[ __ ] [Applause] [Laughter] well that's the start of the podcast clip for you hey guys welcome down to the rickshaw's golf show podcast i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy episode 160 um are we probably good good we've just been talking about wordle the thing is when people listen back to this in like six months time like oh you remember wordle that was a thing well i'm currently on a 13-day streak. And i'm like i'm i'm addicted you've got 20 days and you're done then.

I reckon yesterday i almost forgot like literally almost forgot i probably got about 9 p.m norma do it in the morning. But i'm busy and i saw someone on twitter put it i was like ah yeah. So hopefully i know people get annoyed me put on twitter but hopefully it reminds somebody to their word yeah it's a bit sad. But on twitter i'm not into that i like it i like it when it's like related to a to like a score in golf if you're doing four it's a par if you're doing three it's a birdie two is the eagle one on twitter's equivalent of going playing around the golf. And going oh rick played golf at the week well i vogued the first. And then.

I got on the second they hit what i plugged in out of bounds so i hit a provisional then.

I got them the first one was in by a foot. And then.

I fatted it and you're getting bored already aren't you that's what our podcast uh is like really well actually speaking of podcast the guy that made wordle was on mkbhd's podcast marquez brownlee a massive tech youtuber who's been on this podcast before. And it was very interesting how we came up with wordle. And listen the one thing he doesn't mention though is how it's essentially copied off a tv show um lingo in the uk he's literally the exact same thing he's made a million quid. So he's the guy who made the word american no he's english he's actually from south wales he's called josh waddle. And that's where the word all came through away yeah that's where you came i thought it was like word. And puzzle it's just kind of well it's just coincidental that he's kind of played on his own name as well oh wow he's worked for reddit for many years and he's a techie guy i sold it for seven figure sum to new york times legend anyway that's our cool topic that's what's what we think is cool kids is what's like popular right now. But it's really not is it no um well it's popular. But it won't be much longer no uh it's the golf podcast we taught some golf we've got a lot lined up today.

I'm looking at the notes i'm looking at my notes today.

And we are absolutely jam-packed the first thing though we're recording this on monday as always. And this will be out on tuesday today.

Tuesday. So not really today.

But tomorrow which is today.

People listening that's a lot of confusion is it tuesday our tickets. For the live podcast go on sale so the only annoying thing is this isn't a great way of trying to plug it i'm not fully fully sure on the website link. Yet however. if you want to comment in london and the date is friday i'll best get this right at night saturday is that right rick yep the 28th of may. So saturday 28th of may i think it's gonna be in the evening tickets will be available on. So if you go on google and you search for the podcast show london from tomorrow you should be able to find tickets on there we will put if you watch this on youtube we'll put a link pinned down below if you're listing an apple. Or spotify check your description so when you actually go onto the podcast it should be description below it will put it in there as well. And we'll also shout about it hopefully not for too long because if we shout out this in three weeks time we haven't sold all the tickets yes. So obviously on the back of the first live podcast hopefully people who missed out go we cannot miss out again um and like say we're coming to london town this time so it should be very exciting and what we want to do if you've been watching um the gulf this weekend the waste management people are throwing beers please throw beers at the stage wow rick's really interested if he was that we're gonna talk this in more depth. But rick's if he was at the waistband he'd been throwing beaters. So thrillby is at the podcast live he won why not yeah um anyway. So that's um exciting in london really looking forward to that so yeah again i feel like there's not more details exactly. But i've texted guys with the website link today.

And it's a bit of a thing i can't quite work it out but anyway it should be live we listen to this you can buy tickets awesome exciting times ahead um should we start with the waste management yes let's do it this feels like an actual golf podcast. And we're talking about actual real golf very early on in the podcast waste management phoenix open one of the flank ship events on the pga tour yes marked in many many golf fans. And even sports fans diaries for months ahead wasn't it mine wasn't yours always be honest now whether you know it's coming always you didn't know last week as soon as i start seeing pictures of live yeah exactly influences that a week before you knew it was coming um coincides with super bowl sunday typically. So in america it must be a huge crazy day and that's where we see some craziness going on um well let's talk about the golf first. So scotty scheffler won took victory i actually watched it certain last kind of six seven holes um never looked like he was going to win. But made birdie birdie i'm sorry he didn't burn the 18th actually made he birded um 17 forced to play off with patrick cantley um after three holes played amazing shot from scottish um scheffler into the green from the bunker and then.

Hold this tremendous birdie putt patrick cunningly lost so scotty cameron scott cameron scotty scheffler he's a first-time pga tour winner is that his first win first ever pga tour win even though he's playing in the ryder cup team. And everything he's a very established name didn't realize that he's kind of he's always up there i mean even like the top list of players like scotty sheffler patrick cantley zandershuffley bruce kepker. But there was a name up there who i absolutely wanted to win the gala okay rookie yeah he got a sponsored invite to play in the event he's come from the corn ferry tour absolutely cool as you like had the 54-hole lead to going into the final round with the lead with all these massive massive names around him on the leaderboard he absolutely held his own all the way through his round of golf he was playing up to the crowds he was having the most fun all his family around that clip of all this there's a lot of family a lot of family there i mean it was just what dreams are made of like not only to be in his rookie pga tour event by sponsors invite to be leading to be in the final group. And get this on the 17th hole the drivable par four he was joint lead i think at the time with patrick cantley a lot of the players are making birdie on that hole because it's very very kind of easy it hits what looks to me like a two hybrid. And hits this beautiful little shot it just started fading towards the middle of the green it it was coming a bit hot. So it was gonna be a little bit low flighted. And as it landed on the fairway it took the worst kick i've ever seen left over the green into the water and it was like how unlucky because he didn't play he didn't hit a bad shot um ends up not getting up. And down from his drop zone making bogey he made a great power last he finished joint third in the end and obviously it'll be his biggest paycheck by a million miles and uh for me personally watching that last night when a rock sometimes when a rook is up the top of leaderboard i don't think with this rookie though he has played on the pga tour before looking at his stats he's played in 2019 to 20 in 2021 only a handful of events. But it says he made four cuts last year on the on the actual pg pga tour website yeah that's not what he was saying on all right maybe i've not done my research nothing. But just because i had not massively heard well i hadn't heard of him not even massively but it says that this year he's made nine cuts and it says that the year before he made four and then.

The year before that he played one and then.

He made a cut as an amateur in a 16-17 season i mean all these are oh maybe rookie season i'm not i don't know what is it were they all invites last year you got a card i don't understand maybe rookie season maybe rookie season either way anyway he's done very very well. And i really really wanted to support it like for some reason i was really really behind him yeah he's playing that she's playing the uso. But yeah anyway he's not as quite as rooky as i thought. But anyway he was classy didn't win unfortunately. But i'm sure he'd come back stronger um but in more pressing matters the waste management obviously is not particularly just famous. For who wins sometimes that can be overshadowed by a lot of the other actions that go on at waste management including the 16th hole the par 3. um at the stadium course where it is literally a stadium built around the park stadium isn't it is it like forty. Or thousand or is that too many that seems too many i feel like i saw twenty thousand. But don't quote me on that because that could also tens of thousands of spectators rammed in around this pathway 360 degrees it is an unbelievable spectacle like you see it. And i love the clips when you when you come off the back of it and imagine building that around something like the 12th of the masters or building that around um the 17th at sawgrass or whatever it may be it is an unbelievable scene setting it's had massive moments there back in 1997 tiger had his only professional holy one there that's mad how at the time when you look at that video it looks rammed. But you compare that to now it looks like it's like a ghost sound doesn't it and what's really mad about that it looks really downhill on that clip where i think it's pretty flat actually um it's not long hole i think probably the furthest about something yeah the furthest back they can play it's probably like 150 odd 160 maybe yeah i've played it. And when the grandsons were up i played it about five five six years ago. And the grandstands were up um i can't quite remember what i did i don't believe i hit the green. But there was literally a few builders knocking on a few bloody bits. And bobs and i was i was nervous even just then.

Because it was just the amphitheater it was like you never play golf in a setting that's like that. So imagine filling that with twenty thousand let's call it fans spectators tv cameras celebrities um drinking which we'll come on to the atmosphere must be unlike any anything else ever the closest thing i would say is at the first uh the golf national oh yeah. But even so that was just the t wasn't it i think the unique thing with the path three is no matter where you are something it's a short one you can see everything you're the closest. And this is very not even that close. But was what was that whole at st george's that hard work [ __ ] thompson are holding one. And we started oh yeah that was a bit like a mini stadium 14th. Or something that was more like yeah like traditional grandstanding what's. So unique with this is how it lets you wrapped around. So you walk into it you're like in a like an amphitheater yeah you walk in via a tunnel you're coming from the 15th which is a phenomenal par 5. it almost gets really overshadowed because you almost never see any footage on there it's a really good path five where it's like an island green risk. And reward and everything but it kind of gets overshadowed because the path three is coming up. And then.

17 18 are phenomenal holes as well. But you walk through this kind of tunnel and it it must just hit you the the atmosphere the sounds the smells of alcohol um like crazy crazy now i did see a start. And i'm annoyed that i didn't take a screenshot of it now about the holy ones that have happened there let me just see if there's been a lot quickly not loads no um that's going to annoy me i should have taken a screenshot over the weekend i saw a start um it was something along the lines of it was it's at least been 20 plus years since a holy one has taken place on the final round all right i know that. For sure um there's been a few holy ones as to go along but this weekend there was two holy ones um ryder i can't remember his first name i want to say samuel is i think i thought i thought sam ryder yeah. So sam ryder on the third round saturday which again the atmosphere must be absolutely incredible makes a hole in one yeah which was a cool one pitch right the flag spun in dropped in. And then.

On uh sunday i'm gonna really get his name wrong again here now ortiz um he seemed to write almost a little top spin to go in i think the greens got really really really hard because he was only hitting nine nights what i mean like bounce. And rolled in uh he also got a hole in one carlos ortiz then.

He went on to eagle 17. he saw that it's amazing first of the year back-to-back eagles apparently unbelievable played two holes in three shots um but then.

The carnage pure carnage took place after both said holy ones now again picture of the scene amphitheater loads of drinks going on you're there watching waiting. For something magical to happen yes. And something did magical happen yes celebrations were um strong yeah is a probably good description of it. So you might have seen it over social media this weekend as soon as both players got the holy ones obviously the crowd went absolutely berserk jumping screaming shouting but then.

Decided to do something that is sometimes happens at sporting events where beer was thrown yep bottles were thrown onto the golf course marshalls were ducking out the way tv cameras were trying to dodge kind of these missiles players were trying to do everything they could not to get hit massive clean-ups after ironically at the waste management i think it's over yeah um. And i'm guessing then.

For the next.

Hour and a half the bar was completely full of people wanting to restart the drinks replenish um huge delays in play from actually picking up the bottles not sure if the damage on the golf course not sure if there was excess kind of waste water beer on the golf course. But it was scenes that you wouldn't i've never seen on the golf course before ever no ever ever ever. But you meant you mentioned actually you saw a clip from 1997. tiger did it. So basically i i what i didn't watch much of the golf but i kind of watched the clips and i was on social media. So i feel like i saw enough um to get a really kind of understanding of it and it didn't quite sit right with me but i'm gonna try and explain my point and i'm always conjured with the podcast that we obviously we record the podcast so it's a full length audio podcast obviously and it's a full-length video podcast as well but equally we do kind of smaller bite-sized chunks that people can watch on youtube who may not normally tune into the podcast who might watch your videos occasionally. And sees random one pop-up and they'll click and watch it it might be eight minutes long or ten minutes long i sometimes feel with those because people don't know why i'm often they'll just jump on whatever you say and not kind of give it context so ironic i was really thinking about it this weekend i think how can i explain it in its simplest form that people might disagree with me that's fine. But can't take what i'll say incorrectly so i was watching the golf said online i watched the holy month obviously. And i saw the celebrations and i saw the the um almost euphoria between the players the people were there. And it looked like people were having an amazing time. So that i am fully behind but i did a tweet that hopefully kind of sums it up in my opinion anyway i said i like how it's different i like how it's fun exciting. And noisy i love the stadium set up i just hate the unnecessary throwing of drinks i've never understood it and never will now that last bit isn't just about this event in golf. For me personally and everyone has different opinions different whatever i'd never understand it when you see the events and england did it in the you know the euros they did. So well people big crowds just launching beer everywhere getting at rock concerts people throwing beer for me personally i'm never in in an environment well that's something i want to do. Or feel like it's excitable or something that ex you know it gets me going throwing a beer i kind of get it if you're holding the drink. And you jump up and naturally some of that comes out but unless you're getting it that's what all these people said well yeah again. And i launched it down to the green for me i just don't get now what i am behind firstly a massive behind golf having different events and um different kind of ways sorry different ways of the crowd enjoying themselves i love i said absolutely love the way it's literally a stadium it's. So different it's so unique and i imagine the players you know it's one week of the year absolutely love it i i imagine they do anyway. But they get more nervous but i absolutely love it i like the people that go have an absolute great time and thought they enjoy it so and that side of it i am absolutely well behind it makes golf look cooler and i said to you before off the podcast growing up golf was my sport. And it still is my sport i'll hold my hands up i found it quite difficult sometimes telling people played golf because i was scared of what they would perceive as. And how they'll perceive me it's boring it's an old man's sport you should play football you should play rugby so anything that ever happens in golf that makes the game look a bit cooler i feel kind of proud of because i feel like you know what i mean. So i'm absolutely behind that i don't want it to be seen as stuffy and old men and boring i love the explosion the excitement i just don't like people launching beer partly because i don't get it you've paid probably eight dollars ten dollars whatever it is. For a beer and now you're throwing it yeah secondly you're throwing it thinking well i'm not gonna [ __ ] pick that up somebody else can yeah how horrible is that attitude lastly i mean i know it's out this is a really deep point it might not be as relevant. But you know people in the audience look like they're all it looks like they're all taking part but the better now there's some people who don't massively like they want to be there for the atmosphere but don't want to be covered in beer they might have won a new outfit they might not drink for religious beliefs they might not drink because of the bad struggles alcohol whatever it might be and you're throwing beer all over them i just don't think it's pleasant now you could say well don't win that grandstand because that's what happens. But that's not fair like you can't say this is a grandson only people who drink beer only people who want to get covered in beer i just don't think it's right yeah. And that's nothing to do with trying to be a killjaw that's just my own opinion yeah i think you've articulated it really well. And it's and you you asked me this morning about what i think. And i probably have not over thought it i've not thought of it into it too much because i'd almost feel like i'd slightly contradict myself because when i look on the tv and you write to your absolute points there i'd actually be like god yeah that is stupid. And then.

Why why are they doing that. But i know full well if i'm there i'd be one of the idiots yeah at least i would i just know i would. So i i would find it really hard for myself to kind of almost contradict it because you almost get wrapped up in the in the environment but you mentioned today.

If i was there with my family if i was there with my kids things would have i would react differently i don't think i'd i'd have the same reaction every single time in every scenario um. But you weren't the only one so i put a tweet out a series of tweets actually but just out of curiosity do you like the crazy celebrations on the 16th hole at the waste management 67 said they love it fifteen percent said fifteen percent said they hated it eighteen percent said they don't care. And that's like five and a half thousand folks what's interesting i know it was only can you go on some more detailed questions. But what's interesting with that is people might perceive crazy celebrations shouting don't forget engulf we don't get much of that. So people might be behind the more kind of shouting the more celebrating rather than being very quiet please other people might be seeing that more as the beer lastly even though i'll go into another question lastly is it good. For golf or bad for golf i'm thankful for this 84 of people do think it's good. For golf and i'd agree with that yeah like how many new people have never. And i almost think of the audience i almost don't think they're a golf audience as well in that grandstand the question i would have. And i don't disagree i think because i did this survey put on partly because i wanted to put my own opinion. And also see it so you have to click the answers to get the results so i clicked yes it's good. For golf so overwritely i would say it is. But anything why i just think it's getting more eyeballs. And it's it's like the fun you're seeing players having fun yeah. And i'll come on to another point in a minute because i actually watched the last few holes of the golf last night my wife claire who doesn't particularly doesn't play golf not that massively interested um i was asking her a few questions about come on to a minute. So i do think you see players in a different setting i think they're a little bit different in that in that possibly yeah we i'll come on to another point in a minute. So good for golf 84 last last question what do you think of the beer throwing this it's actually this surprised me because. For a long time it was actually 50 50.. For a long time i was like what um in the end it became 62 with down vote yeah still 38 up vote i actually thought in my head at the time i thought oh surely it's going to be 90 down 10 up when it started at 50 50 i'm like what. And it's just just hit on the scale of down vote um so again i think it's probably hard i think. For that very very first time when some when sunrider did it people probably just lost their minds. And didn't think they were going to do it. And it just happened it was just it was spontaneous i'm not saying it's right. Or wrong it was spontaneous it was it was saturday afternoon everyone's probably absolutely pie faced. Or whatever i've had six people potato pies i couldn't think of a nice attitude the one i had in my head was not family friendly. So i thought i better not say that one so um i think in that environment it was like oh my god like i had whatever yeah that's not natural there's nothing natural about throwing don't know look what you did with your hands then.

Yeah like a roller coaster that movement. And getting oh it's not this only takes the one person to do it probably. And then.

What happened then.

On the sunday when it happened again i thought obviously you know what's going to happen the players knew what was going to happen i felt really really sorry. For the marshalls because they they'd experienced it on the saturday and probably didn't like it they're now like literally ducking for cover you had even cameramen ducking for cover and i thought oh come on guys maybe you could have learned from day one you know what i hate about it though is the fact that like i've used the analogy before off camera to you that if you went to a nice sunday dinner with your wife. And they said unfortunately mr shields i didn't know your name let's just say they did the bar is full inside it's middle of summer we've got a lovely table outside. For you and you go okay let's go we've got three kids with you they're going to play on the adventure play thing oh by the way we've got a big massive 40-foot tv screen outside as you know it's the manchester united vs man city derby today.

And you go for lava big football fan that's perfect you're eating your sunday roast watching the football next.

Thing rooney not rooney they're coming back i'm watching you documenting the day ronaldo scores that the winner and united win the game you're in every right to celebrate might give you a little fist but maybe stand up matt gunshick hands another one of the cheers who's got three kids with them and say well done old fellow well at no point jolly good game at no point you can express your remote you might even give it a quickie get in sorry i have to bleep that mat. But there's no instance where you're gonna start throwing a beer no no why does that mean you have to fundamentally change how you celebrate. And start throwing beer i'm a bad person no. But it doesn't mean you're a person. But why i don't understand what part of it elevates the experience i don't know but this is why i really really can't say i'm absolutely 100 against it because i don't know why i'd end up being one of those idiots i would. And i'd probably hate myself for it i know i think that low on a deeper level though. And this is completely different television. But that's why i like football grounds all these things negatively happen whether it be throw in or people shout when things aren't right because like oh well i was at the football it was all right it was mob mentality like if you don't believe that fundamentally why should you change who you are to fit in with the surroundings i just like to fit in. And then.

But then.

I must admit so then.

The second second holy one i thought it's gonna happen again and i thought yeah okay expected the two times however. not the other times i completely condone. But the other next.

Two times i thought were absolutely ridiculous. But that's the point though isn't it there's gonna it's on or off they're not gonna have it like you're saying and i kind of again i don't agree with it but if it's going to happen at all it's on a hole in one in it. But then.

It's like didn't you say justin thomas chipped in it was absolutely ridiculous in that set in that time thinking oh come on like you are now actually taking the mick a bit um he was at the back of the green chipped in he was kind of giving it all this to the crowd like. And suddenly beer started getting thrown onto the golf course again i was like oh i didn't expect that like not that time cause that they are i don't know um. And even justin thomas's face like i forgot are you you're joking what the hell's this about. And then.

The other time did you see the other one the harry higgs one yes we pulled the top up. So harry higgs obviously really you know well that's weird though cause i i didn't massively like that like i didn't like him doing that and i didn't like troy troy um no joel uh darham taking his shirt off. And swinging it around thinking oh [ __ ] yeah like it's up. And then.

Beer was being thrown on again yeah yeah oh my god i think i think the thing is i mean again i probably wouldn't personally celebrate taking the top off. And spinning it but it's for me i found it a bit funny it's more when you're throwing so it's like i'm gonna throw this beer but i'm not picking it up some other peasant can collect this beer. For me i know i know i've overthought it but i've spent the weekend trying to understand how i feel about it it just didn't sit quite right with me and it's a fine line as golfers you know as people in the golf media whatever we want golf to look cool we want to inspire more people to play that's all great i do. But there's a fine line between showing people having an amazing time and just looking foolish and just like it's a mob mentality it'd be really interesting to see if um because again what maybe surprised me is how much like the pga tour was sharing it all as well well yeah they're gonna want to make golf look fun at the moment aren't they with all these other rumors of other leagues. And stuff but like i did think well that's quite interesting. But i wonder if then.


Year with what's happened this year they're going to put like nets up. Or not serve beer in that in that stadium i do think i'd be surprised if nothing nothing changed now between now. And next.

Year excuse me surely there's no way that they can let it happen again they should do something to celebrate yeah i love it. But even let's have fireworks or something like it's it's more than mess that's what it is it's more like arrogance i know again i'm really uptight about it. And i'm sure people are commenting below gonna ease up. And have fun i love the fun element yeah. But i just don't quite get the throw in it and somebody else can clean it up yeah i wouldn't drive down the motorway. And just launch a can of coke at the car no you're right. So anyway matt what do you think of it off-camera okay. So matt likes the phone just like other people picking up they should uh right everyone come down come be killed i'll tell you what though speaking of picking it up i don't know what people are there are volunteers. But if you said to people you have free ticket to the waste management you stand on the green you have to collect empty beer bottles people would be loving it wouldn't they that's it you get to watch the golf all day yeah just get a little bin bag. And put it in did you see they actually had rakes did they which i'd like you know like when they pick up when you go to a nice place like um upper archfield yes. And when you go to practice ground they have those like rings yeah they get the balls things like to rake them off well that's it again. And this probably a little clip on youtube but i'll be very uh interested to hear people's thoughts i'm sure people will comment down below anyway can we put a poll on youtube um you used to be able to i'm not sure anyway um then.

There was well i don't even know if i need to go. And sister i probably don't know enough of the story like the charlie hoffman and stuff but i don't really know loads about it he was having a massive dig at the oh yeah well there's obviously this talk of this kind of super golf league. Or the saudi-backed golf league that's massively on people's agenda at the moment and it looks like from what we see filner cousins got an interest bryson's got an interest um charlie hoffman was kind of essentially slagging off the pga tour. For rules and stuff and people are coming out. And saying well if that's because you're joining the saudi golf league or whatever then.

Go and do what we need to do. But it's not first on the start negatively talking yeah. And i get that like certainly facts i think he's made like over four million from playing i'm sure charlie hoffman more than four million was it i'd imagine. So that might have been just last year because i'm sure he was in like one of the top 30 um earners. Or ever or something like that i did say something there we go that's the stat sorry he won 4.16 million in 2017 without a single win yeah well there you go. But again speaking of like the waste management and the excitement these other potential tours you know there are more events created i imagine if they all go ahead where golf will be different yeah. And easier to watch and hopefully more exciting but another thing lastly i get we've kind of left the waste management bit for a minute i guess until next.

Year but like i've seen this morning about golf and again the the issues that it has i'll use that term loosely because i saw this whole thing of growing the game and we always talk about growing the game and other people talk about growing the game what does it mean how do you grow the game. And i just think unfortunately golf is in some instances in some instances a difficult sport to get into. And what i mean by that is let's just say you had a young boy who is 12 years old who watched that waste management. And was unbelievably inspired to start playing because i think there will be you know there might well be it looked cool etc it's then.

Quite hard to take out to the golf course because i was watching um that you watched well you did watch it as well the recent overlap which is gary neville who's next.

Footballer in the uk with declan rice who's an england player west ham player. And 23 years old is possibly the most likable player in the world. And he's so cool and there's talk about how declan rice got level he's at now and part of it was playing he's from kinks. And up and thames and kind of things like south west london and he used to go out on the basic streets his friends and older brothers and play football yeah. And he had a caged area that was part of the kind of council thing. And some pitch it wasn't even pictures of grassed areas and from there he got into golf now we do hear the odd exceptional story how a golfer started playing in the street to the baked bean can. Or something but but realistically to get into golf you have to have access to golf clubs to go to a driving range or to a golf course so again let's go back to that 10 year 12 year old weather they watch this golf this weekend they absolutely love it they want to go and play they walk into the kitchen on monday morning and say mum i want to start golf there's quite a lot of barriers there isn't there is he it's even just like oh god like where exactly even just the question of god where do we start. So it we know as golfers that you can get a really cheap set of clubs off facebook from a charity shop you can go to a junior golf course golf clubs junior section might let you join. For a hundred pound a year on higher club driving range yeah when you know what we know it can be quite a smooth easy transition. But to actually start the game there's a lot of questions do you need separate clothes do you need golf shoes is that going to be expensive how much of the driving range how many balls need to keep getting every week that can get expensive like there is a lot of barriers to people starting playing golf. And the perception as well you know what's mad we're trying to get my little boy into football at the moment he's only three and um we just very quickly went on google the other day football clubs neros it was. So easy yeah it was ridiculous there was there was ten very quickly they had really cool names like little kickers. Or kickstarters oh yeah all these things. And it's almost like franchises like these aren't the only little kickers in the country yeah they're everywhere. But straight away you go on the website really nice website you can buy the kit straight away dead easy. And you can sign up. For a class and in half an hour we didn't actually do because we didn't have a time the suit was just. Yet but in half an hour we could have boxed it off completely and got and got my little boy into football turned up on that day knowing exactly what to expect with his little kit and everything where golf definitely doesn't have that does it it yeah it just feels that people listening are golfers. Or certainly an interesting golf so they might know a little bit more obviously of how how to get into it but it does feel like it sometimes could be quite confusing. For people um like if i if i even just put in now junior golf groups near me i think things will come up all i'm seeing is junior sections. So junior sections at manchester golf club at digibrick golf club at junior golf section at wigan golf club i i don't know i felt like again the footballer was it was easier yeah well it is isn't it it's easier um well the last point then.

On the golf. So i was watching it again my wife last night just even just in the playoff. And i just asked her a very simple question she was like can we watch something else i was like no come on let's watch this ask a question i said how could this be better as a non-golfer how would you enjoy this more. And she went well first off she said by turning turning it over which wasn't the best most constructive response i said no seriously how would you how right now you as an un-golfer how would you watch this. And make it more fun this was the play-off where there's two players going head-to-head to win a prize like. So first off she didn't obviously it was she'd only just switched it on we've been watching. For about half an hour granted she knew nothing about the players she's nothing about patrick conley and scotty sheffler which is fine. But like she knew what was very difficult as a non-golfer watching that environment in that setting is it i don't believe tv. Or all the commentators and stuff do a good enough picture to really paint the scene. Or the scenario like it was very difficult. For even her to understand exactly what was going on right now it was just like two golfers playing golf yeah it just didn't as a golfer you know everything that's going to go on when you're watching it. But as a non-golfer even like in obviously in football and stuff you've got the red team are trying to shoot that way you've got a blue team trying to shoot that way. And the red team have got one nil at the moment and it's dead it's almost quite easy yeah. And gothic just didn't seem that easy it was. So like complicated then.

She said like the commentators could make it a bit more fun am i i don't i don't know if you can this is really hard to figure out do you think it was well like we say this about golf. And i'm again talking about how we can make it more accessible. And more fun but ultimately we can always try. And elevate golf the experience people have the experience the viewer has but ultimately golf is golfing it it's trying to get a white ball into a hole at least about shots possible. And kind of fortunately or unfortunately that is the sport like you know what i mean like that is what it is i was just thinking though again like in that in that setting right there certainly as a maybe a casual fan flicking on the tv. And going oh what's this this is quite exciting yeah i've seen this massive stadium all this beer being thrown even i know a lot of players have said no no to it just a bit of dialogue from the players a bit of a bit of something. So you can go oh i like the guy dressing all white there i want to support him yeah. For whatever reason because i've just heard what he said. Or i've just spoke to his the crowd who just kind of spoke to his wife or like i don't know but again you think that's going to make golf something that's like you don't get in football do you do you don't need it because the sport is fast paced simple. But simple it's just a shame that's what golf is golf is a slow sport of at the moment anyway four rounds of 18 that take five hours. And a shot a puck can take 45 seconds to hit like that just is the game. And unless we actually change the game yeah like. And even like the daft things like when they're on the green putting it and like patrick cantley's put lots fairly short compared to scottish in the last playoff hole she's going oh he's got no chance of getting this in. And i and i was like oh no yeah he's got he's got very little chance. But it's even good and i've seen it i have seen it on tv before where there's even a percentage yeah just something that goes oh actually he's actually there he's got 15 chance of hole in this. And claire would suddenly go all right so he has got a chance yeah. And the other guy's got a 50 chance of holding that oh my god so you know i just thought it was something where it was very interesting i don't often sit down with a non-golfer watching golf. So i wanted to kind of quiz her on it but um inevitably she ended up going to bed because she was born well it's louis through when it's really good um in other news it is 150 days today.

Monday till the open wow. And um my friend at the rna paul sent me something over that's quite interesting i thought i'd give it a bit of a shout out because it looks pretty good um on the monday at the open so monday 11th there's going to be the opened champion golfers are going to be playing um in like a four-hole match. So there's going to basically be there's no names announced. Yet but looking to beat people who have won the open yeah women's major champions male. And female amateur champions and golfers with disability champions they're going to compete over the first the second the 17th. And the 18th really the old course how cool is that awesome um it will feature. So it's actually called the rna celebration of champions there's gonna be 48 golfers um and it'll be able to be watched on tv and digitally at the open door so quite a lot 48 quite a lot yeah. So that would be 12 four balls if threw it in four balls is that math yeah is that right my master's gonna be yeah yeah um that's interesting. So i'll give that a shout out because i'm excited about the open i know you're excited about the open it is the big one this year 150 at st andrews home of golf you can already see like nick faldo you can see like gary player maybe nicholas well yeah wow maybe tiger i think you'll get some some of the kind of maybe rory might play in it. And stuff like that because for them obviously it's great pr as well to play him with obviously the female golfs as well people with this ability to showcase that you know there's so many different ways of playing the sport as well i think it'd be quite exciting well every class um another good news as well my favorite youtube channel bar rick shields on the rickshaw's golf show which is stacked recently awesome well done guys i'm at the moment i'm going on a massive stat golf binge. So people listening you've heard us talk about stacked golf before if you're not aware of stacked golf it's a husband and wife john and ashley who basically go around flea markets second-hand stores in america um buying old random golf clubs then.

Go and play golf with them i just can't believe there's so many it's outrageous it's some second-hand golf club markets but what's mad i think they're similar age to us. And the clubs that like john remembers are exactly the clubs. So he's like he's going oh there's like a 983k with a pro force v2 shaft on. And it's got a lampkin crossline coded grip that's only 40 bucks i'm going to buy it i'm like i want to be there yeah. And another good we actually had the first time with him didn't we we did we like you david you were four beer rick at the time oh yeah. And we um spoke to them wished them all the best and congratulated them so if you want to check out another channel um check out golf s-t-a-c i endorse i think sometimes it is nice to plug other channels that are doing content you enjoy. And last night i sat down and watched on the tv they had a new video out and i watched it i thought you know what i'm going to give them a shout out today.

Because if we get any more people to go. And watch them i'd like to hold on though got a big problem with this one because if we shout them out we have to shout every youtube golf channel that's ever existed out yes. So there has been some beef online we love beef beef me up rick so you might have seen recently yes um we it was it last week's episode last week's episode we had one question it was actually a listener it was a voice note in from a listener who basically wanted to know who was the best golf youtuber. And this question has been asked a little it has been asked a few times before we've answered it before but there's loads more new golf youtubers some golf youtubers have got better than others some have got worse i'll hold my hands up there um so and it's they always make for great clips so last week i've discussed and talked about who i think has got the potential of being one of the best players um where i probably sit in that list there's also been another coincidentally another youtuber um kyle levy i can't remember the name it was like a newest channel it was. So random because that weeds our clip and the day before that this guy doing a video kind of ranking golf creators in like different tiers of ability um which is just kind of quite coincidental actually uh i can't find his name now. But anyway so listen in that scenario in a in a podcast or whatever luke peavy did a video about it. And uh he mentioned an awful lot of really cool young american youtubers yes. So like lord of good good lads jm golf and all those lot brushing the shambo was is tier one of course i actually got put in tier five well hurts me a little bit tier five i think tier is fair does it matter it doesn't matter yeah it does a little bit. So but either way um in that video again there's loads and loads of comments about youtubers that is missed out right. And but i i sympathize with him because when even when we talk about golf youtubers and big who's the best there are hundreds of golf youtubers now. And also there's something i'd love to see the kind of science behind this psychologically but if you are watching that video. And your favorite youtuber who has 45 000 subscribers let's just say isn't mentioned you almost feel impulsed to then.

Reply and say but you missed off joe's joe smith golf yeah because like he's he's your man yeah. So um in our little chat obviously i didn't name and i hold my hands up i should have done i should have spent the next.

Hour and a half naming every single golf youtuber and ranking their potential um placement on this kind of spin off podcast is it number 112 it'd be boring rick shields he'll be boring as hell. So i didn't say everyone's name and i'm not going to do because it's impossible because also what quantifies as a golf youtuber like how many subs do you need cause you know tomorrow tiger's gonna set up a youtube channel he's got two subs is he the number one well on the flip side a random person just put a swing video on that gets five views. And they have one subscriber who's the mum and that well i put videos on youtube like where do you draw the line. So anyway um andrew jensen tweeted me and was not happy at all um that i'd missed i ignored small youtube channels ignore them well it is funny because they don't even the other week we went to the traffic center doing some shopping. And we're walking down the the the um and the small channel came to ignored them said you know i've got forty thousand. So i'm gonna ignore you i don't even look in but that's i think that's very very unfair because obviously back in 2019 i run the youtube golf day um i was on a podcast with like golficity just last week who who've been around. For a long time but they've not they're not a massive massive channel um we're on the phone with sas golf yeah um i can't speak to everyone andrew we had a little chat on the phone i'm glad you retracted your statement because i did think it was about hand. And i apologize for not including you but again i couldn't include everybody um but maybe one day we can come up with a massive tournament that settles it forever. But that's the thing i said last time. And people said since in their own videos on this topic is it just a hypothetical question just a bit of fun you know like you said i think didn't you say he said to this guy it's like tiger versus jack it'll never happen you know mike tyson versus tyson fury it never happened because he'll discuss it like eve there's two things really firstly the chance of you having a match where every single purse is included like you said will never happen because it's a 200 youtubers by the time you actually organize. And get it done there'll be someone else who starts channeling that time anyway and all on the right game yeah exactly everyone plays well. And also even if that did happen what's the point like you don't claim to be if you're all saying i am the best on youtube. And that would be quite good to watch but you're not claiming that pete doesn't claim that no bryson didn't even come out. And say that even though he clearly is the best golfer on youtube at the moment unless you get you know yeah one of the other guys it isn't really it's just a talking point. But anyway all good fun um i've got a question for you that's completely off topic i'm absolutely guessing you didn't watch the super bowl no i didn't did you watch the halftime show no do you know who's in it i saw on daily mail before was i called snoop dogg. And 50 cent oh my god what a throwback you watched it watched it every minute of it i've watched it twice it was weird though because oddly enough recently i was driving in my car cruising around gangster every now. And again i'll go hey siri play dr dre [Laughter] 2001 was an outrageous album yeah. So like to be honest i'm not i don't oh this is gonna start playing sorry one second uh i better not oh god yeah turn that one off um turn that riff raff off um i don't vouch to be like a huge like a hip hop fan. And stuff but like certain songs from like dr dre eminem snoop dogg 50 cent um kendrick lamar mary j blige like i'm absolutely all for that because like certain songs you know i don't need to know every bit about every lyric of every history of every outfit but last night it was a proper throwback to like the early like 2000s late 1990s unbelievable though to see what like young people see that i think that absolutely in our era yeah i think some people like 50 cent have kind of almo. And eminem are kind of going down as goats haven't they. So they kind of respect that but then.

You think you look at the ages they're all like in the 50s now this was the only thing i found a bit strange you're right they're on the 50s dress 56 snoop dogg is 50. i think eminem's actually 47. But i think uh 50 cents 46. um they're all dancing on a good time throwing bitters yeah. And but being surrounded and kind of um grinded on by like quite young lady dancers which i thought was a bit strange because they're like in the 20s. And they're kind of dancing on like 50 i drilled either way the rappers the gangsters is what happens anyway i thought it was a good little point yeah. And it was um. So i've got a little topic i want to touch on and it's something we were debating doing. For a video and i don't think we're going to do it now. So we're making it in the podcast but if we decide to do it we do it. And again it's something we've talked about before and we've had um discussions on before but i've had a bit of a quiet weekend this weekend i should probably tell by how in-depth i thought about the throwing of beers and it got me like custom fitting again so hear me out a couple things that brought us to light so firstly we had a meeting very recently titleist who showed us the new sm9 wedges and we were then.

Potentially going to go. And review them we've not done yet we made it we may not it's very hard to review a wedge that meeting was very brief it was basically shown as the new wedges tell us the key technology given some samples done i think now there are i should have actually got this exact number. But somewhere in the region of 20 or 30 different actual wedges you can get. And that's very cool yeah from vogue titles folky before look at different colors. So you can get the different finishes. So there's about six different grinds within that there's several lofts and different bounces etc there's a lot to get your head around very kind of complex but they offer that so that essentially everybody is covered depending on the terrain that you play at depending on the way you deliver the golf club wedges depending on what loft your pitching wedge of your stock set of your current set is that obviously if your set has a 44 degree pitching wedge then.

Your gap budget needs to be stronger than if your pitching wedge is 47 degrees obviously whether you like to sit the face more open whether you like to kind of exactly there's. So much obviously to choose from and then.

Even with the finishes they've got a tall chrome they have a rusty version they have a dark version they did a blue version last year. And that is ultimately titleist who are in my opinion makes from the best wedges trying to cater. For basically everybody and make sure that nobody is left wanting. But the thing that i struggle with a little bit is all that choice if you walk into most golf retailers they'll either have no wedges. For you to try at all so literally none or they may have one random 56 that you can have a shot of yeah. So my kind of question really is we know how much we use our wedges you know around the green from bunkers pitching you know a hell of a lot. But you can't try them they're talking about the importance of all these different grinds but again you can't get fitted with that and certainly on the golf course we also know that our sandwich in particular lob wedge was a hell of a lot from little different lies. And again out of sand hence the name sand wedge but we're on earth by maybe woburn can you go out. And actually try the correct titleist wedge for you out of a bunker you can go to wilburn. For a fee by the way well yeah. And even on top of that again we talk about the importance of it fitting into in terms of length of golf club langle of golf club grip thickness shaft material shaft flex where could you go for an sm-9 in this grind with it half inch longer with the grip you like on yeah that you can go. And you can try a bunker that's also not got worn out grooves exactly that's another thing they said. And i get it after 500 shots of the wedge the grooves will start to wear. And the spin kind of captures it would deteriorate you won't get that top top performance which is why tour pro swap the wedges quite often. So it just kind of i know it's kind of getting slow against my point but it just got me thinking we hear about fitting fitting fitting find the ground for you find this fine that but where can you go to actually try them all i would say right now there's there's a couple of categories which are still not perfect. But as close to being as perfect as the count for fittings yes things like drivers yes drivers is probably the category where you are almost as close to being fitted everything's on a flat plane yeah it's when you hit driver yeah it's very controlled when you go. For a fitting obviously you've been a fitter in the past you'll have a selection of heads pretty much all the loss but now with the loft sleeve you can twink tinker. And tweak you have an array of shafts and sometimes even though shafts have different thickness of grips yeah they're probably only things that you can't carry every selection of all the shafts in every single combination of grip. But near enough you can get it dialed in you've got a launch monitor you can pretend you've got on a hole sometimes you actually get fitted on a hole if you need to yeah it's pretty close putter fitting it's just just jumping on them from that the only thing i would say still had using the same golf ball yeah american golf traffic using a range ball it's a decent ball you're not using the pro v one you might play with. And lastly i've always seen from you you can sometimes this isn't the issue with the actual fitting. But from the fitter and the golfer's perspective i look at which one's on the longest but yeah you're right it's as close as a closed measurement yes um putter fitting as well it's the best it is you can do it on a sometimes an artificial green inside that's fine certainly on these zen greens at slope. And everything else you can use your actual golf ball if you wish you'd like to think you will do a lot of now putter fittings either have a putter that has a retractable shaft like ping. Or like even roll where you can actually take the shaft out now. And put a new shaft in with a different neck you can measure the roll on the launch monitor it's fairly controlled. And consistent you're not just taking your best ones yeah either you're getting the feel of the putter there's no uh tape. Or anything on the face you'd like to think when you're putting it's the best one it has to be. So i think generally putters obviously like you mentioned there's probably the best iron. So so yeah in fact it's probably up there with wedges it is because you're hitting typically there's a seven iron yeah how do i hit the out of foreign again because you might hear irons outside obviously. And so often you'd say so say you came for fitting with me and i'm in a bay and i've got the titleist whatever i you know whatever brand callaway demander and i said to you right rick i'm going to put in the stock shaft hit it here you're quite strong in your next.

100 bang my bank actually that works really well are you a bit taller. So you need a quarter of an inch longer i'm not going to actually have to try though yeah we should have to order it blind. And hope it works and then.

Even ordering it blind what what will that do to affect the the lie angle of the golf club. But the weight of the golf course by the way the weight sits at a dress uh yeah that's actually a really good point. So irons and wedges are really the categories where you it's it's the industry is letting you as golfers down. And then.

You know a bit more juicy gossip so not jim juicy gossip but something else i thought about i spoke to a golf brand today.

I'm not gonna name which brand it is it's irrelevant um. And asked one of the people who is my opinion i trust. And and i would agree with if you were fitting a decent player now determine that how you want decent. But if you've been a decent player and in your testing again how you come to conclusion is up to you whether it be on a live board which is quite dated now. Or on gc quad or whatever it might be and they came up as needing one degree upright in the ryan would you consider one degree enough to quantify ordering a custom set the answer was yes i would one degree is enough to quantify you know ordering them custom. So i said that's fine however. with your brand in question what is the tolerance when people order a set of clubs. And their tolerance so this when they send the club out to this to the retail stores the consumer is one degree. So let's just say rick or there's a set of x-brand golf clubs and these all should be one degree upright your four eye might be but then.

Your five iron might be two degrees upright yep but then.

Your six i might be standard and you go back to one degree up right so there's an error there but you can't have it both ways you can't say that one degree upright is definitely enough to quantify needing to get custom clubs. But we'll give you a leeway other side there's another brand another massive manufacturer who i've since found out and done some research offer two degrees of um tolerance so you could order a set that you've been told you are a tall person you come in with the handle quite high you need two degrees upright in your irons well your four right in could be standard. But in your five iron could be four degrees upright wow and this happens to loft as well so your forehand could be one degree weak your five line could be two degrees strong that's cool so how i'm not again i'm just just trying to spark conversation really but it just gets you thinking doesn't it like yeah because you wouldn't get that on a tour truck i wouldn't imagine a tour truck is. And again going back to when we had tommy on the podcast he really did change my mind on on this idea of being sponsored on tour because you feel like you've got like a mechanic working on your clubs all the time. And they must be checking them constantly and their tolerances will be zero they'll be zero like they can't have a tolerance. And it just gets me thinking again is cost is fitting important yes i would say. So because if you had a friend who was brand new to golf. And said rick i've just been out. And bought some golf clubs and looked at what they've got and they've got one iron down to sanding and tiny little blade they've got a seven degree drive with 300 cc head you would look at them and say well actually these golf clubs probably aren't going to give you those forgiveness those things you get to be better forgiven. But it does lead me to believe this whole fitting message now people feel. So passionately behind it i do think it has been kind of really really manipulated by the golf industry from golf brands. And golf retails to make people go out and continue to buy clubs because there's this story that you need to be fitting but actually it's almost it's almost custom shopping yes as opposed to custom fitting 100 because let's say um again if i had a mate who plays off 18. And he had some clubs i thought they're not great for you i can give him a custom shopping. And go and explain to them you might want to go down to a store and they'll give you a a list of things that you might need imagine if i said to you right rick you're getting back into running you really need a custom pair of running shoes it's. So important in the treadmill going to measure your feet okay rick you're a size 10. And a half uk they're gonna eat ginseng but then.

When they come there could be a ten they could be 11. we have a bit of room for error it doesn't matter what my left is ten my left my right is exactly that that's literally the exact same thing. So i just thought it was just a bit of a food. For thought just to ponder golf industry might need to do better coming onto lofts as well yeah do you want to touch on one topic i didn't think i was going to talk about it. But i am when i reviewed the cobra f9s driver which by the way is ruffled feathers say the least um which i thought it would do. But i'm on the side of the consumer and we want to tell you guys what we find that we think you need to know about. And and still wholeheartedly stick to everything i said in that video in the fact that that f9s was being um sold on the potential pretense it was an f9 yes pretty much i think yeah. And we've also seen now a newer version coming out you said you saw it in the shop at the weekend i did yeah which is the speed zone s again very much looking like a speed zone. But a little bit different has the milled face still but where's the original speed zone had the infinity logo it's like a sideways number eight in the center of the face this one doesn't have that which so it's different in some cases whether it affects performance or not i don't know so the other thing i just want to touch on and i've had this confirmed by many many fitters that the ten and a half degree head in the f9s we crank down to nine degrees to match my f9 and from my um information i've received from a few fitters that would make next.

To no difference in the performance of the shot a lot of people online were saying oh you can't test it in a 10. And a half degree head and crank it down because that'll affect spin of if it did it'd be tiny amounts not 500 rpm spin not 10 yards of difference. And also as well i think if your ball flight was going off to the right then.

Maybe because. But it wasn't you because the face again if people don't quite know the loft sleeve works as you crank it down it actually slightly opens the face at address but again coming to impact that loft should be right because otherwise the loft sleeve is kind of redundant that's it there's two things here there's this firstly i it didn't make that much difference i watched you hitting it i could tell also by the sound it was a different sound in drive it was a different driver albeit it looks very very similar. So that's one thing even if there is a difference. And that's a big if it's not 10 yards it just isn't but secondly let's park that for a moment let's just say okay whatever let's park that the important point here it wasn't actually massively hugely the performance it was the fact that they've made a driver they've taken innovations off that driver. So whether again affects performance whatever but they've taken stuff off but retailers and and places are selling it. And for all intents and purposes it appears to be the original left now yeah that's the bigger part yeah the the the performance it can be the other thing i wanted to touch on. And get loads of bloody comments about this why did i test it in the helium shaft it came in that was quite a strange comment that i thought. But so basically when i bought it off the shelf the one that was on the shelf had a regular helium shaft a super super lightweight regular shaft now if you're a fan of the channel you know that i'm not a regular shaft player i swing at like 110 miles per hour that's kind of in the x stiff to definitely extra stiff range. But for fun and we didn't actually include it in the video in the end i did hit that helium shaft how bad were those well this test. So the test we were doing it wasn't driver. And when i say drive i mean full encompassing driver versus driver because the results would have been outrageously different it was head versus head yeah now you could do it would be quite interesting to do a drive versus driver. Or you would get a 10.5 cobra f9s with the helium and regular that's driver a you then.

Get a 10.5 cub f9 original with a regular shaft that came in a stock that's driver b give it to a golfer who needs regular 10.5 let them try the two out and just see on that instance is there much difference again it comes down to the shaft is different. So it could work either way but that would be a more kind of holistic test but this one was purely forget the shafts it's head versus head. So the helium shaft that that i hit before hitting the other drivers one as a warm-up and to be fair we were going to include it in the video. But we it just wasn't relevant in the end because that's not the shaft we were using everything went miles left. And even if i did it straight it went up to space yeah you haven't seen those shots yeah outrageously high. And probably would have carried about 240 yards so if anything if i would have had the helium shaft in it would have been even worse of a result for that f9s but we can't blame that on the f9s because that was the wrong shaft. For me exactly so that was something we had to take out the equation um. But like i said the loft factor is. So irrelevant um i think though when you're doing these kind of videos when we put them together we spend a lot of time planning them. And editing them and put you know we'd love to try and make a video where you watch it and then.

There's no questions to continue to be asked there's no stone left unturned that every answer to every question is answered in that one piece of content unfortunately though there's always going to be people who here that don't fully understand it. Or want to be awkward and create a question out of it so i saw one comment online where somebody said well yeah the ass was spinning up a little bit higher. For you so why not flip the weight around now yes if you did that the s would then.

Have lower spin in theory if the weights work right there which they should. And it might have got closer to the numbers of the f9 but then.

That's our head-to-head test needs to then.

Move the weights on the actual f9 round which would then.

Again give it more distance lower spin yeah. So in that instance the f9 would still win yeah. So unfortunately and it's great that people want to engage with the content we want people to comment and ask questions but i think some of the comments are from people who are genuinely asking a question. And that's fine we we we endorse that we want more of that but some questions some opinions from people who want to just be awkward and be a bit fussy yeah. And which is again very very strange um. And then.

In update as well very soon after that video went live the the actual driver was removed off said website. And it just checked now it's not on the website and that's the thing again as i think we've hopefully touched on last podcast in your video these smu products these cheap alternatives have got no issue with people aspire to own cobra callaway whatever it might be tailor-made. And not everybody no matter how good a value it is wants to buy a pre-owned golf club which i get you know somebody's got a bit of a sky mark i know it's been owned by somebody a bit tatty you go out. And you spend your hard-earned cash on a brand new driver that's literally got the ripper wrapper on you peel up slowly and it's yours yeah that little unique smell the head covers perfect i get it. But the brands would need to be honest about it and just let people know that for whatever reason this driver has takedown parts of it that aren't quite as premium as the predecessor was. But that's okay you still finally priced it at this price yeah. And this is its retail it's recommended retail not what f9 was originally yeah this is the we're going to sell this. For 250 pounds and that's how much you're going to have people aren't thick like my car isn't the highest level of my car because i've got that thing. And probably you have where there's buttons i have nothing on because in the more premium versions that would be something different that i don't possess in my car so that's the chauffeur yeah it's it's not people aren't thick people don't need to be spoon-fed just be a bit more clear about it from. And i think as well a massive huge part of this i'll be honest with you i don't deep down believe is the golf retails being conniving i really don't i think it's from the lack of education because it's not anybody that's that super super senior that's writing the copy that goes onto the website. So if somebody who isn't maybe a massive huge golfer or legitimately thinks it's the same product and they're getting it wrong it's frustrating it's not right but it's not done intentionally to calm people these retailers are established genuine retailers who sell good product. And i'm sure i have great customer service it's just slipped through the net yeah yeah. But i think yeah i think i think just in the future hopefully hopefully hopefully now maybe the cobra had the fingers burnt. Or the retailer fingers crossed we've made a slight kind of impact so that when i think an smu does come out in the future got no problems with it just make it bloody obvious yes that's all we ask that's all i think that's all the viewers ask it feels today.

I don't know if this is right. Or wrong but it's been quite yeah a little bit. But i've had a little bit on my on my plate today.

That's been a bit ranty okay i'm in skipping. And happy happy happy halloween it's turned turning from valentine's day to halloween sometimes these happen rick i've got some nice questions to finish off speaking of being pleasant i did a thing on twitter ask some questions thought i'd spite it up a bit normally you go facebook. But when twitter this time and from down he said atta have you ever had a time if like quitting golf uh yeah i think i've openly discussed this i don't think i would have quit quick golf. But the time when i played in lumina and i had an absolute shock a three-day tournament loads of news articles picked it up um that definitely was a time. And i thought oh god do i really want to go through this. But i don't i honestly don't think i would have quit golf i'd just as i had did as i did do quick tournament golf yeah see i thought when i saw that question i thought back to a bad round of golf whatever. But actually for me i've had times i've almost debated quitting but it's not been for playing badly it's been from lack of playing which is why now i'm more conscious to try. And play a bit more so i've had spells where i've i've always played golf since i was seven eight years old. But i might have had a spell of 18 months i've hardly really played to the point where worryingly you don't even think about playing. And it's not like a case of i am now quitting golf it's almost case if i'm going on a slippery slope here i'm now no longer a golfer exactly at what point do i say oh yeah i used to play golf. And that worries me a bit so that's where i've kind of unfortunately been been at it um so from carl white houses uh my clubs are tailor-made rbs had the original ones i've not played. For five years i'm terrible at the moment should i stick it out with these for a year see if i improve or get some new ones um a little bit depends on how your swing might have changed in those five years not playing but abby's had a fairly strong lofted irons if memory serves me correctly um just bear that in mind that they're kind of a power iron really but i would definitely stick it out with your your abbey's heads at first they're not that old where they kind of you know they're an old blade that you've picked up from your grandad they're a modern set still um stick it out see how you get on and maybe reward yourself for the first time you you've reached a certain milestone whether that's break 80 or 90 or 100 whatever and then.

Maybe treat yourself to a new set good answer yeah i think um yeah stick with them because they're good golf clubs it's weird though when it were like if you go. And buy a set of golf clubs expecting to improve unfortunately i won't be the case the only way it weirdly can is if. For some bizarre reason these new ones make you want to go to the range three times a week and play more which is kind of sorry that's totally totally different to something you've used in the past yeah like you mentioned before if you had a really really old driver dead small driver. And suddenly you had a buddy g4 25 in your hand you're thinking oh my god but still doesn't mean you're going to instantly improve. But you'd like to think it's going to help you enjoy the game a bit more i agree we're good i think just let's have a minute just to i feel like we're both a bit pent-up here i don't know why i feel like brands are fitting some lemonade left well that's phil that's good throw the whole thing today.

I'd love to see you break up on live on the podcast launch against the wall no it's nice cool we could gently roll across the floor pass it to me down here like it's on the coaster though yeah i don't think it's gonna work you might do you have me yeah oh yeah take it all back i'll throw everything i'm doing that in anger magnetic celebration [Applause] well that's the start of the podcast clip. For you right thanks for listening everybody um tickets go on sale tomorrow link in the description today.

Or today.

Link in the description on both uh youtube. And podcast platforms um thanks listing great as if you want don't don't make guy angry in the comments see you soon [Music] you.