i don't think the live feed was as accessible as some of the live feeds that you've had in the past because it was obviously an asian tour this this time round. But i actually saw a lot of clips of people i knew that were there that had almost filmed on the phone oh that's quite good. And those clips made it for me a bit better yeah like raw yeah like shaky camera. And when it went in like the camera like you know gets lost and everyone's cheering that it was those i was like that was really. And even like that thing's like what you don't see again on the tv because obviously the footage it has to be focused on something you don't see how many holes it do here initially you don't see him. So chris rice i believe let me double check i'm pretty sure that's right is harold varner's caddy right he's an english guy. And i think he's from the world all right what you don't see they're playing with tommy. And another i can't remember the third person in the group now so what you see on tv or the foot the real footage you see haravana going over to tommy big embrace high fives it's not another. But on the phone camera what you've also seen i think this is. So lovely obviously chris rice and finno must really know each other really well and there was a really nice embrace between those two that you just didn't see actual live foot. Or actual televised footage and that was from a fan recording it yeah. And i reroute it and watched it a few times because almost simultaneously you had haravana and tommy on one side of the green embracing and on this side of the green you had the two caddies in brazil i was like that's actually really good you're not gonna get it all the time obviously. But um so i watched highlights of that then.

Last night about um ten o'clock flicked on pj tour yeah. And john spieth was winning leading the 18 t yeah with like six holes left to play okay. So i thought yeah go on i'm in flick it on big tv not even on my phone big tv wow class gone to bed. But on tv i feel like you'll be a lot of scrolling whilst watching i don't think you're glued. So scroll in yeah lots of adverts which i know that's what it has to be lots of. And and i feel like i'm really into my golf to some degree a lot golfs i didn't know like lots of names at the top of the leaderboard i don't really know even the guy that won yeah hoagie obviously played amazing don't really know him to be honest i was only there because john smith was leading. So are you leaning onto more about this of this whole proposed super golf league. Or saudi golf league are you thinking something that would excite you. Or i think that you're getting to a point with this statement it was more how i view golf content currently is i'm much more dipping in. And i i want all the action now like a joke to the back end of the last season i actually really quite got into formula one yeah. And i don't have to be in it loads but i can i can sit down. For an hour and a half and get i can watch the whole same thing if i want to football i can watch. So going back to the football i didn't watch a lot of the united midwifery match. But i watched a bit of extra time and penalties and exciting things isn't it real let's be honest um so for me i flick on f1 and i watched the final race in abu dhabi i did really watch that because i was really intrigued between max. And lewis hamilton but if not i can i can get a really condensed version online later on. And all the action is there. And all the best players are there. And everything else i feel like we're at stage at the moment certainly in golf and obviously this this super league it might just blow all this out of the water i'm not sure what's going to happen it's even just this weekend like i say four events going on it's a lot of golf in it well there's there's three on the men's. So you've literally got the asian tour which is the saudi one the pj tour the european tour a dp world tour it is a bit confusing. And it's like they're on different times each week because obviously different places in the world um you've got to either commit to watching four days of it or you do watch the last day. Or the last couple of days it's hard to because i'm not the biggest fan of watching golf week to week but equally i love the open love the masters love the us open so but going back to that why do you think you love those the majors i think several reasons. But for me the masters i love because it's on the same golf course every year yeah it's on at the night time in the uk. So we can sit down. And watch it and i think as well i love about them. And that in the open in particular is that when somebody has won the masters are they they open it literally is like life changing in terms of not financially. So much but i always look at golf in a different light like they are. And even like bryson now jokes aside to have on the podcast as a major champion feels like there's so much more weight to that sounds bad than obviously winning a pga tour event is incredible as it's a european tournament dp world whatever you want to call it. But it almost feels like the winner of this event it's so much got more i don't know where it was like like molinari yeah it's made his career like he's won the masters obviously just the once. But he's he's won a major tournament it's huge and that's it was like the the saudi international without not. For one second poopoo and winning a tournament incredible feat and obviously such a again it will be life-changing. For these guys obviously financially potentially and others but it doesn't have that same i don't know i mean you could argue as well like even a football match like a premier league football match. For your team middle of the season might not feel that important but it kind of does because it counts towards something whereas you're a big factor. For me though i agree with your point so far what you've made but why why i think i really really love the majors it's the best players in the world yeah very true you know when you flick on the masters in april you are going to see a leaderboard of players you know oh yeah you could say the open though like todd hamilton i know. But it's in like but what i'm saying i'm not talking even just the winner as a leader board you're going to see that at least if i said to your name the top 20. do you know every you'd go i know 18 out of that top 10 very true 18t. And again i'm a fan of golf i didn't know every single name on that leaderboard even the top 10 thinking oh god who are these guys should i know them who are they why do i not know about them where i feel like like say you go to a major tournament. And and the masters etc as much as the winner isn't always the most famous person ever whatever a tour player you just look in your life they're all there every no when the masters is on you're not gonna john speed's not gonna be playing an event in spain yeah is it it's just not going to happen. So i think that's why i love watching that. And again a little bit like why i do like f1 in that all the races are there every single event you're not louise i'm just gonna i'm gonna dip i'm gonna duck out this one guys i'm gonna i'm having a week off i'm gonna i'm gonna go. And race in another race yeah you know what's interesting though jokes aside how you got into f1 quite quickly i know you used to watch as a kid within the space of like however. long it was not very long you kind of know all the drivers you know the race is coming up you sound to me. And nothing about it fairly educated on it yeah was i imagine if you came into golf last week how long would it take to actually get up to speed with the different tours different players different events yeah 20 how long 20 odd years. And i'm still looking at the event and i don't know every name that's weird enough but you're right with with like it wouldn't i mean i'm not ridiculously into it. But i do think i'm really excited about when the season starts this year is i feel like i do already know at least 10. Or 12 races that'll be interesting then.

It sounds silly but how it's not monitored that's a bit weird but well yeah monitor your interest throughout the season because at the moment you get excited because at the end of last season will that stay that level of excitement throughout because if it does then.

That's a testament to the the formula one. For keeping that level of excitement or will you kind of dip off. And then.

Maybe i think there will be a problem i think there'll be a little dip off in the mid-season yeah a bit like what i'm at with football now yeah well i've kind of dipped out football. For a bit i was dead into it in september when it got august when it came back ronaldo signed out a little bit. But if if let's say in march we're suddenly like gonna get in top four or maybe even top three i might all right again but um yeah i'm not it's just really really interesting i think this weekend certainly with. So many different golf events on i almost monitored my own behavior as like a case study and went what did i experience. And i must admit after watching the 18t live i probably slightly regretted it well because i was like i don't know if i really enjoyed that as much as i could have done i think more because i like jordan speed to win yeah. But that was the only person i wanted to win there was no there was no plan b. For me in that scenario like i wanted him to win and that was it yes i do like him a lot um. But yeah interesting questions. So thomas michael has asked and i saw this myself weirdly thoughts on some taylormade players not using the stealth robert mcintyre has been using the sim 2. and actually really we had the golf on the opposite of the day and that's the first thing i noticed when he was swinging that he was using the sim 2. And not stealth so you mustn't have left standard samples yet is it good bad. And different for taylor made does it matter is it what do you think i think certainly with taylormade because their their models are typically very significantly different when they when they go from a sim to to a to a stealth that's really noticeable. And yet that i don't think you can hide like when if they went from sim to sim two yeah you don't see on the telly it's not you're not buying an eyelid really because you can't tell yeah. But from this time when you're going from a blue head cover a stealth a sim to with not the red face the black face. And you suddenly you go with red head cover redfish you know it's always a trick that i don't massively like i bet you probably had a stealth headquarters yeah they often do well it was like the the open when maracao won he wasn't a sim 2 driver he had a sim i think it's a weird one. For me in some ways you could you could say you respect the brand for allowing if that's the right term the athletes use a driver that's right for them and ultimately as long as using a tailor-made product doesn't really matter but i also think it kind of it should open the eyes of the the golfers the consumers that these guys out on tour who playing golf. For a living want every single marginal gain you can get whatever it might be a yard a yeah a bit these the people that need every little game they can have. So if there's athletes who are choosing not to use the new product. For whatever reason obviously for them you wouldn't think right now is gaining them anything makes you think doesn't it why should the average consumer that bothered about a new driver correct. And again you might see differences if you've used a five-year-old one compared to one now i do think you'd see differences. But year on year it's so teeny teeny teeny tiny it's almost almost hard to measure do you think as well it almost looks worse. For taylormade because like brand's like titleist i can't remember if it was adam scott which isn't the old driver. For ages i can't quite remember but like it happened with titans he had the old irons in the back yeah ever on the ball you know there's guys on tour i think you use like 20 2013 pro v1 2015 2017. So again you could argue well if the new 2021 pro v1 is much better while you're using it. But it feels like with brands like taylormade you know and callaway as well who have such huge claims and such mass marketing campaigns and this year i've been into a few golf shops as you have as well obviously the marketing materials around stealth everywhere black and red balloons on display huge uh um they're almost feels like they're tying it in with a bit like valentine's day maybe if the last time i'm sure i feel like that really happened a lot on the r11 era i remember r11 and the rbz does loads of promotion. And this obviously is the way it's gone again. So it really does feel like there's a lot of people talking about stealth interested in stealth i'm sure gonna be trying it. But obviously some of the best players in the world aren't using it yeah. And like so you can't hide it no it must wonder how much it's written into contracts it does seem to be very peculiar that like when you see the shoots with. So when they do those videos now which i think are really good on youtube you've got tight well not that tight at the moment we did have tiger. But now you've got sergio yeah tommy matt wolfe dustin rory miss anybody i'm sure marikawa that's six might be one. Or two others i can't quite probably about right they all i think are putting got in the back now is that that they are the top top guys almost are told we're gonna give you x amount a year more. But you have to have it in the back yeah there's no choice yeah well like a robert mcintyre can kind of sneak under the radar a little bit. But then.

On the other way looking at it does that if the fact that they happen in the bag could that be perceived that it's no different if these golfers who are playing again. For the living and won every yard if this happens go okay i'll use it then.

It's just the same as last year's really yeah yeah it's weird interesting topic um last question. For you then.

From ashley in the facebook group what happened to rick's garage sim oh good question uh currently it's uh under construction into uh is it just storage at the moment okay. So basically when obviously it was march 2020 set up the home simulator when lockdown took place when obviously covered first kicked off. And it was a phenomenal use of space. For the time that i needed it for filming in there um we made loads of videos in 2020 when we couldn't get on the golf course basically and it was a it was a means to an end it wasn't perfect it never was. But it was okay sorry i'm gonna do something quickly it was quite small in size uh you might have seen the incident where i might have hit my driver on the roof. And broke it i did actually have that extended afterwards. But if in the in the short term it was a phenomenal place to do that with me to draw my picture. So um continue this is my cartoon. So i just for those listening i just brought rick a big whiteboard to draw his pictures in a draw before so anyway long story short it's currently still kind of roughly there it would probably take me a day to clear back out because we had some work done to the house so it ended up becoming storage um i don't think we're going to use it again. For filming so i've done a little bit more filming like torx and stuff but i do want to set it up as a home simulator again because the kids loved using it i still want a bit of practice kind of a bit of a home simulated gym vibe i'm going to go. For i think as well though what's mad. And it's something i saw from you using it when it was all set up it was phenomenal i like where people saw in the videos it was like a dream to have that house. But in reality that was you had to clean it every time didn't you because you had. So much stuff like in yeah it was very extraordinary it was like a real world scenario it wasn't a workplace was it. So before filming the like child seats and all sorts of stuff there anyway so again this might be the best if you are listening if you're watching you can see what rick's doing he's drawing his picture. So when he's in school and he was a naughty boy he would draw on need it mike. So tables going to um draw his picture ask me all the questions while we're doing this okay. So another question all right okay oh this is serious another question i've got then.

Which i've since deleted to bear with me because i didn't know we did anymore didn't you say you had a voice message oh yeah i got a voice no oh wow how'd it go right i'm gonna put the voice note in um one sec it's telling me about this now it's when i was a kid hope this works hi guy i'm rick um. So my question for the podcast is if youtube were going to host their own kind of masters kind of mini series um four-day event legitimately where do you think that rick would fall. And guy you can be in it um where do you think you would both actually come at the end of the uh the four days you know taking into account people on there um gm goal. For all of that the only people we won't say are going to be in there is someone like you know the brian bros where wesley is on the tour that's a little bit unfair. So we won't put him in we won't put brighton in um but all those that aren't on tour and do youtube yeah cheers guys start from harry. So great question in a nutshell rick well one i do actually think it should happen four day event. Or four day effect would you rather it's my mic salon i think i'm quiet yeah would you rather have a four day event. Or would you rather have a one day event would you fancy your chances better weirdly i think four-day okay. But not for the purpose of winning for the purpose of finishing slightly higher okay. So you think if you had like an 85 first day that's not that's another one yeah yeah yeah okay i feel like i feel like i'm always going to throw a bit of a bad one in there. But but if that was on the first day i'm if it was the one day that i'm dead. So we've had this before where you've rated yourself quite highly against other golf youtubers this feels like a while ago now they're in a different rick now whoa would have been very different where would you now so you've got peter finch yeah matt fryer andy castle like your mates yep you've then.

Got egm golfs all those guys good boys yeah who are all good good good health um loads of the people loads of creators out there you've got like as much as you said than the brian bros yes you wouldn't class wesley because he's a tour player. But george who's not a tour player yet yeah he could definitely be in that ranking you've got uh guys like zach radford yeah you've got guys like even like sas that we've talked about earlier in this podcast you've got loads of guys from the uk like danny um dan hendrickson me my golf crossfield um who else could play i'm guessing this is a scratch event look yeah if it's a screen yeah yeah it's like it's like prose. Or scratch got a scratch event okay. So i think um i think i'd win even the net champion i think i think i'd win um you know only by five. Or so nothing i'd probably go down um no i think genuinely now putting a score together in a competition format it it really like worries me now. But do not think cause i get these questions. And they're quite exciting and if it could happen it would be really fun but and we've used this before and we've had clips we've talked about and would you be such a body whatever and it gets a lot of people excited. But in reality nobody well we certainly don't and i don't enough the good good guys do the content isn't about them being amazing at golf it's about having fun on the golf course. So like it isn't really something that is if you're all do if you're all separate creators. And you all have this goal of getting on the european tour or you know the pga tour or getting into the open whatever it might be then.

You would say right well one of his gotta be better than the other ones yeah. But you're all kind of probably are quite different just because some of you are pro like you can temper off four. Or plus four like i think that would be the guys at the top of the leaderboard would be george bryant he's i'm not saying he's he's at the top he's one of the one of the favorites michael morris yeah um he if he's playing well carter if he's playing well i'm not sure any anyone if they're playing well yeah that's the thing i played with i would think that matt was a better golfer than me yeah would you um i don't know i shouldn't play enough i probably would say yes as an overall what i've seen. But i played him a couple weeks ago i wasn't going to say much about this right. But playing him a couple weeks ago at warrenton his home course as well you know what i mean like on his track. And i absolutely schooled him i absolutely took his pants down and gave him a good hiding oh that's what she thinks i was texting today.

Matt. And he said about you playing golf he said um that he was playing golf with let me read the text shut up i know i don't know what he could say yeah he said yeah we played today.

Um i could do a bit of the health on my channel. So let him beat me which got him a good mood and he gave me loads of his secrets and tips to grow a youtube channel what a dope he believed it all um but yet like even on that day in a dead casual i you know i've got two trophies up there for match play champion you have if it was match play i would actually fancy my channel oh yeah yeah i would genuinely hear i think it could be done you need to call somebody out there. For a bit of beef don't you um who do i want to play i do think everyone keeps asking not playing the good good lads like gm golf. And that but don't do that in an aggressive way because i feel the fans could take us down what do you mean what do i mean i love them there's too many of them they're too young supple fastball speeds fast clubhead speeds. And all that lots of swag too much swag um who would like who would like to compete against people keep asking about why they never played with pete last year and it was um supposed to be a match against people never realized convenient maybe i'll play p yeah play pizza start things where i'm driving it call pete out now if you want to a camera choose that camera there yeah it's on i pete drop match [Laughter] we'll check our schedules you get your people to speak to my people. And see what happens yeah last thing then.

Before we wrap this up just want to see the picture um. But also get distracted i've heard rumors uh again i heard a lot of rumors recently that you have been speaking to a very very big name tour pro oh yeah potentially even bigger than big bry um in two weeks fingers crossed i don't want to say too much because last time zoom with a bit of egg on our face yeah another zoom interview with one of the best cards in the world right now one one of the i mean arguably this is the ball chow right now in his current playing ability maybe even the best player in the world yeah you can't that's hard to argue against in it i'm looking forward to having pete back on the podcast. So rick's finish off his drawing now why do you leave this last bit till now why'd you do this before i thought we'd finished it because we started talking about tapping yeah we talked about it. So you could do that i know. But it's not be random if we're gonna do a clip oh we might do a clip yeah we don't know about you know about all that youtube oh yeah i don't know if it wasn't there drawing some weird picture that's what people want to see yeah i don't know if that clip was good enough. For a clip it might be who knows uh so while rick is wrapping his picture up which again this might be quite poor while listening if you want to run if you're on a treadmill keep going you can do this it might be hard now. But think of the rewards when you're finished if you're in the car hope it's going well um hope your journey is nice got massive feet this guy that rick's drawing um. And lastly if you want to rate us on apple please do give us five stars um. Or three or two or one you choose maybe four as well this is really um do you wanna talk to us while you're doing it rick. Or a lot of concentration um so so far i've done the the facial features the body the full body's complete which i'm happy with it take a head padding the whole thing how long will it take i used to be a lot faster okay well. So we've had um i'm going to read out live. Or rewa this is interesting we had a four star review. And apple said the guests you have all had on are generally being brilliant really enjoyed the chats of bryce. And nc uh guests make the podcast so much more interesting always tell your thoughts but is the rick shields podcast. So i'd like to hit here here may i'd like to hear mainly rick interviewing guests though guy chipping in good he does raise some interest interesting points. But sometimes less is more. So keep your mouth shut i know you always say five stars or not at all but four's a genuine feeling so fair enough he wants more rick less guy brilliant did you wish he'd read that one before you can have an opinion like we've all got one uh i think we're there i probably put something coming out of his mouth in the past okay let's have a look at it i don't think that's that's uh that's podcast rating friendly let's have a look i feel like it's like a bit of a down oh my god that's why i used to draw everywhere yeah brilliant it kind of looks like me. But we're looking i don't like it that's it well that's the end of the podcast that was very strange see you later [Music] bye [Music].