All right guys just a quick warning today's podcast hasn't quite gone to plan can i say something matt it was. So um we've had a few technical difficulties today.

Just just what's happened uh also me. And guy have struggled to talk yes through this podcast. So we apologize in advance but stay tuned to the end because i think we could make it up to you. But you've got to find out at the end what that my golden carrot at the end yeah it was a weird one there was a few technical difficulties i'm not sure if the listeners. And the viewers will kind of spot hopefully we can kind of edit it out. But if it's not edited out and it's a bit weird we apologize if it's not our normal six out of ten felt flat parts i'll be honest in fact don't listen i wouldn't listen i'd turn it off now and save you have an hour of your time just crap please i'm a double thing i don't know i'll let you we'll let you be the judges well also as well out some of our hardcore listeners rick pride themselves on being the clubhouse the word is a badge of honor now like any relationship there's heist as lows good times is bad if you want to be in the clubhouse you have to listen to every second of the episode you know it's not the best ever i actually don't think this episode's as bad as you think it's well maybe it's not. But if you want in the club i'll have listen to it all anyway either way let us know if it's good or bad tweet us facebook calls do whatever sit back. And enjoy the the calamity of errors that take place in this podcast would you talk about the saudi golf league so that's good interesting enjoy this could be the start uh what a morning this is the start the rickshaws golf show podcast episode 117. uh it's been stressful today.

Guy i know. And i've said a footlong subway. So miley gonna be flying now or crash and burn we've had we're having a little bit of work done to the studio rain we're actually building a slight other studio and uh it's messed with everything so today.

We were hoping to come in nice. And early get the podcast boxed off but either way it's now in the afternoon but hey you don't need to know that can we blame someone uh i feel better if we blame put on someone anybody. But us yeah. So matt and harry anybody matt yeah okay yeah well today.

Rick is an absolute jam-packed action-packed content-packed. And banter-packed show because the benefit of the podcast taken ages to get set up we've really structured a show we've actually put some notes down we have and there's a lot of notes so first things first we have had a great uptake in ticket sales it's a live podcast show which is amazing it's great. But it could be better there's a few left to sell so if you are interested to watch us live in london at the live podcast show which is saturday the 28th of may yes at doors open at 6 30. probably more like 7 30 we'll stroll out rick's you said you're gonna have three beers before it starts at least three beers. And that listen that could easily get to five could i'd love you to get blood and mess it all up that was. So good welcome back to this house um yeah that'd be good um. But yeah if you want tickets we will put a if you watch this on youtube there'll be a link in the description. And as a pinned comment if you're listening on spotify's your apples etc there is a description box below where the tickets will be there. So get a ticket buy quick before it sells out um i feel like we've got a lot of golf to talk about today.

We we have got a lot. And a hell of a lot especially a little bit let's just we'll get into that let's just get people wait a little bit okay have it a good weekend it's been a busy weekend. And and sometimes busy weekends lead more to a hectic week okay like chilled out nice little relaxed weekend i start monday like yeah here we go i'm ready to go this weekend's been chocka kids lots of socialising yeah lots of kids lots of booze in that's what i do rick shields. And uh because of that i feel like today's been a little bit like ah i feel like everyone's a little bit like maybe you were oh no you said you had a busy weekend as well yeah i really i got four sides this weekend. So i think today's a little bit of a write-off. But never mind start the week tomorrow um new diet new mind knew all that but yeah no it's been it's been a nice weekend um trying to think if i've done anything in particular i played golf yes i played three rounds of golf on saturday i think of the exercise. And the fresh air making you feel so good about yourself my problem with that i did it uh at home probably 10 bits deep wow. So bought this new thing well we have brought it to office a few times oculus quest 2. it's like a vr headset yes it's unbelievable. And it's not an advert it's not a paid post i paid for the device facebook want to sponsor the podcast though that'll be great yes please uh doing the podcast in the metaverse. But honestly this golf game that's on it is ridiculous. So me and my mate who plays golf he came around they actually stayed at our house the whole family so there's six kids at our house at the weekend they've got three we've got three four adults kids played whatever did we wanted wrecked the place. And we just drank and played golf me and my pal it's very i'm not a huge gamer and i had a little go of it and weirdly i'm pathetic i felt sick playing but i can see the percent potential. And i feel like in the future if this keeps evolving which i'm sure it will obviously it's gonna be a strange world we live in that's weird my mate who just messaged who i played with just text me once again tonight trying to guess today's wordle um. But honestly what's mad about it is like you're in it. And you're in this vr world and if you've not tried it before i definitely recommend if you can get you get your hands on it on a headset give it a couple of minutes in the game. And you forget that you're in a game yeah like you think this is real world it's. So bizarre that's the way we said this in a few years time it will literally be a case of people would be like have you played a guster you're like oh yeah. And it'll be like in vr and it'll be so accurate and so real yeah. And then.

The other thing that you said you've watched from youtube on there there will be this won't be very far off now i imagine the next.

Three four five years were you will literally be at the old course at augusta watching the golf in real time as if you're literally sat in the ground i even think. For like things like football or f1 you know all the sports i'm into badminton you can imagine having these vr sets placed in the crowd. And suddenly you can turn to your mate you. And me have got vr headsets on but we're not together but we're at the same venue and i can turn team go hey guy what's what's happening how did you it's the thing is though it's the world it is the world we're living right now obviously we need social media. For what we're doing and stuff but it does also worry me like last weekend not this one just gone the one before once it's like cool kind of like um restaurant place in liverpool. And next.

Was there's a group of like four lads who they look like they've been on one hell of a nice sunday they'd had one hell of a night out. And they sat there all absolutely dying with like gallons of water in front of them and soft drinks and stuff and every single one of them was glued to the phone. For 45 minutes not speaking and you think i'm sure the other night if i had a great night out. And did speak obviously loads then..

But if that was like 10 15 years ago the same group allowed to be sat there chatting about the night before. And nothing and engaging and now we're just oh i'm as bad as anybody we'll glue 12 phones if it gets the point we'd have to even leave our house to go and play golf it's going to be weird i i bought it as a way of figuring out what the future may hold. For a device like this yeah like even just chatting we brought it in the office. And we've all had a little go of it i feel like the potential is incredible i don't quite know what it's going to lead to. Yet but it could lead to like vr golf lessons it could it could be vr meetups like i could have a challenge against another player from around the globe whoever that may be i almost think as well there's a setting on it now i found this out the other day you don't even need the remotes you can put the remotes down. And it can see your hands. So even if like you're moving your hands like it'll almost see you holding a golf club yeah it's it's madness anyway that's that's all i did this weekend. So i played three rounds of golf on vr chopped it still still played terrible still couldn't chip or put but anyway that's accurate then.


What's weird though. So yesterday i went to a little baby's first birthday party with my wife and it was some of her friends. Or my friends as well now i should say and one of the dads there he likes his golf plays goal so our our standard conversation always goes towards golf and he watches the channel he's a a loose fan i would say but what was really funny was i feel that was the dick it was like he was a fan. But he's like an absolute hardcore i watched every video and he was saying um they'd watch the costco ball video. So everyone listening hopefully watched that last week those costco kirkland v2 golf balls were very good what was weird about it was he completely you know again that's why i said he's a fan respect what you do et cetera one thing he said to me that stood out was well they're actually that good. And somebody else said that to me again today.

I can't remember who it was now what's weird people have. For one second questioning like you but it's almost like they still can't quite believe and i was like yeah i said truth i said i rolled a few pots of rick they feel like a pro v1 i was there. For all this testing the data was obviously what you saw the durability was fantastic they were literally that good yeah. And people still not doubt it well you almost still can't believe it it's that it's that line and expect i can't believe it so i'm part of a lads whatsapp group the ladder i went and played jcb with when i won my trophy oh yeah last year no big deal um. And even they take what a couple of lads attacked me in that like was that costco ball that good yeah i'm going to costco i'm going to go. And buy like three dozen of those golf balls now and some of the stores and i don't know if this was influenced from the video. Or not some stores have like pretty much sold out of those costco golf balls well the thing is. For a pounder ball this is what you gotta remember like if you play golf with the pro v1. Or whatever it might be tb5 and it's quite literally pretty much four pounder ball in this wet weather now it's plugging etc if you're losing three four balls around it is expensive isn't it it's the first time i've tested a few kirkland balls before it's the first time that i couldn't really give it any any negative feedback well yeah across the board it ticked every category what's interesting though is there must be a golf brand making them. For costco 100 there's no way that covers it we know it costs millions of dollars set up a golf ball plant to make a good golf ball the avenue that goes into it. So they can't be doing that themselves i just i just can't believe it so who is it making them do you think. So many of these golf brands actually use a golf ball manufacturer to make their walls so it's actually more the manufacturer that that maybe comes up with the technology or or has certain patents or whatever it may be so when they run out someone like i mean why can't we go to one of those manufacturers as a rickshaws golf ball good idea. And kind of go right this is roughly what i'd want have you got any patterns that we can buy. And make that golf ball and go oh yeah we can do that. For you watch this space 99 peer golf ball yes we're going to undercut kirkland it's been designed it can't go left just curls off a little straight little tiny baby fade yeah goes 280 every time. But also the other thing on that as well as i'm saying i've lost my train of thoughts bear with me um i think i can lose the net balls it was about balls okay yeah that's it um oh that's really frustrating do you ever do that i've not done it. For a while on the podcast i'm going to keep talking hope i can think about what i was going to say um oh yeah i only had it again what the heck literally as i was about to say yeah i had it. And now i've lost it again press reset right there it's like all the cameras in this in the studio today.

They've not been working it's basically about costco ball it can't be that exciting. But durability spin price availability like it was oh i nearly had it again oh my god i know i have to walk out the room this is this is the problem having a footlong subway it's too much that isn't it a foot long meatball marina with cheese meet bald as well coincidentally um i don't know anyway. So they were good. For anybody asking they were pretty good i i was as shocked as most people yeah you've really i'm really that's the knowledge you're on it off matt you'll have to eat that play matters again um now i don't want to carry on this podcast i don't remember what i was talking about this could be a long pause this i keep coughing as well anyway if it comes back to me i can see if it comes back right wait i'm thinking about the costco balls i was vision picture them in store oh look at that again what the heck is it it was about them being made i've got it got it got it got it okay finally remember what i'm gonna say okay it's not even that great. But we're thinking of the big brands you title us your tailor-made taylormade's one will use an example they spend millions. And millions of dollars on sponsoring athletes so if you look at this look at the taylormade roster you've got rory yeah dj yep you've got sergio you've got your tommy you've got your mat wolf you've got your mara kawas they're only paying big bucks use that golf ball big big money big dollar whereas with kirkland they're not spending anything really on advertising at all even just in the store they've got it they can buy i don't think you can do adverts anyway. So obviously that massive massive spend that saving is passed on to the consumer. So although it seems a very cheap one pound of golf ball which it is when you think about it it does actually kind of make sense yeah because they've they've saved costs elsewhere. But it's not only just kirkland like vice golf balls yeah. So a lot of these brands now isn't there yeah i i've tested a few now that are like because they don't spend all this money like you say sponsoring athletes because i really like the bridgestone ball. But the bridge ball is expensive because guess what they've got to pit our gourds they've got to pay matt kuch they've got to pay bryson de chambeau yeah like that's not cheap to pay. For that type of player so um yeah no anyway long story short it's a decent ball um. And and i always what i like about ball reviews typically is if somebody ever wanted to try a driver you know if if i did a review of a driving oh yeah that looks good that's right up my street to be able to actually test it. Or buy it is an expensive feat isn't it yeah. For 500 quid well for golf ball it's like yeah go on then.

I'll give it a go because like two dozen there was 24 quid that's pretty good in the bank no it's just a worth trying. Or whatever it may be anyway in more pressing news we've got some huge news that obviously today.

We recall this is monday this will be out tuesday we made this podcast clip on um youtube today.

On monday anyway. But the sgl this kind of saudi golf league breakaway league the breakaway well there's been this kind of started for us just over two years ago so there's been a couple of these breakaway leagues been spoken about recently and the first of which was the pgl the premier golf league that we did kind of an exclusive interview with andy gardner who was kind of the ceo. And the front man of the um pgl and i think back to that that was very much this kind of again a breakaway league that was going to be a more more like an f1 style format we'd have individual tournaments. But also be teams as well within that it was going to be 54 holes every player would make the cut because there would be no cut. And it was all designed really to make golf kind of more accessible. And well more fun to watch that's the thing it's more fan focused because from a viewing experience i don't believe what's currently available right now is the best viewing experience. And i would probably say i'd go as far as saying probably most people think that way yeah i will typically sit down. And thoroughly enjoy and look forward to sitting down to two tournaments a year the open and the masters yes. And the ryder cup to be fair when it's on everything else like the genesis open this weekend nothing against the event it's an amazing golf course riviera tiger woods basically hosts it it looks glorious i watched and i'll be honest i forced myself to watch the last the first 45 minutes i did i went on the app. And i saw the leaderboard i was like oh that's quite interesting that's that could be quite spicy. And i flicked it on but that shouldn't be the way that the end of a tournament should finish it should be so much more coming to a kind of climax it should be so much more focused on the element of this is the final result. So a lot of these leagues like saudi golf league premier golf league have come up with this kind of concept so to speak they're very similar to each other by the way come up with this idea that they are designed on making it more friendly. For the for the fan well that's the thing so there's been quite a lot of confusion around this they understand it so they are two separate entities the premier golf league that we obviously again had andy gardner on the podcast that's kind of not been spoken about as much. For a while really but what has really hit the kind of headlines and we've seen so much more of those probably 12 months is this saudi golf league. Or sgl super golf league i'm not quite sure we do it as sgl. For saudi golf league they appointed greg norman as a ceo and they've obviously had some very in-depth conversations with a lot of the world's best golfers i think all of the world's best golfers in fact. And a lot of players very early on even when pgl was the first thing a lot of players took either a strong stance on it someone like a rory mcroy over 700 days ago apparently he said he wouldn't play wow from the off said nope yep not. For me i'm out i've got nothing involvement in it my alliance is with the pga tour. And i feel like he is very much the pga tours kind of poster boy i feel like they've kind of maybe got him on side to go we need somebody to be able to be a spokesman almost. For the pga talks that's what he sometimes comes across as which is great. For them yeah on the flip side certainly in the last three months there's been a lot of conversations with players like bryce nishambo obviously we had him on the podcast phil mickelson dustin johnson yeah lee westwood adam scott adam scott a lot of players big named players some that are still very very big name in the golf game. And some of them may be towards the latter end of their careers maybe contemplating the idea of something new well that may be looking at an option to go and move to a breakaway league not saying a lot a lot of them have had to sign these ndas or these secrecy agreements but sometimes that has backfired a little bit because it's almost like they're not saying anything they're not saying whether they're in or out well the big news that broke yesterday or sunday would it be now was the the kind of guys that we looked like were almost certain to be in this sgl was phil nicholson bryson. And dj they were kind of the three really big names dj came out. And said no i'm not only playing i've got a statement go on should i read it it's not too long this is actually posted on behalf from the pga tour on behalf of uh dustin over the past several months there has been a great deal of speculation about an alternative tour much of which seems to be including me. And my future in professional golf so he's kind of like you know just pulling me into this i feel like it is now time to put some such speculation to rest i am fully committed to the pga tour yes. And then.

About was that yesterday that was yesterday a few hours after that then.

We got enough bryson which says while there has been a lot of speculation surrounding my support. For another tour i want to make it very clear as long as the best players in the world are playing the pj tour. So will i as of now i am focusing on getting myself healthy. And competing again soon i appreciate all the support so that one sounds very much literally if you read it that it's the best place in the world go over to the sgl i will also follow. But i think what's interesting i've tried to the last couple of months. And certainly last couple of weeks this has really blown up is think about. For me as as a viewer what are the the pros. And the culinary kind of breakaway tours i think the big number one potential con we're seeing. So much online about the sgl is obviously this kind of saudi-backed. And the human rights in saudi and and that really has caused and you see a lot you see it well when the boxing went over to saudi or the f wall yeah there is a lot of you know negative feedback. And negative noise around that that's going to be something that's going to massively put off a lot of players i think that's one of the things that rory said as well. And why he doesn't want to take part so that's certainly you know a very kind of hot topic right now but i think that the benefit of the potential ideas of breakaway leagues whether it's the s gel the pgl. Or anything else that comes you know in the future is it's hopefully gonna make a better product. For the viewer regardless of the pga tour suddenly then.

Change how they do things. And make kind of more shorter events or more fun events or whatever it might be or if a breakaway tour does come off that's funded by somebody else. Or whatever i think as golf fans it's death an exciting time um what do you think well you honestly you made a really good point just even before when we were chatting if it's hard to say if mutsun bet if mutz if butts. And maybe this saudi golf league that sgl was caught was turned into the santander golf league yeah okay. So completely removed from saudi as i know i don't know yeah watch now i'm saying this. And sometimes there's a saudi coming i don't know but let's go google google okay if it becomes the g the google glg i don't know oh google golf league yeah has got a nice gpg if it was the google golf league okay. And the money where it was coming from because obviously google have got a fair few pounds if it was coming from that would it be a different conversation would it be a different conversation i feel like well yeah there's been. So much noise around the saudi thing my heart would say yeah if it was somebody else then..

But equally i then.

Think people would still people don't like change they understand. And you know to a lot of people that pj tour has been very good to them and like phil mickelson has become a multi-multi-millionaire from the pj tour so some of the things he said about the pj tornado greed haven't gone down too well well he's he's really i think out of all the players mentioned he's the one that's done the biggest u-turn yeah. For me he came out of the weekend i think he did a an interview with one of the media in america i think it was um alan shipnock is it from sports illustrated. And he mentioned he can went on to say that i better find the quote. But something along the lines of basically i'm doing this to to encourage the pga tour to get better yeah basically he's on about image rights. And he's talking about how the the pga tour have made so much money off his image rights and this that the other and i thought that's really interesting take because you're there very strongly opinionated about what you think about the pga tour. But yet you've really just kind of shot yourself in both feet surely because you've just said i've used the sgl as almost a bribing tool against the pga tour. So you've not only kind of pissed the pga tour off a little bit you've also kind of annoyed the sgl potentially i don't have the ins and outs of it um so i'm not he seems like he's really come out very very outspoken um it'll be interesting to see this talks about suspension yeah from the pga tour i'm not sure because even um rory had a proper go at him yesterday yeah i saw that he said i'm not gonna have a not gonna kick him on while he's down. But he's been like i can't with the words he used i'll try and find it now but it was um naive greedy something along them lines yeah i want to try. And find it so it has been very very very interesting um i said loads of reports. And i think i i was trying to find a quote before that was summarized i up. But i'm struggling to find one i'm sure someone could come up with one or find one and in a weird way after all the dust settles and let's say the saudi gulf league disappears or pgl whatever happens let's say these breakaway tours do disappear. For the time being and whether new ones come back or if they come back with a different plan i do genuinely think things that test does make us stronger. And if pj tall look at that somebody's coming to test them yeah to challenge them. And it may have opened their eyes and opened the players eyes of other possibilities yeah. And i think then.

Because of that. And it's probably opened the fans eyes to possibilities like i never comprehended before we talked to andy gardner or talking about what this kind of sgl looking to do i'd never even comprehended there could be another option yeah like if you now scrapped everything that we know about professional golf tour golf. And had to rewrite the manual again you would do it different to what's out there if you think about it now the pj tour there isn't really an official off season is there obviously some of the better players to size it january is kind of taking a bit of time off sometimes something then.

They'll go off yeah. And then.

Equally you don't know when it's certain even big events some of the big names just aren't playing then.

You have the cut which is i get the cut to some degree competitively it's like quite an exciting storyline on the friday it got caught. But equally like if you have traveled six hours down the road and watch pj tour events or the open or whatever it might be and there's a car and your favorite player is not there that could be quite like disheartening as a fan yeah. So there is definitely i think types of tournaments that could be introduced were there maybe were shorter formats. Or i don't know different formats that's the exciting thing with this it's just whether it's going to pj tour that take control of this the the pgi will now say they want to work with the pj tour. So they've changed their sounds a little bit they were definitely a competitor was now the premier golf league is saying they would sit alongside the pj tour. For these pgl events i'm gonna come up with the rgl rick's golf league yeah chipping comp there's gonna be six holes yeah quick six basically yep six holes six players six grand if anybody's in the world would be there if any players want to sign up. For that six holes maybe do it couple of times a week no no couple times a month sorry i don't stretch you too much round marry at worsely park six holes six grand six players i mean um serious note though right now i do think professional golf how we view it does need to change though. And i and i do think pj tour may just see this as an opportunity to go yeah maybe we do need to look at changing a few things up. Or whatever it may be like you say some of the things that you've mentioned there because i just when you look at other sports and i'll use their followers example and i've got a bit into effort and you've started to watch i've started watching the drive to survive it's definitely opened my eyes too i am itching for the start of season i cannot wait because there has been an off season i've missed yeah i've missed it. And i'm not a big fan i'm not a real hardcore fan and i think in golf if suddenly i hadn't seen the best players in the world play. For two or three months i would miss them i'd be desperate to know who's picked up ridiculous amounts of clubhead speed who's suddenly changed sponsorship just before the season who's changed caddy coach in the offseason imagine the little snippets that you'd see from the different players i just think that we don't get to miss the players we almost have too much of them yeah. And then.

We under under appreciate them a little bit so i think the players i mean it's obviously up to them if i think they should have a rest a bit more they should be able to put their feet up. But it's also knowing when that rest is because some players may decide to take off some tournaments. So there's others if there's like a set period where you've got the four majors obviously at the heart of it you've then.

Got what 20 other events max it's 24 i mean that's still quite a lot. But that would be two a month finish the season at like end of october and let them out of november december january as rest period imagine february now or were the new drivers i just like people desperate to know like. And in that offseason i honestly think you'd see more changes more developments yeah a bit like what we saw with bryce. And through lockdown came back as a beast like nobody bryce did that because he had time off to do it a lot of players don't have this time off to change. And and and really kind of make some significant gains if they wish to they have to take time off because otherwise they've got to keep playing in tournaments well that's the thing i said it there's lots of different kind of opinions on this sgl on the pgl you know some. For it lots against it but it will definitely be interesting to see where this goes the next.

Month next.

Two months you know the sgl may still go ahead there's lots of talk today.

And i've even seen rory come out and say it's like it's dead yeah that's it i'd be interested to see if it is yeah at least it has to be a good thing the fact we're talking about it how golf can be a little bit more fun to watch it has to be a good thing really though. And i want to touch on this a little bit i wonder if because there's been more talk of golf golf is benefiting now in february. So for example we're not going to give loads of data away we're having our best february ever today.

On youtube fact even on the second unlike the podcast on fact when we go down to driving range at the moment they are packed there's a queue at trafford every time you get they are packed that's not a normal that's not normal february what do you think that's because of i don't know there's got to be something there's got to be a reason why right now at the moment it feels. And we track all the youtube channels and we everyone seems to be gaining traction and everybody seems to be doing well in february where typically february is the worst month of the year. For golf youtube justin wanted it i just think there's something like is it is it becoming a bit more because of all this talk is it getting more time on on a mainstream media is it getting more time on sky sports news. For example i don't know i don't know yeah. But i just feel like there's definitely something one thing as well that i'm really keen on seeing and we can talk i can't wait to see what netflix do with this kind of drive to survive series. For girls that's the thing so i'd never watch drive to survive i'm not an f1 fan at all didn't really get it wasn't interested at all i started watching drive survive i watched about six episodes of the first series you've watched more episodes of that than me at the moment i'm on catch-up but what i found fascinating is how well connected you get to the drivers the teams the backroom staff um the whole concept of f1 is all wrapped up in a really well film like you mentioned the filming is just outrageous. And all the little inside the interviews you get like you get to go to all these hq's and you get to really you almost feel like a fly on the wall it's incredible well that's it and you learn these kind of subplots as well so it's not just about the actual race it may be when this comes out because the golf and you hear about these subplots if you look get on people that don't get on like you said before off off camera as well like when you're seeing the guys going to the tour truck dealing with the people oh my drive wasn't very good today.

Whatever yeah that might get us even more into tour golf. But yeah as we keep saying from before i think some some freshness to how we watch tour golf would be appreciated you know what's mad as well there was there was some names going around. For that that new show and like drive to survive also works for golf than it actually does to be fair like almost you can't really what else could you use put fidel um no i'm excited to see it i think it'll be interesting seeing all the players i mean even like things like i know this wasn't a pga tour thing. But when rory last year in dubai finished the race to the buy and he ripped open his shirt and stuff imagine if that was filmed i'm just seeing that. And actually getting that raw emotional healthy words yeah i keep thinking that's that's. So weird as soon as they finish like capturing those little bit in the locker room like they're like pushing the camera away on my face like kicking the locker room and blaming the caddy or going these greens are terrible. Or like we don't get to see that no. And i'm not sure how much we want to see it and i do absolutely there's a lot of players to cover in certainly on the pga tour where there's only 20 f1 drivers um. But i must admit i i wasn't that excited about it when it first came out. But i haven't watched a lot of drive to survive i've watched a little bit of that now and i'm like wow i pictured it imagine this in golf and it's happening right today's podcast has been i think it's haunted today.

Yeah have you ever heard the phrase couldn't organize a picture in the brewery that's what matt it's got all these fancy cameras all the gear all the technical support he needs. And he just can't even get the podcast going. So well done matt oh man i don't know what's going on it's like we're haunted today.

But anyway um what we finished on there all i was saying is that i am more intrigued. And excited about seeing this kind of drive survive golf version yeah because i think it's got huge potential. And fingers crossed with it if anything you open up more fingers crossed open fingers fingers double fingers crossed the bad luck that was good not my left hand no i'm around fingers crossed yeah with golf being on such a platform like netflix yeah it's got if it's successful how many new people may come into golf like like you're saying now you've watched a bit of f1 yeah you kind of somewhat not converted fully. Yet into a fan but you could potentially see yourself doing so absolutely by the way when you looked at me then.

And people listening this won't be very good so maybe go and click and watch when you cross your fingers at the mo open like that the way you're dressed with jordan cap on and a hoodie you literally have to drop the sickest mix taper this year how does that work you know actually it's been a wrapping there's a very good louis through documentary on last night again another one about the florida rappers. So it's very good anyone listening that wants to watch that i'd highly recommend it you educated me a lot this morning on jamal edwards oh yeah that was a really sad story a massive youtuber in the uk had a huge um youtube channel that was instrumental. For getting people like ed sheeran kind of so well didn't really i was really into him yeah. And he unfortunately he died which is terrible. But a youtube pioneer who kind of massively um kind of got well known in more the public eye as well yeah yeah well bringing like new talent into the into the rap industry i like you some of the videos you showed me i i can't believe i wasn't into it because i think i'd love them back in the day anyway um. So i've got some i've got some amazing questions from our fantastic podcast group so um i've said this before. And i'll say it again if you're not a member of the rick shields golf show podcast facebook group what are you doing shame don't say i don't use facebook marks like zuckerberg's a lizard. And all that stuff yeah he is lizard maybe people think he's a lizard they've seen them theories that matter no honestly i sometimes think that you're somebody that is. So like down with technology and other times i think you live under a rock i've never heard right. So type in google mark zuckerberg you are a boomer lizard i'm an old lizard king comes up that of three look how much comes all them like memes maybe the lizard. And stuff with lizard eyes oh what the hell yeah mark zuckerberg it's a lizard that's a youtube video anyway mark you're not as a if you're listening. And he said you're not a zuckerberg. But you're not a listener he's the guy that made that a vr headset i was talking about this morning well he didn't need this morning [Laughter] five minutes ago it felt like yesterday we were talking about he didn't he bought it he bought oculus well anyway we yeah whatever he has made a website though called facebook um have you ever heard of facebook it's really good. And if you go on it and you can what does my mom say she said um some what shouldn't say somebody added me as a friend you had something she's really weird she's what is she saying anyway um this is a strange podcast i want to know i should watch that she calls it like um does it add me as a friend says like request it not even requesting me because that sounds right it says something if remember it i'll learn i'll let you know. But anyway mark zuckerberg [Laughter] um he made a website called facebook basically you could say profile it's free i need to name an email address and once you've got a facebook account you can join the rick shields culture podcast wow there you go. So we've got some some fantastic fans on we have and they've done they've asked us some fantastic questions as well so i've picked out five of my very favorite and the first one is from kevin he says rick he didn't actually say rick i've added in. For effect rick would you rather make a great quality content video that's a million views or a click bait video with three million views oh that's a good question it's a good question hence why i picked it oh views are good um i think i know the answer to that to be honest quality video with a million views yes because. For me if it's a clickbait video with three million views typically let's say it's a ten minute video but also what what do we determine oh yeah let's let's actually get this right out of the table right now we get accused i'm gonna [Laughter] because clickbait is when you have been tricked misled misled wrongly like absolutely wrongly you've clicked on a picture. And and pitched this in your mind there's a picture of um two watermelons on the screen yeah okay yeah okay talk to me keep talking slightly blurred out you get i'm metaphorically yeah right. And it's like never been seen dot dot dot dot right yeah you go in oh okay i'll click on that why not nobody's home click. And suddenly on the headset they are the melons have gone massive suddenly it's a picture of somebody uh boiling eggs in a in a random kitchen saying oh this video is about how you can poach an egg okay yeah that's clickbait yeah. So i came for melons i got eggs yes yes yes um well i think more that what we do is make a topic a title a thumbnail intriguing to click. But it's not absolutely not misleading well that's the thing there's actually different definitions of click baits one of them which i think is a soft of is that content whose main purpose is to attract an audience attract attention. And encourage visitors to click on a link or a website so i would say that is what we do actually yeah well yeah yeah yeah yeah. But there's then.

It says on other bits or otherwise misleadings the one the example i was used to people when people ask me on clickbait because that's all the time i'm walking on the streets it goes tesco's the guy you're a guy yeah i go talk to me on clickbait i guess i sit him down say sit down. And gravel uh and then.

You pull down like i said it like a school teacher. And then.

I put a notebook put on this vr headset yeah. And i'll talk to you about clickbank and the example i always use is imagine rick shields says i'm quitting youtube you click on it instantly you think yeah. And the next.

Thing he goes today.

Guys i'm reading a new prove one at the marriott worsely park that's clickbait it's misleading. So we want our titles to be enticing to be you know attractive to click on but the content has to match so i think in my eyes with that question the three million missed the one million if it was someone said you get three million views. For an illegal golf ball only fly straight or a million views where you play golf with a tour pro it's really nice video we'd probably say three million views with the bullet flash flu strap you're gonna see the way around then.

No cause as long as i've oh okay. So it's still real pizza not like yeah okay i think the one time. And you don't actually see dislikes now on youtube which i don't i don't fully agree with i think you should still see dislikes if it was a three million viewed video yeah i think it's probably a better way of just distinguishing it that had a lot more dislikes than likes yes well then.

No because people have disliked it because it was misleading it was click bait the bad definition of clickbait right. Or if it was a million viewed video with like 99.9 likes versus dislikes well then.

Yeah i'm going. For that one if i can get the 3 million video to 92 likes i'll take that every day good another question there from stu mcdonald it might be controversial. But not intended when the team sit down to brainstorm to make a new and original content idea does it annoy you that a couple of weeks later. Or so annoy you or do you think as a compliment when a couple of weeks. Or months later another content creator copies it or does the same thing. But as a twist for example the golfer the challenges and there's somebody else now doing them a different second-hand supplier somebody's ripped off the golf bit of challenges yes i believe. So how dare they how dare they rip off an idea where people go and buy something secondhand and challenge each other to do. So because that was a completely our idea from the from the off well that's the thing like i don't know if it was it was. But it might have been done in another genre 100 has been done under the genre yeah no. But that's the thing it's like for me personally i'll be honest because obviously part of my role with you is to think of these video ideas when you see somebody a week later a month later two months later oh normally three weeks later. Or a week later copying an idea it is a little bit frustrating sometimes. But it is just because it's a good idea we take ideas from other people from other industries as well. And to put our own spin on it so you have to always be looking i think the one thing when we've taken ideas we'll typically um acknowledge the person we've taken the idea from yeah the water passage is not right that's a knowledge thanks. For the idea uh no like f9s um like. And and also the rangefinder the mobile launch monitor they were oh yeah simon smith's ideas. And both times we gave simon thanks so much appreciate the idea i know we're talking about from yeah. But link in the description i think this is a nod of kind of like yeah okay hands up this is not my original idea i stole it from rick shields. But it's made a cool video i'm going to try. And do it itself yeah. Or even if they were like testing my theory all right rick said this ball went straight. But do i think it went through it's known to be a liar. So let's see if it works there you go yeah. So um but yeah it's one of those things it's youtube it's the way of the the land uh it happens in every single industry you're like you look at mr b's doing squid game video yeah. So many creators have done squig game video yeah. But as long as mr beast has made the best one that's got the most views he's happy to game there you go so yeah no 100. So i think um yeah i think if it's super super blatant. And there's no kind of acknowledgement then.

It's bit naughty. But if there's a bit of a okay yeah i got this from yeah i can live with that mac thomas has said why do some golf brands struggle to make the leap into the premium category cobra. For example have made great drives of last few years and now seem like a real premium driver option why do other brands with great equipment like tor edge struggle to do this um probably pedigree. So players using it out on tour definitely helps even though i don't think it influences buying patterns i do think it influences the perception of driver's interest um. And then.

Pricing like toret i can't remember the price on torrence but is it premium. Or is it not well this is a difficult thing. For price it's it's not cheap cheap but you can't really win as sometimes a new brand or not even a new brand or brand that wants to establish themselves as premium because if you charge a premium price point then.

Why are people going to pay. For your brand over the more established brands or more desirable brands if you charge cheaper to 10 people in you can be perceived as their not being premium. So one that really interests me is at the moment wilson the sound the golf ball the staff won the tour staff whatever it's called staff model yeah whether that raw version. And the kind of normal gloss one we've tested before it's a decent golf ball and i'm sure american golf either 40 quid or 44.99 so they're literally right at the price for pro v1 and speaking some of the staff over there they were saying that they're not really selling any at all because who would buy them over pro v1 over tp5 of trixon. And i agree but equally that ball they might not buy them it kind of gets my attention more by being that price if it was 30 quid. Or even 34.99 i would naturally perceive as being worse which is maybe bad how about if it was like 55 pounders well if it was dearer then.

Again that's another conversation you might be almost more inclined to buy. And say it must be better we are the program like that aren't we i think the brand that almost accomplished this feat from the off was pxg yeah because they went. So dear yeah. But now they've come down again that's what i'm saying from the off pxg i'd never ever ever in my life as a golfer i've seen a brand hit the scene and so quickly become become so desirable didn't they from nowhere like all my mates have played golf for years all wanted pxg like we got we got influx with messages from from fans going please test phd please text test pxg because it was that interest wasn't it like people wanted to know if they've brought out a driver that's a thousand pounds that surely has to be better. Or if it's not why is it selling. For a thousand pounds and which they want to try and also the brand were very brash bob parson was very brash in his in his marketing coming out. And saying this is the best driver period like that's it like no questions asked um. But now obviously i beg to differ bob but then.

They've really really changed tactic now i've gone much cheaper i just feel like they've lost the way i mean i remember last time i reviewed a pxg drive a proper legit one that not legit one i bought that kind of uh cheaper one. But when they were still expensive. And they brought down the price a little bit i think they already went the wrong way i would love to have seen him. And i don't think it would have done great. For the golf i'm not saying this would i don't want more expensive clubs but to make them more desirable got more expensive don't go cheaper for them they should have gone to 1500 pound the driver by the way it is weird though what you said about how the world's best players can impact how we perceive stuff. But there's so much that goes on because the other day when i was telling my dad actually about that costco ball um. And he said i was probably once all the best balls like well. For me i think it's what i'd prefer to play with. But i wouldn't argue it's the best because tp5 are great whatever yes if you look at the top 10 players in the world. Or all the household names there's so many of them that don't use the pro v1 you look at like john rahm marikawa rory obviously xander schofley dustin johnson matsuyama bryson and brooks kepker there's a lot of golfers out there that's crazy and obviously then.

You think of the tommy all the taylormade guys obviously using the taylormade golf ball ricky fowler. So who's who's the highest ranked player that uses pro v1 patrick countlet number three so he's number three in the world they have still got presents up though it's not you know they still have gotten they will have a lot of poor presence. But also it's just it's the fact it's so much more mixed around now if you were starting golf the new goal. For like during lockdown let's just say and now you're really getting into equipment and watching reviews online would you still perceive pro v1 as the best i don't know if you would or not because you why would jeff you know what i mean yeah if you came into it more recently now you look at the big names that you follow whereas i feel like even though those were the balls when i was growing up it just the pro v1 marketing last 20 years has been. So strong yeah. So it's hard to almost get out of that golf ball it's almost a bit light remember when um bubba randomly started using volkswagen to play volvic and it lasted very small period of time and he went back to whatever pro v or whatever he uses now but if you look at that like that's where a brand that's not a well-known brand had tried to bring in tour athletes that tried to get that present but obviously it probably about fired and that probably didn't more harm than good like people now going oh i don't really fancy evolve it because the bubba didn't even bother using it i agree um that very that's crazy i think this one today.

Might be a short one i've had some errors yes we have got hopefully a guest tomorrow maybe like that probably we might release that later this week then.

There's a bit of a treat maybe two this week cause today's gonna be a bit of a note today's a bit of a weird one. So thanks for listening sorry it's been weird if it might not come across weird it might come across great but i feel like it might have done a bit weird today.

Either either way uh we respect you we thank you. And we apologize we're really sorry don't forget matt's fault [Laughter] what happens when you go to bingo bongo um right guys thanks for listening um like i say big guest fingers crossed touchwood tomorrow and if we get that boxed off tomorrow without no technical difficulties not this week friday little friday treat yes that is good. And if it's not their friday just tweet rick and they're walking you guessed and i'll tag the guest and say this is what happened. And then.

Tag will say get last rick too busy i'm not i'm not answering your phone calls man that's quite good can we get tiger on please yes i've messaged him okay guys thanks answered me bad him thanks okay am i writing a rap like eminem. And stan big long rap and just say how much i love him and see if he gets back to me great thanks listening okay [Music].